\v=14 \v~=But the \w seventh|strong="H7637"\w* \w day|strong="H3117"\w* \add is\add* the \w sabbath|strong="H7676"\w* of the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* thy \w God|strong="H0430"\w*: \add in it\add* thou shalt not \w do|strong="H6213"\w* any \w work|strong="H4399"\w*, thou, nor thy \w son|strong="H1121"\w*, nor thy \w daughter|strong="H1323"\w*, nor thy \w manservant|strong="H5650"\w*, nor thy \w maidservant|strong="H0519"\w*, nor thine \w ox|strong="H7794"\w*, nor thine \w ass|strong="H2543"\w*, nor any of thy \w cattle|strong="H0929"\w*, nor thy \w stranger|strong="H1616"\w* that \add is\add* within thy \w gates|strong="H8179"\w*; that thy \w manservant|strong="H5650"\w* and thy \w maidservant|strong="H0519"\w* may \w rest|strong="H5117"\w* as well as thou. \¬v