* 1 1/5 1 11th 1 12th 1 14th 1 17th 1 A 306 AM 3 Aah 1 Aaron 357 Aaron{ 1 Aaron’s 46 Abaddon 1 Abagtha 1 Abana 1 Abarim 7 Abda 1 Abda’s 1 Abdeel 1 Abdi 3 Abdiel 1 Abdiel’s 1 Abdi’s 1 Abdon 10 Abednego 11 Abel 24 Abel{ 1 Abel’s 1 Abi-Albon 1 Abiasaph 1 Abiathar 28 Abiathar’s 2 Abida 2 Abidan 4 Abiel 3 Abietherites 1 Abiezer 8 Abiezrites 1 Abigail 22 Abihail 7 Abihu 13 Abihud 1 Abijah 38 Abijah’s 2 Abilene 1 Abimael 2 Abimelech 74 Abimelech's 2 Abimelech’s 2 Abinadab 9 Abinadab’s 3 Abinoam 4 Abiram 11 Abishag 5 Abishai 28 Abishalom 2 Abishua 5 Abishua’s 1 Abishur 1 Abishur’s 1 Abital 2 Abitub 1 Abiud 2 Abner 64 Abner’s 3 About 23 Above 4 Abraham 318 Abraham's 31 Abraham{ 1 Abraham’s 20 Abram 68 Abram's 6 Abronah 2 Absalom 116 Absalom’s 14 Abshai 2 Absolutely 2 Acacia 4 Acacias 1 Acbor 3 Accept 7 According 6 Achaia 11 Achaicus 1 Achan 8 Achan’s 2 Achar 2 Achish 23 Achor 3 Across 2 Act 19 Acts 2 Actually 3 Aczib 3 Adadah 1 Adah 8 Adaiah 10 Adaiah’s 1 Adalia 1 Adam 40 Adam, 1 Adamah 1 Adami 1 Adam’s 8 Adar 12 Adbeel 2 Add 2 Addar 5 Addi 2 Addon 2 Adiban 1 Adiel 3 Adiel’s 1 Adin 4 Adina 1 Adionijah 1 Adithaim 1 Adlai 1 Admah 5 Admatha 1 Admin 2 Adna 2 Adnah 2 Adoni-Bezek 4 Adoni-Zedek 2 Adonijah 26 Adonijah’s 1 Adonikam 4 Adoniram 7 Adoraim 1 Adrammelek 3 Adramyttium 1 Adriatic 1 Adriel 2 Adullam 11 Adummim 2 Advise 3 Aeneas 5 Aenon 1 Affectionately 1 Africa 2 After 617 Afterward 1 Afterwards 14 After}Israel’s 1 Agabus 3 Agag 9 Agagite 4 Again 20 Against 2 Agee 1 Agree 2 Agreement 1 Agrippa 15 Agur 2 Aha 1 Ahab 122 Ahab’s 24 Aharah 1 Aharhel 2 Ahasbai 1 Ahasuerus 35 Ahava 3 Ahaz 50 Ahaziah 39 Ahaziah’s 16 Ahaz’s 3 Ahban 1 Aher 1 Ahh 1 Ahi 3 Ahiah 1 Ahiam 2 Ahian 1 Ahiezer 6 Ahihud 2 Ahijah 23 Ahijah’s 1 Ahikam 6 Ahilud 2 Ahilud’s 3 Ahimaaz 19 Ahiman 4 Ahimelech 22 Ahimelech’s 2 Ahimoth 1 Ahinadab 1 Ahinoam 8 Ahio 6 Ahira 5 Ahiram 1 Ahiramites 1 Ahisamach 1 Ahisamak 2 Ahishahar 1 Ahishar 1 Ahithophel 23 Ahitub 12 Ahitub’s 2 Ahlab 1 Ahlai 2 Ahoah 1 Ahoh 3 Ahohi 1 Ahoh’s 1 Ahumai 1 Ahuzzam 1 Ahuzzath 1 Ahzai 1 Ai 45 Aiah 4 Aiath 1 Aija 1 Aijalon 10 Ain 5 Akan 2 Akbor 3 Akeldama 1 Akim 2 Akkad 1 Akko 1 Akkub 8 Akor 1 Akrabbim 1 Aks 1 Aksah 8 Akshaph 3 Akzib 1 Alemeth 4 Alexander 7 Alexandria 4 All 491 Allammelek 1 Allon 2 Allow 47 Almighty 45 Almodad 2 Almon 3 Almost 13 Along 10 Alongside 1 Aloth 1 Alphaeus 4 Alpheus 1 Already 1 Alright 2 Also 145 Although 62 Altogether 29 Alush 2 Alvah 2 Alvan 2 Always 17 Am 1 Amad 1 Amal 1 Amalek 44 Amalekite 2 Amalekites 5 Amam 1 Amariah 16 Amariah’s 1 Amasa 15 Amasai 6 Amasai’s 1 Amasa’s 7 Amashsai 1 Amasiah 1 Amaziah 46 Amaziah’s 4 Amazingly 1 Amen 22 Amen. 1 Ami 1 Amittai 2 Ammah 1 Ammiel 5 Ammihud 8 Ammihud’s 3 Amminadab 15 Amminadab’s 2 Ammishaddai 4 Ammizabad 1 Ammon 85 Ammoni 1 Ammonite 18 Ammonites 22 Amnon 25 Amnon’s 1 Amok 2 Amon 18 Among 23 Amonites 1 Amon’s 3 Amor 43 Amorite 1 Amorites 46 Amos 11 Amoz 6 Amphipolis 1 Ampliatus 1 Amram 13 Amram’s 2 Amraphel 2 Amzi 2 Amzi’s 1 An 33 Anab 1 Anah 8 Anah's 3 Anaharath 1 Anah’s 1 Anaiah 2 Anak 14 Anakim 2 Anakite 1 Anam 1 Anamites 1 Anammelek 1 Anan 1 Anani 1 Ananiah 2 Ananias 17 Anath 1 Anathoth 20 And 1266 Andrew 18 Andronicus 1 Anem 1 Aner 3 Angel 1 Angels 2 Aniam 1 Anim 1 Animals 5 Anna 3 Annas 5 Announce 2 Anointed 1 Anoth 1 Another 62 Answer 7 Answering 1 Anthothijah 