& 2 20th 2 A 198 ABOMINATIONS 1 ACCURSED 1 ALL 2 AND 2 ARE 1 AWAY 1 Aaron 13 Aaron’s 1 Abaddon 1 Abagtha 1 Abandon 1 Abandoned 1 Abba 3 Abel 5 Abiathar 1 Abihail 2 Abijah 3 Abilene 1 Abiram’s 1 Abiud 2 About 16 Above 4 Abraham 82 Abraham’s 8 Absolve 1 Abyssinian 1 Abyssinians 1 Accept 2 Acceptance 1 According 4 Accordingly 4 Accursed 1 Accuse 1 Accuser 1 Achaicus 1 Achim 2 Achor 1 Acknowledged 1 Act 1 Acting 1 Acts 3 Adalia 1 Adam 10 Adam’s 2 Adar 8 Add 1 Addi 1 Admah 1 Admatha 1 Adramyttium 1 Adriatic 1 Adullam 1 Adversary 3 Advice 3 Aeneas 3 Aenon 1 After 101 Afternoon 1 Afterward 19 Afterwards 1 Agabus 2 Agagite 5 Again 29 Against 3 Agrippa 11 Ah 4 Ahab 1 Ahasuerus 25 Ahaz 4 Aim 3 Akeldama 1 Alas 30 Alexander 5 Alexandrian 3 Alexandrians 1 Alive 1 All 127 Almighty 17 Alpha 3 Alphaeus 5 Already 5 Also 2 Altar 1 Although 8 Always 2 Am 8 Amalek 1 Amariah 1 Amaziah 4 Amen 32 Aminadab 3 Amittai 1 Amminadab 1 Amminidab 1 Ammon 1 Ammonites 3 Amon 3 Among 11 Amorites 4 Amos 11 Amphipolis 1 Ampliatus 1 An 14 Ananias 11 Ancient 1 And 652 Andrew 12 Andronicus 1 Annas 5 Announced 1 Anointed 1 Another 6 Answer 6 Answered 1 Answers 1 Antioch 21 Antipas 1 Antipatris 1 Any 7 Anyone 17 Apelles 1 Apollonia 1 Apollos 10 Apollyon 1 Apostle 4 Apostles 3 Apostle’s 6 Appeal 1 Appeals 1 Apphia 1 Appius 1 Aquila 6 Arabah 1 Arabia 2 Arabians 1 Aram 5 Aramaic 1 Arameans 1 Araon 1 Archelaus 1 Archippus 2 Are 49 Aren’t 8 Areopagus 2 Aretas 1 Aridai 1 Aridatha 1 Arimathea 4 Arise 14 Arisia 1 Aristarchus 5 Aristobulus 1 Arm 1 Arni 1 Arouse 1 Arpachshad 1 Arrogance 1 Arrows 1 Artemas 1 Artemis 5 As 157 Asa 2 Ascribe 5 Ascription 1 Ashdod 5 Asher 2 Ashkelon 4 Asia 20 Ask 6 Asked 1 Askelon 1 Asking 1 Aspatha 1 Assembly 4 Assistants 1 Assos 2 Assure 1 Assuredly 1 Assyria 17 Asyncritus 1 At 97 Athenians 1 Athens 5 Athirst 1 Attack 1 Attaleia 1 Attend 3 Audacious 1 Audience 1 August 2 Augustan 1 Augustus 1 Authority 1 Aven 2 Avoid 2 Awake 8 Away 1 Awe-inspiring 1 Awful 1 Azaliah 1 Azel 1 Azor 2 BABYLON 1 Baal 5 Baal-peor 1 Baals 3 Babylon 19 Back 2 Balaam 3 Balaam’s 1 Balak 2 Bandits 1 Baptist 12 Baptizer 3 Barabbas 12 Barachiah’s 1 Barak 1 Barjoshua 1 Barnabas 34 Barnabas’s 1 Barsabas 1 Barsabbas 1 Bartholomew 4 Bartimaeus 1 Base 1 Bashan 9 Bashon 1 Bath 1 Battle 1 Be 60 Bear 1 Beast 39 Beasts 1 Beat 1 Beautiful 2 Because 21 Beelzebul 5 Beelzebul’s 2 Beer-sheba 2 Beeri 1 Before 19 Begin 1 Begone 2 Behind 2 Behold 6 Being 4 Belial 1 Believe 4 Ben-hadad 1 Bench 7 Bending 1 Benefactors 1 Benjamin 9 Benjamite 1 Bent 1 Beor 2 Berechiah 2 Bernice 3 Beroea 5 Besides 2 Bestir 2 Beth-Eden 1 Beth-achzib 1 Beth-arbel 1 Beth-aven 3 Beth-ezel 1 Beth-leaphrah 1 Bethany 13 Bethel 11 Bethesda 1 Bethlehem 15 Bethphage 3 Bethsaida 7 Betrayed 2 Better 1 Between 1 Beware 7 Bible 7 Bigtha 1 Bigthan 2 Birth 2 Bithynia 2 Biztha 1 Black 1 Blasted 1 Blastus 1 Bless 7 Blessed 48 Blessing 3 Blessings 2 Blest 9 Blind 1 Blood 3 Bloody 1 Blotted 1 Blow 3 Boanerges 1 Boast 1 Boasting 1 Boaz 29 Book 1 Bow 2 Boyhood 1 Bozrah 1 Branch 2 Break 2 Bride 3 Briefly 1 Bring 12 Brother 2 Brothers 6 Burn 1 Burnt-offering 1 Bush 2 But 672 Buy 1 By 50 CC0 1 CHRIST 1 COMING 1 Caesarea 17 Caiaphas 9 Cain 2 Cain’s 1 Call 9 Calling 3 Calneh 1 Can 44 Cana 4 Canaan 5 Canaanite 1 Canaanites 1 Canaan’s 1 Candace 1 Cape 1 Capernaum 16 Caphtor 1 Cappadocia 2 Captains 1 Care 1 Carkas 1 Carmel 3 Carpus 1 Carshena 1 Cast 5 Catching 2 Cauda 1 Cave 1 Celebrate 1 Cenchreae 2 Century 1 Cephas 5 Certain 1 Chaldaeans 1 Chaldeans 1 Chamber 1 Chamberlain 1 Character 2 Charge 1 Chariots 1 Charles 1 Cheer 1 Cherethites 1 Child 5 Children 5 Chilion 2 Chilion’s 1 Chios 1 Chislev 1 Chloe’s 1 Choosing 1 Chorazin 2 Chorus 1 Chosen 2 Christ 575 Christ? 1 Christian 19 Christianity 1 Christians 11 Christian’s 2 Christlike 2 Christs 2 Christ’s 72 Church 4 Churches 1 Chuza 1 Cilicia 8 Circumcised 1 Circumcision 2 City 10 Civil 1 Claims 1 Clap 1 Claudia 1 Claudius 3 Clement 1 Cleopas 1 Clopas 1 Clothed 1 Clouds 3 Cnidus 1 Codex 3 Collect 1 Colonnade 3 Colossae 1 Colossians 1 Come 56 Comfort 1 Coming 5 Commandment 1 Commission 1 Commit 1 Common 1 Compassion 2 Conception 1 Concluding 1 Conclusion 14 Condemn 1 Confession 2 Confidence 2 Confirm 1 Confuse 1 Conquest 1 Consecrate 1 Consecrated 1 Consequently 1 Consider 3 Consoler 1 Conspirator 1 Constancy 1 Contend 1 Converts 4 Copyright 1 Corban 1 Corinth 10 Corinthians 3 Corn 1 Cornelius 9 Corner 1 Corpses 1 Corruption 1 Cos 1 Cosam 1 Could 1 Couldn’t 1 Council 28 Courage 5 Court 6 Courts 43 Cover 2 Create 1 Creation 4 Creator 6 Crescens 1 Cretan 2 Cretans 2 Crete 5 Crimes 1 Crispus 2 Cross 1 Crowds 1 Crown 1 Crowning 1 Crucify 8 Cruel 1 Cry 3 Cure 1 Cursed 3 Curses 1 Cush 1 Cushan 1 Cushi 1 Cushites 1 Cut 3 Cyprian 1 Cypriot 1 Cyprus 6 Cyrene 6 Cyrenians 1 Daily 6 Dalmanutha 1 Dalmatia 1 Dalphon 1 Damaris 1 Damascus 19 Dan 1 Dangers 1 Daniel 1 Darius 6 Darkness 1 Data 1 Dathan 1 Daughter 2 David 83 Davidic 1 David’s 5 Day 2 Days 5 Dead 2 Deaf 1 Deal 2 Dear 12 Death 14 Dedication 1 Deep-seated 1 Defeat 3 Defence 1 Defend 2 Degeneracy 1 Deities 1 Deity 1 Deliver 5 Deliverance 19 Deliverer 2 Demands 2 Demas 3 Demetrius 4 Denying 2 Depart 1 Depths 1 Derbe 4 Descendents 1 Desecration 2 Desert 1 Desist 1 Desolate 1 Despair 1 Despite 1 Despoiled 1 Despot 1 Destined 2 Destroy 2 Destroyer 2 Destruction 6 Devastation 1 Devote 1 Devout 1 Dibliam 1 Did 11 Didn’t 7 Difficulties 1 Dionysius 1 Diotrephes 2 Directions 2 Disciples 2 Discomfiture 1 Disgrace 1 Dishonor 1 Dispatches 2 Distress 1 Divine 5 Do 199 Doctor 2 Doctors 1 Does 18 Doesn’t 1 Dominion 1 Don’t 31 Doom 2 Dorcas 2 Doubtless 1 Downfall 1 Drag 1 Dragon 12 Draw 5 Drink 2 Drusilla 1 During 4 EARTH 1 Each 3 Earn 1 Earth 8 East 4 Eat 1 Eber 1 Eden 1 Edgar 1 Edom 15 Edomites 1 Edom’s 1 Efforts 1 Egypt 70 Egyptian 4 Egyptians 2 Egypt’s 1 Eight 1 Ekron 4 Elamites 1 Eleazar 2 Eleven 3 Eli 1 Eliakim 3 Eliezer 1 Elijah 30 Elijah’s 1 Elimelech 5 Elimelech’s 1 Elisha 1 Eliud 2 Elizabeth 9 Elizabeth’s 1 Elkosh 1 Elmodam 1 Eloi 4 Elymas 1 Emmaus 1 Emperor 25 Emperor’s 5 Empire 1 Encouragement 1 End 2 Endor 1 Enemies 3 Enemy 1 English 8 Engulfing 1 Enoch 2 Enoch’s 1 Enosh 1 Enough 2 Enter 1 Entering 1 Entry 1 Envy 1 Epaenetus 1 Epaphras 3 Epaphroditus 2 Ephah 1 Ephesian 1 Ephesians 3 Ephesus 18 Ephphatha 1 Ephrahn’s 1 Ephraim 43 Ephraimites 2 Ephrain’s 1 Ephrata 1 Ephrathah 2 Ephrathites 1 Epicurean 1 Er 1 Erastus 3 Ere 1 Esau 12 Establishment 1 Esther 45 Esther’s 4 Eternal 2 Eternity 1 Ethiopia 5 Ethiopians 1 Eubulus 1 Eunice 1 Euodia 1 Euphrates 3 Eutychus 1 Eve 2 Even 47 Evening 3 Events 1 Ever 2 Ever-Present 1 Everlasting 2 Everliving 2 Every 23 Everyone 33 Everything 10 Everywhere 1 Evidence 1 Evidently 1 Evil 4 Exalt 2 Exaltation 2 Exalted 1 Examine 2 Excellency 4 Exercise 1 Exile 4 Exiles 1 Exodus 1 Explain 2 Exultation 1 FROM 1 Face 1 Fair 1 Faith 16 Faithful 3 Faithless 3 Fall 3 Fallen 1 Falling 1 False 3 Falsehood 1 Family 1 Famine 1 Far 2 Farewell 1 Fast 1 Faster 1 Fate 1 Father 261 Fathers 1 Father’s 14 Favor 1 Fear 5 Feast 1 Feed 2 Feel 1 Felix 8 Fellowship 3 Festival 34 Festus 14 Field 3 Fields 1 Fight 1 Figures 1 Fill 3 Final 3 Finding 1 Fire 5 Firm 2 First 17 Fish 1 Five 4 Fix 1 Flash 1 Flee 2 Flesh 1 Flood 1 Flying 1 Foes 3 Follies 1 Follow 9 Folly 2 Food 2 Fool 1 Foolish 2 Fools 5 For 677 Forbear 1 Foreigners 1 Forever 1 Forgive 2 Forgiveness 1 Former 1 Forsake 1 Fort 5 Forth 1 Fortress 1 Fortunatus 1 Forty 2 Foster 1 Foul 2 Four 2 Fourteen 1 Foxes 2 Free 1 Freed 1 Friend 7 Friends 12 From 66 Full 3 Fund 1 Funeral 1 Further 3 Future 3 GREAT 1 Gabbatha 1 Gabriel 3 Gad 1 Gadarenes 1 Gaius 6 Galatia 6 Galatians 2 Galilean 5 Galileans 5 Galilee 66 Gallio 3 Galloping 1 Gamaliel 2 Gate 5 Gath 2 Gather 5 Gathering 2 Gaza 5 Gaza’s 1 Gazelle 1 Geba 1 Gebal 1 Gedaliah 1 Gehenna 12 Genealogy 1 General 1 Gennesaret 3 Gentile 9 Gentiles 90 Gerasenes 3 Get 16 Gethsemane 2 Gibeah 4 Gideon 1 Gifts 1 Gilead 9 Gilgal 6 Gilgald 1 Give 49 Given 1 Giving 1 Gladden 1 Glorious 2 Gloriously 1 Glory 5 Go 65 God 1816 God-breathed 1 Goddess 2 Godhead 1 Godless 1 Godliness 1 Gods 4 God’s 243 Gog 1 Going 7 Golgotha 3 Gomer 1 Gomorrah 6 Good 13 Goodness 1 Gospel 5 Government 7 Governor 22 Governor’s 4 Grace 2 Gracious 1 Grant 11 Grasp 1 Grasping 1 Gratitude 1 Grave 1 Great 31 Greece 12 Greek 17 Greeks 14 Greet 6 Greeting 1 Greetings 2 Grieve 1 Ground 2 Guard 6 Guards 1 Guidance 3 Guide 2 Guilt 1 Guilty 1 HARLOTS 1 HIS 1 Habakkuk 5 Habakkuk’s 2 Had 11 Hadad-rimmon 1 Hadassah 1 Hades 10 Hadrach 1 Hagar 2 Haggai 10 Hagrites 1 Hainan 1 Half 1 Hallelujah 25 Ham 4 Haman 44 Haman’s 4 Hamath 3 Hammedatha 5 Hamor 1 Hananel 1 Hand 1 Hang 1 Hannah 1 Happiness 1 Happy 30 Har-Magedon 1 Haran 2 Harbona 1 Harbonah 1 Hard-hearted 1 Hark 1 Harlot 4 Harness 1 Harvest 6 Has 10 Hasten 1 Hate 2 Haters 1 Hathach 4 Hatred 1 Haughty 1 Have 36 Havens 1 Haven’t 8 Having 3 Hazael’s 1 He 420 Head 1 Heal 1 Healing 1 Heaped 1 Hear 21 Hearing 7 Heathen 4 Heaven 15 Heavenly 2 Heavens 1 Hebrew 13 Hebrews 3 Hegai 4 Heldai 2 Hello 1 Help 12 Her 14 Herds 1 Here 34 Hereafter 1 Hermas 1 Hermes 2 Hermogenes 1 Hermon 3 Herod 42 Herodia 1 Herodians 3 Herodias 5 Herodion 1 Herod’s 7 Heroes 1 Hezekiah 5 Hezron 5 Hide 6 Hierapolis 1 High 40 High-Priestly 1 Higher 2 High’s 1 His 71 History 3 Hold 4 Holy 117 Home 2 Honor 6 Hope 4 Horeb 2 Horsemen 1 Hort 2 Hosea 5 Hosea’s 1 Host 2 Hosts 3 Hour 1 House 3 How 116 However 14 Humble 3 Hurled 1 Hurrah 3 Husbands 2 Hush 1 Hymenaeus 2 Hymn 5 Hypocrite 2 Hypocrites 2 I 3573 IDOLATROUS 1 IS 6 Iconium 6 Iddo 2 If 260 Illyria 1 Imitate 1 Immanuel 1 Immediately 9 Imminent 1 Imperial 1 In 268 Incense 2 Incline 4 Incomparable 1 Increase 1 Indeed 24 Independence 1 India 2 Infancy 2 Injunctions 1 Inscribe 1 Inserted 1 Insight 1 Inspiration 2 Instantly 12 Instead 9 Insult 1 Into 5 Introduction 17 Invocation 1 Is 46 Isaac 23 Isaac’s 1 Isaiah 22 Iscariot 11 Ishmaelites 1 Isn’t 9 Israel 221 Israelite 5 Israelites 28 Israel’s 18 Issachar 1 It 299 Italian 1 Italy 4 Its 7 Ituraea 1 It’s 3 JESUS 6 JEWS 4 Jaar 1 Jabin 1 Jacob 85 Jacob’s 6 Jair 1 Jairus 2 Jambres 2 James 42 Janna 1 Jannes 2 Jared 1 Jason 4 Jason’s 1 Jealous 1 Jebusites 1 Jechoniah 2 Jeconiah 1 Jedaiah 2 Jehoshaphat 4 Jehozadak 6 Jehu 1 Jephthah 1 Jeremiah 3 Jericho 6 Jeroboam 5 Jerusalem 234 Jerusalem’s 3 Jesse 9 Jesus 1450 Jew 34 Jewish 46 Jews 125 Jezebel 1 Jezreel 5 Joanna 2 Joash 2 Job’s 1 Joel 3 Johanan 1 John 143 John’s 24 Join 1 Jonah 29 Jonah’s 4 Jonam 1 Joppa 11 Joram 3 Jordan 19 Joseph 47 Joseph’s 3 Joses 1 Josheh 1 Joshua 16 Josiah 5 Jotham 4 Journey 3 Joy 3 Judaea 1 Judah 87 Judah’s 4 Judaism 6 Judas 40 Judas’s 1 Jude 2 Judea 49 Judeans 1 Judge 4 Judges 2 Judgment 8 Julia 1 Julius 2 Junia 1 Just 28 Justice 10 Justus 3 KING 5 KINGS 1 KNOWS 1 Kadesh 1 Karnaim 1 Kedar 1 Keep 11 Kenan 2 Kent 1 Key 1 Kidron 1 Kill 5 Kindness 1 King 52 Kingdom 1 Kings 3 King’s 2 Kir 2 Kirioth 1 Kish 3 Kishon 1 Kiyyun 1 Knowing 4 Knowledge 1 Korah 1 LET 1 LORD 7 LORDS 1 Lachish 1 Lake 2 Lamb 36 Lamb’s 2 Lamech 1 Lament 2 Lamp 3 Land 2 Laodicea 6 Large 1 Lasea 1 Last 14 Lastly 1 Later 4 Latin 1 Law 264 Lay 1 Lazarus 19 Lead 2 Leaders 2 Leading 1 Leah 1 Learn 4 Leave 10 Leaving 3 Lebanon 13 Legion 3 Leningrad 2 Leningradensis 1 Lesson 1 Let 173 Letter 21 Levi 16 Leviathan 2 Levite 2 Levites 1 Levitical 3 Libya 1 Libyans 1 Lie 1 Life 11 Lift 9 Light 2 Like 23 Line 1 Linus 1 Lion 2 Listen 47 Little 3 Live 3 Lo-Ammi 1 Lo-Ruhamah 1 Lo-debar 1 Locust 1 Locusts 1 Lois 1 Long 5 Look 42 Looking 4 Loot 1 Lord 1699 Lords’s 1 Lord’s 123 Lost 1 Lot 4 Lots 1 Lot’s 2 Loud 1 Loudly 2 Love 13 Loyal 1 Loyalty 1 Lucius 2 Luke 4 Lycaonia 1 Lycaonian 1 Lycia 1 Lydda 4 Lydia 1 Lydia’s 1 Lying 1 Lysanias 1 Lysias 2 Lystra 6 MOTHER 1 Macedonia 22 Macedonian 2 Macedonians 3 Magadan 1 Magdala 12 Magistrates 7 Magnificent 1 Magog 1 Mahalalel 1 Mahlon 3 Mahlon’s 1 Majestic 1 Majesty 9 Make 22 Maker 1 Malachi 2 Malchus 1 Malicious 2 Malta 1 Man 84 Manaen 1 Manasseh 6 Many 25 Mara 1 Marcus 1 Mareshah 1 Mark 10 Market 1 Maroth 1 Marriage 2 Marsena 1 Martha 14 Marvel 1 Marvelous 1 Mary 59 Mary’s 1 Massah 1 Master 134 Masters 1 Master’s 20 Matters 1 Matthan 2 Matthew 7 Matthias 2 Mattith 3 Mattithiah 3 May 103 Maybe 1 McFadyen 1 Me 2 Meantime 1 Meanwhile 27 Medes 1 Media 5 Mediator 1 Megiddo 1 Mehuman 1 Melchiah 2 Melchizedek 11 Meleah 1 Memphis 1 Memucan 3 Men 4 Menan 1 Merciful 1 Mercy 4 Meres 1 Meribah 2 Meribah’s 1 Meshech 1 Mesopotamia 2 Messages 2 Messiah 2 Methuselah 1 Micah 2 Micah’s 1 Michael 2 Midian 3 Mighty 5 Milcom 1 Miletus 3 Mindful 2 Mine 2 Ministers 1 Ministry 1 Miriam 1 Miserable 2 Misfortune 1 Mission 1 Mitylene 1 Mizar 1 Mizpeh 1 Mnason 1 Moab 13 Moabite 6 Moab’s 1 Model 1 Moffatt’s 1 Moloch 1 Money 1 Moon 1 Mordecai 52 Mordecai’s 4 More 5 Moreover 9 Moresheth-gath 1 Morn 1 Morning 3 Morsheth 1 Mortar 1 Moses 92 Most 30 Mount 30 Mountain 1 Mountains 3 Move 2 Moved 3 Much 1 Multiply 1 Must 2 My 164 Myra 1 Mysia 2 NA28 1 NAME 1 NAZARETH 1 NT 1 Naaman 1 Nahor 1 Nahshon 3 Nahum 3 Nain 1 Naomi 27 Naphtali 3 Napthali 1 Narcissus 1 Nashon 2 Nathan 2 Nathanael 6 Nation 3 National 3 Nations 4 Nation’s 1 Nature 4 Nazarene 6 Nazareth 24 Nazirites 2 Neapolis 1 Near 7 Nebuchadnezzar 1 Need 2 Negeb 1 Negreb 3 Neighbors 1 Neither 4 Nereus 1 Neriah 1 Nettles 1 Never 18 Nevertheless 1 New 8 News 4 Next 4 Nicanor 1 Nicholas 1 Nicodemus 5 Nicopolis 1 Night 7 Nikolaitans 2 Nile 6 Nimrod 1 Nineveh 23 Nisan 1 No 120 No-Compassion 3 Noah 8 Nobody 2 Nogah 1 Noisy 1 None 5 Nor 15 North 1 Not 27 Not-My-People 2 Nothing 7 Noticing 1 Now 113 Nymphe 1 O 241 OEB 6 OF 10 ON 1 Obadiah 2 Obed 6 Obey 1 Observing 1 Of 15 Offer 2 Offspring 1 Often 3 Og 2 Oh 3 Old 9 Olives 13 Olivet 1 Olympas 1 Omega 3 Omit 1 Omri 1 On 149 Once 13 One 65 Ones 1 Onesimus 2 Onesiphorus 2 Only 9 Open 9 Ophir 1 Oppression 2 Or 45 Oreb 1 Orion 1 Orpah 2 Other 3 Others 6 Otherwise 7 Our 30 Out 14 Outside 1 