/ 1 10th 1 A 11 ALL 1 AM 5 ANY 1 Abd-er-Rahman 1 About 1 Abraham 8 Abraham’s 3 According 4 Accuser 1 Acts 1 Adversary 1 Advocatew 2 Advocate|strong="G3875"w* 2 Aenon 1 Africa 2 After 19 Again 1 All 8 Aloesw 1 Aloes|strong="G0250"w* 1 Alsow 1 Also|strong="G1161"w* 1 Although 2 Amen 3 Americas 1 An 3 And 7 Andrew 7 Annas 2 Anointed 3 Another 1 Anyone 8 Apostle 3 Aquilaria 1 Arabian 1 Aramaic 1 Are 8 Aren’t 2 Arimathea 1 As 14 Asia 1 Ask 4 At 2 Aw 3 Away 2 A|strong="G3004"w* 1 A|strong="G4060"w* 1 A|strong="G5613"w* 1 BC 1 BOOK 1 Barabbas 2 Because 14 Before 2 Believe 2 Beloved 8 Bengal 1 Bethany 4 Bethesda 1 Bethlehem 1 Bethsaida 2 Bible 3 Blessed 2 Boothsw 1 Booths|strong="G4634"w* 1 Bread 1 Bring 1 Brothers 1 But 16 Buy 1 By 7 CAN 2 Caesar 2 Caesar’s 1 Caiaphas 5 Cain 1 Cain’s 1 Called 1 Can 2 Cana 4 Can’t 1 Capernaum 5 Cast 1 Cephas 1 Cephasw 1 Cephas|strong="G2786"w* 1 Chanukkah 1 Children 1 China 1 Christ 35 Christw 2 Christ|strong="G5547"w* 2 Clopas 1 Come 5 Comforter 2 Commiphora 1 Continue 1 Copy 1 Copyright 2 Could 1 Couldn’t 1 Counselor 7 Creator 1 Crucify 3 Daughter 1 David 2 Day 2 Dayw 1 Day|strong="G2250"w* 1 Dedication 1 Demetrius 1 Destroy 1 Deuteronomy 1 Devil 5 Devilw 2 Devil|strong="G1228"w* 2 Devil’s 1 Did 1 Didn’t 4 Didymusw 3 Didymus|strong="G1324"w* 3 Diotrephes 1 Do 9 Does 2 Don’t 20 EVERY 1 Earth 5 East 3 Elder 2 Elijah 2 English 3 Ephraim 1 Europe 1 Even 3 Every 1 Everyone 7 Everything 2 Exodus 7 FAMILY 1 FIND 1 Father 131 Father’s 9 Feast 8 Feastw 2 Feast|strong="G1859"w* 2 Feed 2 Fill 1 Finding 1 First 1 Follow 2 For 26 From 4 GLW 2 GOOD 1 Gabbatha 1 Gaius 1 Galileans 1 Galilee 17 Gate 1 Gather 1 Genesis 1 Give 2 Glorify 1 Go 6 God 120 God-fearing 1 Godw 2 God|strong="G0846"w* 1 God|strong="G3004"w* 1 God’s 51 Golgotha 1 Good 5 Governor’s 1 Grace 1 Greek 19 Greeks 3 Greet 1 Hail 1 Has 1 Hasn’t 1 Have 3 Having 4 He 313 Heaven 19 Hebrew 9 Hebreww 1 Hebrew|strong="G1447"w* 1 Helperw 2 Helper|strong="G3875"w* 2 Here 3 He’d 1 Him 265 Himself 20 His 128 Holy 12 Hosanna 1 Hosannaw 1 Hosanna|strong="G5614"w* 1 How 14 However 1 I 443 III 1 IS 2 IT 1 If 67 Immediately 1 In 16 Indeed 1 Indian 1 Ingathering 1 Instead 3 Intercessor 2 Introduction 1 Is 3 Isaiah 6 Isaiahw 2 Isaiah|strong="G2268"w* 2 Iscariot 5 Isn’t 5 Israel 3 Israelite 1 Israel’s 1 It 25 Itw 1 It|strong="G1510"w* 1 It’s 11 I’ll 2 I’m 15 I’ve 2 J 1 JESUS 1 JEWS 1 Jacob 2 Jacob’s 1 January 1 Jerusalem 13 Jesus 304 Jew 2 Jewish 4 Jews 67 John 36 Johnson 5 Johnw 2 John|strong="G0846"w* 1 John|strong="G3004"w* 1 John’s 6 Jonah 4 Jordan 3 Joseph 4 Judas 10 Judea 7 Just 5 KING 1 Kidron 1 Kilograms 1 King 9 Kingdom 1 LORD 2 Lamb 2 Later 1 Latin 1 Law 14 Lazarus 13 Leave 2 Let 1 Letter 3 Let’s 4 Levi 1 Levites 1 Levitesw 1 Levites|strong="G3019"w* 1 Leviticus 1 Life 1 Literally 1 Little 4 Live 1 Living 5 Logos 1 Look 9 Lord 41 ME 1 Maccabeaus 1 Magdalene 3 Make 1 Malaya 1 Malchus 1 Man 16 Many 6 March 1 Martha 9 Mary 15 May 1 Meanwhile 1 Messiah 3 Messiahw 2 Messiah|strong="G5547"w* 2 Michael 5 Middle 1 Millions 1 Moses 13 Most 26 Mount 1 My 16 Myrrhw 1 Myrrh|strong="G4666"w* 1 NAZARETH 1 NEWS 1 NOTHING 1 Name 1 Nardw 1 Nard|strong="G3487"w* 1 Nathanael 8 Nazareth 4 Near 1 Nearby 1 Nehemiah 1 Neither 2 Nevertheless 2 News 5 Nicodemus 5 Night 1 No 19 Nobody 4 None 1 Not 5 