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Abundance]· 1 Accad 1 Accept 3 Acceptance 2 Accessability 1 According 33 Accos 1 Accounts· 1 Accused 1 Acharei 1 Achbor 2 Achim 2 Achor 1 Acquisition 18 Acquisition]’s 2 Actions 1 Acts 137 Adah 8 Adam 13 Adar 2 Adasa 2 Adbeel 1 Add 1 Addar 1 Addi 1 Adida 2 Admah 4 Adon 1 Adonai 3042 Adonai^ 1 Adonai’s 8 Adoption 1 Adora 1 Adrammelech 1 Adullamite 3 Adversary 17 Affectionately 1 Africa 2 After 68 Afterward 16 Afterwards 2 Agag 1 Again 31 Against 8 Age 1 Agree 1 Agur 1 Ah 5 Aha 8 Ahav 1 Ahaz 9 Ahiezer 5 Ahihud 1 Ahiman 1 Ahira 5 Ahiram 1 Ahiramites 1 Ahisamach 3 Ahuzzath 1 Ai 2 Aiah 1 Aiath 1 Ain 1 Akal 1 Akan 1 Akiba 1 Akrabattine 1 Akrabbim 1 Alas 2 Alcimus 12 Alef 9 Alema 1 Alexander 24 Alexander’s 4 All 247 Allah 1 Allegories 1 Allegory 1 Allon 1 Allow 4 Allowing 1 Alluding 1 Almighty 12 Almodad 1 Almon 2 Alot 1 Alphaeus 4 Also 45 Altar 6 Alternative 3 Although 2 Alush 2 Alvah 1 Alvan 1 Always 1 Am 8 Amalek 18 Amalekite 2 Amalekites 2 Amalek’s 1 Amazement 2 Amen 22 American 1 Ammi 1 Ammiel 1 Ammihud 7 Amminadab 9 Ammishaddai 5 Ammon 13 Ammonite 3 Ammonites 1 Amon 2 Among 8 Amorite 13 Amorites 29 Amos 12 Amoz 7 Amram 6 Amramites 1 Amram’s 1 Amraphel 2 An 35 Anah 9 Anak 4 Anakim 5 Anamim 1 Anarchist 4 Anathoth 1 Ancient 3 Ancients 1 And 652 Andrew 12 Aner 2 Angel 63 Anna 1 Annas 3 Anointed 68 Another 8 Answer 9 Antioch 7 Antiochus 29 Antipater 2 Anxiety 1 Any 8 Anyone 5 Apart 1 Aphaerema 1 Apocalypse 1 Apollonius 7 Apostle 1 Apostles 2 Appearance 1 Appendix 2 Apphus 1 Applied 3 Apply 2 Applying 1 Appoint 5 Appointed 8 Ar 6 Arabah 8 Arabia 4 Arabian 3 Arabians 2 Arad 2 Aradus 1 Aram 15 Aramaic 13 Aran 1 Ararat 1 Ararat’s 1 Arathes 1 Arba 2 Arbatta 1 Arbela 1 Archelaus 1 Ard 2 Ardites 1 Are 38 Areli 2 Arelites 1 Argob 3 Ariel 4 Arimathaea 4 Arioch 2 Arise 31 Arius 2 Arkites 1 Arm 1 Armed 52 Armies 3 Arnold 1 Arnon 14 Arod 1 Arodi 1 Arodites 1 Aroer 5 Arpachshad 6 Arpad 3 Arphaxad 1 Arrogant 1 Arsaces 3 Articles 4 Aruch 1 Arvadites 1 As 219 Asa 2 Asaph 2 Asaramel 1 Ascalon 3 Ascribe 6 Asenath 3 Ashbel 2 Ashbelites 1 Ashdod 2 Asher 21 Asherah 6 Ashkenaz 1 Ashtaroth 1 Ashteroth 1 Asia 6 Ask 12 Asked 8 Asking 1 Asphar 1 Asriel 1 Asrielites 1 Assemble 7 Assembly· 6 Asshur 3 Asshurim 1 Assigned 1 Assir 1 Assuredly 2 Assyria 38 Assyrian 7 Assyrians 4 Astrologers 6 At 68 Atad 2 Ataroth 2 Atharim 1 Athenobius 2 Atonement 2 Atonement· 16 Atrothshophan 1 Atrzeret 5 Attalus 1 Attend 1 Atzeret 4 Audience 1 Augustus 1 Author 4 Authorization 1 Authorship 2 Avaran 2 Avenge 1 Avi 54 Avi-'Ad 1 Avikah 27 Avinu 9 Avir 5 Avith 1 Aviv 5 Avoid 1 Avon 1 Avram 62 Avvim 1 Awake 6 Away 3 Azariah 1 Azarias 3 Azmon 2 Azor 2 Azotus 11 Azzan 1 B'chukkotai 1 B'ha'alotkha 1 B'har 1 B'midar 1 B'midbar 1 B'resheet 4 B'rit 54 B'shallach 1 B.C.E 24 BCE 2 BET 1 Ba'al-Zibbul 7 Baal 12 Bab 2 Baba 3 Babel 2 Babies 1 Babylon 23 Babylonian 5 Bacchides 20 Bacuth 1 Baean 1 Bake 1 Baking 1 Balaam 55 Balaam’s 1 Baladan 2 Balak 41 Balak’s 1 Bald 22 Baldness 1 Ballam 1 Bamoth 2 Banner 1 Baptist 1 Bar 1 Bar-Abba 11 Barachiah 1 Barley 1 Barnea 6 Bartholomew 3 Bartimaeus 1 Bascama 1 Basemath 6 Bashan 27 Bashful 9 Basic 12 Batra 3 Bavel 1 Bayith 1 Baz 2 Bdellium 1 Be 81 Be'er-Sheva 11 Beams 1 Beat 1 Beautiful 1 Because 79 Becher 2 Becherites 1 Becoming 1 Bedad 1 Beer 5 Beeri 1 Beeroth 1 Bees 1 Bees· 1 Before 23 Begin 2 Beginning 2 Beginning· 3 Behold 338 Being 16 Beit 2 Beit-El 2 Bel 1 Bela 7 Belaites 1 Believe 3 Belonging 10 Beloved 65 Beloved]’s 10 Beloved· 1 Ben 1 Ben-Elohim 26 Bene 3 Beni-Elohim 2 Benjamin 33 Benoni 1 Beon 1 Beor 6 Bera 1 Berach 7 Berea 1 Bered 1 Beriah 4 Berites 1 Bernal 4 Beside 1 Besides 5 Bestowed 12 Bet 5 Beth 6 Beth-El 1 Beth-dagon 1 Beth-el 12 Beth-lehem 3 Beth-lehem-Judah 3 Bethany 12 Bethbasi 2 Bethesda 1 Bethhoron 4 Bethlehem 29 Bethsaida 7 Bethshan 3 Bethsphage 3 Bethsura 13 Bethuel 9 Bethzacharias 2 Better 9 Beulah 1 Beware 9 Beyond 2 Bezalel 6 Bezer 1 Bezeth 1 Bible 191 Biblical 5 Bibliography 1 Biblography 6 Bilhah 9 Bilhan 1 Bind 5 Binding 2 Biography 1 Birsha 1 Bishop 2 Bitter 10 Blasphemy 5 Bless 6 Blessed 84 Blessing 6 Blessings 1 Blind 5 Blood 3 Bloodthirsty 1 Blow 2 Bo 1 Boanerges 1 Boaz 4 Boil 1 Boiling 1 Bold 1 Bolts 12 Bones 2 Book 9 Book3 1 Books 8 Booths 2 Booths· 4 Bosor 2 Bosora 2 Both 16 Bow 8 Bozrah 3 Brackets 1 Branch 31 Brandish 1 Breach 1 Bread 16 Bread· 10 Break 5 Breaking 3 Breif 1 Brief 1 Bring 37 Bringing 1 Bronze 9 Brother 3 Brown 4 Bucket 11 Build 6 Building 1 Bukki 1 Burden 1 Burial 3 Buried 2 Burning 36 Burnt 4 Burst 1 Bury 5 Bush 1 But 680 Buy 4 Buz 1 By 72 CE 3 CHET 1 CO 2 Caesar 12 Caesarea 2 Caesar’s 7 Caiaphas 8 Cain 19 Cainan 2 Calah 2 Caleb 12 Calendar 4 Call 11 Calling 1 Calneh 1 Calno 1 Calvary 3 Cameled 1 Can 15 Cana 4 Canaan 72 Canaanite 29 Canaanites 14 Cannan 2 Cannites 1 Capernaum 16 Capharsalama 1 Caphtor 1 Caphtorim 2 Carchemish 1 Caria 1 Carmel 2 Carmi 3 Carmites 1 Carnaim 3 Carry 4 Carrying 1 Casluhim 1 Casphor 2 Cast 3 Catagories 2 Cauffman 2 Cause 7 Causing 43 Cease 2 Cendebaeus 6 Century 2 Cephas 1 Certainly 2 Ch 5 Ch1 1 Ch4 1 Chabad 2 Chabad.org 1 Chagigah 1 Chaim 1 Chaldeans 7 Chaldees 3 Chalphi 1 Changing 4 Chanina 4 Chanukah 2 Chaphenatha 1 Chapter 2 Charge 1 Charm 1 Chayim 9 Chazak 5 Chedorlaomer 5 Cheer 1 Chemosh 1 Chen 2 Cheran 1 Chesed 1 Cheshed 1 Chesvan 1 Chezib 1 Chief 2 Chiefs 1 Child 4 Children 5 Children’s 1 Chinnereth 2 Chisel 1 Chislev 3 Chislon 1 Chittim 2 Choke 2 Choose 3 Choosing 1 Chorazin 2 Chosen 1 Chr 26 Christian 13 Christianity 2 Christians 4 Chronicles 4 Church 1 Chuzas 1 Cilicia 1 Circuit 72 Circumcise 1 Cities 3 Citing 1 Citron 1 City 209 Civil 1 Clean 1 Cleaning 1 Cleanse 2 Clean· 2 Cleave 1 Cleopas 1 Cleopatra 2 Clopas 1 Clouds 4 Cnidus 1 Coals 1 Coast 1 Code 3 Coelesyria 1 Cohen 79 Cohenim 37 Cohenoh 1 Col 16 Collect 1 Colorado 2 Colossians 1 Combination 1 Combinations 1 Combined 19 Combing 1 Come 78 Comfort 1 Comforter 1 Coming 3 Command 4 Commander 78 Commandments 6 Commands 23 Commentary 2 Commentators 1 Commit 2 Compare 5 Comparing 1 Complete 13 Completely 12 Complete· 1 Composite 1 Concerning 1 Conclude 1 Conclusion· 55 Concordance 1 Concordances 2 Conduct 1 Confidence 1 Confuse 1 Confusion 22 Confusion]’s 1 Confusion· 1 Coniah 2 Conjurer 6 Consecrate 1 Consecrated 6 Consecrated· 6 Consequence 6 Consequence· 1 Consider 90 Considerations 3 Considering 1 Consolation 1 Consult 1 Consume 2 Consuming 2 Contend 1 Context 47 Continuing 2 Contribution· 1 Convocation 1 Cor 85 Corban 1 Corn 3 Correct 1 Corrected 1 Cos 1 Cosam 1 Could 8 Couldn’t 2 Counsel 4 Counselor 10 Count 3 Counting 1 Court 8 Courtyard 3 Court’s 1 Covenant 32 Covenant· 54 Cover 1 Covering 33 Covering]’s 3 Cozbi 2 Create 1 Creator 8 Crete 1 Crisis 1 Cross 2 Crucify 7 Crucifying 1 Cry 5 Culture 1 Curse 1 Cursed 14 Curtains 2 Cush 5 Cushite 2 Cut 2 Cutting 2 Cyprus 1 Cyrene 4 Cyrus 3 D 6 D'var 10 D'varim 2 DALET 1 DRASH 1 Dad 1 Dad· 33 Dagger-man 8 Dagon 2 Dalmanutha 1 Damascus 11 Dan 67 Daniel 15 Daniel’s 1 Darius 1 Darkness 1 Dathan 10 Dathema 1 Daughter 4 Daughters 1 Davar 2 David 143 David’s 10 Day 50 Daylight 1 Days 2 Deaf 3 Deal 2 Dear 35 Death 6 Death· 1 Debate 1 Deborah 1 Decapolis 3 Deceit 1 Decide 1 Declare 7 Dedan 3 Dedanites 1 Dedicated 1 Dedication 1 Dedication· 1 Deep 1 Deeper 1 Defend 2 Defender 1 Defined 1 Defining 1 Definition 1 Deity 4 Delicate 1 Delight 6 Delight· 1 Deliver 20 Delos 1 Demetrius 40 Demons 1 Depart 11 Departure 1 Descendant 68 Descendants 181 Descender 79 Describe 1 Description 1 Desert 13 Design 1 Designate 1 Desolate 1 Desolation 2 Destiny 1 Destroy 3 Destroyer 55 Destruction 3 Destructive 1 Details 1 Deuel 4 Deut 545 Deuteronomy 9 Devastator 1 Devoted 6 Diblathaim 2 Dibon 6 Dibri 1 Did 6 Didn’t 14 Didymus 3 Die 1 Differing 1 Digest 2 Diklah 1 Dimon 2 Dinah 7 Dinah’s 1 Dinhabah 1 Direct 1 Directions 1 Directive 47 Director 1 Directs 1 Disaster 1 Discipline 1 Discover 1 Discretion 1 Discussion 1 Disease 1 Dishan 3 Dishon 4 Dispersion 1 Disqualifying 1 Distinguished· 2 District 72 Divisions 1 Divorce 2 Dizahab 1 Do 61 Doctor 1 Dodanim 1 Does 15 Dog 2 Dok 1 Donkey 3 Don’t 287 Dophkah 2 Dor 3 Dorymenes 1 Dothan 2 Dots· 1 Double 6 Doubtless 1 Dove 14 Down 1 Dr 2 Drash 1 Drash:it* 1 Draw 5 Drawing 12 Drawn 700 Dress 1 Dressing 1 Drink 5 Drizin 1 Duet 1 Dumah 2 During 3 Dust 2 Duties 1 Dwell 2 Dwelling 1 Dwellings 1 Dyeing 1 E-One 1 EOCU 1 EOU 1 Each 11 Early 2 Earth 1 East 1 Eastern 3 Eat 3 Ebal 4 Eber 9 Eccl 2 Echad 5 Eden 16 Eder 1 Edersheim 1 Edom 32 Edomite 2 Edomites 3 Edrei 4 Eglaim 1 Eglath 1 Egypt 377 Egyptian 20 Egyptians 75 Egyptian’s 1 Ehi 1 Eight 1 Eighth 6 Eighth· 1 Either 4 Ekev 1 Ekron 1 El 21 El-Elohei-Isra'el 1 Elah 1 Elam 6 Elasa 1 Elath 1 Eldaah 1 Eldad 3 Elealeh 4 Eleazar 47 Eleutherus 2 Elevated 30 Eli 2 Eliab 10 Eliakim 8 Eliasaph 6 Elidad 1 Eliezer 11 Elijah 34 Elim 7 Eliphaz 7 Elisha 1 Elishah 1 Elishama 5 Elisheba 1 Eliud 2 Elizabeth 9 Elizaphan 2 Elizur 5 Elkanah 1 Ellasar 2 Elmodam 1 Elohei 4 Eloheikhem 34 Eloheinu 1 Elohim 65 Eloi 2 Elon 4 Elonites 1 Else 1 Elul 1 Elymais 1 Elyon 9 Elzaphan 2 Emim 3 Emmaus 5 Emor 1 En 1 Ena 29 Enaim 2 Enan 7 Encamp 1 Encourage 1 Endor 1 English 8 Enjoin 9 Enjoin· 1 Enlarge 1 Enlargement 9 Enmity 3 Enoch 10 Enon 1 Enos 1 Enosh 6 Enough 2 Ensure 1 Enter 5 Entering 1 Enthroned 1 Entreat 1 Entrust 1 Eph 30 Ephah 2 Epher 1 Ephod 1 Ephraim 46 Ephratah 3 Ephrath 7 Ephrathah 7 Ephron 13 Epiphanes 2 Er 8 Erachin 2 Eran 1 Eranites 1 Erasing 1 Erech 1 Eri 2 Erites 1 Esar 1 Esau 88 Esau’s 1 Escape 2 Esek 1 Esh 1 Eshban 1 Eshcol 6 Esli 1 Especially 1 Establish 1 Esteem 1 Esteemed 1 Eternal 8 Eternities 1 Etham 4 Ethanim 4 Ethiopia 9 Etrog 3 Eumenes 1 Eupator 1 Euphrates 8 Eupolemus 1 Eve 2 Even 44 Evening 1 Ever 2 Everlasting 3 Every 68 Everyone 43 Everything 7 Everywhere 1 Evi 1 Evidence 3 Evil 5 Ewe 45 Ex 351 Exalt 2 Exalted 64 Examine 2 Example 28 Examples 11 Exaustive 2 Execute 1 Executive 1 Exodus 17 Expanded 1 Expectations 1 Explain 2 Exposer 1 Exposition 1 Extend 11 Extinguishing 1 Extol 2 Extort 1 Extraordinary· 2 Ez 1 Ezbon 1 Eze 8 Ezekiel 10 Ezekiel’s 1 Ezer 3 Ezion 3 Ezra 4 FEH 1 Facts 4 Faithful 1 Faithless 2 Fall 1 Fallen 1 Falling 1 False 2 Far 3 Fast 4 Father 305 Fathers 1 Father· 116 Father·’s 12 Father’s 2 Fatness 10 Fawn-like 13 Fear 9 Fearfulness 1 Feast 13 Features 2 Feed 3 Festival 15 Festivals 2 Few 2 Field 4 Fifty· 4 Fight 3 Fill 4 Final 2 Find 1 Finding 1 Finish 1 Fire 9 First 26 Five 8 Fix 1 Flaying 1 Flee 2 Flies 7 Flight 12 Flog 1 Flood 2 Focusing 2 Folio 4 Follow 9 Folly 2 Food 2 Fool 1 Foolish 2 Fools 2 Footnotes 1 Footsteps 1 For 797 Foreigners 1 Forget 1 Forgive 5 Forsaken 1 Fortune 1 Forty 2 Foundation 2 Four 6 Fourth 1 Fragrant 21 Frailty 7 Fraudulent 1 Free 2 Freedman 8 Freely 1 Friday 2 Friend 12 Friends 14 Fringes· 1 From 143 Frost 20 Frost]· 1 Frost]’s 1 Fruchtenbaum 1 Fruit 43 Fruit]’s 3 Fruitful 7 Fruits 16 Fulfill 3 Fulfilled 1 Fulfillment 1 Full 1 Function 12 Furthermore 2 Future 1 G 1 GIMEL 1 GOD 1 Gabbatha 1 Gabriel 2 Gad 29 Gadarenes 3 Gaddi 1 Gaddiel 1 Gaddis 1 Gadites 4 Gadol 24 Gadolim 1 Gaham 1 Gal 29 Galeed 2 Galil-of-the-Goyim 5 Galilean 4 Galileans 4 Galilee 87 Gall 9 Gallim 1 Gamaliel 5 Gan-'Eden 1 Gaon 3 Garden 9 Gargen 1 Gatam 2 Gath-hepher 1 Gather 9 Gathering 1 Gauls 1 Gaza 5 Gazara 12 Geba 1 Gebal 1 Geber 3 Gebim 1 Gehenna 12 Gehinnom 1 Gemalli 1 Gen 104 Genealogy 4 General 1 Generations· 1 Genesis 10 Gennesaret 3 Gennesareth 1 Gentile 28 Gentiles 106 Gera 1 Gerar 8 Gergesenes 1 Gerizim 2 Gershom 2 Gershon 13 Gershonites 7 Geshurites 1 Get 27 Gether 1 Gethsemane 2 Getting 1 Geuel 1 Gibbor 3 Gibeah 1 Gibeon 1 Gideon 1 Gideoni 5 Gift 25 Gihon 1 Gilead 33 Gileadites 1 Gilgal 2 Gill’s 1 Gird 1 Girgashite 1 Girgashites 2 Give 55 Given 8 Gladness 1 Glorify 1 Glorious 2 Glory 7 Go 96 Go'eil 1 God 2979 God's 3 God]’s 2 God· 42 God·’s 1 God’s 273 Gog 9 Goiim 2 Going 2 Golan 1 Golden 2 Golgotha 5 Goliath 1 Gomer 2 Gomorrah 16 Good 65 Good· 1 Gorgias 5 Gortyna 1 Goshen 12 Gospel 3 Gospels 3 Governor 1 Gozan 1 Go· 1 Grace 3 Grace· 2 Gracious 2 Grant 2 Grass 1 Gray 1 Great 20 Greater 1 Great· 2 Greece 2 Greek 45 Greeks 7 Greet 1 Grinding 1 Growing 3 Guard 1 Gudgodah 2 Guide 4 Guiding 1 Guni 2 Gunites 1 H 1 HET 1 HEY 1 Ha 19 Ha'azinu 1 Ha-Shem 2 HaBrachah 1 HaEl 1 HaG'vurah 1 HaKikar 3 Habitation 5 Hadad 3 Hadar 1 Hadashah 54 Haddon 1 Hades 4 Hadoram 1 Haftarah 56 Hag 9 Hagar 16 Haggai 1 Haggi 2 Haggidgad 2 Haggites 1 Hagrites 1 Hahiroth 1 Hail 3 Hairy 75 Hairy]’s 12 Halachist 2 Halicarnassus 1 Hallel 1 Halleluyah 25 Ham 14 Hamath 7 Hamathites 1 Hametz 1 Hamitzvot 2 Hammer 8 Hammers 1 Hamor 10 Hamor’s 1 Hamul 2 Hamulites 1 Hanan 2 Hananiah 1 Hand 2 Hanes 1 Hanging 1 Hanniel 1 Hanoch 4 Hanochites 1 Hansen’s 6 Happy 29 Happy]’s 1 Haradah 2 Haran 15 Harass 1 Hareseth 1 Has 16 Hash 2 Hashana 2 Hashanah 2 Hashmonah 2 Hasidaeans 2 Hated 2 Hatred 1 Hattaavah 5 Havdallah 2 Have 60 Haven’t 18 Havilah 4 Having 11 Havvoth 2 Hawa 5 Hayyei 1 Hazar 3 Hazarmaveth 1 Hazazon 1 Hazeroth 6 Hazo 1 Hazor 1 He 2006 Head 2 Heal 4 Healer 1 Heals 5 Heap 5 Hear 64 Hearing 150 Hearing]’s 6 Hear· 1 Heaven 38 Heaven· 16 Heaven’s 2 Heb 226 Heber 2 Heberites 1 Hebrew 153 Hebrews 10 Hebron 10 Hebronites 2 Helek 1 Helekites 1 Heli 1 Hellenism 5 Hellenistic-Jew 1 Helon 5 Help 69 Helpers 2 Heman 1 Hemdan 1 Hena 1 Hence 3 Henceforth 1 Hepher 3 Hepherites 1 Hephzibah 1 Her 30 Here 14 Heres 1 Hermon 6 Herod 35 Herodians 3 Herodias 6 Heroic 32 Heroic]’s 3 Heshbon 19 Heth 13 Hey 1 Hezekiah 36 Hezron 8 Hezronites 2 Hiddekel 1 Hidden 1 Hide 5 Higgayon 1 High 63 Hilchot 5 Hilkhot 1 Hilkiah 3 Hillel 3 Him 29 Himself 4 Hint 1 Hippatach 1 Hirah 2 Hire 18 His 237 Historian 2 Historians 2 Historically 3 History 3 Hittite 18 Hittites 1 Hivite 11 Hivites 1 Hobab 1 Hobah 1 Hodesh 1 Hodu 1 Hoglah 3 Hold 3 Holiness 26 Holy 93 Holy· 1 Honest· 1 Honor 10 Hope 4 Hopefully 1 Hor 14 Horeb 13 Hori 2 Horite 1 Horites 6 Hormah 3 Horonaim 1 Horror 2 Hos 8 Hosanna 6 Hosannas 5 Hosea 6 Hoshana 2 Hoshea 6 Hossanah 3 Hot 14 House 44 Houses 1 How 119 Howbeit 1 However 17 Howl 3 HuLev 1 Hukkat 3 Hul 1 Human 10 Humans 2 Humbled 104 Humbled]’s 1 Hungry 1 Hupham 1 Huphamites 1 Huppim 1 Hur 7 Hurry 6 Husham 2 Hushim 1 Huzoth 1 Hypocrites 1 I 3620 Idiom 1 Idumaea 6 Ieyr 3 Iezer 1 Iezerites 1 If 477 Igal 1 Imalcue 1 Immanu 3 Immanu'el 6 Immediately 36 Immerser 15 Immigrant 15 Immigrants 1 Imnah 2 Imnites 1 Implied 1 Implying 2 Impure 2 In 346 In-Text 1 In-text 1 Incense 5 Increase 3 Indeed 8 Index 3 India 1 Indian 2 Indignation 1 Individuals 2 Infants 2 Ingesting 3 Inland 2 Inside 1 Inspiration 1 Inspired 1 Instance 1 Instead 6 Instruct 1 Instructions 7 Instructions· 1 Intensity 14 Intention 1 Intercessor 2 Interlinear 1 Interpertation 1 Interpretation 6 Interpreted 1 Intimate 1 Into 6 Introduction 4 Ir 1 Irad 2 Iram 1 Iron 1 Is 563 Is26:6 1 Isaac 107 Isaiah 64 Isaiah’s 1 Iscah 1 Iscariot 9 Ishbak 1 Ishmael 20 Ishmaelites 5 Ishvah 1 Ishvi 2 Ishvites 1 Isra'el 44 Israel 952 Israelite 14 Israelites 3 Israel’s 5 Issac 4 Issachar 18 It 395 Italics 1 Ithamar 12 Ithiel 2 Ithran 1 Its 29 Ituraea 1 It’s 13 Ivvah 1 Iyar 1 Iye 1 Iyeabarim 1 Iyim 1 Iyyar 1 Izhar 4 Izharites 1 I’ll 1 I’m 8 J 2 Jaakan 3 Jaar 1 Jabal 1 Jabbok 4 Jabin 1 Jachin 3 Jachinites 1 Jacob 321 Jahaz 3 Jahleel 2 Jahleelites 1 Jahzeel 2 Jahzeelites 1 Jair 4 Jairus 2 Jakeh 1 Jalam 3 Jambres 1 Jambri 2 James 48 Jamin 3 Jaminites 1 Jamnia 4 Jannai 1 Jannes 1 Japheth 9 Jared 6 Jashub 1 Jashubites 1 Jason 3 Javan 3 Jazer 7 Jealous 1 Jeberechiah 1 Jebusite 9 Jebusites 2 Jechoniah 2 Jeconiah 4 Jed 2 Jegar 1 Jehoshaphat 2 Jemuel 2 Jephunneh 8 Jer 39 Jerah 1 Jeremiah 14 Jericho 21 Jerusalem 241 Jeshimoth 1 Jeshrun 1 Jeshurun 4 Jesse 11 Jesse’s 5 Jesus 6 Jetheth 1 Jethro 11 Jetur 1 Jeush 3 Jew 17 Jewish 52 Jews 146 Jezer 2 Jezerites 1 Jidlaph 1 Joah 3 Joanan 1 Joanna 2 Joarib 2 Job 2 Jobab 3 Jochebed 2 Joel 15 Jogbehah 1 Jogli 1 Johanan 2 John 361 John’s 1 Jokshan 2 Joktan 3 Jonah 27 Jonan 1 Jonathan 90 Jonathan’s 4 Joppa 10 Joram 2 Jordan 81 Jorim 1 Jose 1 Joseph 220 Joseph's 1 Josephus 3 Joseph’s 6 Joses 5 Josh 6 Joshua 37 Josiah 2 Jospehus 1 Jotbathah 3 Jotham 4 Journeys· 1 Joy 2 Jubal 1 Jubilee 42 Judah 141 Judah’s 2 Judaism 47 Judaism’s 1 Judas 125 Jude 1 Judea 67 Judean 6 Judge 9 Judges 13 Judges· 1 Judge· 5 Judgments 4 Judith 1 Julius 2 June 7 Just 7 Justice 1 Justice· 1 Justinian 2 K 1 K'doshim 1 K'riot 14 KAF 1 KOF 1 KUF 1 Kadesh 20 Kadmonites 1 Kahana 5 Kain 1 Karet 