1 Antioch 37 Antipas 11 Antipatris 1 Ants 1 Anub 1 Any 27 Anyone 69 Anything 7 Apelles 1 Aphek 9 Aphekah 1 Aphiah 1 Apollonia 1 Apollos 14 Apollos’s 2 Apollyon 1 Appaim 1 Appaim’s 1 Apphia 1 Appian 1 Appoint 8 Appointment 1 April 1 Aquila 10 Ar 5 Ara 1 Arab 2 Arabah 10 Arabia 21 Arabian 2 Arabs 4 Arach 1 Arad 6 Arah 4 Aram 136 Aram's 1 Aramaic 10 Aramean 26 Arameans 7 Aramites 3 Aram’s 2 Aran 2 Ararat 4 Araunah 8 Arba 13 Arbel 1 Archaelaus 1 Archippus 2 Archites 1 Ard 3 Ardites 1 Ardon 1 Are 48 Areli 2 Arelites 1 Aretas 1 Argob 4 Argue 1 Arguing 1 Aridai 1 Aridatha 1 Arieh 1 Ariel 1 Arim 1 Arimathea 4 Arioch 7 Arisai 1 Arise 1 Aristarchus 6 Aristobulus 1 Ark 1 Arki 1 Arkites 2 Armageddon 1 Armies 4 Armoni 1 Arnan 1 Arni 2 Arnon 24 Arod 1 Arodi 1 Arodites 1 Aroer 17 Around 10 Arpachshad 6 Arpad 6 Arphachshad 1 Arphaxad 4 Arrest 2 Arrogant 1 Artaxerxes 18 Artemas 1 Artemis 7 Arubboth 1 Arumah 1 Arvad 2 Arvadites 2 Arza 2 Arza’s 1 As 516 Asa 58 Asahel 18 Asahel’s 5 Asaiah 9 Asaph 30 Asaph’s 6 Asarel 1 Asa’s 9 Asenath 3 Aserelah 1 Ashan 5 Ashbea 1 Ashbel 3 Ashbelites 1 Ashdod 20 Asher 47 Asherah 45 Asher’s 2 Ashhur 3 Ashima 1 Ashkelon 13 Ashkenaz 3 Ashnah 2 Ashpenaz 6 Ashtaroth 6 Ashterath 1 Ashteroth-Karnaim 1 Ashtoreth 5 Ashur 2 Ashurbanipal 1 Ashvath 1 Asia 20 Asiel 1 Ask 27 Asnah 1 Aspatha 1 Asriel 3 Asrielites 1 Assar 2 Asshur 3 Asshurites 1 Assignments 1 Assir 4 Assir’s 3 Assistants 1 Assos 3 Assyria 194 Assyrian 8 Assyrians 3 Assyria’s 1 Asthoreths 1 Asyncritus 1 At 334 Atad 1 Atarah 1 Ataroth 7 Ater 5 Athaiah 1 Athak 1 Athaliah 16 Atharim 1 Athens 8 Athlai 1 Atonement 3 Atroth 2 Attach 2 Attack 8 Attai 4 Attalia 1 Attribute 1 Augustus{ 1 Av 1 Aven 8 Avith 2 Aviv 6 Avoid 2 Avva 2 Avvim 1 Avvites 1 Awel-Marduk 3 Ayyah 1 Azaliah 2 Azaniah 1 Azarel 6 Azariah 55 Azariah’s 4 Azaz 1 Azaziah 3 Azbuk 1 Azekah 6 Azel 6 Azel’s 2 Azgad 4 Aziel 1 Aziza 1 Azmaveth 7 Azmaveth’s 1 Azmon 3 Aznothtabor 1 Azor 2 Azotus 2 Azriel 3 Azrikam 6 Azrikam’s 1 Azubah 4 Azzan’s 1 Azzur 2 Azzur’s 1 Baal 129 Baal-Berith 2 Baal-Hanan 5 Baal-Zebub 4 Baalah 7 Baalath 5 Baalgaal 1 Baalis 1 Baals 2 Baal’s 6 Baana 3 Baanah 8 Baara 1 Baaseiah 1 Baaseiah’s 1 Baasha 23 Baasha’s 8 Babel 2 Babies 2 Babylon 396 Babylonia 173 Babylonian 24 Babylonians 20 Babyon 1 Bacuth 1 Bad 1 Baharum 1 Bahurim 5 Bakbakkar 1 Bakbuk 2 Bakbukiah 3 Bake 1 Balaam 83 Balaam’s 5 Baladan 1 Baladan’s 1 Balah 1 Balak 45 Balak’s 2 Bamah 1 Bamoth 3 Bani 15 Bani’s 2 Baptist 1 Baptize 2 Baptizer 43 Baptizer’s 1 Bar 1 Barabbas 13 Barachiah 1 Barah 1 Barak 14 Barakel 1 Bariah 1 Barkos 2 Barnabas 70 Barnea 12 Barsabbas 1 Bartholomew 4 Bartimaeus 1 Baruch 26 Barzillai 15 Barzillai’s 1 Based 1 Basemath 7 Bashan 54 Bath 1 Bath-Shua 1 Bathe 1 Bathsheba 15 Bathsheba’s 2 Bathshua 1 Bazlith 1 Bazluth 1 Be 117 Bealiah 1 Bealoth 1 Bear 3 Beat 1 Beautiful 4 Bebai 6 Because 443 Becher 1 Becherites 1 Become 2 Becoming 2 Bedad 2 Bedan 1 Bedeiah 1 Beeliada 1 Beelzebul 4 Beer 8 Beera 1 Beerah 2 Beeri 1 Beeroth 9 Beersheba 31 Beeshtarah 1 Before 62 Behave 4 Behaving 1 Behind 3 Behold 5 Being 17 Beker 2 Beker’s 1 Bekorath 1 Bel 4 Bela 12 Belaites 1 Bela’s 2 Beliar 1 Believe 1 Believers 3 Belongs 1 Below 2 Belshazzar 8 Belteshazzar 9 Ben 45 Ben-Abinadab 1 Ben-Ammi 1 Ben-Deker 1 Ben-Geber 1 Ben-Hail 1 Ben-Hanan 1 Ben-Hesed 1 Ben-Hur 