Now 42 Numbers 5 O 2 OF 2 ONLY 1 Of 1 Olives 1 On 3 One 18 Onew 3 One|strong="G1520"w* 1 One|strong="G3739"w* 1 One|strong="G5100"w* 1 Other 1 Others 6 Our 3 Pacific 1 Paraklete 2 Passing 1 Passover 11 Passoverw 1 Passover|strong="G3957"w* 1 Paul 4 Pavement 1 Peace 4 People 1 Permission 1 Peter 34 Peterw 1 Peter|strong="G4074"w* 1 Peter’s 2 Pharisee 1 Pharisees 20 Phariseesw 2 Pharisees|strong="G5330"w* 2 Philip 13 Pilate 23 Place 1 Please 2 Praetorium 4 Praetoriumw 1 Praetorium|strong="G4232"w* 1 Preface 1 Preparation 2 Preparations 1 Preparationw 1 Preparation|strong="G3904"w* 1 Prophet 3 Psalm 7 Psalms 3 Publications 1 Put 2 Rabbi 8 Rabbiw 1 Rabbi|strong="G4461"w* 1 Reach 1 Receive 1 Remember 1 Requests 1 Rhabbouni 2 Rivers 1 Rock 1 Roman 5 Romans 1 S 1 Sabbath 10 Sabbathw 3 Sabbath|strong="G4521"w* 3 Sadducees 1 Salim 1 Samaria 2 Samaritan 4 Samaritans 4 Sanctify 1 Satan 1 Satanw 1 Satan|strong="G4567"w* 1 Save 1 Savior 2 Scripture 11 Scriptures 1 Sea 3 Search 1 Second 1 See 4 Sent 1 Shall 1 She 7 Sheep 1 Shepherd 1 Shouldn’t 1 Show 1 Siloam 2 Simon 23 Simon’s 4 Sin 1 Since 3 Sincere 1 Sir 7 Six 1 Skull 1 So 36 Solomon’s 1 Some 8 Someone 1 Son 69 Spain 1 Spirit 24 Stand 1 Still 2 Stooping 1 Stop 1 Straightening 1 Strengthener 2 Such 1 Sukkot 1 Sultan 1 Supper 1 Surely 3 Sychar 1 Synagoguew 1 Synagogue|strong="G4864"w* 1 THE 2 THIS 1 TODAY 1 Tabernacles 1 Take 4 Teacher 6 Temple 1 Thank 1 That 5 The 119 Then 84 There 15 Therefore 34 These 3 Thew 17 They 51 They’ve 1 The|strong="G3588"w* 16 The|strong="G3956"w* 1 Third 1 This 50 Thomas 8 Thus 1 Tiberias 3 To 3 Translation 5 Treasure 4 Truly 2 Truth 2 Twin 3 Two 1 Twow 1 Two|strong="G1417"w* 1 U 1 Unbind 1 Unleavened 1 Unless 2 Until 1 Us 1 WHOEVER 2 Walk 1 Watch 1 Way 1 We 34 We’ll 1 What 22 When 45 Whenever 1 Where 14 Whether 1 Which 1 Who 17 Whoever 36 Why 10 Will 1 Woman 6 Woodman 1 Word 13 YOU 3 YOUR 1 Yes 4 Yesterday 1 Yet 9 You 163 Your 22 Yours 3 Yourself 3 You’ve 7 Zeal 1 Zebedee 1 Zechariah 2 Zion 1 a 197 able 4 about 64 aboutw 15 about|strong="G1722"w* 1 about|strong="G2596"w* 1 about|strong="G3588"w* 2 about|strong="G5613"w* 11 above 6 abroad 1 absolute 1 absolutely 1 abusive 1 accept 7 accepted 1 accepting 1 accepts 1 accomplish 2 accomplished 2 accomplishing 1 accord 1 according 4 account 2 accurate 1 accurately 1 accursed 1 accuse 2 accused 1 accuser 3 accusing 2 acknowledge 2 acknowledges 2 acquire 1 across 3 act 1 acted 1 acting 1 activities 1 actual 1 actually 1 add 1 additional 1 admit 2 admitted 1 adultery 2 advance 1 advantage 1 advised 1 afraid 5 after 10 afterward 1 again 38 against 9 agallochum 1 agape 4 age 2 ago 2 agony 1 agreed 1 agreement 1 ah-gah-pay 1 ahead 1 all 47 allies 1 aloes 1 alone 9 along 1 already 13 also 54 alsow 5 also|strong="G2532"w* 5 although 3 always 7 am 70 amazing 1 among 22 an 13 ancestors 2 and 709 andw 20 and|strong="G1161"w* 1 and|strong="G2424"w* 1 and|strong="G2532"w* 18 angel 2 angels 2 angry 1 announce 1 anointed 2 anointing 3 another 22 another’s 1 answer 5 answered 80 antichrist 4 antichrists 1 anw 7 any 12 anybody 1 anyone 26 anything 6 an|strong="G1510"w* 1 an|strong="G2532"w* 6 apart 2 appearance 1 appeared 3 appears 2 applied 1 appointed 1 approval 2 are 125 aren’t 18 arew 2 are|strong="G1510"w* 2 argued 1 arm 1 aromatic 2 arose 