Outwardly 1 Over 3 Owe 1 Own 1 O’er 1 Palestine 1 Pamphylia 5 Paphos 2 Paradise 3 Paramount 1 Paran 1 Parentage 2 Parents 2 Parmashta 1 Parmenas 1 Parshandatha 1 Parthians 1 Pass 1 Passing 3 Passion 1 Passover 28 Past 2 Patara 1 Pathos 1 Patmos 1 Patriarchs 2 Patrobas 1 Paul 201 Paulus 1 Paul’s 25 Pavement 1 Pay 6 Paying 1 Peace 10 Peleg 1 People 30 Peoples 4 People’s 1 Peor 1 Perceiving 1 Perez 6 Perga 3 Pergamus 2 Perhaps 6 Persecution 3 Persecutors 2 Persevere 1 Persia 5 Persis 1 Person 1 Peter 185 Peter’s 9 Pethuel 1 Petition 1 Phanuel 1 Pharaoh 7 Pharisee 11 Pharisees 86 Pharisee’s 1 Philadelphia 2 Philemon 2 Philemon’s 1 Philetus 1 Philip 34 Philippi 7 Philippians 1 Philistia 5 Philistines 6 Philologus 1 Philosophers 1 Phinehas 1 Phlegon 1 Phoebe 1 Phoenicia 4 Phoenix 2 Phrygia 1 Phrygian 2 Phygellus 1 Pick 1 Pilate 57 Pilate’s 3 Pilgrims 2 Pisidia 2 Pity 4 Place 1 Plague 1 Plain 1 Play 1 Plea 1 Please 2 Pleiades 1 Plumb 1 Poison 1 Pontius 3 Pontus 3 Poor 1 Popular 1 Poratha 1 Porcius 1 Possession 1 Potentate 1 Potter’s 1 Pour 2 Poured 1 Power 9 Powers 1 Practical 1 Practice 1 Praise 30 Pray 10 Prayer 46 Prayers 3 Predating 1 Preface 2 Preparation 9 Preparation-day 1 Preparations 1 Prepare 2 Presently 18 Preservation 3 Preserve 3 Pride 1 Priesthood 2 Priests 3 Prince 2 Princes 2 Prisca 3 Priscilla 3 Problem 1 Procession 1 Prochorus 1 Proclaim 5 Professing 1 Promise 6 Promises 1 Prompted 1 Prophet 1 Prosperity 2 Protect 1 Protection 4 Protector 2 Proud 1 Psalm 152 Psalms 5 Ptolemais 1 Publication 1 Publius 2 Pudens 1 Punishment 1 Pur 2 Purge 1 Purification 1 Purim 6 Push 1 Put 18 Puteoli 1 Putting 1 Pyrrhus 1 Quarter 1 Quartus 1 Queen 23 Queen’s 1 Question 1 Questions 1 Quicken 1 Quickly 3 Quietness 1 Quirinius 1 Rabbah 1 Rabbi 15 Rabboni 2 Rachel 2 Rahab 5 Rain 1 Raise 2 Raising 1 Ram 2 Ramah 2 Rather 5 Real 1 Reassertion 1 Rebecca 2 Rebuke 2 Recall 1 Receive 2 Recognize 1 Recognizing 1 Recorder 1 Recount 1 Recover 1 Red 6 Rededication 1 Redeem 1 Redeemed 1 Reducing 1 Reflect 1 Refrain 1 Regard 1 Regem-melech 1 Regiment 1 Rehoboam 2 Reign 1 Rejoice 9 Relations 1 Relent 1 Remain 2 Remember 30 Remind 2 Remove 2 Render 1 Renown 1 Repent 3 Rephan 1 Reports 1 Reprove 1 Request 1 Rescue 4 Restoration 5 Restore 1 Restored 1 Resurrection 1 Return 4 Reu 1 Reuben 1 Revealed 3 Revelation 3 Revere 1 Reverence 1 Revive 2 Reward 1 Rhegium 1 Rhesa 1 Rhoda 1 Rhodes 1 Rich 1 Right 4 Righteous 4 Rimmon 1 Ripe 1 Rise 7 Risen 4 River 4 Road 1 Robes 1 Rock 3 Roll 1 Roman 40 Romans 6 Rome 9 Round 2 Rouse 2 Roused 1 Rufus 2 Ruin 1 Rule 4 Ruler 4 Rulers 1 Run 3 Running 1 Ruth 22 Sabbath 58 Sabbaths 1 Sabeans 1 Sacrifice 1 Sadducees 14 Safety 1 Salah 1 Salamis 1 Salathiel 3 Salem 3 Salim 1 Salmon 4 Salmone 1 Salome 2 Salt 1 Salvation 5 Samaria 22 Samaria’s 2 Samaritan 10 Samaritans 6 Sameria 2 Samos 1 Samothrace 1 Samson 1 Samuel 4 Sanctify 1 Sanctuary 1 Sands 1 Sapphira 2 Sarah 4 Sardis 3 Satan 36 Saul 30 Saul’s 2 Save 15 Savior 23 Say 4 Saying 2 Scanty 1 Scatter 1 Scattered 2 Sceva 1 Scion 3 Scorn 1 Scripture 12 Scroll 1 Scythian 1 Sea 13 Seals 1 Search 2 Searcher 1 Seba 1 Second 10 Secundus 1 Securely 1 See 31 Seeing 8 Seek 7 Seizing 1 Selah 72 Seleucia 1 Sell 1 Send 6 Sending 1 Sepharad 1 Serenity 1 Sergius 1 Sermons 1 Serug 1 Servants 3 Serve 2 Service 1 Set 10 Seth 1 Settlement 1 Seven 10 Seventy 1 Shaashgaz 1 Shall 1 Shalman 1 Shame 2 Shamed 1 Shaphir 1 Share 1 Sharezer 1 Sharon 1 Sharp 1 Shave 1 She 38 Shealtiel 5 Sheathe 2 Sheba 2 Shebat 1 Shechem 6 Sheep 1 Shelah 1 Shelter 1 Shem 1 Sheol 19 Shephelah 2 Shepherd 3 Shethar 1 Shigionoth 1 Shiloh 1 Shimei 2 Shimeites 1 Shinar 1 Shine 1 Shittim 2 Shortly 2 Should 14 Shouldn’t 2 Shout 5 Show 13 Shun 2 Sidon 13 Sidonia 1 Sighing 1 Signs 1 Sihon 2 Sikkuth 1 Silas 20 Siloam 3 Simeon 7 Simon 72 Simon’s 5 Simply 1 Sin 5 Sinai 5 Sinai’s 1 Since 20 Sing 17 Singers 1 Sinner 1 Sir 33 Sirion 1 Sisera 1 Sit 9 Sitting 1 Sivan 1 Six 4 Skull 2 Slander 1 Slaves 3 Slay 1 Sleep 2 Sleeper 1 Slippery 1 Small 2 Smitten 1 Smoke 1 Smyrna 2 Snatch 2 Snow 1 So 345 So-and-so 1 Sodom 11 Sold 1 Solemn 1 Solomon 12 Some 52 Somebody 1 Someone 4 Sometime 2 Sometimes 1 Son 209 Song 12 Soon 6 Sopater 1 Sore 5 Sorrow 1 Sosipater 1 Sosthenes 2 Soul 1 South 3 Sovereign 2 Sovereignty 1 Sow 1 Sowing 1 Sown 1 Spain 2 Spare 3 Speak 1 Speaking 3 Special 1 Spirit 232 Spiritual 1 Spirit’s 1 Spread 1 Spring 1 Square 1 Stachys 1 Stand 14 Standing 3 Starry 1 Starting 1 State 1 Statutes 1 Stay 2 Steady 1 Stephanas 3 Stephen 12 Still 10 Stir 1 Stoic 1 Stone 1 Stooping 1 Stop 1 Storm 2 Straight 1 Strangers 1 Street 1 Stress 1 Stretch 4 Stretching 2 Strike 3 Strive 2 Strong 3 Stubborn 1 Student 1 Study 1 Subjects 2 Submit 2 Succoth 2 Such 13 Suddenly 6 Suffer 1 Sufferer’s 1 Summon 1 Sun 1 Superscription 1 Supper 2 Support 1 Supporters 1 Suppose 4 Supposing 1 Sure 1 Surely 12 Susa 19 Susannah 1 Swift 1 Synagogue 1 Syntyche 1 Syracuse 1 Syria 9 Syrian 2 Syrtis 1 TCNT 3 TCNT’ 1 THE 14 THIS 2 THOSE 2 TURN 1 Tabernacles 2 Tabitha 2 Tabor 2 Take 47 Taking 6 Talitha 1 Talking 1 Tamar 2 Tarshish 6 Tarsus 5 Tartarus 1 Taverns 1 Teach 14 Teacher 24 Teachers 3 Teaching 2 Tears 1 Tebeth 1 Tekoa 1 Tell 18 Telling 1 Teman 3 Temple 115 Temples 1 Tempter 2 Ten 3 Tend 1 Tents 1 Terah 1 Teresh 2 Terrible 1 Tertius 1 Tertullus 2 Test 1 Testament 7 Thaddaeus 2 Thank 2 Thanksgiving 8 That 60 The 1171 Thebes 1 Their 52 Then 446 Theophilus 2 There 160 Therefore 146 These 60 Thessalonian 2 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonica 7 Theudas 1 They 379 Think 5 Thinking 1 Third 1 This 231 Thomas 11 Thophimus 1 Thorns 1 Those 56 Though 34 Three 8 Threshing 1 Through 12 Throw 1 Thunderers 1 Thus 6 Thyatira 4 Tiberias 3 Tiberius 1 Tie 1 Till 1 Timaeus 1 Time 4 Times 1 Timon 1 Timothy 32 Tithe 1 Titius 1 Titus 16 To 108 Tobijah 2 Today 3 Together 2 Tomorrow 1 Tonight 1 Tower 2 Towns 3 Trachonitis 1 Train 1 Traitorous 1 Trample 1 Transfiguration 1 Travel 1 Treacherous 1 Treachery 1 Treasurer 4 Treasury 1 Treat 1 Tree 4 Trembling 1 Triumph 1 Triumphal 1 Triumphant 1 Troas 6 Trophimus 2 Trouble 2 Troubles 1 True 12 Trumpet-Blasts 1 Trust 7 Truth 1 Try 1 Tryphaena 1 Tryphosa 1 Turn 9 Turning 2 Twelve 25 Twentieth 1 Twin 4 Two 4 Tychicus 5 Tyrannus 1 Tyre 19 Tyre’s 1 Tyrians 1 US 1 USE 1 Ultimate 2 Unchanging 1 Uncircumcised 1 Under 4 Understand 2 Unfaithful 1 Unfaithfulness 1 Union 2 United 1 Universal 3 Unjust 1 Unknown 1 Unless 10 Unlike 1 Until 3 Unto 1 Up 7 Uphold 1 Upholder 1 Upon 2 Urban 1 Uriah’s 1 Use 1 Utter 1 Uzziah 5 Vaizatha 1 Valley 3 Various 2 Vashti 10 Vengeance 3 Venom 1 Verily 2 Very 1 Victory 11 Vile 2 Vindicated 1 Vindication 3 Violence 1 Violent 1 Vision 7 Visit 2 Visitors 1 Vow 1 W&H 1 WHO 2 WICKEDNESS 1 Wail 3 Wait 5 Wake 1 Walk 1 Wanting 1 War-Chariots 1 Warden 1 Warning 5 Warnings 3 Warrior 1 Warrior’s 1 Was 15 Wash 1 Wasn’t 2 Watch 5 Waters 2 Way 9 Ways 1 We 152 Wealth 2 Weeping 1 Weigh 1 Welcome 3 Well 14 Were 7 West 2 Westcott 2 Westminster 1 What 209 Whatever 16 When 290 Whenever 11 Where 49 Wherefore 1 Wherever 1 Whether 6 Which 17 While 53 Whirl 1 Whither 1 Who 107 Whoever 23 Wholly 1 Whom 4 Whose 7 Why 135 Wicked 1 Wickedness 2 Widely 1 Wife 1 Will 19 Win 1 Wisely 2 Wishing 1 With 59 Within 1 Witnesses 1 Wives 2 Woe 19 Woes 1 Woman 3 Women 3 Wonders 1 Won’t 3 Word 9 Words 1 Work 6 World 2 Worldwide 1 Wormwood. 1 Worship 4 Worshipper 2 Worthy 3 Would 3 Wreathe 1 Write 4 Writhe 1 Yearning 1 Yes 76 Yet 98 You 451 Young 4 Your 94 Yours 5 Zaanan 1 Zacchaeus 4 Zadok 2 Zalmon 1 Zalmunna 1 Zarephath 2 Zathar 1 Zealot 4 Zebah 1 Zebedee 5 Zebedee’s 6 Zeboim 1 Zebulon 2 Zebulun 2 Zechariah 18 Zechariah’s 1 Zeeb 1 Zenas 1 Zephaniah 4 Zerah 1 Zeresh 4 Zerubbabel 16 Zeus 3 Zeus-beyond-the-Walls 1 Zion 82 Zion’s 1 Zoan 2 a 3146 abandon 12 abandoned 14 abandoning 1 abase 1 abhor 6 abhorred 1 abide 8 abides 3 ability 5 ablaze 2 able 72 ablutions 1 aboard 1 abode 3 abolish 2 abolition 1 abominable 1 abomination 1 abominations 3 abound 1 about 338 above 55 abroad 7 absence 4 absent 7 absolute 1 absolved 2 absorbed 1 abstain 3 abstaining 1 abstains 4 abstinence 1 absurd 1 abundance 10 abundant 8 abundantly 4 abuse 5 abused 2 abuses 2 abusive 4 abysses 1 accede 1 accept 24 acceptable 13 acceptance 5 accepted 10 accepting 2 accepts 3 access 2 accompanied 9 accompany 3 accomplish 1 accomplished 1 accomplishes 1 accord 7 accordance 31 according 18 accordingly 2 accords 2 account 18 accountable 1 accounts 3 accuracy 1 accurate 2 accursed 8 accusation 3 accusations 2 accuse 6 accused 4 accuser 1 accusers 4 accusing 1 accustomed 6 achieved 1 achieves 1 acknowledge 16 acknowledged 4 acknowledges 3 acknowledgment 1 acquaintance 2 acquaintances 1 acquainted 1 acquired 1 acquit 1 acquitted 2 across 9 act 28 acted 12 acting 7 action 19 actions 46 active 7 activity 1 acts 21 actual 2 actually 14 add 12 added 33 adder 1 adders 1 addicted 1 adding 4 addition 3 additional 1 address 5 addressed 9 addresses 3 addressing 10 adds 1 adjoining 1 adjourned 1 administering 1 administration 1 admission 2 admit 2 admitted 1 admitting 1 admonish 2 adopt 6 adopted 4 adoption 3 adoration 1 adorn 1 adorned 4 adorning 1 adornment 1 adulterer 3 adulterers 4 adulteress 2 adulteresses 1 adulterous 2 adultery 30 adults 1 advance 9 advanced 6 advantage 12 advantages 1 adversaries 3 adversary 2 adversity 1 advice 8 advise 2 advised 2 advisers 1 advocate 1 advocating 1 afar 4 affair 2 affairs 5 affected 1 affecting 1 affection 13 affectionate 1 affirm 1 afflict 3 afflicted 8 afflicting 1 affliction 2 afflictions 2 afford 1 afforded 1 afraid 70 afresh 1 after 244 afternoon 5 afterward 32 again 207 against 301 age 36 aged 1 agent 1 ages 14 aglow 1 ago 16 agony 3 agree 8 agreed 7 agreeing 1 agreement 6 agreements 1 aground 1 ahead 6 aid 4 ailments 1 aim 7 aimed 5 aimless 1 aimlessly 1 aims 3 air 10 airs 1 alabaster 4 alarm 7 alarmed 6 alas 7 alight 1 alike 21 alive 23 all 1571 all-embracing 1 all-glorious 1 all-merciful 1 all-prevailing 1 alleged 2 allegiance 1 allegory 2 alleys 1 allies 2 allotted 8 allow 19 allowable 12 allowance 1 allowed 21 allows 1 allured 1 ally 1 almost 13 aloes 2 alone 58 along 26 aloof 3 aloud 20 alphabet 1 already 81 also 325 altar 37 altars 10 altered 2 although 26 altogether 14 always 81 am 540 amasses 1 amazed 22 amazement 6 ambassador 2 ambassadors 1 ambition 4 ambitions 1 ambitious 1 ambush 3 amethyst 1 amid 6 amiss 2 among 290 amount 2 amounted 1 amounting 2 amphitheater 2 amuses 1 an 338 ancestor 13 ancestors 73 ancestral 3 anchor 2 anchors 3 ancient 6 and 9460 angel 110 angel-worship 1 angels 90 angel’s 2 anger 61 angered 2 angry 20 anguish 4 animal 8 animalistic 1 animals 21 animate 1 animated 3 ankles 1 annihilate 2 annihilated 1 annointed 1 announce 3 announced 1 announcing 3 annoyed 1 annual 1 annulled 1 anoint 8 anointed 18 anointing 4 anoints 1 another 227 another’s 5 answer 96 answerable 1 answered 205 answering 1 answers 3 antichrist 5 antichrists 1 anticipate 1 anticipation 1 anxieties 4 anxiety 4 anxious 27 anxiously 2 any 197 anybody 2 anyone 177 anyone’s 7 anything 91 anyway 1 apart 14 apostasy 1 apostle 23 apostles 79 apostolic 2 appalled 2 appallingly 1 apparel 1 apparent 2 appeal 10 appealed 4 appealing 3 appeals 4 appear 18 appearance 15 appearances 4 appeared 44 appearing 11 appears 8 appendix 2 appetites 2 applaud 1 apple 3 applied 2 apply 1 appoint 9 appointed 40 appointing 1 appointment 7 appoints 1 appreciate 4 approach 6 approached 3 approaching 2 appropriate 1 approval 5 approve 1 approved 1 approving 1 aprons 1 aptness 1 arbiter 1 arbiters 1 arbitrary 1 arbitrate 1 archangel 2 archangels 6 archer 1 architect 1 are 1730 arena 1 aren’t 2 argue 2 argued 2 arguing 9 argument 1 arguments 8 arid 2 arise 11 arisen 3 arises 7 arising 1 ark 8 arm 18 armed 6 armies 8 armor 2 arms 14 army 6 arose 8 around 104 arouse 3 aroused 1 arranged 8 arrangement 4 arrangements 2 array 5 arrest 16 arrested 14 arrival 14 arrived 9 arrives 1 arriving 1 arrogance 4 arrogant 8 arrow 5 arrows 12 art 2 articles 2 artisans 2 arts 1 as 1606 ascend 1 ascended 3 ascending 5 ascends 2 ascribe 2 ascribed 12 ashamed 34 ashes 10 ashore 4 aside 22 ask 98 askance 1 asked 174 asking 19 asks 13 asleep 23 aspect 1 aspire 1 assail 3 assailants 6 assailed 1 assay 1 assemblage 1 assemble 5 assembled 6 assembles 1 assembly 11 assent 2 assented 2 assert 3 asserting 2 assertion 1 assertions 1 asserts 1 asses 2 assign 3 assigned 2 assistance 2 assistant 4 assistants 4 associate 3 associated 2 associates 1 association 1 assume 1 assumed 2 assurance 3 assure 2 assured 5 assuredly 8 astir 1 astonished 13 astonishment 8 astounded 2 astray 24 astrologer 2 astrologers 5 asunder 2 at 832 ate 26 athlete 2 atone 3 atonement 1 atoning 2 attach 2 attached 1 attack 10 attacked 6 attacking 2 attain 13 attainable 1 attained 3 attaining 1 attains 1 attempt 3 attempted 7 attempts 5 attend 21 attendant 2 attendants 9 attended 6 attending 3 attention 21 attentive 3 attentively 1 attested 1 attract 1 attributes 1 audacity 1 audible 1 audience 1 author 1 authorities 29 authority 58 authorize 1 authorizing 1 avail 2 available 3 availed 1 avails 1 avenge 6 avenged 3 avenger 1 averse 1 avert 2 avoid 11 avoiding 1 avoids 1 avowed 1 await 2 awaiting 8 awaits 6 awake 11 awakened 1 awakening 1 awaking 1 awarded 1 aware 18 away 282 awe 22 awe-inspiring 2 awe-struck 7 awed 1 awful 3 awoke 1 axe 2 axes 1 babes 1 babies 1 baby 1 back 119 back-biters 1 backbiting 2 background 2 backs 3 backward 2 backwards 2 bad 28 bade 1 badge 1 badly 1 bag 12 bags 13 bail 1 bailiff 2 bait 1 baker 1 balance 1 balances 1 bald 1 band 4 bandage 1 banded 2 bandits 2 bands 1 banish 4 banished 5 bank 1 bankers 1 banks 2 banned 1 banner 1 banquet 17 baptism 30 baptisms 1 baptize 11 baptized 39 baptizes 1 baptizing 6 barbarian 2 barbarous 1 bare 11 bare-headed 1 bared 1 barefoot 1 barked 1 barley 11 barn 4 barns 4 barracks 1 barred 1 barren 