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Topic pages

These pages contain selected passages from the Open English Translation for the given topics. Each page contains the passage from the OET Readers’ Version on the left, with the OET Literal Version on the right. No notes or commentary is included—our aim is simply to conveniently list the passages in one place so that readers can make up their own minds about how the passages should be interpreted.

Index of topics

Advent week one
Advent week two
Advent week three
Advent week four
Advent Christmas
Advent revelation (epiphany)
Advent (all)
Basic salvation
Predestination and ‘once saved, always saved’
Yeshua/Jesus not God (Christadelphian)

Please contact us at Freely dot Given dot org (at) gmail dot com if there’s any topics that you’d like us to add, or any passages that you’d like us to add to any topic page.