A 398 ADONAI 1 AIN 1 ALEPH 1 ALL 1 AM 3 AND 4 Aaron 313 Aaronites 1 Aarons 1 Aaron’s 9 Aasbai 1 Abaddon 1 Abana 1 Abaran 1 Abarim 4 Abaron 1 Abba 3 Abda 2 Abdeel 1 Abdemelech 6 Abdenago 15 Abdi 3 Abdias 9 Abdiel 1 Abdon 7 Abed 1 Abel 15 Abela 3 Abeldomum 1 Abelmahula 1 Abelmaim 1 Abelmehula 1 Abelmeula 1 Abenboen 1 Abes 1 Abesalom 1 Abesan 1 Abessalom 2 Abgatha 1 Abi 1 Abia 28 Abialbon 1 Abiam 5 Abiasaph 4 Abiathar 30 Abida 2 Abidan 5 Abide 4 Abiding 1 Abiel 3 Abiezer 7 Abigabaon 1 Abigail 17 Abihaiel 1 Abihail 5 Abilina 1 Abimael 2 Abimelech 52 Abinadab 13 Abinoem 3 Abiram 1 Abiron 10 Abisag 5 Abisai 25 Abisue 5 Abisur 1 Abisur’s 1 Abital 2 Abitob 1 Abiu 12 Abiud 3 Ablesatim 1 Ablinoem 1 Abner 59 Abobus 2 About 1 Above 2 Abraham 212 Abraham’s 10 Abram 46 Abram’s 3 Absalom 103 Absalom’s 1 Abundance 1 Acan 1 Accain 1 Accaron 22 Accaronites 1 Accept 1 Acceptable 1 Acces 3 Accho 1 According 52 Accos 3 Accounting 1 Accronites 1 Accub 8 Accus 1 Accuse 1 Achab 85 Achab’s 2 Achad 1 Achaia 10 Achaicus 2 Achan 6 Achar 2 Achaz 39 Achazib 1 Achia 2 Achias 3 Achim 2 Achimaas 15 Achiman 1 Achimelech 17 Achimoth 1 Achinoam 7 Achior 15 Achis 22 Achisamech 3 Achitob 16 Achitophel 20 Achobor 6 Achor 5 Achsa 1 Achsaph 2 Achzib 1 Achziba 1 Acrabathane 1 Acron 1 Act 1 Acts 1 Ada 8 Adad 12 Adada 1 Adadremmon 1 Adaia 6 Adaias 3 Adali 1 Adalia 1 Adam 48 Adama 5 Adami 1 Adan 1 Adar 17 Adarezer 21 Adarsa 1 Adazer 1 Adbeel 2 Add 3 Addar 2 Addi 1 Adding 1 Addo 10 Addon 1 Addus 1 Adeodatus 2 Adiada 1 Adias 1 Adiel 3 Adin 3 Adina 1 Adithaim 1 Adli 1 Admatha 1 Admonish 3 Admonishing 1 Adom 1 Adommim 1 Adommin 1 Adon 1 Adonai 1 Adonia 1 Adonias 24 Adonias’s 1 Adonibezec 3 Adonicam 3 Adoniram 2 Adonis 1 Adonisedec 2 Ador 1 Adoram 2 Adore 5 Adramelech 3 Adria 1 Adrumetum 1 Adullam 1 Adulterers 1 Aduram 5 Advise 1 Aen 2 Affect 1 Afflict 2 Afflicted 1 Africa 2 After 113 Afterward 1 Afterwards 6 Agabus 2 Agag 10 Agagite 2 Again 27 Against 15 Agar 11 Agarai 1 Agarene 1 Agarens 1 Agarites 3 Age 1 Aggeus 12 Aggi 1 Aggites 1 Aggith 1 Agrippa 11 Ah 6 Aha 3 Ahalab 1 Ahara 1 Aharehel 1 Ahasthari 1 Ahava 3 Ahaz 4 Ahazi 1 Aher 1 Ahi 1 Ahia 2 Ahialon 1 Ahiam 1 Ahias 15 Ahicam 20 Ahiezar 1 Ahiezer 5 Ahilud 5 Ahiman 3 Ahimelech 3 Ahio 5 Ahion 2 Ahira 5 Ahiram 1 Ahiramites 1 Ahisahar 1 Ahisar 1 Ahiu 1 Ahiud 2 Ahobban 1 Ahod 3 Ahoe 1 Ahohite 5 Ahumai 1 Aia 6 Aialon 6 Aiath 1 Aila 3 Ailath 3 Ailon 1 Ain 8 Aion 1 Ajalon 1 Alam 1 Alamath 2 Alas 24 Alcimus 15 Aleph 6 Alexander 31 Alexander’s 2 Alexandria 8 Alexandrians 1 Aliam 1 Alian 1 Alicarnassus 1 Alima 1 All 280 Alleluia 12 Allon 1 Allow 1 Almath 2 Almighty 66 Almon 1 Alms 1 Alohes 2 Alpha 3 Alphas 1 Alpheus 5 Already 1 Also 12 Although 16 Alus 2 Alva 2 Alvan 1 Always 4 Am 16 Amaad 1 Amadathi 5 Amai 1 Amal 1 Amalec 38 Amalech 4 Amalecite 5 Amalecites 6 Amalee 1 Amam 1 Aman 42 Amana 1 Aman’s 3 Amaria 3 Amarias 13 Amasa 16 Amasai 7 Amasias 38 Amassai 1 Amath 1 Amathi 2 Ambassadors 1 Amelech 3 Amen 156 Ami 1 Amiable 1 Aminadab 17 Amital 3 Amizabad 1 Amma 1 Amman 1 Ammaus 1 Ammiel 5 Ammihel 1 Ammisaddai 5 Ammiud 10 Ammon 107 Ammoni 1 Ammonite 7 Ammonites 11 Ammonitess 4 Amnon 26 Amoc 2 Amon 5 Amona 1 Among 5 Amongst 1 Amorrhean 1 Amorrhite 43 Amorrhites 41 Amos 22 Amosa 1 Amphipolis 1 Ampliatus 1 Amram 11 Amramites 2 Amram’s 1 Amran 1 Amraphel 2 Amri 18 Amsi 1 Amthar 1 An 39 Ana 14 Anab 2 Anaharath 1 Anaia 1 Anamelech 1 Anamim 2 Anan 1 Anani 1 Anania 1 Ananias 21 Anath 2 Anathema 3 Anathoth 15 Anathothia 1 Anathothite 4 Ancient 3 And 14917 Andrew 13 Andronicus 6 Anem 1 Aner 3 Ange 1 Anger 4 Ani 2 Ania 1 Aniam 1 Anim 1 Anna 25 Annas 4 Anob 1 Another 5 Answer 5 Answered 2 Answerest 4 Antichrist 3 Antichrists 1 Antioch 36 Antiochians 1 Antiochis 1 Antiochus 63 Antipas 1 Antipater 2 Antipatris 1 Any 6 Aod 7 Apadno 1 Apamea 1 Apelles 1 Aphara 1 Apharsachites 1 Apharsathacites 1 Apharsites 1 Aphec 8 Apheca 2 Apherema 1 Aphia 1 Aphonite 1 Aphses 1 Aphuthites 1 Apollo 10 Apollonia 1 Apollonius 13 Apollophanes 1 Apollyon 1 Apostles 1 Appear 1 Appearing 1 Apphaim 2 Apphus 1 Appia 1 Appii 1 Appoint 4 Approach 2 Aquila 6 Ar 7 Ara 2 Araas 1 Arab 1 Arabella 1 Arabia 9 Arabian 5 Arabians 13 Arach 1 Arachite 5 Aracite 2 Arad 4 Arada 1 Aradian 2 Aradus 1 Araia 1 Aram 13 Arama 2 Aran 8 Arapha 4 Ararat 2 Arari 1 Ararite 2 Arbathite 2 Arbatis 1 Arbe 1 Arbee 2 Arbi 1 Archelaus 1 Archi 1 Archippus 2 Arcturus 3 Ardon 1 Are 57 Area 3 Arebba 1 Arecon 1 Ared 1 Aree 1 Areli 1 Arem 1 Areopagite 1 Areopagus 2 Aretas 2 Areuna 6 Argob 5 Ariarathes 1 Arid 4 Aridai 1 Aridatha 1 Arie 1 Ariel 10 Arielites 1 Arimathea 4 Arioch 6 Arisai 1 Arise 104 Arising 1 Aristarchus 5 Aristobolus 1 Aristobulus 1 Arius 2 Arm 1 Armagedon 1 Armament 1 Armenia 1 Armenians 1 Armon 1 Armoni 1 Arms 1 Arnan 1 Arnon 14 Arod 2 Arodi 1 Arodites 1 Aroer 16 Arorite 3 Arphad 6 Arphasachites 1 Arphaxad 12 Arsa 1 Arsaces 3 Art 42 Artaxerxes 19 Artemas 1 Aruboth 1 Arum 1 As 315 Asa 53 Asaa 1 Asael 15 Asahel 2 Asaia 7 Asalelphuni 1 Asan 5 Asana 1 Asaph 46 Asaramel 1 Asarela 1 Asarhaddon 2 Asarmoth 2 Asasonthamar 2 Asbel 3 Asbelites 1 Ascalon 15 Ascalonites 1 Ascending 1 Ascenez 3 Asdrelon 1 Asebaim 1 Asedoth 4 Asel 5 Asem 1 Asemona 3 Asena 2 Asenaphar 1 Aseneth 3 Aser 45 Asergadda 1 Ash 1 Ashur 1 Asia 27 Asiel 1 Asima 1 Asiongaber 6 Asir 4 Ask 19 Asked 1 Asmodeus 1 Asnaa 1 Asom 3 Asor 17 Asoth 1 Asphar 1 Asphenez 1 Asrael 1 Asriel 1 Asrielites 1 Ass 1 Assedim 1 Assem 1 Assemble 7 Assia 1 Assideans 3 Asson 1 Assos 2 Assuerus 22 Assur 8 Assuredly 1 Assurim 2 Assyria 22 Assyrian 17 Assyrians 128 Astaroth 13 Astarothcarnaim 1 Astarothite 1 Astarthe 2 Astharoth 1 Astonishing 1 Astyages 1 Asur 2 Asyncritus 1 At 103 Atad 1 Atara 1 Ataroth 4 Ataroth-addar 2 Ater 4 Athach 4 Athaias 1 Athalai 1 Athalia 13 Athalias 1 Athanai 1 Athenians 2 Athenobius 3 Athens 5 Ather 1 Athersatha 5 Athmatha 1 Athor 1 Attalia 1 Attalus 1 Attend 8 Augusta 1 Augustus 3 Auran 2 Ausitis 1 Ava 3 Avah 1 Ave 1 Avenge 1 Avim 1 Avith 2 Avoiding 1 Awake 4 Away 4 Axa 4 Axaph 1 Axed 1 Azael 1 Azahel 1 Azanias 1 Azanotthabor 1 Azareel 3 Azaria 1 Azarias 61 Azaricam 1 Azau 1 Azaz 1 Azbai 1 Azboc 1 Azeca 5 Azecha 2 Azgad 4 Aziam 1 Aziaza 1 Azmaveth 3 Azmoth 5 Azor 2 Azotians 4 Azotus 31 Azreel 1 Azuba 4 Azur 3 Azymes 4 Azzi 3 BARUCH 1 BE 2 BEHOLD 2 BESEECH 1 BETH 1 BETHLEHEM 1 BLESSED 1 BOOK 2 BORN 1 BRING 1 Baal 63 Baala 4 Baalam 1 Baalath 2 Baalberith 1 Baalgad 3 Baalhasor 1 Baali 1 Baalia 1 Baaliada 1 Baalim 23 Baalis 1 Baalmaon 1 Baalmeon 1 Baalpharasim 2 Baalsalisa 1 Baalthamar 1 Baal’s 1 Baana 11 Baasa 27 Babai 1 Babel 1 Babylon 310 Babylonia 4 Babylonians 5 Bacbacar 1 Bacbuc 2 Bacchides 22 Bacchus 3 Bacenor’s 1 Badacer 1 Badad 2 Badaias 1 Badan 1 Baden 1 Bagatha 2 Bagathan 2 Bahurim 5 Baked 1 Bala 14 Balaam 42 Balaan 2 Balaath 2 Balac 29 Balach 1 Baladan 4 Balan 2 Balanam 1 Balanan 2 Baldad 5 Baldness 1 Bale 4 Baloth 2 Baltasar 6 Baltassar 10 Balthasar 2 Bamoth 2 Bamothbaal 1 Bana 1 Banaa 2 Banaia 3 Banaias 36 Banal 1 Bane 1 Banea 1 Baneas 1 Bani 10 Baninu 1 Bannui 1 Baptist 15 Bar-Jona 1 Bar-jesu 1 Bara 2 Barabbas 11 Barac 13 Barach 1 Barachel 2 Barachia 1 Barachias 12 Barad 1 Baraia 1 Barasa 1 Barbarian 1 Bared 1 Baria 7 Barnabas 28 Barnabus 1 Barren 1 Barsabas 2 Barsaith 1 Bartholomew 4 Bartimeus 1 Baruch 27 Basaia 1 Basan 54 Bascama 1 Bascath 1 Basemath 7 Basin 7 Bason 1 Bathuel 9 Bauramite 1 Bavai 1 Bazatha 1 Baziothia 1 Be 191 Bean 1 Bear 2 Beareth 1 Bearing 1 Bears 1 Beasts 2 Beat 1 Beautiful 3 Beauty 2 Bebai 5 Because 282 Becbecia 3 Becher 1 Becherites 1 Bechor 4 Bechorath 1 Bee 1 Beelmeon 2 Beelphegor 6 Beelsephon 3 Beelteem 4 Beelzebub 11 Been 1 Beep 2 Beer 6 Beera 1 Beeri 2 Before 37 Beget 1 Begging 1 Begin 1 Beginning 1 Begoai 1 Begoia 1 Begone 1 Beguai 3 Begui 1 Behave 1 Behlma 1 Behold 571 Being 23 Bel 17 Bela 7 Belaites 1 Belga 3 Belgia 1 Belial 13 Believe 4 Believest 2 Beloved 1 Belsam 1 Belsan 1 Ben 1 Benabinadab 1 Benadad 25 Bend 1 Bendecar 1 Bending 1 Benediction 1 Benejaacan 2 Benennom 2 Bengaber 1 Benhail 1 Benhesed 1 Benhur 1 Benjamin 163 Benjamin’s 1 Benni 1 Benno 1 Bennui 5 Benoi 1 Benoni 1 Bent 1 Benzoheth 1 Beon 1 Beor 5 Bera 2 Beracha 1 Bercos 2 Berea 4 Beri 1 Beria 3 Berith 1 Bernice 3 Berodach 1 Beromi 1 Beroth 7 Berotha 1 Berothite 5 Berothites 1 Bersa 1 Bersabee 30 Berzellai 12 Besai 4 Besecath 1 Besee 1 Beselam 1 Beseleel 7 Beset 1 Beside 5 Besides 10 Besloth 1 Besluth 1 Besodia 1 Besor 3 Bessur 1 Bete 1 Beten 1 Beth 6 Beth-Araba 1 Beth-Hagla 1 Beth-horon 14 Bethacarem 1 Bethacharam 1 Bethanan 1 Bethanath 2 Bethania 12 Bethanites 1 Bethanoth 1 Betharaba 2 Betharan 2 Bethaven 7 Bethazmoth 1 Bethbera 2 Bethberai 1 Bethbessen 2 Bethchar 1 Bethdagon 3 Bethel 67 Bethemec 1 Bether 1 Bethgader 1 Bethgamul 1 Bethhagla 2 Bethia 1 Bethiesimoth 2 Bethlebaoth 1 Bethlehem 48 Bethlehemite 4 Bethmaacha 2 Bethmaon 1 Bethmarchaboth 2 Bethnemra 2 Bethoron 6 Bethphage 2 Bethphaleth 1 Bethphelet 1 Bethpheses 1 Bethphogor 1 Bethrapha 1 Bethsabee 12 Bethsaida 8 Bethsames 18 Bethsamite 2 Bethsamites 2 Bethsan 12 Bethsetta 1 Bethsi 1 Bethsimoth 1 Bethsur 3 Bethsura 14 Beththaphua 1 Bethul 1 Bethulia 12 Bethzacharam 2 Bethzecha 1 Betonim 1 Better 24 Between 2 Beware 24 Beyond 3 Bezec 3 Bezeleel 1 Billed 1 Bind 5 Birds 1 Bithynia 1 Blastus 1 Bless 16 Blessed 153 Blessing 4 Blind 2 Bloodthirsty 1 Bloody 1 Blotting 1 Blow 5 Boanerges 1 Boast 2 Bocci 5 Bocciau 2 Bochri 8 Bochru 2 Boen 1 Boil 1 Bone 1 Boni 2 Bonni 5 Book 35 Boor 1 Boot 3 Booz 22 Boses 1 Bosor 9 Bosphorus 1 Bosra 9 Both 12 Bow 6 Bowls 1 Breach 2 Bread 1 Break 3 Brethren 9 Brie 2 Brieites 1 Bring 59 Bringing 2 Brother 5 Brought 1 Bubastus 1 Bud 1 Bugite 1 Build 5 Building 1 Built 1 Bul 1 Buna 1 Buried 1 Burning 4 Burnt 1 But 2347 Butter 1 Buy 5 Buz 2 Buzite 2 By 128 Bythynia 1 CAPH 1 CHILD 1 COME 1 COMPASS 1 COPH 1 Caath 39 Caathites 4 Caath’s 1 Cabseel 4 Cabul 1 Cad 7 Cademoth 2 Cades 22 Cadesbarne 11 Cadumim 1 Caesar 20 Caesarea 16 Caesar’s 9 Cain 18 Cainan 7 Caiphas 9 Caius 2 Calano 1 Caleb 41 Calita 1 Call 21 Called 6 Calling 2 Callisthenes 1 Calor 1 Calphi 1 Calubi 1 Calumny 1 Calvary 4 Came 1 Camon 1 Camps 1 Camuel 3 Can 30 Cana 5 Canaan 1 Cananean 2 Canath 2 Candace 1 Cannot 1 Canst 9 Caph 6 Caphara 1 Capharnaum 16 Capharsalama 1 Caphetetha 1 Caphira 1 Caphtorim 1 Cappadocia 5 Cappadocians 1 Capthorim 1 Carcaa 1 Caree 13 Careful 1 Carefully 1 Carehim 1 Cares 1 Caria 1 Cariath 1 Cariath-Arbe 6 Cariath-Sepher 4 Cariath-senna 1 Cariathaim 7 Cariathbaal 2 Cariathiarim 19 Carioth 4 Carith 2 Carmel 35 Carmelite 1 Carmelitess 1 Carmelus 1 Carnaim 3 Carnion 2 Carpus 1 Carry 7 Carrying 1 Cartha 1 Carthaginians 1 Carthan 1 Casaia 1 Casaloth 1 Casbon 1 Cased 1 Casleu 8 Casluim 1 Casphin 1 Casphor 1 Cassia 1 Cast 17 Casting 3 Castors 1 Catch 1 Cater 1 Cateth 1 Cauda 1 Cause 1 Cease 5 Cedar 12 Cedes 9 Cedma 2 Cedmihel 8 Cedmonites 1 Cedron 12 Ceelatha 1 Ceila 17 Celai 1 Celaia 1 Celesyria 5 Celia 1 Celita 1 Cellon 1 Celtia 1 Cenchrae 2 Cendebeus 5 Cenereth 4 Ceneroth 2 Cenez 11 Cenezite 3 Cenezites 1 Ceni 2 Cenneroth 1 Cephas 8 Cephira 2 Cerethi 8 Cerethites 1 Ceros 2 Cerrenians 1 Cesarea 1 Ceseleththabor 1 Cesil 1 Cesion 2 Ceteans 1 Cethim 5 Cethite 2 Cethlis 1 Cetron 1 Cetthim 1 Cetura 4 Chaanan 1 Chabri 1 Chabul 1 Chalal 1 Chalane 1 Chalanne 1 Chalchal 1 Chalcol 1 Chaldea 5 Chaldeains 1 Chaldean 3 Chaldeans 75 Chaldeass 1 Chaldees 11 Chale 2 Chali 1 Challenge 1 Cham 16 Chamaal 1 Chamaam 4 Chamath 1 Chamos 8 Chanaan 100 Chanaana 4 Chanaanite 41 Chanaanites 20 Chanaanitess 2 Chanana 1 Chanani 1 Characa 1 Charan 6 Charcamis 3 Charcas 1 Charge 1 Charity 2 Charmi 10 Charmites 1 Charsena 1 Chaselon 1 Chasing 1 Chasluim 1 Chasphia 2 Chastise 1 Chebbon 1 Chebron 1 Cheerful 1 Cheleab 1 Cheliau 1 Chelion 2 Chelion’s 1 Chelmad 1 Chelmon 1 Chelub 1 Chene 1 Chereas 2 Cherub 2 Cherubims 1 Cheslon 1 Chidon 1 Children 8 Children’s 1 Chios 1 Chloe 1 Chobar 8 Chodorlahomor 5 Cholhoza 2 Chonenias 6 Choose 8 Choosing 1 Chorreans 1 Chose 1 Christ 567 Christian 2 Christians 1 Christs 2 Christ’s 8 Chronicles 3 Chub 1 Chun 1 Chus 6 Chusa 1 Chusai 18 Chusan 2 Chusi 3 Cia 6 Cibsaim 1 Cidimoth 1 Cilicia 14 Cin 1 Cina 1 Cineans 1 Cinite 8 Cinites 2 Circumcise 1 Circumcision 2 Cis 17 Cisoii 1 Cison 4 Cisson 1 Cities 1 Claudia 1 Claudius 3 Cleanse 1 Cleansing 1 Clemency 1 Clement 1 Cleopatra 3 Cleophas 2 Clothe 1 Clothed 1 Clouds 1 Coa 3 Cocytus 1 Codolias 2 Cog 6 Colaia 1 Cold 1 Colias 1 Colossa 1 Colossians 1 Come 131 Comfort 1 Coming 1 Command 17 Commanding 3 Commandments 1 Commit 1 Committing 1 Commonly 5 Communicate 1 Communicating 1 Concerning 4 Condemn 1 Condemning 1 Conduct 2 Confess 1 Confirming 1 Conflicts 1 Confusion 1 Conscience 1 Consent 1 Consider 12 Considering 2 Consult 2 Contempt 1 Contend 3 Convert 4 Coos 1 Coph 6 Corban 1 Cord 2 Core 42 Corinth 6 Corinthians 4 Corite 1 Corites 3 Corn 1 Cornelius 9 Cornustibil 1 Corozain 2 Correct 1 Corrupt 1 Cos 2 Cosan 1 Could 2 Counsel 3 Counsellor 1 Count 1 Counting 1 Cover 3 Covet 1 Cozbi 2 Creaks 1 Create 1 Creator 8 Creatures 1 Crescens 1 Crete 6 Cretes 1 Cretians 1 Crispus 2 Crucify 4 Crush 1 Cry 9 Cunningly 1 Curse 1 Cursed 31 Cursing 1 Cusi 1 Cut 6 Cutha 1 Cuthites 1 Cypress 1 Cyprian 2 Cyprians 1 Cyprus 9 Cyrene 10 Cyrenian 1 Cyrenians 1 Cyrinus 1 Cyrus 24 DALETH 1 DESIRED 1 Daas 1 Dabereth 3 Dabir 11 Dabri 1 Dadan 6 Dagon 14 Dalaia 3 Dalaias 2 Dalaiau 1 Daleth 6 Dalila 7 Dalmanutha 1 Dalmatia 1 Damaris 1 Damascenes 1 Damascus 65 Damna 1 Damsel 1 Dan 69 Daniel 112 Danna 1 Daphca 2 Daphne 1 Daphnis 1 Dara 1 Darcon 1 Dare 1 Darius 26 Darkness 1 Dathan 10 Datheman 1 Daughter 2 Daughters 1 David 1061 David’s 33 Day 5 Deacons 1 Dead 1 Deaf 1 Deal 5 Dearly 11 Death 5 Debara 1 Debbaseth 1 Debbora 8 Debelaim 1 Deblatha 1 Deblathaim 1 Debora 1 Decapolis 3 Deceit 1 Deceitful 2 Deceive 2 Decla 2 Declare 9 Declaring 2 Decline 2 Dedan 6 Dedanim 1 Deep 1 Defile 4 Defraud 2 Delaia 1 Delay 2 Delean 1 Deli 1 Delicacies 1 Delight 1 Deliver 26 Delivering 2 Delphon 1 Delus 1 Demas 3 Demetrius 51 Demophon 1 Denaba 2 Depart 19 Departing 3 Derbe 4 Dercon 1 Designs 2 Desires 1 Desiring 3 Desolate 1 Desolation 1 Despise 7 Despised 1 Dessau 1 Destroy 11 Destruction 6 Determine 1 Detract 2 Detractors 1 Deuteronomy 3 Devise 1 Diana 5 Dibon 11 Dibongab 1 Did 33 Didst 5 Didymus 3 Died 1 Dies 1 Dievites 1 Dig 1 Dimona 1 Dina 5 Dinites 1 Dionysius 1 Dioscorus 1 Diotrephes 1 Direct 2 Disan 5 Dison 7 Disperse 1 Dissemblers 1 Diverse 2 Divide 2 Dividing 1 Divination 1 Divine 1 Do 128 Doch 1 Doctrine 2 Dodanim 2 Dodau 1 Dodo 2 Doeg 6 Doing 1 Dommim 1 Domum 1 Dor 7 Dora 3 Dorcas 2 Dorda 1 Dorymenus 1 Dositheus 4 Dost 23 Doth 28 Dothain 4 Dothan 1 Doubtless 1 Draw 11 Dread 1 Dreams 1 Drink 7 Drinking 1 Drive 1 Drop 1 Drought 1 Drusilla 1 Dudia 1 Duel 5 Duke 8 Duma 3 Dura 1 Dust 1 Dying 2 ECCLESIASTICUS 1 Each 4 Earth 1 Ease 1 Eat 8 Ebal 3 Ecbatana 4 Eccetan 1 Ecclesiastes 7 Echaia 1 Echi 1 Eddo 2 Edema 1 Eden 6 Eder 3 Edissa 1 Edna 2 Ednas 3 Edom 89 Edomite 7 Edomites 9 Edrai 7 Edri 1 Egeus 3 Egla 2 Eglon 13 Egypt 623 Egyptian 25 Egyptians 86 Ehac 1 Either 5 Ela 15 Elad 1 Elada 1 Elai 1 Elam 25 Elamites 4 Elasa 6 Elath 2 Elcana 21 Elcesite 1 Elchanan 1 Eldaa 2 Eldad 2 Eleale 5 Eleazar 75 Elect 2 Elehanan 1 Eleoenai 1 Eleph 1 Eleutherus 2 Eleven 1 Eli 2 Elia 3 Eliab 19 Eliaba 2 Eliachim 4 Eliacim 12 Eliada 3 Eliakim 2 Elial 1 Eliam 2 Elias 101 Eliasaph 6 Eliasib 15 Eliasub 1 Eliatha 2 Elica 1 Elicians 1 Elidad 1 Eliel 9 Eliezer 17 Elihoreph 1 Elim 5 Elimelech 5 Elimelech’s 1 Elioda 1 Elioenai 9 Eliphal 1 Eliphaleeh 1 Eliphalet 2 Eliphaleth 1 Eliphalu 2 Eliphaz 13 Eliphelet 4 Elipheleth 1 Elisa 3 Elisama 17 Elisaphan 5 Elisaphat 1 Eliseus 60 Elisiab 1 Elisua 2 Elisur 4 Eliu 10 Eliud 2 Elizabad 1 Elizabeth 9 Elizabeth’s 1 Elizaphan 1 Elmelech 1 Elmodad 2 Elnaim 1 Elnathan 7 Eloi 2 Elon 7 Elonites 1 Eloquent 1 Elphaal 3 Else 1 Eltecon 1 Elthece 1 Eltheco 1 Eltholad 2 Elul 2 Eluzai 1 Elymais 1 Elymas 1 Elzebad 1 Emalchuel 1 Eman 2 Emath 37 Embrace 1 Embracing 1 Emer 1 Emim 1 Emims 2 Eminent 1 Emmanuel 3 Emmaus 4 Emmer 8 Emmur 1 Emona 1 Emor 1 Enac 7 Enacims 9 Enadad 1 Enaim 1 Enan 10 Endor 3 Eneas 2 Engaddi 6 Engallim 1 Engannim 3 Enhadda 1 Enhasor 1 Enlarge 1 Enlighten 1 Enmity 1 Ennom 10 Ennon 1 Enoch 2 Enos 6 Ensemes 1 Enter 3 Entreat 1 Envies 1 Envy 4 Epaphras 3 Epaphroditus 2 Epenetus 1 Epha 5 Epher 4 Ephesian 1 Ephesians 4 Ephesus 17 Ephod 1 Ephpheta 1 Ephra 6 Ephraim 180 Ephraimite 2 Ephraim’s 1 Ephrata 10 Ephratha 1 Ephrathite 2 Ephrathites 1 Ephree 1 Ephrem 1 Ephron 14 Ephron’s 1 Epicureans 1 Erastus 3 Erchuites 1 Erioch 1 Error 1 Esaan 1 Esau 83 Esbaal 2 Esbon 1 Escol 2 Esdras 26 Esdrelon 2 Esdrin 1 Eseban 2 Esebon 1 Esec 1 Eselias 1 Esem 1 Eser 5 Esna 1 Especially 3 Esphatha 1 Esra 1 Esriel 2 Esron 7 Establish 2 Estaol 1 Esteeming 1 Estemo 1 Esthamo 3 Esthaol 6 Esthaolites 1 Esthemo 1 Esther 34 Esther’s 3 Esthon 2 Etam 6 Eternal 5 Ethai 9 Etham 3 Ethan 9 Ethanim 1 Ethbaal 1 Etheel 1 Ethei 2 Ether 1 Ethi 1 Ethiopia 26 Ethiopian 7 Ethiopians 14 Ethnan 1 Etroth 1 Eubulus 1 Eumenes 1 Eunice 1 Eupator 5 Euphrates 27 Eupolemus 2 Euroaquilo 1 Eutychus 1 Eve 5 Even 38 Evening 1 Ever 1 Every 75 Evi 1 Evil 6 Evilmerodach 2 Evodia 1 Exalt 2 Except 15 Excepting 1 Execute 1 Exhort 2 Exodus 1 Expect 2 Experiencing 1 Expound 2 Extend 1 Exterminans 1 Extinguish 1 Extol 2 Eye 1 Ezar 1 Ezechias 128 Ezechiel 5 Ezekiel 1 Ezel 1 Ezer 3 Eziel 1 Ezra 1 Ezrahite 3 Ezrel 1 Ezri 4 Ezricam 5 Ezriel 2 Ezrihel 1 FIRST 1 FOR 1 Faith 3 Fall 3 Far 5 Fare 4 Farewell 1 Fat 1 Father 272 Fathers 2 Father’s 3 Fatness 1 Favour 2 Fear 70 Fearing 1 Fears 1 Feeble 1 Feed 6 Feign 1 Felix 9 Festus 13 Fields 1 Fifteen 1 Fifth 1 Fifty-nine 1 Fifty-seven 1 Fifty-three 1 Fight 5 Figs 1 Fill 8 Filled 1 Finally 1 Fine 1 Fire 4 First 14 Fit 1 Five 7 Flee 8 Fleeing 1 Flight 1 Flock 1 Fly 1 Fodder 1 Follow 13 Folly 2 Food 1 Fool 1 Foolish 1 Fools 1 For 2330 Forasmuch 13 Forbid 1 Forbidding 1 Forced 1 Foreknown 1 Foreseeing 1 Forget 5 Forgetfulness 1 Forgive 4 Fornication 1 Forrest 1 Forsake 4 Forsaken 1 Forsaking 1 Forthwith 3 Fortunatus 2 Forty 4 Forty-five 1 Forty-one 1 Forum 1 Foundation 1 Four 2 Foursquare 1 Fourth 1 Fowls 1 Frame 1 Free 1 Friend 6 From 118 Fulfill 2 Full 1 Furnish 1 Furthermore 1 GIMEL 1 GOD 1 GOOD 1 Gaal 9 Gaas 4 Gaba 1 Gabaa 48 Gabaath 6 Gabae 1 Gabam 1 Gabaon 35 Gabaonite 1 Gabaonites 8 Gabathon 1 Gabbatha 1 Gabee 2 Gabelus 10 Gaber 1 Gabim 1 Gabriel 4 Gad 65 Gaddel 1 Gaddi 2 Gaddis 1 Gader 1 Gaderoth 2 Gadgad 2 Gadi 3 Gadites 4 Gador 1 Gaham 1 Gaher 2 Gaius 3 Galaad 137 Galaadite 10 Galaadites 4 Galal 3 Galalai 1 Galatia 7 Galatians 3 Galgal 42 Galgala 1 Galilean 4 Galileans 4 Galilee 86 Gallim 2 Gallio 3 Gallium 1 Gamaliel 7 Gamarias 5 Game 1 Gamul 1 Gamzo 1 Gareb 3 Garizim 4 Garmi 1 Gaspha 1 Gatham 2 Gathan 1 Gather 17 Gathered 2 Gatherer 1 Gathering 3 Gaulon 3 Gave 1 Gaver 1 Gaza 24 Gazabar 1 Gazam 1 Gazan 1 Gazara 11 Gazarim 2 Gaze 2 Gazer 12 Gazera 1 Gazites 1 Geba 3 Gebal 2 Gebbai 1 Gebbar 1 Gebbethon 5 Geddel 2 Geddelthi 2 Geddiel 1 Gedelias 1 Gedeon 40 Gedera 1 Gederite 1 Gederothaim 1 Gedor 8 Geennom 2 Gehon 2 Gelboe 8 Gelonite 1 Gemalli 1 Generation 2 Genesar 2 Genesareth 1 Genesis 1 Genezareth 1 Genneus 1 Genthon 3 Gentile 5 Gentiles 247 Gentle 1 Genubath 2 Gera 9 Gerara 10 Gerasens 4 Gergesite 4 Gergesites 1 Gergezite 2 Gersam 3 Gersom 6 Gerson 24 Gersonite 1 Gersonites 4 Gersonni 2 Gerzi 1 Gesan 1 Gessen 10 Gessur 8 Gessuri 7 Get 14 Geth 35 Gethaim 2 Gether 2 Gethhepher 1 Gethite 7 Gethites 2 Gethremmon 4 Gethrites 2 Gethsemani 2 Gezem 1 Gezer 1 Gezeron 1 Gezez 2 Gezonite 1 Ghimel 6 Ghost 95 Giblians 1 Gideroth 1 Giezi 12 Gifts 1 Gihon 5 Gilo 2 Gilonite 1 Gineth 2 Gird 9 Give 143 Giving 7 Gladly 1 Glorify 3 Glorious 1 Glory 10 Gnidus 2 Go 274 Goatha 1 Gob 2 God 4882 Godhead 1 Godolia 1 Godolias 27 Gods 1 God’s 18 Gog 7 Going 5 Golan 1 Gold 6 Golgotha 3 Goliath 7 Gomer 6 Gomorrha 21 Gomorrhites 2 Good 13 Good-havens 1 Goodlyman 1 Gorgias 12 Gortyna 1 Gosen 3 Gossem 4 Gothoniel 2 Gozam 1 Gozan 4 Grace 24 Grant 3 Great 16 Greater 1 Grecian 1 Grecians 1 Greece 9 Greek 9 Greeks 14 Grief 1 Gripings 1 Grudge 1 Guel 1 Guni 4 Gunites 1 Gurbaal 1 HABACUC 1 HE 2 HETH 1 HIS 1 Ha 2 Haba 1 Habacuc 6 Habakkuk 1 Haber 5 Haber’s 1 Habia 1 Habor 3 Habsanias 1 Haccus 