1 Ben-Zoheth 1 Benaiah 46 Benaiah’s 1 Bene 2 Beneath 2 Beneberak 1 Beninu 1 Benjamin 191 Benjamin’s 4 Benjamites 1 Beno 2 Benoni 1 Benoth 1 Beon 2 Beor 7 Beor’s 2 Bera 1 Beraiah 2 Berakah 3 Berea 8 Berechiah 4 Bered 2 Bered’s 1 Berekiah 7 Berekiah’s 1 Beri 1 Beriah 10 Beriah’s 3 Berites 1 Bernice 4 Berothah 1 Berothai 1 Besai 2 Besides 17 Besodeiah 1 Besor 2 Beten 1 Beth 97 Beth-Azmaveth 1 Beth-Gilgal 1 Beth-Hakkerem 1 Beth-Millo 1 Beth-Pelet 1 Beth-Zur 1 Bethanath 1 Bethany 19 Bethdagon 2 Bethel 80 Bethesda 2 Bethhanan 1 Bethlehem 59 Bethphage 3 Bethsaida 8 Bethshemesh 10 Bethuel 9 Bethul 1 Betonim 1 Between 5 Beware 4 Beyond 3 Beyond-the-River 2 Bezai 3 Bezalel 13 Bezealel 1 Bezek 2 Bezer 5 Bible 1 Bidkar 1 Big 1 Bigtha 1 Bigthan 2 Bigvai 6 Bikri 1 Bikri’s 2 Bildad 7 Bileam 1 Bilgah 3 Bilgai 1 Bilhah 11 Bilhan 3 Bilhan’s 1 Bilshan 2 Bimhal 1 Bind 1 Binea 2 Binea’s 2 Binnui 8 Biqat 1 Birds 4 Biri 1 Birsha 1 Birzaith 1 Bishlam 1 Bithiah 2 Bithynia 2 Bitterness 1 Biziothiah 1 Biztha 1 Blacksmiths 1 Blastus 1 Blessings 1 Blood 2 Blow 7 Blue 1 Boaz 33 Boaz’s 3 Bohan 3 Boil 2 Bokeru 2 Bokim 2 Book 21 Bor 1 Bosor 1 Both 17 Bow 6 Boys 2 Bozez 1 Bozkath 2 Bozrah 8 Branch 2 Branches 1 Bread 18 Break 1 Breathe 1 Brides 1 Bright 1 Bring 60 Broad 2 Broken 1 Brook 4 Brother 2 Brothers 1 Bubastis 1 Buds 1 Build 7 Builders 1 Bukki 5 Bukkiah 2 Bukki’s 1 Bul 1 Bunah 1 Bunni 3 Burn 4 Burning 1 Burnt 1 Bury 2 But 2977 But{ 1 Buy 2 Buz 4 Buzi 1 By 161 Caesar 15 Caesarea 30 Caesar{ 1 Caiaphas 11 Caiaphas’s 1 Cain 25 Cain's 1 Cainan 4 Calah 2 Caleb 44 Caleb-Ephrathah 1 Calebites 1 Caleb’s 8 Call 6 Calneh 1 Calves 1 Camel 1 Camp 1 Can 46 Cana 5 Canaan 153 Canaanite 10 Canaanites 46 Canaan’s 1 Canal 12 Candace 1 Capernaum 27 Caphtor 1 Caphtorites 1 Cappadocia 2 Capture 1 Caravans 1 Carchemish 3 Carefully 2 Cargo 1 Carmel 28 Carmi 5 Carmites 1 Carpus 1 Carry 4 Carrying 1 Carve 2 Carvings 1 Casear 1 Casluhites 2 Castor 1 Catch 3 Cauda 1 Cause 53 Cave 1 Cease 2 Celebrate 4 Celebration 11 Cenchrea 2 Cephas 2 Cephas’s 1 Certain 1 Certainly 69 Cerub 1 Chaldea 2 Chaldean 3 Chaldeans 3 Change 1 Charging 1 Chase 3 Check 1 Chedorlaomer 5 Chemosh 10 Chest 4 Chief 1 Chiefs 1 Child 2 Children 4 Chios 1 Chisloth 1 Chloe’s 1 Choose 9 Chorazin 2 Christ 14 Christian 4 Christianity 1 Christians 6 Chronicles 2 Chuza 1 Cilicia 9 Circumcision 1 Cities 2 City 14 Claudia 1 Claudius 3 Clearly 2 Clement 1 Cleopas 1 Climb 2 Clopas 1 Cnidus 1 Cobras 1 Collect 2 Colossae 2 Colossians 1 Come 130 Comfort 1 Coming 1 Command 4 Commander 29 Commandments 19 Commit 1 Common 1 Compare 1 Complete 1 Completely 1 Concentrate 1 Concerning 1 Conduct 2 Consecrate 1 Consequently 7 Consider 13 Consistently 1 Constantly 2 Continually 2 Continue 12 Contrary 1 Cook 1 Corinth 14 Corinthians 2 Cornelius 13 Corner 5 Corpses 1 Correct 1 Corruption 1 Cos 2 Cosam 2 Could 3 Council 2 Counselor 1 Count 6 Couriers 2 Cover 8 Cows 1 Craftsmen 1 Craftsmen’s 1 Crescens 1 Cretans 1 Crete 11 Crispus 3 Cross 1 Crowds 1 Crows 1 Crucify 6 Crush 2 Cry 2 Cush 10 Cush's 1 Cushan 1 Cushan-Rishathaim 3 Cushi 2 Cush’s 1 Cut 6 Cyprus 13 Cyrene 7 Cyrus 30 DO 1 Dabbesheth 1 Daberath 3 Dagan 1 Dagon 9 Dalmanutha 1 Dalmatia 1 Dalphon 1 Damaris 1 Damascus 70 Dammim 2 Dan 73 Daniel 33 Dannah 1 Dan’s 1 Darda 2 Darius 24 Dark 1 Darkness 2 Darkon 2 