\v=26 \v~=It \w is|strong="H1768"\w* \w my|strong="H1768"\w* order \w that|strong="H1768"\w* \w in|strong="H1753"\w* \w all|strong="H3606"\w* \w the|strong="H3606"\w* kingdom \w of|strong="H4430"\w* \w which|strong="H1768"\w* \w I|strong="H1768"\w* am ruler, men \w are|strong="H1768"\w* \w to|strong="H5972"\w* be shaking with fear before \w the|strong="H3606"\w* God \w of|strong="H4430"\w* Daniel: \w for|strong="H1768"\w* \w he|strong="H1768"\w* \w is|strong="H1768"\w* \w the|strong="H3606"\w* \w living|strong="H1753"\w* God, unchanging \w for|strong="H1768"\w* ever, \w and|strong="H4430"\w* \w his|strong="H3606"\w* kingdom \w is|strong="H1768"\w* one \w which|strong="H1768"\w* \w will|strong="H1768"\w* never come \w to|strong="H5972"\w* destruction, \w his|strong="H3606"\w* rule \w will|strong="H1768"\w* go on \w to|strong="H5972"\w* \w the|strong="H3606"\w* end. \¬v