1 Haceldama 2 Hachamoni 2 Hachelai 1 Hachila 3 Hacupha 2 Hadad 1 Hadaia 1 Hadar 1 Hadassa 1 Haddan 1 Hadid 3 Hadrach 1 Hadriel 2 Hagab 1 Hagaba 1 Haggai 1 Haggi 1 Haggia 1 Haggith 4 Hai 27 Hail 6 Hala 1 Halaa 2 Halcath 1 Hale 1 Half 2 Halhul 1 Hamathite 2 Hamdan 1 Hammoth 1 Hamon 2 Hamram 1 Hamuel 1 Hamul 3 Hamulites 1 Hanadad 1 Hanameel 4 Hanan 13 Hananeel 3 Hanani 12 Hanania 6 Hananias 16 Hanathon 1 Hand 1 Hanes 1 Hang 1 Hanging 1 Haniel 1 Hanni 1 Hanniel 1 Hanon 9 Hanun 2 Hapham 1 Hapharaim 1 Haphsiba 1 Happhim 1 Happily 1 Happy 5 Harad 1 Haram 2 Haran 12 Harbona 2 Harden 2 Harem 2 Hareph 2 Hares 1 Haret 1 Harhur 2 Harim 4 Hariph 1 Harma 2 Harness 1 Harodi 2 Haromaph 1 Haroseth 3 Harsa 2 Haruphite 1 Harus 1 Hasaba 1 Hasabia 4 Hasabias 6 Hasadias 1 Hasarsuhal 1 Hasarsusim 1 Hasbadana 1 Hasebia 4 Hasebias 1 Hasebna 1 Hasebnia 1 Hasebonia 1 Hasem 1 Haserim 1 Haseroth 5 Hasersual 3 Hasersusa 1 Hasim 1 Hasom 1 Hasor 1 Hasra 1 Hassemon 1 Hassub 1 Hast 35 Hasten 2 Hasub 4 Hasum 3 Hasupha 2 Hate 2 Hath 24 Hathath 1 Hatil 2 Hating 1 Hatipha 2 Hatita 2 Hatred 1 Hattus 5 Haughtiness 1 Haughty 1 Have 71 Having 29 Havoth 3 Hazael 20 Hazia 1 Hazir 1 He 1203 Heal 2 Health 1 Heap 2 Hear 129 Hearest 1 Hearing 4 Hearken 24 Heaven 7 Hebal 6 Heber 20 Heberites 1 Hebrew 28 Hebrews 32 Hebri 1 Hebron 70 Hebrona 2 Hebroni 1 Hebronites 4 Heddai 1 Heder 1 Hedge 1 Hedges 1 Hegaba 1 Hegla 4 Helam 1 Helba 1 Helcath 1 Helchias 1 Helci 1 Helcia 1 Helcias 36 Helec 2 Helecites 1 Heled 2 Helem 2 Heleph 1 Heles 1 Heli 28 Heliodorus 14 Heliopolis 4 Helisur 1 Hell 7 Helles 4 Helmadan 1 Helmondeblathaim 2 Helon 8 Help 4 Hem 1 Hemam 2 Heman 14 Hemath 2 Hemor 9 Henadad 2 Henanias 1 Hence 1 Henoc 1 Henoch 17 Henochites 1 Henos 1 Hepher 7 Hepherites 1 Her 44 Heran 1 Heranites 1 Hercules 2 Here 22 Hereby 1 Hered 3 Heredites 1 Herem 3 Hereupon 1 Heri 1 Herites 1 Herma 1 Hermas 1 Hermes 1 Hermogenes 1 Hermon 14 Hermoniim 1 Hernapher 1 Herod 39 Herodian 1 Herodians 3 Herodias 6 Herod’s 4 Hesebon 38 Heser 1 Hesli 1 Hesmona 2 Hesrai 1 Hesro 1 Hesron 14 Hesronites 2 Heth 15 Hethalon 2 Hethim 1 Hethite 36 Hethites 10 Hevi 1 Hevila 6 Hevilath 1 Hevite 21 Hevites 7 Hew 3 Hezechias 1 Hezechiel 1 Hezeci 1 Hezecia 1 Hezion 1 Hezir 1 Hide 3 Hiel 1 Hierapolis 1 Hieronymus 1 High 68 High-place 1 Highest 9 Him 9 Hinder 1 Hir 2 Hira 2 Hiram 33 Hiras 2 Hircanus 1 Hirsemes 1 His 110 Hitherto 4 Ho 1 Hoba 1 Hobab 2 Hobia 1 Hod 1 Hodes 1 Hodsi 1 Hold 7 Holda 1 Holdai 2 Holding 2 Holiness 1 Holocausts 1 Holofernes 46 Holon 1 Holy 152 Homam 1 Hon 1 Honour 16 Hope 4 Hoping 1 Hoppha 1 Hor 4 Horam 1 Horeb 18 Hori 2 Horma 6 Horns 1 Horonite 3 Horrhites 2 Horribly 1 Horrite 1 Horrites 3 Hosa 6 Hosanna 6 Hosea 1 Hosiel 1 Hospitalis 1 Hotham 2 House 3 Houses 2 How 180 Howbeit 2 However 7 Howl 9 Hozai 1 Hucac 1 Hucuca 1 Hul 1 Hull 1 Humble 5 Humiliation 1 Hupham 1 Huphamites 1 Hur 15 Hurai 1 Huram 1 Hurl 2 Hurt 2 Hus 6 Husam 3 Husathi 1 Husathite 3 Husati 1 Husbands 2 Husi 1 Husim 2 Hyades 1 Hymeneus 2 Hymn 1 Hypocrite 1 Hypocrites 1 I 9170 IGNORANCES 1 IN 2 IS 5 Icamia 2 Ichabod 2 Iconium 6 Icuthiel 1 Idaia 6 Idaias 2 Idida 1 Idithum 1 Idithun 16 Idolatry 1 Idox 1 Idumea 9 Idumeans 2 If 699 Igaal 1 Igal 1 Ihelom 1 Ihelon 3 Ijeabarim 2 Ilai 1 Illel 1 Illustrious 6 Illyricum 1 Immediately 9 Impose 1 Impudently 1 Impute 1 In 550 Incline 10 Increase 4 Indeed 9 India 5 Indian 2 Indians 1 Iness 1 Infatuate 1 Iniquity 3 Injuries 1 Inquire 5 Insomuch 8 Instant 1 Instead 7 Instruct 2 Instructing 1 Instruction 1 Into 9 Ira 4 Irad 2 Ire 1 Iris 4 Iron 2 Is 143 Isaac 115 Isaar 10 Isaarites 2 Isai 38 Isaia 1 Isaiah 1 Isaias 58 Isari 1 Isbaab 1 Isboseth 13 Iscariot 12 Ishmahelite 1 Ismael 18 Ismaelites 5 Ismael’s 1 Ismahel 29 Ismahelite 1 Ismahelites 1 Ismiel 1 Israel 2600 Israeli 1 Israelite 4 Israelites 14 Israel’s 2 Isreela 1 Issachar 40 Istemo 1 Istob 2 Isuhaia 1 It 268 Italian 1 Italy 7 Ithai 1 Ithamar 21 Its 5 Itself 1 Iturea 1 Itureans 1 Izrahia 1 JESUS 6 JEWS 4 JOD 1 JUDITH 1 Jaasia 1 Jaban 1 Jabel 1 Jabes 26 Jabin 5 Jabin’s 1 Jabnia 1 Jaboc 4 Jacan 3 Jachanan 1 Jachin 8 Jachinites 1 Jacim 2 Jacob 321 Jacoba 1 Jacob’s 8 Jada 2 Jadaia 1 Jadason 1 Jaddo 1 Jadias 1 Jadihel 4 Jadon 1 Jagur 1 Jahaddai 1 Jahala 1 Jahath 4 Jahaziel 3 Jahel 6 Jahelel 1 Jahiel 10 Jair 16 Jairite 1 Jairus 2 Jala 1 Jalaleel 1 Jalel 1 Jaleleel 1 Jalelites 1 Jalon 1 Jambri 2 James 43 Jamin 6 Jaminites 1 Jamne 1 Jamnia 6 Jamnites 1 Jamnor 1 Jamra 1 Jamuel 2 Janai 1 Janne 1 Jannes 1 Janoe 3 Janum 1 Japheth 12 Japhia 4 Japhie 1 Jara 3 Jaramoth 1 Jare 2 Jared 8 Jarephel 1 Jarib 4 Jarim 1 Jasa 6 Jaser 4 Jasi 1 Jasiel 3 Jason 18 Jason’s 1 Jassa 2 Jassen 1 Jasub 4 Jasubites 1 Jathanael 1 Jaus 2 Javan 4 Jawbone 2 Jay 1 Jazer 11 Jazia 1 Jaziel 4 Jeabarim 1 Jealous 1 Jebaar 1 Jebahar 2 Jebania 1 Jeblaam 3 Jebnael 1 Jebneel 1 Jeboc 3 Jebsem 1 Jebus 6 Jebusite 30 Jebusites 11 Jecemia 1 Jechelia 2 Jechonias 15 Jecmaam 1 Jecmaan 3 Jecnam 1 Jeconam 1 Jecsan 4 Jectan 6 Jectehel 1 Jecthel 1 Jedaia 2 Jedala 1 Jeddel 1 Jeddo 1 Jeddoa 2 Jeddu 1 Jeddua 1 Jedebos 1 Jedei 1 Jediel 1 Jedihel 2 Jedlaph 1 Jegaal 1 Jegbaa 2 Jegedelias 1 Jehedeia 1 Jeheziel 1 Jehias 1 Jehiel 17 Jehieli 2 Jehu 55 Jehuel 1 Jehus 8 Jemai 1 Jemini 13 Jemla 4 Jemlech 1 Jemna 4 Jemnaites 1 Jephdaia 1 Jephlat 3 Jephleti 1 Jephone 16 Jephtahel 1 Jephte 17 Jephtha 1 Jephthael 1 Jephthe 1 Jeraa 1 Jeramael 1 Jerameel 8 Jercaam 1 Jeremia 1 Jeremiah 2 Jeremias 156 Jeremiel 1 Jerenias 1 Jeria 1 Jerias 2 Jeriau 2 Jeribai 1 Jericho 68 Jeriel 1 Jerimoth 16 Jerimuth 3 Jerioth 1 Jermai 1 Jerobaal 15 Jeroboam 98 Jeroboam’s 1 Jeroham 10 Jeron 1 Jersia 1 Jeruel 1 Jerusa 2 Jerusalem 928 Jerusatem 1 Jerusulem 1 Jesaar 1 Jesaarites 1 Jesaia 1 Jesamari 1 Jesana 1 Jesba 1 Jesbaam 2 Jesbacassa 2 Jesbaham 1 Jesbibenob 1 Jesboam 1 Jesboc 2 Jescha 1 Jeseias 2 Jesema 1 Jeser 2 Jeserites 1 Jesi 5 Jesia 5 Jesias 1 Jesiel 1 Jesielites 1 Jesimon 1 Jesisi 1 Jesmachias 1 Jesmaias 1 Jespha 1 Jespham 1 Jesse 10 Jessui 3 Jessuites 1 Jessuri 1 Jesua 4 Jesue 2 Jesus 985 Jeta 1 Jeteba 1 Jetebatha 3 Jeth 1 Jethela 1 Jether 12 Jetheth 2 Jethma 1 Jethnam 1 Jethra 1 Jethraam 1 Jethrahem 1 Jethrai 1 Jethram 1 Jethran 2 Jethrite 4 Jethrites 1 Jethro 8 Jethson 1 Jethur 1 Jetur 1 Jew 35 Jewish 4 Jews 359 Jezabad 1 Jezabel 21 Jezabel’s 1 Jezatha 1 Jezer 2 Jezerite 1 Jezerites 1 Jezia 1 Jezlia 1 Jezonias 6 Jezra 1 Jezrael 6 Jezrahel 30 Jezrahelite 8 Jezrahelitess 5 Jezraia 1 Jim 1 Joab 136 Joab’s 6 Joachaz 24 Joachim 1 Joachin 11 Joacim 4 Joada 2 Joadan 2 Joah 3 Joaha 1 Joahe 6 Joakim 45 Joanan 1 Joanna 3 Joarib 2 Joas 60 Joatham 18 Joathan 7 Job 58 Jobab 9 Jobania 1 Jobs 1 Job’s 1 Jochabed 2 Jod 6 Jodaia 1 Joed 1 Joel 19 Joela 1 Joezer 1 Jogli 1 Joha 2 Johanan 31 Johel 2 John 148 John’s 8 Joiada 57 Joiarib 6 Jona 2 Jonadab 15 Jonah 1 Jonas 28 Jonathan 220 Jonathan’s 5 Joppe 26 Joppites 1 Jora 1 Jorai 1 Joram 50 Jordan 198 Jorim 1 Josa 1 Josaba 1 Josabeth 2 Josabhesed 1 Josabia 1 Josachar 1 Josaia 1 Josaphat 85 Josedec 14 Joseph 190 Joseph’s 3 Joshua 1 Josias 54 Josphia 1 Joss 1 Josue 184 Jota 1 Joy 4 Jozabad 9 Jozabed 4 Jubal 1 Jucadam 1 Juchal 2 Jucias 1 Jud 1 Juda 838 Judaia 1 Judas 165 Jude 6 Judea 104 Judge 15 Judges 1 Judgment 1 Judgments 1 Judi 3 Judith 29 Julia 1 Julius 2 Junias 1 Jupiter 4 Jupiter’s 1 Just 8 Justice 4 Justify 2 Justus 3 KING 6 KINGS 1 Keep 45 Keeping 1 Kesebon 1 Kill 3 Kindle 1 King 44 Kings 10 Know 38 Knowest 9 Knowing 15 Knowledge 2 LAMED 1 LORD 1 LORDS 1 Laabim 2 Laad 1 Laada 1 Laadan 1 Laban 27 Labana 1 Labanath 1 Laban’s 3 Labour 3 Lacedemon 1 Lachis 23 Lael 1 Lahela 1 Lahem 1 Lais 6 Laisa 2 Lamb 30 Lambs 1 Lamech 11 Lamed 6 Lament 1 Lamentations 2 Lampsacus 1 Lamuel 2 Land 2 Laodicea 5 Laodiceans 2 Laomin 1 Lapidoth 1 Lard 1 Last 4 Lasthenes 2 Latin 3 Latitude 1 Latusim 1 Latussim 1 Laugh 2 Laughter 2 Launch 1 Lay 12 Lazareth 1 Lazarus 14 Lead 1 Learn 3 Learning 1 Leave 5 Leaving 4 Lebana 2 Lebaoth 1 Lebna 8 Lebni 1 Lebnites 1 Lebona 1 Lecha 1 Lechi 1 Leci 1 Lecum 1 Led 3 Ledan 3 Leedan 3 Legion 2 Leheman 1 Leheth 2 Lend 2 Length 1 Lesa 1 Lesem 2 Lest 42 Let 515 Letter 21 Levi 82 Levite 26 Levites 221 Levitical 9 Leviticus 1 Lia 22 Lia’s 1 Libanus 73 Libertines 1 Libya 4 Libyans 6 Lie 5 Lift 20 Light 1 Like 5 Likewise 4 Linus 1 Lithostrotos 1 Little 4 Live 3 Lo 28 Load 1 Lobna 9 Lobni 5 Lod 1 Lodabar 3 Lois 1 Look 24 Looking 4 Loomin 1 Loose 4 Lora 1 Lord 7971 Lord’s 48 Lose 1 Lot 34 Lotan 7 Lots 1 Lot’s 1 Love 11 Lovest 1 Loving 1 Lucifer 1 Lucius 3 Lud 2 Ludim 2 Luith 2 Luke 4 Luring 1 Luza 7 Lycaonia 1 Lycaonian 1 Lycia 2 Lydda 4 Lydia 4 Lydians 3 Lying 6 Lysanias 1 Lysias 26 Lysimachus 7 Lyslas 1 Lystra 7 MACCABEES 2 MAN 2 MANE 2 MEM 1 MY 1 Maacha 24 Maachathi 1 Maachati 1 Maaddi 1 Maai 1 Maala 4 Maara 1 Maasai 1 Maasia 9 Maasias 16 Maazia 1 Maaziau 1 Mabsam 2 Mabsar 2 Macces 1 Maceda 9 Macedonia 24 Macedonian 4 Macedonians 4 Macelloth 5 Maceloth 2 Macenias 2 Macer 1 Machabeus 32 Machathi 1 Machati 5 Machbani 1 Machbena 1 Machi 1 Machir 22 Machirites 1 Machmas 11 Machmethath 2 Madaba 2 Madai 2 Madan 2 Made 2 Madia 1 Madian 49 Madianite 3 Madianites 9 Madmena 1 Madon 2 Maeleth 1 Magala 1 Magdal 3 Magdalel 1 Magdalen 12 Magdalgad 1 Magdalum 1 Magdiel 2 Magedan 1 Mageddo 10 Mageddon 1 Mageth 2 Magnify 1 Magog 5 Magron 2 Mahalath 1 Mahalon 3 Mahalon’s 1 Mahanaim 1 Maharai 2 Mahath 4 Mahazioth 2 Maheleth 2 Mahida 2 Mahir 1 Mahol 1 Maid 1 Maiman 1 Make 50 Maker 7 Maketh 1 Making 4 Malachi 1 Malachias 1 Malalai 1 Malaleel 8 Malasar 2 Malchus 1 Mallos 1 Maloch 1 Mambre 11 Mambres 1 Mamuchan 3 Man 20 Manahat 1 Manahath 1 Manahem 8 Manahen 1 Manaim 5 Manasse 2 Manasses 143 Manesses 1 Manhu 1 Manilius 1 Manna 1 Manue 12 Many 33 Man’s 1 Maoch 1 Maon 7 Maonathi 2 Maozim 2 Mapsam 1 Mara 6 Marai 1 Maraia 1 Maraioth 5 Mardochai 54 Mardochai’s 1 Mardochias 1 Mares 1 Maresa 9 Mareth 1 Mariam 1 Marimuth 2 Mark 10 Marma 1 Marriage 1 Marry 1 Marsana 1 Martha 14 Mary 67 Masal 2 Masaloth 1 Masepha 1 Maserephoth 1 Maserites 1 Maserophot 1 Masia 1 Masma 4 Masmana 1 Masobia 1 Maspha 22 Masphath 21 Masphe 2 Masreca 2 Massa 2 Master 36 Masters 2 Mathan 5 Mathana 2 Mathanai 2 Mathanaias 1 Mathania 9 Mathanias 5 Mathaniau 1 Mathanite 1 Mathat 2 Mathatha 2 Mathathias 24 Mathusael 2 Mathusala 5 Mathusale 2 Matred 2 Matthanias 1 Matthew 6 Matthias 3 Mauman 1 Maviael 2 May 56 Mayest 1 Mayst 2 Meat 1 Mecherathite 1 Mechmas 1 Mechnedebai 1 Medaba 5 Medad 2 Meddin 1 Meddle 1 Mede 3 Medemena 2 Medes 30 Media 5 Median 1 Meditate 1 Meetabel 2 Meeting 1 Megbis 1 Megeddo 1 Megphias 1 Mehusim 1 Mejarcon 1 Melcha 11 Melchi 2 Melchia 6 Melchias 9 Melchiel 3 Melchielites 1 Melchiram 1 Melchisedech 10 Melchisua 5 Melchom 6 Melcias 1 Melea 1 Melech 2 Melehias 1 Melita 1 Mello 10 Mellothi 2 Melluch 4 Meloch 1 Melothus 1 Melt 1 Meltias 1 Mem 6 Memmius 1 Memphis 8 Men 18 Menelaus 17 Menna 1 Menni 1 Mennith 1 Mephaath 4 Meraioth 2 Merala 1 Merari 37 Merarites 2 Merchandise 1 Mercury 2 Mercy 6 Mered 2 Meremoth 1 Merezebel 1 Meribbaal 4 Merimuth 3 Merob 3 Merodach 2 Merom 2 Merome 1 Meronathite 2 Meroz 1 Merrha 1 Mesa 8 Meselemia 3 Mesezebel 1 Mesizabel 1 Mesollam 1 Mesopotamia 24 Mesphar 1 Mespharath 1 Mesphe 1 Mesrai 1 Mesraim 2 Mesram 1 Mess 1 Messa 2 Messal 1 Messalemeth 1 Messias 2 Messulam 1 Metabeel 1 Metal 1 Methca 2 Methought 1 Metri 1 Meza 3 Mezaab 2 Miamin 5 Mibahar 1 Micah 1 Micha 17 Michael 15 Michaia 2 Michas 14 Michea 1 Micheas 23 Michol 17 Mighty 5 Mildness 1 Miletus 3 Milicho 1 Mind 2 Miphiboseth 15 Misaam 1 Misach 15 Misael 9 Miser 1 Misphat 1 Mithridates 2 Mithumite 1 Mitylene 1 Mizael 1 Mnason 1 Mnestheus 1 Moab 163 Moabite 2 Moabites 22 Moabitess 6 Moadia 1 Mobonnai 1 Mochona 1 Mochori 1 Mockery 1 Modin 9 Mohola 1 Moholi 13 Moholites 1 Molada 4 Molathi 1 Molathite 1 Molchom 1 Molid 1 Moloch 12 Moos 1 Mophim 1 Morasthi 1 Morasthite 1 More 2 Moreover 87 Moria 1 Morter 1 Mortify 1 Mosabab 1 Mosallam 1 Mosel 1 Mosera 1 Moseroth 2 Moses 756 Mosoch 8 Mosollam 22 Mosollamia 1 Mosollamith 1 Mosollamoth 2 Most 3 Mount 2 Mountains 2 Mourn 1 Move 1 Mrtnahsth 1 Much 5 Mud 1 Munim 2 Murmur 1 Musach 1 Musi 8 Musites 1 Must 1 My 283 Myndus 1 Myrrh 1 Mysia 2 NAME 1 NATIONS 1 NAZARETH 1 NUN 1 Naalol 3 Naama 4 Naaman 13 Naaman’s 1 Naamar 1 Naamathite 4 Naara 3 Naarai 1 Naaratha 1 Naaria 3 Naas 9 Naasson 4 Nabaioth 1 Nabajoth 4 Nabal 20 Nabal’s 1 Nabat 26 Nabath 1 Nabo 5 Naboth 21 Nabuchodonosor 110 Nabusezban 1 Nabutheans 2 Nabuzardan 15 Nachon 1 Nachor 18 Nachor’s 1 Nadab 20 Nadabia 1 Nagge 1 Nahabi 1 Nahaliel 2 Naham 2 Nahamani 1 Naharai 2 Nahason 1 Nahasson 9 Nahath 5 Nahum 4 Naim 1 Najoth 6 Naked 2 Namsi 5 Namuel 3 Namuelites 1 Nanea 3 Napheg 1 Naphis 3 Narcissus 1 Nasia 2 Nathan 44 Nathanael 20 Nathania 2 Nathanias 19 Nathanmelech 1 Nathineans 1 Nathinites 17 Nation 1 Nations 7 Nave 1 Nay 8 Nazarene 1 Nazarenes 1 Nazareth 28 Nazarite 9 Nazarites 4 Neapolis 1 Nebahaz 1 Nebai 1 Neballat 1 Nebo 8 Nebsan 1 Neceb 1 Nechao 7 Necoda 4 Neglect 2 Nehelamite 3 Nehelescol 1 Nehemia 1 Nehemiah 1 Nehemias 16 Nehiel 1 Neither 108 Nemra 1 Nemrim 2 Nemrod 4 Nepbtali 1 Nephath-Dor 1 Nepheg 3 Nephi 1 Nephtali 45 Nephtalites 1 Nephthali 5 Nephthalim 2 Nephthar 1 Nephtoa 2 Nephtuim 1 Nephusim 1 Nephussim 1 Nepthuim 1 Ner 17 Neregel 3 Nereus 1 Nergel 1 Neri 3 Nerias 9 Nesib 1 Nesroch 2 Nethuphati 1 Netophathi 2 Netophathite 7 Netophati 1 Netupha 2 Never 7 Nevertheless 24 New 1 News 4 Next 1 Nicanor 36 Nicanor’s 6 Nicenor 1 Nicodemus 5 Nicolaites 2 Nicolas 1 Nicopolis 1 Niger 1 Night 3 Nile 1 Nine 1 Ninive 25 Ninivites 1 Nisan 4 No 63 Noa 5 Noadaia 1 Noadias 1 Nob 1 Nobe 8 Nodab 1 Noe 47 Noema 1 Noeman 2 Noemanites 1 Noemi 17 Noga 1 Noge 1 Nohaa 1 Nohesta 1 Nohestan 1 None 6 Nophe 1 Nopheth 1 Nor 32 Noran 1 Not 55 Nothing 7 Now 693 Null 1 Number 6 Numbers 1 Numenius 4 Nun 35 Nymphas 1 O 1266 OF 15 ONE 1 OR 1 ORIENT 2 OVER 1 Obadia 1 Obadiah 1 Obdia 4 Obdias 2 Obed 18 Obededom 19 Obedia 2 Obey 1 Oboth 3 Observe 5 Ochozath 1 Ochozias 37 Ochran 5 Odaia 3 Odares 1 Oded 3 Odia 1 Odoia 1 Odollam 7 Odollamite 3 Odovia 1 Oduia 5 Odullam 1 Of 207 Offence 1 Offend 1 Offer 5 Offered 11 Often 2 Og 22 Oham 1 Ohol 1 Oholai 1 Oholi 1 Oil 1 Ointment 1 Old 2 Olda 1 Olives 5 Olivet 10 Olla 1 Olon 1 Olympias 1 Olympius 1 Oman 2 Omar 3 Omega 3 Omrai 1 On 28 Onam 3 Onan 6 Once 2 One 104 Onesimus 2 Onesiphorus 2 Onias 22 Only 13 Ono 2 Onyx 2 Oodolias 1 Ooliab 4 Ooliba 6 Oolibama 8 Oolla 5 Open 13 Ophaz 1 Ophel 4 Opher 3 Ophera 1 Ophi 1 Ophim 1 Ophir 9 Ophlal 2 Ophni 6 Ophra 1 Oppression 1 Or 71 Order 1 Oreb 7 Orient 1 Orientals 1 Orion 2 Ornan 8 Oronaim 4 Orori 1 Orpha 2 Orthosias 1 Osaias 3 Osee 15 Osse 1 Othei 1 Other 2 Others 6 Otherwise 6 Othir 2 Othni 1 Otholia 1 Othoniel 6 Ought 2 Our 41 Out 32 Over 11 Overthrow 1 Owe 1 Owls 1 Oza 14 Ozam 1 Ozan 1 Ozaziu 2 Ozensara 1 Ozi 9 Ozia 1 Ozial 1 Ozias 37 Oziau 2 Oziel 15 Ozielites 2 Ozni 1 Oznites 1 Ozriel 1 PEACE 1 PHARES 2 PHE 1 PRAYER 1 PROPHET 2 Palestine 2 Palestines 7 Palmira 2 Pamphylia 6 Paphos 2 Paraclete 4 Parasceve 2 Pardon 1 Parmenas 1 Paros 1 Part 2 Parthians 1 Particularly 1 Pass 10 Passage 1 Passing 1 Patara 1 Patient 1 Patmos 1 Patriarchs 1 Patrobas 1 Patroclus 1 Paul 155 Paulus 1 Paul’s 16 Paving 1 Pay 1 Peace 19 Peaceable 2 Peaven 1 Pelusium 2 Pentapolis 1 Pentecost 4 People 2 Peradventure 3 Perfect 1 Pergamus 2 Perge 3 Perhaps 13 Perishing 1 Persecute 1 Persecutions 1 Persepolis 1 Perses 1 Persevere 1 Persia 16 Persian 4 Persians 34 Persis 1 Peter 156 Peter’s 4 Petra 2 Phacee 10 Phaceia 3 Phaces 1 Phadaia 8 Phadassur 5 Phadon 2 Phahath 6 Phalaia 2 Phalea 1 Phaleg 8 Phalel 1 Phalet 1 Phaleth 1 Phallet 1 Phallonite 1 Phallu 5 Phalluites 1 Phalonite 1 Phalti 3 Phaltias 2 Phaltiel 2 Phanuel 8 Phara 3 Pharai 1 Pharam 1 Pharan 12 Pharao 188 Pharao’s 28 Pharathon 1 Pharathonite 4 Phares 19 Pharesites 1 Pharida 1 Pharisee 11 Pharisees 89 Pharisee’s 1 Pharisim 2 Pharnach 1 Pharos 6 Pharphar 1 Pharsandatha 1 Pharuda 1 Pharue 1 Pharurim 1 Phase 4 Phasea 3 Phaselis 1 Phaseron 1 Phasga 8 Phashur 1 Phaspha 1 Phassur 9 Phataia 1 Phathahia 2 Phatuel 1 Phatures 4 Phau 2 Phe 6 Phebe 1 Phedael 1 Phegiel 5 Pheldas 1 Pheleia 1 Phelelia 1 Pheleth 1 Phelethi 7 Phelethites 1 Phelonite 1 Phelti 1 Pheltia 1 Pheltias 2 Phenenna 3 Phenice 4 Phenicia 6 Pherezite 18 Pherezites 6 Phermesta 1 Phesdomim 1 Pheshur 4 Phesse 1 Pheteia 1 Phetros 1 Phetrusim 2 Phicol 3 Phigellus 1 Phihahiroth 4 Philadelphia 2 Philarches 1 Philemon 2 Philetus 1 Philip 45 Philippi 6 Philippians 2 Philisthiim 1 Philistia 3 Philistine 32 Philistines 243 Philologus 1 Philometor 3 Phinees 27 Phinon 2 Phison 2 Phithom 1 Phithon 2 Phlegon 1 Phochereth 2 Phogor 7 Phollathi 1 Phoratha 1 Phosech 1 Phrygia 3 Phrygian 1 Phua 5 Phuaites 1 Phul 3 Phunon 2 Phur 3 Phurim 3 Phut 1 Phuth 1 Phutiel 1 Physician 1 Pierce 1 Pilate 55 Pisidia 2 Place 1 Placing 1 Plantations 1 Playing 1 Pleiades 1 Plilistines 1 Pontius 4 Pontus 5 Portius 1 Posidonius 1 Possess 1 Possessed 1 Pour 4 Pouring 1 Poverty 2 Power 1 Practise 1 Praise 34 Praising 2 Pray 13 Prayer 2 Praying 2 Preach 1 Preacher 1 Preaching 1 Precious 1 Prepare 15 Presents 1 Preserve 2 Priapus 2 Pride 3 Priest 1 Prince 3 Princes 2 Principally 1 Prisca 2 Priscilla 4 Probatica 1 Prochorus 1 Proclaim 4 Profane 1 Prohibiting 1 Prolong 1 Promising 1 Prophecy 1 Prophesy 7 Prophet 2 Protect 1 Prove 2 Proverbs 1 Provide 1 Provideth 1 Providing 2 Proving 1 Psalms 3 Ptolemais 18 Ptolemeans 1 Ptolemee 23 Ptolemy 3 Publish 1 Publius 2 Pudens 1 Punish 1 Purge 1 Purifying 1 Pursue 1 Pursuing 1 Put 29 Puteoli 1 Putiphar 2 Putiphare 3 Pygmeans 1 Pyrrhus 1 Quarrel 1 Quartus 1 Queen 4 Quenched 1 Quicken 1 Quintus 1 RES 1 RISE 1 ROMANS 1 Raaia 2 Raamias 1 Rabba 5 Rabbath 9 Rabbi 15 Rabboni 2 Rabboth 1 Rabsaces 17 Rabsares 2 Rabsaris 1 Raca 1 Rachal 1 Rachel 32 Rachel’s 3 Raddai 1 Ragau 2 Rages 8 Raging 1 Ragua 1 Raguel 23 Raguel’s 3 Rahab 9 Raham 1 Rahelaia 1 Rahuel 8 Raia 1 Raid 1 Raise 2 Raising 1 Ram 5 Rama 17 Ramath 1 Ramatha 16 Ramathaimsophim 1 Ramathlechi 1 Ramesse 1 Ramesses 3 Rameth 1 Ramoth 29 Rapha 5 Raphael 9 Raphaia 5 Raphaim 11 Raphaims 3 Raphidim 5 Raphon 1 Raphu 1 Rasathaim 2 Rase 1 Rasin 4 Rates 1 Rather 1 Razias 1 Razon 1 Read 2 Reap 1 Rear 1 Rebe 2 Rebecca 21 Rebla 2 Reblatha 9 Rebmag 2 Rebuke 5 Reccath 1 Receive 13 Receiving 2 Recem 5 Recen 1 Recha 1 Rechab 13 Rechabites 4 Recover 1 Red 33 Redeem 1 Redeemer 7 Reema 1 Reflect 1 Refrain 1 Refresh 1 Regma 4 Rehearse 1 Rehum 3 Rei 1 Reia 1 Reign 1 Reject 1 Rejoice 24 Rejoiceth 1 Rejoicing 1 Religion 1 Religiousness 1 Remain 1 Remeia 1 Remember 67 Remembering 1 Remmomphares 1 Remmon 14 Remmono 1 Remove 12 Removing 2 Rempham 1 Rend 1 Render 6 Renew 1 Rent 1 Repeat 1 Reprove 2 Requesting 1 Res 6 Rescue 1 Rescuing 1 Resen 1 Reseph 3 Resia 1 Resist 1 Respect 2 Respha 4 Ressa 2 Rest 1 Restore 5 Rethma 2 Return 33 Returning 3 Reu 4 Reum 4 Revelation 2 Revenge 4 Reverence 1 Reward 1 Reza 1 Rhegium 1 Rheum 1 Rhode 1 Rhodes 2 Rhodocus 1 Ribai 2 Rich 2 Riches 5 Rightly 1 Ring 1 Rinna 1 Riphath 2 Rise 9 Roaga 1 Roboam 46 Rock 1 Rods 1 Rogel 4 Rogelim 2 Rogom 1 Rogommelech 1 Rohob 11 Rohobia 4 Rohoboth 2 Rohol 1 Roll 1 Roma 1 Roman 5 Romans 21 Romathite 1 Rome 20 Romelia 13 Romemthiezer 2 Roofs 1 Rooted 1 Ros 1 Rose 1 Rottenness 1 Rubel 1 Ruben 73 Rubenite 1 Rubenites 7 Rufus 2 Rule 1 Ruler 1 Ruma 3 Run 3 Rut 3 Ruth 13 SADE 1 SAMECH 1 SAVE 1 SECOND 1 SERVANT 1 SET 1 SHALL 4 SHEPHERD 1 SIN 1 SIRACH 1 SOLOMON 1 SON 1 STAR 1 SUCCESS 1 Saananim 1 Saaph 2 Saaphan 1 Saarim 1 Saba 23 Sabachai 1 Sabaim 2 Sabama 5 Saban 1 Sabania 2 Sabaoth 3 Sabarim 2 Sabatacha 1 Sabath 2 Sabatha 2 Sabathaca 1 Sabathai 1 Sabbath 1 Sabeans 2 Sabee 1 Saber 1 Sachacha 1 Sachar 2 Sacrifice 4 Sacrificed 1 Sacrifices 1 Sacrificing 1 Saddle 2 Sadduccees 1 Sadducees 13 Sade 6 Sadoc 55 Sage 1 Saharim 1 Said 15 Salaboni 1 Salabonite 1 Salai 1 Salamiel 5 Salamina 1 Salathi 1 Salathiel 14 Sale 10 Salebim 2 Salecha 2 Saled 2 Salem 4 Salemoth 2 Saleph 2 Salim 2 Salisa 1 Sallem 1 Salma 3 Salmana 12 Salmanasar 5 Salmias 1 Salmon 5 Salmona 1 Salmone 1 Salom 1 Salome 2 Salomi 2 Salomith 4 Salphaad 9 Salt 2 Saltpits 1 Saltus 1 Salu 1 Salumith 1 Salusa 1 Salute 25 Salvation 5 Sama 3 Samaa 4 Samaan 1 Samachias 1 Samad 1 Samae 1 Samaia 3 Samaias 2 Samaoth 1 Samaraim 1 Samareth 1 Samaria 132 Samarias 1 Samaritan 5 