\v=19 \v~=Therefore thus \w saith|strong="H0559"\w* the \w Lord|strong="H0136"\w* \nd \+w GOD|strong="H3069"\+w*\nd*; Behold, I will \w give|strong="H5414"\w* the \w land|strong="H0776"\w* of \w Egypt|strong="H4714"\w* unto \w Nebuchadrezzar|strong="H5019"\w* \w king|strong="H4428"\w* of \w Babylon|strong="H0894"\w*; and he shall \w take|strong="H5375"\w* her \w multitude|strong="H1995"\w*, and \w take|strong="H7997"\w* her \w spoil|strong="H7998"\w*, and \w take|strong="H0962"\w* her \w prey|strong="H0957"\w*; and it shall be the \w wages|strong="H7939"\w* for his \w army|strong="H2428"\w*.\f + \fr 29.19 \ft take her spoil…: Heb. spoil her spoil, and prey her prey\f* \¬v