2 around 7 arrest 1 arrested 1 arrived 3 as 74 ascend 1 ascended 1 ascending 2 ashore 1 aside 3 ask 25 asked 70 asking 7 asks 1 asleep 1 assembled 1 assure 1 assuredly 25 asw 1 as|strong="G1519"w* 1 at 44 ate 4 atoning 2 attends 1 attention 1 atw 1 at|strong="G1537"w* 1 audio 1 authority 7 aw 12 aware 1 away 42 a|strong="G1325"w* 2 a|strong="G1510"w* 5 a|strong="G2983"w* 2 a|strong="G3004"w* 1 a|strong="G3739"w* 1 a|strong="G5613"w* 1 baby 1 back 20 banquet 2 baptize 3 baptized 2 baptizes 1 baptizing 7 barley 2 basin 1 basis 3 baskets 1 bathed 1 be 116 bear 6 bearing 1 bears 4 became 2 because 126 become 7 been 45 before 24 beforew 1 before|strong="G1909"w* 1 beg 1 began 8 beggar 1 begged 1 beginning 20 behalf 3 behind 1 being 9 beingw 1 being|strong="G1510"w* 1 believe 61 believed 24 believes 19 believing 4 belong 13 belonged 4 belongs 5 beloved 1 below 1 best 3 betray 7 betrayed 1 betraying 1 better 1 between 1 bew 2 beyond 1 be|strong="G1510"w* 1 be|strong="G5043"w* 1 big 1 birth 2 blaspheming 1 blasphemy 1 blessed 2 blind 17 blinded 2 blood 10 blowing 1 blows 1 boat 9 boats 2 bodies 1 body 5 boldly 1 boldness 1 bones 1 book 10 books 1 born 29 both 6 bothw 4 both|strong="G2532"w* 4 boulder 3 bound 2 bowed 1 box 2 boy 3 branch 4 branches 4 bread 22 break 1 breakfast 2 breaking 1 breast 3 breathed 1 bride 1 bridegroom 3 bridegroom’s 1 brim 1 bring 5 bringing 2 brings 3 broadcast 1 broke 1 broken 4 brother 17 brothers 14 brother’s 1 brought 7 build 1 burdensome 1 burial 2 burned 1 burning 2 business 1 but 190 buy 3 by 56 byw 2 by|strong="G1722"w* 2 call 5 called 27 calling 2 calls 1 came 66 can 31 can’t 20 care 1 carried 1 carry 3 cars 1 cases 1 cast 4 casts 1 caught 4 cause 2 cave 1 celebration 1 center 1 century 1 ceremonial 1 certain 7 certainly 2 certified 1 changers 2 charcoal 2 charge 3 charged 1 charges 1 cheaper 1 cheer 1 chief 10 child 3 children 23 choice 1 choose 2 chose 2 chosen 4 church 3 circumcise 1 circumcised 1 circumcision 1 city 5 claim 4 claimed 1 claims 2 clean 4 cleanses 2 cleansing 1 clear 1 clearly 3 climbs 1 closely 1 closes 1 cloth 1 clothing 1 cold 1 collection 1 colonnades 1 colt 1 come 82 comes 26 comfort 1 coming 31 command 3 commanded 4 commander 1 commandment 13 commandments 12 commercial 2 commissioned 1 commit 2 committed 1 committing 1 compassion 1 complaining 2 complete 3 completely 2 compliance 1 comprehendw 1 comprehend|strong="G2638"w* 1 concerned 2 concerning 3 concluded 1 condemn 4 condemnation 2 condemned 3 condition 1 confess 2 confessed 2 confesses 1 confessing 1 confidence 3 confident 1 confirming 1 congregation 1 consisted 1 consoling 1 consume 2 contact 1 contain 1 contemporary 3 continue 5 continued 3 continuous 1 convict 1 convicts 1 copied 1 copies 1 copyright 3 cords 1 costly 1 could 5 couldn’t 2 council 1 counted 1 countries 1 country 2 countryside 1 court 1 covered 2 created 1 cried 3 criminal 1 cross 4 crow 1 crowd 11 crowed 1 crown 2 crucified 6 crucify 3 cubits 1 cubitsw 1 cubits|strong="G4083"w* 1 cup 1 cured 1 custom 2 cut 2 dared 1 dark 2 darker 1 darkness 14 dawn 1 day 30 daylight 1 days 12 dayw 3 day|strong="G2250"w* 3 dead 15 dear 1 death 16 deceit 1 deceive 2 deceived 1 deceiver 1 deceivers 1 deceives 1 deceiving 1 decide 1 decided 1 declare 5 declared 2 decrease 1 dedicated 1 