INFO(V11N): Num.13.34 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Num.13.33 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Num.13.33: There we saw certain monsters of the sons of Enac, of the giant kind: in comparison of whom, we seemed like locusts. INFO(V11N): Num.20.30 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Num.20.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Num.20.29: And all the multitude seeing that Aaron was dead, mourned for him thirty days throughout all their families. INFO(V11N): Num.30.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Num.30.16 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Num.30.16: These are the laws which the Lord appointed to Moses between the husband and the wife, between the father and the daughter that is as yet but a girl in age, or that abideth in her father’s house. INFO(V11N): Josh.4.25 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Josh.4.24 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Josh.4.24: That all the people of the earth may learn the most mighty hand of the Lord, that you also may fear the Lord your God for ever. INFO(V11N): Josh.5.16 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Josh.5.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Josh.5.15: Loose, saith he, thy shoes from off thy feet: for the place whereon thou standest is holy. And Josue did as was commanded him. INFO(V11N): Judg.5.32 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Judg.5.31 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Judg.5.31: And the land rested for forty years. INFO(V11N): 1Sam.20.43 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to 1Sam.20.42 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: 1Sam.20.42: And David arose, and departed: and Jonathan went into the city. INFO(V11N): 1Sam.24.23 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to 1Sam.24.22 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: 1Sam.24.22: And David swore to Saul. So Saul went home: and David and his men went up into safer places. INFO(V11N): 1Kgs.22.54 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to 1Kgs.22.53 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: 1Kgs.22.53: He served also Baal, and worshipped him, and provoked the Lord the God of Israel, according to all that his father had done.
INFO(V11N): Esth.10.4 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: Then Mardochai said: God hath done these things. INFO(V11N): Esth.10.5 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: I remember a dream that I saw, which signified these same things: and nothing thereof hath failed. INFO(V11N): Esth.10.6 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: The little fountain which grew into a river, and was turned into a light, and into the sun, and abounded into many waters, is Esther, whom the king married, and made queen. INFO(V11N): Esth.10.7 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: But the two dragons are I and Aman. INFO(V11N): Esth.10.8 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: The nations that were assembled are they that endeavoured to destroy the name of the Jews. INFO(V11N): Esth.10.9 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And my nation is Israel, who cried to the Lord, and the Lord saved his people: and he delivered us from all evils, and hath wrought great signs and wonders among the nations: INFO(V11N): Esth.10.10 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And he commanded that there should be two lots, one of the people of God, and the other of all the nations. INFO(V11N): Esth.10.11 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And both lots came to the day appointed already from that time before God to all nations: INFO(V11N): Esth.10.12 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And the Lord remembered his people, and had mercy on his inheritance. INFO(V11N): Esth.10.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And these days shall be observed in the month of Adar on the fourteenth, and fifteenth day of the same month. with all diligence, and joy of the people gathered into one assembly, throughout all the generations hereafter of the people of Israel. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.11.1 DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.11.2 INFO(V11N): Esth.11.1 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: In the fourth year of the reign of Ptolemy and Cleopatra, Dositheus, who said he was a priest, and of the Levitical race, and Ptolemy his son brought this epistle of Phurim, which they said Lysimachus the son of Ptolemy had interpreted in Jerusalem. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.11.3 INFO(V11N): Esth.11.2 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: In the second year of the reign of Artaxerxes the great, in the first day of the month Nisan, Mardochai the son of Jair, the son of Semei, the son of Cis, of the tribe of Benjamin: DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.11.4 INFO(V11N): Esth.11.3 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: A Jew who dwelt in the city of Susan, a great man and among the first of the king’s court, had it dream. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.11.5 INFO(V11N): Esth.11.4 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: Now he was of the number of the captives, whom Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon had carried away from Jerusalem with Jechonias king of Juda: DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.11.6 INFO(V11N): Esth.11.5 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And this was his dream: Behold there were voices, and tumults, and thunders, and earthquakes, and a disturbance upon the earth. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.11.7 INFO(V11N): Esth.11.6 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And behold two great dragons came forth ready to fight one against another. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.11.8 INFO(V11N): Esth.11.7 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And at their cry all nations were stirred up to fight against the nation of the just. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.11.9 INFO(V11N): Esth.11.8 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And that was a day of darkness and danger, of tribulation and distress, and great fear upon the earth. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.11.10 INFO(V11N): Esth.11.9 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And the nation of the just was troubled fearing their own evils, and was prepared for death. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.11.11 INFO(V11N): Esth.11.10 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And they cried to God: and as they were crying, a little fountain grew into a very great river, and abounded into many waters. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.11.12 INFO(V11N): Esth.11.11 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: The light and the sun rose up, and the humble were exalted, and they devoured the glorious. INFO(V11N): Esth.11.12 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And when Mardochai had seen this, and arose out of his bed, he was thinking what God would do: and he kept it fixed in his mind, desirous to know what the dream should signify. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.12.1 DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.12.2 INFO(V11N): Esth.12.1 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And he abode at that time in the king’s court with Bagatha and Thara the king’s eunuchs, who were porters of the palace. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.12.3 INFO(V11N): Esth.12.2 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And when he understood their designs, and had diligently searched into their projects, he learned that they went about to lay violent hands on king Artaxerxes, and he told the king thereof. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.12.4 INFO(V11N): Esth.12.3 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: Then the king had them both examined, and after they had confessed, commanded them to be put to death. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.12.5 INFO(V11N): Esth.12.4 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: But the king made a record of what was done: and Mardochai also committed the memory of the thing to writing. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.12.6 INFO(V11N): Esth.12.5 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And the king commanded him, to abide in the court of the palace, and gave him presents for the information. INFO(V11N): Esth.12.6 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: But Aman the son of Amadathi the Bugite was in great honour with the king, and sought to hurt Mardochai and his people, because of the two eunuchs of the king who were put to death. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.13.1 DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.13.2 INFO(V11N): Esth.13.1 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And this was the copy of the letter: Artaxerxes the great king who reigneth from India to Ethiopia, to the princes and governors of the hundred and twenty-seven provinces, that are subject to his empire, greeting. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.13.3 INFO(V11N): Esth.13.2 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: Whereas I reigned over many nations, and had brought all the world under my dominion, I was not willing to abuse the greatness of my power, but to govern my subjects with clemency and lenity, that they might live quietly without any terror. and might enjoy peace, which is desired by all men. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.13.4 INFO(V11N): Esth.13.3 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: But when I asked my counsellors how this might be accomplished, one that excelled the rest in wisdom and fidelity, and was second after the king, Aman by name, DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.13.5 INFO(V11N): Esth.13.4 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: Told me that there was a people scattered through the whole world, which used new laws, and acted against the customs of all nations, despised the commandments of kings, and violated by their opposition the concord of all nations. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.13.6 INFO(V11N): Esth.13.5 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: Wherefore having learned this, and seeing one nation in opposition to all mankind using perverse laws, and going against our commandments, and disturbing the peace and concord of the provinces subject to us, DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.13.7 INFO(V11N): Esth.13.6 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: We have commanded that all whom Aman shall mark out, who is chief over all the provinces, and second after the king, and whom we honour as a father, shall be utterly destroyed by their enemies, with their wives and children, and that none shall have pity on them. on the fourteenth day of the twelfth month Adar of this present year: DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.13.8 INFO(V11N): Esth.13.7 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: That these wicked men going down to hell in one day, may restore to our empire the peace which they had disturbed. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.13.9 INFO(V11N): Esth.13.8 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: But Mardochai besought the Lord, remembering all his works, DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.13.10 INFO(V11N): Esth.13.9 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And said: O Lord, Lord, almighty king, for all things are in thy power, and there is none that can resist thy will, if thou determine to save Israel. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.13.11 INFO(V11N): Esth.13.10 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: Thou hast made heaven and earth, and all things that are under the cope of heaven. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.13.12 INFO(V11N): Esth.13.11 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: Thou art Lord of all, and there is none that can resist thy majesty. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.13.13 INFO(V11N): Esth.13.12 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: Thou knowest all things, and thou knowest that it was not out of pride and contempt, or any desire of glory, that I refused to worship the proud Aman, DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.13.14 INFO(V11N): Esth.13.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: (For I would willingly and readily for the salvation of Israel have kissed even the steps of his feet,) DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.13.15 INFO(V11N): Esth.13.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: But I feared lest I should transfer the honour of my God to a man, and lest I should adore any one except my God. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.13.16 INFO(V11N): Esth.13.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And now, O Lord, O king, O God of Abraham, have mercy on thy people, because our enemies resolve to destroy us, and extinguish thy inheritance. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.13.17 INFO(V11N): Esth.13.16 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: Despise not thy portion, which thou hast redeemed for thyself out of Egypt. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.13.18 INFO(V11N): Esth.13.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: Hear my supplication, and be merciful to thy lot and inheritance, and turn our mourning into joy, that we may live and praise thy name, O Lord, and shut not the mouths of them that sing to thee. INFO(V11N): Esth.13.18 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And all Israel with like mind and supplication cried to the Lord, because they saw certain death hanging over their heads. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.14.1 DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.14.2 INFO(V11N): Esth.14.1 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: Queen Esther also, fearing the danger that was at hand, had recourse to the Lord. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.14.3 INFO(V11N): Esth.14.2 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And when she had laid away her royal apparel, she put on garments suitable for weeping and mourning: instead of divers precious ointments, she covered her head with ashes and dung, and she humbled her body with fasts: and all the places in which before she was accustomed to rejoice, she filled with her torn hair. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.14.4 INFO(V11N): Esth.14.3 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And she prayed to the Lord the God of Israel, saying: O my Lord, who alone art our king, help me a desolate woman, and who have no other helper but thee. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.14.5 INFO(V11N): Esth.14.4 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: My danger is in my hands. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.14.6 INFO(V11N): Esth.14.5 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: I have heard of my father that thou, O Lord, didst take Israel from among all nations, and our fathers from all their predecessors, to possess them as an everlasting inheritance, and thou hast done to them as thou hast promised. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.14.7 INFO(V11N): Esth.14.6 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: We have sinned in thy sight, and therefore thou hast delivered us into the hands of our enemies: DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.14.8 INFO(V11N): Esth.14.7 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: For we have worshipped their gods. Thou art just, O Lord. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.14.9 INFO(V11N): Esth.14.8 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And now they are not content to oppress us with most hard bondage, but attributing the strength of their hands to the power of their idols, DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.14.10 INFO(V11N): Esth.14.9 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: They design to change thy promises, and destroy thy inheritance, and shut the mouths of them that praise thee, and extinguish the glory of thy temple and altar, DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.14.11 INFO(V11N): Esth.14.10 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: That they may open the mouths of Gentiles, and praise the strength of idols, and magnify for ever a carnal king. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.14.12 INFO(V11N): Esth.14.11 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: Give not, O Lord, thy sceptre to them that are not, lest they laugh at our ruin: but turn their counsel upon themselves, and destroy him that hath begun to rage against us. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.14.13 INFO(V11N): Esth.14.12 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: Remember, O Lord, and shew thyself to us in the time of our tribulation, and give me boldness, O Lord, king of gods, and of all power: DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.14.14 INFO(V11N): Esth.14.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: Give me a well ordered speech in my mouth in the presence of the lion, and turn his heart to the hatred of our enemy, that both he himself may perish, and the rest that consent to him. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.14.15 INFO(V11N): Esth.14.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: But deliver us by thy hand, and help me, who have no other helper, but thee, O Lord, who hast the knowledge of all things. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.14.16 INFO(V11N): Esth.14.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And thou knowest that I hate the glory of the wicked, and abhor the bed of the uncircumcised, and of every stranger. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.14.17 INFO(V11N): Esth.14.16 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: Thou knowest my necessity, that I abominate the sign of my pride and glory, which is upon my head in the days of my public appearance, and detest it as a menstruous rag, and wear it not in the days of my silence, DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.14.18 INFO(V11N): Esth.14.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And that I have not eaten at Aman’s table, nor hath the king’s banquet pleased me, and that I have not drunk the wine of the drink offerings: DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.14.19 INFO(V11N): Esth.14.18 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And that thy handmaid hath never rejoiced, since I was brought hither unto this day, but in thee, O Lord, the God of Abraham. INFO(V11N): Esth.14.19 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: O God, who art mighty above all, hear the voice of them, that have no other hope, and deliver us from the hand of the wicked, and deliver me from my fear. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.15.1 DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.15.2 INFO(V11N): Esth.15.1 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And he commanded her (no doubt but he was Mardochai) to go to the king, and petition for her people, and for her country. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.15.3 INFO(V11N): Esth.15.2 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: Remember, (said he,) the days of thy low estate, how thou wast brought up by my hand, because Aman the second after the king hath spoken against us unto death. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.15.4 INFO(V11N): Esth.15.3 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And do thou call upon the Lord, and speak to the king for us, and deliver us from death. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.15.5 INFO(V11N): Esth.15.4 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And on the third day she laid away the garments she wore, and put on her glorious apparel. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.15.6 INFO(V11N): Esth.15.5 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And glittering in royal robes, after she had called upon God the ruler and Saviour of all, she took two maids with her, DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.15.7 INFO(V11N): Esth.15.6 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And upon one of them she leaned, as if for delicateness and overmuch tenderness she were not able to bear up her own body. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.15.8 INFO(V11N): Esth.15.7 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And the other maid followed her lady, bearing up her train flowing on the ground. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.15.9 INFO(V11N): Esth.15.8 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: But she with a rosy colour in her face, and with gracious and bright eyes, hid a mind full of anguish, and exceeding great fear. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.15.10 INFO(V11N): Esth.15.9 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: So going in she passed through all the doors in order, and stood before the king, where he sat upon his royal throne, clothed with his royal robes, and glittering with gold, and precious stones, and he was terrible to behold. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.15.11 INFO(V11N): Esth.15.10 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And when he had lifted up his countenance, and with burning eyes had shewn the wrath of his heart, the queen sunk down, and her colour turned pale, and she rested her weary head upon her handmaid. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.15.12 INFO(V11N): Esth.15.11 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And God changed the king’s spirit into mildness, and all in haste and in fear he leaped from his throne, and holding her up in his arms, till she came to herself, caressed her with these words: DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.15.13 INFO(V11N): Esth.15.12 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: What is the matter, Esther? I am thy brother, fear not. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.15.14 INFO(V11N): Esth.15.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: Thou shalt not die: for this law is not made for thee, but for all others. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.15.15 INFO(V11N): Esth.15.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: Come near then, and touch the sceptre. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.15.16 INFO(V11N): Esth.15.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And as she held her peace, he took the golden sceptre, and laid it upon her neck, and kissed her, and said: Why dost thou not speak to me? DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.15.17 INFO(V11N): Esth.15.16 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: She answered: I saw thee, my lord, as an angel of God, and my heart was troubled for fear of thy majesty. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.15.18 INFO(V11N): Esth.15.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: For thou, my lord, art very admirable, and thy. face is full of graces. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.15.19 INFO(V11N): Esth.15.18 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And while she was speaking, she fell down again, and was almost in a swoon. INFO(V11N): Esth.15.19 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: But the king was troubled, and all his servants comforted her. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.16.1 DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.16.2 INFO(V11N): Esth.16.1 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: The great king Artaxerxes, from India to Ethiopia, to the governors and princes of a hundred and twenty-seven provinces, which obey our command, sendeth greeting. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.16.3 INFO(V11N): Esth.16.2 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: Many have abused unto pride the goodness of princes, and the honour that hath been bestowed upon them: DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.16.4 INFO(V11N): Esth.16.3 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And not only endeavour to oppress the king’s subjects, but not bearing the glory that is given them, take in hand to practise also against them that gave it. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.16.5 INFO(V11N): Esth.16.4 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: Neither are they content not to return thanks for benefits received, and to violate in themselves the laws of humanity, but they think they can also escape the justice of God who seeth all things. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.16.6 INFO(V11N): Esth.16.5 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And they break out into so great madness, as to endeavour to undermine by lies such as observe diligently the offices committed to them, and do all things in such manner as to be worthy of all men’s praise, DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.16.7 INFO(V11N): Esth.16.6 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: While with crafty fraud they deceive the ears of princes that are well meaning, and judge of others by their own nature. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.16.8 INFO(V11N): Esth.16.7 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: Now this is proved both from ancient histories, and by the things which are done daily, how the good designs of kings are depraved by the evil suggestions of certain men. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.16.9 INFO(V11N): Esth.16.8 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: Wherefore we must provide for the peace of all provinces. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.16.10 INFO(V11N): Esth.16.9 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: Neither must you think, if we command different things, that it cometh of the levity of our mind, but that we give sentence according to the quality and necessity of times, as the profit of the commonwealth requireth. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.16.11 INFO(V11N): Esth.16.10 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: Now that you may more plainly understand what we say, I Aman the son of Amadathi, a Macedonian both in mind and country, and having nothing of the Persian blood, but with his cruelty staining our goodness, was received being a stranger by us: DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.16.12 INFO(V11N): Esth.16.11 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And found our humanity so great towards him, that he was called our father, and was worshipped by all as the next man after the king: DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.16.13 INFO(V11N): Esth.16.12 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: But he was so far puffed up with arrogancy, as to go about to deprive us of our kingdom and life. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.16.14 INFO(V11N): Esth.16.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: For with certain new and unheard of devices he hath sought the destruction of Mardochai, by whose fidelity and good services our life was saved, and of Esther the partner of our kingdom, with all their nation: DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.16.15 INFO(V11N): Esth.16.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: Thinking that after they were slain, he might work treason against us left alone without friends, and might transfer the kingdom of the Persians to the Macedonians. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.16.16 INFO(V11N): Esth.16.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: But we have found that the Jews, who were by that most wicked man appointed to be slain, are in no fault at all, but contrariwise, use just laws, DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.16.17 INFO(V11N): Esth.16.16 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And are the children of the highest and the greatest, and the ever living God, by whose benefit the kingdom was given both to our fathers and to us, and is kept unto this day. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.16.18 INFO(V11N): Esth.16.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: Wherefore know ye that those letters which he sent in our name, are void and of no effect. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.16.19 INFO(V11N): Esth.16.18 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: For which crime both he himself that devised it, and all his kindred hang on gibbets, before the gates of this city Susan: not we, but God repaying him as he deserved. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.16.20 INFO(V11N): Esth.16.19 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: But this edict, which we now send, shall be published in all cities, that the Jews may freely follow their own laws. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.16.21 INFO(V11N): Esth.16.20 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And you shall aid them that they may kill those who had prepared themselves to kill them, on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which is called Adar. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.16.22 INFO(V11N): Esth.16.21 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: For the almighty God hath turned this day of sadness and mourning into joy to them. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.16.23 INFO(V11N): Esth.16.22 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: Wherefore you shall also count this day among other festival days, and celebrate it with all joy, that it may be known also in times to come, DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Esth.16.24 INFO(V11N): Esth.16.23 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: That all they who faithfully obey the Persians, receive a worthy reward for their fidelity: but they that are traitors to their kingdom, are destroyed for their wickedness. INFO(V11N): Esth.16.24 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Esth.10.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Esth.10.3: And let every province and city, that will not be partaker of this solemnity, perish by the sword and by fire, and be destroyed in such manner as to be made unpassable, both to men and beasts, for an example of contempt, and disobedience.
INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Job:
The Book of Job INFO(V11N): Job.16.23 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Job.16.22 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Job.16.22: For behold short years pass away and I am walking in a path by which I shall not return. INFO(V11N): Job.39.31 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Job.39.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Job.39.30: And the Lord went on, and said to Job: INFO(V11N): Job.39.32 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Job.39.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Job.39.30: Shall he that contendeth with God be so easily silenced? surely he that reproveth God, ought to answer him. INFO(V11N): Job.39.33 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Job.39.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Job.39.30: Then Job answered the Lord, and said: INFO(V11N): Job.39.34 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Job.39.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Job.39.30: What can I answer, who hath spoken inconsiderately? I will lay my hand upon my mouth. INFO(V11N): Job.39.35 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Job.39.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Job.39.30: One thing I have spoken, which I wish I had not said: and another, to which I will add no more. INFO(V11N): Job.40.25 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Job.40.24 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Job.40.24: Shall friends cut him in pieces, shall merchants divide him? INFO(V11N): Job.40.26 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Job.40.24 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Job.40.24: Wilt thou fill nets with his skin, and the cabins of fishes with his head? INFO(V11N): Job.40.27 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Job.40.24 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Job.40.24: Lay thy hand upon him: remember the battle, and speak no more. INFO(V11N): Job.40.28 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Job.40.24 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Job.40.24: Behold his hope shall fail him, and in the sight of all he shall be cast down. INFO(V11N): Ps.2.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.2.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.2.12: When his wrath shall be kindled in a short time, blessed are all they that trust in him. INFO(V11N): Ps.3.9 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.3.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.3.8: Salvation is of the Lord: and thy blessing is upon thy people. INFO(V11N): Ps.4.9 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.4.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.4.8: In peace in the selfsame I will sleep, and I will rest: INFO(V11N): Ps.4.10 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.4.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.4.8: For thou, O Lord, singularly hast settled me in hope. INFO(V11N): Ps.5.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.5.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.5.12: For thou wilt bless the just. O Lord, thou hast crowned us, as with a shield of thy good will. INFO(V11N): Ps.6.11 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.6.10 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.6.10: Let all my enemies be ashamed, and be very much troubled: let them be turned back, and be ashamed very speedily. INFO(V11N): Ps.7.18 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.7.17 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.7.17: I will give glory to the Lord according to his justice: and will sing to the name of the Lord the most high. INFO(V11N): Ps.8.10 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.8.9 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.8.9: O Lord our Lord, how admirable is thy name in all the earth! INFO(V11N): Ps.9.21 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.9.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.9.20: Appoint, O Lord, a lawgiver over them: that the Gentiles may know themselves to be but men. INFO(V11N): Ps.9.22 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.9.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.9.20: Why, O Lord, hast thou retired afar off? why dost thou slight us in our wants, in the time of trouble? INFO(V11N): Ps.9.23 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.9.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.9.20: Whilst the wicked man is proud, the poor is set on fire: they are caught in the counsels which they devise. INFO(V11N): Ps.9.24 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.9.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.9.20: For the sinner is praised in the desires of his soul: and the unjust man is blessed. INFO(V11N): Ps.9.25 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.9.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.9.20: The sinner hath provoked the Lord according to the multitude of his wrath he will not seek him: INFO(V11N): Ps.9.26 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.9.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.9.20: God is not before his eyes: his ways are filthy at all times. Thy judgments are removed from his sight: he shall rule over all his enemies. INFO(V11N): Ps.9.27 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.9.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.9.20: For he hath said in his heart: I shall not be moved from generation to generation, and shall be without evil. INFO(V11N): Ps.9.28 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.9.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.9.20: His mouth is full of cursing, and of bitterness, and of deceit: under his tongue are labour and sorrow. INFO(V11N): Ps.9.29 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.9.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.9.20: He sitteth in ambush with the rich in private places, that he may kill the innocent. INFO(V11N): Ps.9.30 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.9.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.9.20: His eyes are upon the poor man: He lieth in wait in secret like a lion in his den. He lieth in ambush that he may catch the poor man: to catch the poor, whilst he draweth him to him. INFO(V11N): Ps.9.31 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.9.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.9.20: In his net he will bring him down, he will crouch and fall, when he shall have power over the poor. INFO(V11N): Ps.9.32 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.9.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.9.20: For he hath said in his heart: God hath forgotten, he hath turned away his face not to see to the end. INFO(V11N): Ps.9.33 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.9.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.9.20: Arise, O Lord God, let thy hand be exalted: forget not the poor. INFO(V11N): Ps.9.34 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.9.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.9.20: Wherefore hath the wicked provoked God? for he hath said in his heart: He will not require it. INFO(V11N): Ps.9.35 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.9.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.9.20: Thou seest it, for thou considerest labour and sorrow: that thou mayst deliver them into thy hands. To thee is the poor man left: thou wilt be a helper to the orphan. INFO(V11N): Ps.9.36 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.9.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.9.20: Break thou the arm of the sinner and of the malignant: his sin shall be sought, and shall not be found. INFO(V11N): Ps.9.37 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.9.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.9.20: The Lord shall reign to eternity, yea, for ever and ever: ye Gentiles shall perish from his land. INFO(V11N): Ps.9.38 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.9.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.9.20: The Lord hath heard the desire of the poor: thy ear hath heard the preparation of their heart. INFO(V11N): Ps.9.39 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.9.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.9.20: To judge for the fatherless and for the humble, that man may no more presume to magnify himself upon earth. INFO(V11N): Ps.11.8 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.11.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.11.7: Thou, O Lord, wilt preserve us: and keep us from this generation for ever. INFO(V11N): Ps.11.9 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.11.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.11.7: The wicked walk round about: according to thy highness, thou best multiplied the children of men. INFO(V11N): Ps.13.7 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.13.6 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.13.6: Who shall give out of Sion the salvation of Israel? when the Lord shall have turned away the captivity of his people, Jacob shall rejoice and Israel shall be glad. INFO(V11N): Ps.15.6 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.15.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.15.5: The lines are fallen unto me in goodly places: for my inheritance is goodly to me. INFO(V11N): Ps.15.7 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.15.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.15.5: I will bless the Lord, who hath given me understanding: moreover my reins also have corrected me even till night. INFO(V11N): Ps.15.8 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.15.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.15.5: I set the Lord always in my sight: for he is at my right hand, that I be not moved. INFO(V11N): Ps.15.9 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.15.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.15.5: Therefore my heart hath been glad, and my tongue hath rejoiced: moreover my flesh also shall rest in hope. INFO(V11N): Ps.15.10 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.15.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.15.5: Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; nor wilt then give thy holy one to see corruption. INFO(V11N): Ps.15.11 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.15.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.15.5: Thou hast made known to me the ways of life, thou shalt fill me with joy with thy countenance: at thy right hand are delights even to the end. INFO(V11N): Ps.16.12 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.16.11 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.16.11: They have taken me, as a lion prepared for the prey; and as a young lion dwelling in secret places. INFO(V11N): Ps.16.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.16.11 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.16.11: Arise, O Lord, disappoint him and supplant him; deliver my soul from the wicked one: thy sword INFO(V11N): Ps.16.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.16.11 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.16.11: From the enemies of thy hand. O Lord, divide them from the few of the earth in their life: their belly is filled from thy hidden stores. They are full of children: and they have left to their little ones the rest of their substance. INFO(V11N): Ps.16.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.16.11 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.16.11: But as for me, I will appear before thy sight in justice: I shall be satisfied when thy glory shall appear. INFO(V11N): Ps.17.16 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.17.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.17.15: Then the fountains of waters appeared, and the foundations of the world were discovered: At thy rebuke, O Lord, at the blast of the spirit of thy wrath. INFO(V11N): Ps.17.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.17.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.17.15: He sent from on high, and took me: and received me out of many waters. INFO(V11N): Ps.17.18 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.17.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.17.15: He delivered me from my strongest enemies, and from them that hated me: for they were too strong for me. INFO(V11N): Ps.17.19 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.17.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.17.15: They prevented me in the day of my affliction: and the Lord became my protector. INFO(V11N): Ps.17.20 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.17.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.17.15: And he brought me forth into a large place: he saved me, because he was well pleased with me. INFO(V11N): Ps.17.21 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.17.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.17.15: And the Lord will reward me according to my justice; and will repay me according to the cleanness of my hands: INFO(V11N): Ps.17.22 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.17.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.17.15: Because I have kept the ways of the Lord; and have not done wickedly against my God. INFO(V11N): Ps.17.23 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.17.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.17.15: For till his judgments are in my sight: and his justices I have not put away from me. INFO(V11N): Ps.17.24 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.17.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.17.15: And I shall be spotless with him: and shall keep myself from my iniquity. INFO(V11N): Ps.17.25 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.17.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.17.15: And the Lord will reward me according to my justice; and according to the cleanness of my hands before his eyes. INFO(V11N): Ps.17.26 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.17.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.17.15: With the holy, thou wilt be holy; and with the innocent man thou wilt be innocent. INFO(V11N): Ps.17.27 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.17.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.17.15: And with the elect thou wilt be elect: and with the perverse thou wilt be perverted. INFO(V11N): Ps.17.28 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.17.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.17.15: For thou wilt save the humble people; but wilt bring down the eyes of the proud. INFO(V11N): Ps.17.29 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.17.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.17.15: For thou lightest my lamp, O Lord: O my God enlighten my darkness. INFO(V11N): Ps.17.30 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.17.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.17.15: For by thee I shall be delivered from temptation; and through my God I shall go over a wall. INFO(V11N): Ps.17.31 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.17.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.17.15: As for my God, his way is undefiled: the words of the Lord are fire tried: he is the protector of all that trust in him. INFO(V11N): Ps.17.32 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.17.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.17.15: For who is God but the Lord? or who is God but our God? INFO(V11N): Ps.17.33 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.17.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.17.15: God who hath girt me with strength; and made my way blameless. INFO(V11N): Ps.17.34 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.17.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.17.15: Who hath made my feet like the feet of harts: and who setteth me upon high places. INFO(V11N): Ps.17.35 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.17.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.17.15: Who teacheth my hands to war: and thou hast made my arms like a brazen bow. INFO(V11N): Ps.17.36 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.17.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.17.15: And thou hast given me the protection of thy salvation: and thy right hand hath held me up: And thy discipline hath corrected me unto the end: and thy discipline, the same shall teach me. INFO(V11N): Ps.17.37 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.17.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.17.15: Thou hast enlarged my steps under me; and my feet are not weakened. INFO(V11N): Ps.17.38 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.17.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.17.15: I will pursue after my enemies, and overtake them: and I will not turn again till they are consumed. INFO(V11N): Ps.17.39 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.17.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.17.15: I will break them, and they shall not be able to stand: they shall fall under my feet. INFO(V11N): Ps.17.40 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.17.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.17.15: And thou hast girded me with strength unto battle; and hast subdued under me them that rose up against me. INFO(V11N): Ps.17.41 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.17.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.17.15: And thou hast made my enemies turn their back upon me, and hast destroyed them that hated me. INFO(V11N): Ps.17.42 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.17.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.17.15: They cried, but there was none to save them, to the Lord: but he heard them not. INFO(V11N): Ps.17.43 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.17.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.17.15: And I shall beat them as small as the dust before the wind; I shall bring them to nought, like the dirt in the streets. INFO(V11N): Ps.17.44 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.17.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.17.15: Thou wilt deliver me from the contradictions of the people: thou wilt make me head of the Gentiles. INFO(V11N): Ps.17.45 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.17.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.17.15: A people, which I knew not, hath served me: at the hearing of the ear they have obeyed me. INFO(V11N): Ps.17.46 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.17.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.17.15: The children that are strangers have lied to me, strange children have faded away, and have halted from their paths. INFO(V11N): Ps.17.47 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.17.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.17.15: The Lord liveth, and blessed be my God, and let the God of my salvation be exalted: INFO(V11N): Ps.17.48 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.17.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.17.15: O God, who avengest me, and subduest the people under me, my deliverer from my enemies. INFO(V11N): Ps.17.49 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.17.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.17.15: And thou wilt lift me up above them that rise up against me: from the unjust man thou wilt deliver me. INFO(V11N): Ps.17.50 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.17.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.17.15: Therefore will I give glory to thee, O Lord, among the nations, and I will sing a psalm to thy name. INFO(V11N): Ps.17.51 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.17.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.17.15: Giving great deliverance to his king, and shewing mercy to David his anointed: and to his seed for ever. INFO(V11N): Ps.20.10 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.20.9 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.20.9: Thou shalt make them as an oven of fire, in the time of thy anger: the Lord shall trouble them in his wrath, and fire shall devour them. INFO(V11N): Ps.20.11 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.20.9 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.20.9: Their fruit shalt thou destroy from the earth: and their seed from among the children of men. INFO(V11N): Ps.20.12 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.20.9 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.20.9: For they have intended evils against thee: they have devised counsels which they have not been able to establish. INFO(V11N): Ps.20.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.20.9 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.20.9: For thou shalt make them turn their back: in thy remnants thou shalt prepare their face. INFO(V11N): Ps.20.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.20.9 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.20.9: Be thou exalted, O Lord, in thy own strength: we will sing and praise thy power. INFO(V11N): Ps.21.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.21.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.21.13: They have opened their mouths against me, as a lion ravening and roaring. INFO(V11N): Ps.21.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.21.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.21.13: I am poured out like water; and all my bones are scattered. My heart is become like wax melting in the midst of my bowels. INFO(V11N): Ps.21.16 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.21.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.21.13: My strength is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue hath cleaved to my jaws: and thou hast brought me down into the dust of death. INFO(V11N): Ps.21.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.21.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.21.13: For many dogs have encompassed me: the council of the malignant hath besieged me. They have dug my hands and feet. INFO(V11N): Ps.21.18 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.21.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.21.13: They have numbered all my bones. And they have looked and stared upon me. INFO(V11N): Ps.21.19 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.21.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.21.13: They parted my garments amongst them; and upon my vesture they cast lots. INFO(V11N): Ps.21.20 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.21.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.21.13: But thou, O Lord, remove not thy help to a distance from me; look towards my defence. INFO(V11N): Ps.21.21 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.21.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.21.13: Deliver, O God, my soul from the sword: my only one from the hand of the dog. INFO(V11N): Ps.21.22 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.21.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.21.13: Save me from the lion’s mouth; and my lowness from the horns of the unicorns. INFO(V11N): Ps.21.23 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.21.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.21.13: I will declare thy name to my brethren: in the midst of the church will I praise thee. INFO(V11N): Ps.21.24 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.21.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.21.13: Ye that fear the Lord, praise him: all ye the seed of Jacob, glorify him. INFO(V11N): Ps.21.25 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.21.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.21.13: Let all the seed of Israel fear him: because he hath not slighted nor despised the supplication of the poor man. Neither hath he turned away his face from me: and when I cried to him he heard me. INFO(V11N): Ps.21.26 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.21.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.21.13: With thee is my praise in a great church: I will pay my vows in the sight of them that fear him. INFO(V11N): Ps.21.27 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.21.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.21.13: The poor shall eat and shall be filled: and they shall praise the Lord that seek him: their hearts shall live for ever and ever. INFO(V11N): Ps.21.28 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.21.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.21.13: All the ends of the earth shall remember, and shall be converted to the Lord: And all the kindreds of the Gentiles shall adore in his sight. INFO(V11N): Ps.21.29 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.21.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.21.13: For the kingdom is the Lord’s; and he shall have dominion over the nations. INFO(V11N): Ps.21.30 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.21.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.21.13: All the fat ones of the earth have eaten and have adored: all they that go down to the earth shall fall before him. INFO(V11N): Ps.21.31 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.21.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.21.13: And to him my soul shall live: and my seed shall serve him. INFO(V11N): Ps.21.32 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.21.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.21.13: There shall be declared to the Lord a generation to come: and the heavens shall shew forth his justice to a people that shall be born, which the Lord hath made. INFO(V11N): Ps.23.7 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.23.6 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.23.6: Lift up your gates, O ye princes, and be ye lifted up, O eternal gates: and the King of Glory shall enter in. INFO(V11N): Ps.23.8 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.23.6 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.23.6: Who is this King of Glory? the Lord who is strong and mighty: the Lord mighty in battle. INFO(V11N): Ps.23.9 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.23.6 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.23.6: Lift up your gates, O ye princes, and be ye lifted up, O eternal gates: and the King of Glory shall enter in. INFO(V11N): Ps.23.10 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.23.6 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.23.6: Who is this King of Glory? the Lord of hosts, he is the King of Glory. INFO(V11N): Ps.24.11 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.24.10 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.24.10: For thy name’s sake, O Lord, thou wilt pardon my sin: for it is great. INFO(V11N): Ps.24.12 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.24.10 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.24.10: Who is the man that feareth the Lord? He hath appointed him a law in the way he hath chosen. INFO(V11N): Ps.24.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.24.10 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.24.10: His soul shall dwell in good things: and his seed shall inherit the land. INFO(V11N): Ps.24.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.24.10 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.24.10: The Lord is a firmament to them that fear him: and his covenant shall be made manifest to them. INFO(V11N): Ps.24.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.24.10 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.24.10: My eyes are ever towards the Lord: for he shall pluck my feet out of the snare. INFO(V11N): Ps.24.16 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.24.10 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.24.10: Look thou upon me, and have mercy on me; for I am alone and poor. INFO(V11N): Ps.24.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.24.10 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.24.10: The troubles of my heart are multiplied: deliver me from my necessities. INFO(V11N): Ps.24.18 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.24.10 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.24.10: See my abjection and my labour; and forgive me all my sins. INFO(V11N): Ps.24.19 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.24.10 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.24.10: Consider my enemies for they are multiplied, and have hated me with an unjust hatred. INFO(V11N): Ps.24.20 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.24.10 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.24.10: Keep thou my soul, and deliver me: I shall not be ashamed, for I have hoped in thee. INFO(V11N): Ps.24.21 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.24.10 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.24.10: The innocent and the upright have adhered to me: because I have waited on thee. INFO(V11N): Ps.24.22 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.24.10 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.24.10: Deliver Israel, O God, from all his tribulations. INFO(V11N): Ps.26.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.26.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.26.12: I believe to see the good things of the Lord in the land of the living. INFO(V11N): Ps.26.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.26.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.26.12: Expect the Lord, do manfully, and let thy heart take courage, and wait thou for the Lord. INFO(V11N): Ps.28.10 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.28.9 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.28.9: The Lord maketh the flood to dwell: and the Lord shall sit king for ever. INFO(V11N): Ps.28.11 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.28.9 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.28.9: The Lord will give strength to his people: the Lord will bless his people with peace. INFO(V11N): Ps.29.12 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.29.11 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.29.11: Thou hast turned for me my mourning into joy: thou hast cut my sackcloth, and hast compassed me with gladness: INFO(V11N): Ps.29.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.29.11 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.29.11: To the end that my glory may sing to thee, and I may not regret: O Lord my God, I will give praise to thee for ever. INFO(V11N): Ps.30.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.30.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.30.12: I am forgotten as one dead from the heart. I am become as a vessel that is destroyed. INFO(V11N): Ps.30.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.30.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.30.12: For I have heard the blame of many that dwell round about. While they assembled together against me, they consulted to take away my life. INFO(V11N): Ps.30.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.30.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.30.12: But I have put my trust in thee, O Lord: I said: Thou art my God. INFO(V11N): Ps.30.16 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.30.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.30.12: My lots are in thy hands. Deliver me out of the hands of my enemies; and from them that persecute me. INFO(V11N): Ps.30.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.30.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.30.12: Make thy face to shine upon thy servant; save me in thy mercy. INFO(V11N): Ps.30.18 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.30.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.30.12: Let me not be confounded, O Lord, for I have called upon thee. Let the wicked be ashamed, and be brought down to hell. INFO(V11N): Ps.30.19 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.30.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.30.12: Let deceitful lips be made dumb. Which speak iniquity against the just, with pride and abuse. INFO(V11N): Ps.30.20 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.30.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.30.12: O how great is the multitude of thy sweetness, O Lord, which thou hast hidden for them that fear thee! Which thou hast wrought for them that hope in thee, in the sight of the sons of men. INFO(V11N): Ps.30.21 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.30.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.30.12: Thou shalt hide them in the secret of thy face, from the disturbance of men. Thou shalt protect them in thy tabernacle from the contradiction of tongues. INFO(V11N): Ps.30.22 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.30.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.30.12: Blessed be the Lord, for he hath shewn his wonderful mercy to me in a fortified city. INFO(V11N): Ps.30.23 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.30.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.30.12: But I said in the excess of my mind: I am cast away from before thy eyes. Therefore thou hast heard the voice of my prayer, when I cried to thee. INFO(V11N): Ps.30.24 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.30.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.30.12: O love the Lord, all ye his saints: for the Lord will require truth, and will repay them abundantly that act proudly. INFO(V11N): Ps.30.25 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.30.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.30.12: Do ye manfully, and let your heart be strengthened, all ye that hope in the Lord. INFO(V11N): Ps.32.12 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.32.11 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.32.11: Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord: the people whom he hath chosen for his inheritance. INFO(V11N): Ps.32.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.32.11 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.32.11: The Lord hath looked from heaven: he hath beheld all the sons of men. INFO(V11N): Ps.32.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.32.11 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.32.11: From his habitation which he hath prepared, he hath looked upon all that dwell on the earth. INFO(V11N): Ps.32.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.32.11 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.32.11: He who hath made the hearts of every one of them: who understandeth all their works. INFO(V11N): Ps.32.16 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.32.11 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.32.11: The king is not saved by a great army: nor shall the giant be saved by his own great strength. INFO(V11N): Ps.32.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.32.11 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.32.11: Vain is the horse for safety: neither shall he be saved by the abundance of his strength. INFO(V11N): Ps.32.18 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.32.11 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.32.11: Behold the eyes of the Lord are on them that fear him: and on them that hope in his mercy. INFO(V11N): Ps.32.19 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.32.11 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.32.11: To deliver their souls from death; and feed them in famine. INFO(V11N): Ps.32.20 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.32.11 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.32.11: Our soul waiteth for the Lord: for he is our helper and protector. INFO(V11N): Ps.32.21 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.32.11 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.32.11: For in him our heart shall rejoice: and in his holy name we have trusted. INFO(V11N): Ps.32.22 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.32.11 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.32.11: Let thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us, as we have hoped in thee. INFO(V11N): Ps.33.23 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.33.22 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.33.22: The Lord will redeem the souls of his servants: and none of them that trust in him shall offend. INFO(V11N): Ps.34.23 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.34.22 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.34.22: Arise, and be attentive to my judgment: to my cause, my God, and my Lord. INFO(V11N): Ps.34.24 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.34.22 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.34.22: Judge me, O Lord my God according to thy justice, and let them not rejoice over me. INFO(V11N): Ps.34.25 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.34.22 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.34.22: Let them not say in their hearts: It is well, it is well, to our mind: neither let them say: We have swallowed him up. INFO(V11N): Ps.34.26 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.34.22 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.34.22: Let them blush: and be ashamed together, who rejoice at my evils. Let them be clothed with confusion and shame, who speak great things against me. INFO(V11N): Ps.34.27 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.34.22 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.34.22: Let them rejoice and be glad, who are well pleased with my justice, and let them say always: The Lord be magnified, who delights in the peace of his servant. INFO(V11N): Ps.34.28 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.34.22 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.34.22: Any my tongue shall meditate thy justice, thy praise all the day long. INFO(V11N): Ps.36.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.36.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.36.12: But the Lord shall laugh at him: for he foreseeth that his day shall come. INFO(V11N): Ps.36.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.36.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.36.12: The wicked have drawn out the sword: they have bent their bow. To cast down the poor and needy, to kill the upright of heart. INFO(V11N): Ps.36.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.36.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.36.12: Let their sword enter into their own hearts, and let their bow be broken. INFO(V11N): Ps.36.16 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.36.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.36.12: Better is a little to the just, than the great riches of the wicked. INFO(V11N): Ps.36.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.36.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.36.12: For the arms of the wicked shall be broken in pieces; but the Lord strengtheneth the just. INFO(V11N): Ps.36.18 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.36.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.36.12: The Lord knoweth the days of undefiled; and their inheritance shall be for ever. INFO(V11N): Ps.36.19 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.36.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.36.12: They shall not be confounded in the evil time; and in the days of famine they shall be filled: INFO(V11N): Ps.36.20 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.36.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.36.12: Because the wicked shall perish. And the enemies of the Lord, presently after they shall be honoured and exalted, shall come to nothing and vanish like smoke. INFO(V11N): Ps.36.21 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.36.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.36.12: The sinner shall borrow, and not pay again; but the just sheweth mercy and shall give. INFO(V11N): Ps.36.22 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.36.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.36.12: For such as bless him shall inherit the land: but such as curse him shall perish. INFO(V11N): Ps.36.23 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.36.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.36.12: With the Lord shall the steps of a man be directed, and he shall like well his way. INFO(V11N): Ps.36.24 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.36.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.36.12: When he shall fall he shall not be bruised, for the Lord putteth his hand under him. INFO(V11N): Ps.36.25 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.36.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.36.12: I have been young, and now am old; and I have not seen the just forsaken, nor his seed seeking bread. INFO(V11N): Ps.36.26 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.36.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.36.12: He sheweth mercy, and lendeth all the day long; and his seed shall be in blessing. INFO(V11N): Ps.36.27 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.36.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.36.12: Decline from evil and do good, and dwell for ever and ever. INFO(V11N): Ps.36.28 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.36.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.36.12: For the Lord loveth judgment, and will not forsake his saints: they shall be preserved for ever. The unjust shall be punished, and the seed of the wicked shall perish. INFO(V11N): Ps.36.29 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.36.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.36.12: But the just shall inherit the land, and shall dwell therein for evermore. INFO(V11N): Ps.36.30 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.36.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.36.12: The mouth of the just shall meditate wisdom: and his tongue shall speak judgment. INFO(V11N): Ps.36.31 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.36.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.36.12: The law of his God is in his heart, and his steps shall not be supplanted. INFO(V11N): Ps.36.32 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.36.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.36.12: The wicked watcheth the just man, and seeketh to put him to death, INFO(V11N): Ps.36.33 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.36.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.36.12: But the Lord will not leave in his hands; nor condemn him when he shall be judged. INFO(V11N): Ps.36.34 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.36.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.36.12: Expect the Lord and keep his way: and he will exalt thee to inherit the land: when the sinners shall perish thou shalt see. INFO(V11N): Ps.36.35 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.36.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.36.12: I have seen the wicked highly exalted, and lifted up like the cedars of Libanus. INFO(V11N): Ps.36.36 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.36.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.36.12: And I passed by, and lo, he was not: and I sought him and his place was not found. INFO(V11N): Ps.36.37 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.36.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.36.12: Keep innocence, and behold justice: for there are remnants for the peaceable man. INFO(V11N): Ps.36.38 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.36.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.36.12: But the unjust shall be destroyed together: the remnants of the wicked shall perish. INFO(V11N): Ps.36.39 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.36.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.36.12: But the salvation of the just is from the Lord, and he is their protector in the time of trouble. INFO(V11N): Ps.36.40 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.36.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.36.12: And the Lord will help them and deliver them: and he will rescue them from the wicked, and save them, because they have hoped in him. INFO(V11N): Ps.39.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.39.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.39.13: Be pleased, O Lord, to deliver me, look down, O Lord, to help me. INFO(V11N): Ps.39.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.39.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.39.13: Let them be confounded and ashamed together, that seek after my soul to take it away. Let them be turned backward and be ashamed that desire evils to me. INFO(V11N): Ps.39.16 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.39.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.39.13: Let them immediately bear their confusion, that say to me: Tis well, tis well. INFO(V11N): Ps.39.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.39.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.39.13: Let all that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: and let such as love thy salvation say always: The Lord be magnified. INFO(V11N): Ps.39.18 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.39.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.39.13: But I am a beggar and poor: the Lord is careful for me. Thou art my helper and my protector: O my God, be not slack. INFO(V11N): Ps.43.6 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.43.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.43.5: Through thee we will push down our enemies with the horn: and through thy name we will despise them that rise up against us. INFO(V11N): Ps.43.7 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.43.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.43.5: For I will not trust in my bow: neither shall my sword save me. INFO(V11N): Ps.43.8 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.43.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.43.5: But thou hast saved us from them that afflict us: and hast put them to shame that hate us. INFO(V11N): Ps.43.9 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.43.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.43.5: In God shall we glory all the day long: and in thy name we will give praise for ever. INFO(V11N): Ps.43.10 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.43.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.43.5: But now thou hast cast us off, and put us to shame: and thou, O God, wilt not go out with our armies. INFO(V11N): Ps.43.11 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.43.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.43.5: Thou hast made us turn our back to our enemies: and they that hated us plundered for themselves. INFO(V11N): Ps.43.12 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.43.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.43.5: Thou hast given us up like sheep to be eaten: thou hast scattered us among the nations. INFO(V11N): Ps.43.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.43.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.43.5: Thou hast sold thy people for no price: and there was no reckoning in the exchange of them. INFO(V11N): Ps.43.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.43.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.43.5: Thou hast made us a reproach to our neighbours, a scoff and derision to them that are round about us. INFO(V11N): Ps.43.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.43.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.43.5: Thou hast made us a byword among the Gentiles: a shaking of the head among the people. INFO(V11N): Ps.43.16 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.43.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.43.5: All the day long my shame is before me: and the confusion of my face hath covered me, INFO(V11N): Ps.43.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.43.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.43.5: At the voice of him that reproacheth and detracteth me: at the face of the enemy and persecutor. INFO(V11N): Ps.43.18 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.43.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.43.5: All these things have come upon us, yet we have not forgotten thee: and we have not done wickedly in they covenant. INFO(V11N): Ps.43.19 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.43.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.43.5: And our heart hath not turned back: neither hast thou turned aside our steps from thy way. INFO(V11N): Ps.43.20 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.43.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.43.5: For thou hast humbled us in the place of affliction: and the shadow of death hath covered us. INFO(V11N): Ps.43.21 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.43.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.43.5: If we have forgotten the name of our God, and if we have spread forth our hands to a strange god: INFO(V11N): Ps.43.22 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.43.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.43.5: Shall not God search out these things: for he knoweth the secrets of the heart. Because for thy sake we are killed all the day long: we are counted as sheep for the slaughter. INFO(V11N): Ps.43.23 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.43.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.43.5: Arise, why sleepest thou, O Lord? arise, and cast us not off to the end. INFO(V11N): Ps.43.24 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.43.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.43.5: Why turnest thou face away? and forgettest our want and our trouble? INFO(V11N): Ps.43.25 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.43.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.43.5: For our soul is humbled down to the dust: our belly cleaveth to the earth. INFO(V11N): Ps.43.26 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.43.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.43.5: Arise, O Lord, help us and redeem us for thy name’s sake. INFO(V11N): Ps.47.10 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.47.9 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.47.9: We have received thy mercy, O God, in the midst of thy temple. INFO(V11N): Ps.47.11 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.47.9 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.47.9: According to thy name, O God, so also is thy praise unto the ends of the earth: thy right hand is full of justice. INFO(V11N): Ps.47.12 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.47.9 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.47.9: Let mount Sion rejoice, and the daughters of Juda be glad; because of thy judgments, O Lord. INFO(V11N): Ps.47.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.47.9 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.47.9: Surround Sion, and encompass her: tell ye in her towers. INFO(V11N): Ps.47.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.47.9 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.47.9: Set your hearts on her strength; and distribute her houses, that ye may relate it in another generation. INFO(V11N): Ps.47.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.47.9 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.47.9: For this is God, our God unto eternity, and for ever and ever: he shall rule us for evermore. INFO(V11N): Ps.48.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.48.14 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.48.14: They are laid in hell like sheep: death shall feed upon them. And the just shall have dominion over them in the morning; and their help shall decay in hell from their glory. INFO(V11N): Ps.48.16 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.48.14 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.48.14: But God will redeem my soul from the hand of hell, when he shall receive me. INFO(V11N): Ps.48.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.48.14 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.48.14: Be not thou afraid, when a man shall be made rich, and when the glory of his house shall be increased. INFO(V11N): Ps.48.18 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.48.14 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.48.14: For when he shall die he shall take nothing away; nor shall his glory descend with him. INFO(V11N): Ps.48.19 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.48.14 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.48.14: For in his lifetime his soul will be blessed: and he will praise thee when thou shalt do well to him. INFO(V11N): Ps.48.20 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.48.14 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.48.14: He shall go in to the generations of his fathers: and he shall never see light. INFO(V11N): Ps.48.21 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.48.14 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.48.14: Man when he was in honour did not understand: he hath been compared to senseless beasts, and made like to them. INFO(V11N): Ps.49.21 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.49.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.49.20: These things hast thou done, and I was silent. Thou thoughtest unjustly that I should be like to thee: but I will reprove thee, and set before thy face. INFO(V11N): Ps.49.22 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.49.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.49.20: Understand these things, you that forget God; lest he snatch you away, and there be none to deliver you. INFO(V11N): Ps.49.23 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.49.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.49.20: The sacrifice of praise shall glorify me: and there is the way by which I will shew him the salvation of God. INFO(V11N): Ps.53.7 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.53.6 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.53.6: Turn back the evils upon my enemies; and cut them off in thy truth. INFO(V11N): Ps.53.8 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.53.6 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.53.6: I will freely sacrifice to thee, and will give praise, O God, to thy name: because it is good: INFO(V11N): Ps.53.9 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.53.6 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.53.6: For thou hast delivered me out of all trouble: and my eye hath looked down upon my enemies. INFO(V11N): Ps.54.8 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.54.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.54.7: Lo, I have gone far off flying away; and I abode in the wilderness. INFO(V11N): Ps.54.9 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.54.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.54.7: I waited for him that hath saved me from pusillanimity of spirit, and a storm. INFO(V11N): Ps.54.10 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.54.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.54.7: Cast down, O Lord, and divide their tongues; for I have seen iniquity and contradiction in the city. INFO(V11N): Ps.54.11 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.54.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.54.7: Day and night shall iniquity surround it upon its walls: and in the midst thereof are labour, INFO(V11N): Ps.54.12 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.54.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.54.7: And injustice. And usury and deceit have not departed from its streets. INFO(V11N): Ps.54.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.54.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.54.7: For if my enemy had reviled me, I would verily have borne with it. And if he that hated me had spoken great things against me, I would perhaps have hidden myself from him. INFO(V11N): Ps.54.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.54.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.54.7: But thou a man of one mind, my guide, and my familiar, INFO(V11N): Ps.54.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.54.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.54.7: Who didst take sweetmeats together with me: in the house of God we walked with consent. INFO(V11N): Ps.54.16 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.54.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.54.7: Let death come upon them, and let them go down alive into hell. For there is wickedness in their dwellings: in the midst of them. INFO(V11N): Ps.54.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.54.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.54.7: But I have cried to God: and the Lord will save me. INFO(V11N): Ps.54.18 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.54.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.54.7: Evening and morning, and at noon I will speak and declare: and he shall hear my voice. INFO(V11N): Ps.54.19 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.54.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.54.7: He shall redeem my soul in peace from them that draw near to me: for among many they were with me. INFO(V11N): Ps.54.20 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.54.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.54.7: God shall hear, and the Eternal shall humble them. For there is no change with them, and they have not feared God: INFO(V11N): Ps.54.21 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.54.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.54.7: He hath stretched forth his hand to repay. They have defiled his covenant, INFO(V11N): Ps.54.22 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.54.