5 barrier 2 barrister 1 bars 2 base 9 based 10 basin 1 basket 14 basketfuls 2 baskets 10 bastards 2 bath 2 bathe 2 bathed 1 batter 1 battle 25 battle-axe 1 battle-cry 1 battlements 1 be 2048 beach 6 beam 1 beams 1 bean-pods 1 bear 85 bearable 5 beard 2 bearers 4 bearing 15 bears 17 bear’s 1 beast 6 beasts 17 beat 17 beaten 5 beating 6 beautiful 16 beauty 18 became 99 because 378 become 160 becomes 12 becoming 6 becomingly 1 bed 15 bedridden 1 beds 1 been 521 bees 1 befall 2 befell 1 befits 2 befitting 1 before 406 beforehand 8 beg 35 began 170 beggar 4 begged 25 begging 8 begin 14 beginning 45 begins 1 begone 1 begun 9 behalf 40 behave 2 behaved 1 behaves 1 behavior 2 beheaded 6 behests 3 behind 28 behold 5 beholding 1 being 159 beings 6 belie 1 belief 8 believe 134 believed 33 believer 5 believers 19 believes 25 believing 4 belittle 1 bellow 1 bells 1 belly 1 belong 37 belonged 17 belonging 8 belongs 21 beloved 1 below 7 belt 6 bend 8 bending 2 bends 1 beneath 12 benefit 5 benefits 3 bent 7 bereave 1 bereaved 2 beryl 1 beseech 1 beset 4 beside 20 besides 10 besieged 1 best 43 bestowed 6 bestowing 1 betray 24 betrayal 1 betrayed 20 betrayer 6 betrayers 1 betraying 5 better 52 between 49 beware 2 bewildered 3 bewitching 1 beyond 37 bid 1 bidding 3 bier 1 big 1 binder 2 binding 4 binds 2 bird 7 birds 28 birth 46 birth-pangs 1 birthday 2 birthright 1 bite 1 bites 1 bits 2 bitter 15 bitterly 4 bitterness 6 black 6 blackest 2 blade 2 blades 2 blame 3 blamed 1 blameless 25 bland 1 blank 1 blaspheme 5 blasphemed 3 blasphemer 1 blasphemers 1 blaspheming 3 blasphemous 4 blasphemously 2 blasphemy 4 blast 7 blasted 2 blasting 1 blasts 1 blaze 3 blazed 1 blazes 2 blazing 2 bleach 1 bleached 1 bleeding 1 blemish 2 blemished 1 bless 56 blessed 24 blessedness 2 blesses 3 blessing 71 blessings 17 blest 3 blew 10 blight 2 blighted 1 blind 52 blinded 5 blindfold 1 blindfolded 1 blindness 2 blinds 1 block 1 blood 116 blood-money 1 blood-red 2 bloodless 1 bloodshed 6 bloodthirsty 2 bloody 3 bloom 1 blossom 2 blossoms 2 blot 2 blots 1 blotted 2 blotting 1 blow 12 blowing 1 blown 4 blows 7 blunted 1 blush 1 blustering 2 boar 1 board 11 boast 35 boaster 1 boasters 1 boastful 4 boastfully 3 boasting 15 boasts 3 boat 50 boats 7 bodies 36 bodily 2 body 172 bodyguard 1 bold 1 boldly 6 boldness 1 bolts 1 bond 3 bondage 4 bonds 2 bones 21 book 46 books 8 border 5 bordering 1 borders 9 bore 21 born 47 borne 18 borrow 2 both 94 bottle 2 bottom 5 bottomless 8 boughs 2 bought 13 bound 22 boundary 3 boundless 5 bounds 4 bountiful 1 bounty 3 bow 38 bowed 17 bowels 1 bower 1 bowing 6 bowl 12 bowlfuls 1 bowls 6 bowmen 1 bows 4 box 1 boy 11 boys 5 boy’s 2 brace 1 brackish 1 braggart 1 braggarts 3 bramble 1 brambles 9 branch 6 branches 21 brand 8 branded 2 brass 6 brave 1 bravely 4 bravest 1 brawling 2 breach 4 breaches 2 bread 107 breadth 6 break 32 breaker 2 breakers 2 breakfast 5 breaking 15 breaks 6 breast 4 breastplate 1 breastplates 2 breasts 8 breath 22 breathe 2 breathed 3 breathing 3 bred 1 breed 1 breeders 1 breeds 1 brethren 2 bribe 4 bribes 2 brick 1 bridal 2 bridal-hall 1 bride 6 bridegroom 2 bridesmaids 4 bridle 3 bridles 1 brief 1 briefly 4 bright 3 brighter 1 brilliance 2 brim 1 brimstone 1 bring 136 bringing 22 brings 30 broad 7 broiled 1 broke 28 broken 40 broken-hearted 1 bronze 3 brood 3 brook 3 brooks 2 broom 1 brother 54 brotherhood 1 brotherly 1 brothers 54 brother’s 4 brought 166 brow 1 bruise 1 bruised 1 bruising 1 brunt 1 brutal 1 brutish 1 bucket 1 buckler 2 budded 1 bugle 1 build 38 builder 1 builders 6 building 15 buildings 4 builds 6 built 23 bullock 2 bullocks 7 bulls 7 bulwarks 1 bunch 2 bunches 1 bundles 2 burden 22 burdened 3 burdens 1 burial 7 buried 13 burn 10 burned 8 burning 18 burns 3 burnt 12 burnt-offering 1 burnt-offerings 4 burst 7 bursting 3 bury 6 bush 7 bushel 1 bushes 2 busies 1 business 9 busy 1 busybodies 2 but 1157 butt 2 butter 1 buy 22 buying 4 by 1134 bygone 1 bystanders 4 byword 1 cake 1 cakes 1 calamity 3 calf 11 call 109 called 198 calling 20 callous 1 callousness 1 calls 14 calm 9 calves 7 came 424 camel 4 camels 3 camp 7 camps 3 can 252 canals 1 canceled 2 cancer 1 candlestick 2 cannot 105 can’t 1 capable 2 capacity 1 capital 3 capitals 1 captain 3 captivate 1 captive 8 captives 6 captivity 9 captors 2 captured 2 capturing 1 caraway 1 care 52 cared 4 career 1 carefree 1 careful 10 carefully 7 careless 2 cares 8 cargo 4 cargoes 2 carnelian 1 carpenter 1 carpenter’s 1 carriage 3 carried 24 carries 5 carry 39 carrying 10 carved 2 case 35 cases 3 casket 1 cassia 1 cast 33 casting 5 casts 1 cataracts 1 catch 5 catches 1 caterpillar 1 cattle 12 caught 24 cause 74 caused 25 causes 13 causing 7 caution 3 cautioned 3 cautioning 2 cavalry 1 cave 1 caverns 1 caves 3 cease 16 ceased 14 ceaseless 1 ceaselessly 2 ceasing 3 cedar 4 cedars 9 celebrate 2 celebrated 1 celebrations 1 celestial 2 cell 2 cellar 1 censer 2 censure 2 census 3 cent 3 center 1 centre 1 centurion 15 century 3 cereal 2 cereal-offering 1 ceremonial 3 ceremonials 1 certain 18 certainly 6 chaff 6 chain 3 chained 2 chains 34 chair 1 chalcedony 1 challenge 1 challenged 1 chamber 2 chambers 4 champion 2 champions 2 chance 1 chanced 1 chancel 1 change 20 changed 5 changers 4 changes 1 changing 2 channel 1 channels 2 chaos 1 character 15 characters 7 charcoal 2 charge 63 charged 15 charges 37 charging 2 chariot 8 chariots 14 charitable 3 charities 3 charity 6 charmer 1 charming 1 charms 2 chase 1 chased 1 chasm 2 chasten 2 chastened 3 chastised 2 chastisement 1 chastises 1 cheat 4 cheated 1 cheating 1 checked 1 cheek 4 cheer 3 cheered 8 cheerful 3 cheerfully 1 cheerless 1 cherish 6 cherished 2 cherishing 1 cherub 1 cherubim 1 cherubs 2 chests 5 chide 1 chiding 1 chief 75 chieftains 2 child 102 childbearing 1 childbirth 2 childhood 4 childish 2 childless 4 childlessness 1 childlike 5 children 190 children’s 6 child’s 9 choice 9 choicest 3 choirs 1 choke 2 choked 4 choose 19 chooses 2 choosing 2 chorus 1 chose 19 chosen 29 chronicles 1 chrysolite 1 chrysoprase 1 church 97 churches 34 churn 1 cinnamon 1 circle 1 circled 2 circumcise 5 circumcised 20 circumcision 22 circumstances 15 cities 24 citizen 8 citizens 5 citizenship 1 city 145 city’s 1 clad 2 claim 9 claimed 3 claiming 1 claims 4 clamor 2 clan 1 clanging 1 clap 2 clarion 1 clashing 1 clasped 1 class 1 classes 1 claws 1 clay 4 clean 42 cleanness 2 cleanse 1 cleanses 2 cleansing 3 clear 29 cleared 2 clearer 1 clearly 10 cleave 2 cleft 2 clefts 1 cleverly 1 cleverness 1 climb 3 climbed 1 climbs 1 cling 6 clings 2 cloak 19 cloaks 6 close 43 close-packed 1 closed 7 closely 10 closes 1 closing 1 cloth 8 clothe 12 clothed 26 clothes 35 clothing 16 cloud 24 clouded 1 clouds 18 clubs 5 clung 3 cluster 1 clutch 1 coals 6 coast 7 coasts 1 coat 5 coats 2 cobras 1 cock 11 coheir 1 coheirs 1 coin 8 coins 15 cold 11 collaboration 1 collapsed 1 collar 1 collect 5 collected 11 collecting 2 collection 2 collections 1 collector 1 collectors 15 colonnades 2 color 2 colt 1 comb 1 combine 1 combined 3 come 491 comes 131 comfort 17 comfortable 1 comfortably 1 comforted 3 comforter 1 comforters 1 comforting 2 comfortless 1 comforts 2 coming 153 command 55 commanded 15 commander 1 commanders 2 commanding 18 commandment 16 commandments 34 commands 30 commend 7 commendation 1 commended 2 commending 3 commission 2 commissioners 1 commit 21 commited 1 commits 2 committed 17 committing 5 common 17 commotion 2 commune 1 communion 4 communities 1 community 7 companied 1 companies 1 companion 4 companions 20 company 15 comparative 1 compare 8 compared 9 comparison 3 compassed 2 compassion 18 compassionate 1 compel 3 compelled 6 compels 1 complacent 1 complain 1 complained 3 complaining 1 complaint 4 complaints 2 complete 20 completed 4 completely 13 completing 3 completion 3 compliance 2 complimented 1 compliments 1 comprehend 3 comprehended 2 comprehends 1 comprehension 1 comprehensively 1 comprising 1 compulsion 2 compulsory 1 compute 1 comrade 1 comrades 1 concealed 5 concealing 1 conceit 3 conceited 2 conceive 5 conceived 5 conceives 2 concentrate 1 conception 3 concern 1 concerned 10 concerning 10 concerns 7 concert 1 concession 1 conciliate 2 conclude 1 concluding 1 conclusion 7 concubines 1 condemn 18 condemnation 11 condemned 17 condemning 1 condemns 1 condescending 1 condition 5 conditions 3 condone 1 conduct 19 conducted 1 coneys 1 confederate 1 confer 1 conferred 3 conferring 1 confers 2 confess 3 confessing 2 confession 2 confide 1 confidence 27 confident 9 confidently 3 confine 1 confined 1 confirm 3 confirmation 1 confirmed 7 confirming 1 confiscation 1 conflict 5 conflicts 1 conform 2 conforming 1 confound 1 confounded 6 confounds 2 confront 1 confronted 1 confused 1 confusion 12 confuted 1 confuting 1 congratulating 1 congratulation 1 congregation 11 congregations 1 connected 2 connection 2 connexion 2 connivance 1 conquer 13 conquered 6 conquering 1 conqueror 1 conquers 1 conquest 1 conscience 19 conscience-smitten 1 consciences 9 conscious 4 consciousness 2 consecrated 19 consecrating 1 consecration 1 consent 6 consents 1 consequence 12 consequently 1 consider 11 considerable 3 considerate 1 considerately 1 consideration 4 considering 3 considers 2 consigned 1 consist 1 consisted 1 consists 2 consolation 8 console 3 consoles 1 conspicuous 2 conspiracy 1 conspirators 1 conspire 1 conspired 1 conspiring 2 constant 9 constantly 10 constraint 2 construct 1 constructed 3 consulation 1 consult 1 consultation 3 consulted 4 consulting 3 consume 9 consumed 10 consumes 2 consuming 1 contact 3 contained 4 containing 4 contaminates 1 contemporaries 1 contempt 14 contemptible 4 contemptuous 1 contemptuously 1 contend 4 contender 1 content 5 contentment 1 contents 1 contest 2 continual 2 continually 15 continue 26 continued 29 continues 4 continuing 1 continuous 1 continuously 1 contracts 1 contradict 3 contradicting 1 contradictions 1 contrary 23 contrast 2 contributed 1 contributions 1 contrives 1 control 13 controlled 1 controversies 1 controversy 2 conversation 5 conversion 2 convert 3 converts 12 convey 2 conveyed 1 convict 3 convicted 2 conviction 10 convince 5 convinced 8 convulsed 3 convulsions 4 cook 1 cooking 1 cool 1 copies 2 copper 3 coppersmith 1 copy 6 copyright 4 cords 8 corn 7 corner 6 corner-stone 1 corners 7 cornerstone 8 cornfields 3 cornices 1 corpse 3 corpses 1 correction 2 correspond 2 corresponding 1 corroborating 1 corrupt 4 corrupt-minded 1 corrupted 2 corrupting 1 corruption 12 cosmetics 2 cost 8 costliness 1 costly 4 costs 1 cots 1 cotton 1 couch 5 couches 2 could 95 couldn’t 1 council 2 councillor 1 counsel 11 counseled 1 counsellor 2 counsellors 1 counselor 2 counsels 1 count 22 counted 10 counters 2 counting 5 countless 6 countries 2 country 58 countryman 1 countrymen 3 countryside 2 counts 9 couple 1 courage 12 courageous 2 couriers 4 course 33 courses 1 court 20 courteous 1 courteously 1 courtesy 1 courtiers 6 courts 13 courtyard 8 cousin 2 covenant 62 covenant-blood 1 covenant-sacrifice 1 covenants 3 cover 14 covered 27 covering 1 covers 4 covet 6 coveted 1 covetous 3 covetousness 3 cowardice 1 cowards 1 cows 1 crack 1 crackle 1 craftily 1 craftiness 3 crafty 7 crags 1 crash 3 crave 2 craved 1 craving 1 cravings 9 crawl 2 crawling 1 create 4 created 25 creates 2 creation 13 creator 3 creature 9 creatures 19 credit 2 creditor 1 creditors 1 creek 1 creep 2 creeping 1 crept 2 crevices 1 crew 1 cried 42 cries 13 crime 8 crimes 19 criminal 3 criminals 3 cringe 2 cringing 1 crippled 5 cripples 1 crisis 1 critical 1 critics 1 crooked 4 crookedly 1 crookedness 1 crop 2 crops 4 cross 43 cross-roads 1 crossed 7 crosses 3 crossing 4 crossroads 1 crow 2 crowd 81 crowded 1 crowding 2 crowds 31 crowed 7 crown 23 crowned 4 crowns 5 crows 2 crucified 34 crucifixion 2 crucify 7 crucifying 1 cruel 3 cruelly 1 cruelty 3 crumbs 1 crush 10 crushed 10 crushing 3 cry 66 crying 25 crystal 3 cubits 2 cubs 3 cult 3 cultivated 1 cultured 1 cunning 3 cunningly 1 cup 34 cups 1 curb 1 cure 21 cured 41 cures 5 curing 6 curse 17 cursed 3 curses 18 cursing 1 curtain 6 curtains 2 cushion 1 custody 8 custom 14 customary 2 customs 8 cut 60 cutting 3 cymbal 1 cymbals 2 cypress 2 daily 18 dainties 2 damage 2 damask 1 dance 7 danced 4 dancers 1 dancing 2 danger 7 dangerous 1 dangers 8 dappled 2 dare 7 dared 3 dark 21 darken 1 darkened 9 darkens 1 darkness 70 darlings 1 dart 1 darting 1 darts 1 dash 1 dashed 7 dashes 1 dashing 1 daughter 52 daughter-in-law 7 daughters 16 daughters-in-law 4 daughter’s 1 dawn 10 dawned 1 dawns 1 day 494 day-time 1 daybreak 8 daylight 6 days 206 daytime 1 day’s 4 dazzling 5 dead 172 deadly 6 deadness 1 deaf 11 deal 7 dealer 1 dealing 6 dealings 2 dealt 11 dear 55 dearly 8 death 216 deathless 2 deaths 1 death’s 3 debating 7 debauchery 1 debauches 1 debt 9 debtors 1 decay 2 deceit 13 deceitful 3 deceitfully 1 deceitfulness 3 deceive 12 deceived 10 deceiver 2 deceivers 2 deceives 1 deceiving 4 deception 1 deceptive 1 decide 3 decided 12 decides 2 decision 8 decisions 3 decked 1 declaration 4 declare 22 declared 13 declares 14 declaring 2 decline 1 declined 4 declining 1 decorate 1 decorated 1 decrease 1 decree 17 decreed 3 decrees 5 dedicated 1 deed 6 deeds 54 deem 1 deemed 1 deems 1 deep 33 deeper 2 deepest 4 deeply 10 deeps 1 deer 1 defeated 3 defence 8 defenceless 1 defend 4 defended 1 defender 5 defending 1 defense 12 defenses 1 deference 5 deferred 1 defiance 1 defiant 1 deficiency 1 deficient 1 defied 2 defile 9 defiled 15 defiles 2 defiling 3 definite 3 definitely 1 defraud 2 defrauded 1 defy 2 defying 1 degraded 2 degrading 3 degree 1 delay 6 delayed 2 delegates 1 deliberate 1 deliberations 1 delight 37 delighted 1 delightful 2 delights 5 delightsome 1 deliver 28 deliverance 16 delivered 31 deliverer 6 delivering 4 delivers 1 delivery 1 delude 1 deluded 1 deluding 1 deluge 1 delusion 2 demand 3 demanded 8 