2 Karnaim 1 Kavash 1 Kavod 1 Kedar 6 Kedemah 1 Kedemoth 1 Kedesh 2 Keep 18 Kehelathah 2 Kemuel 2 Kenan 5 Kenath 1 Kenaz 3 Kenezites 1 Kenite 1 Kenites 1 Kenizzite 1 Kethuboth 2 Keturah 2 Key 5 Ki 3 Kibroth 5 Kiddush 2 Kidron 4 Kill 1 Kindling 1 King 214 Kingdom 134 Kingdom’s 1 Kings 40 Kingship 3 King’s 2 Kinsman 1 Kinzer 1 Kippur 15 Kir 4 Kiriath 3 Kiriathaim 2 Kirot 4 Kishon 1 Kislev 1 Kiss 4 Kittim 4 Kneading 1 Knock 1 Knot 2 Know 8 Knowing 3 Knowledge 4 Kodesh 4 Kohath 16 Kohathites 7 Kohlenberger 3 Korach 23 Korahites 2 Kosher 2 L 51 L'kha 2 LAMED 1 LIVING 3 LY 8 LY7 1 LY:2 13 LY:3 14 LY:4 13 LY:5 14 LY:6 14 LY:7 13 Laban 56 Lachish 2 Ladder 1 Lady 13 Lael 1 Lahai 3 Laishah 1 Lake 1 Lam 5 Lamb 2 Lame 3 Lamech 11 Lamentation 1 Lamentations 1 Lancaster 1 Land 11 Language 2 Lapkin 1 Larger 1 Lasha 1 Last 1 Lasthenes 2 Latin 6 Laughter 103 Laughter]’s 5 Law 7 Lay 1 Lazarus 15 Lead 4 Leader 2 Leadership 3 Leah 33 Learn 1 Leather 1 Leave 9 Leaven 4 Leaven· 1 Leaving 2 Lebanon 19 Lebanon’s 1 Lebbaeus 1 Legion 3 Legions 3 Lehabim 1 Lekh 1 Lemuel 2 Lend 1 Length 1 Leper 4 Leprosy 2 Leprous 4 Lest 9 Let 343 Letter 1 Letushim 1 Let’s 24 Leummim 1 Lev 538 Level 38 Levels 4 Levi 52 Leviathan 4 Leviathan’s 3 Levite 16 Levites 107 Levitical 3 Leviticus 8 Levi· 2 Levy 1 Libnah 3 Libni 2 Libnites 2 Lick 1 Lie 2 Life 6 Lift 15 Lifting 1 Lifts 1 Light 8 Light-bringer 285 Light-bringer]’s 29 Lightning 1 Lights· 3 Like 20 Likewise 6 Line 2 Linen 1 Linked 2 List 7 Listen 24 Literal 4 Little 3 Live 4 Living 63 Load 1 Located 1 Locusts 1 Lodge 1 Lofty 3 Long 1 Longing 1 Look 19 Looking 5 Loops 1 Lord 290 Lord's 1 Lord· 1 Lord’s 2 Lot 36 Lotan 3 Lotan’s 1 Love 13 Loves 26 Loving 3 Loving-kindness 12 Loving-kindness· 1 Lowth 2 Lubavitcher 1 Lucius 1 Lud 2 Ludim 1 Luhith 1 Luke 221 Lulav 5 Luz 3 Lycia 1 Lydda 1 Lydia 1 Lying 1 Lysanias 1 Lysias 9 M 2 M'Kaddesham 3 M'lakhim 11 M'tzora 1 MEM 1 MP 735 MP:In 1 MP:Zeal 1 MPr 90 Maacah 1 Maacathites 1 Maath 1 Maccabaeus 4 Maccabee 2 Maccabee's 1 Maccabees 3 Maccabeus 1 Macedonian 2 Machi 1 Machir 8 Machirites 1 Machpelah 6 Madai 1 Madmenah 1 Maftir 56 Magdala 12 Magdalene 1 Magdiel 1 Maggots 1 Magi 6 Magog 10 Mahalaleel 1 Mahalalel 5 Mahalath 1 Mahanaim 1 Maher 2 Mahlah 3 Mahli 2 Mahlites 2 Maimon 2 Maimonides 5 Maintain 2 Major 5 Make 46 Maked 2 Maker 8 Makheloth 2 Making 5 Mal 27 Mal'akhi 1 Malachi 2 Malchiel 2 Malchielites 1 Malchus 2 Malice 1 Malicious 1 Malki-Tzedek 3 Mammon 2 Mamre 10 Man 116 Manahath 1 Manasseh 43 Manassites 2 Mankind 1 Manly 12 Manna 1 Manoah 3 Many 36 Man’s 2 MarYah 53 Marah 5 Mark 105 Marking 86 Marking]’s 1 Maroon 1 Marriage 1 Martha 13 Mary 51 Mary's 1 Mary’s 3 Masa'ei 1 Mash 1 Mashiach 5 Masoretic 7 Masrekah 1 Massa 1 Massah 5 Master 64 Material 1 Matred 1 Matt 269 Mattanah 2 Mattatha 1 Mattathias 15 Matthan 2 Matthat 2 Matthew 16 Matthew's 1 Matthew’s 2 Mattiyahu 1 Mattot 1 Matzah 16 May 241 Maybe 1 Me 1 Meaning 4 Meanwhile 1 Medaba 1 Medad 3 Medan 1 Medeba 2 Medes 2 Media 5 Mediator 2 Meditation· 1 Mediterranean 3 Meeting 138 Mehetabel 1 Mehujael 2 Melachim 5 Melakhim 1 Melchi 2 Melea 1 Melek 9 Memphis 1 Men 13 Menan 1 Menasia 2 Mend 1 Meon 1 Merari 16 Merarites 1 Mercy 3 Meribah 9 Merodach 1 Mesaloth 1 Mesha 1 Meshech 2 Mesopotamia 2 Mesopotamian 1 Message 1 Messer 7 Messiah 848 Messiahs 8 Messiah’s 101 Messianic 34 Messianicly 1 Methuselah 5 Methuselah’s 1 Methushael 2 Mezahab 1 Mibsam 1 Mibzar 1 Mic 25 Micah 2 Michael 1 Michmash 2 Miciah 1 Middle 3 Middle-land 6 Middle-land]’s 1 Midian 22 Midianite 4 Midianites 4 Midrash 49 Migdol 2 Might 2 Mighty 14 Migron 1 Mikhah 2 Mikketz 1 Milcah 9 Mildew 1 Ministry 1 Minor 2 Miriam 12 Mir’yam’s 1 Mischief 1 Misfortune 1 Mishael 3 Mishlei 1 Mishma 1 Mishnah 15 Mishne 7 Mishpat 3 Mishpatim 1 Missionary 1 Mithkah 2 Mitzvot 2 Mizar 1 Mizpah 1 Mizpeh 3 Mizraim 3 Mizzah 2 Moab 74 Moabite 3 Moabites 3 Mockers 3 Mockery 16 Mockery]’s 1 Modern 2 Modin 8 Mold 1 Molech 6 Mom 1 Month 2 Months 1 Moon 22 Moons 1 Moon· 1 Morally-upright 9 More 5 Moreh 2 Moreover 28 Moriah 3 Morning 1 Mortal 1 Moserah 1 Moseroth 2 Moses 734 Moses-Judaism 1 Moshiach 1 Most 107 Mot 1 Mount 72 Mountain 91 Mountaineer 15 Mourning 12 Move 1 Multiple 5 Multitudes 1 Muppim 1 Murder 4 Mushi 2 Mushites 2 Must 2 Mute 3 Mutual 1 My 356 Myndos 1 Myrrh 3 Myrtle 13 M’Kaddesh 4 NUN 1 Na 29 Naamah 1 Naaman 4 Naamites 1 Nabathaeans 2 Nabeel 1 Nadab 9 Nadabath 1 Naggai 1 Nahaliel 2 Nahath 2 Nahbi 1 Nahor 15 Nahor’s 2 Nahshon 9 Nahum 1 Nain 1 Nakav 2 Name 35 Names 6 Names· 1 Name· 4 Naphish 1 Naphtali 24 Naphtuhim 1 Naso 1 Nathan 3 Nathanael 6 Nation 2 National 1 Nations 2 Nazaphnoe 4 Nazarene 9 Nazareth 31 Nazarethaios 4 Nazarite 20 Nazarites 1 Nazerine 1 Nazerite 1 Nebaioth 4 Nebo 7 Nedarim 1 Nega'im 1 Negev 1 Neh 2 Neighbor 6 Neither 24 Nemuel 2 Nemuelites 1 Nepheg 1 Nephilim 3 Neri 1 Nethanel 5 Never 1 Nevertheless 24 New 84 News 21 Next 1 Nicanor 8 Nicanor’s 3 Nicodemus 5 Nightfall 1 Nile 7 Nimrah 2 Nimrim 1 Nimrod 3 Nine 9 Nineveh 6 Ninevites 1 Ninth 1 Nisroch 1 Nissan 46 Nitzavim 1 No 86 Noach 1 Noah 52 Nob 1 Nobah 2 Nobody 6 Nod 1 Non-Jews 4 None 16 Nophah 1 Nor 5 Not 559 Note 151 Notes 1 Nothing 7 Notwithstanding 6 November 1 Now 306 Num 182 Number 1 Numbers 14 Numenius 4 Nun 16 Nuts 12 O 19 OU163 1 OU193 1 OU195 1 OU213 8 OU28 2 OU288 1 OU297 1 OU360 5 OU400 1 OU402 1 OU417 1 OU437 2 OU456 2 OU463 1 OU466 1 OU47 1 OU487 1 OU613 1 OUR 22 OURb 3 OURb# 6 OUSB 1 Oath 11 Obadiah 4 Obal 1 Obed 3 Obedient 2 Obey 1 Object 1 Oboth 4 Observe 7 Ocean 1 Ochran 5 Odomera 1 Of 80 Offer 5 Offering 4 Offerings 10 Offspring’s 5 Often 1 Og 14 Oh 41 Ohad 2 Oholiab 5 Oholibamah 7 Olam 1 Old 14 Olive 2 Olives 9 Olivet 2 Omar 2 Omer 9 On 113 Onam 1 Onan 7 Once 3 One 154 One· 1 Onias 4 Onkelos 2 Only 45 Open 8 Opening 1 Ophir 3 Or 45 Orach 1 Oral 11 Order 7 Ordinance 1 Oreb 2 Organized 7 Origin 1 Original 4 Orthosia 1 Oseinu 2 Ostriches 1 Other 5 Others 16 Otherwise 2 Ought 1 Our 39 Out 16 Outside 3 Ovadia 1 Ovadyah 1 Ox 6 Ozni 1 Oznites 1 P 1 P'kudei 1 PARDES 1 PASHAT 1 PEH 1 PRDS 1 PRINCIPALS 1 PRINCIPLES 2 PaRDeS 4 PaRaDiSe 3 Paddan 11 Pagiel 5 Pains 1 Pairs 1 Pallu 4 Palluites 1 Palm 21 Palti 1 Paltiel 1 Pamphylia 1 Pangs 2 Par 5 Par20 1 Par3 1 Parables 1 Paradise 4 Parallel 6 Parallels 2 Paran 8 Paraphrase 23 Parasha 9 Parashah 13 Pardes 1 Parker 2 Parnach 1 Part 12 Partially 1 Pashat 3 Pass 3 Passing 2 Passion 14 Passover 16 Passover· 89 Pastor 2 Patai 2 Patai’s 2 Pathros 1 Pathrusim 1 Paths 1 Pathway 4 Patmos 1 Pau 1 Paul 5 Paulus 2 Pause 1 Pavement 1 Pay 8 Pays 22 Peace 15 Peaceable 12 Pedahel 1 Pedahzur 5 Pekah 1 Peleg 6 Peleh-Yo 1 Peleth 1 Penalties 1 Peniel 2 Pentacost 10 People 19 Peor 12 Perazim 1 Perez 10 Perezites 1 Perfect 1 Perfections· 3 Perform 1 Perfume 1 Perhaps 7 Perizzite 7 Perizzites 3 Permission 3 Perplexed 2 Persecuted 1 Perseus 1 Persia 5 Persian 7 Persians 1 Person 7 Person’s 1 Pertaining 1 Pesac 89 Pesachim 1 Peshitta 2 Peskita 5 Pet 34 Peter 117 Peter's 1 Pethor 2 Phanuel 1 Pharaoh 189 Pharaoh’s 38 Pharathon 1 Pharisee 9 Pharisees 83 Pharoah 1 Phaselis 1 Phasiron 1 Phicol 3 Phil 14 Philip 24 Philippi 2 Philistia 7 Philistine 2 Philistines 19 Phlegon 1 Phrasing 1 Physically 2 Physician 2 Pihahiroth 3 Pilate 52 Pildash 1 Pilgrim 2 Pillar 1 Pinchas 11 Pinon 1 Pirke 7 Pisgah 6 Pishon 1 Pithom 1 Place 71 Plain 2 Plans 1 Plants 1 Play 1 Plead 3 Pleasant 1 Pleasantness 1 Please 44 Plowing 1 Pluck 1 Plural 1 Poetry 1 Political 1 Poltorak 1 Pontius 2 Possess 1 Possible 1 Post 1 Posterity 1 Potiphar 2 Potiphera 3 Potter’s 2 Pour 3 Poured 2 Pouring 4 Poverty 1 Power 3 Praetorium 6 Praise 76 Praised 239 Praised]’s 1 Praiser 3 Praisers 113 Praises 4 Pray 10 Prayer 1 Precious 1 Preparation 7 Prepare 5 Presbyterian 1 Presence 3 Presented 7 Preserve 6 Preserved 2 Press 2 Pride 2 Priest 9 Priestly 4 Priests 3 Priests· 36 Priest· 77 Priest’s 1 Priest’s· 2 Primary 3 Prince 4 Princes 2 Princess 36 Princess]· 1 Princess]’s 3 Principal 1 Principles 1 Pro 1 Proclaim 2 Produce 1 Project 1 Promised 1 Prompted 1 Proof 1 Prophecies 7 Prophecy 5 Prophesy 4 Prophet 13 Prophets 14 Proposed 3 Prostrating 2 Protector 1 Protestant 1 Prov 13 Proverbs 7 Provider 3 Ps 340 Psalm 22 Psalms 17 Psalm’s 1 Pseudo-Jon 2 Pseudo-Jonathan 1 Ptolemais 17 Ptolemy 16 Puah 1 Published 1 Publishing 2 Pul 1 Punish 2 Punites 1 Punon 2 Purchase 2 Purification 6 Purify 1 Pursue 1 Put 20 Putiel 1 Putting 1 Puvah 2 Qualification 3 Qualifications 1 Quarreling 9 Queen 1 Quickly 1 Quirinius 1 Quoted 798 Quoting 18 Qureshi 1 R 537 R.-H 1 REMEZ 1 RESH 1 RY:2 7 RY:3 7 RY:4 7 RY:5 7 RY:6 7 RY:7 7 Ra'ah 1 Raamah 2 Raamses 1 Rabbah 4 Rabbi 61 Rabbinic 9 Rabbinical 13 Rabbis 40 Rabboni 2 Rabinical 1 Rabshakeh 8 Raca 1 Rachel 45 Radiance· 1 Rafa 1 Rahab 5 Rain 1 Raise 1 Raised· 2 Ralph 3 Ram 2 RamBam 10 RamBam’s 1 Ramah 2 Ramathaim 1 Rambam 23 Rambam# 4 Rambam’s 3 Rameses 4 Ramoth 1 Range 1 Ransom 1 Raphael 2 Raphon 1 Raphu 1 Rashi 1 Rather 3 Raymond 4 Raze 2 Re'eh 1 Reach 2 Read 18 Reader 1 Reading 1 Reaping 1 Reason 16 Reba 1 Rebbe 1 Rebekah 30 Rebellion 50 Rebellion]’s 1 Rebellious 16 Rebuild 1 Rebuke 1 Rebuking 1 Receive 3 Recognized 2 Recompense 11 Recompense]’s 1 Recorded 4 Records 1 Recounting 1 Red 45 Redeem 4 Redeemed 1 Redeemer 24 Redemption 2 Reed 17 Reference 9 Referenced 1 References 4 Reflecting 1 Refuge 2 Regulation 1 Regulation· 2 Rehearsal 1 Rehob 1 Rehoboam 2 Rehoboth 3 Rejected 2 Rejoice 11 Rejoicing 1 Rekem 1 Relatives 1 Release 2 Release· 19 Relent 1 Reliable 2 Relieve 1 Religious 2 Remain 4 Remaliah 3 Remaliah’s 2 Remember 28 Remembered 12 Remez 1 Remove 7 Render 2 Renew 1 Repairer 1 Repentance 1 Rephaim 8 Rephidim 5 Rephrasing 2 Representing 1 Reproach 1 Reproofs 1 Reprove 1 Rescue 5 Research 1 Resen 1 Resource 23 Resources 6 Respect 1 Rest 49 Rest]· 1 Rest]’s 2 Restoration 1 Restore 6 Restorer 1 Result 1 Resurrected 4 Retrieved 10 Return 1 Reu 5 Reuben 40 Reubenites 5 Reuel 8 Reumah 1 Rev 136 Revelation 1 Revere 1 Revered 1 Revive 10 Reward 18 Rezeph 1 Rezin 5 Rhesa 1 Rhodes 1 Riblah 1 Rich 2 Riches 1 Right 6 Righteous 6 Righteousness 13 Rimmon 2 Ripening 1 Riphath 1 Rise 14 Rissah 2 Rithmah 2 Ritually 2 River 12 Rivers 1 Ro'i 4 Robbers 7 Robinson 11 Rock 110 Rock]’s 3 Roi 3 Rom 106 Roman 29 Romans 12 Rome 14 Roof 1 Rosh 6 Roth 1 Round 3 Ruach 35 Rufus 1 Rule 2 Ruler 16 Ruler]’s 4 Rulings· 1 Ruth 7 S 21 S.L 2 S:2 3 S:3 4 S:4 4 S:5 4 S:6 5 S:7 1 SAMECH 1 SHIN 1 SIN 1 SOD 1 STBM 2 Sabbath 174 Sabbaths 20 Sabbatical 2 Sabeans 1 Sabtah 1 Sabteca 1 Sacrifices 2 Sacrificial 1 Saddle 1 Sadducee 1 Sadducees 11 Safrai 1 Sages 1 Sahadutha 1 Said 1 Saints 1 Salecah 1 Salem 1 Salim 1 Salmon 3 Salome 2 Salt 7 Salting 1 Salu 2 Salvation 666 Salvation]'s 16 Salvation]’s 2 Salvation· 3 Sam 35 Samaria 18 Samaritan 5 Samaritans 5 Same 1 Samlah 2 Samos 1 Sampsames 1 Samson’s 1 Samuel 11 Sanctification· 2 Sanctify 5 Sanctuary 24 Sanhedrin 29 Santifier 7 Sar-Shalom 1 Sarah 49 Sarah’s 1 Sarai 17 Sargon 1 Satan 27 Satan’s 1 Satisfy 1 Saturday 2 Saul 6 Save 29 Savior 13 Savior· 1 Say 8 Sayings 1 Scatter 2 Scepter 3 Schedule 1 Scholar 4 Scholars 4 Science 1 Scientifically 1 Scientificly 1 Scraping 1 Scripture 23 Scriptures 18 Sea 47 Seal 1 Search 6 Seat 2 Seba 3 Sebam 1 Sebat 1 Second 10 Section 2 Securely 30 Seder 7 See 250 Seed 3 Seeing 7 Seek 9 Seeker 10 Seeking 1 Seen 2 See· 1 Sefer 4 Seir 21 Seize 2 Sela 1 Selah 72 Selected 1 Selecting 1 Selectively 3 Seleucus 1 Self-published 1 Sell 2 Selucia 1 Semech 1 Semein 1 Semetic 1 Seminal 1 Send 15 Senir 1 Sennacherib 4 Sent 2 Separate 1 Separated 116 Separated]’s 2 Separating 1 Separation· 2 Sephar 1 Sepharvaim 2 September 4 Septuagent's 1 Septuagint 11 Serah 2 Sered 2 Seredites 1 Seron 2 Serug 5 Servant 22 Serve 1 Serve· 2 Serving 2 Set 9 Set-apart 1 Seth 8 Sethur 1 Settle 1 Seven 29 Seventh 1 Sewing 1 Sh'ma 57 Sh'mini 6 Sh'mitta 20 Sh'mot 2 Sh'mu'el 3 Sh'ol 4 Shabbat 5 Shaddai 12 Shake 1 Shalal 2 Shalem 1 Shall 24 Shalom 10 Shame 1 Shammah 2 Shammai 2 Shammua 1 Shaphat 1 Sharezer 1 Sharon 3 Sharp 1 Shaul 5 Shaulites 1 Shaveh 2 Shavu'ot 12 Shawl 1 She 155 Shealtiel 3 Shearing 1 Shearjashub 1 Sheath 9 Sheaves 1 Sheba 8 Shebna 5 Shechem 19 Shechemites 1 Shechem’s 2 Shed 1 Shedeur 5 Shelah 13 Shelanites 1 Sheleph 1 Shelishiyah 1 Shelomi 1 Shelomith 1 Shelumiel 5 Shem 25 Shemeber 1 Shemida 1 Shemidaites 1 Shemini 4 Shemuel 1 Sheol 56 Sheol· 2 Shepard 5 Shepham 2 Shepher 2 Shepherd 4 Shepherds 4 Shepherd’s 2 Shepho 1 Shephupham 1 Sheshai 1 Sheth 1 Shibah 1 Shihor 1 Shillem 2 Shillemites 1 Shiloah 1 Shiloh 2 Shimei 2 Shimeites 1 Shimon 2 Shimron 2 Shimronites 1 Shinab 1 Shinar 5 Shiphrah 1 Shiphtan 1 Shittim 2 Shlach 1 Shmitta 1 Shmuel 2 Shobal 3 Shocher 1 Shof'tim 4 Shofar 21 Short 1 Should 9 Shoulder 1 Shout 4 Show 11 Shua 1 Shuah 1 Shua’s 1 Shuham 1 Shuhamites 2 Shulchan 1 Shuni 2 Shunites 1 Shuphamites 1 Shur 4 Shuthelah 2 Shuthelahites 1 Sibmah 3 Sicyon 1 Sid 1 Siddim 3 Side 1 Sidon 17 Sidonians 1 Sifting 1 Significant 1 Signs 3 Sihon 22 Siloam 4 Simchat 2 Simeon 155 Simeonites 2 Simon 1 Simple 1 Sin 5 Sinai 34 Since 10 Sincener 1 Sing 31 Sinim 1 Sinites 1 Sinners 1 Sins 1 Sion 9 Siphré 2 Sir 9 Sirion 2 Sisera 1 Sit 8 Sithri 1 Sitnah 1 Sitting 8 Six 7 Skeptic 1 Skinning 1 Skull 2 Slaughtering 1 Sleep 3 Slothfulness 1 Small 9 Smitten 2 Smoke 1 So 207 Sodi 1 Sodom 33 Soldiers 1 Solomon 17 Solomon's 1 Solomon’s 1 Some 40 Someone 3 Sometimes 2 Son 271 Son-inconstant 6 Song 20 Songs 21 Sons 4 Sons-in-law 1 Soon 2 Sorrow 1 Sotah 1 Sought 1 Soul 1 South 14 Sowing 1 Spain 2 Sparta 1 Spartans 9 Speak 44 Speak· 1 Special 6 Specific 3 Specificity 4 Specify 2 Spinning 1 Spirit 140 Spirit-filled 2 Spiritually 3 Splendor 1 Spreading 9 Spring 1 Stand 8 Standard 1 Standing 2 Star 8 Start 1 Statement 4 Stay 8 Stern’s 1 Still 3 Stolen 1 Stone 1 Stooping 2 Stop 1 Strangers 2 Strap 1 Streams 1 Strength 3 Strengthen 2 Stress 2 Stretch 11 Stretched 2 Stretching 1 Strife 30 Strike 1 Striking 1 Strip 1 Strive 1 Strong 22 Strongs 8 Stubborn 1 Study 3 Stump 3 Subject 2 Such 1 Suddenly 2 Suf 18 Suffer 1 Sukkah 4 Sukkot 30 Summary 2 Sun 3 Sunset 1 Supernatural 1 Superstitious 1 Suphah 1 Supplanter 295 Supplanter]’s 19 Surely 46 Surplanter 30 Susanna 1 Susi 1 Swear 2 Swords 1 Sychar 1 Syria 14 Syriac 1 Syrian 7 Syrians 1 Syrophoenician 1 T 512 T'rumah 1 T-cross 1 TAV 1 TET 1 TV 1 TZADI 1 Tabeel 1 Taberah 2 Tabernacle 16 Tabernacles 4 Tabernacles· 16 Tabernacle’s 2 Tabor 1 Tahan 1 Tahanites 1 Tahash 1 Tahath 2 Take 79 Taking 57 Talah 1 Talita 1 Talkers 42 Talmai 1 Talmud 41 Talmudist 2 Tamar 9 Tanach 5 Tanakh 1 Tanchuma 6 Tanhuma 1 Tanning 1 Targum 31 Targums 1 Tarshish 10 Tartan 1 Tar’gum 2 Tavo 1 Tax 2 Tazria 1 Ta’anit 1 Teach 14 Teacher 40 Teacher· 15 Teaching 3 Teachings 5 Teachings· 3 Teaching· 179 Tearing 1 Tebah 1 Tehilah 3 Tehillim 1 Tekoah 1 Telassar 1 Tell 32 Tema 2 Teman 3 Temanites 1 Temple 46 Ten 7 Tend 1 Tent 159 Tenth 1 Tent’s 1 Tephon 1 Terah 12 Terrible 8 Terror 1 Terurah 6 Teshuvah 16 Testament 2 Testimony 12 Testing 5 Tetragrammaton 4 Tetzaveh 1 Tetze 1 Tevet 1 Text 2 Texts 3 Thaddaeus 2 Thallus 1 Thank 3 Thanks 1 Thanksgiving 1 Thassi 1 That 62 That’s 1 The 2161 The613Commands 2 Their 88 Then 305 Theocratic 2 Theophilus 2 There 232 Therefore 251 Thes 19 These 162 They 1054 Thick 1 Things 2 Third 3 Thirdly 1 Thirty 2 This 498 Thomas 25 Thorn 32 Thorns 3 Those 100 Though 14 Threads 3 Threats 1 Three 5 Thresher 11 Threshing 1 Throne 1 Through 10 Throw 4 Thrust 1 Thummim 3 Thunder 1 Thus 37 Thy 7 Tiberias 3 Tiberius 2 Tidal 2 Tie 1 Tim 16 Timaeus 1 Timna 3 Timnah 3 Timnath 1 Timotheus 5 Tiras 1 Tirhakah 1 Tirzah 3 Tishrei 14 Tishri 2 Tissa 1 Title 1 Titus 1 To 458 To-day 1 Today 11 Togarmah 1 Together 1 Tol'dot 1 Tola 2 Tolaites 1 Tol’doth 2 Tomorrow 5 Tophel 1 Tophet 1 Topic 2 Topics 2 Torah 259 Torah-Teachers 62 Total 7 Touch 2 Touches 1 Touger 2 Tov 1 Tower 2 Town 21 Trachonitis 1 Tradition 16 Traditions 1 Train 1 Transgressors 1 Translating 1 Translation 3 Trapping 1 Treasures 1 Tree 1 Treif 1 Tremble 3 Trembling 35 Tribal 13 Tribes 3 Tribes· 1 Trimm 1 Triple 1 Triumphal 1 Trouble 1 True 2 Truly 7 Trust 6 Trusting 9 Truth 1 Truth’s 1 Try 2 Tryphon 20 Tubal 4 Tubias 1 Turn 30 Turned· 2 Turning 3 Twelve 2 Twenty 1 Twin 3 Two 11 Two-Way 1 Tying 1 Tyrants 16 Tyre 20 Tzara'at 1 Tzav 1 Tzitzit 1 Tzva'ot 78 Ucal 1 Ugarit 1 Ulpian 4 Unbelieving 1 Unclean 2 Unclean· 1 Uncovered 1 Under 3 Underneath 1 Understanding 4 Unfit 1 Unique 1 United 130 Unity 24 Unleavened 27 Unless 13 Unrighteous 2 Untie 3 Until 7 Untying 1 