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.54.7: They are divided by the wrath Of his countenance, and his heart hath drawn near. His words are smoother than oil, and the same are darts. INFO(V11N): Ps.54.23 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.54.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.54.7: Cast thy care upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall not suffer the just to waver for ever. INFO(V11N): Ps.54.24 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.54.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.54.7: But thou, O God, shalt bring them down into the pit of destruction. Bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days; but I will trust in thee, O Lord. INFO(V11N): Ps.57.12 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.57.11 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.57.11: And man shall say: If indeed there be fruit to the just: there is indeed a God that judgeth them on the earth. INFO(V11N): Ps.58.12 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.58.11 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.58.11: God shall let me see over my enemies: slay them not, lest at any time my people forget. Scatter them by thy power; and bring them down, O Lord, my protector: INFO(V11N): Ps.58.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.58.11 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.58.11: For the sin of their mouth, and the word of their lips: and let them be taken in their pride. And for their cursing and lying they shall be talked of, INFO(V11N): Ps.58.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.58.11 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.58.11: When they are consumed: when they are consumed by thy wrath, and they shall be no more. And they shall know that God will rule Jacob, and all the ends of the earth. INFO(V11N): Ps.58.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.58.11 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.58.11: They shall return at evening and shall suffer hunger like dogs: and shall go round about the city. INFO(V11N): Ps.58.16 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.58.11 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.58.11: They shall be scattered abroad to eat, and shall murmur if they be not filled. INFO(V11N): Ps.58.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.58.11 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.58.11: But I will sing thy strength: and will extol thy mercy in the morning. For thou art become my support, and my refuge, in the day of my trouble. INFO(V11N): Ps.58.18 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.58.11 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.58.11: Unto thee, O my helper, will I sing, for thou art God my defence: my God my mercy. INFO(V11N): Ps.61.9 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.61.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.61.8: Trust in him, all ye congregation of people: pour out your hearts before him. God is our helper for ever. INFO(V11N): Ps.61.10 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.61.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.61.8: But vain are the sons of men, the sons of men are liars in the balances: that by vanity they may together deceive. INFO(V11N): Ps.61.11 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.61.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.61.8: Trust not in iniquity, and cover not robberies: if riches abound, set not your heart upon them. INFO(V11N): Ps.61.12 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.61.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.61.8: God hath spoken once, these two things have I heard, that power belongeth to God, INFO(V11N): Ps.61.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.61.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.61.8: And mercy to thee, O Lord; for thou wilt render to every man according to his works. INFO(V11N): Ps.64.11 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.64.10 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.64.10: Fill up plentifully the streams thereof, multiply its fruits; it shall spring up and rejoice in its showers. INFO(V11N): Ps.64.12 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.64.10 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.64.10: Thou shalt bless the crown of the year of thy goodness: and thy fields shall be filled with plenty. INFO(V11N): Ps.64.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.64.10 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.64.10: The beautiful places of the wilderness shall grow fat: and the hills shall be girded about with joy, INFO(V11N): Ps.64.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.64.10 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.64.10: The rams of the flock are clothed, and the vales shall abound with corn: they shall shout, yea they shall sing a hymn. INFO(V11N): Ps.65.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.65.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.65.13: Which my lips have uttered, And my mouth hath spoken, when I was in trouble. INFO(V11N): Ps.65.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.65.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.65.13: I will offer up to thee holocausts full of marrow, with burnt offerings of rams: I will offer to thee bullocks with goats. INFO(V11N): Ps.65.16 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.65.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.65.13: Come and hear, all ye that fear God, and I will tell you what great things he hath done for my soul. INFO(V11N): Ps.65.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.65.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.65.13: I cried to him with my mouth: and I extolled him with my tongue. INFO(V11N): Ps.65.18 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.65.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.65.13: If I have looked at iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me. INFO(V11N): Ps.65.19 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.65.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.65.13: Therefore hath God heard me, and hath attended to the voice of my supplication. INFO(V11N): Ps.65.20 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.65.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.65.13: Blessed be God, who hath not turned away my prayer, nor his mercy from me. INFO(V11N): Ps.67.8 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.67.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.67.7: O God, when thou didst go forth in the sight of thy people, when thou didst pass through the desert: INFO(V11N): Ps.67.9 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.67.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.67.7: The earth was moved, and the heavens dropped at the presence of the God of Sina, at the presence of the God of Israel. INFO(V11N): Ps.67.10 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.67.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.67.7: Thou shalt set aside for thy inheritance a free rain, O God: and it was weakened, but thou hast made it perfect. INFO(V11N): Ps.67.11 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.67.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.67.7: In it shall thy animals dwell; in thy sweetness, O God, thou hast provided for the poor. INFO(V11N): Ps.67.12 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.67.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.67.7: The Lord shall give the word to them that preach good tidings with great power. INFO(V11N): Ps.67.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.67.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.67.7: The king of powers is of the beloved, of the beloved; and the beauty of the house shall divide spoils. INFO(V11N): Ps.67.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.67.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.67.7: If you sleep among the midst of lots, you shall be as the wings of a dove covered with silver, and the hinder parts of her back with the paleness of gold. INFO(V11N): Ps.67.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.67.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.67.7: When he that is in heaven appointeth kings over her, they shall be whited with snow in Selmon. INFO(V11N): Ps.67.16 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.67.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.67.7: The mountain of God is a fat mountain. A curdled mountain, a fat mountain. INFO(V11N): Ps.67.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.67.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.67.7: Why suspect, ye curdled mountains? A mountain in which God is well pleased to dwell: for there the Lord shall dwell unto the end. INFO(V11N): Ps.67.18 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.67.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.67.7: The chariot of God is attended by ten thousands; thousands of them that rejoice: the Lord is among them in Sina, in the holy place. INFO(V11N): Ps.67.19 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.67.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.67.7: Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive; thou hast received gifts in men. Yea for those also that do not believe, the dwelling of the Lord God. INFO(V11N): Ps.67.20 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.67.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.67.7: Blessed be the Lord day by day: the God of our salvation will make our journey prosperous to us. INFO(V11N): Ps.67.21 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.67.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.67.7: Our God is the God of salvation: and of the Lord, of the Lord are the issues from death. INFO(V11N): Ps.67.22 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.67.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.67.7: But God shall break the heads of his enemies: the hairy crown of them that walk on in their sins. INFO(V11N): Ps.67.23 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.67.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.67.7: The Lord said: I will turn them from Basan, I will turn them into the depth of the sea: INFO(V11N): Ps.67.24 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.67.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.67.7: That thy foot may be dipped in the blood of thy enemies; the tongue of thy dogs be red with the same. INFO(V11N): Ps.67.25 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.67.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.67.7: They have seen thy goings, O God, the goings of my God: of my king who is in his sanctuary. INFO(V11N): Ps.67.26 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.67.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.67.7: Princes went before joined with singers, in the midst of young damsels playing on timbrels. INFO(V11N): Ps.67.27 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.67.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.67.7: In the churches bless ye God the Lord, from the fountains of Israel. INFO(V11N): Ps.67.28 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.67.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.67.7: There is Benjamin a youth, in ecstasy of mind. The princes of Juda are their leaders: the princes of Zabulon, the princes of Nephthali. INFO(V11N): Ps.67.29 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.67.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.67.7: Command thy strength, O God: confirm, O God, what thou hast wrought in us. INFO(V11N): Ps.67.30 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.67.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.67.7: From thy temple in Jerusalem, kings shall offer presents to thee. INFO(V11N): Ps.67.31 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.67.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.67.7: Rebuke the wild beasts of the reeds, the congregation of bulls with the kine of the people; who seek to exclude them who are tried with silver. Scatter thou the nations that delight in wars: INFO(V11N): Ps.67.32 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.67.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.67.7: Ambassadors shall come out of Egypt: Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands to God. INFO(V11N): Ps.67.33 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.67.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.67.7: Sing to God, ye kingdoms of the earth: sing ye to the Lord: Sing ye to God, INFO(V11N): Ps.67.34 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.67.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.67.7: Who mounteth above the heaven of heavens, to the east. Behold he will give to his voice the voice of power: INFO(V11N): Ps.67.35 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.67.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.67.7: Give ye glory to God for Israel, his magnificence, and his power is in the clouds. INFO(V11N): Ps.67.36 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.67.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.67.7: God is wonderful in his saints: the God of Israel is he who will give power and strength to his people. Blessed be God. INFO(V11N): Ps.68.36 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.68.35 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.68.35: For God will save Sion, and the cities of Juda shall be built up. And they shall dwell there, and acquire it by inheritance. INFO(V11N): Ps.68.37 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.68.35 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.68.35: And the seed of his servants shall possess it; and they that love his name shall dwell therein. INFO(V11N): Ps.70.6 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.70.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.70.5: By thee have I been confirmed from the womb: from my mother’s womb thou art my protector. Of thee shall I continually sing: INFO(V11N): Ps.70.7 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.70.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.70.5: I run become unto many as a wonder, but thou art a strong helper. INFO(V11N): Ps.70.8 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.70.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.70.5: Let my mouth be filled with praise, that I may sing thy glory; thy greatness all the day long. INFO(V11N): Ps.70.9 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.70.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.70.5: Cast me not off in the time of old age: when my strength shall fail, do not thou forsake me. INFO(V11N): Ps.70.10 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.70.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.70.5: For my enemies have spoken against me; and they that watched my soul have consulted together, INFO(V11N): Ps.70.11 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.70.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.70.5: Saying: God hath forsaken him: pursue and take him, for there is none to deliver him. INFO(V11N): Ps.70.12 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.70.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.70.5: O God, be not thou far from me: O my God, make haste to my help. INFO(V11N): Ps.70.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.70.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.70.5: Let them be confounded and come to nothing that detract my soul; let them be covered with confusion and shame that seek my hurt. INFO(V11N): Ps.70.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.70.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.70.5: But I will always hope; and will add to all thy praise. INFO(V11N): Ps.70.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.70.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.70.5: My mouth shall shew forth thy justice; thy salvation all the day long. Because I have not known learning, INFO(V11N): Ps.70.16 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.70.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.70.5: I will enter into the powers of the Lord: O Lord, I will be mindful of thy justice alone. INFO(V11N): Ps.70.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.70.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.70.5: Thou hast taught me, O God, from my youth: and till now I will declare thy wonderful works. INFO(V11N): Ps.70.18 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.70.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.70.5: And unto old age and grey hairs: O God, forsake me not, Until I shew forth thy arm to all the generation that is to come: Thy power, INFO(V11N): Ps.70.19 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.70.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.70.5: And thy justice, O God, even to the highest great things thou hast done: O God, who is like to thee? INFO(V11N): Ps.70.20 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.70.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.70.5: How great troubles hast thou shewn me, many and grievous: and turning thou hast brought me to life, and hast brought me back again from the depths of the earth: INFO(V11N): Ps.70.21 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.70.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.70.5: Thou hast multiplied thy magnificence; and turning to me thou hast comforted me. INFO(V11N): Ps.70.22 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.70.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.70.5: For I will also confess to thee thy truth with the instruments of psaltery: O God, I will sing to thee with the harp, thou holy one of Israel. INFO(V11N): Ps.70.23 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.70.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.70.5: My lips shall greatly rejoice, when I shall sing to thee; and my soul which thou hast redeemed. INFO(V11N): Ps.70.24 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.70.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.70.5: Yea and my tongue shall meditate on thy justice all the day; when they shall be confounded and put to shame that seek evils to me. INFO(V11N): Ps.72.21 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.72.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.72.20: For my heart hath been inflamed, and my reins have been changed: INFO(V11N): Ps.72.22 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.72.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.72.20: And I am brought to nothing, and I knew not. INFO(V11N): Ps.72.23 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.72.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.72.20: I am become as a beast before thee: and I am always with thee. INFO(V11N): Ps.72.24 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.72.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.72.20: Thou hast held me by my right hand; and by thy will thou hast conducted me, and with thy glory thou hast received me. INFO(V11N): Ps.72.25 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.72.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.72.20: For what have I in heaven? and besides thee what do I desire upon earth? INFO(V11N): Ps.72.26 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.72.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.72.20: For thee my flesh and my heart hath fainted away: thou art the God of my heart, and the God that is my portion for ever. INFO(V11N): Ps.72.27 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.72.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.72.20: For behold they that go far from thee shall perish: thou hast destroyed all them that are disloyal to thee. INFO(V11N): Ps.72.28 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.72.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.72.20: But it is good for me to adhere to my God, to put my hope in the Lord God: That I may declare all thy praises, in the gates of the daughter of Sion. INFO(V11N): Ps.75.11 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.75.10 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.75.10: For the thought of man shall give praise to thee: and the remainders of the thought shall keep holiday to thee. INFO(V11N): Ps.75.12 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.75.10 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.75.10: Vow ye, and pay to the Lord your God: all you that are round about him bring presents. To him that is terrible, INFO(V11N): Ps.75.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.75.10 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.75.10: Even to him who taketh away the spirit of princes: to the terrible with the kings of the earth. INFO(V11N): Ps.76.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.76.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.76.12: And I will meditate on all thy works: and will be employed in thy inventions. INFO(V11N): Ps.76.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.76.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.76.12: Thy way, O God, is in the holy place: who is the great God like our God? INFO(V11N): Ps.76.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.76.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.76.12: Thou art the God that dost wonders. Thou hast made thy power known among the nations: INFO(V11N): Ps.76.16 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.76.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.76.12: With thy arm thou hast redeemed thy people the children of Jacob and of Joseph. INFO(V11N): Ps.76.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.76.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.76.12: The waters saw thee, O God, the waters saw thee: and they were afraid, and the depths were troubled. INFO(V11N): Ps.76.18 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.76.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.76.12: Great was the noise of the waters: the clouds sent out a sound. For thy arrows pass: INFO(V11N): Ps.76.19 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.76.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.76.12: The voice of thy thunder in a wheel. Thy lightnings enlightened the world: the earth shook and trembled. INFO(V11N): Ps.76.20 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.76.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.76.12: Thy way is in the sea, and thy paths in many waters: and thy footsteps shall not be known. INFO(V11N): Ps.76.21 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.76.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.76.12: Thou hast conducted thy people like sheep, by the hand of Moses and Aaron. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.21 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: Therefore the Lord heard, and was angry: and a fire was kindled against Jacob, and wrath came up against Israel. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.22 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: Because they believed not in God: and trusted not in his salvation. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.23 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: And he had commanded the clouds from above, and had opened the doors of heaven. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.24 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: And had rained down manna upon them to eat, and had given them the bread of heaven. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.25 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: Man ate the bread of angels: he sent them provisions in abundance. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.26 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: He removed the south wind from heaven: and by his power brought in the southwest wind. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.27 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: And he rained upon them flesh as dust: and feathered fowls like as the sand of the sea. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.28 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: And they fell in the midst of their camp, round about their pavilions. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.29 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: So they did eat, and were filled exceedingly, and he gave them their desire: INFO(V11N): Ps.77.30 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: They were not defrauded of that which they craved. As yet their meat was in their mouth: INFO(V11N): Ps.77.31 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: And the wrath of God came upon them. And he slew the fat ones amongst them, and brought down the chosen men of Israel. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.32 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: In all these things they sinned still: and they believed not for his wondrous works. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.33 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: And their days were consumed in vanity, and their years in haste. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.34 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: When he slew them, then they sought him: and they returned, and came to him early in the morning. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.35 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: And they remembered that God was their helper: and the most high God their redeemer. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.36 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: And they loved him with their mouth: and with their tongue they lied unto him: INFO(V11N): Ps.77.37 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: But their heart was not right with him: nor were they counted faithful in his covenant. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.38 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: But he is merciful, and will forgive their sins: and will not destroy them. And many a time did he turn away his anger: and did not kindle all his wrath. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.39 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: And he remembered that they are flesh: a wind that goeth and returneth not. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.40 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: How often did they provoke him in the desert: and move him to wrath in the place without water? INFO(V11N): Ps.77.41 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: And they turned back and tempted God: and grieved the holy one of Israel. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.42 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: They remembered not his hand, in the day that he redeemed them from the hand of him that afflicted them: INFO(V11N): Ps.77.43 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: How he wrought his signs in Egypt, and his wonders in the field of Tanis. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.44 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: And he turned their rivers into blood, and their showers that they might, not drink. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.45 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: He sent amongst them divers sores of flies, which devoured them: and frogs which destroyed them. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.46 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: And he gave up their fruits to the blast, and their labours to the locust. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.47 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: And he destroyed their vineyards with hail, and their mulberry trees with hoarfrost. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.48 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: And he gave up their cattle to the hail, and their stock to the fire. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.49 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: And he sent upon them the wrath of his indignation: indignation and wrath and trouble, which he sent by evil angels. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.50 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: He made a way for a path to his anger: he spared not their souls from death, and their cattle he shut up in death. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.51 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: And he killed all the firstborn in the land of Egypt: the firstfruits of all their labour in the tabernacles of Cham. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.52 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: And he took away his own people as sheep: and guided them in the wilderness like a flock. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.53 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: And he brought them out in hope, and they feared not: band the sea overwhelmed their enemies. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.54 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: And he brought them into the mountain of his sanctuary: the mountain which his right hand had purchased. And he cast out the Gentiles before them: and by lot divided to them their land by a line of distribution. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.55 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: And he made the tribes of Israel to dwell in their tabernacles. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.56 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: Yet they tempted, and provoked the most high God: and they kept not his testimonies. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.57 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: And they turned away, and kept not the covenant: even like their fathers they were turned aside as a crooked bow. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.58 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: They provoked him to anger on their hills: and moved him to jealousy with their graven things. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.59 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: God heard, and despised them, and he reduced Israel exceedingly as it were to nothing. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.60 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: And he put away the tabernacle of Silo, his tabernacle where he dwelt among men. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.61 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: And he delivered their strength into captivity: and their beauty into the hands of the enemy. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.62 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: And he shut up his people under the sword: and he despised his inheritance. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.63 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: Fire consumed their young men: and their maidens were not lamented. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.64 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: Their priests fell by the sword: and their widows did not mourn. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.65 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: And the Lord was awaked as one out of sleep, and like a mighty man that hath been surfeited with wine. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.66 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: And he smote his enemies on the hinder parts: he put them to an everlasting reproach. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.67 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: And he rejected the tabernacle of Joseph: and chose not the tribe of Ephraim: INFO(V11N): Ps.77.68 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: But he chose the tribe of Juda, mount Sion which he loved. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.69 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: And he built his sanctuary as of unicorns, in the land which he founded for ever. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.70 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: And he chose his servant David, and took him from the hocks of sheep: he brought him from following the ewes great with young, INFO(V11N): Ps.77.71 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: To feed Jacob his servant, and Israel his inheritance. INFO(V11N): Ps.77.72 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.77.20 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.77.20: And he fed them in the innocence of his heart: and conducted them by the skillfulness of his hands. INFO(V11N): Ps.79.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.79.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.79.13: The boar out of the wood hath laid it waste: and a singular wild beast hath devoured it. INFO(V11N): Ps.79.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.79.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.79.13: Turn again, O God of hosts, look down from heaven, and see, and visit this vineyard: INFO(V11N): Ps.79.16 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.79.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.79.13: And perfect the same which thy right hand hath planted: and upon the son of man whom thou hast confirmed for thyself. INFO(V11N): Ps.79.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.79.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.79.13: Things set on fire and dug down shall perish at the rebuke of thy countenance. INFO(V11N): Ps.79.18 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.79.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.79.13: Let thy hand be upon the man of thy right hand: and upon the son of man whom thou hast confirmed for thyself. INFO(V11N): Ps.79.19 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.79.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.79.13: And we depart not from thee, thou shalt quicken us: and we will call upon thy name. INFO(V11N): Ps.79.20 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.79.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.79.13: O Lord God of hosts, convert us: and shew thy face, and we shall be saved. INFO(V11N): Ps.82.9 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.82.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.82.8: Yea, and the Assyrian also is joined with them: they are come to the aid of the sons of Lot. INFO(V11N): Ps.82.10 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.82.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.82.8: Do to them as thou didst to Madian and to Sisara: as to Jabin at the brook of Cisson. INFO(V11N): Ps.82.11 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.82.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.82.8: Who perished at Endor: and became as dung for the earth. INFO(V11N): Ps.82.12 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.82.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.82.8: Make their princes like Oreb, and Zeb, and Zebee, and Salmana. All their princes, INFO(V11N): Ps.82.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.82.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.82.8: Who have said: Let us possess the sanctuary of God for an inheritance. INFO(V11N): Ps.82.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.82.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.82.8: O my God, make them like a wheel; and as stubble before the wind. INFO(V11N): Ps.82.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.82.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.82.8: As fire which burneth the wood: and as a flame burning mountains: INFO(V11N): Ps.82.16 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.82.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.82.8: So shalt thou pursue them with thy tempest: and shalt trouble them in thy wrath. INFO(V11N): Ps.82.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.82.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.82.8: Fill their faces with shame; and they shall seek thy name, O Lord. INFO(V11N): Ps.82.18 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.82.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.82.8: Let them be ashamed and troubled for ever and ever: and let them be confounded and perish. INFO(V11N): Ps.82.19 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.82.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.82.8: And let them know that the Lord is thy name: thou alone art the most High over all the earth. INFO(V11N): Ps.84.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.84.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.84.12: For the Lord will give goodness: and our earth shall yield her fruit. INFO(V11N): Ps.84.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.84.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.84.12: Justice shall walk before him: and shall set his steps in the way. INFO(V11N): Ps.85.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.85.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.85.13: O God, the wicked are risen up against me, and the assembly of the mighty have sought my soul: and they have not set thee before their eyes. INFO(V11N): Ps.85.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.85.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.85.13: And thou, O Lord, art a God of compassion, and merciful, patient, and of much mercy, and true. INFO(V11N): Ps.85.16 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.85.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.85.13: O look upon me, and have mercy on me: give thy command to thy servant, and save the son of thy handmaid. INFO(V11N): Ps.85.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.85.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.85.13: Shew me a token for good: that they who hate me may see, and be confounded, because thou, O Lord, hast helped me and hast comforted me. INFO(V11N): Ps.87.8 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.87.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.87.7: Thy wrath is strong over me: and all thy waves thou hast brought in upon me. INFO(V11N): Ps.87.9 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.87.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.87.7: Thou hast put away my acquaintance far from me: they have set me an abomination to themselves. I was delivered up, and came not forth: INFO(V11N): Ps.87.10 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.87.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.87.7: My eyes languished through poverty. All the day I cried to thee, O Lord: I stretched out my hands to thee. INFO(V11N): Ps.87.11 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.87.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.87.7: Wilt thou shew wonders to the dead? or shall physicians raise to life, and give praise to thee? INFO(V11N): Ps.87.12 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.87.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.87.7: Shall any one in the sepulchre declare thy mercy: and thy truth in destruction? INFO(V11N): Ps.87.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.87.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.87.7: Shall thy wonders be known in the dark; and thy justice in the land of forgetfulness? INFO(V11N): Ps.87.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.87.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.87.7: But I, O Lord, have cried to thee: and in the morning my prayer shall prevent thee. INFO(V11N): Ps.87.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.87.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.87.7: Lord, why castest thou off my prayer: why turnest thou away thy face from me? INFO(V11N): Ps.87.16 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.87.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.87.7: I am poor, and in labours from my youth: and being exalted have been humbled and troubled. INFO(V11N): Ps.87.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.87.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.87.7: Thy wrath hath come upon me: and thy terrors have troubled me. INFO(V11N): Ps.87.18 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.87.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.87.7: They have come round about me like water all the day: they have compassed me about together. INFO(V11N): Ps.87.19 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.87.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.87.7: Friend and neighbour thou hast put far from me: and my acquaintance, because of misery. INFO(V11N): Ps.88.19 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.88.18 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.88.18: For our protection is of the Lord, and of our king the holy one of Israel. INFO(V11N): Ps.88.20 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.88.18 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.88.18: Then thou spokest in a vision to thy saints, and saidst: I have laid help upon one that is mighty, and have exalted one chosen out of my people. INFO(V11N): Ps.88.21 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.88.18 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.88.18: I have found David my servant: with my holy oil I have anointed him. INFO(V11N): Ps.88.22 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.88.18 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.88.18: For my hand shall help him: and my arm shall strengthen him. INFO(V11N): Ps.88.23 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.88.18 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.88.18: The enemy shall have no advantage over him: nor the son of iniquity have power to hurt him. INFO(V11N): Ps.88.24 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.88.18 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.88.18: And I will cut down his enemies before his face; and them that hate him I will put to flight. INFO(V11N): Ps.88.25 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.88.18 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.88.18: And my truth and my mercy shall be with him: and in my name shall his horn be exalted. INFO(V11N): Ps.88.26 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.88.18 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.88.18: And I will set his hand in the sea; and his right hand in the rivers. INFO(V11N): Ps.88.27 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.88.18 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.88.18: He shall cry out to me: Thou art my father: my God, and the support of my salvation. INFO(V11N): Ps.88.28 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.88.18 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.88.18: And I will make him my firstborn, high above the kings of the earth. INFO(V11N): Ps.88.29 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.88.18 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.88.18: I will keep my mercy for him for ever: and my covenant faithful to him. INFO(V11N): Ps.88.30 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.88.18 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.88.18: And I will make his seed to endure for evermore: and his throne as the days of heaven. INFO(V11N): Ps.88.31 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.88.18 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.88.18: And if his children forsake my law, and walk not in my judgments: INFO(V11N): Ps.88.32 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.88.18 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.88.18: If they profane my justices: and keep not my commandments: INFO(V11N): Ps.88.33 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.88.18 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.88.18: I will visit their iniquities with a rod: and their sins with stripes. INFO(V11N): Ps.88.34 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.88.18 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.88.18: But my mercy I will not take away from him: nor will I suffer my truth to fail. INFO(V11N): Ps.88.35 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.88.18 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.88.18: Neither will I profane my covenant: and the words that proceed from my mouth I will not make void. INFO(V11N): Ps.88.36 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.88.18 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.88.18: Once have I sworn by my holiness: I will not lie unto David: INFO(V11N): Ps.88.37 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.88.18 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.88.18: His seed shall endure for ever. INFO(V11N): Ps.88.38 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.88.18 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.88.18: And his throne as the sun before me: and as the moon perfect for ever, and a faithful witness in heaven. INFO(V11N): Ps.88.39 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.88.18 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.88.18: But thou hast rejected and despised: thou hast been angry with thy anointed. INFO(V11N): Ps.88.40 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.88.18 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.88.18: Thou hast overthrown the covenant of thy servant: thou hast profaned his sanctuary on the earth. INFO(V11N): Ps.88.41 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.88.18 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.88.18: Thou hast broken down all his hedges: thou hast made his strength fear. INFO(V11N): Ps.88.42 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.88.18 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.88.18: All that pass by the way have robbed him: he is become a reproach to his neighbours. INFO(V11N): Ps.88.43 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.88.18 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.88.18: Thou hast set up the right hand of them that oppress him: thou hast made all his enemies to rejoice. INFO(V11N): Ps.88.44 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.88.18 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.88.18: Thou hast turned away the help of his sword; and hast not assisted him in battle. INFO(V11N): Ps.88.45 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.88.18 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.88.18: Thou hast made his purification to cease: and thou hast cast his throne down to the ground. INFO(V11N): Ps.88.46 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.88.18 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.88.18: Thou hast shortened the days of his time: thou hast covered him with confusion. INFO(V11N): Ps.88.47 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.88.18 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.88.18: How long, O Lord, turnest thou away unto the end? shall thy anger burn like fire? INFO(V11N): Ps.88.48 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.88.18 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.88.18: Remember what my substance is for hast thou made all the children of men in vain? INFO(V11N): Ps.88.49 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.88.18 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.88.18: Who is the man that shall live, and not see death: that shall deliver his soul from the hand of hell? INFO(V11N): Ps.88.50 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.88.18 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.88.18: Lord, where are thy ancient mercies, according to what thou didst swear to David in thy truth? INFO(V11N): Ps.88.51 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.88.18 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.88.18: Be mindful, O Lord, of the reproach of thy servants (which I have held in my bosom) of many nations: INFO(V11N): Ps.88.52 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.88.18 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.88.18: Wherewith thy enemies have reproached, O Lord; wherewith they have reproached the change of thy anointed. INFO(V11N): Ps.88.53 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.88.18 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.88.18: Blessed be the Lord for evermore. So be it. So be it. INFO(V11N): Ps.93.6 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.93.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.93.5: They have slain the widow and the stranger: and they have murdered the fatherless. INFO(V11N): Ps.93.7 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.93.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.93.5: And they have said: The Lord shall not see: neither shall the God of Jacob understand. INFO(V11N): Ps.93.8 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.93.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.93.5: Understand, ye senseless among the people: and, you fools, be wise at last. INFO(V11N): Ps.93.9 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.93.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.93.5: He that planted the ear, shall he not hear? or he that formed the eye, doth he not consider? INFO(V11N): Ps.93.10 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.93.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.93.5: He that chastiseth nations, shall he not rebuke: he that teacheth man knowledge? INFO(V11N): Ps.93.11 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.93.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.93.5: The Lord knoweth the thoughts of men, that they are vain. INFO(V11N): Ps.93.12 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.93.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.93.5: Blessed is the man whom thou shalt instruct, O Lord: and shalt teach him out of thy law. INFO(V11N): Ps.93.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.93.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.93.5: That thou mayst give him rest from the evil days: till a pit be dug for the wicked. INFO(V11N): Ps.93.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.93.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.93.5: For the Lord will not cast off his people: neither will he forsake his own inheritance. INFO(V11N): Ps.93.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.93.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.93.5: Until justice be turned into judgment: and they that are near it are all the upright in heart. INFO(V11N): Ps.93.16 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.93.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.93.5: Who shall rise up for me against the evildoers? or who shall stand with me against the workers of iniquity? INFO(V11N): Ps.93.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.93.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.93.5: Unless the Lord had been my helper, my soul had almost dwelt in hell. INFO(V11N): Ps.93.18 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.93.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.93.5: If I said: My foot is moved: thy mercy, O Lord, assisted me. INFO(V11N): Ps.93.19 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.93.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.93.5: According to the multitude of my sorrows in my heart, thy comforts have given joy to my soul. INFO(V11N): Ps.93.20 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.93.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.93.5: Doth the seat of iniquity stick to thee, who framest labour in commandment? INFO(V11N): Ps.93.21 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.93.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.93.5: They will hunt after the soul of the just, and will condemn innocent blood. INFO(V11N): Ps.93.22 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.93.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.93.5: But the Lord is my refuge: and my God the help of my hope. INFO(V11N): Ps.93.23 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.93.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.93.5: And he will render them their iniquity: and in their malice he will destroy them: the Lord our God will destroy them. INFO(V11N): Ps.95.12 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.95.11 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.95.11: The fields and all things that are in them shall be joyful. Then shall all the trees of the woods rejoice INFO(V11N): Ps.95.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.95.11 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.95.11: Before the face of the Lord, because he cometh: because he cometh to judge the earth. He shall judge the world with justice, and the people with his truth. INFO(V11N): Ps.100.6 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.100.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.100.5: My eyes were upon the faithful of the earth, to sit with me: the man that walked in the perfect way, he served me. INFO(V11N): Ps.100.7 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.100.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.100.5: He that worketh pride shall not dwell in the midst of my house: he that speaketh unjust things did not prosper before my eyes. INFO(V11N): Ps.100.8 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.100.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.100.5: In the morning I put to death all the wicked of the land: that I might cut off all the workers of iniquity from the city of the Lord. INFO(V11N): Ps.101.9 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.101.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.101.8: All the day long my enemies reproached me: and they that praised me did swear against me. INFO(V11N): Ps.101.10 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.101.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.101.8: For I did eat ashes like bread, and mingled my drink with weeping. INFO(V11N): Ps.101.11 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.101.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.101.8: Because of thy anger and indignation: for having lifted me up thou hast thrown me down. INFO(V11N): Ps.101.12 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.101.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.101.8: My days have declined like a shadow, and I am withered like grass. INFO(V11N): Ps.101.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.101.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.101.8: But thou, O Lord, endurest for ever: and thy memorial to all generations. INFO(V11N): Ps.101.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.101.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.101.8: Thou shalt arise and have mercy on Sion: for it is time to have mercy on it, for the time is come. INFO(V11N): Ps.101.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.101.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.101.8: For the stones thereof have pleased thy servants: and they shall have pity on the earth thereof. INFO(V11N): Ps.101.16 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.101.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.101.8: And the Gentiles shall fear thy name, O Lord, and all the kings of the earth thy glory. INFO(V11N): Ps.101.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.101.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.101.8: For the Lord hath built up Sion: and he shall be seen in his glory. INFO(V11N): Ps.101.18 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.101.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.101.8: He hath had regard to the prayer of the humble: and he hath not despised their petition. INFO(V11N): Ps.101.19 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.101.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.101.8: Let these things be written unto another generation: and the people that shall be created shall praise the Lord: INFO(V11N): Ps.101.20 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.101.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.101.8: Because he hath looked forth from his high sanctuary: from heaven the Lord hath looked upon the earth. INFO(V11N): Ps.101.21 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.101.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.101.8: That he might hear the groans of them that are in fetters: that he might release the children of the slain: INFO(V11N): Ps.101.22 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.101.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.101.8: That they may declare the name of the Lord in Sion: and his praise in Jerusalem; INFO(V11N): Ps.101.23 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.101.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.101.8: When the people assemble together, and kings, to serve the Lord. INFO(V11N): Ps.101.24 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.101.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.101.8: He answered him in the way of his strength: Declare unto me the fewness of my days. INFO(V11N): Ps.101.25 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.101.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.101.8: Call me not away in the midst of my days: thy years are unto generation and generation. INFO(V11N): Ps.101.26 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.101.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.101.8: In the beginning, O Lord, thou foundedst the earth: and the heavens are the works of thy hands. INFO(V11N): Ps.101.27 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.101.