\p \v=22 \v~=¶ And when ye \w reap|strong="H7114"\w* the \w harvest|strong="H7105"\w* of your \w land|strong="H0776"\w*, thou shalt not make clean \w riddance|strong="H3615"\w* of the \w corners|strong="H6285"\w* of thy \w field|strong="H7704"\w* when thou \w reapest|strong="H7114"\w*, neither shalt thou \w gather|strong="H3950"\w* any \w gleaning|strong="H3951"\w* of thy \w harvest|strong="H7105"\w*: thou shalt \w leave|strong="H5800"\w* them unto the \w poor|strong="H6041"\w*, and to the \w stranger|strong="H1616"\w*: I \add am\add* the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* your \w God|strong="H0430"\w*. \¬v \¬p