deed 1 deeds 8 deep 1 deepest 2 deeply 1 defeat 1 defiled 1 delivered 4 demon 6 demon-possessed 1 denarii 2 denariiw 1 denarii|strong="G1220"w* 1 denariusw 1 denarius|strong="G1220"w* 1 denied 3 denies 3 deny 1 depart 1 departed 2 derivative 1 derived 1 descendants 3 descending 3 describes 1 desert 2 deserts 1 desire 3 desires 1 desperate 1 destroy 2 detachment 2 devilw 1 devil|strong="G1228"w* 1 diabolos 1 diabolou 2 did 23 didn’t 38 die 16 died 7 dies 3 different 5 diligently 2 dipped 2 directed 1 direction 1 disappeared 1 disciple 18 disciples 65 discover 1 discovering 1 disease 1 dishonor 1 dispersion 1 distributed 2 distribution 1 divided 2 division 2 do 82 doctrine 1 does 23 doesn’t 45 doing 9 done 14 donkey 1 donkey’s 1 don’t 77 door 6 doors 2 doubting 1 dove 1 doves 2 down 38 dragged 1 dragging 1 draw 5 drawing 1 drawn 2 dreaded 1 dress 1 dressed 1 drew 2 dried 1 dries 1 drink 8 drinks 5 drips 1 drive 1 drove 1 drugs 1 drunk 1 duties 1 dwelling 1 dying 1 each 3 eaglewood 1 ear 2 earliest 1 early 2 earth 3 earthly 1 eat 10 eaten 3 eats 5 educated 1 eight 1 either 4 elders 1 electronic 2 else 5 emphasized 1 emphasizes 1 empty 1 end 4 endures 1 enemies 1 enemy 1 energy 1 enjoyed 1 enjoyment 1 enlightens 1 enough 3 enter 2 entered 5 enters 2 entire 4 entirely 1 entrance 1 equal 1 equals 4 error 1 escaped 1 especially 1 etc 1 eternal 18 even 16 evening 2 events 1 ever 9 everlasting 8 every 4 everyone 17 everything 16 evil 14 exactly 2 example 1 except 4 excuse 1 execute 1 exhaust 1 exile 1 existed 2 expedient 1 experience 2 experiences 1 explain 1 exposed 1 express 1 expression 1 eye 1 eyes 20 eyewitness 1 face 6 facts 1 fails 1 faith 2 faithful 1 faithfully 1 fallen 1 falls 1 false 2 falsely 1 falsew 1 false|strong="G5579"w* 1 families 1 famous 1 far 1 father 8 father-in-law 1 fathers 2 fear 8 fears 1 feast 11 feeds 1 feet 13 fell 2 fellow 2 fellowship 4 female 1 fever 1 few 2 fields 1 fifteen 1 fifty 4 fifty-three 1 fig 2 fighting 1 figures 3 filled 6 find 15 finding 3 finger 3 finish 1 finished 3 fire 3 first 16 fish 9 fishing 1 five 5 fixed 1 flesh 16 flock 1 flocking 1 flocks 1 flogged 1 flow 1 fold 1 folded 1 follow 8 followed 3 following 8 follows 1 food 6 foot 1 for 169 forbids 1 force 1 forefather 3 forefathers 3 forever 9 forgets 1 forgive 1 forgiven 2 forgives 1 form 3 formats 1 formed 1 forms 1 fornication 1 forth 4 forty-six 1 forw 12 forward 1 for|strong="G1063"w* 2 for|strong="G1223"w* 1 for|strong="G1519"w* 2 for|strong="G1537"w* 1 for|strong="G1722"w* 1 for|strong="G2316"w* 1 for|strong="G2424"w* 1 for|strong="G2443"w* 1 for|strong="G3754"w* 1 for|strong="G4314"w* 1 found 13 foundation 1 fountain 2 four 4 fourteen 2 fragments 1 fragrance 1 fragrant 1 free 7 freedom 1 freely 1 friend 3 friends 5 from 162 fromw 6 from|strong="G1537"w* 1 from|strong="G2064"w* 4 from|strong="G3844"w* 1 front 1 fruit 10 fulfill 2 fulfilled 8 full 10 fullness 2 fully 1 gaining 1 gallonsw 2 gallons|strong="G3355"w* 2 garden 4 gardener 2 garment 3 garments 2 gate 2 gatekeeper 1 gather 2 gathered 4 gathering 1 gave 16 get 11 gets 1 gift 1 give 24 given 38 gives 9 giving 1 glad 3 gladly 1 glorified 12 glorify 8 glory 16 go 35 gods 2 goes 2 going 33 gone 9 good 17 goods 1 got 4 grace 4 grain 1 grains 1 granted 2 grasp 3 grass 1 graves 1 great 11 