demanding 3 demands 5 demon 23 demonic 1 demons 47 den 5 denied 8 denies 1 denounced 1 denouncing 1 dens 1 dense 2 deny 6 denying 1 depart 2 departed 1 departure 4 depend 2 dependent 2 depending 1 depends 3 depicted 1 deported 1 depraved 3 deprive 2 deprived 1 depth 2 depths 17 derision 3 derived 1 derives 2 descend 3 descendant 5 descendants 32 descended 10 descending 8 descends 1 descent 2 describe 1 described 3 desecrate 2 desecration 1 desert 31 desert-owl 1 deserted 6 deserting 1 deserts 3 deserve 10 deserved 2 deserves 4 deserving 9 design 1 designated 1 designs 4 desirable 2 desire 26 desired 4 desires 13 desiring 3 desirous 1 desolate 11 desolated 1 desolation 14 despair 5 despaired 1 despairing 1 despise 11 despised 11 despisers 1 despises 2 despising 1 despite 3 despoil 2 despoiled 1 despoiler 1 despond 1 destine 1 destined 24 destiny 1 destitute 3 destroy 60 destroyed 31 destroyer 1 destroying 7 destroys 3 destruction 31 detail 3 details 1 detain 1 detained 1 detecting 1 determine 2 determined 9 detestable 1 devastate 2 devastated 2 devastation 1 devastators 1 develops 2 devices 3 devil 30 devil’s 5 devious 1 devise 2 devised 3 devote 9 devoted 10 devotes 1 devoting 2 devotion 3 devour 29 devoured 9 devouring 7 devours 1 devout 3 dew 7 dew-drops 1 diadem 3 diadems 3 dictate 2 did 378 didn’t 5 die 67 died 53 dies 6 differ 5 difference 5 different 18 differently 1 differs 1 difficult 3 difficulties 6 difficulty 4 dig 2 dignified 1 dignity 3 diligence 3 diligent 1 diligently 1 diminished 1 dimly 1 din 2 dine 2 dining 1 dinner 12 dip 2 dipped 2 dipping 2 direct 6 directed 23 direction 8 directions 11 directly 1 director 1 directs 2 dirges 1 dirt 4 disagreed 1 disappear 6 disappearance 1 disappeared 3 disappears 1 disappoint 1 disappoints 1 disaster 9 disbelief 2 disbursed 2 discarded 2 discern 4 discerning 1 discernment 7 discharge 5 discharged 2 disciple 29 disciples 263 discipline 10 disciplined 3 disciplines 2 disclosed 5 discourage 1 discouraged 1 discourse 1 discover 2 discovered 4 discredit 1 discreet 1 discretion 1 discriminate 1 discrimination 1 discuss 1 discussed 3 discussing 2 discussion 6 discussions 4 disdain 1 disease 6 diseased 2 diseases 10 disfigure 1 disfigured 1 disgrace 7 disgraced 1 disguise 1 disguises 1 disguising 1 disgust 1 dish 9 disheartened 2 dishonest 5 dishonor 8 dishonored 1 dishonors 2 dismay 5 dismayed 5 dismissed 6 dismissing 3 disobedience 3 disobedient 10 disobey 2 disobeyed 1 disobeying 1 disorder 4 disorderly 3 disown 13 disowned 8 disowning 1 disowns 2 disparage 1 disparagement 1 disparages 2 dispatched 1 dispatches 1 dispense 1 dispensed 1 disperse 2 dispersed 3 display 4 displayed 7 displeased 3 displeasure 5 disposal 1 disposed 1 disposition 1 dispossess 1 disputant 1 dispute 12 disputes 1 disputing 2 disquieted 1 disregard 1 disregarded 2 disregarding 2 disregards 4 disrepute 1 disrupt 1 dissemblers 1 dissension 1 dissensions 1 dissociate 1 dissolute 1 dissolution 1 dissolve 2 dissolved 2 dissolves 2 distance 20 distant 5 distasteful 1 distinct 1 distinction 5 distinctions 5 distinctly 2 distinctness 1 distinguish 3 distinguishing 1 distort 1 distracted 1 distraction 1 distress 40 distressed 13 distresses 7 distressful 1 distribute 1 distributed 3 distributes 1 distribution 2 district 17 districts 7 disturb 2 disturbance 2 disturbances 1 disturbed 3 disturbing 2 disunion 1 ditch 2 divan 1 divans 1 divert 3 diverted 1 divide 3 divided 22 divides 2 dividing 1 divination 1 divine 33 divinely 1 diviners 2 divining 1 divinity 1 division 5 divisions 8 divorce 9 divorced 1 divorces 7 do 829 doctor 4 doctors 1 doctrine 2 doctrines 1 document 1 doer 1 does 189 doesn’t 15 dog 4 dogs 12 doing 93 doings 1 dole 1 domain 4 dome 1 domestic 1 dominion 7 done 158 donkey 9 don’t 26 doom 10 doomed 7 door 38 doors 15 doorstep 1 double 3 doubled 1 doubly 1 doubt 11 doubtful 2 doubting 1 doubtless 2 doubts 3 dough 5 dove 7 doves 3 dove’s 1 down 358 down-dropped 1 down-trodden 1 downcast 4 downfall 2 downhearted 1 downtrodden 3 drag 4 drag-net 1 drag-nets 1 dragged 4 dragging 2 dragon’s 1 drain 1 drank 4 draught 1 draughts 1 draw 19 drawing 8 drawn 10 draws 6 dread 10 dream 10 dreamers 1 dreams 4 dregs 1 drenched 1 dress 3 dressed 5 dresses 1 dressing 1 drew 21 dried 9 dries 1 drift 2 drifted 1 drifting 2 drink 98 drink-offering 2 drink-offerings 1 drinkers 1 drinking 24 drinks 6 drip 1 drive 29 driven 20 drives 7 driving 6 drooping 2 drop 2 dropped 5 drops 3 dropsy 1 dross 1 drought 3 drove 14 drown 1 drowned 4 drowsiness 2 drowsy 1 drugged 1 drunk 11 drunkard 2 drunkards 4 drunken 1 drunkeness 1 drunkenness 5 dry 15 due 37 dug 10 dull 3 dulled 2 dullest 1 dumb 19 dumbfounded 1 dump 1 dung 2 dunghill 1 during 22 dusk 1 dust 33 duties 3 duty 15 dwell 3 dwellers 1 dwelling 6 dwellings 4 dwells 12 dwelt 2 dwindled 1 dyed 1 dying 8 dynasty 4 dysentery 1 each 100 eager 17 eagerly 4 eagerness 3 eagle 6 eagle’s 1 ear 28 earlier 2 earliest 1 early 17 earn 3 earnest 13 earnestly 13 earnestness 7 earrings 1 ears 52 earth 327 earthen 2 earthenware 1 earthly 51 earthly-minded 3 earthquake 11 earthquakes 3 earthworks 1 earth’s 4 ease 4 easier 7 easily 1 east 18 eastern 2 easy 4 eat 134 eaten 12 eater 1 eating 37 eats 9 ebbing 1 echoing 1 eclipse 1 eclipsed 2 edge 3 edict 8 edition 1 educated 2 efface 1 effect 4 effectively 1 effort 4 efforts 6 egg 1 eight 7 eighteen 3 eighth 3 eighty 2 eighty-eight 1 eighty-four 1 either 34 elapsed 1 elated 1 elder 7 elders 65 eldest 6 elect 3 elected 1 electronic 1 elementary 1 elements 2 eleven 3 eleventh 2 elite 1 eloquence 1 eloquent 1 else 39 elsewhere 1 embodied 1 embodiment 1 embraced 1 emerald 2 emigrant 1 eminent 3 emperor 2 emphasis 1 employer 3 empowered 1 emptied 7 empty 11 empty-handed 4 enable 7 enabled 14 enables 6 enabling 1 encamp 2 encamps 1 enchanting 1 encircle 1 encircled 1 encircles 1 encircling 1 enclosed 2 encompassed 1 encounter 1 encourage 12 encouraged 8 encouragement 12 encourages 1 encouraging 4 end 85 endeavored 1 endeavoring 1 endeavors 1 ended 9 ending 1 endless 5 endows 1 ends 18 enduing 1 endurance 28 endure 18 endured 4 endures 42 enduring 4 enemies 63 enemy 25 enemy’s 2 energy 1 engaged 13 engagement 1 engrave 1 engraved 1 engulfed 1 enhance 4 enjoin 1 enjoined 1 enjoy 5 enjoyed 2 enjoying 2 enjoyment 5 enlightened 2 enlightens 2 enmity 4 enormity 1 enough 30 enquire 1 enquired 2 enraged 5 enrich 1 enriched 3 enriching 1 enrolled 3 enrolling 1 enslave 1 enslaved 6 enslavement 1 ensnared 1 ensued 1 ensure 1 entails 1 entangled 2 entangling 1 enter 66 entered 28 entering 7 enters 5 entertain 2 entertained 4 enthroned 2 enthroning 1 entice 2 enticed 1 enticements 1 enticing 1 entire 1 entirely 7 entrance 7 entreat 14 entreated 4 entreaties 2 entreating 1 entreaty 4 entrust 1 entrusted 30 enveloped 3 envious 3 envoys 2 envy 11 ephod 1 epileptic 1 equal 8 equality 2 equally 3 equipped 2 equity 7 erected 4 errand 1 error 2 errors 3 escape 33 escaped 13 escapes 2 escaping 1 escorted 2 escorting 1 especial 1 especially 12 establish 9 established 12 establishes 1 establishing 2 establishment 1 estate 5 esteem 1 esteemed 3 estranged 1 eternal 52 eternally 1 eternity 2 eunuch 4 eunuchs 3 even 266 evening 29 events 8 ever 174 ever-blessed 2 ever-living 1 evergreen 1 everlasting 17 evermore 20 every 193 everybody 6 everyone 137 everyone’s 2 everything 107 everywhere 10 evidence 21 evident 2 evil 121 evil-disposed 1 evildoers 9 evils 1 exact 2 exacted 2 exactly 6 exalt 11 exalted 25 exalting 2 exalts 4 examined 5 examines 1 examining 2 example 22 examples 1 exceeding 3 exceedingly 7 excel 3 excellent 4 excelling 2 excels 1 except 45 excepted 1 exception 4 excess 2 excessive 1 exchange 1 exchanged 3 excitement 2 exciting 1 exclaimed 89 exclaiming 2 exclude 1 excluded 1 excuse 4 excused 3 execute 10 executed 3 executes 2 execution 4 exercise 7 exercises 4 exercising 1 exerted 1 exhausted 1 exhaustless 1 exhibit 3 exhibited 4 exhibition 1 exhortation 1 exile 10 exiled 1 exiles 5 exist 6 existed 3 existence 3 existing 2 exists 8 exorcists 1 expect 7 expectation 6 expected 3 expecting 11 expel 2 expelled 6 expels 1 expense 2 expenses 1 experience 4 experienced 2 experiences 2 expiating 1 expiation 2 expiration 1 expired 3 explain 3 explained 6 explaining 1 explains 2 explanation 1 explanations 1 expose 2 exposed 4 exposing 1 express 3 expressed 2 expression 5 expressly 1 expulsion 1 extend 5 extended 3 extending 1 extends 4 extent 4 external 7 extinguish 2 extol 5 extolled 1 extolling 1 extortion 1 extravagance 1 extravagantly 1 extremely 1 extremes 1 exult 24 exultant 3 exultation 3 exulted 2 exulting 1 exults 1 eye 39 eye-witnesses 2 eyelids 1 eyes 169 fabrications 1 face 95 faces 18 facets 1 facing 5 fact 13 factious 2 facts 5 faculties 1 fade 1 fades 4 fading 1 fail 27 failed 19 failing 2 fails 14 failure 1 faint 8 faint-hearted 2 faints 1 fair 9 fairly 3 fairness 1 faith 303 faithful 41 faithfully 2 faithfulness 38 faithless 5 faithlessly 2 faithlessness 1 fall 70 fallen 29 falling 10 fallow 1 falls 13 false 53 falsehood 12 falsely 5 falseness 1 falter 2 fame 14 familiar 2 families 2 family 29 famine 12 famines 3 famous 2 fancies 2 fancying 1 far 87 fare 4 fared 1 fares 3 farewell 1 farewells 1 faring 1 farm 6 farmer 1 farmers 2 farms 3 fashion 1 fashioned 3 fashioning 1 fashions 1 fast 35 fasted 2 fastened 5 faster 1 fasting 12 fastings 1 fasts 1 fat 6 fatal 2 fate 7 father 107 father-in-law 1 fatherhood 1 fatherless 3 fathers 13 father’s 8 fathom 1 fathoms 3 fatlings 1 fatness 2 fattened 5 fault 10 faultless 4 favor 47 favorable 1 favorably 2 favorite 1 fear 82 feared 4 fearful 4 fearing 3 fearless 2 fearlessly 12 fearlessness 2 fears 4 feast 26 feasted 3 feasting 5 feasts 9 fed 4 feeble 1 feeblest 1 feed 8 feeding 4 feeds 3 feel 10 feeling 9 feelings 4 feet 122 fell 81 fellow 68 fellows 3 fellowship 5 felt 15 female 4 fence 2 fences 1 fennel 1 fertile 1 fervent 2 fervently 1 festal 2 fester 1 festival 7 festivals 5 festivities 1 fetch 4 fetched 1 fettered 1 fetters 7 fever 10 few 23 fiat 2 fickleness 1 fidelity 5 field 40 fields 21 fierce 7 fiercely 1 fierceness 1 fiercest 1 fifteen 2 fifteenth 3 fifth 7 fifties 1 fifty 7 fifty-six 1 fifty-three 1 fig 28 fight 15 fighting 6 fights 1 figs 6 figuratively 1 figure-head 1 figures 3 fill 15 filled 62 filling 5 fills 9 film 1 filth 2 filthiness 1 filthy 4 filthy-minded 1 final 4 financial 1 find 121 finding 16 finds 16 fine 13 fined 1 finer 1 finest 1 finger 6 fingers 4 finish 5 finished 25 fire 130 fires 7 firm 28 firmly 5 first 167 first-fruits 4 firstborn 13 firstlings 1 fish 41 fish-baskets 1 fishermen 3 fishing 1 fit 18 fitness 1 fitted 1 fitting 3 five 43 fix 5 fixed 17 fixing 1 flagging 1 flame 13 flames 5 flaming 6 flare 1 flared 1 flash 1 flashed 4 flashes 4 flashing 1 flatter 1 flattered 1 flattering 2 flatters 1 flattery 2 flaws 1 flax 2 fled 15 flee 13 fleeing 1 flees 2 fleeting 1 flesh 44 flew 3 flies 4 flight 4 fling 3 flint 1 flock 31 flocked 2 flocking 1 flocks 7 flog 2 flogged 3 flogging 1 floggings 1 flood 14 flooded 1 floods 7 floor 4 floors 1 flour 3 flourish 4 flourishing 1 flow 7 flowed 1 flower 5 flung 9 flushed 2 flute 6 fly 6 flying 4 foal 13 foam 2 foaming 3 foams 2 foe 26 foes 68 fold 9 folds 3 folk 2 follies 1 follow 68 followed 63 follower 19 followers 57 follower’s 1 following 27 follows 12 folly 13 food 84 foods 1 fool 13 foolish 15 foolishness 1 fools 6 foot 26 footing 1 footprints 1 footsteps 5 footstool 5 for 2763 forbade 1 forbearance 8 forbearing 4 forbid 18 forbidden 4 force 6 forced 2 forces 5 forcing 1 forehead 3 foreheads 5 foreign 9 foreigner 7 foreigners 9 foreigner’s 1 foreknowledge 1 foremost 1 forerunner 1 foresail 1 foreseeing 1 foreseen 1 foreshadow 1 foreshadowed 2 foreshadowing 1 foreshadows 1 foresight 1 forest 10 forests 1 foretelling 1 foretold 9 forever 125 forfeit 1 forfeited 1 forfeits 1 forgave 6 forged 1 forget 29 forgetful 1 forgetfulness 1 forgets 2 forgetting 5 forgive 29 forgiven 22 forgiveness 14 forgives 1 forgiving 4 forgot 6 forgotten 19 forlorn 1 form 30 formality 2 formally 1 formed 8 former 18 formerly 3 forming 1 forms 6 fornication 1 forsake 11 forsaken 6 forsakes 1 forsook 1 forth 49 forthwith 1 fortieth 1 fortified 7 fortnight 2 fortress 11 fortresses 4 forts 1 fortune 6 fortune-telling 1 fortunes 4 forty 19 forty-four 3 forty-six 1 forty-two 2 forward 25 forwarded 1 foster-brother 1 fought 7 foul 24 found 156 foundation 21 foundations 13 founded 8 founder 3 founds 1 fountain 4 fountains 5 four 55 fourteen 4 fourteenth 6 fourth 12 fowler 2 fowler’s 1 fox 1 fragments 1 fragrance 4 fragrant 2 frail 1 frame 1 framing 1 frankincense 2 frankly 1 frantic 3 frapped 1 fraud 3 free 62 freed 4 freedman 1 freedom 12 freely 12 frenzy 1 frequent 1 frequented 1 frequently 1 fresh 8 friend 53 friendliness 1 friendly 3 friends 167 friend’s 3 frightened 6 fro 3 frogs 3 from 1558 front 27 frontier 1 frost 3 fruit 71 fruitful 9 fruitless 1 fruits 11 frustrate 1 frustrated 1 frustrates 1 fugitives 2 fulfil 1 fulfill 4 fulfilled 20 fulfillment 39 fulfills 1 fulfilment 1 full 96 fuller 6 fullest 2 fullness 4 fully 15 fulness 10 function 1 fund 3 funeral 2 furious 8 furiously 3 furnace 6 furnish 1 furnished 2 furnishing 1 furrows 3 further 35 furthered 1 fury 14 fuss 1 futile 3 future 16 gain 34 gained 14 gaining 1 gains 3 gale 2 gall 1 galled 1 gallons 2 gallop 1 galloping 1 gallows 10 gap 1 gaping 1 gaps 1 garb 1 garbage 1 garden 11 gardener 2 gardens 2 garlands 1 garment 20 garments 10 garrison 6 gate 36 gates 30 gateway 2 gather 48 gathered 41 gathering 10 gathers 3 gave 217 gaze 4 gazes 1 gazing 2 gear 1 genealogies 2 genealogy 2 general 3 generals 2 generation 42 generations 17 generosity 3 generous 5 gentle 11 gentleness 4 gently 1 genuine 2 genuineness 2 get 72 getting 18 ghost 4 giant 2 gift 73 gifts 34 girdles 1 girl 20 girls 9 girl’s 1 give 293 given 176 