Samaritans 8 Samarite 2 Samech 6 Samgar 2 Samir 4 Samma 10 Sammaa 1 Sammai 3 Sammoth 1 Sammua 2 Sammuel 1 Samos 1 Samothracia 1 Samri 1 Samsai 4 Samsari 1 Samson 28 Samson’s 1 Samua 3 Samuel 147 Samus 1 Sanaballat 10 Sanan 1 Sanctify 5 Sand 1 Sanir 4 Saph 1 Saphai 1 Saphan 27 Saphat 8 Saphathia 1 Saphatia 4 Saphatias 6 Saphira 1 Saphon 1 Sara 47 Saraa 10 Sarabias 2 Sarai 15 Saraia 8 Saraias 10 Saraim 2 Saraites 1 Sarar 1 Sarasar 3 Sarathasar 1 Sarathi 1 Sara’s 1 Sardis 3 Sarea 1 Sareas 1 Sarebia 1 Sarebias 1 Sared 2 Sareda 1 Saredatha 1 Saredites 1 Sarephta 2 Sarepta 2 Sares 1 Sargon 1 Saria 2 Sarid 2 Sarion 1 Sarohen 1 Saron 6 Saronite 1 Sarsachim 1 Sartham 1 Sarthan 1 Sarthana 1 Sarua 1 Sarug 5 Sarvia 26 Sassabasar 4 Sat 1 Satan 50 Saul 412 Saulites 1 Sauls 1 Saul’s 11 Saura 1 Save 19 Saving 1 Saviour 39 Saw 1 Say 61 Sayest 1 Saying 79 Scale 1 Scatter 3 Scenopegia 2 Sceva 1 Scibboleth 1 Scorpion 2 Scriptures 2 Scythian 1 Scythians 1 Scythopolis 1 Scythopolitans 1 Sea 34 Seal 3 Seam 1 Search 6 Searching 1 Sears 1 Seas 1 Seba 8 Sebe 1 Sebeen 1 Sebenia 3 Sebenias 2 Sebeon 7 Sebethai 1 Sebia 3 Sebnia 1 Seboim 7 Sechem 3 Sechemites 1 Sechenia 1 Sechenias 8 Sechia 1 Sechrona 1 Second 12 Secret 1 Secundus 1 Secure 1 Sedada 2 Sedecias 65 Sedei 1 Sedeur 5 Sedi 1 See 41 Seeing 13 Seek 20 Seen 2 Seest 4 Segor 10 Segub 3 Sehesima 1 Sehon 31 Seir 39 Seira 1 Seirath 1 Sela 9 Selahi 1 Selaites 1 Selcha 2 Selebin 1 Selec 2 Selemia 1 Selemias 7 Selemiau 1 Selemith 3 Seleph 1 Selethai 1 Seleucia 2 Seleucus 5 Selim 1 Sell 3 Sella 4 Sellai 2 Sellem 1 Sellemites 1 Selles 1 Sellnim 1 Sellum 30 Selmai 1 Selmon 3 Selomith 1 Sem 19 Semaath 1 Semaia 2 Semarith 1 Semathites 1 Semeber 1 Semegarnabu 1 Semei 47 Semeia 13 Semeias 22 Semeites 1 Semer 2 Semeria 1 Semeron 4 Semida 3 Semidaites 1 Semiramoth 4 Semla 3 Semlai 1 Semma 3 Semmaa 2 Semmaath 1 Semran 1 Semranites 1 Semri 2 Semron 1 Sen 1 Senaa 2 Send 29 Sending 3 Sene 1 Senna 1 Sennaab 1 Sennaar 7 Sennacherib 19 Senneser 1 Senseless 1 Sensenna 1 Sent 3 Senua 1 Seor 2 Seorim 1 Separate 4 Sephaath 1 Sepham 1 Sephama 2 Sephamoth 1 Sephar 1 Sepharvaim 7 Sephata 1 Sephatia 2 Sephei 1 Sephela 1 Sepher 2 Sephet 1 Sephi 2 Sephian 1 Sephim 1 Sepho 3 Sephon 1 Sephonites 1 Sephor 6 Sephora 4 Sephtai 1 Sephtan 1 Sephuphan 1 Ser 1 Seraias 1 Serebia 4 Sereser 2 Sereth 1 Serezer 1 Serf 1 Sergius 1 Seron 2 Seror 1 Serug 1 Servants 4 Serve 2 Serving 2 Sesac 10 Sesach 1 Sesai 2 Sesan 3 Set 24 Seth 11 Sethar 1 Sethri 1 Setim 3 Setrai 1 Settim 1 Setting 2 Seven 17 Sevenfold 1 Seventy 2 Seventy-two 1 Shake 1 Shall 96 Shalt 7 Sharpen 1 She 109 Shew 16 Shewing 2 Shoot 1 Should 2 Shouldst 1 Shout 3 Shut 2 Sia 1 Siaa 1 Siaha 1 Siba 17 Siban 1 Sibboleth 1 Siceleg 15 Sichar 1 Sichem 54 Sichemites 3 Sichem’s 1 Sicyon 1 Side 1 Sidon 35 Sidonians 15 Sidrach 15 Sigh 1 Siha 1 Sihor 2 Silas 13 Silo 34 Siloe 5 Siloni 1 Silonite 6 Silver 4 Simeon 51 Simeonites 1 Simeron 1 Simmaa 2 Simon 146 Simon’s 8 Sin 19 Sina 9 Sinai 33 Since 6 Sing 25 Sinite 2 Sinners 1 Sion 179 Sion’s 1 Sior 1 Siph 1 Sir 11 Sira 1 Sirach 2 Sirs 1 Sis 1 Sisa 1 Sisai 2 Sisamoi 2 Sisara 19 Sit 11 Sitting 1 Siva 1 Sivan 1 Six 16 Sixty-one 1 Sixty-two 1 Siza 1 Skin 1 Slanderers 1 Sleep 4 Slothfulness 1 Smelling 1 Smyrna 2 So 545 Soar 1 Soba 13 Sobab 3 Sobach 2 Sobad 1 Sobai 2 Sobal 12 Sobbochai 1 Sobec 1 Sober 1 Sobi 1 Sobna 9 Soboba 1 Sobochai 2 Soccoth 9 Socho 8 Sochot 1 Sochothbenoth 1 Socoth 7 Sodi 1 Sodom 43 Sodomites 2 Soha 1 Sohar 1 Sohoria 1 Solomon 267 Solomon’s 10 Some 20 Somebody 1 Somer 4 Sometimes 2 Somorias 1 Son 284 Song 1 Soothe 1 Sopater 1 Sophach 2 Sophai 1 Sophan 1 Sophar 4 Sopher 1 Sopheret 1 Sophereth 1 Sophonias 10 Sorec 1 Sosipater 3 Sosthenes 2 Sostratus 2 Sotai 1 Sothai 1 Soul 1 Sound 1 Soundness 1 Sour 4 Sovereign 2 Sow 1 Spain 3 Spare 1 Sparta 1 Spartans 9 Speak 71 Speakest 1 Speaking 2 Spikenard 1 Spirit 107 Spirits 1 Spread 1 Spreading 1 Spring 1 Stachys 1 Stait 1 Stand 20 Standing 3 Stay 14 Stephanas 2 Stephanus 1 Stephen 6 Stephen’s 1 Stharbuzanai 4 Sthur 1 Stir 1 Stoics 1 Stolen 1 Stone 3 Stood 1 Stopped 1 Storehouses 1 Strangers 1 Straw 1 Strength 1 Strengthen 5 Strengthened 1 Stretch 10 Strike 10 Strive 6 Study 1 Sua 2 Suaa 1 Sual 2 Suar 5 Suba 1 Subael 4 Submit 1 Substance 1 Subuel 2 Such 16 Sue 7 Suffer 15 Sufficient 1 Suham 1 Suhamites 2 Suhite 5 Sulamitess 2 Sun 1 Sunam 2 Sunamitess 8 Sunem 1 Suni 2 Sunites 1 Suph 3 Supha 2 Supham 1 Suphamites 1 Suppose 1 Sur 12 Sure 1 Surely 21 Suriel 1 Surisaddai 5 Surround 1 Surrounding 1 Susa 3 Susagaz 1 Susan 18 Susanechites 1 Susanna 11 Susi 1 Suthala 4 Suthalaites 1 Swear 6 Swelling 1 Sword 1 Syene 2 Sylvanus 4 Syntyche 1 Syracusa 1 Syria 103 Syriac 3 Syrian 12 Syrians 48 Syrophenician 1 TAU 1 TETH 1 THE 21 THECEL 2 THEE 2 THEM 1 THIS 2 THOU 1 THY 1 TO 1 TOBIT 1 Tabbaoth 1 Tabee 1 Tabeel 1 Tabelias 1 Tabitha 2 Tabremon 1 Tahas 1 Take 173 Taking 2 Talitha 1 Talk 1 Tanis 6 Tapheth 1 Taphnes 4 Taphnis 7 Taphsar 1 Taphua 5 Tarry 4 Tarsus 5 Taste 1 Taverns 1 Teach 5 Teaching 1 Tebbaoth 1 Tebbath 1 Tebeth 1 Tehinna 1 Telem 2 Tell 35 Telmela 1 Telmon 5 Temptation 1 Ten 2 Tents 1 Terebinth 3 Terrible 1 Tertius 1 Tertullus 2 Testifying 1 Teth 6 Tetrarch 1 Thaan 1 Thabeel 1 Thabor 10 Thacasin 1 Thadal 2 Thaddeus 2 Thahath 6 Thalassa 1 Thalassar 1 Thale 1 Thamar 22 Thamna 8 Thamnan 1 Thamnas 3 Thamnata 1 Thamnath 1 Thamnatha 2 Thamnathite 1 Thamnathsare 2 Thamnatlia 1 Thanac 3 Thanach 2 Thanath-selo 1 Thanehumeth 2 Thanks 1 Thaphsa 1 Thaphua 1 Thapsa 1 Thara 1 Tharaa 2 Tharaca 1 Tharana 1 Thare 12 Tharela 1 Thares 2 Tharseas 1 Tharsis 18 Tharsus 1 Tharthac 1 Tharthan 2 Thasi 1 That 364 Thathanai 4 Thau 8 The 2544 Thebath 1 Thebes 2 Thebni 3 Thecua 12 Thecuath 1 Thecue 1 Thecuite 2 Thecuites 2 Thefts 1 Theglathphalasar 3 Thehen 1 Thehenites 1 Their 84 Thelassar 1 Thelgathphalnasar 3 Thelharsa 2 Thelmela 1 Them 2 Thema 6 Theman 10 Themani 1 Themanite 6 Themanites 2 Themna 1 Then 658 Thenac 2 Thence 1 Theodas 1 Theodotius 1 Theophilus 2 Theraca 1 There 244 Therefore 403 Therphalites 1 Thersa 17 Thesbite 6 These 256 Thessalonians 5 Thessalonica 6 They 568 Thilon 1 Thine 5 Things 2 Think 5 Thinkest 4 Thinking 2 Thiras 2 Third 2 Thiria 1 Thirty 1 Thirty-five 1 Thirty-two 1 This 353 Thither 1 Thobadonias 1 Thochen 1 Thogorma 4 Thohu 2 Thola 6 Tholad 1 Tholaites 1 Tholmai 4 Tholomai 1 Thomas 12 Thophel 1 Thopo 1 Thorns 1 Thosaite 1 Those 3 Thou 753 Though 9 Thracians 1 Three 13 Thrice 2 Through 12 Throw 1 Thrust 3 Thubal 7 Thus 376 Thy 176 Thyatira 4 Tiberias 3 Tiberius 1 Tichon 1 Tigris 5 Till 16 Times 1 Timetheus 1 Timeus 1 Timon 1 Timotheus 17 Timothy 26 Tis 2 Titan 1 Titus 16 To 245 Tob 2 Tobia 2 Tobias 82 Tobias’s 1 Today 10 Told 1 Tolmai 1 Tomorrow 13 Took 2 Topeth 3 Topheth 7 Torture 1 Touch 4 Toward 1 Trachonitis 1 Trade 1 Traitors 1 Treason 1 Treasures 1 Treat 2 Trembling 1 Tribulation 2 Tribute 1 Tripolis 1 Troas 6 Troglodites 1 Trophimus 3 Trouble 3 True 1 Truly 4 Trust 5 Trusting 1 Truth 2 Try 2 Tryphaena 1 Tryphon 20 Tryphosa 1 Tubalcain 2 Tubianites 1 Tubin 1 Turn 33 Twelve 4 Twenty 1 Two 21 Tychicus 5 Tying 1 Tyrannus 2 Tyre 58 Tyrian 2 Tyrians 6 UP 1 Ubil 1 Uel 1 Ulai 2 Ulam 4 Uncover 1 Under 8 Understand 4 Understanding 3 Undoubtedly 1 Unhappy 1 Unjust 1 Unleavened 1 Unless 15 Until 15 Unto 66 Uphold 2 Upon 26 Ur 4 Urai 1 Urbanus 1 Uri 8 Uria 1 Urias 39 Uriel 4 Us 1 Usal 1 Use 2 Using 1 Uthai 1 Utterly 1 Uzal 1 VAU 1 Vagao 4 Vah 2 Vain 1 Vale-Casis 1 Valiant 2 Valley 2 Vania 1 Vanity 2 Vapsi 1 Vasseni 1 Vasthi 9 Vau 6 Vengeance 1 Verily 8 Very 2 View 1 Violet 2 Visiting 1 Vomiter 1 Vow 1 WHO 2 WILL 2 WISDOM 2 WOMAN 1 WORD 1 Wait 3 Walk 6 Want 1 War 1 Was 17 Wash 5 Wast 3 Wasting 1 Watch 11 Watching 2 Watchman 1 Water 3 Waters 2 We 272 Weep 7 Weeping 1 Weight 1 Well 16 Went 6 Were 11 What 363 Whatsoever 26 When 278 Whence 18 Whensoever 1 Where 92 Whereas 13 Whereby 5 Wherefore 149 Wherein 16 Whereof 3 Wheresoever 4 Whereunto 6 Whereupon 16 Wherewith 5 Whether 12 Which 135 While 20 Whilst 8 Whither 15 Whithersoever 1 Who 540 Whom 44 Whomsoever 3 Whose 29 Whosoever 48 Why 271 Wicked 1 Will 22 Wilt 27 Wine 9 Winnow 1 Wisdom 16 Wise 2 Wishing 1 With 102 Withdraw 3 Withhold 2 Within 1 Without 9 Withstood 1 Wives 1 Wizards 1 Woe 82 Woman 8 Women 1 Wonder 3 Wonderful 4 Wondrous 1 Word 6 Words 1 Work 1 Works 1 Wormwood 1 Would 7 Write 11 Writing 2 Xanthicus 3 Ye 35 Yea 53 Yes 4 Yesterday 3 Yet 55 You 267 Young 6 Your 31 Youths 1 ZAIN 1 Zabad 8 Zabadeans 1 Zabadia 3 Zabadias 4 Zabbai 1 Zabdi 4 Zabdias 1 Zabdiel 3 Zabina 1 Zabud 1 Zabulon 46 Zabulonite 1 Zabulonites 1 Zacchur 2 Zachai 3 Zacharia 3 Zacharias 45 Zachary 9 Zacher 1 Zacheus 4 Zachur 6 Zain 6 Zambri 10 Zamira 1 Zamma 2 Zamran 2 Zamri 7 Zanoa 1 Zanoe 4 Zara 14 Zarahi 1 Zarahia 1 Zarahias 1 Zarai 1 Zaraias 2 Zare 9 Zared 3 Zareha 1 Zares 3 Zarites 2 Zathan 1 Zavan 2 Zeb 6 Zebedee 12 Zebedei 1 Zebedia 1 Zebee 11 Zebida 1 Zebodia 1 Zebul 5 Zechariah 1 Zechri 12 Zechur 2 Zelotes 2 Zelpha 6 Zemma 1 Zenas 1 Zephaniah 1 Zephrona 1 Zethan 2 Zethar 1 Zethu 1 Zethua 3 Zie 1 Zio 2 Ziph 11 Zipha 1 Ziphites 1 Ziza 5 Zoheleth 1 Zoheth 1 Zomzommims 1 Zoom 1 Zorobabel 26 Zuzim 1 a 9874 abandoned 4 abase 1 abasement 1 abashed 1 abated 3 abateth 2 abhor 13 abhorred 11 abhorrest 2 abhorreth 5 abide 91 abideth 29 abiding 9 ability 12 abject 2 abjection 3 able 231 aboard 2 abode 84 abolish 5 abolished 7 abolishing 1 abominable 28 abominate 1 abomination 52 abominations 67 abortive 1 abound 46 abounded 13 aboundeth 7 abounding 6 about 692 above 291 abridge 1 abridged 1 abridging 2 abridgment 2 abroad 69 absence 2 absent 14 absolute 1 absolutely 1 abstain 6 abstaineth 1 abstinence 3 abundance 72 abundant 6 abundantly 23 abuse 13 abused 8 abuses 1 abuseth 1 abyss 3 accept 20 acceptable 47 acceptation 2 accepted 12 accepteth 3 accepting 1 access 5 accessible 1 acclamation 1 acclamations 1 accoding 1 accompanied 3 accompany 6 accompanying 2 accomplish 24 accomplished 48 accomplishing 3 accomplishment 1 accord 27 according 867 account 42 accounted 15 accounts 1 accursed 5 accusation 11 accusations 2 accuse 23 accused 23 accuser 3 accusers 7 accuseth 1 accusing 4 accustomed 20 acheth 2 achieved 2 acknowledge 6 acknowledged 7 acknowledging 3 acknowledgment 2 acquaint 2 acquaintance 8 acquainted 2 acquire 3 acquired 1 acquisition 1 acquit 2 acquitted 2 acre 1 acres 1 act 12 acted 11 acting 1 action 3 active 3 acts 57 acute 1 adamant 2 add 55 added 35 addeth 4 adding 3 address 1 adhere 6 adhered 3 adherents 1 adhereth 1 adhering 1 adjoining 4 adjure 9 adjured 8 adjuring 1 administer 1 administered 2 administereth 1 administration 1 admirable 6 admiration 10 admire 2 admired 7 admireth 1 admiring 3 admitted 5 admonish 10 admonished 4 admonishest 1 admonishing 5 admonition 2 admonitions 2 ado 3 adopted 3 adoption 5 adore 105 adored 81 adorers 1 adoreth 4 adoring 9 adorn 10 adorned 21 adorneth 1 adorning 5 adulterating 2 adulterer 6 adulterers 10 adulteress 7 adulteresses 4 adulteries 5 adulterous 4 adultery 39 advance 4 advanced 20 advancedst 1 advancement 1 advanceth 1 advantage 10 advantaged 1 adversaries 30 adversary 24 adversity 4 advertise 1 advice 3 advised 1 advocate 1 afar 89 affable 1 affair 1 affairs 19 affected 1 affection 6 affections 1 affinity 5 affirm 3 affirmed 3 affirming 4 afflict 61 afflicted 78 afflicteth 4 afflicting 2 affliction 87 afflictions 13 affrighted 10 affront 2 aforesaid 11 afraid 154 after 977 afterbirths 1 afternoon 1 afterward 8 afterwards 75 again 557 against 1720 agate 2 age 82 aged 12 ages 20 ago 12 agony 2 agree 8 agreeable 11 agreed 18 agreeing 3 agreement 5 agreeth 1 aground 1 ah 10 aid 23 aided 2 ail 5 ailed 1 aileth 7 air 83 aisles 1 akin 5 alabaster 5 alarm 3 alarmed 1 alas 19 albeit 1 ale 1 alibis 1 alien 2 alienated 11 aliens 5 alike 16 alit 1 alive 65 all 6350 allay 1 allege 3 alleging 1 allegory 1 alliance 9 allied 3 allies 2 alloted 1 allotted 1 allow 6 allowance 6 allowed 9 alloweth 2 allowing 2 allure 3 allured 1 allurements 1 allureth 1 alluring 1 ally 6 almighty 16 almond 2 almonds 2 almost 22 alms 25 almsdeed 1 almsdeeds 3 aloes 4 alone 144 along 23 aloud 10 already 35 also 1949 altar 386 altars 65 alter 6 alteration 1 alterations 1 altered 7 although 21 altogether 12 always 173 am 858 amain 1 amazed 14 amazement 2 ambassador 6 ambassadors 12 amber 3 ambitious 1 ambitiously 1 ambush 17 ambushes 13 ambushment 1 ambushments 1 amen 36 amend 2 amended 1 amendment 2 amends 1 amethyst 3 amiable 3 amidst 2 amiss 2 amity 8 ammonites 2 ammunition 1 among 766 amongst 36 amorous 1 amounted 1 amounting 1 an 1183 anathema 17 ancestors 8 anchor 1 anchors 3 ancient 43 ancients 203 and 45282 anew 3 angel 239 angels 100 angel’s 1 anger 115 angered 2 angereth 1 angry 160 anguish 21 anguishes 1 animals 4 animosities 1 anise 1 ankles 2 annoyed 1 anoint 23 anointed 101 anointedst 1 anointing 4 another 554 another’s 8 answer 168 answerable 1 answered 567 answeredst 1 answerest 1 answereth 3 answering 144 answers 2 ant 1 antichrist 1 antiquity 1 ants 1 anvil 2 anxiety 1 anxious 2 any 1029 anything 4 apace 3 apart 46 apartments 1 apes 2 apiece 2 apostasy 1 apostate 3 apostle 20 apostles 61 apostleship 5 apothecary 1 apparel 31 apparition 2 appeal 2 appealed 3 appealing 1 appear 73 appearance 41 appeared 121 appeareth 8 appearing 4 appears 1 appease 7 appeased 16 appeasest 1 appeaseth 4 appeasing 1 appertain 3 appertained 2 appertaineth 1 appetite 2 apple 10 apples 3 application 1 applied 5 apply 7 applying 1 appoint 33 appointed 193 appointeth 1 appointing 1 appointment 5 apprehend 9 apprehended 15 apprehendeth 1 apprehending 2 approach 25 approached 7 approacheth 5 approaching 5 approve 3 approved 15 approvest 1 approveth 1 approving 1 appurtenances 1 aprons 2 apt 2 aqueduct 5 arbiters 1 arch 1 archangel 2 archer 2 archers 11 architect 2 ardent 1 are 3535 arguments 1 ariels 1 aright 3 arise 80 ariseth 4 arising 3 ark 218 arm 85 armed 38 armies 29 armour 34 armourbearer 21 armourbearers 1 armoury 6 armpit 2 arms 71 army 393 aromatical 11 arose 162 around 4 array 22 arrayed 2 arraying 1 arrive 1 arrived 2 arrogance 1 arrogancies 1 arrogancy 6 arrogant 3 arrogantly 1 arrow 23 arrows 47 art 545 artful 1 artfully 2 articles 3 artificer 6 artificers 14 artificial 1 artificially 4 artist 3 arts 2 as 3821 ascend 14 ascended 13 ascendeth 6 ascending 6 ascension 1 ascent 12 ascents 2 ascribed 1 ashamed 78 ashes 70 aside 84 ask 121 asked 147 askest 5 asketh 14 asking 11 asleep 25 asp 3 aspersion 1 asps 6 ass 82 assault 14 assaulted 8 assaulting 4 assemble 16 assembled 74 assemblies 4 assembling 1 assembly 67 assented 1 asses 63 assigned 3 assist 5 assistance 2 assisted 5 associate 1 associated 3 associates 2 assuage 1 assuaged 1 assumption 1 assurance 1 assured 9 assuredly 5 ass’s 2 astonish 1 astonished 56 astonishent 1 astonishment 18 astray 32 astrologers 1 asunder 14 at 1457 ate 68 atonement 14 atonements 1 atones 1 atoning 2 attack 3 attacked 3 attacus 1 attain 3 attained 8 attaining 1 attempt 1 attempted 9 attempting 1 attend 21 attendance 1 attended 4 attending 1 attentive 15 attentively 3 attestation 1 attire 7 attributed 1 attributeth 1 attributing 1 audacious 1 audience 1 aught 4 augment 1 aunt 3 austere 2 author 9 authority 34 authors 2 autumn 3 auxiliaries 2 avail 6 availed 1 availeth 4 avarice 3 avenge 3 avenged 3 avenger 6 avengers 1 avengest 1 avenging 2 aversion 1 avoid 11 avoided 3 avoiding 4 avow 1 awake 21 awaked 12 awakest 1 awaketh 1 awaking 4 award 1 aware 5 away 1240 awe 4 awful 1 awl 2 awoke 2 awry 2 axe 15 axes 4 axletree 1 axletrees 2 baal 1 babbler 1 babbling 2 babblings 1 babe 3 babes 4 back 287 backbiteth 1 backbiting 1 backs 17 backward 14 backwards 4 bad 32 bade 8 bag 8 baggage 4 bags 4 bake 5 baked 10 baker 6 bakers 1 baking 2 balance 16 balanced 1 balances 5 bald 14 baldness 7 bales 1 ball 1 balls 2 balm 8 band 22 bands 62 banished 2 banishment 2 banishments 1 bank 18 bankers 1 banks 9 banner 1 banquet 18 banqueting 1 banquetings 2 banquets 7 baptism 20 baptisms 1 baptize 10 baptized 54 baptizeth 3 baptizing 6 bar 4 barbarian 2 barbarians 4 barbarous 3 barbarously 1 barber 1 bare 15 bared 1 barefoot 4 bargain 1 bark 6 barks 1 barley 40 barn 5 barnfloor 8 barnfloors 2 barns 10 barred 2 barrels 1 barren 29 barrenness 6 bars 62 base 14 baseborn 2 bases 20 basest 1 bashfulness 1 basilisk 6 basilisks 1 basin 1 basins 3 basis 1 basket 20 baskets 15 bastard 1 bastards 1 bat 3 bate 4 bates 5 bath 5 bats 1 battering 5 battie 1 batties 1 battle 191 battlement 1 battlements 1 battles 24 bay 2 bdellium 2 be 8022 beads 1 beaks 1 beam 12 beams 10 beans 2 bear 172 beard 15 beards 6 bearer 2 bearers 1 bearest 3 beareth 19 bearing 25 bears 4 beast 134 beasts 229 beast’s 1 beat 46 beaten 30 beatest 1 beating 6 beautified 2 beautiful 98 beautifulness 1 beautify 1 beauty 101 became 99 becamest 2 because 1361 beck 2 beckoned 3 beckoning 2 become 236 becomes 1 becometh 18 becoming 3 becomingness 1 bed 113 bedchamber 3 beds 14 bed’s 2 bee 2 beef 2 been 647 beep 2 bees 3 beeves 3 befall 12 befallen 12 befalleth 1 befalls 1 befel 1 befell 1 before 1861 beforehand 6 beg 8 began 231 begannest 1 beget 101 begettest 1 begetteth 1 beggar 6 beggary 2 begged 5 begging 5 begin 54 beginneth 2 beginning 184 beginnings 4 begot 138 begotten 24 beguile 1 begun 31 behalf 10 behave 7 behaved 8 behaviour 3 beheaded 6 beheld 44 behemoth 1 behind 79 behold 544 beholder 1 beholdest 1 beholdeth 11 beholding 15 behoved 3 behoveth 3 being 652 belief 2 belieth 1 believe 163 believed 111 believers 3 believest 4 believeth 41 believing 16 bell 3 bellies 2 bellowed 1 bellowing 1 bellows 1 bells 3 belly 46 belly’s 1 belong 26 belonged 15 belongeth 17 belonging 1 belongs 2 beloved 123 below 5 belt 3 bemoan 3 bemoaned 1 benches 1 bend 13 bendeth 6 bending 7 beneath 27 benediction 6 beneficent 2 benefit 3 benefited 2 benefits 8 benevolent 1 benignity 3 bent 16 bereaved 1 berries 1 beryl 4 beseech 141 beseeching 10 beseeming 1 beset 9 besetteth 1 besetting 1 beside 49 besides 84 besiege 12 besieged 39 besieging 11 besom 1 besought 52 besoughtest 1 bespeaking 1 best 67 bestow 4 bestowed 8 betaking 1 betimes 3 betook 1 betray 23 betrayed 19 betrayers 1 betrayeth 1 betraying 2 betrays 1 betrothed 3 better 145 between 221 betwixt 1 bewail 5 bewailed 6 bewailing 1 beware 23 bewitched 2 bewitching 1 beyond 108 bid 13 bidden 1 bidding 2 bier 2 big 2 bigness 1 bill 10 billows 2 bills 1 bin 1 bind 30 bindeth 4 binding 9 bird 24 birds 60 bird’s 1 birth 18 birthday 4 birthright 9 birthrights 1 bishop 4 bishopric 2 bishops 2 bit 5 bite 11 biteth 1 biting 1 bitings 2 bits 1 bitten 1 bitter 43 bitterly 9 bittern 4 bitterness 41 black 13 blacker 1 blackness 1 blade 4 blains 2 blame 10 blamed 6 blameless 16 blanket 1 blaspheme 14 blasphemed 30 blasphemer 3 blasphemers 3 blasphemest 1 blasphemeth 4 blasphemies 12 blaspheming 6 blasphemous 2 blasphemy 21 blast 8 blasted 4 blasting 4 blaze 1 blear 2 bleating 2 bleatings 1 bleed 1 blemish 73 bless 162 blessed 227 blessedness 3 blessest 2 blesseth 6 blessing 106 blessings 20 blew 7 blind 82 blinded 8 blindeth 1 blindfolded 1 blindness 11 blister 1 blisters 2 block 2 blood 473 bloodshed 1 bloody 9 bloomed 1 blossom 6 blossomed 2 blossoms 3 blot 11 blotted 12 blow 11 blowed 1 bloweth 5 blowing 4 blown 3 blows 2 blue 10 blueness 1 blunt 3 blush 8 blushing 1 boar 1 board 13 boards 32 boardwork 1 boast 11 boasted 2 boasters 1 boasteth 5 boasting 9 boasts 2 boat 14 boats 2 bodies 43 bodily 3 bodkins 1 body 220 boil 11 boiled 16 boiling 5 boils 3 bold 13 boldly 14 boldness 7 bolt 2 bolts 2 bond 11 bondage 28 bondman 9 bondmen 13 bonds 15 bondservant 2 bondservants 1 bondslaves 1 bondwoman 11 bondwomen 7 bone 17 bones 103 bonfire 1 bonnet 1 bonnets 1 boobs 1 book 187 books 21 booth 2 booty 13 border 76 borderers 1 bordereth 1 borders 117 bore 113 bored 1 borith 1 born 181 borne 38 borrow 7 borrowed 1 borrower 2 borroweth 1 borrowing 1 bosom 40 bosoms 1 bosses 1 both 397 bottle 16 bottles 15 bottom 20 bottomless 6 bough 3 boughs 13 bought 45 bound 114 bounded 3 bounds 21 bountiful 3 bountifully 1 bounty 2 bow 78 bowed 46 bowels 58 bowers 1 boweth 4 bowing 14 bowl 17 bowls 29 bows 8 box 10 boy 51 boys 5 bracelet 4 bracelets 9 