greater 17 greatest 2 greatly 1 greet 2 grieved 1 groaned 1 groaning 1 ground 6 grounds 1 grumbled 1 grumbling 1 guarded 1 guests 1 guide 1 gum 1 guns 1 had 118 hadn’t 2 hair 2 hand 10 handed 1 handkerchief 1 hands 10 happen 4 happened 3 happens 4 happiness 1 happy 2 hard 2 hardened 1 harder 1 harm 1 harvest 3 harvests 3 has 117 hasn’t 10 hasw 1 has|strong="G1510"w* 1 hate 1 hated 5 hates 12 haul 1 have 245 haven’t 11 having 5 he 105 head 5 heal 2 healed 1 health 1 hear 14 heard 43 hearing 1 hears 8 heart 8 hearts 6 heathen 1 heaven 1 heavenly 1 heel 1 help 2 her 35 herds 1 here 15 hid 2 high 11 him 120 himself 11 hired 3 his 61 hit 2 hold 3 holder 1 holding 1 home 5 homes 1 honestly 1 honor 10 honors 1 hope 4 hour 7 hours 1 hourw 4 hour|strong="G5610"w* 4 house 7 household 1 houses 1 how 22 however 2 http://MLJohnson.org/ 1 http://eBible.org/eng-glw/ 1 human 2 hundred 5 hundreds 1 hungry 1 husband 4 husbands 1 hyssop 1 idea 1 idols 1 if 42 illegal 1 illustration 1 images 1 imitate 1 immediately 6 imperial 1 important 1 impressed 1 impressive 1 imprint 1 in 351 include 1 including 1 inclusive 1 increase 1 indeed 6 indicate 2 indicates 1 indicating 1 infirmity 1 information 1 initiative 3 ink 2 innocent 1 insane 1 inside 1 inspiration 4 intend 3 internationally 1 into 66 introduces 1 invited 1 involves 2 inw 5 in|strong="G1161"w* 1 in|strong="G1722"w* 2 in|strong="G2532"w* 2 is 318 isn’t 19 isw 18 is|strong="G1510"w* 8 is|strong="G2316"w* 1 is|strong="G2962"w* 2 is|strong="G3588"w* 3 is|strong="G3739"w* 3 is|strong="G3778"w* 1 it 118 its 6 itself 4 itw 1 it|strong="G1510"w* 1 it’s 6 jar 2 jars 2 journey 1 joy 11 judge 12 judged 1 judges 2 judging 1 judgment 12 just 29 justice 1 justw 1 just|strong="G2532"w* 1 katelaben 1 keep 19 keeping 1 keeps 7 kept 12 key 1 kill 13 killed 1 kills 1 kilometers 2 kind 11 kinds 1 kindw 2 kind|strong="G3956"w* 2 king 7 kingdom 5 knew 17 knives 1 know 132 knowing 3 known 16 knows 7 labor 6 labored 1 laborer 1 lack 1 lacking 1 lady 2 laid 11 lambs 1 lame 1 lamp 1 land 3 landed 1 language 3 lanterns 1 large 2 last 7 later 1 law 3 lawlessness 2 lay 11 lays 1 lead 1 leading 4 leads 1 leaned 1 leaning 2 learn 1 learned 2 least 1 leave 4 leaves 1 leaving 2 led 3 left 5 leftover 1 legal 1 legs 3 lest 1 let 13 letter 1 letters 2 let’s 2 liar 7 lie 4 lies 2 life 68 lift 2 lifted 7 light 31 like 11 likewise 3 linen 4 listen 6 listens 4 literal 1 literally 1 liters 1 little 19 live 25 lived 1 lives 29 living 10 loaves 4 locked 2 long 5 longer 11 longings 2 look 9 looked 4 looking 11 lose 3 lost 2 lots 3 loudly 2 love 69 loved 29 loves 15 lovew 8 love|strong="G0025"w* 6 love|strong="G0026"w* 2 loving 1 low 1 lust 2 lusts 1 lying 6 made 28 maidservant 1 main 1 make 5 makes 2 making 1 male 1 man 58 manifested 1 mankind 2 manna 3 manner 1 mansions 1 many 34 man’s 5 market 1 marvel 4 marveled 1 master 5 mat 5 matter 2 may 64 me 248 meals 1 mean 4 meaning 3 means 5 meansw 6 means|strong="G1510"w* 3 means|strong="G1722"w* 1 means|strong="G3004"w* 2 meant 2 meanw 2 mean|strong="G3004"w* 2 measure 1 meet 2 meeting 1 men 6 men’s 1 mercy 1 mere 1 message 5 messagew 1 message|strong="G3056"w* 1 met 4 meters 1 metretes 2 middle 1 midst 4 might 23 milesw 2 miles|strong="G4712"w* 2 mine 8 ministry 1 miraculous 2 miserable 1 misrepresented 