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.101.8: They shall perish but thou remainest: and all of them shall grow old like a garment: And as a vesture thou shalt change them, and they shall be changed. INFO(V11N): Ps.101.28 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.101.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.101.8: But thou art always the selfsame, and thy years shall not fail. INFO(V11N): Ps.101.29 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.101.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.101.8: The children of thy servants shall continue: and their seed shall be directed for ever. INFO(V11N): Ps.103.23 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.103.22 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.103.22: Man shall go forth to his work, and to his labour until the evening. INFO(V11N): Ps.103.24 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.103.22 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.103.22: How great are thy works, O Lord? thou hast made all things in wisdom: the earth is filled with thy riches. INFO(V11N): Ps.103.25 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.103.22 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.103.22: So is this great sea, which stretcheth wide its arms: there are creeping things without number: Creatures little and great. INFO(V11N): Ps.103.26 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.103.22 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.103.22: There the ships shall go. This sea dragon which thou hast formed to play therein. INFO(V11N): Ps.103.27 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.103.22 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.103.22: All expect of thee that thou give them food in season. INFO(V11N): Ps.103.28 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.103.22 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.103.22: What thou givest to them they shall gather up: when thou openest thy hand, they shall all be filled with good. INFO(V11N): Ps.103.29 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.103.22 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.103.22: But if thou turnest away thy face, they shall be troubled: thou shalt take away their breath, and they shall fail, and shall return to their dust. INFO(V11N): Ps.103.30 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.103.22 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.103.22: Thou shalt send forth thy spirit, and they shall be created: and thou shalt renew the face of the earth. INFO(V11N): Ps.103.31 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.103.22 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.103.22: May the glory of the Lord endure for ever: the Lord shall rejoice in his works. INFO(V11N): Ps.103.32 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.103.22 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.103.22: He looketh upon the earth, and maketh it tremble: he toucheth the mountains, and they smoke. INFO(V11N): Ps.103.33 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.103.22 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.103.22: I will sing to the Lord as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being. INFO(V11N): Ps.103.34 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.103.22 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.103.22: Let my speech be acceptable to him: but I will take delight in the Lord. INFO(V11N): Ps.103.35 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.103.22 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.103.22: Let sinners be consumed out of the earth, and the unjust, so that they be no more: O my soul, bless thou the Lord. INFO(V11N): Ps.104.36 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.104.35 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.104.35: And he slew all the firstborn in their land: the firstfruits of all their labour. INFO(V11N): Ps.104.37 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.104.35 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.104.35: And he brought them out with silver and gold: and there was not among their tribes one that was feeble. INFO(V11N): Ps.104.38 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.104.35 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.104.35: Egypt was glad when they departed: for the fear of them lay upon them. INFO(V11N): Ps.104.39 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.104.35 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.104.35: He spread a cloud for their protection, and fire to give them light in the night. INFO(V11N): Ps.104.40 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.104.35 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.104.35: They asked, and the quail came: and he filled them with the bread of heaven. INFO(V11N): Ps.104.41 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.104.35 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.104.35: He opened the rock, and waters flowed: rivers ran down in the dry land. INFO(V11N): Ps.104.42 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.104.35 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.104.35: Because he remembered his holy word, which he had spoken to his servant Abraham. INFO(V11N): Ps.104.43 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.104.35 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.104.35: And he brought forth his people with joy, and his chosen with gladness. INFO(V11N): Ps.104.44 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.104.35 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.104.35: And he gave them the lands of the Gentiles: and they possessed the labours of the people: INFO(V11N): Ps.104.45 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.104.35 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.104.35: That they might observe his justifications, and seek after his law. INFO(V11N): Ps.105.46 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.105.45 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.105.45: And he gave them unto mercies, in the sight of all those that had made them captives. INFO(V11N): Ps.105.47 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.105.45 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.105.45: Save us, O Lord, our God: and gather us from among nations: That we may give thanks to thy holy name, and may glory in thy praise. INFO(V11N): Ps.105.48 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.105.45 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.105.45: Blessed be the Lord the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting: and let all the people say: So be it, so be it. INFO(V11N): Ps.108.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.108.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.108.13: May the iniquity of his fathers be remembered in the sight of the Lord: and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out. INFO(V11N): Ps.108.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.108.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.108.13: May they be before the lord continually, and let the memory of them perish from the earth: INFO(V11N): Ps.108.16 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.108.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.108.13: Because he remembered not to show mercy, INFO(V11N): Ps.108.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.108.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.108.13: But persecuted the poor man and the beggar; and the broken in heart, to put him to death. INFO(V11N): Ps.108.18 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.108.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.108.13: And he loved cursing, and it shall come unto him: and he would not have blessing, and it shall be far from him. And he put on cursing, like a garment: and it went in like water into his entrails, and like oil in his bones. INFO(V11N): Ps.108.19 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.108.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.108.13: May it be unto him like a garment which covereth him; and like a girdle with which he is girded continually. INFO(V11N): Ps.108.20 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.108.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.108.13: This is the work of them who detract me before the Lord; and who speak evils against my soul. INFO(V11N): Ps.108.21 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.108.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.108.13: But thou, O Lord, do with for thy names sake: because thy mercy is sweet. Do thou deliver me. INFO(V11N): Ps.108.22 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.108.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.108.13: For I am poor and needy, and my heart is troubled within me. INFO(V11N): Ps.108.23 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.108.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.108.13: I am taken away like the shadow when it declineth: and I am shaken off as locusts. INFO(V11N): Ps.108.24 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.108.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.108.13: My knees are weakened through fasting: and my flesh is changed for oil. INFO(V11N): Ps.108.25 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.108.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.108.13: And I am become a reproach to them: they saw me and they shaked their heads, INFO(V11N): Ps.108.26 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.108.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.108.13: Help me, O Lord my God; save me according to thy mercy. INFO(V11N): Ps.108.27 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.108.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.108.13: And let them know that this is thy hand: and that thou, O Lord, hast done it. INFO(V11N): Ps.108.28 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.108.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.108.13: They will curse and thou will bless: let them that rise up against me be confounded: but thy servant shall rejoice. INFO(V11N): Ps.108.29 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.108.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.108.13: Let them that detract me be clothed with shame: and let them be covered with the their confusion as with a double cloak. INFO(V11N): Ps.108.30 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.108.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.108.13: I will give great thanks to the Lord with my mouth: and in the midst of many I will praise him. INFO(V11N): Ps.108.31 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.108.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.108.13: Because he hath stood at the right hand of the poor, to save my soul from persecutors. INFO(V11N): Ps.110.8 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.110.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.110.7: All his commandments are faithful: confirmed for ever and ever, made in truth and equity. INFO(V11N): Ps.110.9 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.110.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.110.7: He hath sent redemption to his people: he hath commanded his covenant for ever. Holy and terrible is his name: INFO(V11N): Ps.110.10 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.110.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.110.7: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. A good understanding to all that do it: his praise continueth for ever and ever. INFO(V11N): Ps.113.10 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.113.9 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.113.9: For thy mercy, and for thy truth’s sake: lest the gentiles should say: Where is their God? INFO(V11N): Ps.113.11 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.113.9 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.113.9: But our God is in heaven: he hath done all things whatsoever he would. INFO(V11N): Ps.113.12 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.113.9 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.113.9: The idols of the gentiles are silver and gold, the works of the hands of men. INFO(V11N): Ps.113.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.113.9 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.113.9: They have mouths and speak not: they have eyes and see not. INFO(V11N): Ps.113.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.113.9 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.113.9: They have ears and hear not: they have noses and smell not. INFO(V11N): Ps.113.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.113.9 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.113.9: They have hands and feel not: they have feet and walk not: neither shall they cry out through their throat. INFO(V11N): Ps.113.16 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.113.9 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.113.9: Let them that make them become like unto them: and all such as trust in them. INFO(V11N): Ps.113.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.113.9 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.113.9: The house of Israel hath hoped in the Lord: he is their helper and their protector. INFO(V11N): Ps.113.18 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.113.9 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.113.9: The house of Aaron hath hoped in the Lord: he is their helper and their protector. INFO(V11N): Ps.113.19 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.113.9 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.113.9: They that fear the Lord hath hoped in the Lord: he is their helper and their protector. INFO(V11N): Ps.113.20 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.113.9 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.113.9: The Lord hath been mindful of us, and hath blessed us. He hath blessed the house of Israel: he hath blessed the house of Aaron. INFO(V11N): Ps.113.21 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.113.9 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.113.9: He hath blessed all that fear the Lord, both little and great. INFO(V11N): Ps.113.22 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.113.9 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.113.9: May the Lord add blessings upon you: upon you, and upon your children. INFO(V11N): Ps.113.23 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.113.9 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.113.9: Blessed be you of the Lord, who made heaven and earth. INFO(V11N): Ps.113.24 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.113.9 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.113.9: The heaven of heaven is the Lord’s: but the earth he has given to the children of men. INFO(V11N): Ps.113.25 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.113.9 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.113.9: The dead shall not praise thee, O Lord: nor any of them that go down to hell. INFO(V11N): Ps.113.26 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.113.9 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.113.9: But we that live bless the Lord: from this time now and for ever. INFO(V11N): Ps.114.9 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.114.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.114.8: I will please the Lord in the land of the living. INFO(V11N): Ps.117.3 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.117.2 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.117.2: Let the house of Aaron now say, that his mercy endureth for ever. INFO(V11N): Ps.117.4 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.117.2 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.117.2: Let them that fear the Lord now say, that his mercy endureth for ever. INFO(V11N): Ps.117.5 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.117.2 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.117.2: In my trouble I called upon the Lord: and the Lord heard me, and enlarged me. INFO(V11N): Ps.117.6 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.117.2 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.117.2: The Lord is my helper, I will not fear what man can do unto me. INFO(V11N): Ps.117.7 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.117.2 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.117.2: The Lord is my helper: and I will look over my enemies. INFO(V11N): Ps.117.8 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.117.2 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.117.2: It is good to confide in the Lord, rather than to have confidence in man. INFO(V11N): Ps.117.9 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.117.2 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.117.2: It is good to trust in the Lord, rather than to trust in princes. INFO(V11N): Ps.117.10 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.117.2 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.117.2: All nations compassed me about; and in the name of the Lord I have been revenged on them. INFO(V11N): Ps.117.11 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.117.2 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.117.2: Surrounding me they compassed me about: and in the name of the Lord I have been revenged on them. INFO(V11N): Ps.117.12 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.117.2 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.117.2: They surrounded me like bees, and they burned like fire among thorns: and in the name of the Lord I was revenged on them. INFO(V11N): Ps.117.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.117.2 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.117.2: Being pushed I was overturned that I might fall: but the Lord supported me. INFO(V11N): Ps.117.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.117.2 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.117.2: The Lord is my strength and my praise: and he is become my salvation. INFO(V11N): Ps.117.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.117.2 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.117.2: The voice of rejoicing and of salvation is in the tabernacles of the just. INFO(V11N): Ps.117.16 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.117.2 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.117.2: The right hand of the Lord hath wrought strength: the right hand of the Lord hath exulted me: the right hand of the Lord hath wrought strength. INFO(V11N): Ps.117.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.117.2 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.117.2: I shall not die, but live: and shall declare the works of the Lord. INFO(V11N): Ps.117.18 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.117.2 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.117.2: The Lord chastising hath chastised me: but he hath not delivered me over to death. INFO(V11N): Ps.117.19 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.117.2 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.117.2: Open ye to me the gates of justice: I will go into them, and give praise to the Lord. INFO(V11N): Ps.117.20 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.117.2 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.117.2: This is the gate of the Lord, the just shall enter into it. INFO(V11N): Ps.117.21 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.117.2 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.117.2: I will give glory to thee because thou hast heard me: and art become my salvation. INFO(V11N): Ps.117.22 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.117.2 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.117.2: The stone which the builders rejected; the same is become the head of the corner. INFO(V11N): Ps.117.23 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.117.2 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.117.2: This is the Lord’s doing: and it is wonderful in our eyes. INFO(V11N): Ps.117.24 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.117.2 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.117.2: This is the day which the Lord hath made: let us be glad and rejoice therein. INFO(V11N): Ps.117.25 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.117.2 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.117.2: O Lord, save me: O Lord, give good success. INFO(V11N): Ps.117.26 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.117.2 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.117.2: Blessed be he that cometh in the name Lord. We have blessed you out of the house of the Lord. INFO(V11N): Ps.117.27 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.117.2 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.117.2: The Lord is God, and he hath shone upon us. Appoint a solemn day, with shady boughs, even to the horn of the alter. INFO(V11N): Ps.117.28 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.117.2 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.117.2: Thou art my God, and I will praise thee: thou art my God, and I will exalt thee. I will praise thee, because thou hast heard me, and art become my salvation. INFO(V11N): Ps.117.29 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.117.2 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.117.2: O praise ye the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.30 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: I have chosen the way of truth: thy judgments I have not forgotten. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.31 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: I have stuck to thy testimonies, O Lord: put me not to shame. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.32 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: I have run the way of thy commandments, when thou didst enlarge my heart. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.33 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: HE. Set before me for a law the way of thy justifications, O Lord: and I will always seek after it. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.34 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Give me understanding, and I will search thy law; and I will keep it with my whole heart. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.35 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Lead me into the path of thy commandments; for this same I have desired. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.36 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Incline my heart into thy testimonies and not to covetousness. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.37 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Turn away my eyes that they may not behold vanity: quicken me in thy way. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.38 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Establish thy word to thy servant, in thy fear. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.39 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Turn away my reproach, which I have apprehended: for thy judgments are delightful. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.40 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Behold I have longed after thy precepts: quicken me in thy justice. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.41 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: VAU. Let thy mercy also come upon me, O Lord: thy salvation according to thy word. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.42 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: So shall I answer them that reproach me in any thing; that I have trusted in thy words. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.43 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: And take not thou the word of truth utterly out of my mouth: for in thy words have I hoped exceedingly. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.44 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: So shall I always keep thy law, for ever and ever. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.45 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: And I walked at large: because I have sought after thy commandments. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.46 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: And I spoke of thy testimonies before kings: and I was not ashamed. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.47 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: I meditated also on thy commandments, which I loved. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.48 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: And I lifted up my hands to thy commandments, which I loved: and I was exercised in thy justifications. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.49 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: ZAIN. Be thou mindful of thy word to thy servant, in which thou hast given me hope. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.50 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: This hath comforted me in my humiliation: because thy word hath enlivened me. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.51 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: The proud did iniquitously altogether: but I declined not from thy law. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.52 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: I remembered, O Lord, thy judgments of old: and I was comforted. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.53 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: A fainting hath taken hold of me, because of the wicked that forsake thy law. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.54 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Thy justifications were the subject of my song, in the place of my pilgrimage. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.55 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: In the night I have remembered thy name, O Lord: and have kept thy law. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.56 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: This happened to me: because I sought after thy justifications. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.57 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: HETH. O Lord, my portion, I have said, I would keep the law. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.58 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: I entreated thy face with all my heart: have mercy on me according to thy word. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.59 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: I have thought on my ways: and turned my feet unto thy testimonies. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.60 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: I am ready, and am not troubled: that I may keep thy commandments. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.61 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: The cords of the wicked have encompassed me: but I have not forgotten thy law. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.62 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: I rose at midnight to give praise to thee; for the judgments of thy justification. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.63 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: I am a partaker with all them that fear thee, and that keep thy commandments. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.64 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: The earth, O Lord, is full of thy mercy: teach me thy justifications. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.65 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: TETH. Thou hast done well with thy servant, O Lord, according to thy word. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.66 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Teach me goodness and discipline and knowledge; for I have believed thy commandments. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.67 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Before I was humbled I offended; therefore have I kept thy word. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.68 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Thou art good; and in thy goodness teach me thy justifications. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.69 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: The iniquity of the proud hath been multiplied over me: but I will seek thy commandments with my whole heart. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.70 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Their heart is curdled like milk: but I have meditated on thy law. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.71 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: It is good for me that thou hast humbled me, that I may learn thy justifications. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.72 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: The law of thy mouth is good to me, above thousands of gold and silver. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.73 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: JOD. Thy hands have made me and formed me: give me understanding, and I will learn thy commandments. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.74 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: They that fear thee shall see me, and shall be glad: because I have greatly hoped in thy words. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.75 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: I know, O Lord, that thy judgments are equity: and in thy truth thou hast humbled me. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.76 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: O! let thy mercy be for my comfort, according to thy word unto thy servant. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.77 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Let thy tender mercies come unto me, and I shall live: for thy law is my meditation. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.78 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Let the proud be ashamed, because they have done unjustly towards me: but I will be employed in thy commandments. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.79 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Let them that fear thee turn to me and they that know thy testimonies. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.80 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Let my heart be undefiled in thy justifications, that I may not be confounded. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.81 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: CAPH. My soul hath fainted after thy salvation: and in thy word I have very much hoped. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.82 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: My eyes have failed for thy word, saying: When wilt thou comfort me? INFO(V11N): Ps.118.83 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: For I am become like a bottle in the frost: I have not forgotten thy justifications. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.84 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: How many are the days of thy servant: when wilt thou execute judgment on them that persecute me? INFO(V11N): Ps.118.85 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: The wicked have told me fables: but not as thy law. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.86 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: All thy statutes are truth: they have persecuted me unjustly, do thou help me. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.87 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: They had almost made an end of me upon earth: but I have not forsaken thy commandments. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.88 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Quicken thou me according to thy mercy: and I shall keep the testimonies of thy mouth. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.89 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: LAMED. For ever, O Lord, thy word standeth firm in heaven. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.90 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Thy truth unto all generations: thou hast founded the earth, and it continueth. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.91 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: By thy ordinance the day goeth on: for all things serve thee. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.92 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Unless thy law had been my meditation, I had then perhaps perished in my abjection. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.93 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Thy justifications I will never forget: for by them thou hast given me life. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.94 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: I am thine, save thou me: for I have sought thy justifications. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.95 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: The wicked have waited for me to destroy me: but I have understood thy testimonies. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.96 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: I have seen an end to all persecution: thy commandment is exceeding broad. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.97 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: MEM. O how have I loved thy law, O Lord! it is my meditation all the day. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.98 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Through thy commandment, thou hast made me wiser than my enemies: for it is ever with me. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.99 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: I have understood more than all my teachers: because thy testimonies are my meditation. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.100 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: I have had understanding above ancients: because I have sought thy commandments. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.101 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: I have restrained my feet from every evil way: that I may keep thy words. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.102 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: I have not declined from thy judgments, because thou hast set me a law. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.103 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: How sweet are thy words to my palate! more than honey to my mouth. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.104 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: By thy commandments I have had understanding: therefore have I hated every way of iniquity. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.105 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: NUN. Thy word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my paths. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.106 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: I have sworn and am determined to keep the judgments of thy justice. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.107 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: I have been humbled, O Lord, exceedingly: quicken thou me according to thy word. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.108 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: The free offerings of my mouth make acceptable, O Lord: and teach me thy judgments. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.109 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: My soul is continually in my hands: and I have not forgotten thy law. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.110 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Sinners have laid a snare for me: but I have not erred from thy precepts. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.111 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: I have purchased thy testimonies for an inheritance for ever: because they are a joy to my heart. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.112 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: I have inclined my heart to do thy justifications for ever, for the reward. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.113 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: SAMECH. I have hated the unjust: and have loved thy law. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.114 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Thou art my helper and my protector: and in thy word I have greatly hoped. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.115 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Depart from me, ye malignant: and I will search the commandments of my God. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.116 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Uphold me according to thy word, and I shall live: and let me not be confounded in my expectation. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.117 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Help me, and I shall be saved: and I will meditate always on thy justifications. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.118 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Thou hast despised all them that fall off from thy judgments; for their thought is unjust. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.119 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: I have accounted all the sinners of the earth prevaricators: therefore have I loved thy testimonies. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.120 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Pierce thou my flesh with thy fear: for I am afraid of thy judgments. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.121 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: AIN. I have done judgment and justice: give me not up to them that slander me. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.122 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Uphold thy servant unto good: let not the proud calumniate me. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.123 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: My eyes have fainted after thy salvation: and for the word of thy justice. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.124 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Deal with thy servant according to thy mercy: and teach me thy justifications. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.125 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: I am thy servant: give me understanding that I may know thy testimonies. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.126 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: It is time, O Lord, to do: they have dissipated thy law. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.127 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Therefore have I loved thy commandments above gold and the topaz. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.128 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Therefore was I directed to all thy commandments: I have hated all wicked ways. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.129 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: PHE. Thy testimonies are wonderful: therefore my soul hath sought them. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.130 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: The declaration of thy words giveth light: and giveth understanding to little ones. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.131 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: I opened my mouth and panted: because I longed for thy commandments. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.132 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Look thou upon me, and have mercy on me, according to the judgment of them that love thy name. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.133 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Direct my steps according to thy word: and let no iniquity have dominion over me. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.134 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Redeem me from the calumnies of men: that I may keep thy commandments. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.135 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Make thy face to shine upon thy servant: and teach me thy justifications. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.136 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: My eyes have sent forth springs of water: because they have not kept thy law. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.137 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: SADE. Thou art just, O Lord: and thy judgment is right. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.138 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Thou hast commanded justice thy testimonies: and thy truth exceedingly. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.139 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: My zeal hath made me pine away: because my enemies forgot thy words. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.140 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Thy word is exceedingly refined: and thy servant hath loved it. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.141 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: I am very young and despised; but I forgot not thy justifications. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.142 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Thy justice is justice for ever: and thy law is the truth. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.143 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Trouble and anguish have found me: thy commandments are my meditation. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.144 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Thy testimonies are justice for ever: give me understanding, and I shall live. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.145 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: COPH. I cried with my whole heart, hear me, O Lord: I will seek thy justifications. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.146 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: I cried unto thee, save me: that I may keep thy commandments. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.147 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: I prevented the dawning of the day, and cried: because in thy words I very much hoped. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.148 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: My eyes to thee have prevented the morning: that I might meditate on thy words. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.149 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Hear thou my voice, O Lord, according to thy mercy: and quicken me according to thy mercy. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.150 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: They that persecute me have drawn nigh to iniquity; but they are gone far off from the law. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.151 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Thou art near, O Lord: and all thy ways are truth. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.152 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: I have known from the beginning concerning thy testimonies: that thou hast founded them for ever. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.153 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: RES. See my humiliation and deliver me: for I have not forgotten the law. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.154 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Judge my judgment and redeem me: quicken thou me for thy word’s sake. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.155 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Salvation is far from sinners; because they have not sought thy justifications. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.156 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Many, O Lord, are thy mercies: quicken me according to thy judgment. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.157 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Many are they that persecute me, and afflict me; but I have not declined from thy testimonies. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.158 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: I beheld the transgressors, and I pined away; because they kept not thy word. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.159 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Behold I have loved thy commandments, O Lord; quicken me thou in thy mercy. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.160 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: The beginning of thy words is truth: all the judgments of thy justice are for ever. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.161 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: SIN. Princes have persecuted me without cause: and my heart hath been in awe of thy words. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.162 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: I will rejoice at thy words, as one that hath found great spoil. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.163 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: I have hated and abhorred iniquity; but I have loved thy law. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.164 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Seven times a day I have given praise to thee, for the judgments of thy justice. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.165 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Much peace have they that love thy law, and to them there is no stumbling block. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.166 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: I looked to thy salvation, O Lord: and I loved thy commandments. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.167 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: My soul hath kept thy testimonies: and hath loved them exceedingly. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.168 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: I have kept thy commandments and thy testimonies: because all my ways are in thy sight. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.169 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: TAU. Let my supplication, O Lord, come near in thy sight: give me understanding according to thy word. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.170 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Let my request come in before thee; deliver thou me according to thy word. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.171 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: My lips shall utter a hymn, when thou shalt teach me thy justifications. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.172 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: My tongue shall pronounce thy word: because all thy commandments are justice. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.173 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: Let thy hand be with me to save me; for I have chosen thy precepts. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.174 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: I have longed for thy salvation, O Lord; and thy law is my meditation. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.175 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: My soul shall live and shall praise thee: and thy judgments shall help me. INFO(V11N): Ps.118.176 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.118.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.118.29: I have gone astray like a sheep that is lost: seek thy servant, because I have not forgotten thy commandments. INFO(V11N): Ps.120.8 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.120.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.120.7: May the Lord keep thy going in and thy going out; from henceforth now and for ever. INFO(V11N): Ps.121.9 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.121.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.121.8: Because of the house of the Lord our God, I have sought good things for thee. INFO(V11N): Ps.123.5 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.123.4 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.123.4: Our soul hath passed through a torrent: perhaps our soul had passed through a water insupportable. INFO(V11N): Ps.123.6 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.123.4 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.123.4: Blessed be the Lord, who hath not given us to be a prey to their teeth. INFO(V11N): Ps.123.7 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.123.4 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.123.4: Our soul hath been delivered as a sparrow out of the snare of the followers. The snare is broken, and we are delivered. INFO(V11N): Ps.123.8 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.123.4 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.123.4: Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth. INFO(V11N): Ps.125.6 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.125.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.125.5: Going they went and wept, casting their seeds. INFO(V11N): Ps.125.7 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.125.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.125.5: But coming they shall come with joyfulness, carrying their sheaves. INFO(V11N): Ps.127.6 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.127.5 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.127.5: And mayest thou see thy children’s children, peace upon Israel. INFO(V11N): Ps.128.7 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.128.6 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.128.6: Wherewith the mower filleth not his hand: nor he that gathereth sheaves his bosom. INFO(V11N): Ps.128.8 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.128.6 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.128.6: And they that have passed by have not said: The blessing of the Lord be upon you: we have blessed you in the name of the Lord. INFO(V11N): Ps.131.4 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.131.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.131.3: If I shall give sleep to my eyes, or slumber to my eyelids, INFO(V11N): Ps.131.5 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.131.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.131.3: Or rest to my temples: until I find out a place for the Lord, a tabernacle for the God of Jacob. INFO(V11N): Ps.131.6 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.131.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.131.3: Behold we have heard of it in Ephrata: we have found it in the fields of the wood. INFO(V11N): Ps.131.7 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.131.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.131.3: We will go into his tabernacle: We will adore in the place where his feet stood. INFO(V11N): Ps.131.8 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.131.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.131.3: Arise, O Lord, into thy resting place: thou and the ark, which thou hast sanctified. INFO(V11N): Ps.131.9 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.131.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.131.3: Let thy priests be clothed with justice: and let thy saints rejoice. INFO(V11N): Ps.131.10 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.131.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.131.3: For thy servant David’s sake, turn not away the face of thy anointed. INFO(V11N): Ps.131.11 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.131.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.131.3: The Lord hath sworn truth to David, and he will not make it void: of the fruit of thy womb I will set upon thy throne. INFO(V11N): Ps.131.12 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.131.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.131.3: If thy children will keep thy covenant, and these my testimonies which I shall teach them: Their children also for evermore shall sit upon thy throne. INFO(V11N): Ps.131.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.131.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.131.3: For the Lord hath chosen Sion: he hath chosen it for his dwelling. INFO(V11N): Ps.131.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.131.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.131.3: This is my rest for ever and ever: here will I dwell, for I have chosen it. INFO(V11N): Ps.131.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.131.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.131.3: Blessing, I will bless her widow: I will satisfy her poor with bread. INFO(V11N): Ps.131.16 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.131.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.131.3: I will clothe her priests with salvation: and her saints shall rejoice with exceeding great joy. INFO(V11N): Ps.131.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.131.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.131.3: There will I bring forth a horn to David: I have prepared a lamp for my anointed. INFO(V11N): Ps.131.18 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.131.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.131.3: His enemies I will clothe with confusion: but upon him will my sanctification flourish. INFO(V11N): Ps.134.4 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.134.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.134.3: For the Lord hath chosen Jacob unto himself: Israel for his own possession. INFO(V11N): Ps.134.5 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.134.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.134.3: For I have known that the Lord is great, and our God is above all gods. INFO(V11N): Ps.134.6 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.134.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.134.3: Whatsoever the Lord hath pleased he hath done, in heaven, in earth, in the sea, and in all the deeps. INFO(V11N): Ps.134.7 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.134.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.134.3: He bringeth up clouds from the end of the earth: he hath made lightnings for the rain. He bringeth forth winds out of his stores: INFO(V11N): Ps.134.8 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.134.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.134.3: He slew the firstborn of Egypt from man even unto beast. INFO(V11N): Ps.134.9 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.134.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.134.3: He sent forth signs and wonders in the midst of thee, O Egypt: upon Pharao, and upon all his servants. INFO(V11N): Ps.134.10 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.134.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.134.3: He smote many nations, and slew mighty kings: INFO(V11N): Ps.134.11 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.134.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.134.3: Sehon king of the Amorrhites, and Og king of Basan, and all the kingdoms of Chanaan. INFO(V11N): Ps.134.12 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.134.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.134.3: And gave their land for an inheritance, for an inheritance to his people Israel. INFO(V11N): Ps.134.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.134.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.134.3: Thy name, O Lord, is for ever: thy memorial, O Lord, unto all generations. INFO(V11N): Ps.134.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.134.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.134.3: For the Lord will judge his people, and will be entreated in favour of his servants. INFO(V11N): Ps.134.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.134.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.134.3: The idols of the Gentiles are silver and gold, the works of men’s hands. INFO(V11N): Ps.134.16 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.134.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.134.3: They have a mouth, but they speak not: they have eyes, but they see not. INFO(V11N): Ps.134.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.134.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.134.3: They have ears, but they hear not: neither is there any breath in their mouths. INFO(V11N): Ps.134.18 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.134.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.134.3: Let them that make them be like to them: and every one that trusteth in them. INFO(V11N): Ps.134.19 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.134.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.134.3: Bless the Lord, O house of Israel: bless the Lord, O house of Aaron. INFO(V11N): Ps.134.20 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.134.