giver 6 gives 61 giving 45 glad 58 gladden 2 gladdened 1 gladdening 1 gladdens 1 gladly 5 gladness 16 glamour 2 glance 2 glare 1 glass 5 gleam 1 glean 7 gleaned 4 gleaners 1 gleanings 1 gleefully 1 glittering 4 gloat 1 gloated 2 gloom 8 gloomy 2 glories 1 glorified 3 glorify 1 glorious 27 glory 162 glow 1 glowed 1 glowing 2 glutton 2 gluttons 1 gnashed 1 gnat 1 gnawed 2 gnawing 1 go 281 goad 1 goal 3 goat 1 goats 11 god 13 god-fearing 1 godless 18 godlike 1 godliness 1 godly 3 gods 31 goes 25 going 116 gold 66 golden 16 gone 57 good 370 goodbye 5 goodly 1 goodness 26 goods 8 goodwill 4 gorgeous 1 gossips 2 got 43 govern 2 governor 8 governors 7 governs 1 grace 14 graceful 1 gracious 28 graciously 3 gradually 1 graft 1 grafted 5 grain 32 grains 2 granary 1 grand 5 grandchildren 1 grandmother 1 grant 20 granted 17 granting 1 grants 1 grape 3 grape-gatherers 1 grapes 10 grasp 4 grasping 4 grass 25 grasshoppers 2 grassy 1 grateful 1 gratefully 1 gratification 1 gratified 1 gratifies 1 gratify 1 grave 9 graves 3 great 293 greater 40 greatest 17 greatly 27 greatness 10 greed 9 greedy 2 green 5 greened 1 greet 2 greeted 7 greeting 23 greetings 14 greets 1 grew 18 grey 3 grief 7 grievance 1 grieve 4 grieved 1 grieves 3 grieving 3 grievously 1 grim 1 grinding 10 grinds 1 groan 1 groaned 1 groaning 5 groans 5 groom 15 groom’s 5 gross 1 ground 83 groundbreaking 1 group 1 groups 1 grovelling 1 grow 28 growing 8 grown 9 grows 5 growth 5 grudge 1 grudgingly 1 grumble 1 grumbled 1 guard 44 guarded 6 guardian 2 guardians 1 guarding 3 guards 15 guest 5 guests 12 guidance 8 guide 20 guided 13 guides 7 guiding 2 guile 2 guilt 26 guilty 18 guise 1 gushed 2 habit 3 habits 3 habitually 2 hacked 1 hacking 1 had 983 hail 8 hailstones 2 hair 21 hairs 4 hairy 1 half 17 hall 1 hallowed 1 halter 2 halting 1 halves 1 hammers 1 hand 246 hand-mill 1 handed 7 handful 1 handiwork 3 handkerchief 1 handkerchiefs 1 handle 1 handmaid 2 hands 178 handwriting 4 hang 1 hanged 8 hanging 5 hapless 2 happen 17 happened 40 happening 8 happens 3 happier 4 happiness 12 happy 22 harass 2 harassed 2 harassing 1 harbor 3 harbored 1 hard 19 hard-drinking 1 harden 4 hardened 3 hardens 1 harder 1 hardly 2 hardness 4 hardship 3 hardships 5 harem 3 harm 23 harmed 1 harmful 1 harmony 4 harp 11 harpers 2 harps 4 harsh 3 harshly 2 hart 1 harvest 32 harvested 1 harvesters 1 has 896 haste 7 hasted 1 hasten 3 hastened 2 hastens 1 hastily 1 hatch 1 hatchets 1 hate 46 hated 19 hateful 3 haters 1 hates 13 hating 3 hatred 5 haughtiness 2 haughty 11 haul 3 hauled 2 have 1766 haven 3 haven’t 2 having 59 havoc 2 hay 1 he 2395 head 103 head-stone 1 headed 1 headlong 1 heads 34 heal 11 healed 8 healing 4 heals 2 health 4 healthy 2 heap 11 heaped 5 heaping 1 heaps 1 hear 127 heard 222 hearers 2 hearing 42 hears 13 heart 233 heartiest 1 heartily 1 hearts 99 hearty 2 heart’s 8 heat 10 heated 2 heathen 13 heats 1 heaven 213 heavenly 21 heavens 124 heavenward 1 heavenwards 1 heaves 1 heavier 2 heavily 2 heavy 9 hedge 2 hedgerows 1 hedges 1 heed 15 heedless 2 heel 3 heifer 3 height 10 heights 9 heir 7 heirs 7 held 45 helm 1 helmet 3 help 144 helped 11 helper 11 helpers 2 helpful 3 helping 2 helpless 9 helps 3 hem 1 hemmed 1 hemming 1 hemorrhage 4 hen 2 hence 1 her 510 herald 3 herb 2 herbs 3 herd 12 herded 1 herds 2 here 126 hereafter 2 heretical 1 heretics 1 heritage 16 hero 7 heroes 1 heroic 3 hers 1 herself 30 hesitate 1 hesitation 1 hew 1 hewn 2 hews 1 hid 12 hidden 46 hide 25 hides 2 hiding 4 hierarchy 1 high 128 high-born 1 high-peaked 1 higher 3 highest 9 highly 10 hill 22 hill-country 2 hill-side 1 hills 25 hillside 1 him 1943 himself 240 hinder 3 hindered 2 hinders 2 hindrance 10 hinds 1 hire 1 hired 7 his 2266 hisses 1 history 1 hitherto 1 hitting 1 ho 1 hoarded 1 hoes 1 hoisted 1 hoisting 1 hold 47 holding 17 holds 15 hole 2 holes 4 holiday 2 holiness 12 hollow 2 holy 116 holy-minded 1 homage 3 home 86 homeland 1 homeless 1 homer 1 homes 12 honest 5 honestly 3 honey 7 honor 116 honorable 9 honored 17 honoring 1 honors 2 honour 2 hoofs 3 hooks 1 hoot 1 hope 106 hoped 4 hopeful 1 hopes 15 hoping 4 hopping 3 horde 1 horn 9 horns 20 horrible 2 horrified 2 horror 4 horrors 1 horse 20 horseman 1 horsemen 2 horses 33 hospitable 3 hospitality 6 host 8 hostile 8 hostility 1 hosts 124 hot 13 hotly 1 hour 46 hours 6 hour’s 1 house 285 house-top 4 household 38 householder 2 households 2 houses 22 housetop 2 housetops 3 housewife 1 how 196 however 110 howl 2 howling 2 human 90 humane 1 humanity 24 humanity’s 1 humans 8 humble 26 humble-minded 1 humbled 6 humbles 3 humbling 2 humbly 1 humiliate 1 humiliated 2 humiliation 1 humility 7 hundred 45 hundredfold 1 hundreds 1 hung 4 hunger 14 hungry 26 hunt 1 hunted 1 hunting 1 hunts 1 hurl 14 hurled 12 hurrah 1 hurricane 2 hurried 2 hurt 15 husband 43 husbands 14 husband’s 2 hushed 3 hut 1 hyacinth 1 hymn 3 hymns 4 hypocrisy 5 hypocrite 1 hypocrites 13 hyssop 2 hyssop-stalk 1 ice 2 ideal 2 ideas 1 idle 4 idly 1 idol 12 idol-offerings 2 idolater 2 idolaters 3 idolatrous 1 idolatry 4 idols 38 idol’s 1 ie 1 if 413 ignorance 11 ignorant 7 ignore 1 ignored 1 ignores 1 ill 31 ill-ordered 3 ill-treat 2 ill-treated 4 ill-treating 2 ill-used 1 ill-will 1 illness 5 illnesses 1 illuminated 2 illumination 1 illumine 1 illusion 1 illustrate 1 illustration 2 image 13 image-worshippers 1 images 2 imagination 1 imagine 2 imagined 1 imagines 2 imbued 1 imitate 4 immediately 22 immense 2 immigrants 1 imminent 1 immoral 8 immorality 11 immorally 1 immortal 7 immortality 2 immovable 1 impart 2 imparted 3 impartially 1 imparting 2 imparts 1 impatient 2 impede 1 impelled 2 impenitent 1 imperfection 1 imperial 1 imperishable 11 impious 1 impiously 1 implanted 1 implements 1 implies 1 implore 7 implored 2 imply 1 importance 1 important 4 imposed 2 imposes 1 impossible 10 impostor 1 impostors 1 imposture 1 impoverished 1 impress 2 impressed 7 impression 2 impressive 1 imprison 1 imprisoned 4 imprisonment 6 imprisonments 1 impulse 3 impure 6 impurity 9 in 4235 inaccessible 1 inanimate 1 inaugurated 1 incapable 3 incarnate 1 incarnation 3 incense 7 incense-altar 1 incensed 1 incessant 1 incessantly 2 incident 2 incited 2 incline 4 inclined 3 inclining 2 including 3 incomplete 4 inconsistent 1 increase 9 increased 8 increases 1 increasing 11 incredible 1 incur 1 incurable 2 incurred 3 indecency 2 indeed 98 independent 2 indicate 1 indicated 4 indicates 1 indicating 1 indictment 1 indifferent 1 indignant 7 indignantly 1 indignation 3 indispensable 1 individual 3 individually 4 indoors 4 induced 2 indulge 5 indulged 3 indulgence 2 indulging 3 inefficient 1 inestimable 1 inevitable 2 inevitably 3 inexhaustible 1 infant 3 infants 11 inferior 4 infidelity 1 infirm 2 infirmities 2 infirmity 1 inflammation 1 inflict 3 inflicted 4 inflicting 3 influence 11 influenced 2 influences 1 influential 2 information 9 informed 2 inhabit 3 inhabitants 32 inhabited 8 inherent 2 inherit 8 inheritance 18 inherited 2 iniquities 3 iniquitous 1 iniquity 16 initiated 1 injunctions 2 injured 1 injuries 1 injuring 1 injury 5 injustice 2 ink 3 inland 1 inmost 7 inn 2 inner 9 innermost 2 innkeeper 1 innocence 9 innocent 15 inquire 2 inquiries 3 inquiring 2 inquiry 1 inscribe 2 inscribed 3 inscription 2 inscrutable 1 insensitive 1 inside 16 insight 10 insignificant 2 insincerity 2 insist 1 insisted 4 insolence 1 insolent 2 inspiration 6 inspire 2 inspired 11 inspires 3 inspiring 1 installed 1 instance 3 instances 3 instant 1 instantly 4 instead 15 instinct 1 instinctively 1 instincts 1 institute 1 instituted 2 institutions 1 instruct 12 instructed 9 instructing 2 instruction 11 instructions 9 instructor 1 instructors 1 instrument 2 instrumentality 1 instruments 2 insult 10 insulted 9 insulting 2 insults 5 insurrection 1 integrity 3 intellect 1 intellectual 1 intelligence 2 intelligent 1 intelligible 1 intend 3 intended 10 intending 12 intends 1 intense 5 intensely 2 intensity 1 intent 3 intention 6 intently 3 intercede 3 interceding 2 intercessions 1 intercourse 4 interest 10 interests 7 interfere 1 interfering 1 intermediary 3 interminable 1 interposing 2 interpret 5 interpretation 1 interpreted 1 interprets 1 interrupted 3 interval 3 intervened 1 intimate 3 into 563 introduce 1 introduced 1 introduction 2 intruders 1 intuitively 1 invade 1 invention 1 invested 2 investigated 2 inviolate 1 invisible 5 invitation 1 invite 5 invited 20 invites 1 invoke 7 invoked 1 invokes 2 involve 1 involved 3 involving 1 inwardly 7 inwards 1 inwrought 1 iron 12 irons 1 irreligious 3 irreproachable 1 irresistibly 1 irresolute 1 irreverent 2 irritate 2 is 3127 island 10 islanders 2 islands 1 island’s 1 isles 2 isn’t 2 isolate 1 issue 3 issued 6 issuing 1 it 1732 itching 1 itinerant 1 its 226 itself 44 it’s 4 ivory 4 jackals 3 jail 2 jailer 2 jailers 1 jar 4 jars 2 jasper 4 jaw-teeth 1 jaws 5 jealous 4 jealousy 15 jeer 1 jeering 1 jesting 1 jewel 1 jewelry 1 jewels 3 join 16 joined 16 joining 2 joint 2 joints 1 jolting 1 jostles 1 journey 27 journeyed 1 journeying 1 journeys 1 joy 99 joyful 8 joyfully 8 joys 1 judge 74 judged 16 judgement 2 judges 13 judging 5 judgment 89 judgments 29 judicial 1 jugs 1 juice 1 jump 1 jurisdiction 2 just 125 justice 60 justified 5 justify 2 justly 3 keen 1 keenly 1 keep 100 keeper 2 keeping 15 keeps 14 kept 75 key 4 keys 2 kicking 1 kill 36 killed 34 killing 3 kills 1 kin 1 kind 38 kind-hearted 1 kindest 1 kindle 3 kindled 10 kindles 1 kindliness 3 kindly 5 kindness 125 kindred 5 kinds 18 kine 1 king 232 kingdom 169 kingdoms 15 kingly 2 kings 59 kingship 1 king’s 68 kinship 1 kinsman 3 kiss 14 kissed 6 kissing 1 knaves 2 kneading 1 knee 4 kneel 1 kneeling 1 knees 9 knelt 4 knew 30 knit 2 knock 3 knocking 4 knocks 3 know 391 knowing 24 knowledge 63 known 94 knows 36 kobo 1 koum 1 labor 14 labored 2 laborer 2 laborers 8 laboring 4 labors 3 lack 6 lacking 3 lacks 2 lad 7 laden 1 ladies 1 lady 2 laid 74 lain 1 lair 3 lairs 1 lake 9 lama 1 lamb 5 lambs 5 lame 21 lament 8 lamentation 2 lamentations 1 lamenting 1 laments 3 lamp 15 lamp-stand 4 lamps 17 lancers 1 lances 1 land 189 landed 3 lands 5 land’s 1 language 23 languages 11 languish 1 languishing 3 lanterns 1 lap 3 lapse 1 lapsing 1 large 26 largely 1 larger 7 largest 1 lash 1 lashes 2 last 62 lasted 1 lasting 6 lasts 2 late 10 lately 1 later 22 latest 1 latter 6 laud 1 laugh 9 laughed 1 laughing-stock 1 laughs 2 laughter 2 launch 1 launched 1 launderer 1 launderer’s 1 lavish 2 lavished 6 lavishly 2 law 68 lawgiver 1 lawless 4 lawlessness 3 laws 9 lawsuits 1 lay 66 laying 14 lays 10 lazy 2 lead 33 leaden 2 leader 15 leaders 31 leadership 1 leader’s 2 leading 21 leads 28 leaf 3 leafless 1 league 1 lean 1 leaned 1 leaning 2 leans 1 leant 4 leap 3 leaped 1 leaping 2 learn 37 learned 42 learning 8 learns 1 learnt 4 least 18 leather 2 leave 70 leaven 10 leavened 1 leavens 2 leaves 7 leaving 24 lecture-hall 1 led 62 lee 3 left 163 leftover 1 legal 3 legends 4 legions 1 legitimately 1 legs 3 lema 1 lend 5 lending 1 length 9 lengthen 1 lengthening 1 lent 1 leopard 2 leopards 1 leper 5 lepers 5 leprosy 4 less 9 lesson 8 lest 7 let 259 lethek 1 lets 3 letter 31 letters 12 letting 2 level 2 leveled 1 liar 9 liars 5 libations 1 liberal 1 liberality 4 liberty 5 lice 1 licence 2 licentious 7 licentiousness 11 lick 3 licked 1 lie 36 lied 3 lies 44 life 382 life-giving 6 lifeblood 1 lifeless 3 lifetime 4 lift 36 lifted 25 lifting 3 lifts 8 light 137 lighten 1 lightened 2 lightening 1 lighter 2 lightly 3 lightning 12 lightnings 4 lights 3 like 503 liked 1 likely 1 liken 3 likeness 9 lilies 2 lily 1 limb 2 lime 1 limit 5 limited 2 limitless 1 limits 2 line 12 lineage 2 linen 15 lines 2 linger 2 linked 1 lion 24 lioness 1 lionesses 1 lions 17 lion’s 1 lip 1 lips 54 list 2 listen 60 listened 26 listeners 1 listening 18 listens 16 lit 7 literal 1 litigation 1 little 91 live 187 lived 31 lives 96 living 118 load 3 loaded 1 loads 3 loaf 2 loathe 2 loathed 1 loathing 2 loathsome 3 loaves 21 locked 1 locust 12 locusts 9 lodge 2 lodging 4 lodgings 1 lofty 4 loins 1 lonely 16 long 133 long-appointed 1 long-suffering 1 longed 7 longer 50 longing 15 longingly 1 longings 1 longs 2 look 86 looked 42 looking 35 looks 13 loose 8 loosened 3 loot 1 looted 2 lops 1 lord 26 lords 5 lore 1 lose 22 loses 5 loss 10 lost 39 lot 14 lots 11 loud 47 louder 4 loudly 18 lovable 1 love 347 love-feasts 1 loved 55 lover 2 lovers 9 loves 43 love’s 1 loving 36 loving-kindness 3 lovingly 1 low 19 lower 4 lowered 3 lowering 1 lowest 3 lowly 3 loyal 9 loyally 1 loyalty 2 lukewarm 1 lump 1 lunatic 1 lurk 1 lurking 1 lurks 2 lush 1 lust 2 luxuriant 1 luxuries 1 luxury 5 lying 29 lyre 14 lyres 1 mad 8 maddening 5 made 307 madness 3 magic 4 magical 1 magistrate 1 magistrates 3 magnificence 1 magnificent 1 magnify 2 maid 2 maiden 1 maidens 3 maids 5 maidservant 5 maidservants 2 maimed 2 main 1 maintain 8 maintaining 2 majestic 1 majesty 14 majority 2 make 284 maker 3 makers 2 makes 34 making 48 male 9 malice 6 maliciously 2 malign 6 malignant 1 maligned 3 maligning 2 man 486 manage 1 managed 2 manger 4 manhood 1 manifest 3 manifestation 6 manifested 1 manifests 3 mankind 3 manna 5 manner 10 manservant 3 mansion 1 mantle 2 manure 1 manured 1 manuscripts 1 many 254 many-coloured 1 many-headed 1 man’s 27 marauders 1 marble 3 march 10 marched 2 marches 2 marching 1 mark 11 marked 3 market 3 market-place 2 market-places 2 marketplace 2 markets 2 marks 6 marred 1 marriage 11 marriage-song 1 married 31 marries 7 marrow 2 marry 12 marrying 5 martyr 1 martyrs 1 marveled 1 marvelous 11 marvelously 1 marvels 12 mass 3 master 47 mastered 1 masters 11 mastery 2 master’s 8 mat 9 match 1 material 3 mats 2 matter 29 matters 9 mattresses 1 mature 2 matured 2 maturity 2 maul 1 maximum 1 may 489 maybe 1 me 1629 meadow 3 meadows 3 meal 4 meal-offering 1 meal-offerings 1 meals 2 mealtime 1 mean 24 meander 1 meaning 23 means 46 meant 34 