\v=25 \v~=But it came to pass in the \w seventh|strong="H7637"\w* \w month|strong="H2320"\w*, that \w Ishmael|strong="H3458"\w* the \w son|strong="H1121"\w* of \w Nethaniah|strong="H5418"\w*, the \w son|strong="H1121"\w* of \w Elishama|strong="H0476"\w*, of the \w seed|strong="H2233"\w* \w royal|strong="H4410"\w*, \w came|strong="H0935"\w*, and \w ten|strong="H6235"\w* \w men|strong="H0582"\w* with him, and \w smote|strong="H5221"\w* \w Gedaliah|strong="H1436"\w*, that he \w died|strong="H4191"\w*, and the \w Jews|strong="H3064"\w* and the \w Chaldees|strong="H3778"\w* that were with him at \w Mizpah|strong="H4709"\w*.\f + \fr 25.25 \ft royal: Heb. of the kingdom\f* \¬v