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Index of parallel sections for OET-RV ACTs

Intro:0 ACT (Headers)

Intro:16 Introduction (Introduction section heading)

1:1 Introduction

1:1 The Promise of the Holy Spirit (Alternate section heading)

1:1 Jesus Taken Up Into Heaven (Alternate section heading)

1:3 Yeshua, alive, tells them to wait

1:6 Yeshua’s ascension

1:6 The Ascension of Jesus (Alternate section heading)

1:6 Jesus Is Taken Up to Heaven (Alternate section heading)

1:12 Matthias replaces Yudas Iscariot

1:12 The church in Jerusalem (Alternate section heading)

1:12 Matthias Chosen to Replace Judas (Alternate section heading)

1:12 Matthias Replaces Judas (Alternate section heading)

1:12 Judas' Successor (Alternate section heading)

2:1 God’s spirit arrives and many get saved

2:1 The Holy Spirit Comes (Alternate section heading)

2:1 The Coming of the Holy Spirit (Alternate section heading)

2:1 The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost (Alternate section heading)

2:14 Peter’s sermon

2:14 Peter Preaches to a Crowd (Alternate section heading)

2:14 Peter Addresses the Crowd (Alternate section heading)

2:14 Peter's Message (Alternate section heading)

2:43 The lifestyle of the early believers

2:43 The Believers Meet Together (Alternate section heading)

2:43 Life among the Believers (Alternate section heading)

3:1 A lame man starts bouncing around

3:1 Peter Heals a Crippled Beggar (Alternate section heading)

3:1 A Lame Beggar Is Healed (Alternate section heading)

3:1 Peter Heals the Crippled Beggar (Alternate section heading)

3:11 Peter’s sermon in the temple

3:11 Peter Speaks to the Onlookers (Alternate section heading)

3:11 Peter's Message in the Temple (Alternate section heading)

3:11 Peter Speaks in Solomon's Portico (Alternate section heading)

4:1 Peter and Yohan are threatened by the religious leaders

4:1 Peter and John before the Council (Alternate section heading)

4:1 Peter and John Before the Sanhedrin (Alternate section heading)

4:23 The believers ask God for power

4:23 The Believers' Prayer (Alternate section heading)

4:23 The Believers Pray for Boldness (Alternate section heading)

4:23 The Believers Pray for Courage (Alternate section heading)

4:32 The believers share their wealth and possessions

4:32 The Believers Share Their Possessions (Alternate section heading)

5:1 The death of Ananias and Sapphira

5:1 Ananias and Sapphira (Alternate section heading)

5:12 Ongoing miracles and healings

5:12 The Apostles Heal Many (Alternate section heading)

5:12 Miracles and Wonders (Alternate section heading)

5:17 The preachers get arrested but released again

5:17 The Apostles Are Persecuted (Alternate section heading)

5:17 The Apostles Meet Opposition (Alternate section heading)

5:17 The Apostles Persecuted (Alternate section heading)

6:1 Seven administrators appointed

6:1 The church moves outwards (Alternate section heading)

6:1 The Seven Helpers (Alternate section heading)

6:1 The Choosing of the Seven (Alternate section heading)

6:1 Seven Chosen to Serve (Alternate section heading)

6:1 Seven Men Chosen to Serve (Alternate section heading)

6:8 Stephen gets arrested after teaching and doing miracles

6:8 Stephen Is Arrested (Alternate section heading)

6:8 The Arrest of Stephen (Alternate section heading)

6:8 Stephen Seized (Alternate section heading)

7:1 Stephen’s history discourse and accusations

7:1 Stephen's Speech to the Council (Alternate section heading)

7:1 Stephen's Speech to the Sanhedrin (Alternate section heading)

7:1 Stephen Addresses the Council (Alternate section heading)

7:1 Stephen's Speech (Alternate section heading)

7:54 Stephen’s lynching and death

7:54 The Stoning of Stephen (Alternate section heading)

8:1b Persecution of believers intensifies

8:4 Philip preaches in Samaria

8:4 Philip Preaches in Samaria (Alternate section heading)

8:4 Philip in Samaria (Alternate section heading)

8:4 The Gospel Is Preached in Samaria (Alternate section heading)

8:9 Simon the magician seeks power

8:9 Simon the Sorcerer (Alternate section heading)