1 mixture 1 modified 1 money 8 months 1 more 14 morning 2 morsel 4 most 4 mother 9 mother’s 2 mountain 4 mourn 1 mouth 1 moving 1 much 5 mud 4 multitude 5 murderer 3 murmuring 1 must 14 my 130 myrhha 1 myrrh 1 myself 9 mystical 2 myw 1 my|strong="G3739"w* 1 nail 1 nails 1 name 26 named 1 name’s 2 nard 1 nation 7 native 1 nature 1 near 12 nearby 1 nearly 2 need 6 needs 1 neighbors 1 neither 8 net 5 never 14 new 6 next 5 night 5 no 52 nobody 2 nodded 1 noncommercial 1 none 7 noonw 2 noon|strong="G5610"w* 2 nor 13 normally 1 not 75 nothing 21 notice 4 now 30 no|strong="G3361"w* 1 number 4 numbers 1 obey 1 obeyed 1 obvious 1 of 439 off 4 offend 1 offer 1 officers 8 official 3 often 3 ofw 21 of|strong="G1537"w* 5 of|strong="G1722"w* 3 of|strong="G2250"w* 1 of|strong="G2424"w* 1 of|strong="G2962"w* 1 of|strong="G3056"w* 2 of|strong="G3588"w* 2 of|strong="G3956"w* 1 of|strong="G4413"w* 2 of|strong="G5100"w* 1 of|strong="G5207"w* 2 oil 1 ointment 1 old 6 older 1 on 72 one 119 ones 2 onew 6 one|strong="G1520"w* 1 one|strong="G3588"w* 2 one|strong="G3739"w* 1 one|strong="G3778"w* 1 one|strong="G5100"w* 1 one’s 2 only 21 onw 1 on|strong="G1909"w* 1 open 2 opened 8 openly 3 opens 1 or 39 origin 1 original 1 orphans 1 orw 11 or|strong="G1161"w* 4 or|strong="G2228"w* 2 or|strong="G2532"w* 4 or|strong="G3739"w* 1 other 20 others 8 ought 6 ounces 1 our 29 ours 1 ourselves 2 out 62 outer 3 outran 1 outside 2 over 6 overcome 8 overcomes 2 overtake 1 overtakew 1 overtake|strong="G2638"w* 1 overturned 1 own 33 oxen 2 p.m 2 pain 1 palm 2 paper 1 paralyzed 1 parcel 1 parents 6 part 3 participates 1 parties 1 parts 2 passed 3 passing 3 pasture 1 payment 2 peace 5 peaceful 1 pen 1 people 34 perceive 1 perceived 1 perdition 1 perfect 2 perfected 2 perform 1 performed 4 performing 1 performs 1 perfume 2 perish 4 perishable 1 permission 3 permissions 1 permit 1 perplexed 1 persecute 1 persecuted 2 persisted 1 person 21 person-to-person 1 person’s 2 persuading 1 philosophy 1 pick 1 piece 1 pieces 2 pierced 2 place 17 placed 2 placew 1 place|strong="G1722"w* 1 plainly 4 planned 1 plant 1 plants 2 pleasantly 1 please 1 pleasing 1 pleasure 3 pleasure-seeking 1 pleasures 1 plenty 2 plotted 1 pneuma 1 point 1 pool 4 poor 4 porch 1 portion 1 possible 1 posted 2 pound 1 pounds 1 poundsw 2 pounds|strong="G3046"w* 2 poundw 1 pound|strong="G3046"w* 1 poured 2 power 7 powerful 2 practice 1 practices 9 praisew 1 praise|strong="G2127"w* 1 pray 5 prayer 1 praying 3 preclude 1 preferred 2 preparation 1 prepare 2 presence 1 presents 1 preserved 1 pride 1 priest 9 priests 11 priestsw 1 priests|strong="G2409"w* 1 priest’s 2 printed 1 prints 1 prison 1 prisoners 1 probably 1 proceeds 1 produces 1 profits 1 promise 1 promised 1 prone 3 pronounced 1 prophesied 1 prophet 7 prophets 5 prosper 1 prospers 1 prove 1 providing 1 provision 1 pruned 1 prunes 1 publicly 2 publish 1 punishment 1 pure 2 purification 1 purifies 1 purify 1 purple 2 purpose 3 purposes 2 pursuing 1 pursuits 1 put 18 puts 1 quantities 1 quest 1 question 1 questioned 1 questions 1 quickly 3 quite 1 quote 1 quoted 1 raise 6 raised 5 raises 1 ran 3 rather 2 ravine 1 read 4 real 1 realize 2 realized 1 really 5 reason 7 recalled 1 receive 14 received 12 receives 4 receiving 1 recently 1 reclining 2 recognize 1 recover 2 