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.134.3: Bless the Lord, O house of Levi: you that fear the Lord, bless the Lord. INFO(V11N): Ps.134.21 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.134.3 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.134.3: Blessed be the Lord out of Sion, who dwelleth in Jerusalem. INFO(V11N): Ps.135.22 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.135.21 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.135.21: For an inheritance to his servant Israel: for his mercy endureth for ever. INFO(V11N): Ps.135.23 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.135.21 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.135.21: For he was mindful of us in our affliction: for his mercy endureth for ever. INFO(V11N): Ps.135.24 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.135.21 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.135.21: And he redeemed us from our enemies: for his mercy endureth for ever. INFO(V11N): Ps.135.25 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.135.21 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.135.21: Who giveth food to all flesh: for his mercy endureth for ever. INFO(V11N): Ps.135.26 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.135.21 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.135.21: Give glory to the God of heaven: for his mercy endureth for ever. INFO(V11N): Ps.135.27 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.135.21 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.135.21: Give glory to the Lord of lords: for his mercy endureth for ever. INFO(V11N): Ps.138.9 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.138.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.138.8: If I take my wings early in the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea: INFO(V11N): Ps.138.10 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.138.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.138.8: Even there also shall thy hand lead me: and thy right hand shall hold me. INFO(V11N): Ps.138.11 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.138.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.138.8: And I said: Perhaps darkness shall cover me: and night shall be my light in my pleasures. INFO(V11N): Ps.138.12 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.138.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.138.8: But darkness shall not be dark to thee, and night shall be light as day: the darkness thereof, and the light thereof are alike to thee. INFO(V11N): Ps.138.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.138.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.138.8: For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast protected me from my mother’s womb. INFO(V11N): Ps.138.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.138.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.138.8: I will praise thee, for thou art fearfully magnified: wonderful are thy works, and my soul knoweth right well. INFO(V11N): Ps.138.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.138.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.138.8: My bone is not hidden from thee, which thou hast made in secret: and my substance in the lower parts of the earth. INFO(V11N): Ps.138.16 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.138.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.138.8: Thy eyes did see my imperfect being, and in thy book all shall be written: days shall be formed, and no one in them. INFO(V11N): Ps.138.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.138.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.138.8: But to me thy friends, O God, are made exceedingly honourable: their principality is exceedingly strengthened. INFO(V11N): Ps.138.18 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.138.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.138.8: I will number them, and they shall be multiplied above the sand: I rose up and am still with thee. INFO(V11N): Ps.138.19 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.138.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.138.8: If thou wilt kill the wicked, O God: ye men of blood, depart from me: INFO(V11N): Ps.138.20 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.138.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.138.8: Because you say in thought: They shall receive thy cities in vain. INFO(V11N): Ps.138.21 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.138.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.138.8: Have I not hated them, O Lord, that hated thee: and pine away because of thy enemies? INFO(V11N): Ps.138.22 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.138.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.138.8: I have hated them with a perfect hatred: and they are become enemies to me. INFO(V11N): Ps.138.23 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.138.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.138.8: Prove me, O God, and know my heart: examine me, and know my paths. INFO(V11N): Ps.138.24 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.138.8 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.138.8: And see if there be in me the way of iniquity: and lead me in the eternal way. INFO(V11N): Ps.142.8 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.142.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.142.7: Cause me to hear thy mercy in the morning; for in thee have I hoped. Make the way known to me, wherein I should walk: for I have lifted up my soul to thee. INFO(V11N): Ps.142.9 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.142.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.142.7: Deliver me from my enemies, O Lord, to thee have I fled: INFO(V11N): Ps.142.10 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.142.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.142.7: Teach me to do thy will, for thou art my God. Thy good spirit shall lead me into the right land: INFO(V11N): Ps.142.11 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.142.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.142.7: For thy name’s sake, O Lord, thou wilt quicken me in thy justice. Thou wilt bring my soul out of trouble: INFO(V11N): Ps.142.12 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.142.7 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.142.7: And in thy mercy thou wilt destroy my enemies. And thou wilt cut off all them that afflict my soul: for I am thy servant. INFO(V11N): Ps.143.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.143.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.143.12: Their storehouses full, flowing out of this into that. Their sheep fruitful in young, abounding in their goings forth: INFO(V11N): Ps.143.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.143.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.143.12: Their oxen fat. There is no breach of wall, nor passage, nor crying out in their streets. INFO(V11N): Ps.143.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.143.12 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.143.12: They have called the people happy, that hath these things: but happy is that people whose God is the Lord. INFO(V11N): Ps.144.16 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.144.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.144.15: Thou openest thy hand, and fillest with blessing every living creature. INFO(V11N): Ps.144.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.144.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.144.15: The Lord is just in all his ways: and holy in all his works. INFO(V11N): Ps.144.18 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.144.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.144.15: The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him: to all that call upon him in truth. INFO(V11N): Ps.144.19 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.144.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.144.15: He will do the will of them that fear him: and he will hear their prayer, and save them. INFO(V11N): Ps.144.20 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.144.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.144.15: The Lord keepeth all them that love him; but all the wicked he will destroy. INFO(V11N): Ps.144.21 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.144.15 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.144.15: My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord: and let all flesh bless thy holy name for ever; yea, for ever and ever. INFO(V11N): Ps.146.11 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Ps.146.10 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Ps.146.10: The Lord taketh pleasure in them that fear him: and in them that hope in his mercy. INFO(V11N): Eccl.4.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Eccl.4.16 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Eccl.4.16: Keep thy foot, when thou goest into the house of God, and draw nigh to hear. For much better is obedience, than the victims of fools, who know not what evil they do. INFO(V11N): Eccl.7.30 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Eccl.7.29 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Eccl.7.29: Only this I have found, that God made man right, and he hath entangled himself with an infinity of questions. Who is as the wise man? and who hath known the resolution of the word? INFO(V11N): Song.5.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Song.5.16 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Song.5.16: Whither is thy beloved gone, O thou most beautiful among women? whither is thy beloved turned aside, and we will seek him with thee? INFO(V11N): Isa.45.26 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Isa.45.25 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Isa.45.25: In the Lord shall all the seed of Israel be justified and praised. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.31 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: Wherefore all that thou hast brought upon us, and every thing that thou hast done to us, thou hast done in true judgment: INFO(V11N): Dan.3.32 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: And thou hast delivered us into the hands of our enemies that are unjust, and most wicked, and prevaricators, and to a king unjust, and most wicked beyond all that axe upon the earth. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.33 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: And now we cannot open our mouths: we are become a shame and reproach to thy servants, and to them that worship thee. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.34 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: Deliver us not up for ever, we beseech thee, for thy name’s sake, and abolish not thy covenant. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.35 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: And take not away thy mercy from us for the sake of Abraham thy beloved, and Isaac thy servant, and Israel thy holy one: INFO(V11N): Dan.3.36 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: To whom thou hast spoken, promising that thou wouldst multiply their seed as the stars of heaven, and as the sand that is on the sea shore. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.37 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: For we, O Lord, are diminished more than any nation, and are brought low in all the earth this day for our sins. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.38 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: Neither is there at this time prince, or leader, or prophet, or holocaust, or sacrifice, or oblation, or incense, or place of firstfruits before thee, INFO(V11N): Dan.3.39 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: That we may find thy mercy: nevertheless in a contrite heart and humble spirit let us be accepted. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.40 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: As in holocausts of rams, and bullocks, and as in thousands of fat lambs: so let our sacrifice be made in thy sight this day, that it may please thee: for there is no confusion to them that trust in thee. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.41 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: And now we follow thee with all our heart, and we fear thee, and seek thy face. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.42 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: Put us not to confusion, but deal. with us according to thy meekness, and according to the multitude of thy mercies. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.43 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: And deliver us according to thy wonderful works, and give glory to thy name, O Lord: INFO(V11N): Dan.3.44 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: And let all them be confounded that shew evils to thy servants, let them be confounded in all thy might, and let their strength be broken. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.45 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: And let them know that thou art the Lord, the only God, and glorious over all the world. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.46 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: Now the king’s servants that had cast them in, ceased not to heat the furnace with brimstone, and tow, and pitch, and dry sticks, INFO(V11N): Dan.3.47 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: And the flame mounted up above the furnace nine and forty cubits: INFO(V11N): Dan.3.48 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: And it broke forth, and burnt such of the Chaldeans as it found near the furnace. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.49 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: But the angel of the Lord went down with Azarias and his companions into the furnace: and he drove the flame of the fire out of the furnace, INFO(V11N): Dan.3.50 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: And made the midst of the furnace like the blowing of a wind bringing dew, and the fire touched them not at all, nor troubled them, nor did them any harm. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.51 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: Then these three as with one mouth praised, and glorified, and blessed God in the furnace, saying: INFO(V11N): Dan.3.52 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: Blessed art thou, O Lord the God of our fathers: and worthy to be praised, and glorified, and exalted above all for ever: and blessed is the holy name of thy glory: and worthy to be praised, and exalted above all in all ages. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.53 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: Blessed art thou in the holy temple of thy glory: and exceedingly to be praised, and exceeding glorious for ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.54 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: Blessed art thou on the throne of thy kingdom, and exceedingly to be praised, and exalted above all for ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.55 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: Blessed art thou, that beholdest the depths, and sittest upon the cherubims: and worthy to be praised and exalted above all for ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.56 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: Blessed art thou in the firmament of heaven: and worthy of praise, and glorious for ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.57 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: All ye works of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.58 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: O ye angels of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.59 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: O ye heavens, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.60 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: O all ye waters that are above the heavens, bless the Lord; praise and exalt him above all for ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.61 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: O all ye powers of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.62 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: O ye sun and moon, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.63 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: O ye stars of heaven, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.64 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: O every shower and dew, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.65 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: O all ye spirits of God, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.66 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: O ye fire and heat, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.67 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: O ye cold and heat, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.68 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: O ye dews and hoar frosts, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.69 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: O ye frost and cold, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.70 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: O ye ice and snow, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.71 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: O ye nights and days, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.72 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: O ye light and darkness, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.73 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: O ye lightnings and clouds, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.74 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: O let the earth bless the Lord: let it praise and exalt him above all for ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.75 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: O ye mountains and hills, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.76 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: O all ye things that spring up in the earth, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.77 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: O ye fountains, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.78 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: O ye seas and rivers, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.79 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: O ye whales, and all that move in the waters, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.80 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: O all ye fowls of the air, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.81 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: O all ye beasts and cattle, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.82 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: O ye sons of men, bless the Lord, praise and exalt him above all for ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.83 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: O let Israel bless the Lord: let them praise and exalt him above all for ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.84 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: O ye priests of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.85 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: O ye servants of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.86 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: O ye spirits and souls of the just, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.87 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: O ye holy and humble of heart, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.88 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: O Ananias, Azarias, and Misael, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. For he hath delivered us from hell, and saved us out of the hand of death, and delivered us out of the midst of the burning flame, and saved us out of the midst of the fire. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.89 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: O give thanks to the Lord, because he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever and ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.90 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: O all ye religious, bless the Lord the God of gods: praise him and give him thanks, because his mercy endureth for ever and ever. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.91 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: Then Nabuchodonosor the king was astonished, and rose up in haste, and said to his nobles: Did we not cast three men bound into the midst of the fire? They answered the king, and said: True, O king. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.92 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: He answered, and said: Behold I see four men loose, and walking in the midst of the fire, and there is no hurt in them, and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.93 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: Then Nabuchodonosor came to the door of the burning fiery furnace, and said: Sidrach, Misach, and Abdenago, ye servants of the most high God, go ye forth, and come. And immediately Sidrach, Misach, and Abdenago went out from the midst of the fire. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.94 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: And the nobles, and the magistrates, and the judges, and the great men of the king being gathered together, considered these men, that the fire had no power on their bodies, and that not a hair of their head had been singed, nor their garments altered, nor the smell of the fire had passed on them. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.95 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: Then Nabuchodonosor breaking forth, said: Blessed be the God of them, to wit, of Sidrach, Misach, and Abdenago, who hath sent his angel, and delivered his servants that believed in him: and they changed the king’s word, and delivered up their bodies that they might not serve, nor adore any god, except their own God. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.96 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: By me therefore this decree is made, that every people, tribe, and tongue, which shall speak blasphemy against the God of Sidrach, Misach, and Abdenago, shall be destroyed, and their houses laid waste: for there is no other God that can save in this manner. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.97 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: Then the king promoted Sidrach, Misach, and Abdenago, in the province of Babylon. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.98 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: Nabuchodonosor the king, to all peoples, nations, and tongues, that dwell in all the earth, peace be multiplied unto you. INFO(V11N): Dan.3.99 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: The most high God hath wrought signs and wonders toward me. It hath seemed good to me therefore to publish INFO(V11N): Dan.3.100 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.3.30 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.3.30: His signs, because they are great: and his wonders, because they are mighty: and his kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, I and his power to all generations. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.1 DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.2 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.1 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: Now there was a man that dwelt in Babylon, and his name was Joakim: DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.3 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.2 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And he took a wife whose name was Susanna, the daughter of Helcias, a very beautiful woman, and one that feared God. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.4 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.3 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: For her parents being just, had instructed their daughter according to the law of Moses. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.5 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.4 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: Now Joakim was very rich, and had an orchard near his house: and the Jews resorted to him, because he was the most honourable of them all. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.6 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.5 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And there were two of the ancients of the people appointed judges that year, of whom the Lord said: Iniquity came out from Babylon from the ancient judges, that seemed to govern the people. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.7 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.6 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: These men frequented the house of Joakim, and all that had any matters of judgment came to them. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.8 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.7 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And when the people departed away at noon, Susanna went in, and walked in her husband’s orchard. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.9 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.8 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And the old men saw her going in every day, and walking: and they were inflamed with lust towards her: DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.10 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.9 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And they perverted their own mind and turned away their eyes that they might not look unto heaven, nor remember just judgments. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.11 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.10 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: So they were both wounded with the love of her, yet they did not make known their grief one to the other: DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.12 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.11 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: For they were ashamed to declare to one another their lust, being desirous to have to do with her. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.13 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.12 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And they watched carefully every day to see her. And one said to the other: DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.14 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: Let us now go home, for it is dinner time. So going out they departed one from another. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.15 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And turning back again, they came both to the same place: and asking one another the cause, they acknowledged their lust; and then they agreed upon a time, when they might find her alone. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.16 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And it fell out, as they watched a fit day, she went in on a time, as yesterday and the day before, with two maids only, and was desirous to wash herself in the orchard: for it was hot weather. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.17 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.16 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And there was nobody there, but the two old men that had hid themselves and were beholding her. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.18 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: So she said to the maids: Bring me oil, and washing balls, and shut the doors of the orchard, that I may wash me. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.19 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.18 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And they did as she bade them: and they shut the doors of the orchard, and went out by a back door to fetch what she had commanded them, and they knew not that the elders were hid within. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.20 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.19 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: Now when the maids were gone forth, the two elders arose, and ran to her, and said: DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.21 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.20 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: Behold the doors of the orchard are shut, and nobody seeth us, and we are in love with thee: wherefore consent to us, and lie with us. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.22 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.21 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: But if thou wilt not, we will bear witness against thee, that a young man was with thee, and therefore thou didst send away thy maids from thee. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.23 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.22 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: Susanna sighed, and said: I am straitened on every side: for if I do this thing, it is death to me: and if I do it not, I shall not escape your hands. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.24 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.23 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: But it is better for me to fall into your hands without doing it, than to sin in the sight of the Lord. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.25 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.24 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: With that Susanna cried out with a loud voice: and the elders also cried out against her. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.26 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.25 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And one of them ran to the door of the orchard, and opened it. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.27 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.26 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: So when the servants of the house heard the cry in the orchard, they rushed in by the back door to see what was the matter. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.28 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.27 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: But after the old men had spoken, the servants were greatly ashamed: for never had there been any such word said of Susanna. And on the next day, DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.29 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.28 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: When the people were come to Joakim her husband, the two elders also came full of wicked device against Susanna, to put her to death. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.30 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.29 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And they said before the people: Send to Susanna daughter of Helcias the wife of Joakim. And presently they sent. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.31 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.30 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And she came with her parents, and children, and all her kindred. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.32 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.31 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: Now Susanna was exceeding delicate, and beautiful to behold. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.33 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.32 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: But those wicked men commanded that her face should be uncovered, (for she was covered,) that so at least they might be satisfied with her beauty. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.34 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.33 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: Therefore her friends and all her acquaintance wept. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.35 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.34 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: But the two elders rising up in the midst of the people, laid their hands upon her head. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.36 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.35 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And she weeping looked up to heaven, for her heart had confidence in the Lord. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.37 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.36 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And the elders said: As we walked in the orchard alone, this woman came in with two maids, and shut the doors of the orchard, and sent away the maids from her. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.38 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.37 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: Then a young man that was there hid came to her, and lay with her. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.39 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.38 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: But we that were in a corner of the orchard, seeing this wickedness, ran up to them, and we saw them lie together. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.40 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.39 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And him indeed we could not take, because he was stronger than us, and opening the doors be leaped out: DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.41 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.40 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: But having taken this woman, we asked who the young man was, but she would not tell us: of this thing we are witnesses. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.42 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.41 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: The multitude believed them as being the elders and the judges of the people, and they condemned her to death. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.43 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.42 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: Then Susanna cried out with a loud voice, and said: O eternal God, who knowest hidden things, who knowest all things before they come to pass, DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.44 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.43 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: Thou knowest that they have borne false witness against me: and behold I must die, whereas I have done none of these things, which these men have maliciously forged against me. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.45 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.44 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And the Lord heard her voice. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.46 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.45 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And when she was led to be put to death, the Lord raised up the holy spirit of a young boy, whose name was Daniel. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.47 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.46 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And he cried out with a loud voice I am clear from the blood of this woman. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.48 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.47 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: Then all the people turning themselves towards him, said: What meaneth this word that thou hast spoken? DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.49 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.48 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: But he standing in the midst of them, said: Are ye so foolish, ye children of Israel, that without examination or knowledge of the truth, you have condemned a daughter of Israel? DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.50 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.49 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: Return to judgment, for they have borne false witness against her. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.51 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.50 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: So all the people turned again in haste, and the old men said to him: Come, and sit thou down among us, and shew it as: seeing God hath given thee the honour of old age. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.52 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.51 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And Daniel said to the people: Separate these two far from one another, and I will examine them. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.53 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.52 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: So when they were put asunder one from the other, he called one of them, and said to him: O thou that art grown old in evil days, now are thy sins come out, which thou hast committed before: DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.54 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.53 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: In judging unjust judgments, oppressing the innocent, and letting the guilty to go free, whereas the Lord saith: I The innocent and the just thou shalt not kill. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.55 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.54 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: Now then, if thou sawest her, tell me under what tree thou sawest them conversing together. He said: Under a mastic tree. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.56 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.55 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And Daniel said: Well hast thou lied against thy own head: for behold the angel of God having received the sentence of him, shall cut thee in two. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.57 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.56 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And having put him aside, he commanded that the other should come, and he said to him: O thou seed of Chanaan, and not of Juda, beauty hath deceived thee, and lust hath perverted thy heart: DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.58 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.57 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: Thus did you do to the daughters of Israel, and they for fear conversed with you: but a daughter of Juda would not abide your wickedness. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.59 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.58 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: Now therefore tell me, under what tree didst thou take them conversing together. And he answered: Under a holm tree. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.60 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.59 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And Daniel said to him: Well hast thou also lied against thy own head: for the angel of the Lord waiteth with a sword to cut thee in two, and to destroy you. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.61 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.60 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: With that all the assembly cried out with a loud voice, and they blessed God, who saveth them that trust in him. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.62 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.61 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And they rose up against the two elders, (for Daniel had convicted them of false witness by their own mouth,) and they did to them as they had maliciously dealt against their neighbour, DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.63 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.62 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: To fulfill the law of Moses: and they put them to death, and innocent blood was saved in that day. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.64 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.63 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: But Helcias and his wife praised God, for their daughter Susanna, with Joakim her husband, and all her kindred, because there was no dishonesty found in her. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.13.65 INFO(V11N): Dan.13.64 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And Daniel became great in the sight of the people from that day, and thenceforward. INFO(V11N): Dan.13.65 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And king Astyages was gathered to his fathers, and Cyrus the Persian received his kingdom. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.1 DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.2 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.1 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And Daniel was the king’s guest, and was honoured above all his friends. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.3 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.2 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: Now the Babylonians had an idol called Bel: and there were spent upon him every day twelve great measures of fine flour, and forty sheep, and sixty vessels of wine. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.4 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.3 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: The king also worshipped him, and went every day to adore him: but Daniel adored his God. And the king said to him: Why dost thou not adore Bel? DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.5 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.4 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And he answered, and said to him: Because I do not worship idols made with hands, but the living God, that created heaven and earth, and hath power over all flesh. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.6 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.5 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And the king said to him: Doth not Bel seem to thee to be a living god? Seest thou not how much he eateth and drinketh every day? DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.7 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.6 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: Then Daniel smiled and said: O king, be not deceived: for this is but clay within, and brass without, neither hath he eaten at any time. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.8 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.7 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And the king being angry called for his priests, and said to them: If you tell me not, who it is that eateth up these expenses, you shall die. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.9 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.8 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: But if you can shew that Bel eateth these things, Daniel shall die, because he hath blasphemed against Bel. And Daniel said to the king: Be it done according to thy word. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.10 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.9 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: Now the priests of Bel were seventy, besides their wives, and little ones, and children. And the king went with Daniel into the temple of Bel. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.11 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.10 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And the priests of Bel said: Behold we go out: and do thou, O king, set on the meats, and make ready the wine, and shut the door fast, and seal it with thy own ring: DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.12 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.11 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And when thou comest in the morning, if thou findest not that Bel hath eaten up all, we will suffer death, or else Daniel that hath lied against us. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.13 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.12 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And they little regarded it, because they had made under the table a secret entrance, and they always came in by it, and consumed those things. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.14 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.13 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: So it came to pass after they were gone out, the king set the meats before Bel: and Daniel commanded his servants, and they brought ashes, and he sifted them all over the temple before the king: and going forth they shut the door, and having sealed it with the king’s ring, they departed. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.15 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.14 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: But the priests went in by night, according to their custom, with their wives and their children: and they ate and drank up all. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.16 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And the king arose early in the morning, and Daniel with him. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.17 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.16 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And the king said: Are the seals whole, Daniel? And he answered: They are whole, O king. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.18 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.17 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And as soon as he had opened the door, the king looked upon the table, and cried out with a loud voice: Great art thou, O Bel, and there is not any deceit with thee. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.19 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.18 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And Daniel laughed: and he held the king that he should not go in: and he said: Behold the pavement, mark whose footsteps these are. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.20 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.19 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And the king said: I see the footsteps of men, and women, and children. And the king was angry. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.21 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.20 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: Then he took the priests, and their wives, and their children: and they shewed him the private doors by which they came in, and consumed the things that were on the table. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.22 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.21 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: The king therefore put them to death, and delivered Bel into the power of Daniel: who destroyed him, and his temple. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.23 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.22 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And there was a great dragon in that place, and the Babylonians worshipped him. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.24 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.23 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And the king said to Daniel: Behold thou canst not say now, that this is not a living god: adore him therefore. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.25 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.24 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And Daniel said: I adore the Lord my God: for he is the living God: but that is no living god. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.26 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.25 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: But give me leave, O king, and I will kill this dragon without sword or club. And the king said: I give thee leave. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.27 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.26 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: Then Daniel took pitch, and fat, and hair, and boiled them together: and he made lumps, and put them into the dragon’s mouth, and the dragon burst asunder. And he said: Behold him whom you worshipped. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.28 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.27 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And when the Babylonians had heard this, they took great indignation: and being gathered together against the king, they said: The king is become a Jew. He hath destroyed Bel, he hath killed the dragon, and he hath put the priests to death. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.29 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.28 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And they came to the king, and said: Deliver us Daniel, or else we will destroy thee and thy house. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.30 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.29 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And the king saw that they pressed upon him violently: and being constrained by necessity he delivered Daniel to them. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.31 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.30 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And they cast him into the den of lions, and he was there six days. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.32 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.31 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And in the den there were seven lions, and they had given to them two carcasses every day, and two sheep: but then they were not given unto them, that they might devour Daniel. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.33 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.32 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: Now there was in Judea a prophet called Habacuc, and he had boiled pottage, and had broken bread in a bowl: and was going into the field, to carry it to the reapers. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.34 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.33 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And the angel of the Lord said to Habacuc: Carry the dinner which thou hast into Babylon to Daniel, who is in the lions’ den. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.35 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.34 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And Habacuc said: Lord, I never saw Babylon, nor do I know the den. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.36 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.35 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And the angel of the Lord took him by the top of his head, and carried him by the hair of his head, and set him in Babylon over the den in the force of his spirit. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.37 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.36 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And Habacuc cried, saying: O Daniel, thou servant of God, take the dinner that God hath sent thee. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.38 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.37 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And Daniel said: Thou hast remembered me, O God, and thou hast not forsaken them that love thee. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.39 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.38 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And Daniel arose and ate. And the angel of the Lord presently set Habacuc again in his own place. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.40 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.39 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And upon the seventh day the king came to bewail Daniel: and he came to the den, and looked in, and behold Daniel was sitting in the midst of the lions. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.41 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.40 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: And the king cried out with a loud voice, saying: Great art thou, O Lord the God of Daniel. And he drew him out of the lions’ den. DEBUG(LINK MASTER): Dan.14.42 INFO(V11N): Dan.14.41 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: But those that bad been the cause of his destruction, he cast into the den, and they were devoured in a moment before him. INFO(V11N): Dan.14.42 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Dan.12.13 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Dan.12.13: Then the king said: Let all the inhabitants of the whole earth fear the God of Daniel: for he is the Saviour, working signs, and wonders in the earth: who hath delivered Daniel out of the lions’ den.
INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Hos:
The Book of Hosea INFO(V11N): Hos.2.24 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Hos.2.23 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Hos.2.23: And I will say to that which was not my people: Thou art my people: and they shall say: Thou art my God. INFO(V11N): Hos.14.10 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Hos.14.9 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Hos.14.9: Who is wise, and he shall understand these things? prudent, and he shall know these things? for the ways of the Lord are right, and the just shall walk in them: but the transgressors shall fall in them.
INFO(V11N): Amos.6.15 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Amos.6.14 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Amos.6.14: But behold, I will raise up a nation against you, O house of Israel, saith the Lord the God of hosts; and they shall destroy you from the entrance of Emath, even to the torrent of the desert. INFO(V11N): Jonah.2.11 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Jonah.2.10 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Jonah.2.10: And the Lord spoke to the fish: and it vomited out Jonas upon the dry land. INFO(V11N): Hag.2.24 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Hag.2.23 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Hag.2.23: In that day, saith the Lord of hosts, I will take thee, O Zorobabel the son of Salathiel, my servant, saith the Lord, and will make thee as a signet, for I have chosen thee, saith the Lord of hosts.