8:25 Philip immerses the Ethiopian official

9:1 Yeshua talks to Saul

9:1 The Conversion of Saul (Alternate section heading)

9:1 Saul's Conversion (Alternate section heading)

9:10 Ananias restores Saul’s sight

9:19b Saul starts preaching in Damascus

9:26 Saul goes to Yerushalem but has to leave

9:26 Saul in Jerusalem (Alternate section heading)

9:32 Peter heals Aeneas

9:32 Aeneas and Dorcas (Alternate section heading)

9:32 Peter in Lydda and Joppa (Alternate section heading)

9:32 The Healing of Aeneas (Alternate section heading)

9:32 Peter Heals Aeneas and Raises Dorcas (Alternate section heading)

9:36 Peter brings Tabitha back to life

9:36 Peter in Lydda and Joppa (Alternate section heading)

10:1 Peter and Cornelius each hear from God

10:1 Cornelius Calls for Peter (Alternate section heading)

10:1 Peter and Cornelius (Alternate section heading)

10:34 Peter’s talk in Caesarea

10:34 Gentiles Hear the Good Message (Alternate section heading)

10:34 The Gentiles Hear the Good News (Alternate section heading)

10:34 Peter's Speech (Alternate section heading)

10:44 God’s spirit enters non-Jews

10:44 Gentiles Receive the Holy Spirit (Alternate section heading)

10:44 The Gentiles Receive the Holy Spirit (Alternate section heading)

11:1 Peter explains everything to those in Yerushalem

11:1 Peter Explains His Actions (Alternate section heading)

11:1 Peter's Report to the Church at Jerusalem (Alternate section heading)

11:19 Many in Antioch become believers

11:19 The Church in Antioch (Alternate section heading)

11:19 The Church at Antioch (Alternate section heading)

11:19 The Church in Antioch of Syria (Alternate section heading)

12:1 Persecution of believers restarts

12:1 James Killed and Peter Imprisoned (Alternate section heading)

12:1 More Persecution (Alternate section heading)

12:1 Peter's Miraculous Escape From Prison (Alternate section heading)

12:1 James Is Killed and Peter Is Imprisoned (Alternate section heading)

12:6 A messenger leads Peter out of prison

12:6 Peter Is Set Free from Prison (Alternate section heading)

12:6 Peter Delivered from Prison (Alternate section heading)

12:6 Peter's Miraculous Escape from Prison (Alternate section heading)

12:20 The death of Herod

12:20 The Death of Herod Agrippa (Alternate section heading)

12:20 Herod's Death (Alternate section heading)

12:20 The Death of Herod (Alternate section heading)

13:1 The spirit chooses Barnabas and Saul

13:1 Barnabas and Saul Are Chosen and Sent (Alternate section heading)

13:1 Barnabas and Saul Are Sent Out (Alternate section heading)

13:1 Paul's work among the Gentiles (Alternate section heading)

13:1 Barnabas and Saul Sent Off (Alternate section heading)

13:1 Barnabas and Saul Commissioned (Alternate section heading)

13:4 Barnabas and Saul go to Cyprus to preach

13:4 The Apostles Preach in Cyprus (Alternate section heading)

13:4 On Cyprus (Alternate section heading)

13:4 In Cyprus (Alternate section heading)

13:4 Paul's First Missionary Journey (Alternate section heading)

13:6 Sergius believes after Bar-Jesus is blinded

13:13 Paul and Barnabas in Pisidia

13:13 Paul Preaches in Antioch of Pisidia (Alternate section heading)

13:13 Paul and Barnabas in Antioch of Pisidia (Alternate section heading)

13:13 In Antioch in Pisidia (Alternate section heading)

13:13 In Pisidian Antioch (Alternate section heading)

14:1 Paul and Barnabas in Iconium

14:1 In Iconium (Alternate section heading)

14:8 A miracle in Lystra following by a stoning

14:8 In Lystra and Derbe (Alternate section heading)

14:8 Paul and Barnabas in Lystra and Derbe (Alternate section heading)

14:21 Paul and Barnabas return to the sending assembly in Antioch

14:21 Paul and Barnabas Return to Antioch of Syria (Alternate section heading)

14:21 The Return to Antioch in Syria (Alternate section heading)

15:1 The decision from the Yerushalem elders

15:1 The Meeting at Jerusalem (Alternate section heading)

15:1 The Council at Jerusalem (Alternate section heading)

