This book is one of the letters that the Apostle Paul wrote to his assistant Timothy. We call this book 2 Timothy Chapter 1 1 I, Paul, am writing this letter. I am an apostle whom Christ Jesus chose so that I would do what God wanted. He chose me to tell people that God has promised that they will live eternally as a result of their having a close relationship with Christ Jesus. 2 I am writing to you, Timothy, whom I love as if you were my own son. I pray that God our Father and Christ Jesus our Lord will continue to act kindly to you, be merciful to you, and cause you to have inner peace, 2 Timothy 1:3-5 3 I thank God for all that he has done for you. I serve him, and my ancestors served him, too. I serve him in a manner that I know to be right. I thank him while repeatedly I pray for you at night and during the day. 4 While I am thanking God for you, I very much want to see you because I remember how you cried [MTY] when we separated. I want to see you in order that I may be ◄filled with joy/very happy►. 5 I thank God because I remember that you sincerely believe in Christ Jesus. First, your grandmother, Lois, and your mother, Eunice, believed in him and, I am ◄convinced/very sure► that you also believe in him. 2 Timothy 1:6-7 6 Because I am sure that you believe in him, I remind you to do fervently/wholeheartedly [MET] what God has ◄assigned for/appointed► you to do and what he has enabled you to do. God ◄assigned for/appointed► you to do it as a result of my putting my hands on you to show/indicate that he had chosen you to do his work. 7 Remember that God has put his Spirit within us. His Spirit does not cause us to be afraid. Instead, he causes us to be powerful to work for God, and he helps us to love others and to control what we say and do. 2 Timothy 1:8-14 8 So never be ashamed/reluctant to tell others the message about our Lord. And do not be ashamed of me, even though I am a prisoner because I preach about him. Instead, be willing to suffer as I do as you proclaim the message about Christ. Endure what you will suffer by letting God empower you to endure it. 9 God saved us and chose us to conduct our lives in a pure way. It was not our doing good deeds/actions that caused him to do this for us—something that we did not deserve. Instead, before ◄time began/he created the world► he purposed/planned to be kind to us as a result of what Christ Jesus would do for us. 10 Now, as a result of our Savior Christ Jesus having come, it has been revealed {he has shown} that he acts kindly toward us. Specifically, Christ Jesus has declared that we will not remain dead after we die! He has also revealed that, as a result of our hearing and accepting the message about Christ, we will live forever in bodies that will not decay! 11 I was chosen {Christ chose me} to go as an apostle to many places and proclaim that message to people. 12 So, even though I suffer here in this prison, I am not ashamed of being here (OR, I am very confident), because I know Christ Jesus, the one whom I have trusted, and I am convinced/sure that he is able to keep safe the good message that he has entrusted to me (OR, the things that I have entrusted to him), and that he will reward me at the time [MTY] when he comes again. 13 Be sure that you tell others the same correct message that you heard from me. And as you tell it, keep trusting in Christ Jesus and keep loving others as Christ Jesus enables you to do. 14 Do not let anyone persuade you to change the good message that God has entrusted/given to you. Allow the Holy Spirit who lives in us to direct what you say. 2 Timothy 1:15-18 15 You know that almost all the believers in Asia province have ◄turned away from/abandoned► me, including Phygelus and Hermogenes. 16 But I pray that the Lord will be kind to the family of Onesiphorus for the following reasons: Often he cheered me up and, even though I was a prisoner [MTY], he was not ashamed ◄of me/to admit he was my friend►. 17 On the contrary, when he came here to Rome, he diligently searched for me until he found me. 18 I pray that the Lord will be kind to him on that day [MTY] when he, the Lord, will judge people. And how much Onesiphorus served me in Ephesus city, you know very well. Chapter 22 Timothy 2:1-2 1 You are like a son to me. So I urge also that you let God empower you spiritually as a result of Christ Jesus acting kindly toward you. 2 As you do that, remembering that the message that you heard from me is the same message that other people have affirmed/declared to you, you must entrust/give that message to people whom you can trust, people who will be competent/able/qualified to teach others. 2 Timothy 2:3-13 3 Endure as I do what we suffer for Christ Jesus, like a good soldier endures what he suffers. 