Unveiling 1 Up 1 Updated 1 Uphold 2 Upright 4 Ur 3 Uri 3 Uriah 2 Urim 4 Use 1 Using 1 Uz 3 Uzal 1 Uzziah 5 Uzziel 5 Uzzielites 1 V'zot 1 VAV 1 VET 1 Va'era 1 Va'etchanan 1 Vaheb 1 Vain 1 Valiant 1 Valley 1 Valor 1 Vanity 12 Vayak'hel 1 Vayechi 1 Vayelekh 1 Vayera 1 Vayeshev 1 Vayet 4 Vayetze 1 Vayigash 1 Vayikra 2 Vayisa 4 Vayishlach 1 Veil 36 Venerable 1 Vengeance 1 Verse 3 Version 5 Very 2 Victory 5 Village-Comfort 16 Village-Compassion 16 Vindicate 3 Vinegar 6 Violence 2 Violent 1 Viper’s 1 Visit 1 Visualize 1 Voluntary 1 Volunteer 2 Vophsi 1 Vow 4 WEB 1 Wail 2 Wait 5 Wake 5 Walk 6 Walking 1 Wars 2 Was 2 Wash 3 Wasting]· 1 Watch 8 Watch-mountain 14 Watchman 2 Water 7 Waters 3 Wave 1 Way 2 Wayward 1 We 200 Wealth 3 Wealth· 2 Weary 27 Weary]’s 6 Weaving 1 Weeks 1 Weeks· 12 Weeping 2 Weighty 4 Welcome 1 Well 30 Were 2 Western 1 We’ll 3 What 208 Whatever 31 Wheat 1 When 575 Whenever 4 Where 70 Whereas 1 Wherefore 2 Wherever 3 Whether 3 Which 16 While 33 White 51 White-light 1 White]’s 5 Who 158 Whoever 99 Wholeheartedly 1 Whom 8 Whomever 1 Whose 10 Whosoever 1 Why 166 Wicked 14 Wickedness 1 Will 32 Willow 12 Willows 1 Wine 1 Winnowing 1 Wipe 1 Wisdom 17 Wise 1 With 60 Within 4 Without 3 Woe 42 Woeful 1 Wolves 1 Woman 10 Women 3 Wonderful 6 Wonderful-Counselor 1 Wondrous 1 Won’t 4 Wool 2 Word 15 Words 10 Word· 4 Work 4 World 1 Worms 1 Worshiped 3 WotJ 2 Would 1 Wouldn’t 1 Wounding 1 Wrap 1 Wrath 2 Write 6 Writing 1 Writings 4 Writings· 1 Written 3 Wycliffe 1 Y'hoshua 2 Y'hotzadak 1 YHVH 8 YHWH 1 YOD 1 YUD 1 Ya'akov 6 Yachid 1 Yadah 11 Yadid 1 Yah 288 Yah]’s 1 Yahweh 372 Yahweh's 1 Yah· 25 Yah’s 3 Yalkut 13 Year 78 Years 1 Year· 43 Yechezk'el 6 Yeer'eh 1 Yes 119 Yesha'yahu 15 Yeshua 673 Yeshua's 5 Yeshua’s 3 Yesterday 1 Yet 42 Yirmeyahu 8 Yishu'ah 3 Yitro 1 Yo'el 1 Yochanan 1 Yom 21 Yom-Kippur 3 York 1 You 1312 Young 1 Your 208 Yourself 1 Yous 1 Yovel 19 Yud-Hey-Vav-Hey 1 Z 1 Z'kharyah 1 ZAYIN 1 Zaavan 1 Zabadaeans 1 Zabdiel 1 Zacchaeus 3 Zaccur 1 Zachariah 2 Zacharias 11 Zadok 2 Zalmon 1 Zalmonah 2 Zalmunna 1 Zamzummim 1 Zaphenath-Paneah 1 Zarah 7 Zarephath 1 Zeal 3 Zealot 2 Zealots 13 Zealous 2 Zebah 1 Zebedee 12 Zeboiim 4 Zebulun 25 Zebulunites 1 Zec 2 Zech 76 Zechariah 2 Zecheriah 2 Zedad 1 Zeeb 1 Zelophehad 8 Zemarites 1 Zepho 2 Zephon 4 Zephonites 1 Zerah 8 Zerahites 2 Zered 4 Zerubbabel 5 Zibeon 6 Zichri 1 Zillah 3 Zilpah 7 Zimran 1 Zimri 2 Zin 8 Zion 95 Ziphion 1 Ziphron 1 Zippor 5 Zipporah 3 Zoan 6 Zoar 9 Zohar 4 Zophim 1 Zuar 5 Zur 2 Zuriel 1 Zurishaddai 5 Zuzim 1 a 5462 abad 48 abandon 1 abandoned 8 abase 1 abash 1 abated 3 abatement 1 abhor 10 abhorred 9 abhorrent 1 abhors 4 abide 1 ability 5 able 94 abnormal 1 aboard 1 aboda 13 abode 2 abolished 2 abominable 7 abomination 42 abominations 9 abound 1 abounded 1 abounding 1 abounds 3 about 274 above 94 abroad 17 absence 1 absent 2 abundance 36 abundant 7 abundantly 12 abuse 3 abuses 1 abusing 1 abyss 1 acacia 28 accept 15 acceptable 12 accepted 28 accepting 2 accepts 1 access 5 accessable 8 accessories 4 accessory 1 accidental 3 accidentally 1 acclaim 1 acclaimed 2 acclaiming 1 accompany 1 accompanying 2 accomplice 1 accomplish 19 accomplished 14 accomplishes 1 accordance 5 according 333 accordingly 2 account 20 accounted 3 accounting 1 accounts 7 accurate 4 accurately 4 accursed 2 accusation 7 accusations 4 accuse 10 accused 6 accused· 1 accusers 7 accuses 2 accusing 1 accustomed 1 aching 1 acid 3 acids 3 acknowledge 10 acknowledged 2 acknowledgment 1 acquaintances 3 acquainted 2 acquire 4 acquired 1 acquiring 1 acquisition 1 acquit 1 acquittal 3 acres 1 acronym 2 across 3 act 25 acted 4 action 7 actions 12 action· 9 activities 2 acts 16 actually 3 adam 7 adamah 1 adaptation 3 add 222 add]’s 21 added 14 adder 2 adders 1 addition 11 additional 10 adds 7 adhered 2 adherents 1 adjuration 1 adjure 2 adjusted 1 administer 1 administered 1 administers 1 admit 1 admonition 1 ado 1 adon 2 adonai 1 adonei 1 adoneim 1 adoni 4 adopt 1 adorn 2 adorned 1 adorning 2 adorns 2 adulterer 2 adulterers 3 adulterers· 1 adulterer· 1 adulteress 6 adulteries· 2 adulterous 4 adultery 13 adultery· 14 advance 3 advanced 3 advantage 3 advantageous 1 advantage· 1 adversaries 46 adversary 15 adversary· 1 adversary’s 1 adversities 1 adversity 4 advice 5 advised 1 advisers 1 afar 12 affairs 4 affairs· 1 affection 3 affectionate 13 affectionately 123 affection· 3 affinity 2 affirmative 1 affirmed 3 afflict 22 afflicted 56 affliction 37 afflictions 2 afford 9 aforetime 11 afraid 135 afresh 3 after 405 afternoon 9 afterward 16 afterwards 8 again 216 against 622 agapao 63 agape 9 agapetos 8 agate 2 age 40 aged 2 agents 1 ages 3 ago 7 agony 1 agree 8 agreed 8 agreement 4 ahab 1 ahav 110 ahavta 4 ahead 9 aid 4 aided 3 aids 2 ails 2 aim 2 aims 1 air 4 alabaster 3 alarm 8 albeit 1 alef 2 aleikhem 4 alert 2 aletheia 1 alien 8 alienated 1 alienation 1 aliens 5 align 4 aligned 1 aligns 3 alike 10 alive 55 all 2184 allegiance 1 allegories 1 alliance 2 allied 1 allies 1 allotment 1 allotted 2 allow 39 allowed 15 allows 6 allude 2 alludes 3 alluding 1 allusions 1 all· 2 almah 2 almighty 5 almond 7 almonds 2 almost 5 aloes 4 aloft 1 alone 75 along 30 alongside 1 aloof 2 alot 1 aloud 17 alpha 1 already 23 also 775 altar 244 altars 18 alter 7 altered 1 alternative 5 although 13 altogether 19 always 56 am 413 am-ha'aretz 1 amazed 17 amazement 2 amazing 2 ambassadors 13 ambush 6 ambushes 2 amethyst 2 amid 2 amidst 2 amity 4 among 462 amount 6 amounts 1 an 710 anah 2 analysis 2 ancestor 4 ancestors 2 ancestry 1 ancient 21 and 15982 and/or 1 anew 5 angel 38 angelic 1 angels 41 anger 102 angered 6 angles 1 angry 65 anguish 18 anguished 2 animal 138 animals 96 animal’s 4 ankle 1 anklets 1 announce 2 announced 3 announces 1 announcing 3 annoyance 1 annually 1 annulled 2 annulment 1 anoint 19 anointed 49 anointing 41 another 200 another’s 11 answer 71 answered 247 answering 6 answers 7 ant 1 antelope 2 anti-Messiah 2 anticipated 3 antiquity 1 ants 1 anvil 1 anxiety 1 anxious 14 anxiously 1 any 378 anybody 4 anyone 76 anyone’s 2 anything 82 anywhere 3 apart 48 apiece 2 apostasy 3 apostate 1 apostles 8 apparel 1 appeal 1 appear 28 appearance 33 appeared 42 appeared· 2 appears 14 appease 1 appeased 1 appeases 1 appendix 2 appertaining 1 appertains 2 appetite 3 apple 3 apples 1 application 8 applied 13 applies 21 apply 6 applying 1 appoint 20 appointed 52 appoints 2 appreciates 1 approach 9 approachability 1 approached· 1 approaches 3 approaching 3 appropriate 16 approval 3 approve 1 approximately 3 aqueduct 1 arbiter 1 arbitrator 1 archer 2 archers 4 are 1908 area 7 aretz 2 argue 2 argued 4 arguing 1 argument 2 arguments 1 arise 29 arisen 4 arises 6 ark 46 arm 39 armed 21 armies 108 armies]’s 1 armlets 2 armor 7 arms 31 army 94 aroma 38 arose 33 around 167 arouses 1 arrange 1 arrangement 3 array 9 arrayed 2 arrest 4 arrested 5 arrived 4 arrives 2 arrogance 8 arrogant 6 arrogantly 2 arrow 9 arrows 21 art 4 articles 1 as 1532 ascend 5 ascended 6 ascending 5 ascends 3 ascent 2 ascertained 2 ascribe 3 ash 1 ashamed 17 ashes 26 ashore 1 aside 45 ask 67 asked 125 asking 13 asks 17 asleep 7 aspect 1 asps 1 assailant 1 assaria 1 assarion 1 assault 2 assaulted 1 assaults 1 assayed 1 assemble 8 assembled 15 assembled· 1 assemblies 2 assembling 1 assembly 62 assembly· 3 asset 1 assign 3 assigned 7 assimilated 1 assist 1 associate 2 associated 24 association 10 assumed 1 assurance 1 assuredly 1 astonished 15 astonishment 3 astounding 1 astray 35 astrologers 1 astrology 3 asunder 1 at 763 ate 62 atmosphere 1 atone 3 atoned 2 atonement 105 atoning 1 atrocities 1 attack 6 attacked 2 attacker 1 attackers 1 attacks 3 attain 4 attained 2 attempt 1 attempting 1 attend 3 attendance 1 attendant 1 attended 1 attending 1 attention 35 attentive 1 attentiveness 1 attire 1 attitudes 2 attractive 1 attributed 3 attributes 3 audience 4 aunt 4 author 9 authorities 1 authority 87 authority· 1 authors 1 author’s 2 autumn 1 available 2 avenge 7 avenged 3 avenger 11 avenges 1 avodah 1 avoid 2 await 1 awake 8 awakened 3 awakes 2 away 492 awe 4 awesome 22 awhile 1 awl 2 awoke 7 ax 6 axes 1 b 1 b.Shab 1 b.Yeb 1 babes 3 babies 3 baby 6 back 143 backbiting 2 backbone 1 background 1 backs 5 backsliding 2 backward 10 backwards 2 bad 19 badgers 1 badly 3 bag 5 baggage 3 bags 2 bake 4 baked 10 baker 7 bakes 1 balance 4 balance-scales 1 balances 3 bald 11 baldness 3 ball 1 balm 2 ban 1 banah 1 band 10 bandaged 1 bands 3 bands· 3 banishment 3 bank 5 bankers 1 banks 3 banner 12 banners 2 banquet 1 banqueting 1 ban· 3 baptism 12 baptism· 11 baptize 9 baptized 25 baptizes 2 baptizing 7 bar 2 bara 1 barah 1 barbs 1 bare 9 barefoot 3 bareness 1 bargain 1 bark 2 barley 11 barn 4 barns 5 barren 12 barricade 1 barrier 1 bars 26 base 23 based 22 basic 2 basin 14 basins 4 basis 5 basket 23 baskets 12 bat 2 bath 1 bathe 27 bathed 1 batos 1 bats 1 battle 91 battles 11 bdellium 1 be 3359 beach 3 beacon 1 beam 7 beams 1 bear 93 beard 12 beards 1 bearer 11 bearers 1 bearing 25 bearly 1 bearor 1 bears 30 beast 14 beasts 6 beat 29 beaten 25 beating 6 beatings 3 beautiful 24 beautify 2 beauty 23 became 167 because 528 beckoned 2 become 131 becomes 35 becoming 3 bed 37 bedroom 1 beds 2 bedstead 2 bee 1 been 241 beer 1 bees 2 befallen 3 befit 1 before 837 beforehand 9 befriend 1 beg 12 began 77 beggar 3 beggars 1 begged 29 begging 3 begin 18 beginning 52 beginnings 2 beginning· 1 begins 8 begrudge 1 begun 6 behalf 16 behave 1 behaved 5 behaves 1 behaving 2 behavior 2 beheaded 5 beheld 1 behind 44 behold 203 being 147 beings 1 being· 1 beka 1 belief 3 believe 120 believed 34 believer 1 believers 3 believes 19 believing 4 bell 4 bells 3 belly 8 belong 11 belonged 2 belonging 1 belongings 1 belongs 23 beloved 11 beloved· 5 below 9 belt 9 belts 2 ben 8 bend 2 beneath 15 benefactors 1 beneficial 1 benefit 5 benefits 6 bent 7 beracha 1 bereave 1 bereaved 5 bereavement 1 bereaving 1 beryl 2 beside 18 besides 54 besiege 7 besieged 5 besieging 2 best 26 bestow 1 bestowed 1 bestows 3 betray 16 betrayal 4 betrayed 20 betrayer 8 betrays 4 betroth 1 betrothing 1 better 41 between 175 bewail 2 bewailed 1 beware 6 beyond 51 bias 3 biases 2 big 7 bigger 1 bile 6 bill 4 billows 1 billy-goat 1 bind 16 binding 60 binding· 2 binds 6 bird 38 birds 52 bird’s 1 birth 65 birthday 3 birthright 6 bit 3 bites 2 bitten 2 bitter 31 bitterly 6 bitterness 19 black 9 blackness 2 blacksmith 2 blade 2 blame 6 blameless 13 blamelessly 8 blanket 1 blaspheme 11 blasphemed 9 blasphemer 1 blasphemes 4 blaspheme· 2 blasphemies 6 blasphemy 16 blast 21 blasted 3 blast· 5 blazed 1 blazing 2 blemish 7 blemished 2 blemishes 6 bless 87 blessed 126 blesses 11 blessing 45 blessings 11 blessing· 2 blew 5 blight 1 blighted 1 blind 84 blinded 1 blindfolded 1 blindly 1 blindness 2 blinds 2 block 6 blood 261 bloodshed 4 bloodshot 1 bloodthirsty 5 bloom 1 blossom 6 blossomed 1 blossoms 7 blot 9 blots 1 blotted 6 blotting 1 blow 16 blowing 3 blown 2 blows 6 blue 44 blunt 1 boar 1 board 18 boards 33 boast 9 boastings 1 boasts 4 boat 44 boats 8 bodies 23 bodily 7 body 118 body’s 2 boil 16 boiled 7 boiled· 1 boiling 1 boils 5 bold 3 boldly 1 boldness 3 bolts 1 bond 10 bond-servant 6 bondage 18 bonds 7 bondsman 1 bone 11 bones 55 book 58 books 18 booty 3 border 51 borders 47 bore 73 born 102 borne 12 borrow 6 borrower 4 borrows 1 bosom 15 both 198 bother 4 bothers 1 bottle 4 bottles 1 bottom 2 bottomless 2 bough 1 boughs 5 bought 31 bound 70 bound]’s 4 boundaries 3 boundary 5 boundless 1 bounds 3 bountifully 1 bounty 1 bow 59 bowed 42 bowels 4 bowing 2 bowl 15 bowls 5 bows 9 box 4 boy 24 boys 4 boy’s 1 bracelet 2 bracelets 5 brag 1 braided 9 bramble 1 branch 21 branches 37 branch· 5 branding 1 brandishing 1 brass 3 brave 1 brawler 1 breach 3 breaches 1 breaching 2 bread 179 bread· 47 break 58 breakers 1 breakfast 2 breaking 15 breaks 18 breast 16 breastplate 31 breastplates 2 breastplate· 1 breasts 12 breath 22 breathe 3 breathed 4 breathes 5 breathing 42 breathing· 17 breaths 2 bred 1 breeches 4 breed 2 breeds 1 brethren 48 brethren’s 1 bribe 12 bribes 5 brick 6 bricks 6 bride 5 bride-price 1 bridegroom 23 bridegroom’s 1 bridle 5 brier 1 briers 8 bright 14 brighter 1 brightly 1 brightness 9 brim 1 bring 300 bringing 25 brings 80 brink 4 broad 5 broiled 1 broke 25 broken 93 bronze 63 brooches 1 brood 1 brook 19 brooks 4 broom 1 brother 232 brother-in-law 5 brother-in-law’s 4 brotherhood 2 brothers 162 brother· 1 brother’s 35 brought 337 brow 2 bruise 7 bruised 11 bruises 1 bruising 5 brush 3 brushwood 1 brute 1 bucket 1 buckets 2 buckle 3 buckler 1 bud 15 budded 2 budding 2 buds 6 build 48 builders 4 building 11 buildings 3 builds 4 built 67 bulge 1 bull 95 bulls 34 bull’s 2 bulwarks 3 bunch 1 bundle 1 bundles 2 burden 44 burdened 2 burdens 15 burial 13 buried 26 buries 2 burn 87 burned 94 burning 46 burns 13 burnt 174 burst 4 bury 20 burying 4 burying-place 2 bush 12 bushels 6 business 6 busy 1 but 1208 butcher 1 butler 1 butter 7 buttocks 1 buy 38 buyer 2 buying 6 buys 4 by 1343 bypass 1 byword 3 c 15 c.28 3 c.7 1 cake 7 cakes 11 calamity 14 calav 2 calculate 1 calculated 1 calculation 1 calendar 5 calf 22 call 109 called 437 called· 1 calling 12 callous 3 calls 22 calm 7 calve 1 calves 1 came 747 camel 8 cameled 2 camels 28 camel’s 3 camp 112 camp.The 1 camped 1 camps 10 can 196 cancel 1 candle 10 candles 14 cane 2 canned 1 cannon 1 cannot 20 canopy 1 can’t 89 capable 2 capes 1 capital 7 capitals 4 capitol 5 captain 21 captains 23 captivate 1 captivated 2 captive 23 captives 21 captivity 10 captured 6 car 1 caravan 1 caravans 3 carcass 17 carcasses 4 care 15 cared 2 careful 26 carefully 2 careless 4 cares 8 caressing 1 caring 1 carnally 3 carnivore 1 carousing 1 carpenter 3 carpenter’s 1 carpeted 2 carpets 2 carriages 1 carried 33 carries 8 carry 57 carrying 10 cart 3 carts 1 carved 7 carving 2 case 19 cases 5 case· 1 cassia 2 cast 127 caster 1 casting 16 castrate 1 casts 9 cataract 2 catastrophe 1 catch 7 catches 2 catching 1 categories 2 categorized 1 caterpillar 2 cattle 48 caught 10 cause 114 caused 30 causes 44 causing 10 cautious 1 cave 12 caverns 1 caves 1 cease 16 ceased 13 ceases 6 cease· 82 ceasing 1 cedar 10 cedars 10 celebrate 7 celebrated 1 celebrates 1 cellar 1 censer 7 censers 6 census 11 cent 2 center 1 centurion 9 centurion’s 1 ceremonial 1 ceremonially 1 ceremonies 1 ceremony 14 certain 73 certainly 89 certainty 1 certificate 2 ch 53 chaff 12 chai 6 chain 2 chains 19 chalalah 3 chalitzah 1 chalk 1 challenges 1 chamber 1 chambers 2 chameleon 1 chamois 1 champions 1 chance 1 change 12 changed 14 changers 4 changes 6 changing 1 channels 2 chant 1 chaos· 1 chapter 27 chapters 9 character 4 characteristics 4 characterized 3 charge 18 charged 1 charges 7 charging 1 chariot 7 chariots 27 charitable 1 charity 6 charmer 2 charmers 2 charming 1 charms 3 chas'do 3 chasak 8 chase 4 chased 3 chases 2 chasten 2 chastening 2 chastise 5 chastisement 1 chattered 1 chattering 3 chavash 1 chayim 1 chazak 5 cheat 1 cheats 1 checker 2 cheek 5 cheeks 2 cheer 5 cheerful 4 chen 39 cherem 4 cherished 3 cherub 5 cherubim 19 cheshed 133 chest 4 chew 6 chewed 1 chews 7 chicks 3 chief 114 chiefs 13 child 103 childbearing 1 childbirth 5 childhood 1 childless 8 children 797 children’s 12 child· 3 child’s 2 chirp 1 chirped 1 chiseled 1 chiseling 1 chochavi'm 1 choice 15 choices 2 choicest 2 chok 17 choke 3 choked 4 chokim 1 choose 36 chooses 14 chop 1 chops 1 chose 25 chosen 62 choshek 1 choveiv 1 chronic 1 chronicles 1 chrysolite 2 churning 1 cinnamon 3 circa 22 circle 2 circuit 1 circumcise 4 circumcised 24 circumcision 4 circumstance 1 circumstantial 1 cistern 4 cisterns 1 citadel 25 citadels 1 citation 1 citations 2 cited 1 cites 1 cities 145 citizen 4 citizens 3 city 323 civil 3 clad 1 claim 8 claims 1 clap 3 clarifies 2 clarify 8 clasp 1 clasps 10 class 1 classified 1 clause 16 clave 1 clay 8 clean 109 cleaning 4 cleanness 2 cleanse 18 cleansed 31 cleanses 1 cleansing 12 clean· 7 clear 9 cleared 2 clearly 5 clearness 1 cleave 1 cleft 1 clefts 3 clever 1 cliff 2 climbed 1 climbs 1 cling 11 clings 2 clip 1 cloak 16 cloaks 3 clods 1 close 26 closed 8 closer 1 closes 1 closing 2 cloth 22 clothe 14 clothed 32 clothes 70 clothing 58 cloths 5 cloud 74 clouds 20 cloven 2 cloven-footed 3 club 1 clubs 5 cluster 3 clusters 9 cm 36 co-emperors 6 coal 2 coals 14 coast 7 coasts 5 coat 23 coated 1 coats 11 cobra 2 cobra’s 1 coffin 2 cohen 1 cohort 1 cohorts 3 coin 9 coins 6 col 1 cold 8 