Dathan 10 Daughter 1 Daughters 1 David 1091 David's 1 David’s 169 Day 16 Daytime 1 Dead 35 Dear 16 Death 2 Debar 3 Debir 12 Deborah 10 Decide 3 Declare 1 Dedan 10 Dedan's 1 Dedicate 1 Dedicated 4 Defend 2 Delaiah 7 Delilah 10 Deliver 1 Demas 3 Demetrius 6 Depart 1 Depending 1 Derbe 4 Descendant 6 Descendants 2 Desert 8 Despite 5 Destroy 6 Destroyer 2 Deuel 4 Devil 1 Diana 2 Diblah 1 Diblaim 1 Diblathaim 3 Dibon 12 Dibri 1 Did 28 Dig 2 Diklah 2 Dilean 1 Dimnah 1 Dimon 1 Dimonah 1 Dinah 8 Dinah's 2 Dinhabah 2 Dionysius 1 Diotrephes 1 Disasters 4 Discipline 1 Diseases 1 Disgrace 1 Disguise 1 Dishan 3 Dishan's 1 Dishan’s 1 Dishon 5 Dishon's 1 Dishon’s 1 Distribute 2 District 1 Divide 5 Dizahab 1 Do 944 Doctor 1 Dodai 1 Dodanites 1 Dodavahu 1 Dodo 5 Doeg 6 Does 18 Dogs 1 Doing 6 Doom 2 Dophkah 2 Dor 8 Dorcas 3 Dothan 4 Dragon 1 Drink 3 Drive 1 Drusilla 1 Dry 1 Dumah 3 Dura 1 During 130 Each 197 Earlier 1 Early 24 Ears 1 East 2 Eat 8 Eating 1 Ebal 7 Ebed 2 Ebed-Melek 6 Ebenezer 3 Eber 17 Ebez 1 Ebiasaph 3 Ebiasaph’s 3 Ecbatana 1 Ecclesiastes 1 Eden 17 Eder 5 Edom 186 Edomites 3 Edom’s 9 Edrei 8 Eglah 2 Eglaim 2 Eglath 2 Eglon 13 Eglon’s 1 Egypt 865 Egypt's 2 Egyptian 45 Egyptians 64 Egyptian’s 3 Egypt’s 8 Ehi 1 Ehud 14 Ehud’s 1 Eight 4 Either 1 Eked 2 Eker 1 Ekron 25 El 8 El-Berith 1 Elah 18 Elah’s 4 Elam 31 Elam’s 1 Elasah 2 Elath 7 Ela’s 1 Eldaah 2 Eldad 2 Elder 1 Elead 2 Eleadah 1 Eleadah’s 1 Elealeh 5 Eleasah 4 Eleasah’s 2 Eleazar 77 Eleazar’s 3 Eleazer 1 Elegance 1 Elhanan 4 Eli 37 Eliab 18 Eliab’s 1 Eliada 4 Eliahba 2 Eliakim 16 Eliakim’s 2 Eliam 2 Eliasaph 6 Eliashib 16 Eliathah 2 Elidad 1 Eliehoenai 2 Eliel 10 Eliel’s 1 Elienai 1 Eliezer 17 Eliezer’s 2 Elihoreph 1 Elihu 10 Elijah 146 Elijah’s 3 Elika 1 Elim 6 Elimelek 6 Elimelek’s 2 Elioenai 6 Elioenai’s 1 Eliphal 1 Eliphaz 17 Eliphaz's 1 Eliphaz’s 1 Eliphelehu 2 Eliphelet 7 Elisha 149 Elishah 2 Elishama 15 Elishama’s 2 Elishaphat 1 Elisha’s 7 Elisheba 2 Elishua 2 Eliud 2 Elizabeth 13 Elizabeth’s 1 Elizaphan 4 Elizur 5 Eli’s 7 Elkanah 24 Elkanah’s 7 Elkosh 1 Ellasar 2 Elmadam 2 Elnaam 1 Elnathan 7 Elohe 1 Eloi 3 Elon 8 Elonites 1 Elpaal 3 Elpaal’s 1 Elpelet 1 Elphelet 1 Eltekeh 2 Eltekon 1 Eltolad 2 Elul 1 Eluzai 1 Elymas 2 Elzabad 2 Elzaphan 2 Emek 2 Emim 2 Emites 1 Emmaus 1 Emperor 1 Empire 5 En 20 En-Rimmon 1 EnGedi 1 Enable 7 Enaim 2 Enam 1 Enan 8 Encourage 5 Endor 3 Endure 2 Enemies 4 Enemy 3 Engedi 2 Enhazor 1 Enjoy 3 Enjoying 1 Enoch 15 Enoch's 1 Enoch’s 1 Enos 2 Enosh 6 Enosh's 1 Enosh’s 1 Enter 2 Epaenetus 1 Epaphras 5 Epaphroditus 5 Ephah 5 Ephai 1 Epher 4 Ephes 1 Ephesians 3 Ephesus 26 Ephlal 2 Ephod’s 1 Ephphatha 1 Ephraim 147 Ephraimites 1 Ephraim’s 7 Ephrath 6 Ephrathah 6 Ephriam 1 Ephron 11 Ephron's 2 Epicureans 1 Er 10 Eran 1 Eranites 1 Erase 1 Erastus 3 Erech 2 Eri 2 Erites 1 Esarhaddon 3 Esau 107 Esau's 11 Esau’s 4 Escape 2 Esek 1 Esh-Baal 2 Eshan 1 Eshban 2 Eshcol 5 Eshek 1 Eshek’s 1 Eshtaol 8 Eshtemoa 5 Eshtemoh 1 Eshton 2 Esli 2 Especially 1 Esther 63 Esther’s 1 Etam 4 Eth 1 Etham 4 Ethan 8 Ethanim 1 Ethan’s 2 Ethbaal 1 Ether 2 Ethiopia 40 Ethiopian 1 Ethnan 1 Ethni 1 Ethni’s 1 Eubulus 1 Eunice 1 Euodia 1 Euphates 1 Euphrates 55 Euroclydon 1 Eutychus 2 Eve 10 Even 226 Evening 1 Events 14 Eventually 6 Ever 6 Everlasting 1 Everthing 1 Every 75 Everyone 103 Everything 55 Everywhere 