bragged 1 brain 2 brake 4 bramble 3 branch 16 branches 86 brand 1 brandish 1 brands 1 brass 147 brat 2 brave 2 bravely 3 bravest 4 brawling 2 bray 2 brazen 19 breach 12 breaches 9 bread 352 breadth 82 break 127 breaketh 10 breaking 23 breast 21 breastplate 8 breastplates 5 breasts 37 breath 37 breathe 2 breathed 5 breatheth 1 breathing 4 breathings 1 breeches 6 breed 3 breeze 2 brethren 622 brevity 1 briars 1 bribe 1 bribery 1 bribes 10 brick 12 brickkilns 1 bricks 7 bridal 1 bride 21 bridegroom 28 bridegroom’s 1 bridges 1 bridle 9 bridles 2 bridling 1 brief 1 briefly 1 brier 4 briers 10 bright 12 brighter 2 brightness 30 brim 17 brimstone 16 brine 1 bring 645 bringest 8 bringeth 68 bringing 43 brink 3 brittle 1 broad 36 broader 2 broidered 3 broiled 3 broke 65 broken 176 brokest 4 brood 3 brook 11 brooks 6 broth 4 brothel 5 brother 403 brotherhood 10 brotherly 1 brothers 5 brother’s 33 brought 969 broughtest 6 broutht 1 brow 1 brown 3 bruchus 8 bruise 3 bruised 12 bruises 3 bruising 3 brutish 1 bubbleth 1 buck 50 bucket 2 buckets 1 buckle 4 buckler 7 bucklers 1 buckles 2 bud 15 budded 3 budding 1 buds 2 buffet 2 buffeted 3 buffle 1 buffles 2 buffoons 1 build 152 builder 2 builders 10 buildest 4 buildeth 9 building 61 buildings 3 built 305 bulk 2 bull 1 bullock 18 bullocks 12 bulls 6 bulrush 2 bulrushes 2 bulwark 2 bulwarks 12 bunch 3 bunches 4 bundle 6 bundles 3 bur 2 burden 51 burdened 1 burdens 25 burdensome 5 burial 13 buried 118 buriedst 1 buriers 1 burn 123 burned 19 burneth 8 burning 91 burnings 2 burnt 191 burst 14 bursteth 1 burthen 2 burthened 3 burthens 2 burthensome 3 bury 48 burying 9 buryingplace 3 bush 10 bushel 9 bushels 9 busied 2 business 28 businesses 1 busy 1 busybodies 1 but 2371 butchered 1 butler 6 butter 9 buttocks 3 buy 54 buyer 8 buyers 1 buyeth 2 buying 4 by 3162 by-way 2 by-ways 1 byword 9 cabe 1 cabin 2 cabins 2 cage 2 cake 9 cakes 9 calamities 3 calamity 13 calamus 2 caldron 6 caldrons 8 calf 89 calf’s 1 call 202 called 733 calledst 2 callest 1 calleth 28 calling 53 callings 2 calm 6 calumniate 6 calumnies 1 calumny 4 calved 2 calves 55 cam 2 came 1759 camel 10 camelopardalus 1 camels 51 camel’s 2 camest 26 camp 214 camped 52 camps 4 can 258 candle 5 candles 1 candlestick 37 candlesticks 13 cane 3 canker 1 cankered 1 cannot 160 canopy 4 canst 47 canticle 44 canticles 11 cap 1 caper 1 capital 1 caps 1 captain 52 captains 88 captivating 1 captive 39 captiveof 1 captives 52 captivity 137 carbuncle 4 carcass 12 carcasses 29 care 65 cared 2 careful 10 carefully 13 carefulness 10 careless 1 cares 7 caress 1 caressed 1 caresseth 1 carest 3 carnal 12 carnally 2 carpenter 4 carpenters 7 carpenter’s 1 carriage 1 carriages 1 carried 242 carriers 1 carriest 1 carrieth 5 carry 116 carrying 31 cart 15 carved 5 carveth 1 carvings 3 case 8 cases 3 cassia 2 cast 555 castaway 1 castest 1 casteth 15 casting 32 castle 41 castles 5 catch 20 catcheth 6 catching 4 caterpillars 1 cats 1 cattle 119 caught 35 caul 11 cauldrons 1 cause 240 caused 41 causes 7 causeth 4 causing 5 cautious 1 cautiously 1 cavalry 5 cave 31 caved 1 cavern 1 caves 7 cease 79 ceased 50 ceasest 1 ceaseth 4 ceasing 11 cedar 52 cedars 26 ceiled 2 celebrate 29 celebrated 14 celebrating 1 celestial 2 cell 1 cellar 1 cellars 2 cells 1 censer 8 censers 15 censured 1 censurer 1 centurion 20 centurions 13 ceremonies 65 certain 169 certainly 18 certainty 5 certified 1 certify 2 cession 1 chaff 6 chain 16 chains 36 chair 7 chairs 5 chalcedony 1 chalice 24 challenge 3 challenging 1 chamber 70 chambering 1 chamberlain 1 chamberlains 2 chambers 44 chameleon 1 chamfered 1 chamois 1 champaign 2 champion 1 chance 4 chanced 2 change 31 changed 69 changers 3 changes 5 changeth 7 changing 7 channel 12 channels 3 chaos 1 chapiter 10 chapiters 15 character 7 characters 2 charadrion 2 charge 71 chargeable 5 charged 40 charges 18 chargest 1 charging 5 chariot 64 chariots 112 charity 92 charm 1 charmel 5 charmer 1 charmers 1 charmeth 1 charms 1 chase 2 chased 8 chaseth 1 chaste 10 chastise 12 chastised 14 chastisement 8 chastisements 2 chastisest 2 chastiseth 4 chastising 6 chastity 10 cheat 1 check 1 cheek 10 cheeks 7 cheep 1 cheer 10 cheered 1 cheereth 2 cheerfu 1 cheerful 8 cheerfully 3 cheerfulness 4 cheese 2 cheeses 1 cherish 3 cherished 2 cherisheth 1 cherogril 1 cherogrillus 1 cherub 23 cherubim 1 cherubims 57 chest 9 chew 2 cheweth 8 chickens 1 chid 2 chide 2 chiding 2 chief 207 chiefest 3 chiefs 27 child 185 childbearing 2 childhood 2 childish 2 childishness 2 childless 3 children 1822 children’s 9 child’s 2 chimney 4 chin 1 chips 1 chodchod 1 chode 1 choice 20 choicest 9 choir 4 choirs 3 choke 1 choked 5 choketh 1 choler 2 choose 53 chooser 1 chooseth 2 choosing 4 chop 2 chopped 1 chose 54 chosen 150 chosest 1 chronicles 3 chrysolite 6 chrysoprasus 1 church 104 churches 37 churlish 1 cinnamon 5 circle 4 circles 1 circuit 2 circuits 1 circumcise 7 circumcised 42 circumcising 1 circumcision 36 circumference 1 circumspection 1 circumspectly 1 circumvent 1 cistern 10 cisterns 9 cities 489 citizen 3 citizens 13 citterns 1 city 1034 clad 6 claim 2 clamorous 1 clamour 2 clap 7 clapped 6 clapping 2 clasp 1 clasped 1 clasping 1 classes 1 claws 2 clay 40 clean 114 cleanest 1 cleanness 8 cleanse 29 cleansed 52 cleanseth 1 cleansing 12 clear 15 clearest 1 cleareth 1 clearly 7 cleave 13 cleaved 9 cleaveth 4 cleaving 2 cleft 1 clefts 5 clemency 10 clergy 1 clerk 1 cliffs 1 climb 2 climbed 2 climbeth 1 climbing 1 cloak 15 cloaks 2 clods 3 close 21 closed 12 closely 1 closets 1 closing 1 closures 1 cloth 16 clothe 16 clothed 107 clothes 40 clothing 17 cloths 5 cloud 105 clouds 66 cloudy 3 clouted 1 clouts 1 clove 1 club 2 clubs 4 cluster 13 clusters 6 co-heirs 2 co-operate 1 co-partners 1 coaches 1 coadjutors 1 coal 1 coals 28 coast 15 coasts 40 coat 22 coats 14 cock 15 cockcrowing 2 cockle 8 coffin 1 coin 2 coition 1 cold 27 collar 1 colleague 1 collect 1 collection 1 collections 2 collector 1 colony 2 colour 21 coloured 6 colours 22 colt 17 colts 4 combats 1 combing 1 come 1983 comedown 1 comeliness 3 comely 22 comers 1 comes 5 comest 18 comet 2 cometh 212 comets 1 comfort 71 comfortable 1 comforted 47 comforter 5 comforters 3 comforteth 3 comforting 4 comforts 2 coming 273 comings 1 command 124 commanded 594 commandedst 1 commander 6 commanders 3 commandest 4 commandeth 12 commanding 7 commandment 167 commandments 223 commands 4 commemoration 6 commend 12 commendable 1 commendation 1 commended 7 commendeth 3 commending 1 commentaries 1 commiseration 1 commiserations 3 commission 1 commit 52 commited 1 committed 128 committest 2 committeth 17 committing 3 commodious 3 common 62 commonly 1 commonwealth 1 commotion 6 commune 2 communicate 7 communicated 3 communicateth 2 communicating 2 communication 9 communications 1 communion 1 compact 1 compacted 3 companied 1 companies 22 companion 16 companions 27 company 68 compare 5 compared 23 comparest 1 comparing 1 comparison 8 compass 22 compassed 38 compasseth 4 compassing 5 compassion 33 compassionate 5 compel 5 compelled 11 compelling 1 complain 4 complained 1 complaining 2 complaint 6 complaints 6 completed 2 completely 1 complied 1 comply 1 composition 5 compound 1 compounded 4 comprehend 3 comprehended 1 comprised 3 compunction 1 computation 1 comrades 1 conceal 6 concealed 6 concealeth 3 conceit 5 conceits 3 conceive 16 conceived 50 conceiving 4 conception 2 conceptions 1 concern 9 concerned 3 concerneth 2 concerning 220 concerns 1 concert 1 concertation 1 concision 1 concluded 4 conclusion 1 concord 4 concourse 2 concubine 16 concubines 17 concupiscence 10 concupiscences 4 concurring 1 condemn 27 condemnation 10 condemned 29 condemnest 1 condemneth 3 condemning 1 condescend 4 condescended 3 condition 9 conditioned 1 conditions 3 condoleth 1 conduct 7 conducted 12 conducting 1 conduit 4 confections 1 confederacy 2 confederate 2 confederates 4 conference 2 conferred 4 conferring 1 confess 45 confessed 8 confesseth 3 confessing 7 confession 9 confide 1 confided 1 confidence 62 confident 10 confidently 15 confines 18 confirm 21 confirmation 2 confirmed 27 confirmeth 1 confirming 3 confiscated 2 confiscation 1 conflict 2 conflicts 1 conform 1 conformable 2 conformed 1 confound 7 confounded 124 confoundeth 3 confused 1 confusion 67 confute 1 congealed 2 congratulate 4 congratulated 1 congratulating 2 congregation 42 conjecturers 1 conjure 1 conjured 2 conjuring 1 conquer 2 conquered 10 conquering 1 conqueror 3 conquerors 3 conquest 2 conscience 35 consciences 1 conscious 2 consecrate 12 consecrated 48 consecrateth 1 consecrating 1 consecration 18 consent 23 consented 20 consenting 4 consequently 1 consider 48 consideration 1 considered 18 considerest 2 considereth 11 considering 18 consigned 1 consist 3 consisted 1 consisteth 1 consisting 1 consolation 16 consolations 1 consort 1 conspicuous 2 conspiracies 1 conspiracy 13 conspire 1 conspired 13 constancy 5 constant 2 constantly 2 consternation 6 constitution 1 constrain 1 constrained 8 constraining 1 constraint 2 consul 1 consuls 1 consult 21 consultation 4 consulted 35 consulteth 2 consulting 2 consume 60 consumed 125 consumeth 5 consuming 5 consummate 1 consummated 3 consummation 4 consumption 5 contain 9 contained 10 containeth 2 containing 3 contemn 1 contemned 4 contemneth 2 contemning 1 contemplated 1 contempt 14 contemptible 7 contenance 1 contend 15 contended 4 contendeth 1 content 13 contented 4 contention 15 contentions 11 contentious 3 contentment 1 contents 3 contest 2 continency 1 continent 4 continual 23 continually 49 continuance 4 continue 57 continued 28 continueth 18 continuing 5 contract 1 contradict 3 contradicted 4 contradicteth 1 contradicting 2 contradiction 15 contradictions 2 contrariwise 4 contrary 35 contribute 4 contributed 2 contribution 2 contrite 8 contrive 2 contrived 1 contriving 1 controlled 1 controversy 6 contumelious 2 contumeliously 2 convenient 15 conveniently 1 conversant 5 conversation 26 converse 4 conversed 9 conversing 3 conversion 1 convert 18 converted 53 converting 1 convey 5 conveyed 2 conveyeth 1 convict 1 convicted 4 convince 5 convinced 2 convincest 1 cook 2 cooks 1 cool 2 cope 1 copied 1 copious 1 copper 1 coppersmith 3 copulate 3 copulateth 3 copulation 4 copy 20 corbona 1 cord 11 cords 29 core 11 cores 4 coriander 2 cormorant 2 corn 119 corner 33 corners 38 cornet 1 cornets 2 cornfloor 1 corporeally 1 corpse 4 corpses 1 correct 10 corrected 11 correcteth 4 correction 20 corrupt 7 corrupted 30 corruptest 1 corrupteth 3 corruptible 10 corruption 28 cost 5 costly 7 cottages 1 couch 7 couched 1 couches 2 couching 1 could 211 couldst 4 council 38 councils 3 counsel 173 counselled 1 counsellor 15 counsellors 18 counsels 25 count 17 counted 43 countenance 83 countenances 1 counter 2 counterfeited 1 countervail 1 counteth 1 counting 3 countries 83 country 281 countryman 1 countrymen 12 couple 2 coupled 6 couplings 1 courage 50 courageous 2 courageously 2 couriers 1 course 19 courses 20 court 127 courteously 4 courtesy 2 courts 29 cousin 8 cousin-german 1 coutrymen 1 covenant 354 covenanted 2 covenants 8 cover 97 covered 162 coveredst 1 coverest 1 covereth 18 covering 37 coverings 1 coverlet 1 covert 14 coverts 1 covet 12 coveted 10 coveter 1 coveting 3 covetous 13 covetously 1 covetousness 24 cow 10 coward 1 cowards 1 crackling 1 cracknels 1 craft 3 craftily 6 craftiness 4 craftsman 4 craftsmen 5 crafty 5 cragged 1 craggy 1 craved 2 create 7 created 79 createth 1 creation 11 creator 4 creature 38 creatures 40 credible 2 credit 7 creditor 5 creek 1 creep 4 creepeth 8 creeping 24 crew 5 crib 3 cried 214 crier 1 crier’s 2 cries 3 criest 3 crieth 10 crime 25 crimes 16 crimson 1 cripple 1 crisped 2 crisping 1 crocodile 1 crookbacked 1 crooked 12 crop 3 cropped 1 cross 32 crossways 1 crouch 1 crouching 1 crow 8 crowd 11 crowds 1 crown 88 crowned 12 crowneth 1 crowns 17 crucified 38 crucify 11 crucifying 2 cruel 21 cruelly 2 cruelties 1 cruelty 4 crumbs 3 cruse 3 crush 18 crushed 8 crushing 1 cry 149 crying 47 crystal 7 cubit 37 cubits 213 cucumbers 3 cud 10 cumbereth 1 cumi 1 cummin 4 cunning 2 cup 45 cupbearer 1 cupbearers 2 cups 25 curdled 4 cure 9 cured 11 cures 2 cureth 1 curiosity 1 curious 3 curiously 3 curled 1 current 1 curse 92 cursed 40 curses 14 curseth 12 cursing 15 curtain 15 curtains 24 cushions 2 custody 8 custom 48 customs 4 cut 239 cutteth 3 cutting 9 cuttings 1 cymbal 2 cymbals 19 cypress 4 dagger 3 daily 41 dainties 1 dainty 1 dam 6 damage 8 dame 5 dames 3 damnation 4 damsel 21 damsels 3 damsel’s 1 dance 5 danced 5 dancer 1 dances 7 dancing 8 danger 31 dangerous 5 dangers 4 dare 13 dared 1 darest 1 dark 49 darkened 19 darkeneth 1 darkish 1 darkness 157 darksome 7 dart 2 darts 8 dash 7 dashed 8 dashest 1 dasheth 1 dashing 1 daub 3 daubed 5 daubing 1 daughter 338 daughters 255 daughter’s 3 dawn 2 dawning 5 daws 1 day 1888 daylight 2 days 1015 daytime 3 day’s 7 deacons 2 dead 384 deadly 3 deaf 15 deal 31 dealer 1 dealest 1 dealeth 5 dealing 4 dealings 2 dealt 23 dear 14 dearest 14 dearly 15 death 500 deaths 3 death’s 1 debased 2 debate 2 debated 1 debates 1 debauchery 1 debt 9 debtor 5 debtors 7 debts 2 decay 3 decayed 3 decayeth 1 decaying 3 decease 4 deceased 5 deceit 34 deceitful 45 deceitfully 26 deceitfulness 6 deceits 8 deceive 43 deceived 57 deceiver 1 deceivers 1 deceiveth 10 deceiving 3 decent 2 decently 1 decide 2 decided 2 deck 1 decked 7 deckest 1 declaration 4 declarations 1 declare 102 declared 43 declareth 6 declaring 7 decline 13 declined 9 declineth 3 declining 2 decoyed 1 decrease 3 decreaseth 1 decreasing 1 decree 32 decreed 18 decreeing 1 decrees 3 decrepit 1 dedicate 3 dedicated 19 dedication 18 deed 27 deeds 37 deemed 1 deep 75 deeper 1 deepest 2 deeply 4 deepness 1 deeps 2 defaced 1 defamed 1 defeat 3 defeated 40 defect 1 defective 1 defence 14 defend 13 defended 8 defender 5 defending 3 defense 1 defer 5 deferred 3 deferreth 1 deferring 1 defied 3 defile 39 defiled 128 defilement 1 defileth 4 defiling 2 defloured 1 deflowered 1 deflowering 1 defraud 5 defrauded 3 defraudeth 2 defrauding 1 defy 2 degree 4 degrees 8 delay 18 delayed 1 delayeth 1 deliberate 1 deliberation 1 delicacies 3 delicate 11 delicately 3 delicateness 1 delicious 3 deliciousness 1 delight 23 delighted 25 delighteth 4 delightful 11 delighting 1 delights 14 deliver 341 deliverance 13 delivered 405 deliveredst 3 deliverer 5 deliverest 4 delivereth 4 delivering 10 delivery 3 delude 1 deluded 1 deluge 1 delusions 2 demand 10 demanded 5 demandest 3 demanding 2 demolished 6 demons 1 den 33 denial 1 denials 1 denied 19 deniest 1 denieth 3 dens 11 deny 34 denying 7 depart 132 departed 173 departeth 5 departing 49 departure 3 depend 1 dependencies 1 dependeth 2 deplorable 1 depose 1 deposed 3 deposited 2 depraved 2 deprive 2 deprived 12 depriving 1 depth 22 depths 16 deputed 1 deputies 2 deputy 1 deride 1 derided 3 derision 10 derogated 1 descend 9 descended 8 descendeth 1 descending 8 descent 8 described 2 description 1 descriptions 1 desert 229 deserts 8 deserve 8 deserved 10 deservedly 1 deserveth 4 design 18 designed 14 designeth 1 designing 1 designs 8 desirable 8 desire 125 desired 88 desiredst 1 desires 24 desirest 2 desireth 20 desiring 19 desirous 20 desolate 109 desolation 40 desolations 4 despair 4 despaired 2 despairing 2 desperate 2 despicable 1 despise 54 despised 80 despisers 1 despisest 2 despiseth 21 despising 8 despoiling 2 destitute 6 destroy 350 destroyed 298 destroyedst 1 destroyer 8 destroyers 2 destroyest 5 destroyeth 5 destroying 15 destruction 143 destructions 1 detain 1 detained 5 determinate 1 determination 1 determine 3 determined 30 determineth 2 determining 1 detest 6 detestable 6 detested 1 detesteth 2 detract 4 detracted 5 detracter 1 detracters 1 detracteth 3 detracting 1 detraction 2 detractions 2 detractor 1 devastation 2 device 6 devices 34 devil 77 devilish 1 devils 55 devise 14 devised 18 deviseth 4 devising 2 devoted 2 devour 87 devoured 60 devourer 2 devourers 1 devoureth 7 devouring 11 devout 6 dew 40 dews 1 diadem 9 diadems 3 dial 2 diamond 1 did 862 didrachmas 4 didst 201 die 366 died 198 diet 1 dieth 19 difference 12 differences 2 different 15 differeth 3 difficult 3 difficulty 4 dig 12 digest 1 digested 2 digged 19 diggeth 5 dignities 1 dignity 11 diligence 13 diligent 10 diligently 56 dim 11 dimensions 2 diminish 6 diminished 14 diminishing 2 diminution 1 dine 4 dined 1 dining 3 dinner 10 dints 1 dip 10 dipped 8 dippeth 2 dipping 3 dipsas 1 dipt 1 direct 26 directed 14 directest 1 directing 1 direction 2 directions 1 directly 2 director 1 dirt 5 dirty 1 disabled 1 disagree 1 disagreeable 1 disallow 1 disannul 3 disannulled 1 disappoint 2 disappointeth 1 discern 9 discerned 1 discerner 1 discerneth 2 discerning 3 discharge 1 discharged 2 disciple 30 disciples 233 discipline 40 disclose 6 disclosed 1 discloseth 1 disclosing 2 discomfited 9 disconsolate 1 discord 2 discords 1 discourage 1 discouraged 6 discourse 11 discoursed 4 discourses 1 discover 18 discovered 25 discovereth 4 discreet 3 discus 1 discuss 1 disdain 1 disease 8 diseased 3 diseases 13 disfigure 1 disfigured 3 disgrace 22 disgraced 5 disgracefully 2 disgraceth 2 disguised 2 dish 23 dishes 3 dishonest 1 dishonestly 1 dishonesty 2 dishonour 15 dishonoured 5 dishonourest 1 dishonoureth 2 disiples 2 disjointed 1 disloyal 1 dismayed 22 dismiss 1 dismissed 10 disobedience 4 disobedient 8 disorder 1 disorderly 4 dispatched 1 dispensation 5 dispensers 2 disperse 7 dispersed 22 dispersion 1 display 1 displayed 1 displease 8 displeased 10 displeaseth 1 displeasing 3 dispose 1 disposed 5 disposest 1 disposeth 1 disposition 8 dispositions 1 disputed 5 disputer 1 disputes 1 disputing 9 disquiet 4 disquieted 4 disquieting 1 disregarded 1 dissemble 3 dissembled 2 dissembler 1 dissembleth 1 dissembling 2 dissension 7 dissensions 3 dissimulation 6 dissimulations 1 dissipated 2 dissolute 2 dissolution 1 dissolved 4 dissolveth 1 dissolving 1 dissuaded 1 distaff 1 distance 10 distil 1 distilling 1 distinction 3 distinctly 1 distinguish 3 distinguished 6 distinguisheth 1 distraction 1 distress 55 distressed 6 distresses 11 distribute 13 distributed 17 distribution 4 distributions 1 distrust 1 distrustful 1 distrusting 2 disturb 1 disturbance 6 disturbed 8 disturbest 1 disturbing 1 ditch 3 ditches 3 divers 68 diverse 4 diversely 1 diversified 2 diversion 1 diversities 4 diversity 3 divide 64 divided 108 divider 2 divideth 9 dividing 6 divination 10 divinations 5 divine 11 divined 1 diviner 2 diviners 16 divining 7 divinity 3 division 7 divisions 12 divorce 7 divorced 4 divulgeth 1 do 1407 dock 7 docks 1 doctor 4 doctors 8 doctrine 66 doctrines 6 doe 2 doer 3 doers 3 doest 1 doeth 3 dog 17 dogs 24 dog’s 1 doing 76 doings 33 domestics 2 dominations 1 dominion 52 dominions 6 donaries 1 done 740 door 157 doorkeeper 1 doorkeepers 6 doors 92 dost 140 doted 4 doth 236 doting 1 double 55 doubled 2 doubt 13 doubted 1 doubtful 2 doubting 4 doubtless 2 dough 4 dove 21 doves 12 dower 2 down 1162 downfall 5 downward 6 dowry 6 drachms 1 drag 2 dragged 2 dragging 3 dragon 26 dragons 17 dragon’s 1 drama 3 drank 35 draught 2 draw 74 drawest 1 draweth 6 drawing 13 drawn 48 drays 1 dread 33 dreadful 11 dream 69 dreamed 17 dreamer 2 dreamers 2 dreameth 2 dreams 28 dreamt 1 dregs 6 dress 24 dressed 10 dresser 1 dressers 4 dressing 3 drew 74 drewest 1 dried 38 drieth 2 drink 301 drinker 2 drinkers 1 drinketh 15 drinking 30 drinks 1 drive 22 driven 30 driver 3 drivers 1 drives 1 driveth 10 driving 4 dromedaries 1 drop 14 dropped 6 dropping 6 drops 7 dropsy 1 dross 1 drought 11 drove 23 droves 3 drown 3 drowned 4 drowsiness 1 drunk 73 drunkard 3 drunkards 4 drunken 10 drunkenness 18 dry 71 drying 5 dryness 2 due 37 dues 1 dug 17 duke 35 dukes 12 dull 3 dulness 1 duly 4 dumb 33 dung 33 dungeon 9 dunghill 9 during 7 durst 19 dust 93 duty 4 dwell 355 dwelled 1 dwellest 23 dwelleth 52 dwelling 68 dwellings 31 dwelt 266 dyed 27 dyeing 1 dying 22 each 64 eagerly 1 eagerness 1 eagle 23 eagles 9 eagle’s 1 ear 136 earlets 5 early 67 earned 1 earnest 7 earnestly 14 earnestness 1 earring 2 earrings 10 ears 139 earth 1160 earthborn 1 earthen 16 earthly 11 