\v=2 \v~=And they shall \w spread|strong="H7849"\w* them before the \w sun|strong="H8121"\w*, and the \w moon|strong="H3394"\w*, and all the \w host|strong="H6635"\w* of \w heaven|strong="H8064"\w*, whom they have \w loved|strong="H0157"\w*, and whom they have \w served|strong="H5647"\w*, and \w after|strong="H0310"\w* whom they have \w walked|strong="H1980"\w*, and whom they have \w sought|strong="H1875"\w*, and whom they have \w worshipped|strong="H7812"\w*: they shall not be \w gathered|strong="H0622"\w*, nor be \w buried|strong="H6912"\w*; they shall be for \w dung|strong="H1828"\w* upon the \w face|strong="H6440"\w* of the \w earth|strong="H0127"\w*. \¬v