Job replied again
Then Job replied again,
Today I am again complaining bitterly/strongly to God;
I continue groaning, but he [SYN] continues topunish me/cause me to suffer►.
Iwish that I knew/want to knowwhere I could meet/talk with him,
so that I could go to the place where he lives.
If I could do that, I would tell him why I know that I am innocent;
I would tell [MTY] to him all myarguments/evidence to show that I have not done what is evil►.
Then I would find out what he would reply to me [DOU].
Would he use his great power to argue with me?
No, he would listen to me carefully.
I aman honest/a righteousman; so I would be able to discuss things with him fairly,
and then he would declare that I am innocent, and that decision would endure forever.
But, I have gone to the east, and he is not there;
I have gone to the west, but I have not found him there.
I have gone north and I have gone south,
but I have not seen him anywhere.
10  But he knows how I have conducted my life;
and when he has finished testing me, he will see that I am as pure as [SIM] gold whose impurities have all been burned out.
11  I [SYN] have faithfully walked on the path that he showed me;
I have not stopped obeying him.
12  I have always obeyed what he [SYN] commanded;
I have treasured the words that he has spoken.
13 He never changes. There is no one who can [RHQ] stop him from doing what he desires.
Whatever he wants to do, he does.
14  And he will finish doing for me the things that he has planned for me;
and I am sure that he has thought about doing many things for me.
15  So I am terrified in his presence;
when I think about what he can do, I am very afraid [DOU].
16  Almighty God has caused me [SYN] to feel terrified [DOU].
17  It is as though there is only thick darkness in front of me,
but it is God that I am afraid of, not the darkness.”