WARNING(V11N): New book is Tob and is not in KJV versification, ignoring ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.1.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.1.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.1.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.1.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.1.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.1.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.1.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.1.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.1.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.1.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.1.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.1.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.1.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.1.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.1.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.1.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.1.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.1.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.1.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.1.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.1.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.1.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.1.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.1.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.1.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.2.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.2.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.2.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.2.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.2.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.2.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.2.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.2.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.2.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.2.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.2.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.2.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.2.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.2.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.2.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.2.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.2.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.2.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.2.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.2.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.2.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.2.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.2.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.3.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.3.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.3.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.3.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.3.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.3.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.3.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.3.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.3.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.3.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.3.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.3.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.3.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.3.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.3.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.3.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.3.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.3.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.3.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.3.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.3.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.3.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.3.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.3.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.3.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.4.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.4.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.4.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.4.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.4.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.4.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.4.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.4.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.4.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.4.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.4.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.4.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.4.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.4.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.4.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.4.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.4.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.4.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.4.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.4.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.4.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.4.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.4.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.5.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.5.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.5.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.5.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.5.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.5.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.5.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.5.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.5.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.5.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.5.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.5.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.5.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.5.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.5.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.5.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.5.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.5.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.5.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.5.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.5.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.5.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.5.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.5.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.5.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.5.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.5.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.5.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.6.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.6.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.6.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.6.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.6.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.6.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.6.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.6.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.6.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.6.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.6.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.6.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.6.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.6.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.6.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.6.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.6.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.6.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.6.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.6.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.6.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.6.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.7.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.7.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.7.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.7.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.7.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.7.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.7.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.7.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.7.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.7.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.7.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.7.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.7.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.7.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.7.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.7.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.7.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.7.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.7.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.7.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.8.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.8.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.8.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.8.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.8.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.8.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.8.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.8.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.8.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.8.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.8.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.8.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.8.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.8.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.8.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.8.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.8.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.8.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.8.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.8.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.8.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.8.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.8.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.8.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.9.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.9.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.9.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.9.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.9.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.9.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.9.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.9.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.9.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.9.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.9.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.9.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.10.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.10.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.10.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.10.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.10.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.10.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.10.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.10.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.10.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.10.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.10.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.10.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.10.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.11.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.11.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.11.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.11.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.11.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.11.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.11.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.11.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.11.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.11.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.11.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.11.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.11.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.11.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.11.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.11.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.11.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.11.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.11.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.11.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.11.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.12.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.12.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.12.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.12.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.12.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.12.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.12.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.12.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.12.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.12.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.12.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.12.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.12.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.12.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.12.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.12.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.12.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.12.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.12.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.12.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.12.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.12.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.13.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.13.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.13.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.13.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.13.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.13.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.13.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.13.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.13.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.13.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.13.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.13.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.13.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.13.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.13.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.13.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.13.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.13.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.13.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.13.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.13.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.13.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.13.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.14.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.14.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.14.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.14.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.14.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.14.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.14.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.14.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.14.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.14.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.14.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.14.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.14.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.14.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.14.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.14.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Tob.14.17 WARNING(V11N): New book is Jdt and is not in KJV versification, ignoring ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.1.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.1.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.1.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.1.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.1.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.1.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.1.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.1.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.1.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.1.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.1.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.1.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.2.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.2.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.2.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.2.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.2.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.2.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.2.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.2.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.2.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.2.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.2.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.2.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.2.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.2.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.2.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.2.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.2.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.2.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.3.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.3.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.3.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.3.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.3.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.3.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.3.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.3.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.3.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.3.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.3.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.3.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.3.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.3.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.3.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.4.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.4.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.4.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.4.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.4.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.4.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.4.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.4.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.4.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.4.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.4.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.4.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.4.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.4.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.4.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.4.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.5.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.5.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.5.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.5.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.5.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.5.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.5.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.5.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.5.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.5.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.5.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.5.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.5.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.5.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.5.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.5.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.5.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.5.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.5.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.5.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.5.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.5.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.5.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.5.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.5.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.5.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.5.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.5.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.5.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.6.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.6.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.6.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.6.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.6.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.6.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.6.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.6.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.6.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.6.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.6.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.6.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.6.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.6.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.6.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.6.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.6.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.6.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.6.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.6.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.6.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.7.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.7.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.7.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.7.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.7.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.7.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.7.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.7.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.7.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.7.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.7.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.7.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.7.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.7.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.7.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.7.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.7.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.7.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.7.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.7.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.7.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.7.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.7.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.7.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.7.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.8.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.8.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.8.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.8.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.8.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.8.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.8.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.8.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.8.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.8.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.8.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.8.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.8.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.8.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.8.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.8.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.8.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.8.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.8.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.8.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.8.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.8.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.8.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.8.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.8.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.8.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.8.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.8.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.8.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.8.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.8.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.8.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.8.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.8.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.9.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.9.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.9.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.9.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.9.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.9.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.9.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.9.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.9.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.9.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.9.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.9.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.9.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.9.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.9.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.9.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.9.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.9.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.9.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.10.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.10.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.10.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.10.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.10.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.10.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.10.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.10.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.10.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.10.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.10.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.10.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.10.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.10.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.10.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.10.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.10.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.10.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.10.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.10.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.11.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.11.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.11.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.11.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.11.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.11.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.11.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.11.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.11.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.11.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.11.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.11.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.11.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.11.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.11.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.11.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.11.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.11.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.11.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.11.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.11.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.12.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.12.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.12.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.12.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.12.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.12.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.12.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.12.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.12.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.12.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.12.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.12.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.12.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.12.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.12.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.12.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.12.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.12.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.12.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.12.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.13.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.13.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.13.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.13.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.13.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.13.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.13.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.13.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.13.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.13.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.13.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.13.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.13.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.13.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.13.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.13.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.13.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.13.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.13.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.13.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.13.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.13.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.13.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.13.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.13.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.13.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.13.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.13.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.13.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.13.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.13.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.14.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.14.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.14.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.14.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.14.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.14.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.14.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.14.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.14.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.14.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.14.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.14.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.14.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.14.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.14.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.14.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.14.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.14.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.15.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.15.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.15.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.15.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.15.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.15.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.15.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.15.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.15.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.15.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.15.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.15.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.15.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.15.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.15.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.16.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.16.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.16.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.16.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.16.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.16.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.16.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.16.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.16.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.16.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.16.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.16.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.16.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.16.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.16.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.16.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.16.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.16.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.16.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.16.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.16.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.16.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.16.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.16.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.16.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.16.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.16.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.16.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.16.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.16.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Jdt.16.31 WARNING(V11N): New book is Wis and is not in KJV versification, ignoring ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.1.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.1.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.1.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.1.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.1.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.1.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.1.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.1.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.1.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.1.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.1.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.1.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.1.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.1.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.1.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.1.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.2.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.2.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.2.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.2.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.2.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.2.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.2.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.2.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.2.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.2.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.2.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.2.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.2.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.2.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.2.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.2.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.2.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.2.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.2.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.2.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.2.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.2.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.2.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.2.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.2.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.3.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.3.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.3.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.3.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.3.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.3.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.3.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.3.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.3.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.3.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.3.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.3.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.3.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.3.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.3.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.3.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.3.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.3.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.3.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.4.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.4.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.4.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.4.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.4.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.4.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.4.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.4.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.4.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.4.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.4.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.4.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.4.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.4.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.4.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.4.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.4.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.4.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.4.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.4.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.5.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.5.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.5.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.5.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.5.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.5.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.5.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.5.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.5.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.5.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.5.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.5.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.5.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.5.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.5.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.5.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.5.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.5.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.5.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.5.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.5.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.5.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.5.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.5.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.6.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.6.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.6.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.6.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.6.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.6.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.6.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.6.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.6.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.6.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.6.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.6.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.6.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.6.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.6.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.6.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.6.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.6.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.6.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.6.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.6.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.6.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.6.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.6.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.6.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.6.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.6.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.7.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.7.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.7.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.7.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.7.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.7.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.7.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.7.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.7.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.7.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.7.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.7.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.7.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.7.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.7.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.7.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.7.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.7.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.7.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.7.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.7.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.7.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.7.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.7.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.7.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.7.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.7.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.7.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.7.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.7.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.8.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.8.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.8.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.8.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.8.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.8.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.8.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.8.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.8.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.8.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.8.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.8.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.8.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.8.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.8.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.8.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.8.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.8.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.8.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.8.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.8.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.9.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.9.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.9.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.9.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.9.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.9.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.9.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.9.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.9.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.9.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.9.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.9.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.9.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.9.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.9.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.9.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.9.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.9.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.9.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.10.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.10.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.10.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.10.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.10.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.10.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.10.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.10.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.10.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.10.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.10.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.10.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.10.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.10.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.10.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.10.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.10.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.10.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.10.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.10.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.10.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.11.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.11.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.11.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.11.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.11.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.11.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.11.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.11.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.11.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.11.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.11.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.11.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.11.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.11.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.11.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.11.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.11.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.11.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.11.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.11.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.11.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.11.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.11.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.11.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.11.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.11.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.11.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.12.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.12.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.12.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.12.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.12.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.12.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.12.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.12.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.12.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.12.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.12.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.12.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.12.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.12.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.12.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.12.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.12.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.12.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.12.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.12.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.12.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.12.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.12.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.12.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.12.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.12.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.12.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.13.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.13.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.13.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.13.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.13.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.13.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.13.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.13.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.13.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.13.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.13.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.13.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.13.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.13.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.13.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.13.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.13.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.13.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.13.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.14.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.14.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.14.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.14.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.14.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.14.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.14.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.14.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.14.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.14.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.14.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.14.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid 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osisID/annotateRef: Wis.15.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.15.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.15.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.15.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.15.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.15.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.15.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.15.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.15.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.15.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.15.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.15.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.15.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.15.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.15.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.15.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.15.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.15.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.16.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.16.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.16.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.16.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.16.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.16.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.16.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.16.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.16.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.16.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.16.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.16.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.16.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.16.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.16.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.16.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.16.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.16.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.16.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.16.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.16.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.16.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.16.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.16.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.16.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.16.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.16.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.16.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.16.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.17.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.17.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.17.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.17.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.17.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.17.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.17.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.17.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.17.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.17.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.17.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.17.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.17.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.17.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.17.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.17.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.17.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.17.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.17.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.17.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.18.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.18.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.18.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.18.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.18.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.18.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.18.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.18.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.18.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.18.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.18.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.18.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.18.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.18.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.18.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.18.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.18.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.18.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.18.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.18.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.18.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.18.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.18.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.18.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.18.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.19.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.19.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.19.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.19.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.19.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.19.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.19.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.19.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.19.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.19.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.19.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.19.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.19.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.19.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.19.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.19.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.19.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.19.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.19.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Wis.19.20 WARNING(V11N): New book is Sir and is not in KJV versification, ignoring ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.36 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.37 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.38 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.39 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.1.40 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.2.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.2.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.2.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.2.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.2.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.2.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.2.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.2.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.2.