(88) A song of a Psalm for the sons of Core for the end, upon Maeleth for responsive strains, of * instruction for Aeman the Israelite.
O Lord God of my salvation, I have cried by day and in the night before you.
Let my prayer come in before you; incline your ear to my supplication, O Lord.
For my soul is filled with troubles, and my life has drawn near to Hades.
I have been reckoned with them that go down to the pit; I became as a man without help;
free amongst the dead, as the slain ones cast out, who sleep in the tomb; whom you remember no more; and they are rejected from your hand.
They laid me in the lowest pit, in dark places, and in the shadow of death.
Your wrath has pressed heavily upon me, and you have brought upon me all your billows. Pause.
You have removed my acquaintance far from me; they have made me an abomination to themselves; I have been delivered up, and have not gone forth.
Mine eyes are dimmed from poverty; but I cried to you, O Lord, all the day; I spread forth my hands to you.
10 Will you work wonders for the dead? or shall physicians raise them up, that they shall praise you?
11 Shall any one declare your mercy in the tomb? and your truth in destruction?
12 Shall your wonders be known in darkness? and your righteousness in a forgotten land?
13 But I cried to you, O Lord; and in the morning shall my prayer prevent you.
14 Therefore, O Lord, do you reject my § prayer, and turn your face away from me?
15 I am poor and in troubles from my youth; and having been exalted, I was brought low and into * despair.
16 Your wrath has passed over me; and your terrors have greatly disquieted me.
17 They compassed me like water; all the day they beset me together.
18 You have put far from me every friend, and my acquaintances because of my wretchedness.
* 87: Gr. understanding. 87:5 Alex. om. ἐῤῥιμμένοι, cast out. 87:10 See Heb. § 87:14 Heb. and Alex. soul. * 87:15 See 2 Cor 4. 8. 87:18 Alex. friend and neighbour.