4 You know that soldiers, in order to please their captain, do not ◄become involved in civilian affairs/spend time doing other kinds of work► [MET]. So, like soldiers, do not let other matters ◄distract you as you serve/hinder you from serving► Christ Jesus! 5 Similarly, you know that athletes who do not obey the rules of the contest will not be given {not win} the prize [MET]. So, like athletes, do all that Christ Jesus has commanded so that God will reward you! 6 You also know that a hard-working farmer should be the first to receive some of the harvest [MET]. So, like farmers, work hard for Christ Jesus and expect that God will reward you! 7 Think about what I have just written, because, if you do, the Lord will enable you to understand everything that you need to understand. 8 Endure everything by remembering how Jesus Christ endured it when he suffered. Remember that he came back to life {God raised him from the dead} and God affirmed/declared him to be king as his ancestor King David was. Those are things that I tell to people when I tell them the message about Christ. 9 I am suffering here in prison because some people oppose the good message that I tell. They have even put me in chains as if I were a criminal. Nevertheless, the message from God is not chained {nothing is preventing [MET] others from proclaiming the message from God}. 10 Therefore I willingly endure all that I am suffering for the sake of those whom God has chosen. I do this in order that Christ Jesus will save them, too, and that they will be forever with him in the glorious place where he is. 11 Endure everything as you remember that these words that we all say/sing (OR, that we teach people) are trustworthy: Since we have stopped behaving as we did in the past, as though we died when he died, we shall also live with him. 12 Since we are also patiently enduring what we suffer, we shall also rule with him. But if we say that we do not know him, he also will say that he does not know us. 13 If we ◄are unfaithful/stop doing what he tells us to do►, he will treat us just like he promised to do, because he ◄can never be untrue to himself/always does what he says that he will do►. 2 Timothy 2:14-15 14 Those whom you appointed to teach others God’s truth, keep reminding them about these things that I have told you. Tell them strongly that, since God knows what they are doing (OR, that God will judge them for everything that is wrong that they do, and therefore) they must not quarrel ◄about words/about matters that are not important►, because, when teachers quarrel, it helps no one, and because, when they quarrel, they spiritually destroy those who hear them (OR, they cause those who hear them to quit ◄being committed to Christ/believing in Christ►.) 15 ◄Do your best/Try hard► to be the kind of person that God will approve of. Be like a good worker as you teach the true message accurately. If a worker works well, he will not need to be ashamed of (OR, will be pleased about) what he does. 2 Timothy 2:16-19 16 ◄Stay away from/Do not talk with► those who talk foolishly and ◄godlessly/say things that displease God►, because those who talk foolishly will become even more ◄ungodly/displeasing to God►, 17 and because their message will harm people [SIM] like gangrene/cancer does. You know Hymenaeus and Philetus. They are two such people who talk in this manner. 18 Specifically, they teach a wrong message; that is, they say wrongly that God will not cause dead people to live again because he has already given us spiritual life. They claim that our spiritual life is the only new life that we will receive. By saying that, they cause some people 19 not to continue to believe in Christ. However, the congregations of God are strong [MET]. They are like a strong foundation on which is written: “The Lord knows the people who really belong to him,” and “Every person who calls Jesus [MTY] ‘Lord’ must stop doing wicked things”. 2 Timothy 2:20-22 20 In a wealthy person’s house there are not only utensils made of gold and of silver, but also utensils made of wood and of clay. The gold and silver utensils are used at special occasions/events, and the others are used at ordinary occasions. Similarly, in a congregation there are those who ◄are ready/desire► to do great things for the Lord Jesus, and there are those like the teachers of false doctrines/teachings who are not. 21 Therefore, those who rid themselves of what is evil in their lives will be able to work well for the Lord. They will be like utensils [MET] used at special occasions, set apart for and especially useful to the owner of the big house. They will be like fine utensils that have been prepared {are ready} to do any kind of good work. 22 Because of that, you (sg) must avoid doing the wrong actions that many young people desire to do. Instead, you must earnestly do right actions, believe the true teaching, love God and others, and you must continually be at peace with those who ask the Lord to help them and who are pure in every way (OR, who serve Jesus faithfully). 