collapse 1 collateral 16 collect 2 collected 4 collection 1 collections 1 collector 8 collectors 16 colony 1 color 1 colors 4 colt 12 colts 1 column 3 combed 1 combination 3 combined 10 combines 2 combining 1 combonation 2 combonations 3 come 736 comely 1 comes 202 comfort 16 comfortably 1 comforted 16 comforters 1 comforting 3 comforts 5 coming 103 command 59 commanded 60 commander 3 commanding 2 commandment 29 commandments 24 commands 17 commend 3 commended 3 commends 1 commentary 1 commentators 1 commented 8 commenting 1 comments 4 comming 1 commit 21 commits 13 committed 19 committing 1 common 23 commonly 6 commonplace 1 communal 3 commune 1 communed 1 communing 1 community 3 community-based 3 compact 1 companies 4 companion 7 companions 7 company 36 comparable 1 compare 7 compared 8 comparing 3 compassed 4 compasses 1 compassing 1 compassion 29 compassionate 17 compassionately 1 compassion· 2 compel 1 compelled 3 compels 1 compensation 2 compile 2 compiled 2 complain 3 complained 2 complaining 1 complaint 3 complaints 2 complete 69 completed 6 completely 94 completion 2 complied 1 compliment 1 composed 2 composite 1 composition 2 compounded 1 compounds 1 compresses 1 conceal 6 concealed 3 conceals 1 concede 1 conceit 1 conceited 1 conceive 8 conceived 34 conceives 1 conceives· 1 conceiving 1 concentrated 7 conceptual 1 concern 4 concerned 4 concerning 89 concerns 2 concluding 3 conclusions 1 concordance 1 concubine 4 concubines 1 concurrent 1 condemn 17 condemnation 5 condemned 14 condemns 3 condense 1 condition 9 conditional-guilt 1 conditions 1 conduct 1 conducting 1 conduit 1 confederacy 9 confederate 3 confederates 12 confer 1 conference 3 conferred 1 confess 7 confesses 2 confessing 2 confession 1 confessions 1 confession· 6 confidence 10 confident 2 confidently 1 confined 7 confirm 5 confirmed 14 confirming 1 confirms 5 confound 1 confounded 18 confront 1 confuse 3 confused 4 confusing 1 confusion 9 congealed 1 congregation 122 congregations 2 congregation’s 1 conies 1 conjugal 1 connect 1 connected 2 connection 8 connotations 3 conquer 1 conquered 5 conquer· 1 conquest 4 conscience 1 consecrate 6 consecrated 22 consecrates 2 consecration 11 consensual 1 consent 7 consented 8 consequence 2 consequences 4 consider 40 considered 19 considering 2 considers 9 consist 1 consistent 4 consolation 2 console 1 consoling 1 conspicuous 2 conspiracy 3 conspire 5 conspired 5 constant 2 constantly 2 constellations 1 constitutes 2 constricts 3 consul 1 consult 8 consultant 2 consultation 1 consulted 1 consulter 1 consulting 1 consume 26 consumed 31 consumes 2 consuming 1 consummate 1 consumption 2 contact 6 contagious 1 container 3 containers 1 containing 4 contains 1 contaminated 1 contemplate 1 contemplation 72 contemporaries 2 contemporary 4 contempt 11 contemptible 1 contemptuous 1 contend 12 contended 4 contends 1 content 3 contention 6 contentious 5 contentment 1 contents 1 context 61 contexts 1 continual 26 continually 49 continuation 1 continue 9 continued 7 continues 4 continuing 2 contract 55 contraction 1 contracts 1 contract· 2 contradict 3 contrary 11 contrast 8 contribution· 2 contributors 2 contrite 4 contrivances 1 control 5 controlled 2 controls 1 controversial 1 controversy 4 convenient 5 conveniently 1 conversely 1 converstaion 1 convert 7 converted 1 converts 4 convey 1 conveyed 1 convict 2 convicted 3 conviction 3 convicts 1 convinced 1 convocation 20 convocations 4 convulsed 4 convulses 1 convulsing 1 cony 1 cook 2 cooked 1 cool 3 copied 2 copies 1 copper 1 copy 12 cord 2 cords 23 core 1 coriander 2 cormorant 2 corn 1 corner 10 corners 21 cornerstone 7 corpse 6 correct 2 corrected 1 correction 7 correctly 3 corrects 2 corrupt 15 corrupted 4 corruption 3 corruptly 2 cost 9 costly 2 costs 1 cot 3 couch 3 couched 1 couches 2 could 72 couldn’t 27 council 12 councils 2 counsel 63 counselor 3 counselors 5 counsels 3 count 41 counted 110 countenance 2 counting 4 countries 12 country 116 countryman 1 countryside 1 counts 3 couple 5 coupled 6 coupling 12 courage 3 courageous 4 courageous!· 5 courageously 1 course 8 court 75 courts 16 courtyard 4 cousins 1 covenant 169 covenants 2 cover 52 covered 49 covering 40 coverings 1 covers 29 covert 3 covet 16 coveted 2 coveting 3 covetings 1 covetousness 2 cow 11 cows 1 cow’s 1 cracked 1 craft 1 craftiness 1 craftsman 3 crafty 2 crane 1 crave 2 craving 1 cravings 2 create 9 created 36 creates 5 creating 1 creation 13 creator 2 creature 11 creatures 15 credence 3 credit 3 credited 6 creditor 7 creditors 1 creep 3 creeping 20 creeps 12 crept 1 crescent 1 crest 2 crests 1 crib 2 cricket 1 crickets 1 cried 79 cries 13 crime 6 crimes 3 criminal 4 criminals 11 crimson 1 cringe 1 crippled 1 critically 1 critics 1 crooked 9 crop 10 crop)· 1 crops 6 cross 9 cross-breed 1 cross-referenced 1 cross-references 1 crossbreed 1 crossed 11 crouched 1 crouches 1 crow 2 crowd 18 crowed 5 crown 36 crowned 2 crowns 8 crows 6 crucible 1 crucified 4 crucifixion 8 crucify 10 crude 1 cruel 15 cruelty 1 crumbs 3 crush 7 crushed 18 crushes 1 crushing 4 cry 78 crying 15 crys 1 cry· 2 cub 2 cubit 20 cubits 76 cubs 1 cucumbers 1 cud 13 cult 1 cultivate 2 cultivated 1 cultural 3 culture 5 cumin 4 cunning 4 cup 47 cupboard 1 cups 13 cure 7 cured 6 cures 1 curious 1 current 3 currents 1 curse 74 cursed 30 curses 17 cursing 5 curtain 24 curtains 24 cushion 1 custodian 1 custody 8 custom 11 customary 1 customs 4 cut 157 cuts 4 cutting 8 cuttings 2 cycle 2 cymbals 4 cypress 8 d 1 d'var 3 dabak 6 dagger-man 4 daily 24 dainties 2 dainty 2 dam 1 damage 7 damaged 6 damages 4 dance 4 danced 4 dances 3 dancing 6 dandled 1 danger 7 dangerous 1 dare 2 dared 2 dares 1 dark 16 darkened 9 darkest 1 darkness 99 darkness· 1 darnel 8 darting 1 darts 2 dash 9 dashed 1 dashes 2 data 3 date 2 dates 2 daughter 151 daughter-in-law 10 daughters 113 daughter’s 5 dawn 11 dawned 1 dawning 1 dawns 2 day 809 daylight 1 days 469 daytime 6 day· 8 day’s 13 dazzling 2 de-Rabbi 12 dead 175 deadly 5 dead· 46 deaf 20 deal 23 dealings 2 deals 6 dealt 16 dear 2 death 260 deaths 1 debatable 4 debate 4 debated 5 debt 7 debtor 2 debtors 3 debtor’s 1 debts 4 decapitate 1 decapitated 1 decapitation 1 decay 8 deceased 2 deceit 23 deceitful 16 deceitfully 10 deceitfulness 2 deceits 2 deceive 4 deceived 9 deceiver 2 deceives 1 deceiving 1 deception 4 deception· 1 deceptively 1 decide 8 decided 1 decision 2 decisions 8 decision· 1 decked 1 decks 1 declaration 3 declare 43 declared 32 declared· 5 declares 5 declares· 2 declare· 4 declaring 2 decorate 1 decorated 1 decoration 1 decrease 4 decreased 1 decree 7 decreed 1 decrees 3 dedicate 8 dedicated 14 dedicates 6 dedication 10 deed 4 deeded 2 deeds 56 deemed 1 deep 40 deeper 11 deeply 4 deeps 4 deep’s 1 deer 9 deer’s 1 defames 2 defeat 1 defeated 8 defeats 3 defect 56 defects 4 defend 6 defendant 2 defender 1 defense 9 defer 2 deferred 1 defiant 1 defiantly 3 defied 3 defies 1 defile 26 defiled 32 defilement 7 defiles 4 defiling 1 define 5 defined 7 defines 3 defining 2 definition 1 definitive 1 deformity 3 defraud 3 defy 4 degraded 2 degree 2 deities 104 deities· 4 deity 20 deity· 1 delay 9 delayed 4 delaying 1 delays 1 delicacies 2 delicate 3 delicately 1 delicateness 1 delight 55 delighted 3 delights 9 deliver 104 deliverance 14 deliverance· 3 delivered 96 deliverer 4 delivering 1 delivering· 1 delivers 15 delivery 1 delusions 1 demand 4 demanded 2 demands 1 demise 2 demolish 2 demon 23 demons 46 den 4 denarii 17 denarius 7 denial 1 denied 11 denies 3 denominational 1 denounce 3 dens 2 deny 31 denying 1 depart 39 departed 64 departing 2 departs 5 departure 2 depend 1 depends 2 depose 1 deposit 4 deposited 1 deprive 5 deprived 1 depth 5 depths 19 derision 5 derivative 1 derive 2 derived 11 derogatorily 1 derogatory 2 descend 2 descendant 14 descendants 18 descended 13 descendent 3 descending 6 descends 1 descent 8 describe 11 described 9 describes 12 describing 4 description 2 descriptions 4 descriptive 1 desecrate 1 desert 43 deserted 14 deserters 1 deserts 1 desert· 1 deserve 4 deserved 1 deserves 1 deserving 3 design 6 designate 1 designated 2 designed 13 designing 1 desirable 3 desire 59 desired 23 desired· 1 desires 25 desires· 1 desiring 6 desirous 1 desist· 1 desolate 26 desolation 18 desolations 1 despair 6 desperate 3 despise 14 despised 32 despises 9 despite 1 despitefully 1 despondent 1 destine 1 destiny 1 destitute 3 destroy 140 destroyed 75 destroyer 5 destroyers 1 destroying 5 destroys 7 destruction 62 destructive 4 detachment 2 detail 1 detailed 5 details 5 detect 1 determine 4 determined 10 determines 1 determining 1 detest 9 detestable 16 detested 1 detests 3 devastated 3 develop 2 deviance 1 deviate 1 deviated 1 devices 4 devil 15 devious 1 devise 5 devised 2 devises 5 devote 4 devoted 56 devotion 30 devour 14 devoured 18 devouring 7 devours 5 devout 1 dew 15 diadem 9 diadems 2 diamond 3 dictation 1 dictionaries 1 dictionary 1 did 295 didn’t 302 die 148 died 111 dies 31 difference 5 differences 1 different 18 differing 2 difficult 3 difficulty 1 dig 6 digestive 6 digging 1 dignity 2 digs 2 diligence 1 diligent 6 diligently 20 dill 4 dim 6 diminish 7 diminished 3 dimly 1 dine 2 dinner 5 dip 10 dipped 5 dipping 1 dips 1 direct 8 directed 4 directing 2 direction 5 directions 3 directive 2 directly 18 directs 1 dirge 1 dirt 1 disabilities 5 disagreement 1 disallow 1 disappointed 35 disaster 9 disbelieved 1 disbelieves 1 discern 6 discerned 1 discerning 3 discernment 4 discharge 29 disciple 26 disciples 230 discipline 13 disciplines 4 disclose 1 discomfit 3 discomfited 15 discord 2 discourage 1 discouraged 5 discourse 1 discover 1 discovered 3 discreet 2 discretion 8 discuss 2 discussing 2 discussion 9 disease 33 diseases 16 disfigure 1 disgrace 7 disgraced 1 disgraceful 1 disgraceful· 1 disgrace· 1 disguises 1 disgusting 1 dish 4 dishes 6 dishonest 6 dishonestly 2 dishonor 14 dishonors 2 disinherit 1 disjoint 3 disloyalty 2 dismayed 14 dismounted 1 disobedience 14 disobedient 1 disobey 4 disobeyed 1 disobeying 1 disobeys 1 disorder 3 dispersed 4 display 4 displayed 1 displays 1 displease 1 displeased 4 displeases 1 displeasure 1 dispossess 8 dispossessed 1 dispossessing 2 dispute 4 disputed 1 disputes 3 disqualify 1 disqualifying 12 disregard 3 disrespect 5 dissension 1 dissolved 1 dissuaded 1 distaff 1 distance 18 distances 2 distant 3 distinction 6 distinguish 3 distracted 2 distraught 1 distress 31 distressed 7 distresses 5 distribute 6 distributed 1 distributing 2 disturbance 1 disturbances 1 disturbed 3 diverse 3 divide 32 divided 52 divides 3 dividing 1 divination 6 divine 7 divine-origin 6 divined 1 diviner 1 diviners 2 divines 1 division 25 divisions 13 divorce 36 divorced 18 divorced· 1 divorces 4 divorce· 2 do 788 doctrine 2 doctrines 1 document 2 document· 2 dod 7 doe 2 doers 1 does 290 dog 4 dogs 14 dog’s 2 doing 28 doings 12 domain 4 domestic 1 dominion 22 don't 1 done 266 donkey 72 donkeys 26 donkey’s 2 don’t 377 doom 1 doomed 1 door 112 doorkeeper 2 doorpost 1 doorpost· 2 doors 15 double 18 double-minded 1 doubled 1 doubt 6 doubted 1 doubts 1 dough 5 dove 13 doves 7 down 547 downfall 8 download 1 downward 2 dowry 5 drachma 3 drag 1 dragging 1 dragnet 1 dragon 1 drained 3 drank 19 draw 39 drawing 3 drawn 18 draws 17 dread 10 dreaded 3 dreadful 1 dream 38 dreamed 14 dreamer 4 dreaming 1 dreams 10 dregs 1 drench 2 dress 6 dressed 8 dresser 1 dressing 1 drew 20 dried 10 dries 2 drink 203 drinking 18 drinks 10 drip 1 dripping 1 drive 14 driven 11 drives 8 driving 2 dromedaries 1 drop 5 dropping 1 droppings 1 drops 1 dropsy 1 dross 5 drought 1 drove 9 droves 1 drowned 2 drowsiness 1 drunk 12 drunkard 6 drunkards 4 drunken 8 drunkenness 1 dry 47 due 25 dues 1 due· 1 dug 26 dull 2 duller 3 dumb 1 dung 9 dungeon 4 dunghill 1 duplicate 2 durable 1 duration 2 duress 1 during 33 dust 81 duties 7 duty 21 duty· 3 dwarf 1 dwell 137 dwellers 1 dwelling 31 dwellings 11 dwellings· 1 dwells 14 dwindles 1 dyed 7 dying 10 dynasty 1 each 145 eager 2 eagerly 1 eagle 6 eagles 3 eagle’s 1 ear 62 earlier 1 early 30 earn 1 earned 2 earnest 1 earnestly 7 earring 1 earrings 3 ears 71 earth 546 earthen 7 earthly 1 earthquake 3 earthquakes 3 earth· 2 ease 10 easier 8 easily 8 easing 3 east 47 eastward 13 easy 2 eat 439 eaten 66 eater 1 eating 28 eats 34 echad 7 eclipse 2 ed 3 edema 2 edge 32 edges 1 edition 1 editor 2 editorial 1 editors 2 educated 4 educator 2 effect 2 effected 1 effects 1 effort 1 effusion 4 egg 1 eggs 6 eight 33 eighteen 4 eighteenth 1 eighth 22 eighty 4 eighty-five 1 eighty-four 1 eighty-seven 1 eighty-six 2 eighty-three 1 eighty-two 2 either 26 elaborate 1 elaborated 1 elder 12 elderly 1 elders 82 electrical 3 eleos 9 elephant 3 elephants 6 elevated 1 elevation 1 eleven 12 eleventh 3 elohim 12 eloquent 1 else 36 elsewhere 1 else’s 1 emasculated 1 embalm 2 embalmed 2 embarked 2 embarrass 1 embers 1 embittered 1 embrace 2 embraced 3 embracing 2 embroidered 1 embroiderer 8 emerald 2 emerge 1 emission 5 empire 1 empirical 1 emptied 3 emptiness 1 empty 18 emulate 4 emulation 1 enable 1 enact 1 encamp 24 encamped 97 encamping 3 encampments 2 encamps 2 enchanter 2 enchantment 1 enchantments 8 encircled 3 enclosed 5 encompassed 5 encompasses 1 encounter 2 encourage 6 encouraged 5 encouragement 3 encourages 4 encroach 1 end 140 endanger 1 ended 4 ending 1 endless 1 endowed 1 ends 44 endurance 1 endure 9 endured 7 endures 46 enduring 3 end· 1 enemies 152 enemy 49 enemy’s 1 enforcing 1 engage 6 engaged 3 engine 3 engines 10 engrave 3 engraved 25 engraver 3 engraving 1 engravings 6 engulfed 1 enhances 1 enjoied 1 enjoin 69 enjoined 200 enjoiner 1 enjoining 3 enjoinings 1 enjoins 4 enjoy 5 enjoys 5 enlarge 3 enlarged 7 enlarges 5 enlightening 1 enlightens 1 enmity 2 enough 24 enraged 2 enrich 2 enroll 2 enrolled 4 enrollment 1 enslave 1 ensnare 2 ensnared 2 ensure 1 entangled 1 enter 112 entered 79 entering 13 enters 9 entertain 3 enthroned 5 entice 2 enticer 2 entices 8 entire 31 entirely 1 entrails 2 entrance 6 entrap 1 entreat 3 entreated 5 entrusted 4 entry 3 envied 4 envious 4 envoy 3 envy 9 ephah 18 ephod 32 epileptic 1 epileptics 1 episodes 1 epithumia 3 equal 18 equipment 1 equity 9 equivelancy 1 ere 1 erect 1 erected 1 err 3 error 4 errors 4 escape 18 escaped 10 escorted 1 esp 2 especially 7 essence 1 essential 1 est 6 establish 32 established 62 establishes 30 establishing 12 establishment 2 estate 3 esteem 6 esteemed 1 esteemed· 8 estimate 3 estimated 1 estimation 4 estranged 5 etc 2 eternal 47 eternity 4 ethnarch 2 etz 3 eunuch 3 eunuchs 7 evaluate 2 evaluated 1 even 405 evening 120 event 1 events 9 ever 33 everlasting 73 evermore 1 every 294 everybody 1 everyday 1 everyone 101 everyone’s 1 everything 41 everywhere 6 evicted 1 evidence 12 evidenced 1 evil 235 evildoer 3 evildoers 13 evildoing 1 evils 15 evil· 1 ewe 6 ewes 3 exact 9 exacted 3 exacting 3 exactions 1 exactly 3 exalt 14 exaltation 2 exalted 54 exalts 5 examine 31 examined 1 examines 6 example 20 exceed 3 exceeded 2 exceeding 25 exceedingly 45 exceeds 1 excel 2 excellence 2 excellency 5 excellent 10 excelling 2 except 48 excepted 1 exception 4 excess 3 excessive 1 excessively 3 exchange 5 exchanged 2 excited 2 exclude 5 exclusive 1 excommunicate 1 excrement 2 excuse 1 excused 2 excuses 1 execute 19 executed 18 executes 3 execution 7 execution-stake 21 execution-stakes 4 exempt 1 exercise 3 exercises 1 exhaustive 2 exhortations 1 exile 9 exiled 2 exiles 3 exist 3 existed 3 existence 1 existing 3 exists 6 expanding 1 expanse 10 expect 3 expectantly 1 expectation 7 expected 2 expecting 2 expects 1 expedient 2 expelling 1 expend 1 expense 2 expenses 1 expensive 1 experience 3 experiences 7 expert 1 explain 5 explained 6 explaining 1 explains 15 explanation 1 explanations 1 explicit 1 exploit 2 exploits 3 exposed 5 exposes 1 exposing 2 express 2 expressed 2 expressing 1 expression 7 expressions 1 extend 70 extended 1 extends 1 extension 1 exterminate 1 external 2 extinct 1 extinguish 1 extinguished 1 extol 4 extolled 1 extortion 2 extortionist 1 extortionists 1 extra 4 extract 1 extraordinary 1 exult 1 exulting 1 eye 72 eyebrows 1 eyelids 5 eyes 280 eyesight 1 eyewitnesses 1 eye’s 1 fabric 2 face 192 faces 33 facets 4 facial 1 facilitate 1 facilitates 1 fact 5 factors 1 facts 4 fade 4 faded 4 fades 6 fading 2 fail 28 failed 3 failing 1 fails 11 faint 18 faint-hearted 1 fainted 4 fainting 1 faintness 2 faints 3 fair 2 fairly 1 faith 34 faithful 