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.2.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.2.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.2.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.2.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.2.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.2.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.2.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.2.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.2.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.2.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.2.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.2.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.2.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.2.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.3.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.3.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.3.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.3.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.3.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.3.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.3.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.3.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.3.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.3.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.3.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.3.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.3.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.3.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.3.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.3.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.3.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.3.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.3.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.3.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.3.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.3.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.3.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.3.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.3.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.3.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.3.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.3.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.3.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.3.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.3.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.3.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.3.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.3.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.4.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.4.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.4.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.4.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.4.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.4.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.4.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.4.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.4.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.4.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.4.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.4.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.4.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.4.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.4.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.4.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.4.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.4.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.4.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.4.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.4.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.4.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.4.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.4.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.4.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.4.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.4.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.4.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.4.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.4.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.4.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.4.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.4.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.4.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.4.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.4.36 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.5.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.5.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.5.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.5.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.5.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.5.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.5.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.5.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.5.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.5.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.5.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.5.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.5.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.5.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.5.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.5.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.5.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.5.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.36 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.6.37 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.36 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.37 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.38 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.39 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.7.40 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.8.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.8.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.8.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.8.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.8.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.8.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.8.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.8.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.8.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.8.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.8.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.8.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.8.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.8.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.8.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.8.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.8.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.8.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.8.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.8.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.8.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.8.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.9.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.9.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.9.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.9.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.9.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.9.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.9.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.9.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.9.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.9.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.9.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.9.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.9.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.9.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.9.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.9.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.9.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.9.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.9.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.9.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.9.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.9.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.9.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.9.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.9.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.10.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.10.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.10.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.10.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.10.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.10.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.10.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.10.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.10.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.10.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.10.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.10.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.10.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.10.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.10.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.10.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.10.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.10.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.10.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.10.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.10.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.10.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.10.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.10.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.10.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.10.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.10.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.10.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.10.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.10.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.10.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.10.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.10.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.10.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.11.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.11.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.11.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.11.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.11.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.11.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.11.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.11.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.11.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.11.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.11.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.11.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.11.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.11.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.11.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.11.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.11.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.11.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.11.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.11.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.11.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.11.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.11.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.11.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.11.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.11.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.11.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.11.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.11.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.11.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.11.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.11.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.11.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.11.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.11.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.11.36 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.12.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.12.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.12.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.12.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.12.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.12.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.12.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.12.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.12.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.12.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.12.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.12.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.12.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.12.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.12.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.12.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.12.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.12.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.12.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.13.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.13.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.13.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.13.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.13.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.13.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.13.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.13.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.13.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.13.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.13.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.13.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.13.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.13.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.13.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.13.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.13.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.13.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.13.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.13.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.13.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.13.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.13.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.13.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.13.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.13.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.13.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.13.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.13.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.13.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.13.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.13.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.14.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.14.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.14.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.14.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.14.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.14.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.14.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.14.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.14.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.14.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.14.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.14.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.14.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.14.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.14.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.14.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.14.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.14.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.14.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.14.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.14.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.14.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.14.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.14.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.14.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.14.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.14.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.15.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.15.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.15.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.15.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.15.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.15.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.15.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.15.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.15.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.15.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.15.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.15.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.15.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.15.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.15.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.15.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.15.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.15.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.15.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.15.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.15.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.15.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.16.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.16.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.16.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.16.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.16.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.16.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.16.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.16.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.16.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.16.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.16.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.16.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.16.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.16.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.16.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.16.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.16.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.16.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.16.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.16.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.16.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.16.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.16.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.16.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.16.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.16.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.16.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.16.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.16.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.16.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.16.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.17.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.17.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.17.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.17.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.17.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.17.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.17.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.17.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.17.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.17.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.17.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.17.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.17.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.17.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.17.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.17.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.17.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.17.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.17.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.17.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.17.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.17.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.17.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.17.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.17.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.17.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.17.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.17.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.17.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.17.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.17.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.18.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.18.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.18.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.18.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.18.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.18.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.18.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.18.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.18.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.18.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.18.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.18.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.18.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.18.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.18.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.18.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.18.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.18.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.18.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.18.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.18.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.18.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.18.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.18.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.18.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.18.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.18.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.18.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.18.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.18.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.18.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.18.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.18.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.19.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.19.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.19.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.19.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.19.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.19.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.19.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.19.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.19.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.19.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.19.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.19.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.19.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.19.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.19.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.19.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.19.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.19.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.19.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.19.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.19.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.19.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.19.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.19.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.19.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.19.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.19.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.19.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.20.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.20.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.20.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.20.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.20.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.20.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.20.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.20.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.20.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.20.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.20.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.20.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.20.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.20.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.20.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.20.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.20.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.20.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.20.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.20.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.20.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.20.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.20.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.20.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.20.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.20.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.20.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.20.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.20.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.20.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.20.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.20.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.20.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.21.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.21.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.21.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.21.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.21.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.21.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.21.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.21.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.21.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.21.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.21.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.21.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.21.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.21.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.21.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.21.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.21.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.21.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.21.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.21.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.21.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.21.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.21.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.21.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.21.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.21.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.21.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.21.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.21.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.21.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.21.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.22.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.22.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.22.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.22.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.22.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.22.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.22.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.22.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.22.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.22.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.22.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.22.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.22.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.22.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.22.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.22.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.22.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.22.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.22.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.22.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.22.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.22.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.22.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.22.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.22.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.22.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.22.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.22.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.22.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.22.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.22.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.22.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.22.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.36 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.37 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.23.38 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.36 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.37 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.38 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.39 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.40 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.41 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.42 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.43 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.44 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.45 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.46 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.24.47 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.25.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.25.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.25.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.25.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.25.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.25.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.25.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.25.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.25.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.25.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.25.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.25.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.25.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.25.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.25.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.25.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.25.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.25.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.25.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.25.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.25.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.25.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.25.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.25.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.25.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.25.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.25.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.25.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.25.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.25.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.25.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.25.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.25.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.25.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.25.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.25.36 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.26.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.26.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.26.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.26.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.26.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.26.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.26.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.26.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.26.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.26.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.26.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.26.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.26.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.26.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.26.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.26.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.26.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.26.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.26.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.26.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.26.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.26.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.26.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.26.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.26.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.26.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.26.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.26.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.27.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.27.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.27.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.27.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.27.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.27.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.27.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.27.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.27.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.27.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.27.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.27.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.27.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.27.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.27.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.27.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.27.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.27.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.27.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.27.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.27.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.27.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.27.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.27.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.27.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.27.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.27.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.27.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.27.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.27.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.27.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.27.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.27.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.28.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.28.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.28.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.28.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.28.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.28.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.28.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.28.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.28.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.28.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.28.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.28.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.28.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.28.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.28.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.28.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.28.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.28.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.28.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.28.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.28.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.28.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.28.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.28.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.28.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.28.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.28.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.28.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.28.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.28.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.29.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.29.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.29.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.29.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.29.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.29.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.29.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.29.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.29.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.29.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.29.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.29.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.29.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.29.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.29.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.29.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid 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osisID/annotateRef: Sir.30.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.30.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.30.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.30.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.30.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.30.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.30.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.30.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.30.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.30.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.30.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.30.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.30.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.30.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.30.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.30.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.30.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.30.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.30.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.30.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.30.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.30.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.30.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.30.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.30.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.36 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.37 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.38 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.39 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.40 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.41 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.31.42 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.32.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.32.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.32.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.32.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.32.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.32.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.32.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.32.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.32.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.32.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.32.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.32.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.32.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.32.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.32.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.32.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.32.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.32.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.32.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.32.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.32.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.32.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.32.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.32.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.32.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.32.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.32.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.32.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.33.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.33.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.33.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.33.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.33.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.33.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.33.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.33.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.33.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.33.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.33.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.33.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.33.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.33.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.33.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.33.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.33.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.33.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.33.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.33.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.33.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.33.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.33.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.33.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.33.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.33.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.33.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.33.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.33.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.33.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.33.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.33.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.33.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.34.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.34.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.34.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.34.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.34.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.34.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.34.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.34.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.34.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.34.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.34.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.34.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.34.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.34.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.34.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.34.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.34.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.34.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.34.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.34.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.34.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.34.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.34.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.34.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.34.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.34.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.34.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.34.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.34.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.34.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.34.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.35.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.35.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.35.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.35.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.35.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.35.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.35.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.35.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.35.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.35.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.35.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.35.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.35.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.35.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.35.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.35.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.35.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.35.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.35.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.35.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.35.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.35.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.35.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.35.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.35.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.35.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.36.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.36.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.36.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.36.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.36.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.36.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.36.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.36.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.36.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.36.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.36.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.36.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.36.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.36.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.36.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.36.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.36.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.36.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.36.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.36.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.36.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.36.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.36.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.36.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.36.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.36.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.36.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.36.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.37.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.37.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.37.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.37.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.37.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.37.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.37.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.37.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.37.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.37.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.37.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.37.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.37.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.37.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.37.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.37.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.37.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.37.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.37.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.37.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.37.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.37.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.37.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.37.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.37.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.37.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.37.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.37.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.37.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.37.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.37.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.37.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.37.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.37.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.36 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.37 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.38 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.38.39 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.36 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.37 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.38 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.39 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.40 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.39.41 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.40.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.40.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.40.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.40.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.40.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.40.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.40.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.40.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.40.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.40.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.40.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.40.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.40.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.40.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.40.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.40.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.40.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.40.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.40.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.40.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.40.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.40.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.40.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.40.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.40.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.40.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.40.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.40.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.40.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.40.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.40.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.40.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.41.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.41.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.41.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.41.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.41.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.41.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.41.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.41.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.41.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.41.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.41.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.41.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.41.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.41.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.41.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.41.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.41.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.41.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.41.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.41.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.41.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid 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osisID/annotateRef: Sir.42.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.42.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.42.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.42.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.42.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.42.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.42.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.42.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.42.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.42.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.42.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.42.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.42.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.43.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.43.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.43.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.43.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.43.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.43.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.43.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.43.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.43.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.43.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.43.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.43.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.43.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.43.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.43.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.43.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.43.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.43.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.43.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.43.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.43.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.43.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.43.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.43.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.43.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.43.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.43.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid 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osisID/annotateRef: Sir.44.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.44.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.44.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.44.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.44.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.44.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.44.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.44.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.44.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.44.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.44.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.44.