2 Timothy 2:23-26 23 Do not talk with anyone who foolishly wants to argue about matters that are not important. Do not talk with them, because you know that when people talk about foolish things, they begin to quarrel. 24 But those who serve the Lord must not quarrel. Instead, they should be kind to all people, they should be able to teach God’s truth well, and they should be patient with people. 25 That is, they should gently instruct/teach people who oppose the true message. They should do that in order that perhaps God will cause others to completely change what they think, so that they may acknowledge/believe the true message. 26 In that way they may get free from what is like [MET] a trap set by the devil. The devil has deceived them in order that they might do what he wants them to do. Chapter 32 Timothy 3:1-9 1 You need to realize that during the last days [MTY] before Christ returns, evil people will make it difficult for believers to behave as they should. 2 This is because such evil people will be habitually loving themselves and loving money. They will habitually boast about themselves, they will be proud, and will often say bad things about others. They will disobey their parents. They will not be thankful, nor will they respect anything that is good. 3 They will not even love their own family, nor agree with anybody (OR, they never forgive anyone). They will tell lies about people. They will not control what they say and do, nor allow anyone to control them. They will not love anything that is good. 4 They will ◄betray others/hand others over to their enemies► and act foolishly. They will be overly/very proud of themselves, and they will love to please themselves instead of loving God. 5 And, although they will pretend that they worship God, they will not let God’s Spirit work powerfully in their lives. Do not associate with such people (OR, Do not let such people join your congregation), 6 because some such people, even now, subtly/deceivingly persuade foolish women to let them come into their houses, and then they deceive those women so that they control what those women think. These women have been burdened with sins {have sinned very much} and they have been led to do {they do} the many evil things that they strongly desire to do. 7 Even though they are always wanting to learn new things, they are never able to recognize what is true. 8 Just like Jannes and Jambres long ago very much opposed Moses, so also some people now oppose the true message. Those people think only what is evil. God rejects them because they do not believe what is true. 9 Nevertheless, they will not continue to succeed, because most [HYP] people will understand clearly that such people are foolish, just like people also realized clearly that Jannes and Jambres were foolish. 2 Timothy 3:10-17 10 But as for yourself, you have fully known what I have taught. You have known and imitated the way in which I conducted my life, and what I have been trying to do. You have trusted God as I have. You have been patient as I have been. You have loved people as I have, and you have endured as you suffered like I have suffered. 11 You know how I endured many times when people harmed me. They caused me to suffer at Antioch, Iconium, and Lystra cities. But although they caused me to suffer, I endured it; and every time they did those things to me, the Lord rescued me. 12 ◄Indeed/You know that►, for us (inc) who want to live ◄in a godly manner/in a manner that pleases God►, we will always be persecuted {there will always be people who will cause us to suffer} because we have a close relationship with Christ Jesus. 13 Evil people (OR, And those) who deceive other people will ◄get worse/teach things that are more and more wrong►. Specifically, they will deceive other people, and those who hear them will deceive others. 14 But you, in contrast, must continue to believe what you have learned and ◄been assured of/firmly believe►. I know that you are confident/sure that it is true because you know that you have learned it from all of us who taught you ◄God’s truth/what is right►. 15 From the time when you were a child you have known the holy writings/Scriptures. You now know that they enabled you to become wise so that God saved you because of your believing in Christ Jesus. 16 God ◄inspired/put into men’s minds► everything that is written in the Scriptures {they wrote in the holy writings}, and those writings are all useful to teach us what is true, to cause us to know when we are wrong and then ◄to correct us/to show us what we have done that is wrong►, and to train/teach us to do what is right. 