meanwhile 4 measure 27 measured 5 measureless 1 measures 3 measuring 3 meat 12 mediation 1 mediator 2 meditate 1 meditation 1 meek 1 meekness 2 meet 47 meeting 11 meetings 5 meets 5 melody 4 melt 6 melted 3 melts 3 member 4 members 18 memorable 1 memorial 2 memories 2 memory 7 men 203 mending 2 menservants 1 mention 6 mentioned 5 mercenary 1 merchant 2 merchants 5 mercies 1 merciful 11 mercifully 1 merciless 2 mercy 51 mere 22 merely 14 merrily 3 merry 5 message 189 messenger 54 messengers 19 met 33 metal 1 mete 1 methods 2 mid 1 mid-heaven 3 midday 8 middle 18 midnight 9 midst 39 might 172 mightier 1 mighty 38 migrate 1 migration 1 mildew 2 mile 2 miles 6 military 3 milk 6 mill 1 millstone 4 mind 65 minded 4 mindful 3 mindfully 1 minds 48 mine 41 mingle 1 mingled 2 minister 11 ministers 3 ministrations 1 ministry 7 minstrels 2 mint 2 miracle 2 miracles 16 miraculous 4 miraculously 1 mire 2 mirror 3 miry 1 miscall 1 miscarried 1 miscarrying 1 mischief 7 mischievous 1 misdeeds 2 misdemeanor 1 miserable 2 miseries 1 misery 13 misfortune 11 misfortunes 1 misgivings 1 misguided 1 mislead 2 misleading 4 misleads 1 misled 2 missed 1 mission 14 missionaries 1 missionary 2 mist 3 mistake 2 mistaken 3 mistakes 2 mistress 1 mists 1 mix 1 mixed 6 mixing 1 moan 3 moaning 3 mob 3 mock 9 mocked 5 mockery 3 mocking 6 mocks 1 mode 1 model 1 models 1 modern 5 modestly 1 modesty 1 moisture 1 molten 3 moment 29 momentary 1 moments 1 money 40 money-making 2 moneylender 1 monsters 2 month 37 monthly 1 months 19 monuments 2 mood 1 moon 24 moons 1 moored 1 moral 3 morbid 1 more 244 morn 1 morning 50 morsels 1 mortal 9 mortally 1 mortals 10 mosaic 1 most 37 moth 5 moth-eaten 1 mother 101 mother-ewes 1 mother-in-law 16 mother-of-pearl 1 motherhood 1 mothers 4 mother’s 10 motion 1 motioning 1 motive 1 motives 4 moulded 2 moulds 1 mount 8 mountain 43 mountain-land 1 mountains 54 mountainside 1 mounted 2 mourn 16 mourned 2 mourners 3 mournfully 1 mourning 17 mourns 1 mouth 92 mouths 22 move 5 moved 25 moves 2 mowed 1 much 76 mud 3 mulberry 2 mule 2 mules 1 multiplied 5 multiply 3 multitude 4 multitudes 3 murder 15 murdered 4 murderer 6 murderers 5 murdering 2 murderous 1 murders 1 murky 1 murmur 2 murmured 1 murmuring 4 murmurs 1 muse 12 mused 1 music 21 musing 2 must 231 mustard 5 muster 1 mute 3 mutilate 2 mutual 7 muzzle 3 my 1717 myriads 1 myrrh 4 myrtle 3 myself 100 mystic 4 mystically 1 mystified 2 mystifying 1 nailed 1 nailing 1 nails 1 naked 13 nakedness 6 name 325 named 47 names 21 narrow 2 nation 64 nations 172 nation’s 1 native 1 natural 8 naturally 3 nature 58 naught 1 nay 1 near 88 nearby 1 nearer 4 nearing 2 nearly 6 necessaries 1 necessary 10 necessities 1 necessity 3 neck 9 necklace 1 necks 4 need 64 needed 6 needful 2 needing 1 needle’s 3 needs 9 needy 15 neglect 5 neglected 1 neglecting 2 neighbor 24 neighborhood 1 neighboring 1 neighbors 16 neighbor’s 1 neighbours 1 neither 34 nerve 1 nest 4 nests 2 net 22 nets 12 nettles 1 never 205 nevermore 2 new 92 newborn 1 newcomer 1 newly 3 news 141 next 52 nigh 1 night 94 night-watches 1 nights 7 nine 5 ninety-nine 4 ninth 4 no 582 noble 8 nobleman 1 nobler 1 nobles 9 nobly 1 nobody 2 noise 7 noisy 1 none 51 nonsense 4 noon 5 noon-day 1 nor 179 normative 2 north 9 north-east 1 north-easter 1 northern 1 northwards 1 noses 1 nostrils 3 not 2277 note 3 notes 1 nothing 138 notice 12 noticed 7 noticing 5 notorious 1 nought 2 nourish 2 nourished 1 novel 1 novelty 1 now 284 nowhere 4 nullified 1 nullify 1 numb 1 numbed 1 number 57 numbered 5 numberless 3 numbers 14 numerous 2 nurse 1 nursed 2 nursing 5 oaks 4 oars 2 oath 28 oaths 2 obedience 32 obedient 4 obediently 1 obey 30 obeyed 4 obeying 4 obeys 2 object 14 objection 2 objects 2 obliged 1 obscure 1 observance 2 observances 2 observant 1 observe 23 observed 5 observer 2 observes 2 observing 1 obsolete 2 obstacle 4 obtain 10 obtained 9 obtaining 1 obvious 1 occasion 11 occasions 2 occupations 1 occupied 1 occupy 1 occupying 1 occur 7 occurred 15 occurring 1 occurs 1 ocean 8 ocean’s 1 odour 1 of 8060 off 113 offal 2 offend 1 offended 1 offender 1 offenders 3 offending 1 offense 11 offenses 12 offensive 1 offer 39 offered 35 offering 32 offerings 29 offers 2 offical 1 office 15 officer 33 officers 12 official 2 officials 14 officiating 1 offspring 9 offsprings 1 often 17 oh 1 oil 35 ointment 1 old 79 older 6 olive 14 olive-tree 1 olives 2 omission 2 omit 1 omitted 2 omitting 1 omnipotence 1 on 1659 once 133 one 868 ones 28 oneself 2 one’s 4 only 245 onslaught 1 onward 1 onwards 1 open 54 open-handed 1 opened 33 opening 9 openings 1 openly 4 opens 4 opinion 6 opponent 5 opponents 9 opportunities 2 opportunity 22 oppose 4 opposed 10 opposes 1 opposite 11 opposition 4 oppress 11 oppressed 7 oppression 6 oppressor 2 oppressors 2 or 584 oracle 3 oracles 2 oration 1 orator 1 ordain 1 ordained 8 order 79 ordered 30 ordering 2 orderly 1 orders 15 ordinances 7 ordinary 4 ordination 1 origin 7 originate 1 ornamented 1 ornaments 3 orphan 5 orphans 4 other 163 others 138 otherwise 16 other’s 1 ought 42 our 739 ours 15 ourself 1 ourselves 48 out 658 outbursts 1 outcast 13 outcasts 9 outcome 3 outcries 1 outcry 1 outer 4 outline 1 outpoured 1 outraged 2 outset 1 outside 45 outsiders 1 outskirts 1 outspread 1 outstretched 1 outward 4 outwardly 2 oven 6 over 243 overawe 1 overboard 1 overcame 1 overcome 5 overcomes 1 overconfident 1 overflow 4 overflowed 1 overflowing 4 overflows 1 overhearing 1 overlook 2 overlooked 1 overpowered 6 overreaching 1 overshadow 2 overshadowing 1 oversight 1 overtake 8 overtaken 1 overthrow 3 overthrowing 1 overthrown 4 overturned 3 overwhelm 1 overwhelmed 3 overwhelms 2 owe 8 owed 4 owes 5 owing 16 owl 5 own 299 owner 17 owners 3 owner’s 3 owns 2 ox 7 oxen 3 o’clock 7 o’er 11 p 23 pacified 1 pack 1 pact 1 pages 3 paid 13 pain 20 pained 3 painful 4 paining 1 pains 5 pair 3 pairs 1 palace 18 palaces 19 palate 1 pale 3 pallet 2 palm 4 pan 2 pang 1 pangs 3 panic 3 pans 1 pant 1 paper 1 parable 21 parables 20 paralysis 2 paralyzed 10 parapet 2 parched 5 parchments 1 pardon 5 pardoned 6 pardoning 1 pardons 3 parent 2 parents 25 part 77 partake 3 partaking 1 parted 1 partial 1 partiality 5 participate 2 participation 1 particular 5 particularly 1 parties 3 parting 1 partly 2 partner 1 partners 4 partnership 1 partook 1 parts 16 party 9 pass 50 passage 19 passages 1 passed 50 passer-by 1 passerby 1 passers-by 2 passes 10 passing 20 passion 6 passionate 1 passionately 1 passions 17 passover 1 past 21 paste 4 pastors 1 pasture 10 pastured 1 pastures 6 patch 2 path 35 paths 11 patience 17 patient 17 patiently 11 patriarch 2 patriarchs 2 patrol 3 patron 2 pattern 5 pavement 1 pay 50 paying 8 payment 4 pays 4 peace 107 peace-loving 1 peace-offerings 1 peaceable 1 peaceably 1 peaceful 3 peacefulness 1 peacemakers 2 peaks 1 peal 1 peals 9 pearl 1 pearls 8 pebble 1 pecks 2 peeled 1 peers 1 pen 2 penalty 6 penetrates 1 penitence 1 penny 1 people 992 peoples 55 people’s 18 perceive 5 perceived 2 perceiving 3 perennial 1 perfect 35 perfected 3 perfection 14 perfectly 4 perform 7 performed 3 performing 1 performs 2 perfume 15 perfumed 1 perfumes 3 perhaps 7 peril 1 period 4 perish 23 perishable 5 perished 10 perishes 1 perishing 2 perjurers 2 perjuring 1 perjury 2 permanent 2 permission 6 permit 3 permits 2 permitted 9 permitting 1 perpetual 1 perpetuate 1 perplexed 7 persecute 10 persecuted 11 persecutes 1 persecuting 6 persecution 15 persecutions 5 persecutor 1 persecutors 2 perseverance 2 persevere 1 persevering 1 perseveringly 1 persist 1 persisted 2 persistence 1 persists 1 person 254 personal 4 personally 2 persons 12 person’s 17 persuade 1 persuaded 8 persuading 1 persuasion 1 persuasive 2 pervades 1 perverse 4 perversely 1 perverseness 2 perversions 1 pervert 3 perverted 2 perverts 1 pest 1 pestilence 4 petition 6 petitions 2 phantoms 1 philosopher 1 philosophers 1 philosophy 14 phylacteries 1 physical 1 physically 1 pick 5 picked 7 picking 1 piece 14 pieces 42 pierce 5 pierced 7 pierces 1 piercing 3 piety 5 pigeon-dealers 3 pigeons 2 pigs 12 pile 2 piles 1 pilfer 1 pilgrim 2 pilgrim-feast 1 pilgrimage 1 pilgrims 2 pillar 4 pillars 10 pine 2 pine-tree 1 pining 1 pinions 2 pious 3 pipe 1 pipes 2 pit 32 pitched 2 pitcher 3 pitied 2 pities 3 pitiless 1 pits 2 pittance 1 pity 48 place 206 placed 43 places 34 placing 10 plague 11 plagued 1 plagues 3 plaguing 1 plain 18 plainer 1 plainly 9 plainness 2 plan 8 plank 6 planks 1 planned 7 planning 4 plans 6 plant 11 planted 16 planting 2 plants 3 plate 2 plausible 1 play 8 played 4 players 2 playing 5 playmates 1 plays 1 plea 6 plead 9 pleaded 1 pleading 2 pleadings 1 pleads 1 pleas 1 pleasant 7 please 31 pleased 24 pleases 10 pleasing 6 pleasure 21 pleasures 5 pledge 5 pledges 1 plenteous 2 plentiful 2 plentifully 2 plenty 6 plot 15 plots 5 plotted 6 plotting 6 plottings 1 ploughed 1 ploughers 1 ploughing 1 ploughshares 2 plow 5 plowed 3 plowman 1 pluck 2 plucked 2 plumb 5 plunder 14 plundered 7 plunge 2 poem 1 poets 1 point 16 pointed 1 pointing 1 points 4 poison 5 poisoned 1 poisonous 2 poles 1 policy 1 pollute 1 polluted 7 pollutes 1 polluting 2 pollution 1 pomegranate 2 ponder 1 pondering 1 pool 1 pools 2 poor 69 poplars 2 popularity 2 porch 2 port 1 portent 4 portents 2 porter 1 portion 7 portions 1 portress 1 ports 1 position 13 positions 1 positively 1 possess 13 possessed 22 possessing 2 possession 22 possessions 9 possessors 1 possible 26 possibly 7 post 1 posted 1 pot 5 pots 2 potter 1 pottery 1 potter’s 1 pounces 1 pound 2 pounds 8 pour 15 poured 21 pouring 2 pours 5 poverty 3 power 173 powerful 7 powerfully 1 powerless 5 powers 18 practice 14 practiced 1 practices 3 practicing 1 practise 3 practised 1 practiser 1 practises 1 praise 158 praised 13 praises 9 praiseworthy 2 praising 12 prate 1 prater 1 prattle 2 pray 65 prayed 16 prayer 62 prayers 27 praying 22 prays 3 pre-arranged 1 preach 16 preached 1 preacher 4 preachers 4 preaches 2 preaching 17 precede 1 precedents 1 precept 2 precepts 27 precious 24 precisely 1 predicted 1 prediction 2 predictions 1 prefer 1 preferred 2 pregnant 10 prejudice 1 preparation 1 preparations 10 prepare 13 prepared 34 prepares 3 preparing 3 presence 68 present 66 presented 4 presentiment 1 presenting 1 presently 2 presents 4 preserve 8 preserved 4 preserves 2 press 9 pressed 5 pressing 7 pressure 2 presumptuously 1 pretended 3 pretending 1 pretense 3 prevail 3 prevailed 3 prevails 3 prevalence 1 prevent 21 prevented 4 preventing 1 prevents 2 previous 3 previously 3 prey 12 preying 1 price 9 prickly 1 pride 20 priest 90 priesthood 9 priestly 1 priests 100 priest’s 9 primeval 2 prince 4 princes 29 principal 2 principle 1 principles 1 print 1 prison 41 prisoner 19 prisoners 15 private 3 privately 12 privilege 2 privileged 1 privileges 2 prize 3 probably 1 proceed 2 proceeded 5 proceeding 1 proceedings 1 proceeds 4 process 1 processions 2 proclaim 27 proclaimed 25 proclaiming 18 proclaims 1 proclamation 14 procure 1 produce 11 produced 4 produces 5 profane 10 profaned 1 profaning 1 profess 2 professed 2 professing 1 profession 4 professional 1 professions 1 proficiency 1 profit 4 profitable 2 profits 1 profligacy 4 profound 3 progress 6 prohibitions 1 project 1 prolong 3 prolonged 1 prolonging 1 promise 54 promised 35 promises 14 promote 2 promoted 3 prompted 8 promptings 1 pronounce 4 pronounced 30 pronounces 1 proof 6 proofs 2 proper 15 properly 1 property 14 prophecy 7 prophesied 3 prophesy 10 prophesying 1 prophet 87 prophetic 4 prophets 107 prophet’s 2 proportion 9 proposal 3 propose 1 proposed 1 proscribed 1 prosecute 1 prosecution 1 prosecutors 1 prosper 5 prospering 1 prosperity 12 prosperous 3 prostitute 7 prostitutes 8 prostitute’s 1 prostitution 7 prostrate 6 prostrated 8 protect 5 protected 2 protective 1 protector 3 protects 4 protest 5 protested 2 protruded 1 proud 22 proudly 4 prove 21 proved 25 proverb 3 proves 6 provide 10 provided 6 province 10 provinces 18 provincial 3 proving 2 provision 1 provisions 2 provocation 1 provoke 3 provoked 6 provoking 1 prowess 1 prowl 1 prowling 1 prudent 7 pruning 1 pruning-hooks 1 psalm 1 psalms 2 public 21 publicly 15 publish 1 published 6 puerile 4 puff 1 puffed 5 pull 5 pulled 2 pulling 3 punish 26 punished 4 punishing 3 punishment 20 punishments 3 pur 1 purchased 2 pure 42 pure-minded 1 purification 9 purified 11 purifier 1 purifies 2 purify 7 purifying 2 purity 6 purple 11 purporting 1 purpose 39 purposed 4 purposeless 1 purposes 6 purse 6 purses 2 pursue 11 pursued 5 pursuing 3 pursuits 1 push 4 pushed 4 put 267 puts 20 putting 18 quadrupeds 2 quails 1 quake 3 quaked 3 quakes 2 quality 2 quantity 3 quarrel 2 quarreling 6 quarrelling 1 quarrels 3 quart 1 quarter 1 quarters 4 quarts 1 queen 11 quelled 1 quench 4 question 35 questionable 1 questioned 14 questioning 2 questions 7 quick 5 quick-tempered 1 quickening 1 quicker 1 quickly 26 quiet 13 quieting 1 quietly 10 quit 1 quite 10 quiver 3 quoted 1 race 9 racecourse 1 raced 1 races 2 racked 2 radiance 2 radiant 1 rage 9 raging 3 raided 1 railed 3 raiment 1 rain 31 rainbow 2 rained 3 rains 2 raise 33 raised 66 raises 4 raisin 1 raising 8 rallies 1 rallying-place 1 ram-like 1 rampart 6 ramparts 2 rams 3 ran 20 ranged 1 rank 6 ranks 3 ransom 10 ransomed 3 ransoms 2 rant 1 rape 1 raped 1 rapidly 3 rapture 1 rash 2 rate 1 rather 27 ratified 3 ratify 1 rational 1 rations 1 rattle 1 raven 1 ravening 1 ravenous 2 ravens 2 ravine 1 raving 1 ray 1 rays 1 razor 1 re-establish 2 reach 12 reached 44 reaches 6 reaching 9 read 31 reader 3 readers 1 readiness 10 reading 9 reads 3 ready 56 real 10 realities 4 reality 1 realization 2 realize 5 realized 2 realizing 1 really 28 realm 2 realms 1 reap 24 reaped 4 reaper 3 reapers 8 reaping 2 reaps 1 rear 1 reared 1 reason 48 reasonable 2 reasoned 1 reassure 1 reassuring 1 rebel 4 rebelled 5 rebelling 1 rebellion 5 rebellious 1 rebels 3 