earthquake 16 earthquakes 4 ease 9 eased 2 easier 10 easily 15 easing 1 east 160 eastern 4 eastward 12 easy 13 eat 610 eaten 93 eater 3 eaters 1 eatest 2 eateth 40 eating 29 eaves 1 ebony 1 echo 1 eclipsed 1 ecstasy 4 edge 39 edged 4 edges 1 edict 16 edicts 2 edification 10 edified 2 edifieth 3 edify 2 edifying 3 efface 1 effaced 2 effect 18 effects 1 effectual 1 effeminate 9 egg 2 eggs 6 eight 74 eighteen 22 eighteenth 12 eighth 38 eightieth 1 eighty 13 eighty-eight 3 eighty-five 7 eighty-four 1 eighty-seven 1 eighty-six 1 eighty-three 1 eighty-two 2 either 56 elbow 2 elder 25 elders 16 eldest 12 elect 35 elected 1 election 7 elements 9 elephant 2 elephants 11 elevate 4 elevated 10 elevating 4 eleven 23 eleventh 23 elm 1 eloquence 2 eloquent 6 else 37 emanation 1 embalm 1 embalmed 2 embassage 3 embassy 2 embellished 1 embers 1 emboldened 2 embrace 8 embraced 7 embraces 2 embracing 5 embroidered 11 embroiderer 2 embroidering 1 embroidery 6 emerald 7 emeralds 1 emerods 7 eminent 2 emissary 3 emperor 1 empire 20 employed 9 employing 1 emptied 3 empty 40 emulation 4 emulations 1 emulous 2 encamp 5 encamped 13 encamping 1 enchanter 1 enchanters 4 enchantments 7 enclosed 8 encompass 6 encompassed 12 encompasseth 1 encountered 1 encourage 4 encouraged 6 encouraging 3 end 356 endanger 1 endeavour 11 endeavoured 5 endeavourest 1 endeavoureth 2 endeavouring 2 endeavours 1 ended 41 ending 2 endless 1 endow 1 endowed 1 ends 64 endued 5 endure 24 endured 15 endurest 1 endureth 54 enduring 4 enemies 423 enemy 136 enemy’s 5 engaged 3 engagement 1 engendering 1 engine 1 engines 19 engrave 1 engraved 4 engraven 2 engraver 1 engravers 2 engraver’s 1 engraving 5 engravings 2 enhanceth 1 enjoined 3 enjoy 18 enjoyed 2 enjoying 1 enkindle 1 enkindled 11 enlarge 8 enlarged 15 enlargeth 1 enlarging 1 enlighten 13 enlightened 10 enlightener 1 enlightenest 1 enlighteneth 4 enlightening 2 enliven 1 enlivened 2 enmities 7 enmity 5 enough 44 enraged 5 enrich 3 enriched 13 enriching 1 enrolled 9 enrolling 2 ensign 2 ensigns 2 ensnared 1 ensue 2 entangle 2 entangled 5 entangleth 1 enter 173 entered 122 entereth 15 entering 38 enterprise 1 enterprises 2 entertain 1 entertained 3 entertaineth 2 entertainment 1 entice 1 enticed 1 enticeth 1 enticing 1 entire 4 entirely 1 entitle 1 entrails 16 entrance 34 entrances 1 entrap 1 entreat 18 entreated 9 entreating 4 entreaty 3 entry 47 envied 4 envies 2 envieth 3 envious 6 environed 2 envy 34 envying 4 envyings 1 ephi 24 ephod 41 epistle 17 epistles 6 equal 40 equality 2 equally 10 equals 2 equipage 2 equitable 2 equity 18 era 1 erase 1 erect 1 erected 5 ericius 3 err 24 erred 10 erreth 1 erring 3 error 28 errors 6 escape 75 escaped 41 escapeth 3 escutcheons 1 especially 25 espousals 2 espouse 3 espoused 9 essayed 1 establish 34 established 47 establisheth 2 establishment 1 estate 8 esteem 9 esteemed 17 esteemeth 2 esteeming 2 estimated 1 estimation 10 eternal 44 eternity 29 eunuch 25 eunuchs 33 evangelist 3 evangelists 1 evangelizing 1 even 477 evening 148 event 7 eventide 1 events 1 ever 568 everlasting 143 everlastingly 1 evermore 17 every 1188 everybody’s 1 everyone 2 everywhere 4 evidence 5 evidences 1 evident 8 evidently 3 evil 624 evildoer 2 evildoers 6 evils 128 ewe 10 ewes 7 exact 8 exacted 2 exacter 3 exacteth 1 exaction 1 exactness 1 exalt 59 exaltation 3 exalted 105 exalteth 9 examination 5 examine 13 examined 7 examining 1 example 30 exasperated 2 exasperating 1 exceed 5 exceeded 5 exceeding 129 exceedingly 117 excel 6 excelled 3 excellence 1 excellency 2 excellent 28 excelleth 2 excelling 2 except 39 excepted 1 excepting 1 excess 8 excessive 3 exchange 7 exchanged 1 exchequer 1 excite 1 excited 1 exclude 2 excluded 2 excrements 1 excuse 5 excused 4 excuses 1 execrable 3 execration 4 execute 38 executed 21 executeth 5 executing 3 execution 2 executioner 1 exequies 1 exercise 12 exercised 18 exercising 1 exhalteth 1 exhaust 1 exhibit 1 exhort 12 exhortation 10 exhortations 1 exhorted 20 exhorteth 2 exhorting 8 exile 1 exiled 2 exorcists 1 expect 16 expectation 18 expected 3 expecteth 2 expecting 8 expedient 12 expedition 1 expeditions 2 expelled 1 expenses 6 experience 10 experienced 2 experiment 1 expert 2 expiate 9 expiated 6 expiating 1 expiation 19 expired 15 explain 2 explained 2 expose 5 exposed 10 expostulated 1 expound 5 expounded 4 express 2 expressed 1 exquisite 1 extend 4 extended 5 extent 2 exterior 3 extinct 1 extinguish 4 extinguished 4 extinguisheth 2 extirpate 2 extirpated 1 extol 8 extolled 4 extort 1 extortioner 2 extortioners 3 extremities 4 extremity 4 exulted 1 eye 122 eyebrows 1 eyed 2 eyelids 9 eyes 571 eyesalve 1 eyewitnesses 2 fable 2 fables 7 face 606 faces 62 faceth 2 facility 1 facing 1 fact 5 faction 1 factors 1 fade 3 faded 4 fadeth 3 fading 3 fail 41 failed 32 faileth 6 failing 5 fain 1 faint 31 fainted 19 faintest 1 fainteth 1 fainthearted 4 fainting 5 fair 27 fairer 3 fairest 4 fairs 3 faith 264 faithful 127 faithfully 12 faithfulness 4 faithless 5 fall 334 fallen 101 falleth 18 falling 45 fallow 2 falls 3 false 69 falsehood 10 falsely 11 falsified 1 fame 24 familiar 2 familiarly 1 familiars 1 families 166 family 111 famine 112 famines 3 famished 1 famous 9 fan 7 fancieth 1 fanners 1 far 239 fare 5 farewell 3 farm 4 farther 16 farthest 3 farthing 3 farthings 1 fashion 8 fashioned 10 fashioneth 4 fashions 2 fast 98 fasted 16 fasten 3 fastened 17 fastenest 1 fastening 5 fastest 1 fasteth 1 fasting 21 fastings 5 fasts 2 fat 133 father 768 fatherless 44 fathers 498 father’s 118 fathoms 2 fatigue 1 fatigued 2 fatlings 3 fatness 9 fats 1 fatted 7 fatten 1 fatter 1 fattest 1 fault 22 faultless 1 fauns 1 favour 62 favourable 9 favourably 2 favoured 5 favours 2 fawn 2 fawning 1 fear 567 feared 71 fearest 4 feareth 32 fearful 15 fearfully 1 fearfulness 1 fearing 27 fears 5 feast 101 feasted 3 feasting 13 feasts 22 feathered 3 feathers 4 fed 37 feeble 21 feebleness 1 feed 79 feedest 1 feedeth 12 feeding 15 feel 10 feet 282 feign 4 feigned 1 feignest 1 feigning 2 fell 257 felling 1 fellow 34 fellows 2 fellowship 14 felt 5 female 18 females 2 fence 3 fenced 29 fences 1 fencing 1 fenny 1 fertile 1 fertility 1 fervent 3 festival 35 festivals 5 festivities 1 festivity 2 fetch 20 fetched 7 fetching 1 fettered 2 fetters 17 fever 9 few 76 fewer 8 fewest 1 fewness 2 fidelity 16 field 209 fields 62 fierce 20 fiercely 4 fierceness 7 fiercest 1 fiery 10 fifteen 21 fifteenth 22 fifth 63 fifties 7 fiftieth 8 fifty 130 fifty-first 1 fifty-five 2 fifty-four 7 fifty-nine 1 fifty-one 1 fifty-second 1 fifty-seven 2 fifty-six 4 fifty-three 5 fifty-two 7 fig 40 fight 211 fighter 1 fightest 1 fighteth 5 fighting 51 figs 31 figure 10 figures 8 file 1 files 1 fill 68 filled 278 fillest 1 fillet 5 filleth 5 filling 7 filth 17 filthiness 10 filthy 16 find 229 findest 1 findeth 21 finding 24 fine 86 finest 13 finger 29 fingers 19 fining-pot 1 finish 14 finished 46 finisher 1 finishing 5 fins 6 fir 15 fire 583 fireballs 1 firebrand 2 fired 1 firepans 3 fires 2 firm 26 firmament 25 firmly 1 first 419 firstborn 118 firstfruit 1 firstfruits 93 firstling 4 firstlings 4 firstripe 2 fish 29 fishermen 2 fishers 6 fishes 43 fishing 1 fishpools 1 fist 2 fit 31 fitches 1 fitly 1 fitted 5 fitting 2 five 323 fix 3 fixed 13 flag 2 flagitious 1 flame 38 flamed 1 flames 9 flaming 6 flank 1 flanks 4 flash 2 flashes 1 flashing 1 flat 14 flattereth 1 flattering 3 flattery 3 flax 12 flay 1 flayed 3 flea 2 fled 209 flee 114 fleece 9 fleeces 1 fleeing 24 fleet 2 fleeth 7 fleets 1 flesh 443 fleshhook 2 fleshhooks 9 fleshly 3 flew 6 flies 12 flieth 4 flight 45 fling 1 flingeth 1 flint 5 flints 1 floats 2 flock 85 flocked 1 flocking 1 flocks 80 flood 33 flood-gates 5 floods 9 floor 24 floored 1 floors 2 flour 59 flourish 16 flourished 6 flourishing 4 flow 17 flowed 6 flower 21 flowers 12 floweth 10 flowing 16 flown 3 flute 5 flutes 1 flux 1 fly 40 flyeth 1 flying 19 foal 3 foals 1 foameth 2 foaming 2 fodder 1 foe 1 foes 1 fold 7 folded 6 foldeth 1 folding 1 folds 7 follies 2 follow 108 followed 144 followedst 1 followers 9 followest 1 followeth 18 following 52 folly 51 fomented 1 fond 1 food 69 fool 102 foolish 91 foolishly 11 foolishness 12 fools 41 fool’s 1 foot 141 footmen 23 footstep 1 footsteps 4 footstool 15 for 6913 forasmuch 11 forbade 6 forbear 12 forbearance 1 forbeareth 1 forbearing 3 forbid 35 forbidden 6 forbiddeth 3 forbidding 1 forbore 2 forborne 1 force 38 forced 10 forces 14 forcibly 1 ford 3 fords 5 fore 2 foreboding 1 forecast 2 forecasteth 1 forefathers 2 forefront 1 forefronts 1 forego 1 foregoing 1 forehead 17 foreheads 8 foreign 11 foreigner 2 foreigners 5 foreknew 2 foreknowledge 2 foremost 2 forepart 4 forerunner 1 forerunners 1 foresaid 5 foresaw 1 foresee 1 foreseeing 1 foreseen 2 foreseeth 1 foreshewed 1 foreskin 7 foreskins 5 forest 39 forests 7 foretell 7 foretelleth 3 foretold 19 forever 2 forgave 4 forge 2 forged 4 forger 2 forgers 2 forget 54 forgetful 1 forgetfulness 3 forgeth 1 forgettest 1 forgetteth 2 forgetting 1 forging 1 forgive 59 forgiven 46 forgiveness 8 forgivest 1 forgiveth 2 forgiving 4 forgot 16 forgotten 62 forks 3 form 25 formed 41 former 86 formerly 7 formeth 4 forming 1 fornicated 1 fornicating 2 fornication 82 fornications 28 fornicator 4 fornicators 5 forsake 61 forsaken 91 forsaker 1 forsakes 1 forsaketh 9 forsaking 4 forsook 23 forswear 3 forsworn 1 fort 1 forth 907 forthwith 70 fortieth 5 fortification 2 fortifications 2 fortified 23 fortify 5 fortifying 2 fortitude 8 fortress 11 fortresses 7 forts 6 fortune 2 forty 119 forty-eight 7 forty-eighth 1 forty-fifth 1 forty-five 12 forty-four 4 forty-nine 3 forty-one 1 forty-seven 3 forty-seventh 1 forty-six 2 forty-sixth 1 forty-third 1 forty-three 3 forty-two 9 forward 71 forwarded 1 forwards 2 foster 2 fought 121 foul 3 found 535 foundation 39 foundations 42 founded 32 foundedst 1 founder 2 founders 1 fountain 49 fountains 27 four 308 four-score 1 fourfold 2 fourfooted 4 fourscore 17 foursquare 11 fourteen 24 fourteenth 27 fourth 87 fowl 13 fowler 2 fowlers 1 fowling 1 fowls 42 fox 2 foxes 8 fragments 11 fragrant 1 frail 2 frame 5 framed 11 framest 1 frameth 1 frankincense 27 fraud 8 fray 1 free 77 free-will 1 freed 1 freedom 2 freely 21 freeman 2 freemen 2 freezeth 1 frequent 3 frequented 1 frequently 3 fresh 1 fretteth 1 fretting 1 fried 8 friend 130 friendly 3 friends 106 friendship 23 friendships 3 friend’s 2 fright 1 frighted 1 frighten 3 frightened 4 fringes 2 fro 9 frogs 15 from 4164 front 22 frontier 1 frontiers 2 fronts 6 frost 11 frosts 1 froth 2 froward 2 frugal 1 fruit 197 fruitful 19 fruitfulness 3 fruitless 6 fruits 92 frumenty 4 frustrate 1 fryingpan 6 fryingpans 1 fuel 6 fugitive 8 fugitives 13 fulfill 51 fulfilled 87 fulfilleth 1 fulfilling 6 full 237 fuller 1 fuller’s 4 fullness 3 fully 8 fulness 31 fume 1 function 1 functions 1 funeral 5 funerals 1 funnels 2 furbish 1 furbished 6 furious 3 furiously 1 furlongs 11 furnace 42 furnaces 2 furnish 9 furnished 12 furnishing 1 furniture 26 furrows 9 further 18 furtherance 2 furthered 2 furthermost 2 furthest 2 fury 48 gad 1 gain 28 gained 11 gaineth 1 gains 1 gainsaid 4 gainsay 9 gainsayers 1 gainsayeth 1 gainsaying 2 gain’s 1 gait 1 galbanum 2 gall 19 galleries 4 gallery 2 galley 1 galleys 3 game 1 games 1 gaoler 1 gap 1 gaped 1 garden 36 gardener 1 gardens 12 garland 1 garlands 2 garlic 1 garment 97 garments 179 garnished 3 garrison 22 garrisons 5 garters 1 gasp 1 gate 276 gates 170 gather 149 gathered 260 gatherer 1 gatherest 1 gathereth 18 gathering 28 gatherings 1 gave 535 gavest 40 gay 2 gaze 1 gazed 1 gazingstock 1 gear 1 gee 3 gender 1 gendered 1 genealogies 2 genealogy 3 general 51 generals 2 generation 156 generations 89 genital 1 gentiles 4 gentle 8 gently 4 german 2 get 49 getteth 3 getting 6 ghost 9 giant 7 giants 18 gibbet 11 gibbets 6 giddiness 1 gift 61 gifts 89 gilded 2 gill 1 gilt 2 gin 1 gird 16 girded 45 girdeth 1 girding 3 girdle 36 girdles 4 girl 7 girls 3 girt 9 gith 3 give 1037 given 610 giver 1 givest 9 giveth 73 giving 58 glad 66 gladly 9 gladness 47 glances 1 glass 8 glazing 1 glean 5 gleaned 4 gleaneth 1 glitter 4 glittered 1 glittereth 1 glittering 8 globe 1 gloominess 1 gloried 3 glories 2 gloriest 1 glorieth 5 glorified 75 glorifieth 3 glorify 45 glorifying 5 glorious 58 gloriously 4 glory 591 glorying 6 glowing 1 glueth 1 glut 1 glutted 4 glutton 2 gluttons 1 gnash 2 gnashed 4 gnasheth 1 gnashing 7 gnat 1 gnaw 1 gnawed 2 go 1362 goad 6 goads 1 goat 57 goats 62 goatskins 1 goat’s 2 god 78 goddess 3 godliness 18 godly 5 gods 267 goest 18 goeth 109 going 329 goings 9 gold 458 golden 86 goldsmith 3 goldsmiths 3 goldsmith’s 1 gomor 5 gomors 1 gone 263 good 847 goodlier 1 goodliest 2 goodly 19 goodman 4 goodness 29 goods 53 gore 2 gored 1 gospel 100 gospel’s 1 got 25 gotten 25 gourds 1 govern 9 governed 6 governest 1 governeth 2 government 9 governments 4 governor 70 governors 32 governor’s 1 grace 188 graced 1 graceful 1 graces 6 gracious 19 graft 1 grafted 4 grain 11 grandchildren 6 grandfather 1 grandfathers 1 grandmother 1 grandsons 10 grant 31 granted 23 granteth 1 granting 1 grape 12 grapegatherers 3 grapes 34 grasping 1 grass 64 grate 8 grateful 1 gratis 4 grave 21 graved 3 gravel 4 graven 57 graves 21 graving 8 gravings 5 gravity 1 gray 3 grazed 1 great 1223 greater 112 greatest 35 greatly 50 greatness 49 greaves 1 greediness 2 greedy 6 green 46 greenness 1 greet 2 greeting 22 grevious 1 grew 47 grey 10 greyheaded 1 gridiron 2 grief 25 grievance 1 grieve 8 grieved 40 grieveth 4 grieviously 2 grievous 55 grievously 17 griffon 1 grind 5 grinders 2 grinder’s 1 grindeth 1 grinding 2 gripes 1 grisled 2 gristle 1 groan 8 groaned 4 groaneth 2 groaning 11 groanings 4 groans 4 groat 2 groats 1 groin 3 grope 5 groped 2 groping 1 gross 4 ground 229 grounded 3 grove 15 groves 29 grow 66 groweth 10 growing 14 grown 43 grows 1 growth 1 grype 1 guard 14 guarded 4 guarding 1 guards 12 guess 1 guest 5 guests 8 guide 15 guided 3 guider 1 guides 3 guideth 1 guile 15 guilefully 1 guilt 4 guiltless 4 guilty 42 gush 1 gushed 4 gutters 1 ha 2 habit 2 habitable 2 habitants 1 habitation 45 habitations 7 had 2860 hadst 33 haft 2 hail 37 hailstones 7 hair 76 haircloth 21 haircloths 3 hairs 24 hairy 7 hale 1 half 139 hall 12 hallowed 3 halt 1 halted 3 halter 1 halteth 2 halting 1 hammer 9 hammerer 1 hammers 3 hamstring 1 hamstringed 1 hand 1380 handbreadth 6 handed 2 handful 7 handfuls 3 handkerchiefs 1 handle 4 handled 4 handling 2 handmaid 63 handmaids 17 hands 756 handsome 1 handstaves 1 handwriting 1 hang 14 hanged 27 hangeth 11 hanging 31 hangings 15 hangs 2 hanks 1 happen 18 happened 55 happeneth 2 happier 1 happily 3 happiness 2 happy 10 harbour 1 harbourless 1 hard 55 harden 9 hardened 37 hardeneth 2 harder 2 hardest 2 hardhearted 1 hardiness 1 hardly 7 hardness 8 hare 7 harkened 1 harlot 49 harlots 10 harlot’s 4 harm 19 harmless 4 harmony 1 harness 1 harnessed 1 harnesses 1 harp 29 harped 1 harpers 2 harping 1 harps 24 harrow 1 harrows 1 harsh 2 harshly 4 hart 10 harts 7 harvest 58 has 57 hast 1319 haste 111 hasted 3 hasten 8 hastened 7 hastening 1 hastily 3 hasting 1 hasty 11 hat 1 hatched 2 hatchet 1 hate 77 hated 68 hateful 19 hatest 6 hateth 36 hath 3162 hating 4 hatred 28 haughtily 1 haughtiness 8 haughty 4 have 4897 haven 7 havens 1 having 365 havock 5 hawk 4 hay 9 he 11736 head 424 headbands 1 headless 1 headlong 16 heads 130 headstrong 1 heal 43 healed 88 healer 2 healeth 4 healing 14 health 41 healthful 1 health’s 1 heap 40 heaped 9 heapeth 2 heaping 1 heaps 15 hear 553 heard 767 heardest 4 heardst 2 hearer 6 hearers 4 hearest 6 heareth 47 hearing 161 hearken 93 hearkened 50 hearkeneth 6 hearkening 4 heart 930 hearted 1 hearth 10 heartily 1 hearts 130 hearty 1 heart’s 1 heat 52 heated 8 heath 1 heathen 2 heathenish 1 heathens 30 heats 1 heaven 638 heavenly 25 heavens 124 heavier 4 heavily 2 heaviness 1 heavy 38 hedge 11 hedged 1 hedges 5 heed 70 heel 5 heels 1 heifer 10 height 60 heights 4 heinous 10 heir 21 heirs 12 held 92 hell 106 helm 1 helmet 8 helmets 5 help 150 helped 28 helper 56 helpers 11 helpest 1 helpeth 3 helping 4 helpless 1 helpmate 1 helps 3 hem 9 hen 1 hence 26 henceforth 23 henceforward 3 her 2177 herald 2 heralds 1 herb 17 herbs 16 herd 49 herder 1 herds 39 herdsman 1 herdsmen 8 here 143 hereafter 25 hereby 3 herein 3 hereof 2 heresies 1 heresy 2 heretic 1 hereto 1 heretofore 10 heroes 1 heron 4 hers 3 herself 69 hesitations 1 hew 7 hewed 14 hewers 5 hewing 2 hewn 5 hi 1 hid 138 hidden 75 hide 56 hidest 1 hideth 13 hiding 3 high 470 higher 28 highest 15 highly 1 highminded 3 highness 2 highway 9 highways 6 hill 54 hillock 1 hillocks 1 hills 65 hillside 1 hill’s 1 him 7742 himself 623 hin 15 hind 2 hinder 20 hinderance 2 hindered 15 hindereth 1 hindermost 1 hindmost 3 hindrance 1 hinds 1 hinges 4 hint 2 hip 1 hire 23 hired 29 hireling 13 hirelings 1 hires 1 hirest 1 his 9222 hiss 7 hissed 4 hissing 8 histories 5 history 3 hit 1 hither 79 hitherto 5 hitherward 1 hoar 2 hoard 1 hoarfrost 1 hoarse 1 hoary 3 hock 4 hocking 1 hocks 6 hoisting 1 hold 218 holden 1 holdest 5 holdeth 19 holding 21 holds 27 hole 15 holes 16 holiday 2 holidays 1 holies 43 holily 1 holiness 26 hollow 7 holm 2 holocaust 172 holocausts 99 holy 513 home 50 homeborn 1 homes 1 honestly 2 honesty 1 honey 61 honeycomb 11 honor 1 honour 147 honourable 34 honourably 4 honoured 26 honoureth 11 honours 4 hoof 13 hoofs 7 hook 9 hooks 7 hoop 1 hope 187 hoped 38 hopes 5 hopeth 7 hoping 4 hoppeth 1 horn 45 horned 3 hornets 3 horns 59 horrible 6 horribly 2 horror 8 horse 46 horseback 3 horseleech 1 horseman 6 horsemen 104 horses 116 horse’s 1 hoses 1 hospitality 5 host 43 hostage 1 hostages 8 hosts 286 hot 26 hotly 1 houghed 2 houp 1 hour 135 hours 5 house 1853 household 34 householder 5 households 1 houseroom 1 houses 210 housetop 6 housetops 5 hovering 1 how 353 howl 17 howled 6 howling 10 huckster 1 huge 1 human 7 humane 1 humanity 5 humble 48 humbled 69 humblest 1 humbleth 6 humbling 2 humbly 3 humiliation 6 humility 15 humour 1 hundred 674 hundredfold 6 hundreds 16 hundredth 3 hung 23 hunger 28 hungered 1 hungry 48 hunt 2 hunted 1 hunter 3 hunters 3 hunter’s 1 hunteth 1 hunting 6 hurl 1 hurling 1 hurried 1 hurry 2 hurt 68 hurteth 2 hurtful 5 hurts 1 husband 154 husbandman 10 husbandmen 22 husbandry 4 husbands 29 husband’s 5 hush 1 husks 2 hut 1 hyacinth 1 hyacinths 1 hymn 11 hymns 15 hypocrisy 4 hypocrite 10 hypocrites 16 hyssop 12 ibis 2 ice 7 idle 16 idleness 4 idol 44 idolaters 3 idolatry 2 idols 161 idol’s 2 if 1346 ignominy 2 ignorance 24 ignorances 2 ignorant 51 ignorantly 7 ill 36 illiterate 1 illness 6 illnesses 1 illuminated 2 illumination 1 illusions 1 illustrious 2 image 50 images 4 imagination 3 imaginations 1 imagine 3 imagined 4 imaginest 1 imagineth 1 imbrued 1 imitate 6 imitatest 1 imitating 3 immaculate 1 immediately 121 immense 12 immensely 1 immoderate 1 immodesty 1 immolate 18 immolated 25 immolateth 1 immolating 1 immortal 4 immortality 8 immoveable 5 immunity 2 immutability 1 immutable 1 impart 3 imparted 1 impassable 2 impatience 1 impatient 3 impediment 2 impenitent 1 imperfect 1 imperial 1 impieties 1 impiety 3 impious 1 importunate 2 importunity 1 impose 3 imposed 3 imposing 1 imposition 4 impossible 14 impotent 1 impoverished 4 imprecation 2 impregnable 2 imprisoned 1 imprudence 2 imprudent 1 impudence 2 impudent 2 impudently 1 impugned 1 impulse 2 impunity 1 impurities 1 impute 1 imputed 7 imputing 1 in 14949 inaccessible 1 inactive 1 inasmuch 1 inbred 1 incapable 1 incense 104 incensed 4 incest 1 inches 1 incisions 1 incited 1 inclinations 3 incline 16 inclined 13 inclineth 1 incommunicable 1 incomparably 1 incomprehensible 3 inconsiderately 1 inconstancy 1 inconstant 1 incontinency 1 incontinent 1 incorruptibility 1 incorruptible 6 incorruption 8 increase 57 increased 35 increaseth 2 increasing 8 incredible 3 incredulity 1 incredulous 14 incur 3 incurable 8 incurred 1 incursions 1 indebted 2 indecently 1 indeed 194 indigence 1 indigent 1 indignation 135 indiscreet 1 indissoluble 1 indolent 1 indulgence 1 industries 1 industrious 5 industry 2 inebriate 1 inebriated 8 inebriateth 2 ineffable 1 inequity 1 