34 faithfully 1 faithfulness 31 faithless 2 falcon 1 fall 77 fallen 33 falling 7 fallow 2 falls 29 false 54 falsehood 13 falsely 19 falter 1 fame 6 familiar 44 families 102 family 116 family· 4 family’s 1 famine 36 famines 3 famished 4 famous 1 fan 1 fans 1 fantasies 3 far 113 fared 1 farm 1 farmer 10 farmers 13 farms 1 farthest 1 fashion 2 fashioned 6 fashions 3 fast 29 fasted 4 fasten 4 fastened 3 fastens 1 fasting 10 fastings 1 fat 94 fatally 3 father 594 father-in-law 19 father]’s 7 fatherless 9 fathers 201 father’s 87 father’s· 1 fatlings 1 fatness 3 fats 1 fattened 5 fattest 1 fat· 2 fault 4 faults 3 faulty 1 favor 36 favorable 5 favored 3 favoring 1 favoritism 3 favour 1 fawns 1 fear 197 feared 28 fearful 8 fearfully 1 fearing 1 fearlessly 1 fears 11 feast 68 feasting 1 feasts 22 feathers 3 featrues 1 feature 3 features 4 fed 17 feeble 9 feed 21 feedback 1 feeding 9 feeds 4 feel 6 feeling 1 feet 130 fell 104 felled 1 fellow 14 fellows 6 fellowship 2 felt 12 female 69 female· 2 fence 1 fenced 1 fend 1 fermented 1 fertile 2 fertility 1 fertilize 1 fervent 1 fervently 1 festering 4 festival 35 festivals 3 fetched 2 fetches 1 fetters 4 fever 9 few 47 fewer 3 fewest 1 field 184 fields 30 fierce 15 fierceness 6 fiery 20 fifteen 10 fifteenth 10 fifth 23 fifties 7 fiftieth 6 fifty 63 fifty-four 2 fifty-nine 2 fifty-one 1 fifty-seven 3 fifty-three 4 fifty-two 1 fig 24 fight 61 fighting 3 fights 2 figs 6 figurative 4 figuratively 1 figure 3 figured 2 figures 4 fill 26 filled 74 filleted 1 fillets 8 filling 2 fills 2 filth 2 filthiness 2 filthy 3 final 7 finally 2 financial 1 find 97 finding 6 finds 30 fine 96 fined 1 finely 4 finest 3 finger 27 fingers 9 finish 6 finished 35 fins 7 fire 290 fires 2 firm 10 firmly 4 first 281 first-hand 2 first-ripe 3 firstborn 109 fish 44 fishermen 4 fishers 2 fishing 1 fist 2 fists 3 fit 4 fitly 1 fitting 5 five 159 fixed 4 flags 1 flame 16 flames 2 flaming 5 flashed 2 flashes 3 flasks 1 flat 3 flattens 1 flatter 1 flattered 1 flattering 4 flatters 5 flattery 1 flavor 1 flawless 3 flax 5 flay 1 fled 74 flee 49 fleece 2 fleecing 2 fleeing 3 flees 7 fleeting 1 flesh 143 flew 3 flies 13 flight 12 flight· 1 flint 8 flinty 1 flirting 1 floated 1 flock 64 flocks 50 flog 1 flogged 3 flood 21 flooded 1 floods 9 floor 11 flour 46 flourish 7 flourishes 2 flow 11 flower 11 flowers 5 flowing 39 flows 6 fluid 1 fluids 4 flute 5 fluttering 1 flutters 2 fly 6 flying 4 foal 2 foals 1 foaming 2 foams 2 focus 1 focused 2 focusing 1 fodder 1 foes 5 fold 5 folded 1 folding 2 folds 2 folk 2 follow 52 followed 65 follower 2 following 27 follows 7 folly 23 food 141 foods 4 fool 43 foolish 26 foolishly 3 foolishness 6 fools 23 fool’s 5 foot 67 foothold 1 footmen 7 footnotes 2 footsteps 4 footstool 6 for 3877 forbade 3 forbid 7 forbidden 10 forbidden· 1 forbidding 1 forbids 2 force 11 forced 7 forces 48 forcible 1 forcibly 1 forcing 2 ford 1 fords 1 forearms 1 forefather 2 forefathers 2 forefront 2 forehead 7 foreign 16 foreigner 79 foreigners 29 foremost 1 forepart 2 forerunner 5 foresee 1 foreshadow 1 foreskin 8 forest 19 forests 1 foretold 4 forever 232 forever· 3 forfeit 1 forfeits 3 forgave 7 forger 1 forges 1 forget 86 forget]’s 2 forgetfulness 1 forgets 2 forgive 32 forgiven 39 forgiveness 5 forgives 2 forgiving 3 forgot 5 forgotten 24 fork 2 forks 1 form 17 formally 1 formatting 1 formed 30 former 24 forms 2 formula 2 forsake 37 forsaken 27 forsakes 3 forsook 3 forth 60 fortieth 2 fortified 22 fortify 2 fortifying 1 fortress 12 fortresses 2 fortunate 1 fortune 31 fortunes 3 fortunetelling 1 forty 59 forty-eight 1 forty-five 5 forty-nine 1 forty-one 2 forty-seven 1 forty-six 3 forty-three 1 forty-two 1 forty’s 1 forward 42 forwardness 1 for· 14 foster 2 fought 37 foul 6 found 225 foundation 17 foundations 15 founded 9 fountain 11 fountains 2 four 107 fours 5 fourscore 1 fourteen 14 fourteenth 11 fourth 26 fowl 4 fowler 2 fowler’s 1 fox 1 foxes 2 fp 240 fractals 1 fracture 3 fractures 1 fragrance 2 fragrant 2 frail 1 frame 4 framed 1 framed· 1 frames 2 frankincense 19 fraud 1 free 63 freed 8 freedom 6 freeing 1 freely 5 frees 1 fresh 10 freshly 1 fret 4 fretful 1 friend 34 friends 40 friendship 15 friends· 1 friend· 3 friend’s 1 frighten 1 frightened 2 fringe 4 fringes 3 fringes· 4 frogs 13 frolic 1 from 2677 fronds 1 front 33 frontlets 3 frost 4 fruit 145 fruit-bearing 1 fruitful 31 fruits 53 frustrate 1 frustrates 2 frustration 1 ft 60 fuel 2 fugitive 5 fugitives 3 fulfill 13 fulfilled 64 fulfilling 3 fulfillment 13 fulfillments 1 fulfills 2 full 134 fuller’s 2 fullness 14 fully 18 fulness 1 fun 12 functional 1 funding 1 funeral 1 furious 2 furnace 14 furnish 1 furnished 3 furnishings 4 furniture 7 furrows 2 further 6 furthermore 1 fury 5 futile 1 future 19 g 71 gahrash 1 gain 10 gained 11 gains 6 gainsay 1 gain· 1 gal 10 galbanum 1 gall 5 gallant 1 gallbladder 3 galley 1 gallows 3 game 2 garden 25 gardener 1 gardens 4 garland 4 garlic 1 garment 56 garments 83 garrison 8 gas 1 gash 1 gasp 1 gate 46 gatekeeper 1 gates 69 gather 83 gathered 151 gathering 8 gathers 17 gave 253 gaze 2 gazelle 6 gazes 1 gecko 1 gedolah 1 gem 1 genealogy 5 geneology 1 general 8 generally 2 generation 83 generations 113 generosity 1 generous 2 generously 2 genitals 1 gentile 1 gentle 4 gentleness 1 gently 2 geographic 4 gerahs 4 gestures 1 get 67 gets 7 getting 2 ghost 2 ghosts 1 giant 2 gibbet 1 gift 19 gifts 35 girded 2 girl 6 girls 3 girl’s 1 give 473 given 252 giver 2 gives 96 giving 24 glad 62 gladly 2 gladness 27 glean 2 gleanings 6 gleans 1 glide 1 glistening 1 glittering 1 gloat 2 global 2 gloom 2 glorified 32 glorifies 2 glorify 22 glorifying 4 glorious 18 gloriously 1 glorious· 3 glory 156 glory· 81 glutton 3 gluttonous 2 gluttons 1 gnash 1 gnashed 1 gnashes 1 gnashing 5 gnat 1 go 667 go'el 1 goal 6 goat 67 goats 51 goat’s 1 god 4 godless 2 godly 4 gods 2 gods· 3 goes 65 going 95 goings 2 gold 189 golden 37 goldsmith 3 gone 78 good 330 good-bye 1 good-for-nothing· 1 goodliest 1 goodly 3 goodness 12 goods 19 good· 4 gopher 1 gored 2 gores 2 gorge 1 gorgeously 1 goring 4 gossip 6 got 32 gotten 14 govern 2 governance 1 governing 3 government 7 governments 4 governor 17 governors 2 governor’s 2 go· 1 grab 3 grabbed 5 grabbing 2 grabs 2 grace 11 gracefully· 1 graceful· 1 graces 2 grace· 35 gracious 132 gracious]’s 10 graciously 3 gracious· 2 grain 100 grains 5 grain· 12 granddaughter 4 grant 11 granted 4 grape 5 grapes 33 grapevine 1 grasp 1 grasping 1 grasps 1 grass 42 grasses 1 grasshopper 1 grasshoppers 4 grasslands 1 grating 6 grave 15 gravel 1 graven 2 graves 7 graveyard 1 gray 6 gray-haired 2 graze 3 grazes 1 greasy 1 great 391 greater 52 greatest 9 greatly 44 greatness 17 greedily 1 greedy 8 green 17 greenish 2 greens 1 greet 6 greeted 3 greeting 15 greetings 3 grew 25 greyhound 1 griddle 3 grief 14 grieve 3 grieved 19 grieves 1 grievous 11 grievously 2 grind 4 grinding 5 grinds 1 grizzled 2 groan 3 groaned 3 groaning 9 groans 1 groom 1 groomsmen 1 grope 3 gropes 1 gross 1 ground 128 grounds 7 ground· 1 group 3 grouped 3 groups 6 grove 1 grow 37 growing 6 growling 1 grown 23 grows 14 growth 9 grudge 4 grumble 1 grumbled 1 guarantor 1 guard 20 guards 9 guest 2 guests 5 guidance 5 guide 14 guided 4 guideline]· 1 guidelines 1 guides 8 guiding 2 guilt 18 guiltiness 1 guiltless 6 guilty 31 gulf 1 gull 1 gulps 1 gum 1 gush 1 gushed 3 gushes 1 gutters 2 ha 18 ha-Meforash 2 ha-Meyuhad 2 haAbba 41 haBen 3 haElohim 3 haElyon 19 haKadosh 34 haKavod 5 haKodesh 25 haRuach 18 habit 3 habitation 19 habitations 7 habitual 2 had 783 hadn’t 4 hail 30 hailstones 3 hair 53 haired 1 hairs 9 hairy 4 half 45 half-shekel 1 half-tribe 6 halfway 2 hallowed 1 halt 1 hametz 10 hammer 1 hammered 2 hammers 2 hammock 1 hampered 1 hamstrung 1 hand 667 handed 11 handful 4 handfuls 2 handiwork 1 handkerchief 1 handle 2 handmaiden 1 handmaids 1 hands 321 handsome 3 hands· 1 hang 17 hanged 8 hanging 9 hangings 15 hang· 3 haply 2 happen 81 happened 33 happening 5 happens 12 happy 6 harah 1 harass 1 harassed 2 harbors 2 hard 27 harden 7 hardened 17 hardening 1 hardens 4 hardly 1 hardness 3 hardships 1 hare 2 harlot 2 harm 26 harmful 2 harmless 2 harness 1 harp 20 harps 4 harsh 1 harshly 4 harshness 3 harvest 57 harvested 2 harvester 1 harvesting 11 harvests 1 has 1376 haste 13 hasted 1 hasten 1 hastening 1 hastily 2 hasty 4 hatch 2 hatchet 1 hate 70 hated 36 hateful 1 haters 1 hates 26 hating 3 hatred 15 haughtily 2 haughtiness 3 haughty 10 haunt 1 haunts 1 have 2159 haven 4 haven’t 24 having 88 havoc 1 hawa 25 hawk 2 hay 1 he 4074 head 204 headbands 5 headdresses 1 headed 1 heads 61 heal 33 healed 55 healer 1 healing 34 heals 8 health 6 healthy 10 heap 17 heaps 5 hear 294 heard 314 heard· 2 hearing 23 hearken 2 hearkened 1 hears 44 heart 406 hearted 7 hearth 3 hearts 46 heart’s 3 heat 19 heatedly 1 heathen 2 heave 7 heaved 2 heaven 146 heavenly 9 heavens 87 heavens· 2 heaven· 1 heaven’s 80 heavier 2 heavily 3 heaviness 6 heavy 19 heavy· 4 hedge 3 hedges 3 heed 7 heeded 1 heeds 5 heel 7 heels 4 heifer 14 heifer’s 1 height 18 heights 9 heir 12 held 24 helmet 2 helmets 1 help 94 help-mate 1 helped 12 helper 6 helpers 3 helping 5 helpless 6 helpmate 1 helps 4 hem 5 hen 5 henceforth 5 her 853 herald 1 herb 14 herbs 13 herbs· 2 herd 31 herds 24 herdsmen 6 here 125 hereafter 4 herein 1 hereof 4 heritage 14 heron 2 hers 1 herself 21 her· 1 heterosexual 1 hewn 3 he’s 1 hid 21 hidden 50 hide 46 hides 11 hiding 6 higgayon 2 high 175 higher 11 highest 6 highly 4 highway 13 highways 5 hill 35 hills 28 him 3504 himself 327 hin 16 hinder 5 hindered 4 hindmost 1 hinges 1 hins 1 hinting 1 hints 1 hip 3 hips 1 hire 8 hired 34 hires 2 his 4122 historian 1 historical 4 historically 1 histories 2 history 24 hit 2 hoe 1 hoed 1 hold 69 holding 2 holds 8 hole 8 holes 4 holidays 1 holier 1 holiest 1 holiness 8 hollow 8 hollows 8 holy 328 homage 3 home 29 homeland 1 homer 2 homers 1 homes 7 hometown 6 homicide 2 homosexual 4 honest 14 honestly 1 honey 33 honeycomb 5 honor 63 honorable 17 honorably 5 honored 9 honoring 2 honors 5 hoof 15 hoofs 2 hook 2 hooks 17 hoopoe 2 hop 1 hope 35 hoped 3 hopefully 1 hoping 1 horn 11 horned 2 hornet 2 horns 26 horns· 3 horn· 18 horrible 1 horse 24 horsemen 28 horses 45 horses]’s 2 horse’s 1 host 47 hostage 1 hostages 6 hostility 3 hosts 1 hot 15 hot-tempered 2 hotly 1 hour 63 hours 5 house 503 household 40 householder 2 households 10 houses 93 housetop 7 housetops 6 house’s 1 hovering 2 how 169 howbeit 2 however 1 howl 1 howling 2 http://nazarenejudaism.com/?page_id=93 1 http://philologos.org/__eb-lat/default.htm 1 http://www.chabad.org/kabbalah/article_cdo/aid/1270231/jewish/Introduction.htm 1 http://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/312116/jewish/The-Five-Levels-of-Interpretation.htm 1 hu 1 huge 1 hukkat 1 human 25 humanity 10 humans 19 human· 4 humble 38 humbled 15 humbles 4 humbly 1 humiliated 1 humiliation 1 humility 5 humor 1 humps 1 hunch 1 hunchbacked 1 hunched 2 hundred 250 hundreds 9 hundredth 1 hung 7 hunger 14 hungered 1 hungry 34 hunt 3 hunted 2 hunter 4 hunting 2 hunts 1 hurl 1 hurled 4 hurls 1 hurried 12 hurries 2 hurry 10 hurt 20 hurts 2 husband 67 husbands 1 husband’s 9 husks 4 hut 1 hymn 1 hymns 1 hypocrisy 3 hypocrite 2 hypocrites 18 hyssop 11 ibex 1 idea 5 ideal 3 ideas 1 identical 1 identification 1 identified 13 identifies 11 identify 15 identifying 5 identity 8 ideologies 2 idiom 11 idiomatic 1 idle 8 idleness 1 idly 1 idol 14 idolater 2 idolaters 11 idolatrous 3 idolatry 17 idols 40 idol’s 1 if 414 ignorant 2 ignore 2 ignored 1 ii 8 ill-gotten 1 ill-will 1 illegal 1 illegitimate 3 illness 4 illusion 6 illustrate 1 image 28 imagery 1 images 17 imagination 4 imagine 3 imitate 3 immediately 56 immerse 1 immersion 1 imminent 1 immoral 1 immorality 1 immorality· 5 immunities 2 immunity 2 imparitive 1 impart 1 impede 1 impediment 2 imperfect 2 imperialism 4 implanted 1 implement 2 implied 18 implies 3 implored 1 important 7 imposed 1 imposing 3 impossible 6 impoverished 1 improbable 1 improper 2 improved 1 impudent 1 impure 3 impurity 12 impute 1 imputed 1 in 6895 in-gathering 2 inaccurate 2 inappropriate 5 inasmuch 1 incantations 1 incapable 1 incarnate 2 incense 65 incensed 1 incisions 1 incline 4 include 10 included 4 includes 18 including 16 income 1 incorrect 3 increase 51 increased 17 increases 9 increasing 3 incriminating 1 incurred 4 incurring 1 indebted 1 indeed 40 indefinite 2 indefinitely 1 independant 2 independence 3 independent 1 indicates 1 indicating 1 indicted 1 indignant 6 indignation 17 indiscriminately 1 individual 5 infant 8 infants 5 infected 4 infection 1 inference 1 inferred 1 infers 2 infidelity 2 infiltrated 2 infinite 1 infirmities 3 infirmity 2 inflame 1 inflames 1 inflammation 1 inflict 4 inflicted 3 inflicting 1 inflicts 1 influence 2 influences 2 influential 1 inform 1 information 6 informed 1 infrequently 1 inhabit 4 inhabitant 5 inhabitants 51 inhabited 6 inhabits 2 inherent 1 inherit 45 inheritance 117 inheritances 2 inherited 3 inheritor 1 inherits 1 iniquities 20 iniquity 109 injured 11 injures 2 injuries 2 injury 1 injury· 1 injustice 5 injustice· 2 inmost 3 inn 2 innards 18 inner 12 innermost 6 innocence 5 innocent 28 innumerable 2 inquire 14 inquired 4 inquires 1 inquisition 1 inroad 1 insane 2 inscribe 1 inscription 4 insects 2 inserted 1 inside 19 insisted 1 insolence 2 insolently 1 inspect 2 inspection 1 inspiration 1 inspired 4 installs 4 instance 1 instant 2 instead 27 institutions 1 instruct 4 instructed 6 instructing 1 instruction 22 instructions 7 instructions· 96 instructions·from 1 instruction· 11 instructs 3 instrument 5 instruments 15 insult 33 insulted 4 insulting 5 insults 3 insurgents 1 insurrection 2 intact 1 integrity 16 intend 3 intended 11 intense 1 intent 6 intention 12 intentional 1 intentionally 1 intentions 1 intently 3 interactions 1 interacts 1 intercede 3 intercedes 1 interceding 1 intercession 1 intercessor 8 interdicting 1 interest 23 interested 2 interesting 3 interlude· 72 intermarry 1 intermediate 1 internal 2 internationally 2 interpret 14 interpretation 17 interpretations 5 interpreted 15 interpreter 2 interrogate 1 intersections 1 intertwining 1 interviewed 1 interwoven 1 intimacy 4 intimate 3 intimately 1 into 1008 intoxicated 2 introducing 1 invade 3 invaluable 1 invested 1 investigate 2 invite 1 invited 16 invites 4 invoke 4 involve 1 involved 3 involvement 1 involves 3 involving 2 inward 8 inwardly 4 inwards 2 in· 1 iron 21 irons 1 irrational 1 irregular 1 irreparable 1 irreverent 1 is 4959 ish 3 ishah 5 islands 17 isles 5 isn't 1 isolate 8 isolated 1 isolation 2 issue 13 issued 1 issuing 1 it 2800 itch 13 itching 3 item 2 items 2 items(s) 1 its 648 itself 45 it· 39 it’s 2 ivory 1 jacinth 2 jackal 1 jackals 6 jar 4 jars 1 jasper 2 javelin 52 jaws 2 jealous 12 jealousy 22 jeer 1 jeopardy 1 jewel 1 jewelry 3 jewels 13 jingling 1 job 2 join 12 joined 34 joining 4 joint 4 joints 5 jokes· 1 joking 2 jostle 1 journey 39 journeying 3 journeys 9 jowls 1 joy 96 joyful 14 joyfully 1 joyfulness 1 joyous 3 judge 113 judged 44 judged· 2 judgement 26 judgement· 1 judges 27 judges· 4 judging 9 judgment 88 judgments 82 judgment· 3 judicial 2 juice 5 jump 1 juniper 1 jurisdiction 1 just 71 justice 33 justice· 61 justification 1 justified 10 justifies 2 justify 5 justly 1 just· 5 karet 4 katydid 1 katydids 1 kavad 4 kavash 1 kavod 104 keep 223 keeper 7 keepers 2 keeping 10 keeps 29 kept 72 kernel 3 ketubah 2 key 7 keys 1 kg 60 ki 3 ki'-tov 1 kicked 1 kid 2 kiddushin 2 kidnap 2 kidnaps 1 kidneys 17 kill 128 killed 99 killer 1 killing 8 kills 20 kind 68 kindle 3 kindled 19 kindles 3 kindling 1 kindly 3 kindness 11 kindred 1 kinds 19 king 344 king]’s 1 kingdom 93 kingdoms 24 kingly 2 kings 97 kingship 1 king’s 49 kinsman 6 kinsman· 1 kinsmen 2 kinswoman 2 kinswomen 1 kiss 10 kissed 16 kisses 1 kissing 2 kiss· 3 kite 4 kites 1 km 10 km]on 1 knead 1 kneading 4 knee 2 kneel 2 kneeling 3 knees 10 knelt 4 knew 56 knife 3 knit 1 knives 1 knock 1 knocking 1 knocks 3 know 388 knower· 1 knowing 18 knowingly 1 knowledge 84 knowledgeable 1 known 103 knows 39 kodesh 1 kol 4 kosher 10 kumi 1 la-Yahweh 1 labor 42 labored 6 laborer 4 laborers 9 laboring 1 laborous 1 labors 4 lace 4 lack 24 lacked 1 lacking 4 lacks 6 ladders 1 ladies 2 ladle 11 ladles 4 lads 1 lady 24 lady’s 4 lagged 1 laid 112 lain 4 lake 5 lama 1 lamb 97 lambs 66 lamb’s 1 lame 21 lament 4 lamentation 9 lamented 2 lamp 33 