rebirth 1 reborn 2 rebuild 11 rebuilding 1 rebuilt 1 rebuke 17 rebuked 18 rebukes 2 rebuking 1 recall 4 recalled 2 recalling 1 recalls 1 receive 71 received 94 receiver 1 receives 14 receiving 10 recent 1 recently 1 reception 3 reckless 2 reckon 3 reckoned 1 reckoning 2 reckons 2 recognize 17 recognized 11 recognizes 1 recognizing 2 recollection 1 recommend 1 recompense 1 reconcile 4 reconciled 7 reconciliation 6 reconciling 1 record 4 recorded 11 records 1 recount 2 recounted 2 recover 10 recovered 6 recriminations 1 recrossed 1 red 9 redeem 4 redeemed 9 redeemer 2 redeems 2 redemption 8 redound 2 redounds 1 reduce 1 reduced 1 reed 4 reeled 1 reeling 1 refer 2 reference 10 referred 3 referring 2 refers 1 refine 1 refined 2 refiner 1 refiner’s 1 reflect 2 reflected 1 reflection 2 reform 1 reforms 1 refrain 3 refrains 1 refreshes 1 refreshing 1 refuge 46 refugees 1 refusal 2 refuse 19 refused 21 refuses 4 refusing 3 refute 1 refuting 1 regalia 2 regard 36 regarded 25 regarding 5 regards 10 regiment 1 region 15 registered 2 regret 3 regrets 1 regretted 1 regular 1 regularly 1 regulating 1 regulation 1 regulations 5 rehearse 1 rehearsed 1 reign 25 reigned 6 reigning 1 reigns 2 reject 13 rejected 17 rejecting 2 rejection 1 rejects 8 rejoice 60 rejoiced 3 rejoices 3 rejoicing 22 rejoined 2 relate 5 related 8 relating 2 relation 3 relations 5 relationship 1 relative 9 relatives 15 relax 1 release 20 released 9 releases 1 relent 3 relented 4 relents 1 reliable 1 reliance 1 relied 4 relief 4 relies 1 relieve 4 relieved 1 relieves 1 relieving 1 religion 13 religious 29 rely 10 relying 2 remain 43 remained 15 remaining 5 remains 24 remarkable 1 remember 37 remembered 22 remembering 3 remembers 4 remembrance 2 remind 8 reminded 1 reminding 1 remit 1 remitted 2 remix 1 remnant 13 remorse 1 removal 2 remove 8 removed 12 removes 1 removing 1 rend 4 render 9 rendered 10 rendering 1 renders 2 rends 2 renew 1 renewal 1 renewed 3 renewing 2 renews 1 renounce 4 renounced 1 renown 8 renowned 2 rented 1 repaid 2 repair 1 repay 7 repaying 1 repays 2 repealed 2 repeat 6 repeated 3 repeatedly 4 repent 21 repentance 24 repented 8 repents 2 repetition 1 replaced 1 replacing 1 replied 109 reply 34 report 7 reported 10 represent 1 representative 1 represented 2 represents 2 reprimand 1 reproach 10 reproached 1 reproaches 3 reproaching 1 reproof 1 reprove 1 reptiles 5 republish 1 reputation 2 request 14 requested 1 require 1 required 5 requirements 3 requires 3 requiring 2 requital 1 requite 7 requited 1 rescind 8 rescue 19 rescued 14 rescuer 1 rescues 4 resemblance 2 resemble 2 resembled 1 resembles 1 resembling 3 reserved 6 reside 1 residence 3 resident 1 residue 1 resigned 1 resist 4 resisted 2 resisting 2 resolutely 1 resolve 3 resolved 5 resonance 1 resort 3 resound 1 resounded 1 resounding 1 resource 1 resources 1 respect 30 respected 2 respectful 2 respecting 2 respects 2 respond 2 responded 1 response 3 responsible 2 rest 86 rested 7 resting 3 resting-place 2 restive 1 restless 2 restoration 2 restore 12 restored 12 restoring 2 restrain 3 restrained 2 restraining 2 restrains 1 restraint 2 restrictions 1 rests 5 result 37 resulted 7 resulting 3 results 12 resuming 1 resurrection 39 retain 6 retained 2 retiring 1 retorted 4 retreat 6 retribution 1 return 74 returned 38 returning 8 returns 1 reunited 1 reuse 1 reveal 8 revealed 44 revealing 1 reveals 3 revelation 14 revelations 3 reveled 1 revelry 5 revenge 2 revere 5 revered 5 reverenced 2 reverences 2 reverent 5 reverently 3 revile 2 reviled 1 revilings 1 revised 1 revive 11 revived 1 revoke 1 revoked 1 revolt 1 reward 35 rewarded 4 rewards 3 rich 60 riches 6 richest 2 richly 2 richness 1 rid 6 ridden 3 riddle 1 riddling 1 ride 6 rider 5 riders 5 rider’s 1 rides 3 ridges 1 riding 2 right 195 righteous 121 righteously 3 righteousness 102 righting 1 rightly 2 rights 5 rills 1 ring 21 ringing 5 ringleader 1 rings 2 riot 7 rioters 1 riotous 1 riots 1 ripe 5 ripen 1 ripped 2 rise 68 risen 25 rises 16 rising 10 risk 1 risked 3 rite 2 ritually 1 rivalries 1 rivalry 7 rivals 1 river 16 rivers 10 riverside 1 riveted 1 road 22 roads 3 roadside 4 roam 2 roaming 2 roar 10 roared 3 roaring 9 roars 4 roasted 1 rob 6 robbed 7 robber 6 robbers 11 robbery 1 robe 23 robed 5 robes 15 rock 43 rocks 8 rocky 5 rod 16 rode 5 rods 2 rogues 1 roll 6 rolled 10 roof 6 room 22 roost 2 roosted 1 root 16 rooted 3 roots 7 ropes 1 rose 31 rot 3 rottenness 1 rough 3 round 21 rounds 1 rouse 5 roused 6 rout 1 routed 2 routing 1 rowed 2 royal 30 royally 1 rubbing 2 rubbish 1 rudder 1 rue 1 ruin 29 ruined 6 ruinous 1 ruins 16 rule 25 ruled 6 ruler 18 rulers 14 rules 4 ruling 7 rumors 3 run 22 runaway 1 runlets 1 runner 1 running 8 runs 11 rupee 1 rush 2 rushed 7 rushing 4 rust 3 rusted 1 sabacthani 2 sabbath 1 sabbaths 1 sack-cloth 3 sackcloth 15 sacred 24 sacredness 2 sacrifice 47 sacrificed 7 sacrifices 31 sacrificial 1 sacrificing 2 sad 5 saddened 1 sadly 2 sadness 1 safe 20 safely 7 safety 11 said 1129 sail 13 sailed 10 sailing 4 sailors 6 saints 2 sake 66 sakes 14 sale 3 sales 1 saliva 3 salt 8 salted 1 saltiness 1 saltpits 1 salty 1 salute 1 salvation 73 same 122 sanctified 1 sanctify 2 sanction 1 sanctuaries 1 sanctuary 14 sand 8 sandal 5 sandals 10 sang 2 sank 2 sap 3 saplings 1 sapphire 1 sappy 1 sardius 1 sardonyx 1 sash 1 sat 38 sated 2 satisfaction 2 satisfied 20 satisfies 3 satisfy 11 satisfying 2 satraps 3 savages 1 save 86 saved 63 saves 12 saving 1 savior 11 savor 1 saw 232 sawdust 2 say 385 saying 143 sayings 1 says 256 scales 4 scalp 1 scandal 1 scant 1 scanty 1 scarcely 1 scared 1 scarlet 6 scars 2 scatter 8 scattered 25 scattering 2 scatters 3 scene 2 scenes 1 scent 1 scented 1 scepter 2 sceptered 2 sceptre 13 scheme 1 schemes 2 scheming 1 scholars 1 scoff 2 scoffer 1 scoffers 3 scoffingly 1 scorch 1 scorched 5 scorching 2 scorn 17 scorned 1 scornfully 1 scorpion 2 scorpions 3 scour 2 scourge 7 scourged 5 scourges 1 scourging 1 scraps 1 scream 2 screamed 1 screaming 1 screams 1 screech 1 screen 2 scribes 1 script 3 scripture 70 scriptures 22 scroll 3 scruple 1 scruples 6 scrupulous 1 scrupulously 2 scum 1 sea 142 sea-monster 1 sea-shore 2 seal 13 sealed 10 sealing 1 seals 5 seam 1 search 22 searched 1 searches 3 searching 5 seared 1 seas 6 season 12 seasons 3 seat 18 seated 33 seats 9 seclusion 1 second 49 secondly 1 secrecy 1 secret 22 secretaries 2 secretly 5 secrets 4 sect 1 secure 18 secured 7 securely 1 secures 1 securing 2 security 3 see 334 seed 50 seeds 3 seeing 39 seek 59 seeking 28 seeks 4 seem 5 seemed 18 seemly 4 seems 13 seen 115 seers 1 sees 16 seething 1 seize 8 seized 19 seizes 2 seizing 4 selected 4 selection 4 self 8 self-accusation 1 self-assertion 1 self-commendation 1 self-condemned 2 self-control 9 self-controlled 6 self-defense 1 self-glorification 1 self-imposed 1 self-indulgence 3 self-restraint 2 self-satisfied 1 self-seeking 1 self-willed 1 selfish 3 sell 12 selling 5 semblance 1 send 88 sending 24 sends 19 senior 1 sense 4 senses 1 sensual 1 sensuality 1 sent 223 sentence 9 sentenced 2 sentries 1 separate 8 separated 7 separately 1 separates 1 separating 4 separation 3 serious 7 seriously 1 seriousness 1 serpent 1 serpent’s 1 servant 135 servants 85 servant’s 4 serve 36 served 5 serves 6 service 43 serviceable 1 services 2 serving 8 set 146 sets 12 setting 6 settle 4 settled 10 settlements 1 settles 2 settling 2 seven 97 sevenfold 1 seventh 13 seventy 5 seventy-five 4 seventy-six 1 seventy-two 2 several 11 severe 6 severed 2 severely 3 severity 2 sews 1 sex 1 sexual 7 shabby 1 shade 4 shades 1 shadow 9 shadow-land 1 shadows 3 shady 1 shafts 1 shake 13 shaken 20 shakes 2 shaking 2 shall 117 sham 1 shame 57 shamed 3 shameful 7 shamefully 2 shamefulness 1 shameless 2 shaped 2 shapely 1 share 65 shared 14 sharers 1 shares 3 sharing 8 sharp 10 sharpen 1 sharpened 4 sharper 2 sharply 1 shatter 5 shattered 4 shatters 3 shave 3 shaved 2 she 227 shearer 1 sheaves 7 shed 10 shedding 7 sheep 61 sheep-folds 1 sheep-gate 1 sheep-merchants 2 sheepfold 1 sheepfolds 1 sheet 7 shelter 14 sheltering 4 shelters 1 shepherd 34 shepherded 3 shepherds 12 sherd 1 shield 19 shields 2 shimmer 1 shinbones 1 shine 10 shines 3 shining 7 ship 21 ships 6 shipwrecked 1 ship’s 4 shirt 1 shivered 1 shoal 1 shocked 2 shoe 1 shoes 3 shone 7 shook 8 shoot 4 shooting 3 shoots 4 shore 19 short 14 short-lived 1 shortened 2 shortly 3 shortness 1 shortsighted 1 shot 4 should 362 shoulder 4 shoulders 4 shoulder’s 1 shout 26 shouted 12 shouting 13 shoutings 1 shouts 6 show 104 showed 29 shower 2 showers 5 showing 14 shown 32 shows 11 shrank 3 shred 1 shrewd 2 shrewder 1 shrewdness 2 shriek 1 shrieked 2 shrieking 2 shrine 4 shrines 3 shrinking 2 shrivel 1 shrivelled 3 shrunk 1 shudder 1 shudders 2 shun 3 shunned 1 shut 16 shuts 1 shutting 1 sick 18 sickle 9 sickness 6 side 58 sides 2 siding 1 siege 2 sieve 1 sift 2 sigh 3 sighed 1 sighing 3 sighs 1 sight 101 sighting 1 sights 1 sign 40 signal 2 signaled 1 signature 1 signed 1 signet 6 signifying 1 signs 45 silence 17 silenced 3 silent 20 silk 1 silly 1 silver 59 silversmith 1 similar 2 simple 5 simple-hearted 1 simple-minded 1 simplicity 1 simply 3 sin 162 since 75 sincere 5 sincerely 2 sincerity 5 sinful 10 sinfully 1 sinfulness 2 sing 45 singers 1 singing 14 single 25 singled 1 sink 2 sinking 2 sinks 1 sinned 16 sinner 5 sinners 15 sinning 12 sins 103 sir 1 sirocco 1 sister 23 sister-in-law 1 sisters 21 sister’s 1 sit 35 site 1 sits 7 sitting 42 six 10 sixth 8 sixty 7 sixty-six 1 size 1 skies 6 skilful 2 skilfully 1 skilled 1 skillful 3 skillfully 1 skills 1 skins 10 skip 1 skipped 1 skull 2 skulls 1 sky 21 slain 7 slake 1 slander 11 slanderer 1 slanderers 3 slandering 1 slanderous 1 slanderously 1 slanders 5 slaughter 11 slaughtered 1 slave 25 slave-woman 3 slavery 9 slaves 21 slave’s 2 slay 8 slaying 1 slays 2 sleek 2 sleep 25 sleeping 2 sleepless 3 sleeps 1 slept 2 slew 6 slide 1 slight 1 slingstones 1 slink 1 slipped 3 slippery 1 slipping 2 slope 3 slow 12 slowness 1 slumber 3 slumbering 1 small 18 smaller 2 smallest 4 smash 1 smashed 1 smashing 1 smell 4 smelted 1 smile 2 smite 3 smiths 3 smiting 1 smitten 1 smoke 24 smokes 1 smoldering 1 smolders 1 smooth 4 smoothed 1 smoother 1 snail 1 snake 10 snakes 14 snap 2 snapped 1 snapping 1 snare 7 snared 1 snares 7 snarl 1 snarls 1 snatch 2 snatched 1 snatches 1 sneer 3 sniff 1 snow 5 so 816 so-called 3 soaked 1 soaking 1 soap 1 sober 3 soberly 2 social 1 sockets 1 soft 1 softer 1 soil 15 sojourn 1 sojourned 1 sold 26 soldier 8 soldiers 29 soldier’s 1 solemn 2 solemnly 12 soles 2 solid 3 solitary 2 some 268 somebody 3 someone 54 someone’s 2 something 43 sometimes 7 somewhat 3 somewhere 2 son 161 song 26 songs 10 songwriters 1 sons 63 son’s 1 soon 63 sooner 9 soothed 1 soothsayers 1 sorcerers 3 sorceries 1 sorcery 1 sore 4 sorely 6 sores 4 sorrel 1 sorrow 33 sorrowful 1 sorrows 1 sorrow’s 1 sorry 4 sort 2 sorted 1 sorts 1 sought 18 soul 29 souls 17 soul’s 1 sound 46 soundings 2 soundness 2 sounds 5 source 16 south 10 south-east 1 southwards 2 sow 16 sowed 6 sower 8 sowing 5 sown 21 sows 6 space 3 spaces 1 spacious 6 span 2 spare 21 spared 4 spares 1 sparing 1 sparingly 1 spark 2 sparrow 1 sparrows 4 spat 4 speak 149 speaker 2 speakers 1 speaker’s 1 speaking 98 speaks 23 spear 4 spears 5 special 9 specially 1 specifically 1 specious 1 speck 6 spectacle 3 speculations 1 sped 1 speech 9 speechless 4 speed 2 speedily 5 speedy 2 spelling 1 spells 1 spend 8 spending 2 spent 18 sphere 3 spheres 1 spice 1 spiced 1 spices 4 spies 3 spikenard 2 spilt 1 spin 2 spirit 151 spirits 36 spiritual 31 spiritually 5 spiritually-minded 1 spit 3 spite 4 spitting 1 splendid 1 splendor 14 splinters 1 split 6 spoil 6 spoiling 1 spoils 1 spoke 71 spoken 47 sponge 3 spontaneously 1 sport 3 spot 14 spotless 4 sprang 8 sprawl 1 sprawlers 1 spread 40 spreading 9 spring 14 springing 1 springs 10 sprinkle 1 sprinkled 6 sprinkling 4 sprout 3 sprouts 2 sprung 1 spurn 4 spurned 9 spurning 1 spy 2 squall 2 squandered 1 square 5 squares 4 stab 1 stabbed 1 staff 9 staffs 1 stage 1 staggered 1 stain 2 stained 3 stainless 1 stalk 1 stalks 2 stall 2 stalls 1 stamped 1 stamps 1 stand 96 standard 6 standards 1 standing 84 standpoint 5 stands 33 star 15 stare 1 stars 26 start 1 started 11 starting 2 startled 3 starving 1 state 9 statement 10 statements 5 states 2 stating 1 station 2 statue 2 statues 1 status 1 statute 4 statutes 31 staunch 1 stay 31 stayed 27 staying 13 steadfast 7 steadfastly 1 steadfastness 1 steadily 2 steady 3 steal 10 stealing 2 steals 1 stealth 2 stealthily 1 steeds 3 steep 4 steered 1 steering 1 stench 3 step 2 stepped 2 stepping 1 steps 24 stern 6 sternly 2 stew 1 steward 11 stewards 4 stewardship 1 steward’s 1 stick 3 sticks 2 stifling 1 still 153 stilled 3 stills 1 stimulated 1 sting 2 stings 2 stink 1 stir 8 stirred 9 stirring 2 stirs 2 stock 1 stocks 1 stole 1 stolen 2 stomach 8 stomachs 1 stone 60 stoned 7 stones 26 stone’s 1 stood 60 stool 4 stoop 2 stooped 2 stop 7 stopped 13 stops 2 store 10 store-houses 1 stored 1 storehouse 2 storehouses 2 stores 5 stories 2 storing 2 stork 2 storm 14 storming-shield 1 stormy 4 story 22 stout 1 stoutest 1 straight 15 straighten 1 straightened 1 straightforward 1 straightforwardly 1 strain 4 straining 1 straits 3 strange 8 stranger 10 strangers 16 stranger’s 1 strangled 4 strap 3 stratagems 1 straw 1 stray 4 strayed 3 straying 3 strays 1 stream 1 streams 13 street 7 streets 19 strength 86 strengthen 12 strengthened 7 strengthening 3 strengthens 1 stress 1 stretch 6 stretched 13 stretches 1 stretching 1 strewed 2 stricken 1 strict 5 strictest 2 strictly 2 stride 1 strides 1 strife 4 strike 25 strikes 3 striking 5 string 2 stringed 1 strings 1 strip 8 stripped 6 strips 1 strive 6 striving 4 stroke 4 strong 61 stronger 9 strongest 1 stronghold 6 strongholds 3 strongly 1 strove 2 struck 27 struggle 6 struggling 1 