recovery 1 refers 2 reflected 1 refuse 2 region 1 rejects 2 rejoice 5 rejoiced 3 rejoices 1 related 1 relationship 2 relative 1 release 4 religion 5 religious 2 remain 5 remained 2 remaining 1 remains 3 remember 1 remembered 2 remembrance 1 replied 8 report 2 requests 2 reserved 1 residence 1 resin 1 respected 1 restrictions 1 restw 1 rest|strong="G1510"w* 1 resurrection 4 retain 1 retained 1 returned 1 reveal 4 revealed 8 reward 1 riches 1 richest 1 right 8 right-hand 1 righteous 9 righteousness 5 rights 1 ripe 1 rise 3 road 1 robber 2 robbers 1 robe 2 rooster 2 roots 1 rowed 1 royal 2 royalties 3 rule 1 ruler 5 rulers 3 rules 2 rumor 1 run 2 runs 3 sabbath 1 sacrifice 2 sad 1 sadness 1 said 137 sake 7 sakes 3 saliva 1 salvation 1 same 4 samew 1 same|strong="G0846"w* 1 sanctified 1 sanctify 1 sandal 1 sat 7 satisfied 1 satisfy 3 save 3 saved 3 saw 38 say 26 saying 47 sayings 2 says 7 scattered 2 scatters 1 scented 1 scribes 1 sea 7 seal 1 seam 1 search 3 seat 1 second 3 secret 4 secretly 2 see 47 seed 2 seeing 4 seek 5 seeking 1 seeks 5 seems 1 seen 30 sees 9 seize 4 send 7 sent 61 servant 5 servants 8 servant’s 1 served 1 serves 2 service 1 serving 1 set 6 sets 1 setw 1 set|strong="G1096"w* 1 seventh 2 seventhw 1 seventh|strong="G1442"w* 1 sex 1 shall 2 shame 1 she 16 sheath 1 sheep 17 sheepfold 1 sheep’s 2 shepherd 6 shines 1 shining 2 shock 1 shore 1 should 26 shouted 5 show 5 showed 5 shows 1 shrink 1 shrubby 1 sick 9 sickness 1 side 11 sight 4 sign 6 signs 11 simply 2 sin 29 since 5 sincere 31 sincerely 68 sincew 2 since|strong="G5613"w* 2 sinned 4 sinner 3 sinners 1 sinning 1 sins 14 sir 1 sister 13 sisters 9 sit 2 sitting 3 six 1 sixth 2 sixthw 2 sixth|strong="G1623"w* 2 size 1 slander 3 slanderer 1 slapping 1 slave 2 slaves 1 sleep 1 sleeping 1 snake 1 snatch 2 snatches 1 so 85 sold 3 soldier 1 soldiers 8 some 16 someone 6 something 2 sometimes 2 somewhere 1 son 21 sons 2 soon 2 sorrow 2 sought 2 soul 2 sound 1 sourw 1 sour|strong="G3690"w* 1 sow 1 so|strong="G2443"w* 1 spat 1 speak 20 speaking 5 speaks 6 spear 1 special 1 speech 3 spelling 1 spend 2 spent 1 spices 1 spikenard 1 spirit 14 spirits 1 spiritual 2 spiritw 1 spirit|strong="G4151"w* 1 split 1 spoke 14 spoken 12 sponge 1 spread 2 springing 2 stadia 4 stalk 1 stand 2 standards 1 standing 8 stands 1 start 1 started 1 stay 3 stayed 7 staying 3 stays 1 steal 2 stems 1 stench 1 stepped 1 steps 1 still 13 stirred 2 stirring 1 stone 6 stones 2 stoning 2 stood 13 stooped 3 stopped 1 straight 1 straightened 1 stranger 2 strangers 2 strap 1 stretch 1 strict 1 strips 4 strong 1 strongest 4 struck 1 stumble 1 stumbles 1 stumbling 2 subjects 1 successful 1 such 4 suffered 1 summoned 1 sunrise 4 supper 4 support 1 suppose 1 supposing 2 sure 1 surpassed 1 surprise 1 surprised 2 surrounded 1 survived 1 suspense 1 sword 2 synagogue 3 synagogues 2 synagoguew 1 synagogue|strong="G4864"w* 1 table 2 tables 1 take 16 taken 6 takes 3 talk 3 talking 6 taste 1 tasted 1 taught 6 teach 6 teacher 3 teacherw 1 teacher|strong="G1320"w* 1 teaches 1 teaching 8 tear 1 tell 47 telling 5 tells 3 temple 14 tenth 1 tenthw 1 tenth|strong="G1182"w* 1 terribly 1 terrified 1 test 2 testified 11 testifies 4 testify 19 testifying 1 testimony 18 testing 1 text 2 than 23 thank 1 thanks 2 thanw 1 than|strong="G2532"w* 