6 Evi 2 Evil 8 Exactly 1 Exalt 1 Examine 1 Excellency 2 Execute 2 Exodus 1 Experienced 1 Explain 3 Extend 1 Ezbai 1 Ezbon 2 Ezekiel 12 Ezekiel’s 1 Ezel 1 Ezem 3 Ezer 11 Ezer's 1 Ezer’s 1 Ezion 7 Ezra 36 Ezrah 2 Ezrah’s 1 Ezra{ 1 Ezra’s 1 Ezri 1 Fair 1 Faith 2 Faithful 2 Faithfully 2 Fall 2 Family 1 Far 1 Farewell 1 Farmers 1 Fasten 10 Father 299 Fathers 2 Father{,} 1 Father’s 8 Fear 1 Feast 3 Felix 16 Fellow 11 Festival 38 Festus 18 Field 4 Fierce 2 Fifteen 2 Fifty 1 Fight 3 Figures 1 Fill 6 Finally 45 Find 9 Fine 2 Finish 1 Finished 2 Finishing 1 Fire 1 Firmly 2 First 36 Fish 5 Fishermen 1 Five 5 Flee 5 Flocks 2 Fold 2 Follow 4 Following 3 Food 2 Foolish 7 Fools 2 For 209 Foreigners 9 Forest 7 Forget 1 Forgive 8 Formerly 4 Fortunatus 1 Forty 2 Forty-five 1 Foundation 1 Fountain 3 Four 5 Fourteen 2 Foxes 2 Free 1 Freedmen’s 1 Frequently 1 Friday 2 Friend 6 Friends 2 From 202 Further 23 Furthermore 45 GOD 1 Gaal 11 Gaal’s 1 Gaash 4 Gabbai 1 Gabbatha 1 Gabriel 6 Gad 92 Gadarenes 1 Gaddah 1 Gaddi 1 Gaddiel 1 Gader 1 Gadi 2 Gadites 2 Gad’s 1 Gaham 1 Gahar 2 Gaius 5 Galal 3 Galal’s 1 Galatia 12 Galatians 1 Galeed 2 Galileans 3 Galilee 117 Gallim 2 Gallio 4 Gamaliel 8 Gammad 1 Gamul 2 Gangs 1 Gannim 3 Gar 1 Garden 1 Gareb 3 Gatam 3 Gate 61 Gath 46 Gather 14 Gathering 1 Gaza 23 Gazez 2 Gazites 1 Gazzam 2 Geba 17 Gebal 3 Gebalite 1 Geber 8 Gebim 1 Gedaliah 32 Geder 2 Gederah 3 Gederoth 2 Gederothaim 1 Gedi 5 Gedor 7 Gehazi 29 Geliloth 2 Gemalli 1 Gemariah 5 Genesis 1 Gennesaret 3 Gentile 3 Gentiles 3 Genubath 1 Genuine 1 Gera 8 Gerar 11 Gerar's 2 Gerasene 1 Gerasenes 2 Gera’s 2 Gerizim 4 Gershom 11 Gershom’s 1 Gershon 25 Gershonite 1 Gershon’s 3 Geruth 1 Geshan 1 Geshem 4 Geshur 10 Geshurites 3 Get 71 Gether 2 Gethsemane 2 Geuel 1 Gezer 15 Ghosts 1 Giah 1 Gibbar 1 Gibbethon 4 Gibea 1 Gibeah 49 Gibeath 1 Gibeon 57 Giddalti 2 Giddel 4 Gideon 70 Gideoni 4 Gideon’s 10 Gidom 1 Gihon 7 Gilalai 1 Gilboa 8 Gilead 125 Gileadite 1 Gileadites 2 Gilead’s 2 Gilgal 45 Gilo 1 Giloh 2 Gimzo 1 Ginath 1 Ginnethoi 1 Ginnethon 2 Girgash 1 Girgashites 6 Girzi 1 Gishpa 1 Gittaim 2 Gittite 1 Give 65 Giving 2 Gizon 1 Glorify 1 Gnats 1 Go 205 Goah 1 Goats 1 Gob 2 God 6754 God's 33 Godless 1 Godly 1 Gods 1 God{ 3 God{’s 1 God‘s 12 God’s 621 Gog 15 Gog’s 1 Going 2 Golan 4 Golgotha 3 Goliath 22 Goliath’s 4 Gomer 6 Gomer's 1 Gomer’s 1 Gomorrah 23 Good 9 Goodbye 2 Gorge 3 Goshen 16 Gospel 1 Government 1 Governor 5 Goyim 3 Gozan 5 Grab 2 Grandchildren 1 Grass 2 Gray 1 Great 14 Greatly 1 Greece 9 Greedy 1 Greek 16 Greeks 3 Greet 3 Greetings 6 Groan 2 Groups 3 Grove 1 Guard 7 Gudgodah 1 Guide 1 Guni 3 Gunites 1 Guni’s 1 Gur 2 HONORS 1 Haahashtari 1 Haaraloth 1 Habaiah’s 1 Habakkuk 4 Habazziniah 1 Habor 3 Hachmon 2 Hacmoni 1 Hadad 51 Hadadezer 13 Hadadezer’s 11 Hadad’s 7 Hadar 2 Hadashah 1 Hadassah 1 Hadattah 1 Haddah 1 Hadid 3 Hadlai 1 Hadoram 4 Hadrach 1 Haeleph 1 Hagab 1 Hagabah 2 Hagar 30 Haggai 13 Haggan 1 Haggedolim 1 Haggi 2 Haggiah 1 Haggiah’s 1 Haggidgad 2 Haggites 1 Haggith 3 Haggith’s 1 Hagri 1 Hagrites 1 Hahiroth 4 Hailstones 1 Hakaliah 2 Hakerem 1 Hakilah 4 Hakkatan 1 Hakkore 1 Hakkoz 4 Hakkoz’s 1 Hakupha 2 Halah 3 Halak 2 Half 3 Halhul 1 Hali 1 Hall 4 Hallelujah 4 Hallohesh 2 Ham 14 Ham's 4 Haman 67 Haman’s 6 Hamath 35 Hamathites 2 Hamathzobah 1 Hammath 2 Hammedatha 5 Hammer 