lamps 6 lamps· 1 lamp· 34 land 966 landmark 2 landmarks 1 lands 23 land· 1 lanes 1 language 15 languages 4 languish 3 languishes 3 lanterns 1 lap 2 large 24 lashes 6 lashon 1 last 54 lasted 2 late 5 later 8 latrine 3 latter 17 lattice 1 laugh 16 laughable 1 laughed 3 laughs 2 laughter 2 launched 1 launderer 1 law 44 lawful 16 lawgiver 1 lawgiver’s 1 lawless 9 lawlessness 4 laws 27 lawsuit 2 lawsuits 1 lawyer 2 lawyers 5 lay 110 layer 1 layers 2 layil 1 laying 3 layman 1 lays 9 laziness 1 lazy 2 lb 76 le'am 3 leach 1 lead 44 leader 21 leaders 15 leadership 8 leading 6 leads 28 leaf 8 leafy 1 league 1 lean 5 leaned 1 leaning 3 leanness 2 leans 2 leap 20 leaped 4 leaps 1 leapt 2 learn 31 learned 13 learning 9 lease 2 leased 2 leaser 1 least 16 leather 3 leave 126 leaven 5 leavened 15 leavening 1 leaven· 10 leaves 11 leaving 5 lecturer 2 led 61 ledge 2 leeks 1 left 181 leftover 1 legal 4 legged 1 legion 4 legions 1 legs 23 legs· 1 leisure 1 lend 22 lender 3 lending 2 lends 3 length 31 lengthen 4 lent 2 lentils 1 leopard 1 leper 15 leprosy 5 leprosy· 20 leprous 5 leprous-like 1 less 13 lesser 1 lest 106 let 377 lets 2 letter 4 letters 27 letters· 2 letting 1 let’s 21 level 10 leveled 2 levels 3 leviathan 3 lewd 1 li-olam 3 liability 1 liable 2 liar 5 liars 2 libation 4 libations 1 liberal 3 liberally 1 liberty 11 lice 6 license 1 lick 3 licked 1 licks 19 lid 1 lie 53 lied 2 lies 63 lieu 3 life 265 life-blood 3 lifespan 1 lifetime 3 life· 2 lift 54 lifted 73 lifting 5 lifts 8 light 211 lighted 1 lighter 1 lightly 3 lightning 11 lightnings 4 lights 9 lights· 1 light· 4 like 593 likely 7 liken 8 likened 11 likeness 17 likenesses 1 likes 1 likewise 28 lilies 2 lima 1 limb 3 limbs 2 lime 1 limit 2 limited 2 limits 3 limped 1 linage 4 line 27 lineage 3 linen 67 linen· 1 lines 6 lingered 1 linguistic 2 linked 10 linking 2 linnen 7 linnened 1 lintel 3 lion 28 lioness 6 lions 8 lion’s 4 lip 2 lips 89 liquid 3 liquid· 1 list 52 listed 12 listen 26 listened 3 listener 1 listening 3 listens 8 lists 4 lit 7 literal 14 literally 3 literature 2 liters 2 litigants 1 litters 1 little 133 live 153 lived 137 lived· 1 livelihood 1 liver 15 lives 47 livestock 98 lives· 1 living 92 living· 5 lizard 4 lo'mishpat 2 lo-tov 1 load 5 loaded 6 loads 3 loaf 2 loan 7 loaning 1 loans 2 loathe 1 loathed 1 loathes 2 loathing 1 loathsome 3 loaves 28 located 3 locating 1 location 5 locked 3 locks 1 locust 8 locusts 12 lodge 8 lodged 2 lodging 4 loftiness 1 lofty 13 log 5 logic 2 loins 5 lone 1 lonely 1 long 140 long-term 1 longed 3 longer 25 longest 1 longing 4 longs 3 look 69 looked 58 looking 36 looks 16 loom 1 loops 13 loose 12 loosen 4 loosened 1 lop 1 lord 91 lords 6 lords· 1 lord’s 10 lose 14 loses 5 loss 5 lost 26 lot 22 lots 13 loud 28 louder 2 love 47 loved 1 loved· 20 lovely 1 lovely· 1 lover 3 lovers 2 lovers· 1 lover· 2 loves 10 loves· 28 love· 173 loving 10 loving-kindness 3 loving-kindnesses· 7 loving-kindness· 122 loving-kindness’· 2 loving· 3 low 54 lower 16 lowest 5 lowland 1 lowly 4 loyal 5 loyalty 1 lucky 2 lulav 4 lulavs 1 lumberjack 1 lunar 1 lurk 3 lurking 2 lurks 1 lust 2 lusted 2 lustful 1 lusts 1 lusts· 1 lute 3 lutes 1 luxurious 1 luxury 1 lying 46 lynching 1 lyre 7 lyre's 1 m 60 m'ohd 1 ma'aser 14 ma'or 1 mad 3 made 627 madman 1 madness 1 maggots 2 magic 1 magicians 10 magistrate 1 magnified 5 magnifies 1 magnify 5 maid 10 maid-servant 1 maiden 4 maidens 3 maids 1 maidservant 2 maidservants 2 maid’s 1 mail 3 maimed 6 main 6 maintain 5 maintained 2 maintains 2 majestic 3 majesty 24 majority 5 make 570 maker 1 makers 8 makes 89 making 35 mal'ak 25 male 187 males 21 male· 2 malice 3 malicious 3 malign 1 malignant 1 mammon 2 mamzer 2 man 1019 man-child 2 man-made 1 manage 1 management 4 manager 7 mandrakes 5 manfully 1 manhood 1 manifest 6 manifestation 2 manifesting 3 manifests 1 manipulated 1 mankind 9 manna 19 manner 27 manner· 2 mansion 1 manslaughter 2 mantle 1 manure 1 many 299 many-faceted 1 man· 4 man’s 67 mar 5 march 3 marched 2 marching 3 marital 7 mark 4 marked 2 marker 1 market 3 marketplace 4 marketplaces 6 marking 1 marks 4 marksman 1 marred 5 marriage 33 marriageable 4 marriages 2 married 38 marries 10 marring 4 marror 2 marrow 1 marry 37 marrying 4 marsh 4 marvel 5 marveled 23 marveling 2 marvelous 14 marvels 1 mast 1 master 70 masters 8 mastery 1 master’s 14 mat 9 match 1 matched 2 mate 2 material 3 materials 1 mating 1 mats 1 matter 30 matters 8 maturity 1 matzah 40 may 657 maybe 6 mayim 2 me 1980 meadows 1 meal 117 meals 1 meal· 7 mean 17 meaning 30 meaningless 1 meanings 4 means 43 means· 2 meant 5 meanwhile 1 measure 29 measured 5 measurements 3 measures 9 measuring 4 meat 73 meats 1 meddles 1 medicinal 3 medicine 7 meditate 13 meditated 1 meditates 1 meditating 1 meditation 4 meditation· 2 medium 2 mediums 2 meek 1 meet 69 meeting 1 meets 3 melachot 3 melody 3 melons 2 melt 8 melted 5 melts 6 member 4 members 3 memorial 34 memorized 4 memory 17 men 517 mending 2 menial 1 menioned 3 menorah 34 menorahs 4 menorot 1 menservants 1 menstruating 2 menstruating· 1 menstruation· 2 mental 1 mention 6 mentioned 7 men’s 13 merchandise 5 merchant 4 merchants 5 mercies 2 merciful 63 mercifully 1 mercy 73 mercy· 1 mere 1 merely 2 merry 2 merry-hearted 1 message 9 messenger 14 messengers 18 met 38 metal 1 metaphor 2 metaphors 3 method 12 methodical 1 metretes 1 metzahek 1 metzora 1 metzorah 3 mezuzah 2 mi 12 mid-April 2 mid-March 1 mid-May 1 mid-November 1 mid-October 1 mid-day 1 middle 111 midnight 6 midrash 1 midst 8 midwife 4 midwives 6 might 191 mightier 11 mightiest 1 mightily 4 mighty 106 mikra 1 mikvah 11 mildew 7 mildewed 1 mile 1 miles 6 military 5 milk 35 mill 4 mills 1 millstone 5 millstones 1 mina 5 minas 4 mind 28 minded 5 mindful 1 minds 5 mine 47 mineral 1 mines 1 mingled 3 minister 36 ministered 4 ministering 6 ministry 26 minstrels 3 mint 2 minus 1 miracle 4 miracles 2 miraculous 4 miraculously 2 mire 5 mirrors 2 mirth 4 miry 2 miscarry 1 mischief 13 mischievous 2 misdeeds 1 misdirection 2 miserable 1 miserably 1 misery 1 mishpat 80 mislead 1 missing 4 mission 3 missionary 4 missionize 1 mist 1 mistake 1 mistaken 3 mistreat 2 mistreated 2 mistress 20 misty 1 mitzvah 11 mitzvot 97 mixed 61 mixing 1 mixture 9 mo'adim 2 moan 2 moaned 1 mock 12 mocked 22 mocker 5 mockers 3 mockery 1 mocking 2 mocks 7 modern 6 moichao 5 moicheia 1 moicheiai 2 moicheuo 9 moichoi 1 moist 1 moisture 1 molding 10 molds 1 moles 1 molten 13 moment 14 momentary 1 monetarily 1 monetary 2 money 96 moneys 1 monitor 1 monologue 1 monster 1 monsters 1 month 143 monthly 4 months 10 month’s 1 monument 1 moon 29 moons 3 moored 1 moral 2 more 379 moreover 18 morning 142 morning’s 1 morphed 1 morphine 3 morphing 1 morsel 3 morsels 2 mortally 4 mortar 7 mortars 1 most 62 moth 5 mother 159 mother-in-law 5 mothers 4 mother’s 41 moths 1 motions 1 motivation 1 motivational 2 motive 2 motives 1 motzi 1 mound 2 mounds 2 mount 15 mountain 135 mountains 84 mountainside 1 mount· 1 mourn 13 mourned 16 mourner 1 mourners 1 mourning 27 mourns 4 mouse 1 mouth 205 mouths 14 move 15 moved 36 moves 10 moving 6 much 128 mud 6 muddied 1 mulberries 1 mule 1 mules 1 multifaceted 3 multiple 16 multiplication 2 multiplied 20 multiply 35 multiplying 3 multitude 331 multitude]’s 18 multitudes 50 mumble 1 mundane 1 munition 1 murder 15 murdered 3 murderer 17 murderers 2 murders 4 murmur 8 murmured 15 murmuring 2 murmurings 8 muscle 3 music 3 musical 117 must 160 mustard 5 mustered 1 mustering 1 mutated 1 mute 20 mutilated 3 mutter 2 mutters 1 mutual 2 mutually 2 muzzle 3 my 2141 myrrh 11 myrtle 2 myself 59 mysteries 3 mystery 2 mystic 3 n'keivah 2 nail 2 nailed 12 nails 4 nakaph 2 naked 19 nakedness 40 name 504 named 53 nameless 1 namely 1 names 84 name’s 16 napkin 1 nard 2 narrative 1 narrow 7 nation 117 national 7 national-political 2 nationalist 2 nationalists 2 nations 258 native 1 native-born 10 natural 4 navy 1 nazareth 1 near 215 nearest 2 nearing 1 nearly 1 necessary 4 neck 40 necklaces 2 necks 2 necromancer 1 necromancy 2 need 27 needed 5 needful· 1 needless 1 needle’s 4 needs 9 needy 42 nefesh 4 negative 8 neglecting 1 neglects 1 neighbor 78 neighbors 13 neighbor’s 22 neither 193 nest 11 nests 3 net 21 netherworld 1 nets 8 nettles 2 network 2 netzer 3 neutral 3 never 65 nevertheless 2 new 108 newly 1 news 28 next 41 niddah 3 nigh 2 night 154 nightfall 1 nights 13 night· 1 nine 15 nineteen 1 ninety 2 ninety-five 2 ninety-nine 6 ninth 9 nish'mat 1 no 731 noble 6 nobleman 3 nobles 10 noblewoman 1 nobly 1 nobody 5 nocturnal 1 noise 15 noisy 4 nomads 3 non-Jew 4 non-Jews 6 non-Priest 1 non-book 1 non-existent 1 non-kosher 1 non-lepers 1 non-priest 2 non-priest· 1 non-repeating 2 non-virgin 2 none 53 nonsense 1 noon 10 noonday 5 noose 1 nor 353 normal 8 north 22 northern 2 northward 4 nose 6 noses 1 nostrils 7 not 2344 not-regular 1 notable 1 note 6 noted 4 notes 26 nothing 128 nothingness· 2 notice 3 noticed 1 notified 1 notion 1 nourish 4 nourished 4 nourishes 1 nourishing 1 nourishment 2 now 220 now!· 2 nowhere 1 now· 5 nuance 1 nuances 1 null 2 number 73 numbered 1 numbering 6 numbers 2 numerology 1 numerous 1 nurse 12 nursed 3 nursing 7 nuts 1 o'clock 9 oak 6 oaks 7 oars 1 oath 36 oaths 3 obedience 8 obedient 2 obedient· 2 obey 36 obeyed 7 obeyed· 141 obeying 1 obeying· 5 obeys 1 obeys· 28 obey· 266 object 9 objective 4 objects 5 obligated 2 obligation 1 obligations 3 obligatory 1 obscure 1 obscurity 3 observant 1 observation 1 observations 2 observe 49 observed 9 observes 1 observing 2 obstacles 1 obstinate 2 obtain 9 obtained 2 obtains 2 occasion 7 occasions 3 occultist 2 occupation 3 occur 2 occurred 1 occurrence 1 occurs 4 ocean 1 odds 1 odious 1 of 16308 off 188 offended 6 offenders 2 offense 7 offenses 1 offer 191 offered 55 offering 687 offerings 176 offerings· 2 offering· 1 offers 24 office 27 officer 7 officers 35 offices 1 official 1 officials 3 offspring 113 offspring’s 1 off· 4 often 14 oftentimes 2 of· 2 oh 3 oil 153 oiled 2 ointment 13 ointments 1 old 239 older 4 oldest 4 olive 15 olives 2 omega 1 omens 1 omer 10 omer-full 2 omers 9 ominous 1 omit 2 omnivores 1 on 2402 once 16 one 1437 one]’s 1 oneness 2 ones 88 oneself 3 one· 4 one’s 8 onion 2 onions 1 only 161 onset 3 onto 11 onward 8 onycha 1 onyx 8 open 55 opened 66 opened· 1 opening 4 openly 12 opens 14 operation 3 opinion 3 opinions 1 opium 6 opportuinity 1 opportunity 4 oppose 1 opposed 6 opposes 1 opposite 21 opposition 4 oppress 17 oppressed 21 oppresses 5 oppression 27 oppressions 1 oppressive 2 oppressively 1 oppressor 6 oppressors 5 optional 1 or 1057 oral 2 orchard 1 ordain 2 ordained 8 ordeal 1 order 76 ordered 12 ordering 1 orders 5 order· 1 ordinance 3 ordinances 7 ordinary 2 organize 7 organized 4 orientated 1 origin 4 original 9 originally 7 originate 1 originating 1 origins 5 ornament 2 ornaments 1 orphan 16 orphans 6 osprey 2 ostracize 1 ostrich 1 ostriches 2 other 260 others 52 otherwise 6 ought 9 our 500 ours 7 ourselves 21 out 2215 outcast 1 outcasts 7 outcry 2 outer 11 outermost 7 outflow 2 outran 1 outroads 1 outset 1 outside 105 outsider 1 outskirts 1 outstretched 10 outward 2 outwardly 2 out· 2 ov 2 oven 6 ovens 1 over 478 overcharge 1 overcome 7 overcomes 11 overdosing 3 overdrive 1 overflow 10 overflowed 1 overflowing 8 overflows 1 overhanging 1 overlaid 14 overlay 12 overlaying 3 overlays 1 overlook 1 overlooks 1 overnight 6 overplus 1 overseer 3 overseers 2 overshadow 1 overshadowed 2 overshadowing 1 oversight 2 oversights 1 overtake 13 overtaken 3 overtakes 2 overthrew 11 overthrow 10 overthrown 9 overthrows 1 overtook 4 overwhelm 2 overwhelmed 8 overwhelming 1 over· 2 ovum 3 owe 4 owed 5 owing 2 owl 12 own 300 owned 3 owner 19 owners 2 ownership 2 owner’s 1 owns 1 owr 3 ox 51 oxen 14 oz 41 p 9 p.73 1 p106-107 2 p47-49 3 p76 2 pace 2 pacifies 1 pacify 1 pagan 2 page 2 pages 2 paid 8 pain 20 pained 2 painful 1 pains 4 pair 5 paired 1 pairs 4 palace 9 palaces 8 pale 1 paleo-Hebrew 1 palm 13 palms 2 palsy 1 pampers 1 pan 2 pangs 2 panic 1 pans 3 pant 1 panted 1 pants 2 papyrus 1 papyrus-reed 1 par 3 parable 44 parables 22 parade 1 parallel 22 parallels 2 paralytic 7 paralytics 1 paralyzed 5 paraphrased 2 parcel 3 parched 5 pardon 6 pardoned 2 parents 22 part 92 partakers 1 parted 7 parthenos 4 partial 5 partiality 5 partially 3 participate 1 participated 4 particular 3 parties 5 parties· 53 parting 2 partner 1 partners 2 parts 42 party 17 paschal 1 pass 132 passage 17 passages 2 passed 51 passes 20 passing 7 passion 1 past 21 pasture 11 pastures 4 patch 3 path 30 paths 28 patience 7 patiently 3 patriarch 3 pattern 4 paved 2 pavilion 3 paws 1 pay 46 paying 4 payment 9 paz 1 peace 410 peace]’s 1 peaceably 3 peaceful 5 peacemakers 1 peace· 13 peak 1 pearl 1 pearls 2 pebbles 1 peeled 2 pelican 3 pen 4 penalties 4 penalty 8 pencil 1 penitence 1 penny 1 pens 1 people 1153 people]’s 3 peoples 107 people· 1 people’s 10 per 1 perceive 13 perceived 21 perceives 1 perceiving 10 perfect 23 perfected 2 perfection 4 perform 18 performed 7 performs 1 perfume 3 perfumed 1 perfumer 3 perfumes 1 perhaps 16 pericardial 2 peril 1 period 23 perish 67 perished 12 perishes 2 perishing 1 permanently 2 permeation 2 permission 3 permit 5 permitted 5 perpetual 11 perpetually 3 perpetuity 3 perplexed 4 perplexity 2 persecute 14 persecuted 7 persecution 3 persecutions 1 persecutors 2 persistence 2 persistent 1 persoanlly 1 person 161 personal 8 personally 2 persons 10 person’s 4 perspective 1 perspectives 2 persuade 2 persuaded 5 persuasive 1 pertain 4 pertained 1 pertaining 4 pertains 1 perverse 21 perverseness 6 perversion 2 perversities 1 pervert 8 perverted 1 perverting 1 perverts 4 pestilence 9 pestilent 3 pestle 1 petitions 8 phalanx 3 phalanxes 2 phileo 21 philosopher 2 philosophies 1 phrase 9 phrases 1 phrasing 2 phylacteries 1 phylacteries· 2 physical 9 physically 6 physician 5 physicians 4 pick 2 picked 1 picking 3 picks 1 pictures 2 piece 34 pieces 71 pierce 4 pierced 23 piercing 10 pig 2 pigeon 2 pigeons 10 pigs 13 pig’s 4 pile 1 piled 1 pilgrim 4 pilgrimage 6 pillage 1 pillar 29 pillars 47 pin 2 pine 7 pining 1 pinnacle 2 pinnacles 1 pins 10 pious 1 pipe 2 piped 1 pit 45 pitch 8 pitched 4 pitcher 12 pitchers 4 pitfalls 1 pits 5 pity 22 pit· 1 pit’s 1 place 367 placed 17 places 75 placing 4 plague 83 plagued 3 plagues 12 plain 63 plainly 9 plains 13 plaintiff 1 plan 5 plane 1 planes 1 plank 1 planks 2 planned 6 planning 1 plans 9 plant 22 planted 26 planting 7 plants 9 plaster 3 plastered 2 plate 3 plates 2 plating 1 platter 20 platters 1 play 14 played 4 players 1 playing 2 plea 5 plead 8 pleaded· 1 pleads 3 pleas 1 pleasant 57 pleasantness 1 please 42 pleased 22 pleases 6 pleasing 5 pleasurable 2 pleasure 31 pleasures 4 pledge 17 pledged 10 pledges 3 plenteous 3 plentiful 4 plenty 9 plot 10 plots 6 plotted 2 plotting 1 plow 4 plowed 2 plowers 1 plowing 5 plows 2 plowshares 1 pluck 9 plucked 5 plucking 4 plumb 2 plunder 47 plundered 4 plus 1 pocket 1 poetry 1 point 8 pointing 2 points 1 poison 15 poisoned 3 poisons 4 pole 3 poles 38 policy 1 polished 2 political 22 political-religious 1 politically 2 pollute 2 polluted 6 pollutes 1 pollutions 1 pomegranate 4 pomegranates 10 pomp 6 ponder 2 pondered 1 pondering 1 ponds 1 pool 16 pools 4 poor 158 poorer 1 poorest 3 poplar 1 poppy 3 populate 2 populated 1 populates 2 populous 2 porch 2 porcupine 2 porhneia 5 portico 1 portion 49 portioned 1 portions 3 portions· 1 portion· 14 position 3 positions 1 positive 5 possess 67 possessed 18 possesses 4 possessing 1 possession 77 possessions 22 possessor 2 possible 14 possibly 10 post 1 posted 1 posterity 2 posts 8 pot 6 pots 10 potsherd 1 potter 3 pottery 2 potter’s 7 poultice 1 pound 3 pounds 2 pour 40 pourches 1 poured 36 pouring 4 pours 5 poverty 17 powder 2 power 91 powerful 1 powers 5 practice 15 practiced 1 practices 5 praise 119 praised 10 praises 5 praise· 114 praising 4 pray 49 prayed 25 prayer 48 prayers 10 praying 8 prays 3 preach 10 preached 14 preaching 16 preamble 1 precede 1 precept 8 precepts 24 precinct 1 precious 23 precise 1 precisely 1 predecessors 1 predestined 1 predicted 1 preeminence 1 preexisted 2 preface 1 prefer 1 preference 1 preferred 2 prefigures 1 preform 10 preformed 1 pregnant 4 prematurely 1 premeditate 1 premeditated 5 preparation 4 preparations 1 prepare 40 prepared 41 prepares 5 preparing 5 prerogative 2 prescribe 2 prescribed 4 prescribed· 1 presence 75 present 33 presentation 3 presented 