\v=28 \v~=Therefore also I have \w lent|strong="H7592"\w* him to the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd*; as long as he \w liveth|strong="H3117"\w* he shall be \w lent|strong="H7592"\w* to the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd*. And he \w worshipped|strong="H7812"\w* the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* there.\f + \fr 1.28 \ft lent him: or, returned him, whom I have obtained by petition\f*\f + \fr 1.28 \ft he shall…: or, he whom I have obtained by petition shall be returned\f* \¬v \¬p \¬c