\p \c#=9 \v=1 \v~=Nevertheless the \w dimness|strong="H4155"\w* \add shall\add* not \add be\add* such as \add was\add* in her \w vexation|strong="H4164"\w*, \w when|strong="H6256"\w* at the \w first|strong="H7223"\w* he lightly \w afflicted|strong="H7043"\w* the \w land|strong="H0776"\w* of \w Zebulun|strong="H2074"\w* and the \w land|strong="H0776"\w* of \w Naphtali|strong="H5321"\w*, and \w afterward|strong="H0314"\w* did more grievously \w afflict|strong="H3513"\w* \add her by\add* the \w way|strong="H1870"\w* of the \w sea|strong="H3220"\w*, \w beyond|strong="H5676"\w* \w Jordan|strong="H3383"\w*, in \w Galilee|strong="H1551"\w* of the \w nations|strong="H1471"\w*.\f + \fr 9.1 \ft of the nations: or, populous\f* \¬v