15:22 The letter is carried to Antioch

15:22 The Letter for Gentile Believers (Alternate section heading)

15:22 The Letter to the Gentile Believers (Alternate section heading)

15:22 The Council's Letter to Gentile Believers (Alternate section heading)

15:36 Paul and Barnabas go separate ways

15:36 Paul and Barnabas Separate (Alternate section heading)

15:36 Disagreement Between Paul and Barnabas (Alternate section heading)

16:1 Paul and Silas also take Timothy with them

16:1 Timothy Joins Paul and Silas (Alternate section heading)

16:1 Timothy Goes with Paul and Silas (Alternate section heading)

16:1 Paul's Second Missionary Journey (Alternate section heading)

16:6 Paul’s vision in Troas

16:6 A Call from Macedonia (Alternate section heading)

16:6 In Troas: Paul's Vision (Alternate section heading)

16:6 Paul's Vision of the Man of Macedonia (Alternate section heading)

16:11 Lydia’s enthusiasm at Philippi

16:11 In Philippi: the Conversion of Lydia (Alternate section heading)

16:11 Lydia of Philippi Believes in Jesus (Alternate section heading)

16:11 Lydia's Conversion in Philippi (Alternate section heading)

16:11 The Conversion of Lydia (Alternate section heading)

16:16 Paul and Silas get thrown into prison

16:16 In Prison at Philippi (Alternate section heading)

16:16 Paul and Silas in Prison (Alternate section heading)

17:1 Jason gets in trouble in Thessalonica

17:1 Paul Preaches in Thessalonica (Alternate section heading)

17:1 In Thessalonica (Alternate section heading)

17:1 The Uproar in Thessalonica (Alternate section heading)

17:10 Many new believers in Berea

17:10 Paul and Silas in Berea (Alternate section heading)

17:10 Paul and Silas in Beroea (Alternate section heading)

17:10 In Berea (Alternate section heading)

17:16 People of Athens like new ideas

17:16 In Athens (Alternate section heading)

17:16 Paul in Athens (Alternate section heading)

17:16 Paul Preaches in Athens (Alternate section heading)

18:1 Paul resides in Corinth for some time

18:1 In Corinth (Alternate section heading)

18:1 Paul Meets Priscilla and Aquila in Corinth (Alternate section heading)

18:1 Paul in Corinth (Alternate section heading)

18:18 Paul returns to Syrian Antioch

18:18 Paul Returns to Antioch of Syria (Alternate section heading)

18:18 Paul's Return to Antioch (Alternate section heading)

18:18 The Return to Antioch (Alternate section heading)

18:18 Priscilla, Aquila and Apollos (Alternate section heading)

18:24 Apollos teaches in Ephesus and Corinth

18:24 Ministry of Apollos (Alternate section heading)

18:24 Apollos Instructed at Ephesus (Alternate section heading)

18:24 Apollos in Ephesus and Corinth (Alternate section heading)

19:1 Many filled with the spirit in Ephesus

19:1 Paul's Third Missionary Journey (Alternate section heading)

19:1 Paul in Ephesus (Alternate section heading)

19:11 The power of the master’s message

19:11 The Sons of Sceva (Alternate section heading)

19:21 The silversmiths start a ruckus in Ephesus

19:21 The Riot in Ephesus (Alternate section heading)

20:1 Paul travels to Macedonia and Achaia

20:1 To Macedonia and Achaia (Alternate section heading)

20:1 Through Macedonia and Greece (Alternate section heading)

20:1 Paul Goes to Macedonia and Greece (Alternate section heading)

20:7 Paul’s all-night discussions in Troas

20:7 Paul's Farewell Visit to Troas (Alternate section heading)

20:7 Eutychus Raised From the Dead at Troas (Alternate section heading)

20:7 Paul's Last Visit to Troas (Alternate section heading)

20:7 Paul's Final Visit to Troas (Alternate section heading)

20:13 Sailing from Troas to Miletus

20:13 Paul Meets the Ephesian Elders (Alternate section heading)

20:13 The Voyage from Troas to Miletus (Alternate section heading)

20:13 Paul's Farewell to the Ephesian Elders (Alternate section heading)

20:13 From Troas to Miletus (Alternate section heading)

20:17 Paul’s farewell to the Ephesian elders

20:17 Paul Speaks to the Ephesian Elders (Alternate section heading)