3 Hammoleketh 1 Hammon 2 Hammoth 1 Hammuel 1 Hammuel’s 1 Hamon 3 Hamonah 1 Hamor 12 Hamor’s 1 Hamul 4 Hamulites 1 Hamutal 3 Ham’s 1 Hanamel 4 Hanan 12 Hananel 4 Hanani 10 Hananiah 30 Hananiah’s 1 Hanani’s 1 Hanes 1 Hang 3 Hannah 18 Hannahar 1 Hannah’s 1 Hannathon 1 Hanniel 2 Hanoch 1 Hanok 5 Hanokites 1 Hanun 13 Hanun’s 3 Hapharaim 1 Happizzez 1 Happuch 1 Happy 1 Hara 1 Haradah 2 Haram 1 Haran 20 Haran's 1 Haran’s 1 Harar 5 Harbona 2 Hareph 2 Hareseth 5 Harhaiah 1 Harhas 1 Harhur 2 Harim 11 Hariph 2 Harmon 1 Harnepher 1 Harod 2 Haroeh 1 Haror 1 Harosheth 3 Harsha 3 Harum 1 Harumaph 1 Haruph 1 Haruz 1 Harvest 6 Has 13 Hasadiah 1 Hashabiah 15 Hashabiah’s 2 Hashabnah 1 Hashabneiah 2 Hashbaddanah 1 Hashem 1 Hashmonah 2 Hashub 1 Hashubah 1 Hashum 5 Hassenaah 1 Hassenuah 1 Hassenuah’s 1 Hasshub 4 Hasshub’s 1 Hassophereth 1 Hasupha 2 Hathach 1 Hathak 10 Hathath 1 Hatipha 2 Hatita 2 Hatred 1 Hattaavah 4 Hattikon 1 Hattil 2 Hattush 6 Hauran 2 Have 56 Havens 1 Havilah 7 Having 5 Havvoth 1 Havvoth-Jair 1 Hazael 22 Hazael’s 1 Hazaiah 1 Hazar 9 Hazar-Shual 1 Hazarmaveth 2 Hazarshual 1 Hazarsusah 1 Hazer 1 Hazeroth 5 Hazezon 2 Haziel 1 Hazo 1 Hazor 20 Hazzebaim 1 Hazzelelponi 1 Hazzobebah 1 He 3617 Heal 3 Healthy 1 Hear 6 Heathen 1 Heaven 6 Heber 12 Heberites 1 Hebrew 45 Hebrews 16 Hebron 84 Hebron’s 2 Hegai 5 Helah 2 Helam 2 Helbah 1 Helbon 1 Heldai 3 Heleb 1 Heled 1 Helek 3 Helekites 1 Helem 1 Helem’s 1 Heleph 1 Helez 5 Heli 2 Heliopolis 1 Helkai 1 Helkath 2 Hell 1 Hello 1 Helon 4 Help 17 Hemam 1 Heman 20 Heman’s 2 Hemdan 2 Hen 1 Hena 2 Henadad 4 Hepher 9 Hepherites 1 Hepher’s 1 Hephzibah 1 Her 31 Here 84 Heres 3 Heresh 1 Hereth 1 Hermas 1 Hermes 2 Hermogenes 1 Hermon 17 Herod 76 Herodian 1 Herodias 12 Herodion 1 Herod’s 1 Heshbon 36 Heshmon 1 Heth 24 Hethlon 2 Hey 1 Hezekiah 143 Hezekiah’s 5 Hezion 1 Hezir 2 Hezro 2 Hezron 19 Hezronites 2 Hezron’s 6 Hiddai 1 Hide 4 Hiel 2 Hierapolis 1 High 10 Highness 1 Highway 1 Hilen 1 Hilkiah 31 Hilkiah’s 5 Hill 8 Hillel 1 Hills 1 Hinnom 13 Hippopotamuses 1 Hirah 5 Hiram 24 Hiram’s 2 His 290 History 1 Hitch 1 Hittite 9 Hittites 21 Hiv 11 Hivite 2 Hivites 13 Hizki 1 Hizkiah 1 Hmm, 1 Hobab 4 Hobah 1 Hobaiah 1 Hod 1 Hodaviah 4 Hodaviah’s 1 Hodesh 1 Hodevah 1 Hodiah 5 Hodiah’s 2 Hoglah 7 Hold 5 Holon 3 Holy 237 Homam 1 Honest 1 Honor 11 Honorable 1 Honored 1 Hopefully 1 Hophni 5 Hophra 2 Hor 13 Horam 2 Horeb 2 Horem 1 Horesh 4 Hori 3 Horite 1 Horites 2 Hormah 9 Horon 14 Horonaim 4 Horonite 3 Horse 3 Horses 1 Hosah 6 Hosah’s 4 Hosea 12 Hoshaiah 3 Hosham 1 Hoshama 1 Hoshea 16 Hotham 2 Hothir 2 House 2 How 133 However 263 Hubbah 1 Huge 2 Hukkok 1 Hukok 1 Hul 2 Huldah 2 Human 3 Humans 3 Humble 2 Humbly 2 Humtah 1 Hundred 1 Hungry 1 Hupham 1 Huphamites 1 Huppah 1 Huppim 3 Hur 16 Hurai 1 Huram 16 Huram-Abi 3 Huram’s 1 Huri 2 Hurling 1 Hurry 4 Hur’s 1 Husband 2 Husbands 2 Hushah 5 Hushah’s 1 Hushai 13 Hushai’s 1 Husham 4 Hushim 4 Huzoth 1 Hyenas 1 Hymenaeus 2 I 14342 I'm 3 Ibhar 3 Ibleam 4 Ibneiah 1 Ibnijah’s 1 Ibri 1 Ibsam 1 Ibzan 2 Ichabod 3 Iconium 7 Idalah 1 Idbash 1 Iddo 12 Iddo’s 3 Idols 2 Idumea 1 Iezer 1 Iezerites 1 If 1297 Igal 3 Igdaliah’s 1 Ignore 1 Ijon 3 Ikkesh 3 Ilai 2 Illyricum 1 Imagine 9 Imlah 2 Immanuel 2 Immediately 30 Immer 9 Immer’s 1 Imna 1 Imnah 4 Imnites 1 Important 1 Imrah 1 Imri 2 Imri’s 1 In 718 Including 