\p \v=22 \v~=¶ These \w words|strong="H1697"\w* the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* \w spake|strong="H1696"\w* unto all your \w assembly|strong="H6951"\w* in the \w mount|strong="H2022"\w* out of the \w midst|strong="H8432"\w* of the \w fire|strong="H0784"\w*, of the \w cloud|strong="H6051"\w*, and of the thick \w darkness|strong="H6205"\w*, with a \w great|strong="H1419"\w* \w voice|strong="H6963"\w*: and he added no \w more|strong="H3254"\w*. And he \w wrote|strong="H3789"\w* them in \w two|strong="H8147"\w* \w tables|strong="H3871"\w* of \w stone|strong="H0068"\w*, and \w delivered|strong="H5414"\w* them unto me. \¬v \¬p