\v=4 \v~=And \w Ahab|strong="H0256"\w* \w came|strong="H0935"\w* into his \w house|strong="H1004"\w* \w heavy|strong="H5620"\w* and \w displeased|strong="H2198"\w* because of the \w word|strong="H1697"\w* which \w Naboth|strong="H5022"\w* the \w Jezreelite|strong="H3158"\w* had \w spoken|strong="H1696"\w* to him: for he had \w said|strong="H0559"\w*, I will not \w give|strong="H5414"\w* thee the \w inheritance|strong="H5159"\w* of my \w fathers|strong="H0001"\w*. And he laid him \w down|strong="H7901"\w* upon his \w bed|strong="H4296"\w*, and turned \w away|strong="H5437"\w* his \w face|strong="H6440"\w*, and would \w eat|strong="H0398"\w* no \w bread|strong="H3899"\w*. \¬v \¬p