2 Indeed 85 India 2 Individuals 1 Inns 1 Inside 8 Instantly 2 Instead 382 Instruct 1 Intelligent 1 Intentionally 1 Invaders 1 Invite 3 Iphdeiah 1 Iphtah 3 Ir 2 Ira 6 Irad 2 Iram 2 Iri 1 Irijah 2 Iron 1 Irpeel 1 Iru 1 Is 65 Isaac 162 Isaac's 5 Isaachar 1 Isaac{'s 2 Isaac’s 4 Isaiah 76 Isbosheth 2 Iscah 1 Iscariot 8 Iscariot’s 3 Ishbah 2 Ishbak 2 Ishbi-Benob 1 Ishbosheth 17 Ishbosheth’s 2 Ishhod 1 Ishi 3 Ishiah 1 Ishijah 1 Ishi’s 2 Ishma 1 Ishmael 49 Ishmael's 4 Ishmaelite 5 Ishmaelites 3 Ishmael’s 2 Ishmaiah 2 Ishmerai 1 Ishpah 1 Ishpan 1 Ishvah 2 Ishvi 3 Ishvites 1 Island 17 Ismakiah 1 Israel 1423 Israel's 1 Israeli 11 Israelis 4 Israelistes 1 Israelite 1076 Israelites 844 Israelite’s 4 Israel‘s 2 Israel’s 15 Issachar 43 Issachar’s 3 Isshiah 5 It 1202 Italy 7 Ithai 2 Ithamar 21 Ithamar’s 1 Ithiel 3 Ithlah 1 Ithmah 1 Ithnan 1 Ithran 3 Ithream 2 Ithri 1 Its 23 Ittai 7 Iturea 1 Ivvah 3 Iye 3 Iyim 1 Izal 1 Izhar 12 Izhar’s 2 Izliah 1 Izrah 1 Izrahiah 2 Izrahiah’s 1 Izri 1 Izziah 1 I{ 6 I’m 3 Jaakan 3 Jaakobah 1 Jaalah 2 Jaareshiah 1 Jaasiel 2 Jaasu 1 Jaazaniah 5 Jaaziah 2 Jaaziah’s 1 Jaaziel 2 Jabal 1 Jabbok 7 Jabesh 27 Jabez 4 Jabin 6 Jabin’s 1 Jabneel 2 Jabneh 1 Jachin 1 Jacob 418 Jacob's 20 Jacob{ 1 Jacob’s 27 Jada 2 Jaddai 1 Jaddua 3 Jadon 1 Jael 6 Jael’s 2 Jagur 1 Jahath 8 Jahath’s 2 Jahaz 8 Jahaziel 6 Jahdai’s 1 Jahdiel 1 Jahdo 2 Jahleel 2 Jahleelites 1 Jahmai 1 Jahzah 1 Jahzeel 1 Jahzeelites 1 Jahzeiah 2 Jahzerah 1 Jahzerah’s 1 Jahziel 2 Jair 17 Jairus 9 Jakan 1 Jakeh 1 Jakim 2 Jakin 7 Jakinites 1 Jalam 4 Jalon 1 Jambres 1 Jambres{ 1 James 56 Jamin 6 Jaminites 1 Jamlech 1 Janai 1 Janim 1 Jannai 2 Jannes 2 Janoah 3 Japheth 9 Japheth's 3 Japheth’s 1 Japhia 4 Japhlet 1 Japhletites 1 Japhlet’s 2 Jarah 2 Jared 7 Jared's 1 Jared’s 1 Jarha 3 Jarib 3 Jarmuth 8 Jaroah 2 Jashar 2 Jashen 1 Jashobeam 3 Jashub 4 Jashubi 1 Jashubites 1 Jason 6 Jathniel 1 Jattir 7 Javan 3 Javan's 1 Javan’s 1 Jawbone 1 Jazer 13 Jaziz 1 Jearim 19 Jeatherai 1 Jeberekiah’s 1 Jebus 22 Jebusite 2 Jebusites 17 Jechoniah 2 Jechoniah’s 1 Jecoliah 2 Jeconiah 3 Jeconiah’s 1 Jedaiah 13 Jediael 5 Jediael’s 1 Jedidah 1 Jedidiah 1 Jeduthun 10 Jeduthun’s 4 Jegar 1 Jehallelel 2 Jehdeiah 2 Jehezkel 1 Jehiah 1 Jehiel 16 Jehizkiah 1 Jehoaddah 2 Jehoaddan 1 Jehoaddin 1 Jehoahaz 16 Jehoahaz’s 2 Jehoash 18 Jehoash’s 8 Jehohanan 8 Jehoiachin 32 Jehoiachin’s 2 Jehoiada 37 Jehoiada’s 4 Jehoiakim 40 Jehoiakim’s 3 Jehoiarib 2 Jehonadab 4 Jehonathan 2 Jehoram 25 Jehoram’s 6 Jehoshaphat 79 Jehoshaphat’s 5 Jehosheba 4 Jehozabad 4 Jehozadak 1 Jehozadak’s 2 Jehozadek’s 1 Jehrameel 1 Jehu 79 Jehud 1 Jehudi 4 Jehukal 2 Jehu’s 4 Jeiel 14 Jeiel’s 4 Jekabzeel 1 Jekameam 2 Jekamiah 3 Jekuthiel 2 Jemimah 1 Jemuel 2 Jephthah 30 Jephunneh 7 Jephunneh’s 5 Jepthah 1 Jerah 2 Jerahmeel 6 Jerahmeelites 1 Jerahmeel’s 2 Jered 2 Jeremai 1 Jeremiah 132 Jeremiah’s 3 Jeremoth 5 Jerhoram 1 Jeriah 4 Jeribai 1 Jericho 76 Jeriel 1 Jerimoth 9 Jerioth 1 Jeroboam 94 Jeroboam’s 14 Jeroham 8 Jeroham’s 5 Jerub 3 Jeruel 1 Jerusalem 1317 Jerusalem{ 1 Jerusalem’s 2 Jerusha 1 Jerushah 1 Jesarelah 1 Jeshaiah 7 Jeshaiah’s 1 Jeshanah 2 Jeshbaal 1 Jeshebeab 1 Jesher 1 Jeshimon 4 Jeshimoth 4 Jeshishai 2 Jeshohaiah 1 Jeshua 22 Jesimiel 1 Jesse 47 Jesse’s 7 Jesus 2551 Jesus. 