inestimable 1 inevitable 1 inexcusable 2 inexhaustible 1 inexorable 1 infamous 5 infamy 1 infancy 10 infant 11 infants 12 infatuated 1 infected 2 inferior 6 inferiors 1 infernal 1 infidel 1 infidels 2 infinite 11 infinity 1 infirm 4 infirmities 15 infirmity 22 inflamed 9 inflameth 1 infolding 1 inform 2 information 4 informed 1 ingenious 1 ingeniously 1 inglorious 1 ingrafted 2 inhabit 11 inhabitant 23 inhabitants 220 inhabited 33 inhabiteth 2 inherit 31 inheritance 182 inheritances 2 inherited 4 inhospitality 1 iniquities 106 iniquitously 1 iniquity 364 initiated 3 injured 5 injuries 4 injuring 1 injurious 3 injuriously 1 injury 15 injustice 28 injustices 3 ink 4 inkhorn 3 inlaid 1 inn 6 inner 52 innermost 1 innocence 10 innocency 2 innocent 70 innocents 1 innocent’s 1 innumerable 16 inquire 28 inquired 12 inquirest 1 inquireth 1 inquiring 3 inquisition 3 inquisitive 2 insatiable 1 inscription 10 insensibility 2 inside 6 insinuate 1 insinuating 1 insnare 1 insnaring 1 insolent 3 insomuch 13 inspection 1 inspiration 1 inspired 3 inspireth 1 instance 2 instant 4 instead 41 instituted 1 instruct 16 instructed 29 instructeth 5 instructing 1 instruction 43 instructions 1 instructor 1 instructors 2 instrument 9 instruments 29 insult 1 insulted 1 insupportable 3 insurrection 1 integrity 2 intelligence 1 intelligible 1 intelligibly 1 intemperate 1 intend 4 intended 2 intending 2 intent 2 intentions 1 intents 1 intercede 1 intercession 2 intercessions 1 interest 2 interests 1 intergraven 1 interior 1 interlaced 1 intermeddle 2 interpose 1 interposed 1 interpret 9 interpretation 37 interpretations 2 interpreted 15 interpreter 4 interpreters 1 interpreting 1 interrupt 1 interrupted 2 interruptions 1 into 2603 intolerable 2 inundation 1 invade 4 invaded 1 invasion 5 invent 2 invented 2 invention 3 inventions 9 inventors 1 invested 2 investing 1 inveterate 1 invincible 3 invisible 9 invite 5 invited 33 invocated 5 invoke 6 invoked 10 invoking 2 involved 3 inward 9 inwardly 4 inwards 3 irchins 1 ire 1 iron 102 irons 1 irrational 1 irregularity 1 irreprehensibly 1 irreverence 1 irruption 1 is 7782 island 11 islands 36 isle 2 isles 3 issue 30 issued 6 issues 1 issueth 1 issuing 2 it 5517 itch 1 itching 1 its 286 itself 84 ivory 14 ivy 6 jacinth 1 jakes 1 jasper 8 javelins 1 jaw 4 jawbone 6 jaws 11 jealous 16 jealousy 24 jest 2 jested 2 jesters 1 jewel 2 jeweller 1 jewels 8 join 27 joined 92 joineth 2 joining 8 joinings 3 joint 6 joints 12 jostle 1 jot 1 journey 80 journeyed 3 journeying 1 journeys 1 joy 249 joyed 1 joyful 40 joyfull 1 joyfully 5 joyfulness 5 joyous 1 joys 1 jubilation 3 jubilee 24 judge 229 judged 106 judgement 21 judgements 1 judges 57 judgest 16 judgeth 22 judging 11 judgment 378 judgments 155 juniper 2 junipers 1 jurisdiction 1 just 434 juster 1 justice 387 justices 31 justification 8 justifications 39 justified 59 justifier 1 justifieth 6 justify 11 justifying 1 justly 16 keel 1 keep 323 keeper 24 keepers 14 keepest 7 keepeth 51 keeping 29 keft 1 kept 202 kernel 1 kettle 5 kettles 1 key 7 keys 2 kick 2 kicked 3 kid 18 kidneys 17 kids 10 kill 251 killed 153 killer 1 killers 1 killest 2 killeth 14 killing 15 kin 6 kind 68 kindle 15 kindled 58 kindleth 4 kindling 3 kindly 5 kindness 27 kindnesses 1 kindred 66 kindreds 90 kinds 22 kine 16 king 2416 kingdom 414 kingdoms 63 kingly 5 kings 360 king’s 300 kinsfolks 4 kinsman 37 kinsmen 16 kinswoman 1 kiss 21 kissed 27 kisses 1 kisseth 1 kissing 5 kitchens 2 kite 4 kites 1 knead 1 kneaded 1 knee 9 kneel 1 kneeled 1 kneeling 7 knees 30 knelt 1 knew 189 knewest 6 knife 4 knit 3 knives 4 knock 7 knocked 1 knocketh 3 knocking 3 knots 1 know 846 knowest 97 knoweth 120 knowing 82 knowledge 186 knowledges 1 known 265 labor 4 labored 1 laborious 1 labour 135 laboured 35 labourer 10 labourers 10 labourest 1 laboureth 9 labouring 5 labours 38 lace 3 lad 1 ladder 2 ladders 1 laded 2 laden 9 lading 2 lady 5 laid 294 lain 6 lake 8 lamb 63 lambs 83 lame 30 lament 23 lamentable 2 lamentation 31 lamentations 3 lamented 7 lamenting 3 lamia 1 lamma 2 lamp 32 lamps 40 lance 1 lances 3 lancets 1 land 1705 landmark 1 landmarks 2 lands 61 lanes 1 language 16 languages 9 languish 7 languished 6 languisheth 1 languishing 3 lanterns 1 lap 5 lapidary 3 lapped 2 large 19 largeness 1 larger 2 larus 2 lasciviousness 3 last 124 lasting 5 latchet 5 late 6 lately 4 lateward 4 latter 44 lattice 1 lattices 2 laugh 27 laughed 16 laugheth 1 laughing-stock 1 laughingstock 2 laughter 9 launched 3 laver 17 lavers 5 law 630 lawful 44 lawfully 2 lawgiver 5 lawgivers 2 lawns 1 laws 59 lawsuits 1 lawyer 2 lawyers 6 lay 239 layeth 11 laying 30 lead 65 leader 27 leaders 6 leadest 3 leadeth 29 leading 5 leaf 11 league 32 lean 17 leaned 8 leaner 1 leaneth 1 leanfleshed 1 leaning 6 leanness 1 leap 5 leaped 13 leapeth 1 leaping 7 leapt 2 learn 50 learned 56 learning 13 least 58 leather 1 leathern 2 leave 146 leaven 31 leavened 14 leaves 42 leaveth 9 leaving 37 leavings 3 led 98 leddest 1 ledge 4 ledges 1 lee 1 leeks 1 lees 3 left 403 leftest 1 leg 1 legacy 1 legion 4 legions 3 legs 13 leisure 3 lend 16 lender 3 lendest 1 lendeth 6 length 82 lengthen 2 lengthened 2 lenity 1 lent 12 lentils 4 leopard 7 leopards 2 leper 16 lepers 7 leprosy 62 leprous 1 less 43 lessen 1 lessened 3 lessening 1 lesser 10 lesson 2 lest 303 let 1199 letter 40 letters 59 letter’s 1 letteth 3 letting 4 lettuce 2 level 1 levels 1 lever 1 leviathan 4 levity 1 levy 3 lewd 3 liar 11 liars 8 libation 16 libations 51 liberal 3 liberty 34 library 3 license 3 lick 4 licked 4 lie 132 lied 12 liers 1 lies 36 liest 6 lieth 39 lieutenant 1 lieutenants 2 life 607 lifeless 2 lifetime 6 lift 72 lifted 187 lifter 1 liftest 2 lifteth 12 lifting 33 light 287 lighted 8 lighten 2 lightened 2 lighteneth 1 lightening 2 lighter 4 lightest 1 lighteth 1 lighting 3 lightly 2 lightness 2 lightning 16 lightnings 13 lights 16 lightsome 5 ligurius 2 like 864 liked 4 liken 3 likened 12 likeness 49 likewise 26 lilies 17 lily 11 limb 1 limbs 4 limit 2 limiteth 1 limits 15 line 17 linen 99 lines 8 linger 2 lingered 1 lingereth 1 linked 3 lintel 1 lintels 2 lion 93 lioness 13 lionesses 1 lions 57 lion’s 9 lip 2 lips 130 liquor 1 lire 3 list 1 litigious 1 litter 3 litters 1 little 406 live 261 lived 83 lively 1 liver 19 lives 38 livest 4 liveth 106 living 215 lizard 1 lo 25 load 3 loaded 3 loading 1 loaf 5 loan 2 loathe 2 loatheth 1 loathsome 2 loaves 48 lock 1 locking 1 locks 12 locust 15 locusts 23 lodge 17 lodged 14 lodgeth 4 lodging 9 lodgings 2 loft 2 loftiness 4 lofty 10 loins 53 long 263 long-limbed 1 long-lived 1 longanimity 1 longed 6 longer 36 longeth 3 longing 3 longlived 2 longsuffering 7 look 132 looked 122 lookedst 1 lookest 1 looketh 50 looking 57 looking-glasses 1 looks 4 loop 2 loops 9 loose 28 loosed 29 looseth 3 loosing 4 lord 250 lording 1 lords 26 lord’s 3 lose 28 loseth 2 loss 21 losses 1 lost 49 lot 98 lots 34 loud 75 louder 3 love 251 loved 127 lovedst 1 loveliness 1 lovely 7 lover 4 lovers 22 lovest 14 loveth 77 loving 4 low 42 lower 28 lowering 1 lowest 20 lowing 2 lowliness 1 lowly 3 lowness 2 loyal 1 lucre 3 lucre’s 2 lukewarm 1 lump 6 lumps 1 lunatic 1 lunatics 1 lungs 2 lurking 2 lust 30 lusted 1 lusteth 1 lusts 8 lutes 2 luxurious 3 luxury 3 lying 88 lyre 1 mad 19 made 1683 madest 12 madman 1 madmen 1 madness 12 magic 2 magical 1 magician 3 magicians 12 magistrates 27 magnificence 19 magnificent 5 magnified 43 magnify 23 magnifying 1 maid 33 maid-servants 1 maiden 7 maidens 9 maids 24 maidservant 16 maidservants 7 maid’s 1 mail 11 maimed 5 mainsail 1 maintain 2 maintained 4 maintainers 1 maintaineth 3 maintenance 2 majestic 1 majesty 43 make 932 maker 16 makers 2 makes 1 makest 12 maketh 89 making 67 male 52 malediction 7 maledictions 1 malefactor 1 malefactors 1 males 14 malice 30 malices 1 malicious 5 maliciously 2 malignant 9 malignity 1 mall 15 mall’s 1 mammon 4 mamzer 1 man 2805 manacles 3 manage 1 managed 3 management 1 mandate 1 mandrakes 6 manes 1 manfully 23 manger 5 manifest 59 manifestation 4 manifestations 1 manifested 13 manifesteth 1 manifestly 4 manifold 10 mankind 7 manna 15 manner 288 manners 10 manservant 14 mansions 4 manslaughter 1 manslayer 2 manslayers 1 mantle 12 many 748 man’s 102 mar 1 maranatha 1 marble 8 march 16 marched 30 marches 1 marching 7 mariners 7 mark 29 marked 3 market 9 marketplace 6 marking 1 marks 2 marred 1 marriage 33 marriageable 1 marriages 3 married 29 marrieth 4 marrow 11 marry 29 marrying 2 marshes 2 marshy 2 mart 2 marts 1 martyrs 1 marvelled 4 marvellous 2 masons 10 mason’s 2 mass 1 massacred 1 masses 1 massy 1 mast 3 master 124 mastering 1 masters 36 mastery 2 master’s 19 mastic 1 masts 1 match 2 matrimony 1 matter 67 matters 15 maturity 1 may 1487 maybe 1 mayest 54 mayst 110 mazers 1 me 4297 meadow 2 meadows 1 meal 18 mealtime 1 mean 36 meaner 1 meanest 7 meaneth 14 meaning 17 meanings 1 means 39 meant 13 meantime 1 measurable 1 measure 111 measured 51 measures 26 measuring 10 meat 112 meats 40 meddle 2 meddleth 1 meddling 2 mediator 8 medicine 3 medicines 4 meditate 22 meditated 7 meditation 10 medley 1 meek 24 meekness 12 meet 147 meetest 1 meeteth 4 meeting 5 meetings 1 melodious 1 melody 10 melons 1 melt 17 melted 23 melteth 3 melting 1 member 6 members 33 memoirs 1 memorial 34 memory 34 men 1875 mend 2 mended 1 mending 2 menservants 9 menstealers 1 menstruous 8 mention 6 mentioned 6 men’s 29 merchandise 12 merchandises 1 merchant 5 merchants 34 merchant’s 1 mercies 46 merciful 66 mercifully 2 merciless 1 mercy 451 mercy’s 1 mere 10 merit 2 merry 21 merryhearted 1 meshes 1 mess 6 message 7 messages 2 messenger 27 messengers 92 messes 4 met 61 metal 1 mete 5 mice 6 midday 9 middle 17 midland 1 midnight 14 midst 523 midway 1 midwife 3 midwives 5 might 568 mightest 16 mightier 13 mighties 1 mightily 7 mighty 176 milch 1 mild 5 mildew 6 mildly 2 mildness 8 mile 1 milk 53 milked 1 mill 7 millet 2 million 1 millstone 8 mind 233 minded 12 mindful 44 minding 1 minds 18 mine 62 mines 2 mingle 2 mingled 24 mingling 3 minister 86 ministered 36 ministereth 2 ministering 6 ministers 39 ministration 6 ministries 5 ministry 73 minstrel 2 minstrels 1 mint 2 miracle 9 miracles 28 miraculous 1 mire 14 mirror 1 mirrors 1 mirth 13 miry 2 misbehave 1 miscarried 1 miscarry 1 mischief 10 mischiefs 1 mischievous 8 miserable 8 miseries 8 misery 18 miss 1 missed 3 missing 3 mist 15 mistake 4 mistress 10 mistresses 1 mists 1 misty 1 misused 1 mite 1 mites 2 mitigate 2 mitigated 2 mitre 12 mitres 5 mixed 8 mixt 1 mixture 3 mna 1 moat 1 mock 9 mocked 23 mocker 2 mockeries 4 mockers 1 mockery 2 mocketh 1 mocking 6 model 1 moderate 2 moderated 1 moderately 1 moderation 2 modest 5 modesty 9 moiety 1 moist 2 moistened 2 moistening 1 moisture 4 mole 1 moles 1 molest 5 molested 4 mollifying 1 molten 29 moment 17 momentary 1 moments 2 money 171 moneychangers 1 monsters 4 monstrous 3 month 283 monthly 4 months 60 monument 13 monuments 4 mood 1 moon 59 moons 14 more 738 moreover 36 morning 247 mornings 1 morrow 10 morsel 10 morsels 1 mortal 13 mortality 1 mortals 2 mortar 19 mortars 9 mortgage 1 mortification 1 mortify 1 mortises 3 most 399 mote 6 moth 13 moth-eaten 1 motheaten 2 mother 300 mothers 9 mother’s 38 motion 6 mount 254 mountain 182 mountains 227 mounted 5 mounteth 1 mounts 1 mourn 50 mourned 49 mourner 2 mourners 6 mournest 1 mourneth 4 mournful 3 mourning 89 mouse 2 mouth 479 mouths 20 move 29 moveable 1 moveables 1 moved 130 moveth 7 moving 3 mower 2 mowing 1 much 383 muck 1 mud 1 mulberries 1 mulberry 2 mule 10 mules 9 multiplicity 1 multiplied 94 multipliest 1 multiplieth 8 multiply 53 multiplying 2 multitude 472 multitudes 50 murder 15 murdered 4 murderer 15 murderers 12 murdering 2 murders 5 murmur 9 murmured 21 murmurers 1 murmuring 17 murmurings 4 murrain 1 museth 1 music 15 musical 8 musicians 1 musing 1 must 147 mustard 5 muster 1 mustered 7 mutter 3 mutual 1 mutually 2 muzzle 3 my 4928 myrrh 17 myrtle 6 myself 140 mysteries 8 mysterious 1 mystery 23 nail 9 nailed 2 nails 12 naked 50 nakedness 41 name 948 named 83 namely 4 names 106 nameth 2 name’s 27 naming 2 napkin 3 narration 4 narrations 1 narrow 12 nation 233 nations 494 native 5 natives 1 nativity 10 natural 9 naturally 2 nature 19 natured 1 natures 1 naught 2 naughtiness 2 naughty 1 navel 4 naves 1 navies 1 navigable 1 navy 5 nay 1 near 225 nearer 9 nearest 2 neat’s 1 necessaries 10 necessary 42 necessities 9 necessity 21 neck 73 necklaces 1 necks 25 need 67 needed 3 needest 1 needeth 6 needful 4 needle 3 needs 10 needy 50 neglect 9 neglected 6 neglecteth 3 neglecting 2 negligence 2 negligences 1 negligent 4 neigh 1 neighbor 13 neighboring 1 neighbors 1 neighbor’s 1 neighbour 108 neighbouring 6 neighbours 33 neighbour’s 20 neighed 1 neigheth 1 neighhour 3 neighing 4 neither 566 neophyte 1 nest 15 nests 4 net 38 nether 9 nets 15 nettle 1 nettles 3 network 9 networks 2 never 116 nevertheless 16 new 176 newborn 1 newest 1 newly 1 newness 3 news 9 next 82 nice 2 nicely 1 niceness 1 niggard 1 niggardliness 1 niggardly 1 nigh 69 night 318 nights 28 nine 46 nineteen 3 nineteenth 4 ninety 11 ninety-eight 2 ninety-five 4 ninety-nine 5 ninety-six 2 ninety-two 2 ninth 33 nitre 2 no 1522 nobility 1 noble 16 nobleman 2 nobles 36 noblest 2 nobly 1 nobody 5 noise 90 noised 6 noises 1 noisome 1 noisy 1 non 1 none 257 noon 14 noonday 8 noontide 1 nor 987 north 148 northern 5 northward 8 northwest 1 nose 10 noses 2 nostrils 9 not 7779 not-that 1 notable 1 notably 1 note 9 noted 3 nothing 305 notice 16 notified 2 notorious 1 notwithstanding 1 nought 20 nourish 6 nourished 17 nourisheth 5 nourishing 1 nourishment 3 novelties 1 now 682 nowise 1 number 243 numbered 74 numbereth 2 numbering 3 numbers 4 numerous 11 nurse 10 nursed 4 nurses 1 nursing 1 nut 4 nuts 3 o 6 oak 19 oaks 3 oar 1 oars 3 oath 69 oaths 7 obedience 20 obedient 17 obeisance 1 obey 65 obeyed 31 obeyeth 3 obeying 5 objected 1 objecting 1 oblation 54 oblations 14 oblige 2 obliged 6 oblique 3 oblivion 3 obols 5 obscenity 1 obscure 10 obscureth 1 obscurity 7 obsequies 1 observable 1 observance 9 observances 2 observation 1 observe 55 observed 21 observeth 4 observing 3 obstetric 1 obstinacy 1 obstinate 2 obtain 24 obtained 34 obtaineth 1 occasion 43 occasioned 2 occasions 3 occupation 5 occupied 5 occurrence 1 ocean 1 octave 3 odious 2 odoriferous 1 odour 38 odours 6 of 38517 off 447 offence 26 offences 16 offend 15 offended 24 offender 3 offenders 1 offendeth 3 offending 1 offends 1 offense 1 offenses 1 offer 303 offered 233 offerer 1 offerers 1 offerest 4 offereth 22 offering 120 offerings 115 office 46 officer 5 officers 20 offices 8 offscouring 1 offspring 24 often 44 oftentimes 6 oil 201 ointment 28 ointments 14 old 423 oldest 1 oldness 1 olive 31 olives 7 oliveyard 1 oliveyards 9 omens 3 omit 1 on 2093 once 62 one 2235 ones 93 one’s 6 onions 1 only 287 onset 2 onto 1 onycha 1 onyx 9 open 134 opened 149 openest 2 openeth 14 opening 27 openly 13 operation 6 operations 2 ophiomachus 1 opinion 6 opinions 1 opportunities 1 opportunity 10 oppose 4 opposed 1 opposeth 1 opposite 5 opposition 6 oppositions 1 oppress 36 oppressed 47 oppresseth 3 oppressing 3 oppression 13 oppressions 4 oppressor 10 oppressors 3 opprobrious 1 opress 1 or 1104 oracle 26 oration 1 orator 1 oratory 1 orchard 12 orchards 2 ordain 3 ordained 21 order 88 ordered 22 orderest 1 ordereth 1 ordering 4 orderly 3 orders 35 ordinance 26 ordinances 26 ordinary 2 organ 2 organs 3 origin 3 original 1 ornament 11 ornaments 19 orphan 2 orphans 4 osprey 2 ostrich 4 ostriches 6 other 498 others 132 otherwise 35 other’s 2 ought 72 oughtest 4 ounces 1 our 1416 ours 12 ourselves 54 out 2978 outcast 3 outcasts 1 outgoings 8 outmost 1 outrageous 1 outrages 1 outrun 1 outside 11 outstretched 1 outward 26 outwardly 4 outwards 1 oven 11 ovens 1 over 1168 overcame 10 overcharged 3 overcome 56 overcometh 5 overcoming 1 overdriven 1 overflow 5 overflowed 7 overflowing 13 overflowings 1 overlaid 28 overlay 9 overlook 1 overlookest 1 overmaster 1 overmuch 3 overpass 1 overplus 1 overpower 1 overpowered 4 overreach 3 overreached 4 oversee 2 overseeing 1 overseer 7 overseers 17 overshadow 3 overshadowed 5 overshadowing 2 oversight 1 oversowed 1 overspread 1 overtake 18 overtaken 6 overthrew 16 overthrow 28 overthroweth 2 overthrown 36 overtook 5 overturn 5 overturned 6 overturneth 1 overwhelm 2 overwhelmed 6 overwhelmeth 1 owe 3 owed 5 owest 3 oweth 2 owing 2 owl 3 owls 1 own 738 owner 18 owners 4 ox 80 oxen 128 pace 2 paces 2 pacific 1 pacified 7 pacify 1 packs 1 paddle 1 pages 1 paid 15 pain 25 pained 1 painful 2 painfulness 1 pains 17 paint 2 painted 4 paintest 1 painteth 1 painting 2 pair 4 palace 35 palate 4 pale 2 paleness 3 pales 1 palm 41 palmerworm 3 palms 7 palsy 15 pan 2 pangs 3 pans 1 pant 1 panted 2 panteth 2 papa 2 paper 2 paps 3 parable 50 parables 27 paradise 26 parasceve 3 parcel 1 parched 7 parchments 1 pardon 12 pardoned 5 pare 1 parent 2 parents 45 parlour 6 part 237 partake 5 partaker 16 partakers 22 partaking 1 parted 7 participation 1 particular 3 particularly 2 particulars 1 parties 1 parting 1 partition 2 partly 2 partner 7 partners 2 partridge 3 parts 97 party 3 pasch 30 pass 541 passable 3 passage 14 passages 2 passed 205 passedst 1 passenger 2 passengers 1 passest 1 passeth 44 passible 1 passing 40 passion 4 passionate 5 passions 1 past 42 paste 2 pastime 2 pastor 3 pastors 10 pasture 12 pastures 19 patches 1 paternity 1 path 28 paths 52 pathway 1 patience 67 patient 23 patiently 13 patriarch 2 patriarchs 2 pattern 10 patterns 2 paved 4 pavement 10 pavilion 4 pavilions 7 paw 2 pay 54 paying 5 payment 2 payments 1 peace 517 peaceable 29 peaceably 13 peacemakers 1 peacocks 2 pear 4 pearl 4 pearls 7 pebble 1 peculiar 5 pedagogue 2 pedigree 1 peeled 1 peep 1 peg 2 pelican 1 pelted 2 pen 6 penance 69 pence 7 pencil 1 penetrate 1 penetrated 1 penitent 5 penknife 1 penny 9 pennyworth 1 pensions 1 pensive 2 pensiveness 2 people 2234 peopled 1 peoples 28 people’s 7 peradventure 3 perceive 20 perceived 24 perceivest 1 perceiveth 1 perceiving 8 perdition 9 perfect 94 perfected 15 perfecting 2 perfection 13 perfectly 5 perform 25 performed 9 perfume 3 perfumed 2 perfumer 6 perfumers 2 perfumes 6 perhaps 96 peril 2 perils 11 perish 174 perished 50 perisheth 4 perishing 4 perjured 2 perjury 1 permanent 1 permission 1 permit 3 permitted 8 perpetrated 1 perpetual 49 perpetually 1 perplexed 1 perplexity 1 persecute 28 persecuted 27 persecutest 6 persecuting 1 persecution 12 persecutions 4 persecutor 2 persecutors 7 perseverance 1 persevere 4 persevering 2 persisted 2 person 57 persons 41 persuade 10 persuaded 11 persuadest 1 persuadeth 1 persuading 2 persuasion 4 persuasive 1 pertain 5 pertained 1 pertaineth 5 pertaining 4 perverse 38 perversely 2 perverseness 7 perversity 2 pervert 9 perverted 8 perverteth 4 perverting 1 pestilence 42 pestilences 2 pestilent 5 pestilential 1 pestle 3 petition 17 petitioneth 1 petitions 5 phase 38 phials 1 philosophers 2 philosophy 1 phylacteries 1 physician 11 physicians 6 pick 3 picked 1 picture 2 pictures 1 piece 29 pieces 139 piecing 1 pierce 6 pierced 8 piercing 3 piety 3 pigeon 3 pigeons 9 pigeon’s 1 pikes 3 pile 4 piles 1 pilgrimage 5 pilgrims 2 pillage 3 pillaged 6 pillaging 1 pillar 42 pillars 92 pilled 3 pillow 1 pillows 2 pilot 2 pilots 4 pin 4 pine 12 pined 4 pineth 1 pining 1 pinions 2 pinnacle 2 pins 8 pipe 6 piped 3 pipes 5 piss 1 pisseth 5 pit 82 pitch 14 pitched 43 pitcher 12 pitchers 5 pitching 1 pith 1 pitied 2 pitieth 1 pitiful 1 pits 4 pity 51 pitying 3 place 838 placed 45 places 264 placeth 1 place’s 1 plague 25 plagued 1 plagues 25 plain 65 plainly 15 plains 56 plaited 2 plaiting 1 plan 3 plane 5 planks 6 plant 37 plantation 1 planted 46 plantedst 2 planters 1 planteth 3 planting 4 plants 5 plaster 7 plastered 4 plasterings 1 plate 6 plates 22 platter 1 plattest 1 platting 3 play 24 played 20 playedst 1 player 1 playing 11 plead 10 pleaded 3 pleasant 11 pleasantly 1 please 95 pleased 97 pleasest 4 pleaseth 22 pleasing 34 pleasure 56 pleasures 8 pledge 20 pledged 1 plenteous 3 plentiful 10 plentifully 5 plenty 14 plot 3 plots 1 plotted 2 plotting 1 plough 13 ploughed 7 plougheth 2 