20:17 Paul's Farewell Speech to the Elders of Ephesus (Alternate section heading)

21:1 Paul goes to Yerushalem

21:1 Paul Goes to Jerusalem (Alternate section heading)

21:1 Paul's Journey to Jerusalem (Alternate section heading)

21:1 On to Jerusalem (Alternate section heading)

21:17 Paul visits Yacob and makes a vow

21:17 Paul Visits James (Alternate section heading)

21:17 Paul Visits James at Jerusalem (Alternate section heading)

21:17 Paul's Arrival at Jerusalem (Alternate section heading)

21:27 Paul is captured inside the temple

21:27 Paul Is Arrested in the Temple (Alternate section heading)

21:27 Paul's work in Jerusalem (Alternate section heading)

21:37 Paul’s defence

21:37 Paul Speaks to the Crowd (Alternate section heading)

21:37 Paul Defends Himself (Alternate section heading)

22:6 Paul explains about his conversion

22:6 Paul Tells of His Conversion (Alternate section heading)

22:17 The crowd riots when Paul mentions preaching to non-Jews

22:17 Paul's Call to Preach to the Gentiles (Alternate section heading)

22:17 Paul Sent to the Gentiles (Alternate section heading)

22:30 Paul faces the Jewish council

22:30 Paul's trials (Alternate section heading)

22:30 Paul before the High Council (Alternate section heading)

22:30 Before the Sanhedrin (Alternate section heading)

22:30 Paul before the Council (Alternate section heading)

23:12 The plan to kill Paul

23:12 The Plot against Paul's Life (Alternate section heading)

23:12 The Plan to Kill Paul (Alternate section heading)

23:12 The Plot to Kill Paul (Alternate section heading)

23:23 Paul is escorted away in the night

23:23 Paul Is Sent to Caesarea (Alternate section heading)

23:23 Paul Transferred to Caesarea (Alternate section heading)

23:23 Paul Is Sent to Governor Felix (Alternate section heading)

23:23 Paul Sent to Felix the Governor (Alternate section heading)

24:1 The Jews accuse Paul before Governor Felix

24:1 The Case against Paul (Alternate section heading)

24:1 Paul before Felix at Caesarea (Alternate section heading)

24:1 Paul Appears before Felix (Alternate section heading)

24:1 The Trial Before Felix (Alternate section heading)

24:10 Paul’s defence against the accusations

24:10 Paul's Defense before Felix (Alternate section heading)

24:24 Paul speaks to the governor and his wife

24:24 Paul Held in Custody (Alternate section heading)

24:24 Paul before Felix and Drusilla (Alternate section heading)

25:1 Tried yet again, Paul appeals to Caesar

25:1 Paul Appeals to the Emperor (Alternate section heading)

25:1 Paul Appears before Festus (Alternate section heading)

25:1 The Trial Before Festus (Alternate section heading)

25:13 King Agrippa wants to hear from Paul

25:13 Festus Consults King Agrippa (Alternate section heading)

25:13 Paul before Agrippa and Bernice (Alternate section heading)

26:1 Paul’s defence before Festus and Agrippa

26:1 Paul Defends Himself before Agrippa (Alternate section heading)

26:12 Paul tells about his commission

26:12 Paul Tells of His Conversion (Alternate section heading)

26:19 Paul tells about his ministry

26:19 Paul Tells of His Preaching (Alternate section heading)

26:19 Paul Tells of His Work (Alternate section heading)

27:1 Paul is escorted off overseas

27:1 Paul Sails for Rome (Alternate section heading)

27:1 Paul's journey to Rome (Alternate section heading)

27:13 The severe storm at sea

27:13 The Storm (Alternate section heading)

27:13 The Storm at Sea (Alternate section heading)

27:39 The ship runs aground

27:39 The Shipwreck (Alternate section heading)

28:1 On the island of Malta

28:1 In Malta (Alternate section heading)

28:1 Ashore on Malta (Alternate section heading)

28:1 Paul on the Island of Malta (Alternate section heading)

28:11 Sailing from Malta to Rome

28:11 From Malta to Rome (Alternate section heading)

28:11 Paul Arrives at Rome (Alternate section heading)

28:11 Arrival at Rome (Alternate section heading)

28:16 Paul preaches in Rome

28:16 In Rome (Alternate section heading)