\v=26 \v~=And thou shalt \w bestow|strong="H5414"\w* that \w money|strong="H3701"\w* for whatsoever thy \w soul|strong="H5315"\w* lusteth \w after|strong="H0183"\w*, for \w oxen|strong="H1241"\w*, or for \w sheep|strong="H6629"\w*, or for \w wine|strong="H3196"\w*, or for strong \w drink|strong="H7941"\w*, or for whatsoever thy \w soul|strong="H5315"\w* \w desireth|strong="H7592"\w*: and thou shalt \w eat|strong="H0398"\w* there \w before|strong="H6440"\w* the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* thy \w God|strong="H0430"\w*, and thou shalt \w rejoice|strong="H8055"\w*, thou, and thine \w household|strong="H1004"\w*,\f + \fr 14.26 \ft desireth: Heb. asketh of thee\f* \¬v