PSALMS. 82. God gathers all the rulers and judges who think they are gods for a meeting in heaven; and he tells them that he has decided this: “You must RHQ stop judging people unfairly; you must no longer make decisions that favor wicked people! You must defend people who are poor and orphans; you must act fairly toward those who are needy and those who have no one to help them. Rescue them from the power MTY of evil people DOU!” Those rulers do not know or understand anything! They are very corrupt/evil, and as a result of their corrupt/evil behavior, it is as though the foundation of the world is being shaken! I the all-powerful God, previously said to them, “You think you are gods! It is as though you are all my sons, but you will die like people do; your lives will end, like the lives of all rulers end.” God, arise and judge everyone on MTY the earth, because all the people-groups belong to you!