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.44.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.44.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.44.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.44.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.44.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.45.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.45.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.45.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.45.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.45.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.45.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.45.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.45.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.45.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.45.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.45.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.45.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.45.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.45.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.45.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.45.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.45.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.45.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.45.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.45.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.45.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.45.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.45.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.45.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.45.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.45.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.45.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.45.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.45.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.45.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.45.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.46.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.46.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.46.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.46.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.46.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.46.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.46.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.46.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.46.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.46.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.46.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.46.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid 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osisID/annotateRef: Sir.47.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.47.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.47.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.47.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.47.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.47.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.47.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.47.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.47.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.47.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.47.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.47.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.47.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.47.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.47.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.47.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.47.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.47.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.47.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.47.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.47.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.47.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.48.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.48.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.48.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.48.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.48.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.48.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.48.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.48.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.48.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.48.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.48.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.48.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.48.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.48.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.48.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.48.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.48.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.48.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid 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osisID/annotateRef: Sir.49.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.49.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.49.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.49.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.49.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.49.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.49.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.49.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.49.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.50.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.50.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.50.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.50.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.50.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.50.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.50.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.50.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.50.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.50.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.50.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.50.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.50.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.50.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.50.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.50.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.50.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.50.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.50.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.50.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.50.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.50.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.50.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.50.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.50.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.50.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.50.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.50.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.50.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.50.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.50.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.36 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.37 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Sir.51.38 WARNING(V11N): New book is Bar and is not in KJV versification, ignoring ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.1.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.1.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.1.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.1.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.1.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.1.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.1.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.1.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.1.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.1.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.1.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.1.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.1.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.1.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.1.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.1.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.1.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.1.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.1.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.1.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.1.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.1.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.2.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.2.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.2.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.2.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.2.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.2.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.2.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.2.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.2.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.2.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.2.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.2.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.2.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.2.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.2.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.2.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.2.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.2.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.2.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.2.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.2.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.2.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.2.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.2.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.2.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.2.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.2.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.2.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.2.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.2.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.2.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.2.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.2.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.2.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.2.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.3.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.3.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.3.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.3.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.3.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.3.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.3.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.3.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.3.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.3.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.3.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.3.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.3.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.3.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.3.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.3.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.3.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.3.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.3.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.3.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.3.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.3.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.3.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.3.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.3.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 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osisID/annotateRef: Bar.4.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.4.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.4.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.4.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.4.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.4.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.4.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.4.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.4.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.4.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.4.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.4.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.4.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.4.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.4.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.4.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.4.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.4.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.4.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.4.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 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osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 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Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.45 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.46 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.47 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.48 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.49 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.50 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.51 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.52 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.53 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.54 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.55 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.56 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.57 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.58 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.59 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.60 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.61 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.62 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.63 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.64 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.65 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.66 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.67 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.68 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.69 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.70 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.71 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: Bar.6.72 WARNING(V11N): New book is 1Macc and is not in KJV versification, ignoring ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.36 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.37 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.38 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.39 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.40 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.41 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.42 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.43 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.44 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.45 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.46 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.47 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.48 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.49 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.50 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.51 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.52 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.53 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.54 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.55 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.56 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.57 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.58 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.59 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.60 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.61 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.62 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.63 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.64 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.65 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.66 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.1.67 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.36 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.37 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.38 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.39 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.40 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.41 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.42 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.43 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.44 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.45 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.46 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.47 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.48 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.49 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.50 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.51 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.52 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.53 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.54 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.55 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.56 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.57 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.58 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.59 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.60 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.61 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.62 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.63 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.64 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.65 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.66 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.67 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.68 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.69 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.2.70 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.36 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.37 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.38 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.39 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.40 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.41 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.42 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.43 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.44 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.45 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.46 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.47 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.48 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.49 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.50 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.51 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.52 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.53 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.54 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.55 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.56 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.57 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.58 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.59 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.3.60 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.36 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.37 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.38 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.39 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.40 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.41 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.42 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.43 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.44 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.45 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.46 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.47 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.48 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.49 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.50 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.51 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.52 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.53 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.54 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.55 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.56 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.57 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.58 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.59 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.60 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.4.61 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.36 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.37 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.38 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.39 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.40 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.41 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.42 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.43 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.44 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.45 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.46 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.47 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.48 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.49 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.50 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.51 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.52 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.53 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.54 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.55 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.56 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.57 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.58 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.59 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.60 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.61 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.62 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.63 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.64 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.65 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.66 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.67 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.5.68 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.36 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.37 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.38 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.39 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.40 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.41 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.42 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.43 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.44 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.45 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.46 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.47 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.48 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.49 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.50 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.51 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.52 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.53 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.54 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.55 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.56 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.57 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.58 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.59 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.60 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.61 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.62 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.6.63 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.36 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.37 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.38 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.39 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.40 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.41 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.42 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.43 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.44 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.45 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.46 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.47 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.48 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.49 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.7.50 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.8.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.8.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.8.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.8.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.8.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.8.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.8.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.8.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.8.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.8.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.8.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.8.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.8.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.8.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.8.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.8.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.8.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.8.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.8.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.8.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.8.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.8.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.8.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.8.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.8.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.8.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.8.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.8.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.8.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.8.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.8.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.8.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.36 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.37 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.38 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.39 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.40 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.41 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.42 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.43 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.44 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.45 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.46 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.47 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.48 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.49 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.50 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.51 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.52 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.53 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.54 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.55 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.56 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.57 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.58 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.59 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.60 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.61 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.62 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.63 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.64 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.65 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.66 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.67 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.68 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.69 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.70 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.71 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.72 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.9.73 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.36 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.37 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.38 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.39 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.40 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.41 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.42 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.43 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.44 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.45 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.46 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.47 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.48 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.49 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.50 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.51 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.52 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.53 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.54 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.55 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.56 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.57 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.58 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.59 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.60 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.61 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.62 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.63 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.64 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.65 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.66 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.67 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.68 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.69 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.70 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.71 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.72 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.73 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.74 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.75 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.76 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.77 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.78 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.79 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.80 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.81 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.82 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.83 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.84 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.85 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.86 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.87 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.88 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.10.89 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.36 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.37 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.38 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.39 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.40 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.41 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.42 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.43 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.44 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.45 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.46 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.47 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.48 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.49 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.50 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.51 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.52 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.53 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.54 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.55 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.56 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.57 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.58 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.59 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.60 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.61 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.62 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.63 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.64 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.65 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.66 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.67 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.68 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.69 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.70 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.71 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.72 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.73 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.11.74 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.36 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.37 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.38 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.39 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.40 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.41 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.42 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.43 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.44 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.45 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.46 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.47 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.48 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.49 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.50 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.51 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.52 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.53 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.12.54 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.36 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.37 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.38 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.39 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.40 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.41 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.42 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.43 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.44 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.45 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.46 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.47 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.48 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.49 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.50 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.51 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.52 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.53 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.13.54 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.36 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.37 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.38 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.39 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.40 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.41 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.42 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.43 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.44 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.45 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.46 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.47 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.48 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.14.49 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.36 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.37 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.38 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.39 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.40 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.15.41 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.16.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.16.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.16.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.16.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.16.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.16.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.16.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.16.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.16.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.16.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.16.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.16.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.16.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.16.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.16.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.16.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.16.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.16.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.16.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.16.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.16.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.16.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.16.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 1Macc.16.24 WARNING(V11N): New book is 2Macc and is not in KJV versification, ignoring ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.1.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.1.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.1.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.1.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.1.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.1.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.1.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.1.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.1.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.1.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.1.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.1.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.1.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.1.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.1.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.1.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.1.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.1.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.1.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.1.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.1.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.1.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.1.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.1.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.1.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.1.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.1.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.1.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.1.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.1.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.1.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.1.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.1.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.1.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.1.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.1.36 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.2.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.2.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.2.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.2.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.2.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.2.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.2.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.2.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.2.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.2.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.2.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.2.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.2.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.2.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.2.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.2.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.2.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.2.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.2.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.2.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.2.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.2.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.2.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.2.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.2.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.2.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.2.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.2.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.2.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.2.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.2.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.2.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.2.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.36 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.37 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.38 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.39 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.3.40 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.36 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.37 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.38 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.39 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.40 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.41 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.42 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.43 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.44 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.45 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.46 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.47 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.48 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.49 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.4.50 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.5.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.5.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.5.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.5.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.5.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.5.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.5.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.5.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.5.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.5.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.5.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.5.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.5.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.5.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.5.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.5.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.5.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.5.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.5.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.5.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.5.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.5.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.5.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.5.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.5.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.5.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.5.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.6.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.6.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.6.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.6.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.6.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.6.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.6.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.6.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.6.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.6.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.6.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.6.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.6.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.6.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.6.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.6.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.6.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.6.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.6.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.6.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.6.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.6.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.6.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.6.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.6.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.6.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.6.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.6.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.6.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.6.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.6.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.36 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.37 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.38 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.39 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.40 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.41 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.7.42 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.8.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.8.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.8.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.8.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.8.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.8.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.8.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.8.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.8.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.8.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.8.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.8.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.8.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.8.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.8.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.8.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.8.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.8.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.8.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.8.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.8.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.8.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.8.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.8.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.8.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.8.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.8.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.8.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.8.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.8.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.8.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.8.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.8.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.8.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.8.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.8.36 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.9.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.9.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.9.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.9.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.9.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.9.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.9.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.9.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.9.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.9.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.9.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.9.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.9.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.9.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.9.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.9.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.9.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.9.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.9.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.9.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.9.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.9.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.9.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.9.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.9.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.9.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.9.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.9.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.9.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.36 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.37 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.10.38 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.36 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.37 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.11.38 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.36 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.37 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.38 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.39 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.40 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.41 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.42 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.43 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.44 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.45 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.12.46 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.13.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.13.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.13.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.13.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.13.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.13.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.13.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.13.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.13.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.13.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.13.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.13.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.13.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.13.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.13.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.13.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.13.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.13.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.13.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.13.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.13.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.13.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.13.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.13.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.13.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.13.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.36 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.37 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.38 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.39 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.40 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.41 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.42 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.43 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.44 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.45 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.14.46 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.1 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.2 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.3 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.4 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.5 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.6 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.7 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.8 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.9 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.10 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.11 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.12 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.13 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.14 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.15 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.16 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.17 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.18 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.19 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.20 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.21 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.22 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.23 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.24 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.25 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.26 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.27 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.28 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.29 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.30 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.31 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.32 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.33 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.34 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.35 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.36 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.37 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.38 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.39 ERROR(REF): Invalid osisID/annotateRef: 2Macc.15.40 INFO(V11N): Mark.8.39 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Mark.8.38 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Mark.8.38: And he said to them: Amen I say to you, that there are some of them that stand here, who shall not taste death, till they see the kingdom of God coming in power. INFO(V11N): John.6.72 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to John.6.71 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: John.6.71: Now he meant Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon: for this same was about to betray him, whereas he was one of the twelve. INFO(V11N): Rev.12.18 is not in the KJV versification. Appending content to Rev.12.17 INFO(WRITE): Appending entry: Rev.12.17: And he stood upon the sand of the sea.