ploughing 5 ploughman 2 ploughs 1 ploughshare 2 ploughshares 3 pluck 25 plucked 17 plucking 1 plummet 2 plunder 4 plundered 4 plunderers 1 plunge 2 plunged 1 poems 1 poets 1 point 12 pointed 1 poised 2 poison 5 poles 4 policy 1 polish 2 polished 6 poll 1 polled 4 pollute 1 polluted 15 pollution 2 pollutions 2 pomegranate 8 pomegranates 22 pommels 3 pomp 3 pond 4 pondered 1 pondereth 1 pondering 2 ponds 2 pool 22 pools 9 poor 255 poplar 2 populations 1 populous 2 porch 49 porches 6 porphyrion 2 porphyry 1 portending 1 porter 4 porters 35 portion 88 portions 21 portress 2 possess 152 possessed 59 possessest 1 possesseth 12 possessing 1 possession 174 possessions 36 possessor 3 possessors 1 possible 14 possibly 1 post 5 posted 1 posterity 28 postern 1 posts 18 pot 23 pothooks 2 pots 11 potsherd 3 potsherds 1 pottage 9 potter 9 potters 1 potter’s 12 pound 6 pounds 13 pour 82 poured 94 pourest 1 poureth 8 pouring 10 pouted 1 poverty 37 powder 5 powders 1 power 392 powerful 15 powers 20 practice 1 practiced 3 practices 2 practise 4 praise 310 praised 50 praises 27 praiseth 1 praiseworthy 1 praising 13 pranceth 1 prating 1 pray 188 prayed 82 prayer 151 prayers 64 prayest 1 prayeth 9 praying 42 pre-eminence 4 preach 55 preached 50 preacher 4 preachest 1 preacheth 6 preaching 34 precaution 1 precept 13 preceptor 1 precepts 58 precinct 3 precious 80 precipices 1 predecessor 1 predecessors 2 predestinated 5 prediction 1 preface 1 prefer 1 preferable 1 preferably 1 preferred 6 preferreth 1 prefixed 1 pregnant 1 prejudice 1 prelates 3 preordained 2 preparation 7 preparations 3 prepare 61 prepared 154 preparest 1 prepareth 6 preparing 5 prepuces 1 prescribe 1 prescribed 3 presence 102 present 140 presented 20 presenteth 2 presenting 3 presently 46 presents 35 preservation 2 preserve 21 preserved 23 preserveth 4 preside 1 presided 4 presiding 1 press 15 pressed 27 presses 5 presseth 3 pressing 3 presume 3 presumed 4 presuming 1 presumption 5 presumptuous 1 pretence 1 pretendeth 1 pretending 1 prevail 28 prevailed 36 prevaileth 1 prevailing 2 prevaricated 3 prevarication 3 prevarications 1 prevaricator 1 prevaricators 4 prevent 8 prevented 15 preventeth 1 preventing 1 prey 74 price 64 prices 1 pricked 4 pricketh 2 pride 95 priest 449 priesthood 46 priestly 16 priests 437 priest’s 7 primacy 1 prince 182 princely 1 princes 364 princess 1 prince’s 2 principal 19 principalities 5 principality 9 print 1 prison 102 prisoner 17 prisoners 18 prisons 6 private 10 privately 18 privilege 1 privy 6 prize 3 prized 3 proceed 14 proceeded 10 proceedeth 9 proceeding 4 proceedings 1 process 1 proclaim 16 proclaimed 12 proclaiming 5 proclamation 8 proconsul 4 proconsuls 1 procure 2 prodigies 2 profane 26 profaned 28 profaning 3 profess 5 professed 1 professing 2 profession 1 profit 46 profitable 28 profited 5 profiteth 5 profiting 1 profound 2 progress 2 prohibit 2 prohibition 1 projecting 2 projects 2 prologue 1 prolong 3 prolonged 8 promise 54 promised 94 promises 22 promisest 2 promiseth 6 promising 6 promoted 4 promoter 2 promoters 1 promotion 1 promulgated 1 prone 3 pronounce 6 pronounced 11 proof 6 proofs 1 prop 1 proper 17 properity 1 properly 1 prophecies 5 prophecy 28 prophesied 47 prophesieth 8 prophesy 76 prophesying 9 prophet 257 prophetess 7 prophetical 1 prophets 251 propitiation 5 propitiatory 18 proposal 3 propose 2 proposed 11 proposing 1 proposition 22 propositions 1 propped 1 propriety 1 prosecuted 1 proselyte 3 proselytes 6 prospect 2 prosper 27 prospered 12 prospereth 1 prospering 3 prosperity 15 prosperous 12 prosperously 9 prostitute 4 prostituted 4 prostitutes 1 prostituting 1 prostitution 1 prostrate 13 prostrated 3 prostrating 1 protect 18 protected 15 protecteth 2 protecting 2 protection 12 protector 33 protest 2 protested 2 protesting 1 proud 75 proudly 12 prove 24 proved 35 provender 5 prover 1 proverb 21 proverbs 6 provest 2 proveth 3 provide 16 provided 14 providence 7 provideth 3 providing 3 province 21 provinces 50 provision 13 provisions 12 provocation 5 provocations 1 provoke 53 provoked 52 provokedst 1 provokest 1 provoketh 7 provoking 19 prudence 39 prudent 30 prudently 1 prune 2 pruned 1 pruning 2 psalm 80 psalmist 1 psalms 6 psalteries 13 psaltery 18 public 11 publican 6 publicans 16 publicly 4 publish 12 published 11 publisheth 1 publishing 1 puffed 14 puffeth 2 pull 16 pulled 9 pulleth 1 pulling 2 pulse 3 punish 12 punished 22 punisheth 1 punishing 2 punishment 16 punishments 5 purchase 12 purchased 8 purchasing 3 pure 42 purer 1 purest 29 purgation 1 purge 3 purged 3 purgeth 1 purging 1 purification 19 purifications 1 purified 26 purifieth 1 purify 13 purifying 2 purity 2 purple 63 purpose 40 purposed 24 purposing 2 purse 8 purses 1 pursue 46 pursued 65 pursuer 2 pursuest 1 pursueth 5 pursuing 12 pursuit 2 push 9 pushed 4 pushing 2 pusillanimity 1 put 797 putrified 2 putrify 2 putteth 15 putting 35 pygarg 1 pyramids 1 python 1 pythonic 1 pythonical 2 pythons 2 quail 2 quails 4 quake 1 quaked 3 quality 2 quantity 4 quarrel 6 quarrelled 4 quarrelling 1 quarrels 12 quarrelsome 2 quarries 2 quarter 3 quarters 10 quashed 1 queen 48 queens 4 quench 7 quenched 11 quencheth 2 quenching 1 question 19 questioned 2 questioning 1 questions 14 quick 4 quicken 12 quickened 3 quickeneth 4 quickening 1 quickly 71 quicksands 1 quiet 35 quieted 1 quietly 3 quietness 2 quit 4 quite 5 quiver 9 quivers 3 rabbit 1 race 51 racked 1 rafter 1 rafters 1 rag 2 rage 31 raged 2 rageth 2 raging 8 rags 3 raid 1 railer 2 railers 1 railing 5 rails 1 raiment 27 rain 95 rainbow 5 rained 11 raineth 1 rains 2 rainy 1 raise 77 raised 71 raisedst 1 raiseth 5 raisin 1 raising 6 raisins 4 rake 2 raked 1 ram 87 rampart 1 ramparts 1 rams 90 ran 65 rang 3 ranged 1 rank 1 ranks 5 ransom 3 rants 1 rape 1 rapine 7 rapines 1 rase 1 rash 1 rashly 2 rashness 1 rated 2 rather 96 ratifications 1 ratified 2 rational 20 rations 1 rattle 1 rattling 2 ravage 1 ravaged 2 ravaging 2 raven 7 ravening 4 ravenous 1 ravens 5 raven’s 1 raveth 1 ravished 4 ravisher 1 ravishing 2 raw 4 razed 1 razor 6 re-establish 1 reach 24 reached 17 reacheth 9 reaching 7 read 78 readers 2 readest 2 readeth 4 readily 2 readiness 3 reading 12 ready 117 really 1 realm 9 realms 1 reap 35 reaped 7 reaper 1 reapers 11 reapest 3 reapeth 3 reaping 3 rear 2 reared 3 rearing 1 reason 63 reasonable 4 reasoned 4 reasoning 3 reasonings 1 rebel 6 rebelled 11 rebellion 1 rebellions 3 rebellious 17 rebounding 1 rebuild 7 rebuilt 3 rebuke 42 rebuked 28 rebukes 2 rebuketh 5 rebuking 3 recalleth 1 receipt 2 receive 248 received 227 receivers 1 receivest 1 receiveth 30 receiving 19 receptacles 1 recite 1 reckon 9 reckoned 39 reckoning 6 recommended 2 recompense 20 recompenses 1 reconcile 3 reconciled 15 reconciliation 9 reconciling 1 record 3 recorded 3 recorder 9 records 3 recount 1 recourse 1 recover 13 recovered 15 recovery 2 rectified 1 red 24 reddish 1 redeem 41 redeemed 54 redeemedst 1 redeemer 12 redeemeth 2 redeeming 2 redemption 21 redness 2 redound 1 redoundeth 1 reduce 1 reduced 8 reducing 1 reed 34 reeds 8 reeled 1 refectory 1 refer 3 referred 4 refine 2 refined 5 refining 2 refit 1 reflect 1 reflecting 1 reform 1 reformed 1 refrain 13 refrained 2 refraineth 2 refresh 5 refreshed 15 refresheth 1 refreshing 2 refreshment 6 refuge 34 refuse 18 refused 21 refusest 1 refuseth 3 refusing 2 regard 56 regarded 17 regardest 1 regardeth 5 regarding 2 regenerated 1 regeneration 2 regent 2 region 3 regions 4 registered 6 regret 1 regularly 2 regulated 1 regulation 1 rehearse 1 rehearsed 4 reign 165 reigned 206 reigneth 9 reigning 2 rein 1 reins 22 reject 4 rejected 35 rejecteth 3 rejecting 1 rejoice 196 rejoiced 64 rejoiceth 12 rejoicing 27 relate 10 related 15 relating 4 relation 1 relations 1 release 21 released 8 relict 1 relied 4 relief 4 relieve 3 relieved 2 relieveth 1 relieving 2 religion 12 religious 5 religiously 2 religiousness 2 remain 111 remainder 2 remainders 1 remained 97 remainest 2 remaineth 30 remaining 13 remains 20 remarkable 2 remarked 1 remedies 1 remedy 8 remember 109 remembered 71 rememberest 2 remembereth 4 remembering 15 remembrance 45 remiss 1 remission 19 remit 2 remitted 2 remnant 68 remnants 8 remorse 1 remote 1 remove 28 removed 82 removest 1 removeth 4 removing 8 rend 12 render 55 rendered 15 renderest 1 rendereth 2 rendering 5 rendeth 1 rending 5 renew 13 renewed 10 renewest 1 reneweth 1 renewing 1 renounce 2 renounced 1 renovation 1 renown 6 renowned 24 rent 64 repaid 8 repair 16 repaired 12 repairer 1 repairing 5 repairs 4 reparation 1 repay 37 repaying 6 repeat 3 repeated 3 repeateth 3 repeating 1 repent 21 repentance 18 repented 11 repenteth 2 repenting 2 repined 1 repining 1 replenished 3 replenisheth 1 repliest 1 report 12 reported 4 repose 5 reprehend 5 reprehended 1 reprehension 1 reprehensions 2 representation 2 representations 1 represented 1 reproach 123 reproached 19 reproaches 15 reproachest 1 reproacheth 3 reproachfully 4 reproaching 2 reprobate 6 reprobates 4 reproof 14 reproofs 5 reprove 25 reproved 17 reprovest 2 reproveth 7 repugnant 1 repulsed 1 reputation 1 reputed 22 reputeth 1 request 25 requested 8 requesting 1 requests 2 require 34 required 13 requireth 3 requiring 2 requisite 1 requite 8 requited 1 rescue 7 rescued 3 resemblance 11 resemblances 1 resemble 1 resentment 1 reserve 2 reserved 13 reserveth 1 reserving 1 residue 19 resist 51 resistance 2 resisted 13 resisteth 7 resisting 1 resolute 1 resolutely 1 resolution 9 resolve 4 resolved 3 resolving 1 resort 3 resorted 4 resound 3 respect 30 respected 2 respecter 1 rest 445 rested 40 restest 1 resteth 5 resting 8 restitution 7 restore 48 restored 43 restoreth 4 restoring 1 restrain 3 restrained 5 resurrection 47 retail 1 retain 2 retained 3 retaineth 1 retire 2 retired 12 retract 1 return 328 returned 251 returnest 1 returneth 14 returning 46 reveal 7 revealed 43 revealer 1 revealeth 6 revealing 1 revelation 11 revelations 3 revelling 1 revellings 4 revenge 65 revenged 18 revenger 7 revengeth 1 revenging 2 revenue 1 revenues 10 reverence 14 reverenced 3 reverencing 1 reversed 1 reviewed 1 revile 3 reviled 7 reviling 1 revive 3 revived 3 revoked 1 revolt 6 revolted 28 revolters 1 revolteth 1 revolting 4 revolutions 1 reward 85 rewarded 5 rewarder 2 rewarding 2 rewards 6 rhinoceros 5 rib 1 ribands 1 ribs 2 rich 124 richer 4 riches 133 rid 1 riddle 8 riddles 2 ride 7 rider 13 riders 4 rideth 2 ridges 1 ridiculous 1 riding 6 rifle 3 rifled 1 right 367 righteous 12 righteousness 2 rightest 1 rightfully 1 rightly 9 rigour 2 rind 1 ring 23 rings 38 ringtail 1 riot 5 rioted 1 rioting 3 riotous 2 riotously 1 riotousness 6 riotousnesses 1 rip 1 ripe 8 ripen 1 ripeness 2 ripped 3 rise 176 risen 72 risest 1 riseth 15 rising 121 rite 19 rites 6 rival 4 river 167 rivers 67 river’s 2 rivulets 1 road 4 roads 1 roar 20 roared 4 roareth 3 roaring 19 roarings 1 roasted 6 roasting 1 rob 7 robbed 9 robber 14 robberies 6 robbers 21 robbery 3 robe 31 robes 15 rock 89 rocks 28 rod 82 rode 6 rods 18 roe 9 roebucks 1 roes 6 roll 8 rolled 14 rolleth 1 rolling 1 roof 28 roofs 3 rooks 1 room 23 rooms 6 root 60 rooted 13 rooteth 2 rooting 1 roots 24 rope 1 ropes 9 rose 116 roses 2 rosin 1 rosy 1 rot 7 rotted 1 rotten 7 rottenness 9 rough 9 roughly 6 round 381 roundwise 1 rouse 4 roused 1 rout 1 routed 2 rovers 8 row 5 rowed 2 rowers 2 rowing 1 rows 18 royal 26 rub 1 rubbing 1 rubbish 2 rudder 1 ruddy 4 rude 1 rue 3 rugged 1 ruin 45 ruined 2 ruinous 6 ruins 9 rule 83 ruled 12 ruler 63 rulers 62 rulest 3 ruleth 10 ruling 1 ruminate 1 rumour 11 rumours 2 rump 5 run 95 runner 3 runnest 1 runneth 7 running 54 rupture 1 rush 7 rushed 11 rushing 5 rust 10 rusteth 1 sabacthani 2 sabbath 148 sabbaths 39 sack 7 sackbut 4 sackcloth 34 sackcloths 2 sacked 1 sacks 11 sack’s 1 sacrament 1 sacred 5 sacrifice 301 sacrificed 70 sacrifices 115 sacrificeth 5 sacrificing 6 sacrilege 3 sacrileges 1 sacrilegious 4 sactification 1 sad 27 sadder 1 saddle 3 saddled 7 saddling 1 sadly 1 sadness 16 safe 30 safely 1 safer 1 safety 12 saffron 1 sag 1 said 3946 saidst 15 sail 15 sailed 15 sailing 9 sailors 1 saint 4 saints 118 saith 1254 sake 150 sakes 18 sale 5 sallied 3 salt 41 salted 5 saltpans 1 saltpits 5 salutation 6 salutations 3 salute 33 saluted 12 saluteth 7 saluting 3 salvation 166 same 419 sanctification 21 sanctifications 1 sanctified 142 sanctifier 1 sanctifieth 4 sanctify 57 sanctifying 2 sanctuaries 7 sanctuary 202 sand 34 sandals 4 sands 1 sandy 1 sang 1 sapphire 10 sapphires 3 saps 1 sardine 1 sardius 4 sardonyx 2 sat 173 satan 1 satisfaction 5 satisfied 23 satisfieth 1 satisfy 13 satisfying 1 sattest 2 savage 1 save 198 saved 146 savest 3 saveth 6 saving 10 saviour 30 saviours 2 saviour’s 1 savorest 1 savour 24 savourest 1 savoury 2 saw 545 sawed 2 sawest 20 saws 1 say 1078 sayest 36 sayeth 1 saying 1257 sayings 6 sayst 2 scab 4 scabbard 5 scaffold 1 scale 1 scaled 1 scales 13 scandal 12 scandalize 14 scandalized 17 scandals 7 scant 1 scar 9 scarce 11 scarcely 2 scarcity 4 scarecrow 1 scared 1 scarlet 52 scatter 37 scattered 89 scattereth 8 scattering 2 scent 2 sceptre 28 sceptres 5 schism 1 schisms 2 scholar 1 school 1 science 4 sciniphs 6 scoff 3 scoffed 4 scoffer 1 scoffers 1 scorched 3 score 1 scorn 17 scorned 1 scorner 6 scorners 4 scorneth 3 scornful 1 scorning 1 scorpion 5 scorpions 9 scoured 1 scourge 22 scourged 19 scourges 11 scourgest 2 scourgeth 1 scrape 1 scraped 3 scraping 1 screak 2 screaketh 1 screech 1 scribe 50 scribes 66 scrip 9 scripture 32 scriptures 22 scrivener 1 scruple 1 sculptures 2 scurf 2 scurrility 1 scythes 3 sea 470 seal 22 sealed 21 sealeth 1 sealing 1 seals 8 seam 1 search 38 searched 18 searcher 3 searchers 2 searcheth 5 searching 5 seared 1 seas 7 season 32 seasonable 2 seasoned 3 seasons 8 seat 29 seated 3 seats 14 second 174 secondly 2 secret 65 secretaries 1 secretary’s 1 secretly 25 secrets 23 sect 4 sects 3 secular 1 secure 23 secured 1 securely 10 security 4 sedge-bush 1 sedges 2 sedition 11 seditions 6 seditious 1 seduce 11 seduced 14 seducer 2 seducers 4 seduceth 2 seducing 1 seduction 2 see 671 seed 296 seeds 7 seedtime 1 seed’s 1 seeing 208 seek 255 seekest 7 seeketh 45 seeking 32 seem 25 seemed 51 seemeth 24 seeming 1 seemly 3 seen 332 seep 1 seeps 1 seer 20 seers 3 seest 32 seeth 50 seethe 1 seething 1 seize 7 seized 23 seizeth 1 self 10 selfsame 13 selfwill 1 sell 40 seller 4 sellers 2 selleth 2 selling 6 selves 6 senate 5 senators 2 send 232 sendest 3 sendeth 10 sending 35 sense 20 senseless 12 senses 4 sensible 3 sensual 3 sensuality 1 sent 817 sentence 26 sentences 3 sentest 4 sentiment 1 sentinels 1 separate 38 separated 56 separateth 3 separation 12 sepulchre 71 sepulchres 24 seraphims 2 seriously 1 serjeants 2 serpent 35 serpents 22 serpent’s 1 servant 503 servants 516 servant’s 6 serve 209 served 79 server 2 servers 2 servest 2 serveth 10 service 71 services 3 servile 14 serving 17 servitude 6 set 733 setim 27 sets 1 setter 1 settest 2 setteth 15 setting 26 settle 4 settled 5 settlements 1 seven 428 sevenfold 9 seventeen 7 seventeenth 5 seventh 126 seventieth 1 seventy 65 seventy-five 8 seventy-four 5 seventy-one 1 seventy-seven 4 seventy-six 1 seventy-three 4 seventy-two 11 several 3 severe 4 severely 1 severity 2 sew 2 sewed 3 seweth 1 sex 16 sexes 2 sextary 6 shade 2 shades 1 shadow 67 shadows 4 shady 4 shaft 9 shafts 1 shake 17 shaked 1 shaken 21 shaketh 4 shaking 7 shakings 1 shall 11166 shalt 1871 shalt-say 1 shambles 1 shame 86 shamed 1 shamefaced 1 shamefacedness 3 shameful 6 shamefully 4 shameless 6 shameth 2 shape 7 shapes 1 share 4 shared 2 shares 3 sharp 21 sharpen 2 sharpened 6 sharpeneth 2 sharply 2 shave 11 shaved 6 shaven 9 shaveth 1 she 1091 sheaf 5 shear 3 shearer 2 shearers 2 shearing 4 sheath 6 sheaves 9 shed 68 shedder 1 shedders 1 sheddeth 3 shedding 7 sheep 221 sheepcotes 4 sheepfold 1 sheepfolds 1 sheepskins 1 sheet 2 shell 14 shelter 2 shepherd 42 shepherds 42 shepherd’s 3 sherd 2 shew 238 shewed 75 shewedst 2 shewest 4 sheweth 25 shewing 21 shewn 68 shield 43 shieldbearers 6 shields 22 shine 32 shined 8 shineth 12 shining 20 ship 69 shipmaster 2 shipmen 2 shipping 1 ships 41 shipwreck 2 shirt 1 shirts 2 shocked 1 shod 2 shoe 9 shoes 27 shone 10 shook 11 shoot 20 shooteth 2 shooting 4 shore 24 shorn 6 short 34 shorten 1 shortened 10 shortlived 1 shortly 14 shot 15 should 930 shoulder 40 shoulders 30 shouldest 6 shouldst 54 shout 23 shouted 10 shouting 14 shovels 3 show 8 showed 3 shower 9 showers 11 showeth 1 shown 2 shrank 3 shred 1 shrew 1 shrink 1 shrub 1 shrubs 2 shuffling 1 shun 1 shunned 1 shut 162 shutteth 4 shutting 4 sick 83 sickle 11 sickles 2 sickness 18 sicknesses 1 sicle 10 sicles 30 side 406 sides 118 siege 23 sieve 2 sift 3 sifted 2 sifteth 1 sigh 7 sighed 7 sighing 4 sighs 3 sight 429 sightliness 1 sign 106 signals 1 signed 16 signet 4 signification 1 signified 8 signifieth 2 signify 8 signifying 6 signs 82 silence 42 silenced 2 silent 32 silently 1 silk 8 sill 1 sills 1 silly 2 silver 353 silversmith 3 silversmiths 1 similitude 13 similitudes 1 simple 11 simplicity 23 sin 501 since 41 sincere 9 sincerely 5 sincerity 3 sinew 4 sinews 5 sinful 17 sing 85 singed 1 singer 1 singers 16 singeth 1 singing 53 single 2 singular 2 singularly 1 sink 3 sinking 1 sinned 138 sinner 59 sinners 91 sinneth 22 sinning 5 sins 289 sirens 1 sirs 1 sister 106 sisters 17 sister’s 4 sit 140 sitar 1 sitten 5 sittest 11 sitteth 41 sitting 84 situate 13 situated 2 situation 1 six 176 sixteen 23 sixteenth 3 sixth 46 sixtieth 1 sixty 26 sixty-eight 2 sixty-five 5 sixty-four 2 sixty-nine 2 sixty-one 2 sixty-second 1 sixty-seven 3 sixty-seventh 1 sixty-six 6 sixty-two 6 sixtyfold 1 size 2 skies 1 skill 10 skillful 22 skillfully 1 skillfulness 1 skin 48 skins 30 skipped 3 skippeth 1 skipping 1 skirt 6 skirts 2 skull 2 sky 10 slack 8 slain 269 slander 1 slandered 4 slanderers 2 slanderous 1 slanting 1 slaughter 70 slave 12 slavery 1 slaves 12 slay 38 slayer 2 slayers 1 slayeth 1 slaying 3 sleds 1 sleep 130 sleepest 5 sleepeth 14 sleeping 21 slept 80 slew 238 slewest 1 slid 2 slide 1 slight 4 slighted 4 slighteth 2 slighting 1 slime 5 sling 7 slingers 3 slinging 1 slings 5 slink 1 slip 6 slipped 6 slippery 4 slippeth 1 slipping 2 slips 1 slipt 4 sloth 1 slothful 15 slothfulness 1 slow 8 slowly 1 slowness 1 sluggard 9 slumber 8 slumbered 4 slumbereth 1 small 78 smallest 2 smell 19 smelled 2 smelleth 2 smelling 5 smile 1 smiled 1 smiling 2 smite 6 smith 5 smiths 2 smith’s 1 smiting 1 smitten 9 smoke 48 smoketh 1 smoking 5 smooth 5 smoother 2 smote 30 snaffle 1 snail 2 snake 2 snare 48 snared 3 snares 19 snatch 3 snatched 1 sneezing 1 snorteth 1 snorting 1 snout 1 snow 31 snows 1 snuffed 2 snuffers 4 snuffings 2 so 1124 so-the 1 soak 1 soaked 1 sober 14 soberly 2 soberness 1 sobriety 6 society 6 socket 1 sockets 45 sodden 7 soever 42 soft 7 softened 2 softeneth 1 softly 4 soil 3 soils 1 sojourn 18 sojourned 8 sojourner 11 sojourners 8 sojourneth 3 sojourning 3 sojournment 5 sold 91 soldering 1 soldier 10 soldiers 66 sole 11 solemn 34 solemnities 14 solemnity 28 soles 7 soliciting 1 solicitous 21 solicitude 3 solid 3 solids 3 solitary 3 solitudes 1 solution 1 solutions 1 some 351 somebody 2 something 13 sometime 2 sometimes 8 somewhat 14 son 2161 song 22 songs 9 sons 1180 son’s 17 soon 52 sooner 3 soothe 1 soothed 1 soothsayer 3 soothsayers 17 soothsaying 1 soothsayings 1 sophistically 1 sorcerers 4 sorceress 1 sorceries 6 sore 4 sores 5 sorrow 97 sorrowful 38 sorrowing 1 sorrows 25 sorry 8 sort 14 sorts 8 sought 172 soul 578 souls 123 sound 119 sounded 38 soundeth 2 sounding 14 soundness 2 sounds 1 sour 4 source 1 sources 1 south 154 southern 1 southward 10 southwest 3 sovereign 7 sovereignty 1 sow 41 sowed 12 sower 8 sowest 3 soweth 16 sowing 1 sown 28 space 24 spaces 1 spacious 8 spade 1 spades 3 span 4 spare 54 spared 28 sparedst 1 sparest 1 spareth 2 sparing 4 sparingly 3 spark 6 sparkled 1 sparks 2 sparrow 13 sparrows 8 spat 1 speak 498 speaker 5 speakers 2 speakest 13 speaketh 61 speaking 111 spear 49 spearmen 1 spears 21 special 4 specify 1 speck 1 speckled 8 spectacle 1 speech 72 speeches 12 speechless 2 speed 12 speedily 28 speedy 3 spend 11 spent 