17 What is written {they wrote} is useful to help us who serve God to be ready/prepared to do all that we should do. By means of it, we are equipped {God gives us what we need} in order to do every kind of good deeds. Chapter 42 Timothy 4:1-8 1 Christ Jesus is going to come back and judge those who are living when he comes and those who will have died. He will judge them concerning what rewards they deserve, and he will rule everyone. So, knowing that he and God are watching everything that we do, I solemnly/earnestly command you 2 that you proclaim the true message to people. Always be ready/prepared to proclaim it, whether people want to hear it or not. Some people are saying things that are not correct; ◄refute their teaching/show why their teaching is wrong►. Rebuke them when they are doing wrong. Tell them what they ought to do. Be very patient while you teach them. 3 Do these things because there will be a time when people will not listen to good teaching. Instead, they will bring in many teachers for themselves who will tell them just what they want to hear [IDM]. The reason that they will bring in such teachers is that they want to do the evil things that they desire. 4 That is, they will not listen to [MTY] what is true, but will listen instead to strange stories from our ancestors. 5 Furthermore, I command that you always control what you think and do. Be willing to endure hardships/suffering. Your work should be telling people the message about Christ Jesus. As you serve the Lord, do everything that God has told you to do. 6 Timothy, I say these things to you because as for me, it is as though [MET] they are now about to kill me. It is as though my blood will be poured out {they will kill me} as a sacrifice on the altar; that is, I know that it is the time for me to die [EUP]. 7 And as to telling people the good message and defending it, I have ◄exerted myself thoroughly/done it with all my energy► [MET], like a boxer does. As to doing the work that God gave me to do, I have completed it, like a runner who finishes [MET] the race. As to what we believe, I ◄have been loyal to it/continue to believe it►. 8 So, like people award a prize [MET] to the winner of a race, the Lord, who judges rightly, will give me a reward because I have lived righteously. He will give me that reward when [MTY] he judges people. And not only will he reward me, but he will also reward all those who very much want him to come back. 2 Timothy 4:9-15 9 ◄Do your best/Try hard► to come to me soon. 10 I say that because Demas has left me. He wanted very much the good things that he might enjoy [MTY] in this world right now, and so he went to Thessalonica city. Crescens went to serve the Lord in Galatia province, and Titus went to Dalmatia district. 11 Luke is the only one who is still with me of those who were helping me. And when you come, bring Mark with you, because he is useful to help me in my work. 12 Tychicus cannot help me because I sent him to Ephesus city. 13 And when you come, bring the coat that I left with Carpus in Troas city. Also, bring the books, but ◄most of all/especially► I want ◄the parchments/the animal skins► on which important things are written. 14 Alexander, the man who makes things from metal, did many evil/harmful things to me. The Lord will punish him for what he did. 15 So you, too, must beware of him. He will try to destroy your work if he can, because he very much opposes the message that we proclaim. 2 Timothy 4:16-18 16 When I first defended myself in court here, no one came along to help defend me. Instead, they all left me. I pray that it will not be counted against {God will forgive} them [LIT] for leaving me. 17 Nevertheless, the Lord was with me and strengthened me. He enabled me to fully preach the message, and all the non-Jewish people in the court (OR, people from many nations) heard it. And I was rescued by the Lord {the Lord rescued me} from great danger, as if I were taken [MET] out of a lion’s (OR, wild animal’s) mouth. 18 Therefore, I am sure that the Lord will rescue me from everything that is truly evil and will bring me safely to heaven, where he rules. Praise him forever! ◄Amen!/May it be so!► 2 Timothy 4:19-22 19 Greet for me Priscilla and her husband Aquila and the family of Onesiphorus. 20 Erastus stayed in Corinth city. Trophimus, I left in Miletus city because he was sick. 21 ◄Do your best/Try hard► to come to me before ◄the stormy season/winter►. Eubulus, Pudens, Linus, Claudia, and many other fellow believers in this city ◄send their greetings to/say that they are thinking affectionately about► you. 22 I pray that the Lord will help you in your spirit, Timothy, and that he will act kindly toward all of you believers who are there.