strut 1 struts 1 stubble 5 stubborn 3 stubbornness 1 stuck 1 student 5 students 5 studied 2 studs 1 study 4 stumble 12 stumbled 7 stumbles 2 stumbling 4 stumbling-block 7 stupid 1 styled 1 subdued 2 subdues 1 subject 19 subjection 4 subjects 9 submission 9 submissive 1 submit 11 submits 1 submitted 1 submitting 3 subordinate 1 subside 1 subsided 1 substance 4 substituted 1 succeed 1 succeeded 4 successfully 1 successors 1 succour 1 such 129 sucklings 1 sudden 1 suddenly 22 sue 1 sues 1 suffer 23 suffered 15 suffering 38 sufferings 19 suffers 3 suffice 1 sufficed 1 sufficient 6 sufficiently 1 suggest 3 suggesting 1 suggestions 1 suitable 3 sulfur 7 sulks 1 sulphurous 1 sum 11 summed 2 summer 9 summer-heat 1 summon 5 summoned 11 summons 5 sums 1 sun 49 sunk 6 sunlight 1 sunrise 6 sunset 5 superfluous 1 superior 5 superiority 2 supernatural 6 supervisor 4 supervisors 1 supper 5 supplanted 1 supplement 2 supplication 2 supplications 2 supplied 1 supplies 4 supply 7 support 8 supported 1 supporters 2 supporting 1 supports 4 suppose 11 supposed 2 supposing 1 supreme 4 suprised 1 sure 40 surely 15 surety 2 surface 2 surge 2 surging 1 surpassed 1 surpasses 3 surpassing 3 surprise 1 surprised 7 surprising 1 surrender 1 surrendering 2 surrenders 1 surround 8 surrounded 6 surrounding 5 survive 3 survives 1 surviving 1 survivors 7 suspect 1 suspense 2 suspicions 1 sustain 4 sustained 5 sustaining 1 sustains 3 swallow 5 swallowed 4 swallows 1 swan 1 swarm 3 swarmed 4 swarming 5 swathed 2 sway 6 swayed 1 swear 14 swearing 3 swears 8 sweat 1 sweep 9 sweepings 1 sweeps 1 sweet 11 sweeter 2 sweetest 1 swelling 1 swells 1 swept 9 swerve 2 swerves 1 swift 4 swifter 1 swiftly 5 swim 3 swollen 1 swoop 1 swooping 1 swoops 1 sword 68 swords 13 swore 13 sworn 9 sycamore 1 sycamores 1 symbol 2 symbolic 2 symbols 1 sympathetic 1 sympathies 1 sympathised 1 sympathize 2 sympathy 2 synagogue 43 synagogues 23 system 6 tabernacles 2 table 31 tables 5 tablet 1 tablets 4 tackle 1 tact 1 tail 1 tails 4 taint 2 tainted 1 take 248 taken 95 takers 1 takes 32 taking 39 tale 2 tales 1 talk 11 talked 15 talking 22 tame 2 tamed 2 tamper 1 tangible 1 tangled 1 tanner 3 tarried 1 task 5 tassel 4 tassels 1 taste 5 tasted 1 tasteless 1 tasting 2 taught 45 taunt 1 taunt-song 3 taunted 2 taunts 6 tax 20 tax-gather 1 tax-gatherer 5 taxes 8 taz 1 teach 64 teacher 38 teachers 70 teaches 9 teaching 132 tear 13 tearing 3 tears 30 tedious 1 teeth 22 tell 263 telling 32 tells 11 temperate 2 tempest 8 temple 47 temples 2 tempt 4 temptation 16 temptations 4 tempted 14 tempting 4 ten 49 ten-stringed 3 tenants 18 tend 2 tended 6 tender 2 tenderhearted 1 tenderly 1 tenderness 3 tending 2 tends 1 tens 1 tent 33 tent-making 1 tenth 5 tents 16 teraphim 1 terebinths 1 term 1 terms 1 terrible 11 terribly 2 terrified 8 terrify 7 territory 6 terror 16 terrors 6 test 31 testator 2 tested 6 testified 6 testifies 3 testify 7 testifying 2 testimony 57 testing 3 tests 1 tethered 4 text 5 texts 2 textual 1 than 226 thank 27 thank-offering 4 thank-offerings 1 thanked 2 thankful 5 thankfully 3 thanking 2 thankless 1 thankofferings 1 thanks 44 thanksgiving 26 thanksgivings 1 that 3210 the 16125 theft 2 thefts 1 their 1552 theirs 13 them 1780 theme 1 themself 1 themselves 160 then 419 theology 1 there 580 therefore 81 therein 7 thereof 5 thereon 1 these 275 they 2256 they’d 1 thick 5 thicket 2 thickets 1 thief 17 thieves 7 thigh 3 thing 66 things 239 think 65 thinking 13 thinks 9 third 60 thirdly 1 thirst 14 thirsts 1 thirsty 14 thirteenth 7 thirty 13 thirty-eight 1 this 1055 thistles 3 thorn 4 thorn-fire 1 thorns 9 those 687 though 149 thought 31 thoughtless 1 thoughts 25 thousand 61 thousands 9 thrash 1 thrasher 1 threaten 1 threatening 3 threats 2 three 101 thresh 2 threshed 1 threshing 5 threshing-floor 6 threshold 1 threw 44 thrive 1 throat 3 throats 2 throbbing 1 throbs 1 throne 85 throned 5 thrones 8 throng 8 throngs 1 through 334 throughout 27 throw 26 throwing 7 thrown 23 throws 1 thrust 7 thrusting 1 thunder 13 thundercloud 1 thundered 2 thundering 1 thus 3 thwart 1 tidings 3 tie 1 tied 3 tiles 1 till 19 tilled 1 tiller 1 timber 2 timbrel 3 timbrels 1 time 314 times 52 timid 2 tiny 1 tip 1 tire 1 tired 4 tithe 3 tithes 9 title 4 to 8105 today 38 today’s 1 together 106 toil 23 toiled 3 toiling 2 toils 1 tokens 1 told 166 tolerant 1 tolerate 8 tolerated 1 tolerates 1 tomb 39 tombs 10 tomorrow 13 tone 2 tongue 43 tongues 34 tonight 3 too 139 took 174 tooth 2 top 12 topaz 1 topple 1 tops 3 torch 2 torches 3 tore 6 torment 4 tormented 1 tormentors 3 torments 1 torn 15 torrent 2 torrents 4 torture 8 tortured 6 tossed 2 totally 1 totter 6 tottered 1 tottering 2 touch 20 touched 25 touches 7 touching 3 tour 1 toward 7 towards 34 towel 2 tower 7 towered 1 towering 1 towers 1 town 74 towns 23 townspeople 1 track 1 tracked 1 trackless 1 tracks 2 trade 4 traded 2 traders 2 trades 2 traditions 10 traffickers 1 train 2 trained 7 training 2 trains 3 traitor 1 traitors 3 trample 13 trampled 3 trance 7 transcendent 2 transferred 1 transformed 9 transgress 2 transgressed 2 transgression 4 transgressions 6 transgressors 2 transient 2 translation 3 translations 2 transmitted 1 transparent 2 trap 12 trapped 1 traps 2 travel 1 traveled 2 travelers 1 traveling 6 travels 3 treacherous 8 treachery 5 tread 15 treading 2 treads 5 treasure 10 treasured 5 treasurer 2 treasures 7 treasury 6 treat 7 treated 12 treating 1 treatment 4 treaty 1 tree 50 trees 29 tremble 12 trembled 5 trembles 4 trembling 11 trespassed 1 trespassing 1 trial 15 trials 4 tribe 28 tribes 16 tribunal 1 tribute 9 trick 1 tricked 1 trickery 1 tried 28 tries 1 trimmed 1 trip 1 triumph 9 triumphal 1 triumphant 3 triumphed 1 triumphs 2 trivial 1 trod 2 trodden 2 troopers 3 troops 2 trouble 53 troubled 8 troubles 17 troublesome 1 troubling 3 true 118 true-hearted 4 truly 7 trumpet 13 trumpet-blasts 1 trumpet-call 2 trumpeters 1 trumpets 3 trust 51 trusted 16 trustful 2 trustfulness 1 trusting 1 trusts 5 trustworthy 19 trusty 5 truth 152 truthfulness 2 truths 17 try 18 trying 21 tune 1 turban 2 turmoil 4 turn 90 turned 60 turning 16 turns 8 turret 1 turrets 1 turtle-doves 1 twelfth 6 twelve 56 twenty 9 twenty-first 1 twenty-four 6 twenty-fourth 5 twenty-seven 3 twenty-third 1 twenty-three 1 twice 7 twinkling 1 twisted 2 two 158 two-edged 4 two-thirds 1 tying 1 type 1 tyranny 3 unable 21 unafraid 2 unaided 1 unanimously 1 unapproachable 1 unashamed 2 unavailing 1 unaware 2 unawares 3 unbecoming 1 unbecomingly 1 unbelief 1 unbeliever 9 unbelievers 5 unbelieving 1 unblemished 1 unborn 2 unbreached 1 unbroken 1 unceasing 1 unceasingly 1 uncertain 1 uncertainty 1 unchangeable 2 unchangeableness 1 unchaste 1 uncircumcised 10 uncircumcision 1 uncle 2 unclean 13 uncleanness 3 uncle’s 1 unclothed 1 unclouded 2 unconscious 1 uncontaminated 1 unconvicted 1 uncover 1 uncovered 4 undaunted 1 undeniable 1 undeniably 1 under 161 underfoot 3 undergo 14 undergoing 6 undergone 2 underneath 1 understand 47 understanding 15 understands 3 understood 10 undertake 1 underwent 4 undiscerning 3 undisciplined 1 undo 2 undone 3 undoubtedly 2 undrinkable 1 undying 2 uneducated 1 unerringly 1 unfading 2 unfailing 4 unfairly 1 unfaithful 9 unfasten 3 unfathomable 1 unfavorable 1 unfeigned 3 unfinished 1 unfit 1 unfolded 1 unforgiven 1 unfruitful 2 ungodliness 5 ungodly 2 ungraceful 1 ungrateful 1 ungrudging 2 unhallowed 1 unharmed 2 unhindered 1 unimportant 2 uninhabited 1 unintelligent 1 unintelligible 1 union 95 unite 3 united 23 unites 4 unity 2 universal 1 universe 6 unjust 4 unjustly 1 unknown 5 unlashed 1 unleavened 7 unless 39 unlike 1 unlimited 2 unloosed 1 unloved 1 unmarried 6 unmindful 2 unmistakable 2 unmixed 1 unmoved 1 unnatural 2 unoccupied 2 unopened 1 unpityingly 1 unpleasant 1 unprepared 1 unprofitable 2 unpunished 2 unreal 1 unrestrained 1 unrestricted 1 unrighteous 2 unrighteousness 2 unripe 1 unruly 1 unsatisfied 1 unsearchable 1 unseemly 1 unseen 3 unsettled 2 unsettling 1 unshaken 8 unshrunk 2 unsold 1 unspeakable 1 unspiritual 1 unsteady 2 unsuspected 1 unswayed 1 unswervingly 1 untaught 1 untie 4 untied 1 until 138 untimely 2 unto 5 untouched 1 untraceable 1 untrue 3 untrustworthy 4 unturned 1 untying 4 unutterable 1 unwashed 2 unwearying 1 unwilling 4 unwillingly 1 unwise 1 unwisely 1 unworthy 5 up 653 upheld 1 uphold 4 upholding 3 upholds 3 uplifted 7 uplifts 1 upon 141 upper 2 upright 27 uprightly 1 uprightness 4 uproar 5 uproot 2 uprooted 2 uprooting 1 upset 3 upside 1 upstairs 7 upwards 2 urge 4 urged 6 urgent 1 urging 4 us 668 use 41 used 45 useful 2 useless 11 uses 5 usher 1 ushered 1 using 13 usual 5 utmost 8 utter 10 utterance 1 utterances 3 uttered 9 uttering 1 utterly 22 utters 5 vacillating 1 vacillators 1 vain 18 vainly 2 valid 4 valley 14 valley-bottom 1 valleys 5 valuable 1 value 13 valued 4 valueless 1 vanish 8 vanished 8 vanishes 1 vanity 1 varied 1 varieties 2 various 11 vast 4 vat 2 vats 2 vegetable 1 vegetation 2 vehemently 2 veil 7 veiled 2 vengeance 9 vengeful 3 venom 2 venomous 1 venture 5 ventured 3 venturing 1 verdict 1 verify 1 versed 1 version 2 versions 1 very 99 vessel 2 vessels 4 vestige 1 vestments 1 vex 1 vexed 6 vials 1 vice 3 victim 2 victims 2 victor 2 victories 1 victorious 5 victory 25 vie 1 view 8 views 1 vigor 1 vigorous 1 vigorously 1 vigour 1 vile 3 vilest 1 vilify 1 village 19 villages 12 villains 1 villainy 1 vindicate 1 vindicated 2 vindication 2 vine 21 vine-dressers 1 vine-grower 1 vinegar 2 vines 6 vineyard 23 vineyards 8 violated 1 violation 1 violence 26 violent 10 violently 3 violet 2 virgin 3 virgins 3 virtually 1 virtue 8 virtues 3 virtuous 1 visible 6 vision 35 visions 8 visit 39 visitation 1 visited 6 visiting 1 visitor 2 visitors 1 visits 1 voice 130 voices 6 voluntary 2 volunteers 1 vomited 1 vote 1 vow 4 vowed 4 vows 12 voyage 2 voyagers 1 vultures 3 wage 4 wages 16 wagging 1 waging 2 wagon 1 wail 7 wailed 3 wailing 9 waist 3 wait 39 waited 8 waiting 13 waits 1 waiver 1 wake 5 waker 1 wakes 2 walk 69 walked 8 walking 24 walks 3 wall 25 wallowing-place 1 walls 8 wander 4 wandered 3 wanderer 1 wanderers 1 wandering 5 wanderings 1 wanders 2 want 94 wanted 10 wanting 11 wanton 5 wantonly 3 wants 28 war 21 war-cry 2 war-horse 1 war-steeds 1 warfare 1 warhorses 1 warm 3 warming 5 warn 6 warned 10 warning 13 warnings 2 warrant 2 warrior 5 warriors 12 wars 6 was 1686 wash 16 washed 14 washing 7 wasn’t 5 waste 11 wasted 8 wastes 3 wasting 3 watch 30 watch-tower 1 watched 10 watches 3 watchful 4 watching 17 watchman 4 watchmen 1 watchtower 1 water 112 water-courses 1 water-gates 1 water-jars 2 watered 1 watering 1 waterless 2 waters 46 water’s 1 wave 2 waved 1 waver 2 wavered 1 waves 15 waving 2 wax 5 way 272 ways 51 we 849 weak 45 weakened 2 weaker 2 weakness 16 weaknesses 4 weal 1 wealth 37 wealthy 4 weaned 1 weapons 8 wear 11 wearied 2 wearing 4 wearisome 1 wears 1 weary 9 weather 1 weave 1 website 1 wedded 1 wedding 5 wedding-robe 2 weed 2 weeds 9 week 15 weekly 1 weep 19 weeping 28 weigh 1 weighed 2 weighing 1 weighs 2 weight 5 weightier 1 weights 1 welcome 22 welcomed 14 welcomes 13 welcoming 8 welfare 5 well 136 well-behaved 1 well-being 1 well-fed 1 well-instructed 1 well-known 3 well-ordered 1 well-roofed 1 well-spring 1 well-versed 2 welling 1 went 408 wept 9 were 915 west 11 western 2 wet 3 what 682 whatever 44 wheat 18 wheel 1 wheels 1 when 705 whence 1 whenever 16 where 204 whereas 1 whereby 1 whereof 1 whereon 1 wherever 18 whether 39 which 768 while 265 whip 2 whirl 1 whirls 1 whirlwind 3 whirlwinds 1 whisper 4 whispered 3 whispering 1 whispers 3 whistle 1 white 32 whiter 2 whitewashed 2 whither 1 who 2451 whoever 34 whole 124 wholly 6 whom 271 whore 1 whose 134 why 104 wick 1 wicked 140 wickedly 2 wickedness 30 wide 13 wide-spread 1 widely 4 widen 1 widow 24 widowed 3 widows 17 width 1 wielded 1 wielding 1 wife 95 wife’s 1 wild 39 wilderness 39 wilds 2 wilful 1 will 3064 willed 1 willful 1 willfully 3 willing 17 willingly 2 willingness 2 wills 6 wilted 2 win 25 wind 52 winding 2 winding-sheet 1 window 4 windows 2 winds 15 windstorm 1 windward 1 wine 86 wine-cup 1 wine-drinker 2 wine-press 1 wine-skin 1 wine-skins 3 winepress 2 winepresses 1 wing 2 winged 1 wings 23 wink 1 winning 2 winnow 1 winnowed 2 winnowing-fan 2 wins 4 winter 13 wintered 1 wipe 8 wiped 4 wisdom 50 wise 31 wisely 3 wiser 2 wish 42 wished 14 wishes 25 wishing 6 with 2073 withdraw 6 withdrawing 1 withdrawn 3 withdrew 5 wither 5 withered 18 withers 4 withheld 3 withhold 2 withholds 2 within 83 without 158 withstand 4 withstands 1 witness 31 witnessed 1 witnesses 24 witnessing 1 wives 16 woe 3 woke 5 woken 1 wolf 2 wolves 6 woman 120 woman’s 3 womb 10 women 77 women’s 2 won 16 wonder 8 wondered 2 wonderful 17 wonderfully 1 wondering 7 wonders 34 wondrous 2 wont 1 won’t 5 wood 8 wooded 1 woods 2 woodsmen 1 wool 6 word 76 words 212 wore 2 work 127 worked 13 worker 10 workers 21 working 13 workman 2 workmen 1 works 20 world 252 worldly 6 worldly-minded 1 worldwide 1 world’s 4 worm 3 worms 1 wormwood 3 worn 4 worse 16 worship 72 worshiped 15 worshiper 2 worshipers 4 worshipped 1 worshipper 1 worshippers 1 worshipping 1 worships 1 worth 9 worthless 23 worthy 37 would 233 wouldn’t 2 would’ve 2 wound 12 wounded 6 wounding 1 wounds 5 woven 2 wrangling 1 wrap 1 wrapped 7 wrappings 3 wraps 2 wrath 67 wreath 1 wreaths 1 wrecked 1 wrestled 2 wretched 4 wretches 1 wrinkle 1 wrists 1 write 34 writer 2 writes 1 writhe 4 writing 25 writings 7 written 54 wrong 60 wrong-headed 1 wrongdoer 2 wrongdoers 1 wrongdoing 8 wrongdoings 4 wronged 9 wrongfully 1 wrongs 4 wrote 16 wrought 16 yard 1 yards 1 year 38 yearly 1 yearn 2 years 81 year’s 3 yeast 4 yes 17 yesterday 4 yet 239 yield 11 yielded 4 yielding 4 yields 2 yoke 8 yoked 2 you 4943 young 58 younger 8 youngest 1 your 2232 yours 52 yourself 89 yourselves 143 youth 18 youths 2 zeal 6 zealous 2 zealously 1