\v=19 \v~=\w Then|strong="H4430"\w* Daniel, \w whose|strong="H1768"\w* name \w was|strong="H4430"\w* Belteshazzar, \w was|strong="H4430"\w* at a loss \w for|strong="H1768"\w* a time, \w his|strong="H1768"\w* thoughts troubling him. \w The|strong="H1768"\w* \w king|strong="H4430"\w* made answer \w and|strong="H4430"\w* said, Belteshazzar, do not be troubled by \w the|strong="H1768"\w* dream \w or|strong="H4430"\w* by \w the|strong="H1768"\w* sense \w of|strong="H4430"\w* \w it|strong="H0607"\w*. Belteshazzar, answering, said, \w My|strong="H1768"\w* lord, may \w the|strong="H1768"\w* dream be about your haters, \w and|strong="H4430"\w* its sense about \w those|strong="H1768"\w* \w who|strong="H1768"\w* \w are|strong="H1768"\w* \w against|strong="H1768"\w* \w you|strong="H0607"\w*. \¬v