1 that 448 thatw 3 that|strong="G0846"w* 1 that|strong="G2443"w* 1 that|strong="G3767"w* 1 the 1186 their 32 theirw 1 their|strong="G0846"w* 1 them 167 themselves 13 then 19 there 56 therefore 14 these 61 thew 30 they 170 theyw 1 they|strong="G3004"w* 1 they’ve 2 the|strong="G1722"w* 1 the|strong="G3588"w* 25 the|strong="G3739"w* 1 the|strong="G3956"w* 3 thief 3 thieves 1 thing 2 things 64 think 4 third 4 thirsty 7 thirty 1 thirty-eight 1 this 175 thisw 3 this|strong="G3588"w* 2 this|strong="G3779"w* 1 thorns 2 those 38 though 4 thought 2 thousand 1 three 7 threew 1 three|strong="G5140"w* 1 threw 2 through 16 throughoutw 2 throughout|strong="G1519"w* 1 throughout|strong="G1722"w* 1 throw 2 thrown 4 thundered 1 tied 1 till 1 time 36 times 4 tired 1 to 557 today 2 together 8 told 115 tomb 15 tongue 1 too 19 took 15 top 1 torches 1 torn 1 torture 1 touch 2 touched 1 tow 21 toward 4 towards 2 towel 2 town 4 to|strong="G1519"w* 1 to|strong="G1722"w* 2 to|strong="G1909"w* 3 to|strong="G2309"w* 1 to|strong="G2443"w* 2 to|strong="G2532"w* 4 to|strong="G2596"w* 4 to|strong="G3004"w* 2 to|strong="G4314"w* 2 trademark 1 trademarks 1 traditions 1 translate 3 translated 7 translation 3 translations 1 translator 1 treasure 10 treasures 1 treasury 1 tree 3 trees 3 tribe 1 tried 2 trouble 1 troubled 5 true 28 truly 11 truth 46 truthful 1 trying 6 tunic 2 turn 1 turned 7 turning 1 twelve 6 twenty-five 1 twisted 1 two 14 unable 1 under 3 understand 8 understanding 2 understandw 1 understand|strong="G2638"w* 1 unit 1 unity 1 universe 1 unjustly 1 unless 12 unlimited 1 unmodified 1 unrighteousness 3 untie 1 until 5 up 58 upon 4 urged 1 us 65 use 3 used 13 uses 1 using 1 usual 1 usw 1 us|strong="G1519"w* 1 valid 5 valuable 1 very 9 victorious 1 victory 1 village 2 vine 3 vinegar 3 voice 13 wage 1 wages 3 waist 1 waiting 1 waits 1 wake 1 walk 13 walked 4 walking 5 walks 3 want 17 wanted 4 wants 2 warmed 1 warming 2 was 192 wash 7 washed 5 washing 2 wasn’t 9 wasted 1 wasw 4 was|strong="G1510"w* 2 was|strong="G3588"w* 2 watched 1 water 33 way 14 ways 3 we 123 wealthy 1 weapons 2 wearing 1 wedding 2 week 2 weekw 1 week|strong="G4521"w* 1 weep 2 weeping 5 weight 1 welcome 1 welcomed 1 welcomes 1 well 12 went 51 wept 2 were 70 weren’t 5 werew 2 were|strong="G1510"w* 2 we’ll 1 what 53 whatever 15 wheat 1 when 52 whenever 1 where 51 wherew 1 where|strong="G1722"w* 1 whether 2 which 64 whichw 2 which|strong="G3588"w* 1 which|strong="G3739"w* 1 while 19 whip 1 white 1 who 263 whoever 22 whole 7 whom 4 whose 7 whow 1 who|strong="G3588"w* 1 why 7 wicked 3 wife 1 wilderness 3 will 197 willing 1 willingly 1 wind 2 windw 1 wind|strong="G4151"w* 1 wine 6 winew 1 wine|strong="G3690"w* 1 winter 1 wipe 1 wiped 2 wishes 1 with 124 withdrew 1 within 1 without 8 withw 2 with|strong="G1537"w* 2 witness 10 wolf 2 woman 16 woman’s 1 womb 1 women 1 wonders 1 won’t 19 word 25 words 31 wordw 3 word|strong="G3056"w* 3 work 13 workers 1 working 2 works 19 world 103 world’s 5 worse 2 worship 9 worshipers 2 worshipped 2 worth 2 worthy 2 would 34 wouldn’t 9 woven 1 wrapped 4 wrappings 1 wrath 1 write 10 writes 2 writing 4 written 21 wrote 13 yardsw 1 yards|strong="G4083"w* 1 year 3 years 8 year’s 1 yes 1 yet 23 you 576 young 4 younger 1 your 68 yours 1 yourself 3 yourselves 6 youth 1 you’ll 1