30 spiced 1 spices 38 spider 2 spiders 2 spider’s 1 spies 14 spikenard 4 spilled 3 spin 2 spindle 1 spirit 430 spirits 47 spiritual 26 spiritually 2 spit 9 spitten 1 spitting 3 spittle 5 spoil 43 spoiled 19 spoiler 5 spoilers 5 spoilest 1 spoileth 1 spoiling 1 spoils 90 spoke 509 spoken 343 spokes 1 spokest 4 sponge 3 sport 1 sporting 1 spot 19 spotless 3 spots 4 spotted 8 spouse 9 spouses 2 spread 96 spreadeth 8 spreading 10 sprigs 2 spring 45 springeth 3 springing 5 springs 12 springtime 4 sprinkle 19 sprinkled 27 sprinkling 5 sprout 1 sprung 17 spun 1 spy 10 squander 2 square 11 squared 1 squeezeth 1 stab 2 stabbed 6 stable 1 stables 1 stacks 1 stacte 3 staff 35 stagger 6 staggered 2 staggereth 1 staggering 2 stags 1 stain 4 stained 5 staining 1 stains 1 stairs 6 stake 2 stakes 3 stalk 3 stalks 1 stallion 1 stallions 1 stalls 5 stammerers 1 stamp 1 stamped 3 stand 260 standard 10 standards 1 standers 2 standest 6 standeth 23 standing 120 star 19 stare 1 stared 1 stars 65 state 13 stately 1 stater 7 staters 2 station 4 statuary 2 statue 21 statues 18 stature 17 statute 2 statutes 12 staves 10 stay 55 stayed 36 stayeth 1 staying 1 stead 84 steadfast 12 steadfastly 5 steadfastness 3 steady 3 steal 21 stealest 1 stealeth 2 stealth 2 steep 8 stellio 1 stello 1 stench 5 step 8 stepmother 1 steps 67 stept 1 stern 3 stew 1 steward 16 stewards 1 stewardship 3 stews 2 stibic 2 stick 20 sticketh 3 sticking 3 sticks 6 stiff 7 stiffen 1 stiffnecked 8 stifled 2 still 85 stilled 1 sting 3 stinging 1 stings 1 stink 1 stinketh 1 stinking 3 stipulations 1 stir 19 stirred 28 stirreth 8 stirring 1 stock 34 stocks 9 stole 7 stolen 13 stomach 3 stomacher 2 stomach’s 1 stone 208 stonecutters 2 stoned 25 stones 183 stonest 2 stone’s 2 stoning 1 stony 9 stood 347 stoodest 1 stool 4 stoop 3 stooped 3 stooping 2 stop 11 stopped 20 stoppeth 3 stopping 2 stopt 1 storax 2 store 17 stored 5 storehouse 6 storehouses 14 storeroom 2 storerooms 2 stores 8 storest 1 storeth 1 stories 3 storing 1 stork 2 storm 21 storms 2 stormy 3 story 1 stout 10 stoutest 3 stoutly 1 straggling 1 straight 29 straightway 1 strain 1 straineth 1 strait 11 straiten 4 straitened 17 straiteneth 1 straitness 2 straits 1 strakes 1 strange 130 stranger 118 strangers 110 strangled 3 strangles 1 straw 16 stray 2 strayed 1 straying 1 stream 10 streams 22 street 41 streets 69 strength 313 strengthen 33 strengthened 76 strengtheneth 2 strengthening 3 stretch 40 stretched 86 stretchedst 1 stretchest 2 stretcheth 5 stretching 14 strew 1 strewed 8 strewing 1 strict 1 strictly 7 strife 18 strifes 4 strike 93 striker 3 strikers 1 strikest 3 striketh 13 striking 17 string 1 strings 5 strip 10 stripe 2 stripes 24 stripling 1 stripped 25 stripping 2 stript 1 strive 6 striveth 3 striving 2 strivings 1 stroke 13 strokes 1 strong 301 stronger 33 strongest 10 stronghold 2 strongly 8 strove 9 strowed 1 struck 150 struckest 1 struggled 1 strumpet 3 stubble 15 stubborn 10 stubbornness 2 stuck 10 studied 2 studieth 3 studious 1 study 5 studying 2 stuff 4 stumble 14 stumbled 5 stumbleth 3 stumbling 7 stumblingblock 28 stumblingblocks 4 stumblingstone 2 stump 4 stupefied 1 stupid 1 subdue 7 subdued 12 subduest 1 subdueth 2 subject 60 subjected 5 subjection 10 subjects 3 submit 3 submitted 1 submitteth 1 suborn 1 suborned 1 subscribe 1 subscribed 1 subscribers 1 subsist 1 subsistence 1 substance 75 subtile 2 subtilties 2 subtilty 5 subtle 3 subtlety 1 suburbs 79 subvert 1 subverted 2 subverting 2 succeed 12 succeeded 9 succeedeth 1 succeeding 1 success 14 successful 1 succession 2 successions 2 successively 1 successor 4 successors 1 succour 8 succours 4 such 276 suck 18 sucking 5 suckled 1 suckling 3 sucklings 5 sudden 27 suddenly 44 suddenness 1 sue 1 suffer 128 suffered 67 sufferest 2 suffereth 8 suffering 11 sufferings 10 sufferred 1 suffice 8 sufficiency 3 sufficient 18 suffocatest 1 suggest 1 suggested 4 suggesting 1 suggestion 1 suggestions 1 suit 1 suitable 2 sully 1 sum 27 summer 16 summer’s 1 sumptuous 1 sumptuously 1 sums 4 sun 199 sunbeam 1 sunder 1 sundry 1 sung 22 sunk 5 sunset 8 sup 2 superabounded 1 superfluous 3 superior 1 superiority 1 supernal 1 superscription 1 superstition 2 superstitious 1 supersubstantial 1 supped 3 supper 18 suppers 1 supplant 3 supplanted 6 supplanteth 1 suppliants 1 supplication 56 supplications 12 supplied 5 supplieth 1 supply 5 support 14 supported 3 supporteth 1 supporting 1 suppose 5 supposed 6 supposing 5 suppresseth 1 sure 25 surely 52 sureties 1 surety 14 suretyship 2 surface 5 surfeited 1 surfeiting 3 surges 1 surname 2 surnamed 20 surpass 1 surpassed 7 surpasseth 3 surprised 3 surround 5 surrounded 22 surrounding 2 surrounds 1 surveyed 2 surveying 2 suspect 4 suspected 7 suspecteth 1 suspecting 1 suspense 2 suspicion 4 suspicions 1 sustain 4 sustenance 3 swaddled 1 swaddling 4 swallow 13 swallowed 23 swalloweth 2 swallowing 1 swallows 1 swallow’s 1 swam 3 swan 2 swarm 5 swarmed 1 swathed 1 sway 5 swear 62 swearers 1 sweareth 14 swearing 4 sweat 5 sweep 3 sweet 115 sweet-smelling 1 sweeten 1 sweeteneth 1 sweeter 4 sweetly 2 sweetmeats 1 sweetness 22 sweetsmelling 1 swell 8 swelled 3 swelling 13 swellings 1 sweltering 1 swept 4 swift 23 swifter 6 swiftly 9 swim 2 swimmeth 1 swimming 1 swine 14 swine’s 7 swollen 1 swoon 2 swooned 2 sword 460 swords 34 swore 78 sworest 1 sworn 42 sycamore 1 sycamores 4 symphony 4 synagogue 45 synagogues 24 synagogue’s 1 tabernacle 322 tabernacles 48 table 103 tables 57 tablets 3 tabs 1 tackling 1 tacklings 1 tail 12 tailing 1 tails 6 take 861 taken 478 takest 4 taketh 53 taking 168 tale 1 talebearer 3 talent 15 talents 60 tales 1 talk 10 talkative 1 talked 12 talkers 1 talkest 1 talketh 1 talking 9 tall 10 taller 1 tamaric 1 tame 2 tamed 2 tanner 3 tapestry 6 target 1 targets 2 tarried 12 tarriest 1 tarrieth 1 tarry 15 tarrying 1 task 3 taskmasters 3 taste 21 tasted 13 tasteth 1 tasting 1 tattlers 1 taught 73 tax 2 taxed 3 taxes 1 teach 106 teacher 12 teachers 6 teachest 7 teacheth 15 teaching 31 tear 12 teareth 1 tearing 3 tears 57 teas 1 teats 1 tedious 3 tediousness 1 teeth 59 tell 225 tellers 2 tellest 1 telleth 5 telling 9 temper 1 temperance 1 temperate 1 tempered 47 tempering 4 tempest 21 tempestuous 1 temple 448 temples 29 temporal 1 tempt 14 temptation 28 temptations 6 tempted 30 temptedst 1 tempter 2 tempteth 3 tempting 8 ten 224 tender 23 tenderly 1 tenderness 2 tending 1 tenor 1 tens 4 tent 61 tenth 65 tenths 19 tentmakers 1 tents 68 termeth 1 terminated 1 terrestrial 2 terrible 49 terrified 13 terrify 12 terrifying 1 terror 34 terrors 5 testament 39 testaments 1 testator 2 testicles 3 testified 15 testifieth 4 testify 18 testifying 4 testimonies 40 testimony 222 tetrarch 6 than 527 thank 2 thankful 1 thanks 85 thanksgiving 19 thanksgivings 2 thankworthy 2 that 14075 the 68394 theatre 2 thee 3962 theft 9 thefts 2 their 4467 theirs 15 them 7193 themselves 390 then 458 thence 164 thenceforth 3 thenceforward 3 theraphim 4 there 2371 thereat 2 thereby 9 therefore 954 therein 136 thereof 826 thereon 16 thereto 2 thereunto 4 thereupon 7 therewith 22 these 1236 they 7969 thick 21 thickened 1 thicker 3 thicket 1 thickets 3 thickness 4 thief 26 thieves 16 thigh 24 thighs 5 thin 7 thine 42 thing 515 things 2054 think 118 thinkest 17 thinketh 13 thinking 29 thinner 1 thins 2 third 206 thirdly 2 thirds 1 thirst 42 thirsted 3 thirsteth 3 thirsting 1 thirsty 22 thirteen 13 thirteenth 16 thirtieth 15 thirty 140 thirty-eight 3 thirty-five 5 thirty-four 2 thirty-nine 1 thirty-seven 6 thirty-seventh 1 thirty-six 4 thirty-three 4 thirty-two 9 thirtyfold 1 this 2774 thistle 6 thistles 4 thither 79 thithes 1 thong 2 thongs 1 thorn 8 thorns 42 thoroughly 4 those 377 thou 5353 though 78 thought 143 thoughtest 1 thoughtful 1 thoughts 85 thousand 583 thousands 52 thrash 2 thrashed 2 thrasher 1 thrasheth 1 thrashing 6 thrashingfloor 10 thread 4 threads 2 threaten 4 threatened 10 threateneth 1 threatening 4 threatenings 3 threats 2 three 482 threefold 1 threescore 26 thresh 1 threshing 3 threshingfloor 2 threshold 20 thresholds 1 threw 28 threwest 1 thrice 15 thrive 1 throat 15 throne 199 thrones 11 throng 3 thronged 2 thronging 1 throttled 1 through 467 throughout 45 throw 19 throweth 1 throwing 1 thrown 29 thrust 31 thrusted 1 thrusting 4 thumb 5 thumbs 2 thunder 19 thundered 6 thunderings 1 thunders 13 thus 249 thy 5879 thyine 6 thyself 210 tidings 25 tie 6 tied 15 tierce 1 tiger 1 tight 1 tile 12 tiles 1 till 322 tillage 2 tilled 6 tillers 2 tilleth 3 timber 22 timbrel 7 timbrels 12 time 852 times 174 timorous 1 tin 6 tingle 3 tinkling 1 tip 10 tire 4 tired 1 tis 2 tithe 8 tithes 42 tithing 2 title 12 titles 1 tittle 2 to 23393 today 57 toe 5 toes 8 together 748 toil 3 token 8 tokens 4 told 307 tolerable 5 toll 3 tomb 2 tombs 2 tomorrow 52 ton 2 tongs 5 tongue 174 tongued 5 tongues 42 too 28 took 711 tookest 3 tool 2 tooth 11 top 106 topaz 6 tops 22 torch 3 torches 4 tore 4 torment 12 tormented 18 tormentest 1 tormenting 1 tormentor 1 torments 18 torn 12 torrent 87 torrents 11 torture 1 tortured 1 torturers 1 tortures 1 toss 2 tossed 7 tottering 1 touch 70 touched 69 toucheth 26 touching 24 tow 4 toward 91 towards 249 towel 2 tower 48 towers 29 town 39 towns 47 trace 3 traces 1 traceth 1 trade 5 traded 1 traders 1 trades 1 trading 1 tradition 11 traditions 3 traffic 8 trail 1 traileth 1 train 6 trained 5 traineth 1 traitor 8 traitors 2 trample 3 trampled 1 trance 1 tranquillity 1 transfer 3 transferred 4 transfigured 2 transformed 3 transformeth 1 transforming 1 transgress 20 transgressed 36 transgresseth 3 transgressing 2 transgression 23 transgressions 11 transgressor 6 transgressors 12 translated 10 translation 3 transmigration 4 transom 2 transparent 1 transplanted 2 transport 1 transported 2 trap 2 traps 1 travail 8 travailest 1 travaileth 2 travailing 1 travel 1 travelled 1 traveller 3 travellers 1 travelling 1 travels 1 treacherous 5 treacherously 4 treachery 5 tread 38 treader 2 treaders 2 treadest 1 treadeth 5 treading 6 treason 5 treasure 42 treasurer 1 treasurers 1 treasures 77 treasurest 1 treasury 19 treat 11 treated 13 treating 2 treatise 1 tree 206 trees 157 tremble 17 trembled 22 trembleth 2 trembling 29 trench 9 trespass 25 trespassed 3 trial 12 trials 1 tribe 234 tribes 126 tribulation 65 tribulations 13 tribunal 2 tribune 19 tribunes 12 tributaries 7 tributary 4 tribute 33 tributes 14 trickling 1 tried 33 trier 1 triest 1 trieth 6 triflers 2 trimmed 2 triple 1 tripled 1 triumph 5 triumphant 1 triumphed 1 triumpher 1 triumpheth 1 triumphing 1 trod 9 trodden 36 troop 5 troops 40 trouble 86 troubled 156 troubles 11 troublesome 11 troublest 2 troubleth 6 troubling 1 troughs 5 trowel 3 true 100 truest 1 truly 9 trumpet 81 trumpeters 1 trumpets 60 trust 118 trusted 33 trustedst 2 trustest 8 trusteth 16 trusting 13 trusty 1 truth 292 truths 2 truth’s 1 try 25 trying 1 tumbling 1 tumbrels 1 tumult 30 tumults 2 tune 3 tunes 2 tunick 10 tunicks 5 turbans 1 turn 195 turned 320 turnedst 1 turnest 4 turneth 19 turning 39 turnings 1 turns 5 turpentine 6 turtle 6 turtledoves 1 turtledove’s 1 turtles 8 tutors 2 twelfth 25 twelve 189 twentieth 53 twenty 258 twenty-eight 10 twenty-five 3 twenty-four 3 twenty-nine 1 twenty-one 3 twenty-seven 6 twenty-three 9 twenty-two 13 twice 35 twig 1 twigs 1 twined 1 twinkling 1 twins 6 twist 1 twisted 21 twisting 1 two 788 two-edged 4 twofold 1 tying 2 tyranny 3 tyrant 4 tyrants 3 udder 1 ulcer 7 unable 5 unaccountable 1 unaccustomed 1 unadvisedly 1 unanimous 1 unanimously 1 unarmed 1 unawares 5 unbecoming 1 unbelief 17 unbeliever 2 unbelievers 11 unbelieving 8 unburied 2 uncertain 6 uncertainty 2 unchangeable 1 unchaste 1 uncircumcised 44 uncircumcision 17 uncle 16 unclean 175 uncleanness 45 uncleannesses 8 uncles 1 uncle’s 5 unclothed 1 uncomely 1 uncondemned 2 uncover 20 uncovered 9 uncovereth 1 uncovering 2 unction 18 undefiled 20 under 475 undergirding 1 undergo 2 undergone 2 undermine 2 undermined 3 undermining 1 underneath 6 undersetters 2 understand 127 understandest 2 understandeth 18 understanding 154 understandings 1 understood 92 undertake 1 undertaketh 1 undertaking 1 undertook 2 underwritten 1 undisciplined 1 undo 1 undone 8 undoubtedly 5 uneasy 2 unexpected 1 unexperienced 1 unfaithful 5 unfaithfully 1 unfaithfulness 1 unfeigned 4 unfenced 1 unfolded 1 unfruitful 5 ungirded 1 ungodliness 5 ungodlinesses 1 ungodly 44 ungracious 1 ungrateful 1 unhappiness 1 unhappy 8 unharnessed 1 unheard 2 unhewn 1 unholy 1 unicorn 1 unicorns 4 uninhabitable 1 uninhabited 6 united 2 unity 3 unjust 87 unjustly 29 unknown 11 unlade 1 unlamented 1 unlawful 10 unlearned 9 unleavened 48 unless 45 unlike 4 unlooked 3 unmarried 3 unmerciful 2 unmindful 3 unmoveable 3 unnecessary 1 unpassable 4 unpleasant 1 unpolished 2 unprepared 1 unprofitable 25 unprofitableness 1 unpunished 8 unquenchable 4 unquiet 2 unquietness 1 unreasonable 1 unrevenged 1 unruly 2 unsatiable 1 unsavoury 2 unsearchable 7 unseemly 1 unshod 1 unskillful 3 unspeakable 5 unspotted 11 unstable 3 unsteady 2 unstopped 1 unsufferable 1 untempered 1 unthankful 4 until 294 untilled 1 untimely 2 unto 1259 untouched 1 untruly 1 unwary 1 unwashed 2 unwillingly 3 unwise 23 unwisely 1 unworthily 3 unworthy 6 up 2613 upbraid 8 upbraided 5 upbraider 1 upbraideth 5 upbraiding 3 upheld 4 uphold 8 upholdeth 1 upholding 2 upon 2894 upper 37 uppermost 3 upright 33 uprightly 3 uprightness 6 uproar 9 upside 1 upward 51 upwards 8 urchin 1 urge 1 urged 1 urgent 1 urging 1 urine 2 urn 2 us 1709 use 64 used 40 useful 2 useless 2 userer 1 uses 20 useth 5 using 3 usual 7 usuries 2 usurped 2 usury 16 utmost 6 utter 32 utterance 1 uttered 15 uttereth 14 uttering 1 utterly 48 uttermost 22 vagabond 2 vagabonds 2 vain 136 vainly 3 vale 20 vales 3 valiant 128 valiantly 3 valley 106 valleys 24 valour 12 valuable 2 value 4 vanish 4 vanished 3 vanisheth 1 vanities 13 vanity 58 vapour 8 vapours 1 variance 1 varied 3 varieth 1 varieties 1 variety 8 various 5 vary 1 vast 6 vault 2 vehement 2 vehemently 6 veil 39 veils 4 vein 3 veins 2 velour 1 venerable 7 veneration 1 vengeance 53 venison 5 venom 3 venomous 1 vent 1 venture 3 verdure 1 verily 5 verity 1 vermilion 2 verses 4 very 363 vessel 78 vessels 192 vest 2 vested 9 vestment 1 vestments 25 vesture 11 vetches 1 vex 1 vexation 12 vexed 1 vial 8 vials 6 vices 2 victim 57 victims 92 victories 1 victorious 1 victory 30 victuals 25 view 28 viewed 11 vigilant 1 vigorous 1 vigorously 2 vigour 2 vile 7 vilest 1 village 7 villages 76 vine 38 vinedressers 3 vinegar 11 vines 13 vineyard 86 vineyards 51 vintage 20 vintages 1 violate 5 violated 11 violating 2 violence 50 violent 19 violently 15 violet 54 viper 2 vipers 4 viper’s 1 virgin 46 virginity 11 virgins 32 virgin’s 2 virtue 21 virtues 9 virtuous 4 visage 1 visible 2 vision 91 visions 22 visit 72 visitation 25 visitations 1 visited 26 visitest 4 visiteth 1 visiting 5 visitor 1 vital 2 vitals 1 vocation 5 voice 540 voices 21 void 55 voluble 1 volume 25 voluntarily 6 voluntary 6 vomit 13 vomited 2 vomiteth 1 vomiting 1 vouch 1 vouchsafe 3 vow 42 vowed 25 vowest 1 vows 30 voyage 3 vulgar 1 vulture 3 wafer 3 wafers 4 wag 3 wage 2 wages 28 wagged 4 wagging 3 waging 1 wagon 1 wagons 9 wail 1 wailing 7 wails 1 wain 4 wains 1 wait 86 waited 29 waiters 3 waiteth 8 waiting 15 waked 1 wakened 1 wakeneth 2 waketh 2 waking 1 walk 226 walked 154 walkest 9 walketh 38 walking 41 wall 182 walled 13 wallet 2 wallow 1 wallowing 2 walls 121 wand 1 wander 9 wandered 10 wanderers 1 wandereth 1 wandering 11 want 69 wanted 7 wantest 2 wanteth 12 wanting 34 wanton 6 wants 2 war 201 ward 5 wardens 2 wardrobe 3 wards 3 wares 5 warfare 5 warily 1 warlike 3 warm 8 warmed 11 warming 3 warn 2 warned 4 warning 4 warp 2 warred 1 warrior 5 warriors 17 wars 35 was 5124 wash 68 washed 75 washeth 1 washing 10 washings 2 wasps 1 wast 79 waste 86 wasted 39 wastes 2 wasteth 2 wasting 6 watch 68 watched 19 watcher 2 watchers 1 watches 11 watcheth 7 watchful 1 watchfulness 1 watching 14 watchings 2 watchman 14 watchmen 20 watchtower 3 watchword 2 water 417 watered 14 waterest 1 watereth 4 watering 1 waterpot 1 waterpots 2 waters 319 waterside 1 watery 4 wave 3 waver 2 wavereth 1 wavering 2 waves 31 wax 7 waxed 1 way 739 wayfaring 2 ways 278 wayside 1 we 1868 weak 61 weakened 21 weakenest 1 weakeneth 1 weaker 3 weakness 8 wealth 9 wealthy 6 wean 1 weaned 9 weaning 1 weapon 3 weapons 22 wear 14 weareth 2 wearied 23 weariness 1 wearing 2 wearisome 2 weary 38 weasel 1 weather 4 weave 1 weaver 2 weaver’s 4 weaving 2 web 4 webs 4 wed 1 wedding 8 wedlock 2 wee 1 weed 1 week 17 weeks 17 weep 51 weepers 2 weepest 3 weepeth 1 weeping 73 weepings 1 weigh 4 weighed 19 weigher 1 weigheth 1 weighing 27 weight 74 weightier 1 weights 7 weighty 2 welcome 1 welfare 9 well 297 wells 5 well’s 1 went 1401 wentest 9 wept 65 were 3279 wert 8 west 62 western 1 westward 10 wet 6 wethers 1 whale 2 whales 3 whale’s 1 what 977 whatever 6 whatsoever 170 wheat 56 wheaten 1 wheel 20 wheels 28 whelp 6 whelps 10 when 2710 whence 59 whensoever 2 where 334 whereas 85 whereby 24 wherefore 24 wherein 166 whereof 44 whereon 8 wheresoever 20 whereto 1 whereunto 10 whereupon 8 wherewith 113 wherewithal 1 whet 2 whether 116 whetted 1 which 3598 while 137 whilst 67 whine 1 whip 3 whips 4 whirled 1 whirling 1 whirlwind 34 whirlwinds 4 whisper 2 whispered 1 whisperer 4 whisperers 1 whispering 1 whisperings 1 whistle 2 whistling 2 whit 1 white 63 whited 3 whiteness 8 whiter 3 whither 49 whithersoever 26 who 2115 whoever 2 whole 318 wholesome 5 wholly 15 whom 917 whomsoever 19 whore 2 whoredom 2 whoremonger 1 whoremongers 1 whose 265 whosoever 111 why 156 wicked 482 wickedly 37 wickedness 156 wickednesses 2 wickets 1 wide 15 widow 61 widowhood 7 widows 31 widow’s 4 wife 438 wife’s 7 wild 45 wilderness 179 wildernesses 1 wile 2 wilful 1 wilfully 3 wiliness 1 will 4642 willed 1 willest 1 willeth 4 willing 43 willingly 21 willows 5 wills 4 wilt 302 win 1 wind 127 winding 4 window 18 windows 22 winds 31 windy 1 wine 242 wine-presses 1 winefat 1 winepress 13 winepresses 4 wines 1 wing 18 winged 2 wings 78 wink 2 winked 1 winketh 3 winks 1 winning 1 winnowed 1 winnoweth 1 winter 17 wintered 1 winter’s 1 wipe 9 wiped 5 wipeth 1 wisdom 352 wise 283 wisely 16 wiser 14 wisest 1 wish 6 wished 6 wisheth 1 wishing 1 wit 56 witch 1 witchcraft 2 witchcrafts 2 with 6879 withal 26 withdraw 11 withdraweth 1 withdrawing 2 withdrawn 12 withdrew 5 wither 17 withered 31 withereth 1 withering 1 withersoever 2 withheld 3 withhold 5 withholden 7 withholdeth 3 withholding 1 within 162 without 599 withstand 15 withstood 5 witness 97 witnessed 1 witnesses 51 witnesseth 2 witnessing 1 wits 2 witty 1 wives 148 wizard 2 wizards 2 wnat 1 woe 36 woes 1 wolf 7 wolves 7 woman 394 womankind 1 womanservant 1 woman’s 8 womb 97 wombs 1 women 211 womenservants 4 women’s 4 won 4 wonder 27 wondered 38 wondereth 1 wonderful 62 wonderfully 8 wondering 6 wonders 72 wondrous 11 wont 45 wood 161 wooden 1 woodland 4 woodlands 1 woods 14 woody 4 woof 4 wool 13 woollen 4 word 870 words 785 word’s 2 wore 12 work 406 worked 2 worker 5 workers 19 worketh 46 working 16 workman 10 workmanship 3 workman’s 1 workmaster 1 workmen 15 works 427 work’s 1 world 337 worldly 2 worlds 1 worm 12 worms 13 wormwood 8 worn 7 worse 30 worship 62 worshipped 56 worshipper 1 worshippers 5 worshippeth 3 worshipping 9 worst 1 worth 11 worthily 3 worthless 2 worthy 116 would 563 wouldest 4 wouldst 38 wound 34 wounded 56 woundeth 1 wounding 1 wounds 17 wove 1 woven 12 wrangle 1 wrangling 1 wrap 5 wrapped 18 wrappeth 1 wrath 305 wrathful 3 wraths 1 wreath 1 wreathed 1 wreaths 1 wrest 1 wrestled 2 wrestling 1 wretch 6 wretched 4 wringing 1 wrinkle 1 wrinkles 1 write 84 writer’s 2 writest 1 writeth 1 writhe 1 writing 31 writings 5 written 292 wrong 23 wronged 10 wrongest 1 wrongfully 9 wronging 1 wrongs 3 wrote 73 wrought 98 yard 2 ye 815 yea 62 year 413 yearly 5 years 531 yellow 4 yen 2 yesterday 28 yet 409 yield 38 yielded 15 yieldeth 4 yielding 7 yoke 71 yoked 1 yokes 1 yonder 3 you 5499 young 253 younger 33 younger’s 1 youngest 17 your 1689 yours 17 yourselves 142 youth 71 youthful 1 youths 3 zeal 34 zealous 20