29 presenting 12 presents 9 preserve 18 preserved 5 preserves 8 presides 1 press 16 pressed 9 presses 4 pressing 1 pressure 1 presumed 2 presumption 1 presumptuous 2 presumptuously 8 presuppositions 1 pretend 3 pretended 1 pretense 3 prevail 14 prevailed 10 prevails 840 prevails]’s 9 prevent 8 prevented 1 preventing 1 previously 3 prey 17 price 21 pricks 1 pride 27 priest 322 priesthood 17 priestly 6 priests 116 priest· 1 priest’s 31 primary 9 prime 5 prince 58 princes 77 princess 2 principalities 1 print 2 priority 1 prison 35 prisoner 6 prisoners 10 prisons 2 private 5 privately 8 privily 2 privy 2 prized 1 probably 2 problems 1 procedure 6 proceed 4 proceeded 3 proceeds 8 process 13 processing 2 procession 1 processions 2 proclaim 33 proclaimed 7 proclaimed· 1 proclaiming 1 proclaims 2 proclaims· 1 proclamation 5 procure 1 prodded 1 produce 26 produced 8 produces 16 producing 2 product 6 production 1 products 1 profanation 1 profane 23 profaned 11 profaned· 2 profanes 4 profaning 3 profanity 1 profess 1 profit 19 profitable 5 profits 1 profound 1 profuse 1 prognosticators 1 prohibited 10 prohibition 1 project 11 projects 3 prolong 13 prolonged 2 prolongs 1 prominent 5 promise 6 promised 25 promises 7 promote 3 promoter 1 promoters 1 promotes 2 promotion 1 promotions 1 prompted 1 pronounce 23 pronounced 3 pronounces 1 pronouncing 2 proof 2 proper 3 properly 2 properties 1 property 25 prophecies 8 prophecy 25 prophesied 8 prophesy 4 prophesying 2 prophet 91 prophetess 3 prophetic 3 prophets 45 prophet’s 5 proportion 1 propose 1 proposed 2 proposing 1 prosecutor 1 proselyte 1 proselytize 2 proselytized 1 prospect 1 prosper 14 prospered 5 prosperity 18 prosperous 5 prospers 2 prostitute 34 prostituted 1 prostitutes 5 prostitution 4 prostrated· 4 prostrate· 26 prostrating 1 protect 4 protected 3 protecting 1 protection 9 protector 1 protects 3 protested 1 proud 24 proudly 4 prove 6 proved 4 proverb 3 proverbs 4 proves 1 provide 16 provided 13 provides 9 providing 6 province 1 provinces 1 provision 4 provocation 3 provoke 9 provoked 10 provokes 1 prowl 3 prudence 5 prudent 12 prune 2 pruned 2 prunes 1 pruning 2 psalmist 1 public 16 publicans 1 publication 4 publicized 1 publicly 1 publish 1 published 3 pull 7 pulled 13 pulls 2 punish 17 punished 10 punishment 36 punishments 3 punitive 1 purchase 2 purchased 5 purchasing 1 pure 52 purge 4 purged 1 purification 11 purified 5 purifier 1 purify 14 purifying 3 purity 2 purple 41 purpose 23 purposed 4 purposes 4 purposing 1 purse 5 purses 2 pursue 12 pursued 27 pursuer 4 pursues 10 pursuing 3 pursuit 1 push 2 pushed 1 put 481 puts 22 putting 2 pyramids 1 pyre 1 q 15 qt 23 quadrans 2 quail 1 quails 3 quake 4 quaked 4 quakes 1 qualifies 2 quality 3 quantities 1 quantity 1 quarrel 5 quarreled 3 quarreling 2 quarrels 3 quarry 1 quarter 5 queen 2 queens 1 quell 1 quench 6 quenched 8 question 16 questioned 3 questioning 4 questions 9 quick 2 quickening 2 quickly 30 quiet 14 quieted 1 quietness 3 quite 2 quiver 4 quota 2 quotation 2 quotations 2 quote 5 quoted 7 quotes 6 quoting 10 rabbis 2 rabbit 1 race 3 racham 43 radah 3 radiant 2 rage 6 raged 2 rages 2 ragged 1 raging 3 rags 1 rah 2 rail 1 railing 1 raiment 1 rain 42 rainbow 3 rained 4 rains 2 rainy 1 raise 43 raised 36 raises 5 raisin 1 raising 2 raisins 1 rallied 1 rallying 2 ram 89 rampart 1 rams 49 ram’s 6 ran 33 range 3 ranks 3 ransacked 1 ransom 13 ransomed 4 rape 2 raped 1 rapist 3 rare 3 rash 5 rashly 4 rat 1 rather 37 rational 2 rattling 1 ravages 1 raven 4 ravening 1 ravenous 5 ravens 3 raw 8 razed 1 razor 4 re-dedication 1 reach 11 reached 4 reaches 11 reaching 1 reactions 1 read 41 reader 6 readiness 2 reading 8 readings 1 reads 6 ready 47 real 3 realities 1 reality 1 realized 1 really 10 realm 1 reap 18 reaped 1 reaper 1 reapers 2 reaping 4 reapplied 1 reaps 8 rear 4 rearmost 1 reason 48 reasoned 9 reasoning 4 reasons 1 rebel 9 rebelled 15 rebellion 7 rebellious 27 rebels 1 rebel· 1 rebuild 6 rebuke 29 rebuked 24 rebukes 2 rebuking 1 recall 2 recalling 2 receded 2 receive 71 received 61 receives 33 recently 2 recite 1 reciting 1 reckless 1 reckon 5 reckoned 2 reclaim 1 recline 1 reclining 4 recognizable 1 recognize 10 recognized 15 recognizing 1 recompense 8 recompensed 4 recompenses 1 reconcile 2 reconciled 5 record 14 recorded 8 recorder 2 records 7 recounting 1 recover 5 recovered 2 recovering 1 red 21 red-hot 1 reddish 2 reddish-white 4 redeem 51 redeemed 58 redeemer 3 redeeming 5 redeems 7 redemption 25 reduces 1 reed 16 reeds 5 reel 3 reenter 1 reestablish 2 ref 2 refer 5 reference 32 referenced 14 references 15 referencing 6 referred 13 referring 15 refers 49 refined 8 refiner 2 refining 1 reflect 3 reflecting 1 reflection 1 reflects 3 reformed 1 refrain 7 refrains 1 refresh 1 refreshed 3 refreshes 1 refreshing 2 refuge 75 refuse 14 refused 19 refuses 14 refusing 2 regard 21 regarded 5 regarding 2 regardless 1 regard· 3 regeneration 1 region 25 regional 2 register 1 registered 1 reguarding 1 regular 32 regulates 1 regulation 16 regulations 15 regulations· 1 regulation· 1 rehearse 1 reign 20 reigned 21 reigning 2 reigns 9 rein 9 reining 2 reins 1 reinterpreted 1 reject 11 rejected 40 rejecting 1 rejection 5 rejects 6 rejoice 96 rejoiced 15 rejoices 13 rejoicing 10 relate 1 related 4 relates 2 relating 1 relation 3 relationally 1 relations 35 relationship 28 relations· 1 relative 10 relatives 35 release 38 released 18 releasing 1 relent 1 relented 1 relevant 5 reliable 3 relied 2 relief 2 relieve 3 religion 2 religions 1 religious 3 reload 1 rely 4 remain 47 remainder 2 remained 24 remaining 7 remains 32 remaking 1 remarry 2 remedy 2 remember 65 remembered 36 remembering 3 remembers 5 remembrance 6 remind 2 remission 4 remit 1 remitted 3 remnant 26 remorse 1 removal 1 remove 39 removed 52 removes 7 removing 12 renamed 4 render 7 rendered 3 rendering 8 renew 11 renewed 2 renewing 2 renounce 1 renounced 1 renounces 1 renown 5 renowned 2 rent 3 rented 2 repaid 3 repair 1 repaired 1 reparation 1 repay 18 repayment 1 repays 4 repeat 1 repeated 3 repeatedly 2 repeating 2 repeats 3 repent 3 repentance 4 repentance· 22 repentant 1 repent· 9 repetitions 1 replaced 2 replenish 1 replenished 1 reply 2 report 24 reported 6 reports 1 repose 1 represent 7 represented 3 representing 4 represents 6 reproach 46 reproached 1 reproaches 3 reproof 11 reproofs 1 reprove 5 reproved 3 reproves 3 reputation 4 request 7 requested 1 requests 3 require 11 required 13 requirements 8 requires 3 requiring 1 rescue 5 rescued 2 rescues 5 research 7 researches 1 resentment 1 reserved 4 reservoir 1 reside 1 resident 4 residents 1 residue 9 resin 1 resist 1 resistance 1 resisted 1 resolved 2 resorted 2 resounded 1 resounding 1 resource 3 resources 9 respect 32 respected 3 respectful 1 respects 2 respite 2 resplendent 1 respond 1 responded 2 response 4 responsibilities 1 responsibility 6 responsible 6 resport 1 rest 131 rested 12 rested· 2 resting 11 restitution 11 restless 1 restoration 3 restore 37 restored 14 restores 3 restoring 3 restrained 8 restraining 2 restrains 1 restraint 4 restricted 1 rests 4 result 1 results 4 resurrect 3 resurrected 9 resurrection 28 retain 2 retained 1 retains 2 retaliates 2 retreat 1 retribution 3 retrieved 1 retrospect 2 return 27 returned 54 returned· 31 returning 2 returning· 1 returns 2 returns· 4 return· 78 reveal 6 revealed 38 revealing 1 reveals 2 revelation 4 revenge 2 revenue 4 revenues 2 revere 1 reverence 7 reverse 1 revile 1 revive 4 revived 4 reviving 1 revoked 1 revolt 7 revolted 2 reward 36 rewarded 8 rewards 9 rib 4 ribs 3 rich 50 riches 37 richest 2 richness 1 rid 2 ridden 1 riddle 1 riddles 2 ride 6 rider 3 riders 1 rides 5 ridge 87 ridges 1 ridiculed 2 ridiculing 2 riding 7 rigging 2 right 255 righteous 39 righteously 5 righteousness 172 rightful 1 rightly 2 rights 6 right· 1 rim 3 ring 11 rings 44 rinsed 3 riot 2 riotous 1 ripe 3 ripened 1 ripening 1 ripping 1 rise 79 risen 34 rises 11 rising 22 rites 2 ritual 19 ritually 3 rituals 4 rival 1 river 58 riverbed 1 rivers 28 riverside 2 river’s 2 road 18 roads 1 roadside 2 roams 1 roar 10 roared 1 roaring 11 roast 3 roasted 6 roasts 1 rob 7 robbed 5 robber 11 robbers 11 robbery 5 robe 21 robes 6 robs 3 rock 74 rocks 11 rocky 4 rod 58 rode 2 rods 15 roebuck 1 role 11 roles 1 roll 23 rolled 12 rolls 1 roof 16 roof-top 2 roofs 1 rooftops 1 room 21 rooms 10 rooster 13 root 31 rooted 2 roots 3 rope 2 ropes 1 rose 73 rot 2 rotated 1 rotation 1 rotations 1 rots 1 rotten 2 rottenness 3 rough 6 roughly 2 round 32 rouse 3 rout 4 route 2 routed 1 routes 1 row 12 rowed 1 rowing 1 rows 4 royal 10 rubbing 4 rubies 5 ruby 2 rue 1 rugged 2 ruin 16 ruined 4 ruinous 2 ruins 4 rule 45 ruled 7 ruler 50 ruler]· 1 rulers 39 ruler’s 5 rules 14 ruling 3 rulings 3 rumors 4 run 13 running 23 runs 3 rush 3 rushed 3 rushes 3 rushing 4 rust 2 rustling 1 ruthless 2 ruthlessly 2 s 249 sabachthani 2 sabbath 1 sabbatical 1 sac 2 sack 10 sackcloth 17 sacks 8 sack’s 2 sacred 14 sacrifice 169 sacrificed 12 sacrifices 55 sacrificial 11 sacrificing 1 sad 7 saddle 2 saddlebags 1 saddled 2 safe 12 safely 4 safety 15 said 1932 sail 2 sailed 1 saint 1 saints 23 sake 85 sakes 9 sale 5 saliva 1 salt 19 salted 2 saltiness 1 salutation 1 salutations 1 salute 3 saluted 2 salvation 33 salvation· 86 salvation·to 1 same 146 sameness 2 sanctification· 2 sanctified 11 sanctifies 3 sanctify 31 sanctuaries 3 sanctuary 127 sand 13 sandal 3 sandals 7 sang 6 sank 2 sap 1 sapped 1 sapphire 3 sapphires 1 sash 7 sashes 4 sat 81 satisfaction 1 satisfied 26 satisfies 2 satisfy 16 satisfying 1 saturate 1 save 88 saved 46 saves 12 saving 1 saving· 1 savior 1 savory 7 saw 343 saws 1 say 311 saying 630 sayings 11 says 224 scab 5 scabs 1 scaled 1 scales 14 scalp 1 scalps 1 scant 1 scapegoat 6 scar 2 scarcely 3 scarceness 1 scarcity 1 scared 4 scarlet 39 scars 4 scatter 13 scattered 26 scatters 8 scent 1 scepter 15 schedule 2 scheme 2 schemer 1 schemes 5 scholarly 3 scholars 8 schollarly 1 schooling 1 science 1 scientificly 1 scoff 2 scoffed 2 scoffer 7 scoffers 4 scoffing 3 scoffs 1 scoop 1 scorch 1 scorched 3 scorching 5 scorn 1 scornfully 1 scorns 1 scorpion 1 scorpions 2 scoundrel 2 scoured 1 scourge 9 scraped 3 screech 1 screen 23 screened 1 scribe 7 scripture 2 scriptures 4 scroll 4 scrolls 1 scurvy 1 sea 173 seagull 1 seahs 1 seal 8 sealed 4 sealing 1 sealskin 7 seam 1 search 11 searched 8 searches 1 searching 3 seas 12 seashore 3 seaside 3 season 31 seasoned 2 seasons 6 seat 36 seated 2 seats 7 sea· 1 second 122 secondary 2 secret 34 secretly 20 secrets 2 sect 5 sect.3 1 section 8 sections 2 secure 6 securely 5 security 2 security· 1 seduced 1 see 396 seed 82 seedlings 1 seeds 9 seeing 31 seek 96 seeker 1 seeking 18 seeks 26 seem 2 seemed 9 seems 6 seen 138 seers 2 sees 46 seethe 1 segulah 5 seize 14 seized 6 seizes 1 seldom 1 select 2 selected 2 selection 2 selectively 1 self 5 self-directed 1 self-same 2 self-will 1 selfish 1 selfishness 1 sell 31 seller 1 selling 7 sells 11 selves 1 semen 4 seminary 1 senate 4 send 95 sending 3 sends 12 sense 4 senseless 4 sent 331 sentence 4 sentenced 1 sentences 4 sentencing 1 sentinels 1 sent· 1 separate 32 separated 13 separately 13 separates 9 separating 3 separation 15 sepulcher 3 sepulchers 1 sequence 1 seraphim 2 serious 2 serpent 27 serpents 9 serpent’s 4 servant 294 servants 180 servant’s 7 serve 76 served 26 served· 5 serves 12 serve· 43 service 83 services 1 service· 14 serving 9 set 334 sets 10 setting 7 settings 11 settle 4 settled 3 settlements 1 settles 2 seven 227 sevenfold 1 seventeen 2 seventeenth 2 seventh 117 seventies 1 seventy 39 seventy-five 7 seventy-four 2 seventy-seven 2 seventy-six 1 seventy-three 2 seventy-two 2 sever 2 severe 11 severely 8 sewed 1 sews 1 sex 3 sexual 39 sexually 1 sh'ma 400 shackles 1 shade 7 shadow 24 shaft 3 shake 10 shaken 21 shakes 4 shaking 9 shall 3851 shalom 7 shalt 1 shamayim 4 shame 38 shamed 9 shameful 2 shamefully 5 shames 2 shape 1 shaped 1 shapes 2 shaping 1 share 9 shared 3 shares 5 sharp 11 sharpen 3 sharpened 1 sharpens 2 sharred 1 shatnez 1 shattered 3 shatters 1 shavat 2 shave 17 shaved 3 shave· 1 shawl 1 shawls 1 she 333 sheaf 7 shear 5 shearers 2 sheath 4 sheathed 1 sheaths 1 sheaves 5 shebashamayim 16 sheckles 16 shed 15 sheds 1 sheep 151 sheep]’s 4 sheepfolds 2 sheep’s 2 shekel 57 shekels 75 shekhinah 5 shelter 6 sheltered 1 shelters 1 sheni 14 shepherd 22 shepherds 12 shepherd’s 1 shield 30 shields 4 shifts 1 shine 28 shined 1 shines 13 shining 5 ship 31 ships 18 shocks 1 shoe 3 shoes 7 shofar 43 shofarot 2 shofars 1 shofars· 4 shofar· 3 shone 8 shook 6 shoot 8 shoots 3 shore 2 short 7 short-lived 1 shortened 9 shortest 1 shortly 1 shortness 1 shot 5 should 275 shoulder 21 shoulders 13 shout 23 shouted 5 shouting 5 shouts 1 shoved 2 shovel 2 shovels 3 show 110 show-bread 2 showed 19 shower 1 showers 3 showing 3 shown 32 shows 21 shrewd 1 shrines 1 shrinks 1 shrubs 2 shrunk 1 shun 1 shunned 1 shuns 1 shut 46 shuts 3 siblings 3 sicarius 4 sick 47 sickbed 1 sickle 4 sickness 13 sicknesses 3 side 155 side-locks· 1 sides 20 siege 10 sieve 1 sift 2 sigh 2 sighed 3 sighing 5 sight 113 sights 3 sign 60 signals 1 signet 14 significance 3 significance· 1 significant 3 signifies 3 signify 1 signifying 7 signs 50 silence 9 silenced 2 silent 36 silver 163 similar 10 simile 3 simple 18 simply 2 sin 278 since 42 sincere 3 sincerer 1 sinew 4 sinful 8 sinfulness 1 sing 62 singers 1 singing 20 single 4 single-topic 1 sings 2 singular 5 singular· 1 sink 5 sinks 1 sinned 43 sinner 15 sinners 35 sinning 3 sins 93 sir 1 sister 60 sister-in-law 2 sisters 8 sister’s 3 sit 57 site 1 sits 27 sitting 33 situation 3 six 65 sixteen 6 sixth 15 sixties 2 sixty 13 sixty-five 5 sixty-four 2 sixty-nine 1 sixty-one 2 sixty-six 2 sixty-two 4 skies 12 skill 1 skilled 3 skillful 18 skillfully 9 skillfulness 1 skills 3 skin 72 skin]· 1 skink 1 skins 21 skip 1 skipped 2 skipping 1 skirt 2 skirts 3 skull 3 sky 111 sky’s 2 slack 3 slain 42 slander 10 slanderer 2 slanders 1 slander· 1 slants 1 slapped 2 slapping 1 slaughter 27 slaughtered 5 slaughtering 1 slave 24 slavery 461 slavery]’s 2 slaves 17 slayer 11 slaying 4 slays 1 sleek 4 sleep 43 sleeping 9 sleeps 2 slept 9 slew 1 slide 1 slides 1 sling 1 slingers 1 slings 1 slipped 5 slippery 2 slipping 1 slips 2 slope 1 slopes 2 slothful 2 slow 12 sluggard 14 slumber 8 slumbered 1 slurs 1 small 43 smaller 1 smallest 1 smeared 1 smell 7 smelled 2 smiters 2 smitten 4 smoke 24 smoked 1 smoking 4 smolder 1 smooth 9 smoother 1 smoothly 1 smooths 1 snail 1 snake 5 snare 25 snared 6 snares 6 snatch 3 snatches 2 sneers 1 snout 1 snow 14 snowed 1 snuff 3 snuffed 2 snuffers 3 so 480 soak 1 soaked 1 soared 1 social 2 society 1 socket 2 sockets 53 soda 1 sodomite 1 soft 6 soften 1 softer 1 softly 1 soil 10 sojourner 1 solace 1 sold 56 soldering 1 soldier 2 soldiers 21 sole 7 solemn 17 solemnly 1 soles 1 solid 1 solitary 3 solution 1 some 147 someone 26 someone’s 1 something 30 sometimes 2 son 756 son-of 1 song 37 songs 14 songs· 6 song· 36 sons 458 sons-in-law 2 son’s 21 soon 23 soothed 1 sorcerer 6 sorcerers 2 sorceress 2 sorceries 2 sorcery 4 sore 18 sores 6 sorrow 25 sorrowful 8 sorrows 7 sorry 7 sort 5 sought 59 soul 277 souls 29 sound 33 sounded 7 sounding 1 soundness 3 sounds 2 soup 1 sour 10 source 5 sources 2 south 57 south]’s 3 southward 9 sow 32 sowed 9 sower 1 sowing 4 sown 22 sows 9 so· 1 space 4 span 6 spare 13 spared 1 spares 3 sparing 1 spark 2 sparkles 1 sparkling 1 sparrow 3 sparrows 4 spat 7 speak 177 speaker 4 speaking 43 speaks 59 spear 6 spears 2 special 26 species 4 specific 21 specifically 8 specified 1 specifies 1 speck 7 speckled 9 spectrum 1 speculate 1 speculation 4 speech 30 speechless 1 speed 3 speedily 5 spell 1 spelled 1 spelling 4 spelt 2 spend 6 spent 12 spew 1 spice 1 spices 18 spider’s 1 spied 5 spies 9 spikes 1 spilled 3 spin 2 spindle 1 spirit 123 spirit-medium 1 spirit-mediums 1 spirits 28 spirits· 3 spiritual 14 spiritually 6 spit 8 spite 2 spits 1 spitting 4 splash 1 splendor 5 split 10 spoil 3 spoiled 4 spoils 30 spoke 303 spoken 118 spokesman 1 sponge 3 spoon 1 spoons 3 spot 14 spots 4 spotted 6 spouse 3 sprang 4 spread 72 spreading 4 spreads 8 sprigs 1 spring 28 springing 2 springs 20 sprinkle 27 sprinkled 15 sprinkles 2 sprinkling 1 sprout 4 sprouted 1 sprouts 2 sprout· 3 sprung 3 spun 3 spurned 1 spy 9 spying 1 squanders 1 square 7 squares 3 stability 1 stable 1 stadia 4 stadious 1 staff 27 staffs 1 stage 2 stages 2 stagger 6 staggering 3 staggers 1 stain 1 stained 1 stairway 1 stake 21 stakes 3 stalk 2 stalks 1 stall 2 stammerers 1 stammering 1 stamp 1 stand 114 standard 17 standards 4 standing 42 stands 28 stand· 1 stank 1 star 8 stare 5 stargazers 1 stars 21 stars· 1 start 11 started 5 starting 6 starts 5 state 4 stated 4 stately 2 statement 7 states 8 station 1 statue 1 stature 3 status 1 statute 28 statutes 66 statute· 2 stay 31 stayed 38 staying 5 stays 4 stead 7 steadfast 12 steadfastly 1 steady 1 steal 22 stealing 1 steals 2 stealthily 1 steep 2 stench 3 step 4 stepped 3 stepping 1 steps 20 stern 2 sternly 1 stew 3 steward 6 stick 4 sticks 6 stiff 4 stiff-necked 7 stiffens 1 still 92 stillborn 1 stilled 2 stills 1 stimulate 3 stimulating 1 stingy 2 stink 1 stir 8 stirred 10 stirring 1 stirs 11 stock 8 stole 2 stolen 9 stomach 3 stone 118 stoned 12 stones 81 stone’s 1 stoning 10 stood 94 stool 1 stoop 2 stooped 4 stoops 2 stop 6 stopped 14 stops 3 storage 1 store 15 stored 4 storehouses 1 stores 1 stork 3 storm 17 storms 1 stormy 4 story 4 straggler 1 stragglers 1 straight 24 straight-forward 2 straighten 1 straightforward 16 strain 1 strained 1 strange 17 stranger 49 strangers 31 stranger’s 1 strangled 1 strangling 1 strangulation 3 strap 4 straps 9 straw 13 stray 3 strayed 2 streaked 7 streaks 2 stream 12 streams 18 streams· 2 street 9 streets 22 strength 130 strengthen 10 strengthened 8 strengthening 2 strengthens 3 strenuous 2 stress 2 stretch 14 stretched 37 stretches 5 stretching 1 stricken 3 strictly 3 strife 21 strike 50 striker 1 strikes 19 striking 3 stringed 4 strings 2 strip 2 striped 1 stripes 10 stripped 6 strips 3 strive 7 strives 1 strivings 1 stroke 7 strong 117 stronger 9 stronghold 19 strongholds 20 strove 3 struck 108 structure 1 struggle 1 struggled 1 struggles 1 strung 1 stubble 7 stubborn 6 stubborn-hearted 1 stubbornly 1 stubbornness 3 student 2 students 2 studied 1 studies 1 study 19 stuff 6 stumble 35 stumbled 1 stumbles 2 stumbling 11 stumbling-block 1 stunted 2 stupid 2 style 2 subdue 7 subdued 4 subdues 3 subject 16 subjection 3 subjects 6 subjugate 1 submission 1 submit 7 subsequent 1 subsided 1 substance 6 substances 4 substitute 2 substituted 1 substitutionary 1 subtelty 1 subtle 1 subtract 1 suburbs 8 subverts 1 succeed 6 succeeded 3 success 4 succor 1 such 101 suck 6 sudden 2 suddenly 25 sues 2 suffer 20 suffered 6 suffering 9 suffers 4 sufficient 11 sufficiently 1 suffocate 3 suggested 1 suit 1 suitable 2 suit· 1 sukkah 3 sukkot 2 sulfur 6 sum 2 summer 13 summon 1 summoned 6 summoning 1 summons 1 sun 65 sun-scorched 1 sundial 3 sundown 2 sung 5 sunk 3 sunrise 8 sunset 9 sunshine 1 superscription 1 superstitious 2 supervise 1 supper 11 supplanted 1 supplication 7 supplied 1 supplies 1 supply 4 support 6 supported 4 supportive 1 suppose 2 supposed 6 supposing 2 supreme 2 sure 18 surely 105 surface 35 surname 4 surnamed 1 surpassed 1 surplus 1 surrender 1 surround 9 surrounded 18 surrounding 15 surrounds 2 survivors 4 suspected 3 suspends 3 suspense 1 sustain 8 sustained 3 sustains 62 sustenance 3 swallow 10 swallowed 13 swallows 2 swam 1 swarm 4 swarmed 2 swarming 4 swarms 9 sway 1 sways 1 swear 26 swearing 4 swears 14 sweat 2 sweep 7 sweeps 1 sweet 33 sweeter 1 swell 4 swelling 5 swept 4 swerve 2 swift 6 swiftly 2 swim 1 swims 1 swine’s 1 swing 1 sword 108 swords 12 sword· 1 swore 58 sworn 19 sycamore 4 symbol 3 symbolic 1 symbolically 1 symbols 1 sympathizes 3 synagogue 23 synagogues 19 synagogue’s 1 system 6 systems 2 t'rumah 2 tabernacle 97 tabernacled 1 tabernacles 1 tabernacle’s 2 table 68 tables 15 tablet 5 tablets 25 tail 11 tails 1 take 428 taken 143 taker 1 takes 53 take· 1 taking 26 talah 2 tale-bearer 1 talent 8 talents 26 talk 19 talked 11 talking 9 talks 1 tall 8 taller 1 tamarisk 1 tambourine 6 tambourines 4 tame 1 tamei 2 tapestry 2 tar 3 taskmasters 6 tassles· 1 taste 18 tasted 3 tasteless 1 tattoo 3 tattoos 1 taught 43 taunt 2 taunted 3 taunts 1 tav 2 tax 27 tax-collector 1 taxes 6 teach 69 teacher 13 teacher!· 1 teachers 7 teaches 25 teaching 48 teachings 8 teachings· 10 tear 15 tearing 1 tears 20 technical 1 teems 1 teeth 22 tefillin 2 tehilah 33 tehilahot 6 tell 359 telling 5 telling· 2 tells 9 temper 1 tempered 1 tempest 1 temple 104 temples 1 temporarily 1 temporary 11 tempt 3 temptation 9 tempted 9 tempter 1 ten 77 ten-stringed 2 tenant 1 tend 1 tended 1 tender 24 tenderness 1 tending 1 tendon 1 tends 2 tenons 6 tens 6 tent 63 tenth 41 tenths 15 tents 29 tents· 2 tent· 2 ten’s 1 terebinth 1 term 3 terms 6 terrible 3 terribly 1 terrified 6 terrify 3 terror 21 terrorized 1 terrors 6 teshuvah 129 test 12 tested 11 testicles 5 testified 13 testifies 9 testify 42 testifying 2 testimonies 30 testimony 62 testing 8 tests 1 tetrarch 6 text 59 texts 2 textual 4 than 256 thank 8 thankful 72 thanks 17 thanksgiving 18 that 3933 the 25387 theft 3 thefts 2 their 1835 theirs 11 them 2992 theme 1 themselves 166 then 443 thence 8 thenceforth 1 theocratic 2 there 871 there,and 1 thereby 5 therefore 314 therein 49 thereof 31 thereupon 1 therewith 2 these 489 they 2383 thick 14 thicket 2 thickets 2 thief 16 thieves 4 thigh 26 thighs 2 thin 13 thing 167 things 540 think 33 thinking 7 thinks 3 third 86 thirst 19 thirsts 4 thirsty 23 thirteen 3 thirteenth 3 thirty 62 thirty-eight 2 thirty-five 3 thirty-four 1 thirty-seven 5 thirty-six 2 thirty-three 3 thirty-two 6 this 1142 thistles 3 thong 1 thorn 4 thorns 29 thoroughly 9 those 697 though 37 thought 30 thoughtfully 1 thoughtless 1 thoughts 34 thousand 167 thousands 31 thread 4 threat 2 threaten 1 threatened 1 threatening 1 threats 2 three 200 threescore 5 thresh 2 threshed 1 threshing 15 thresholds 1 threw 21 thrill 1 thrive 2 thriving 4 throat 8 throbs 1 throne 65 thrones 6 through 182 throughout 80 throw 25 throwing 3 thrown 30 throws 1 thru 12 thrust 11 thrusts 1 thumb 7 thumin 1 thummin 1 thunder 9 thunderbolts 1 thundered 2 thunders 5 thus 31 thy 17 tiaras 1 tidings 1 tied 9 ties 1 tight 1 tightly 2 tiles 1 till 12 tilled 1 tiller 1 tills 1 timber 1 timbrels 1 time 275 times 120 times· 2 tin 2 tinder 1 tiny 2 tip 9 tired 2 tithe 40 tithes 9 tithe· 14 tithing 3 title 12 titles 11 to 11476 today 126 toe 7 together 277 together· 8 tohu 1 toil 6 toils 1 token 6 tokens 5 told 148 tolerable 6 tolerate 1 toll 2 tolls 2 tomb 43 tombs 14 tomorrow 21 tongs 1 tongue 67 tongues 4 tongue· 1 tonight 6 too 52 took 381 tool 5 tools 1 tooth 11 tooth’s 1 top 33 topaz 2 topic 4 topics 5 tops 1 torch 5 torches 6 tore 15 torment 18 tormented 3 tormentors 1 torments 1 torn 26 torot 10 toss 1 tossed 3 total 56 totally 23 totals 2 totter 1 tottering 1 touch 25 touched 29 touches 43 touching 2 tov 3 toward 90 towards 25 towel 3 tower 32 towering 1 towers 12 town 7 towns 2 town’s 1 to· 1 traced 1 track 1 trackless 1 trade 4 traded 1 tradition 12 traditional 2 traditions 2 trafficked 1 traffickers 1 trail 1 train 2 trained 5 trainer 1 traitor 1 traitors 2 trample 3 trampled 6 trance 1 transcribed 1 transfigured 1 transgress 3 transgressed 5 transgressing 2 transgression 7 transgressions 22 transgressor 3 transgressors 13 translated 9 translates 2 translation 11 translations 2 translators 4 transliterated 1 transliteration 1 transporting 1 trap 6 trapped 3 traps 2 travail 5 travailed 5 travailing 1 travails 1 travel 10 traveled 79 traveler 1 traveling 5 travels 4 treacherous 6 treacherously 6 tread 14 treading 2 treads 6 treason 4 treasure 21 treasured 1 treasurer 1 treasures 15 treasure· 5 treasuries 2 treasury 8 treat 6 treated 8 treatment 1 treats 3 treaty 2 tree 107 treeless 1 trees 59 treif 11 tremble 21 trembled 10 trembles 5 trembling 9 trespass 38 trespassed 2 trespasses 3 tri-annual 1 trial 4 trials 4 tribal 1 tribe 107 tribe's 3 tribes 46 tribe’s 2 tribulation 4 tributary 1 tribute 16 tributes 6 tried 8 trim 2 trimmed 1 trip 3 triumph 17 triumphed 2 trivial 2 trod 2 trodden 10 troop 6 troops 1 trouble 56 troubled 33 troubles 18 troublesome 1 trough 6 troughs 3 trowel 1 true 24 truly 18 trumah 3 trumpet 2 trumpets 21 trunk 4 trust 59 trusted 15 trusting 34 trusts 16 trustworthy 3 truth 109 trutheree 1 truthful 3 truthfulness 1 truth· 1 truth’s 1 try 5 trying 3 tumbleweed 1 tumors 1 tumult 2 tumultuous 1 tuned 1 tunics 1 turban 9 turmoil 1 turn 107 turn-coats 1 turned 122 turning 13 turns 15 turquoise 2 turtledove 2 turtledoves 10 twelfth 1 twelve 81 twentieth 5 twenty 65 twenty-eight 2 twenty-five 2 twenty-four 2 twenty-nine 2 twenty-seven 1 twenty-seventh 1 twenty-three 2 twenty-two 3 twenty’s 1 twice 14 twig 2 twilight 3 twined 21 twins 2 twist 1 twisted 2 two 507 two-edged 2 type 4 typical 1 typing/reading 2 tyrannical 1 tza'ak 3 tzara'at 63 tzara'at· 2 tzitzit 5 tzitziyot 1 u 1 ugliness 1 ugly 6 un 1 unacceptable 3 unadvisedly 1 unafraid 1 unaided 1 unattended 1 unauthorized 3 unawares 3 unbelief 6 unbelieving 3 unbiased 1 unbiasedly 1 unblemished 2 uncircumcised 13 uncle 1 unclean 222 uncleanness 29 unclean· 12 uncle· 2 uncle’s 1 uncle’s· 2 uncommon 1 unconditional 9 unconditionally 1 uncover 20 uncovered 11 uncovering 1 uncovers 1 uncut 2 undefined 2 under 164 underfoot 1 underground 1 underneath 3 underpay 1 understand 66 understanding 97 understanding’s 1 understands 3 understood 17 undertaken 1 underwritten 1 undeserved 1 undeveloped 2 undisciplined 1 undivided 1 undo 1 undone 6 undoubtedly 2 undressed 2 unduly 1 unengaged 1 uneven 1 unfaithful 10 unfavorable 1 unfit 5 unfriendly 1 unfruitful 2 unfulfilled 1 ungodliness 1 ungodly 8 unguarded 1 unharvested 1 uniformity 1 uninhabited 2 unintentional 4 unintentionally 2 union 1 unique 23 unit 3 unite 3 united 5 unity 4 unity· 6 universal 2 universally 2 unjust 2 unjustly 2 unkempt 1 unleavened 49 unless 34 unload 2 unloaded 1 unlock 1 unloved 1 unmindful 1 unnamed 1 unoccupied 1 unpaid 1 unprofitable 2 unpunished 7 unquenchable 3 unrepentant 1 unrestrained 1 unrighteous 19 unrighteousness 8 unscalable 1 unsearchable 3 unseemly 1 unseen 1 unshakable 2 unshrunk 2 unsolved 2 unstopped 1 unsuspecting 1 unthankful 1 untied 3 until 286 untithed 1 unto 54 untying 4 unusual 1 unwashed 3 unwise 1 unwittingly 11 unworthy 1 up 1176 upheld 1 uphold 8 upholds 4 upon 144 upper 10 uppermost 2 upright 216 uprightly 1 uprightness 12 uprising 1 uproar 6 uproot 1 uprooted 4 upside 3 upstanding 1 upward 49 up· 2 urged 7 urgent 3 urges 1 urim 2 urine 1 us 674 usage 1 use 26 used 74 uses 19 using 13 usual 1 usually 3 usury 1 utalizing 1 utensils 36 utilized 1 utilizing 3 utmost 2 utter 9 utterance 2 uttered 3 uttering 1 utterly 39 uttermost 7 utters 6 v 33 v'Amen 3 v'bohu 1 v'nitchazek 5 v1 1 v1-20 1 v1.0 1 v11 4 v12 7 v12-15 1 v14 1 v15 1 v16-18 1 v16-19)) 1 v18-20 2 v19 1 v2 2 v2-3 2 v2-9 2 v20 1 v22 3 v23 2 v24 3 v24-26 1 v25 1 v28 2 v31 1 v32 1 v39 1 v4 2 v5 6 v6 4 v7 1 v8 2 v9 2 v9-10 1 vain 36 valiant 13 valiantly 6 valid 7 validity 1 valley 46 valleys 12 valor 2 valuable 5 valuation 18 valuations 1 value 21 valued 1 values 1 vanish 4 vanished 2 vanities 2 vanity 6 vapor 1 variant 1 variations 3 variety 1 various 14 vast 3 vat 1 vats 1 vaunt 1 vegetable 1 vegetables 1 vehemently 1 veil 36 veils 2 vengeance 32 venison 8 venom 2 vents 1 venture 1 verbally 1 verdict 1 verdict· 1 verified 1 verse 28 verses 13 version 4 very 123 vessel 19 vessels 3 vex 1 vexed 1 via 1 victim 6 victims 3 victim’s 3 victoriously 1 victory 6 view 2 viewing 1 views 3 vigorous 2 vigorously 2 vile 3 village 30 villages 23 villains 1 vindicated 1 vine 32 vinegar 20 vines 8 vineyard 61 vineyards 11 vintage 5 violate 2 violated 3 violates 3 violence 29 violent 10 violently 8 viols 1 viper 3 vipers 5 viper’s 4 virgin 28 virginity 7 virgins 8 virgin’s 1 virtues 2 visible 1 vision 17 visions 1 visit 9 visitation 2 visited 12 visiting 5 visits 3 vocalizations 3 vocally 2 voice 216 voices 6 void 22 vol 8 voluminous 1 voluntarily 8 voluntary 2 volunteer 5 volunteered 1 volunteers 2 vomit 7 vomited 2 vow 38 vowed 14 vowels 1 vowing 1 vows 38 vulture 4 vultures 2 wade 1 wafer 3 wafers 5 wage 10 wages 30 wagging 1 wagon 1 wagons 9 wail 3 wailing 3 wails 2 waist 14 wait 51 waited 11 waiting 6 waits 6 wake 4 wakens 2 wakes 1 walk 110 walked 22 walking 18 walks 28 wall 30 walled 4 wallet 5 wallowing 1 walls 35 wander 10 wandered 3 wanderer 2 wanderers 1 wandering 4 wanderings 1 wanders 3 waning 1 want 65 wanted 15 wanting 1 wants 12 war 105 ward 3 warehouse 1 warfare 1 warlike 2 warm 3 warming 5 warms 2 warn 2 warned 14 warning 2 warns 1 warring 1 warrior 1 warriors 1 wars 14 wart 1 was 1888 wash 67 washed 25 washing 14 washings 1 waste 28 wasted 9 wasteland 2 wastes 3 wasting 2 watch 28 watched 7 watches 4 watchful 1 watching 12 watchman 3 watchman’s 1 watchmen 5 watchtower 2 water 286 watercourses 2 watered 11 waterfalls 1 watering-troughs 1 waterless 1 waters 174 waters· 2 wave 57 waved 10 wavering 1 waves 13 wax 5 waxed 5 waxing 1 way 371 ways 105 wayward 6 we 507 weak 15 weaken 1 weakened 1 wealth 26 wealthy 1 wealth· 2 weaned 4 weapon 3 weapons 10 wear 23 wearied 6 wearies 1 wearing 3 wears 1 weary 21 weasel 1 weather 3 weave 3 weaver 2 weaving 1 web 1 webs 1 website 1 wedding 5 weeds 8 week 18 weekly 3 weeks 6 weep 18 weeping 28 weigh 1 weighed 5 weighing 2 weighs 5 weight 18 weightier 1 weights 11 weighty 105 weight· 2 welcomed 2 welcomes 1 welfare 2 well 128 well-being 2 well-built 1 well-nurtured 1 well-pleasing 4 well-watered 1 wells 7 wellspring 1 well’s 5 welts 1 went 573 went· 1 wept 33 were 1148 west 24 western 4 westward 7 wet 2 we’ll 3 we’re 1 whale 1 what 355 whatever 83 wheat 22 wheel 3 wheels 2 whelp 1 when 746 whenever 5 where 228 whereas 7 whereby 2 wherefore 1 wherein 6 whereof 1 whereon 11 whereunto 1 wherever 17 wherewith 1 whether 72 which 1399 while 118 whiles 1 whip 3 whipped 2 whipping 2 whirling 1 whirlwind 8 whirlwinds 1 whisper 2 whispered 1 whisperer 2 whistle 2 white 36 whiten 1 whitened 1 whiter 1 who 2934 whoever 84 whoever’s 1 whole 126 whole-Bible 1 wholeness 3 whole· 4 wholly 9 whom 304 whomever 7 whose 103 why 44 wick 2 wicked 210 wickedly 6 wickedness 52 wide 21 widely 2 widow 42 widowhood 4 widows 10 widow’s 3 width 27 widths 1 wielding 2 wife 267 wife· 2 wife’s 11 wild 32 wilderness 175 wiles 1 will 4438 willful 1 willing 20 willing-hearted 1 willingly 3 willows 4 wills 5 win 1 wind 61 window 3 windows 4 winds 6 wine 126 wine-intoxicated 1 wines 2 wineskin 1 wineskins 2 wine· 2 wing 6 winged 10 wings 28 wink 1 winking 1 winks 2 winnow 1 winnowed 1 winnowing 1 winnows 1 wins 2 winter 7 wipe 4 wiped 6 wipes 1 wires 1 wisdom 92 wise 100 wise-hearted 7 wisely 9 wiser 5 wisest 1 wish 9 wishes 1 wishing 1 wit 3 with 3388 withal 1 withdraw 1 withdrawn 2 withdrew 10 wither 5 withered 18 withers 4 withheld 8 withhold 11 withholding 1 withholds 4 within 109 without 141 withstand 5 withstood 1 witness 67 witnesses 31 wits 1 wives 45 wizards 3 woe 12 woke 2 wolf 5 wolves 4 woman 211 woman· 5 woman’s 8 womb 48 wombs 2 women 55 women’s 1 won 1 wonder 6 wondered 8 wonderful 12 wonderfully 1 wondering 1 wonders 31 wondrous 10 wont 1 won’t 95 wood 70 woods 2 woof 7 wool 12 woolen 1 word 272 words 287 word· 1 wore 2 work 266 worked 19 worker 9 workers 14 working 10 workload 2 workman 12 workmanship 7 workmen 1 works 116 works· 1 work· 2 world 147 world-wide 2 worm 8 worms 7 wormwood 7 worry 2 worse 11 worship 81 worshiped 22 worshiper 2 worshipers 2 worshiping 3 worships 2 worship· 6 worst 1 worth 6 worthless 4 worthy 37 would 261 wouldn’t 18 wound 7 wounded 17 wounding 1 wounds 8 woven 15 wrap 1 wrapped 9 wrappings 1 wrath 80 wrathful 2 wrestled 3 wrestler 1 wrestling 24 wrestlings 1 wretched 1 wretchedness 1 wring 2 wringing 1 write 30 writer 2 writers 2 writes 4 writhed 1 writing 15 writings 4 written 114 wrong 25 wrong-doer 1 wrongdoers 2 wrongdoing 2 wrongful 1 wrongfully 8 wrongly 1 wrongs 2 wrote 47 wrought 1 www.chabad.org/kids/article_cdo/aid/6245/jewish/Sefer-Hamitzvot.htm 2 www.jewfaq.org/613.htm 2 www.the613commandments.com/The-List-of-the-613-Commandments.html 2 x 1 yachid 2 yadah 67 yadid 6 yam 1 yarn 1 yatzar 1 yavam 4 year 231 yearly 1 yearned 1 yearning 1 years 314 year· 1 yeast 16 yellow 3 yes 47 yesha 25 yester 1 yesterday 2 yet 154 yevamah 2 yidoni 1 yield 19 yielded 8 yielding 4 yishu'ah 68 yoke 18 yoked 1 yom 10 yonder 1 you 6519 young 165 younger 18 youngest 14 your 3970 yours 43 yourself 114 yourself· 1 yourselves 104 youth 29 youths 2 you· 1 you’ll 2 zachar 2 zahmar 42 zeal 12 zealous 5 zonah 1 · 92 • 7