1 Jesus‘ 1 Jether 8 Jether’s 1 Jetheth 2 Jethro 18 Jetur 3 Jeuel 2 Jeush 10 Jeuz 1 Jew 34 Jewish 403 Jews 329 Jezaniah 2 Jezebel 20 Jezebel‘s 1 Jezebel’s 2 Jezer 3 Jezerites 1 Jeziel 1 Jezrahiah 1 Jezreel 41 Jidlaph 1 Joab 155 Joab’s 16 Joah 11 Joahaz 6 Joah’s 1 Joanan 2 Joanna 2 Joash 48 Joash’s 7 Job 103 Jobab 9 Job’s 5 Jochebed 2 Joda 2 Joed 1 Joel 22 Joelah 1 Joel’s 3 Joezer 1 Jogbehah 2 Jogli’s 1 Joha 2 Johanan 24 John 250 John’s 15 Joiada 5 Joiakim 4 Joiarib 5 Join 3 Jokdeam 1 Jokim 1 Jokmeam 2 Jokneam 3 Jokshan 3 Jokshan’s 1 Joktan 5 Joktan's 1 Joktheel 2 Jonadab 14 Jonah 41 Jonah’s 1 Jonam 2 Jonathan 123 Jonathan’s 7 Joppa 21 Jorah 1 Jorai 1 Joram 40 Joram’s 8 Jordan 237 Jorim 2 Jorkeam 1 Josech 2 Joseph 275 Joseph's 14 Joseph}'s 1 Joseph’s 35 Joses 3 Joshah 1 Joshaphat 2 Joshaviah 1 Joshbekashah 2 Joshibiah 2 Joshua 238 Joshua’s 17 Josiah 65 Josiah’s 7 Josiphiah 1 Jotbah 1 Jotbathah 3 Jotham 28 Jotham’s 3 Jozabad 11 Jozadak 6 Jubal 1 Jubilee 24 Judah 1067 Judah's 4 Judah{ 1 Judah’s 9 Judaism 1 Judan 1 Judas 57 Jude 2 Judea 68 Judean 31 Judeans 1 Judge 3 Judges 1 Judgment 2 Judith 1 Julia 1 Julius 3 Jump 1 Junia 1 Jushab-Hesed 1 Just 114 Justice 1 Justus 4 Juttah 2 KNOW 1 Kabbon 1 Kabul 1 Kabzeel 3 Kadesh 29 Kadmiel 8 Kadmonites 1 Kain 1 Kaiwan 1 Kalkol 2 Kallai 1 Kalneh 1 Kalno 1 Kamai 1 Kamon 1 Kanah 4 Kanneh 1 Kar 1 Kareah 5 Karka 1 Karkas 1 Karkor 1 Karmi 5 Karnaim 1 Karshena 1 Kartah 1 Kartan 1 Kasiphia 1 Kasluh 2 Kattath 1 Kazin 1 Kebar 8 Kedar 11 Kedemah 1 Kedemoth 3 Kedermah 1 Kedesh 11 Keep 43 Kehelathah 2 Keilah 20 Kelaiah 1 Kelal 1 Kelita 3 Kelub 2 Keluhi 1 Kemuel 3 Kenaanah 3 Kenan 5 Kenan's 1 Kenani 1 Kenaniah 3 Kenan’s 1 Kenath 2 Kenaz 10 Kenite 7 Kenites 4 Kenizzite 1 Kenizzites 1 Kephar 1 Kephirah 4 Keramim 1 Keran 2 Kereah 2 Keren 1 Kereth 2 Kerethites 1 Kerioth 3 Kerith 2 Keros 2 Kerub 1 Kesalon 1 Kesed 1 Kesil 1 Kesulloth 1 Keturah 2 Keturah's 2 Keturah’s 1 Keziah 1 Kezib 1 Keziz 1 Kibroth 4 Kibzaim 1 Kidon 1 Kidron 12 Kileab 1 Kilion 3 Kill 13 Kilmad 1 Kimham 3 Kinah 1 Kind 2 Kindness 2 King 854 King's 1 Kings 43 King’s 1 Kinnereth 2 Kir 9 Kiriath 37 Kiriath-Arba 1 Kiriath-Jearim 2 Kiriathaim 6 Kish 20 Kishi 1 Kishion 2 Kishi’s 1 Kishon 5 Kish’s 3 Kislev 2 Kislon’s 1 Kitlish 1 Kitron 1 Kittim 1 Kittites 1 Know 1 Koa 1 Kohath 46 Kohath’s 7 Kol-Hozeh 2 Kolaiah 2 Konaniah 2 Korah 34 Korahite 1 Korah’s 4 Kore 3 Kore’s 1 Koz 2 Kozbi 2 Kozeba 1 Kue 2 Kun 1 Kushaiah 1 Kuthah 2 Laadah 1 Laban 60 Laban's 8 Laban{'s 1 Laban}'s 1 Lachish 23 Ladan 6 Ladan’s 1 Lael 1 Lahad 1 Lahai 3 Lahmas 1 Lahmi 1 Laish 10 Laish’s 1 Lake 3 Lakkum 1 Lamb 30 Lame 1 Lamech 11 Lamech's 2 Lamech’s 1 Lamentations 1 Land 2 Laodicea 7 Lappidoth 1 Large 6 Lasea 1 Lasha 1 Lasharon 1 Last 3 Late 3 Later 99 Law 5 Lay 2 Lazarus 30 Lazy 1 Lead 6 Leaders 1 Leah 35 Leah's 4 Leaphrah 1 Leaping 1 Learn 2 Leave 27 Leb 1 Lebanah 2 Lebanon 64 Lebaoth 2 Lebo 7 Lebohamath 1 Lebonah 1 Legion 1 Lehab 1 Lehabites 1 Lehem 1 Lehi 6 Lekah 1 Lemuel 2 Lend 1 Leshem 2 Let 99 Let's 4 Letushites 1 Let’s 1 Leummites 1 Levi 315 Leviathan 1 Levite 10 Levites 91 Leviticus 1 Levi’s 13 Libnah 20 Libni 7 Libni’s 2 Libya 6 Lie 2 Life 6 Lift 6 Light 1 Lightning 3 Like 30 Likewise 8 Likhi 1 Linus 1 Lion 1 Lions 4 Listen 188 Listening 1 Lists 1 Little 2 Live 5 Living 4 Lizards 1 Lo 3 Lo-Ammi 1 Lo-Ruhamah 2 Locusts 2 Lod 4 Lois 1 Long 24 Look 131 Lord 979 Lord's 1 Lord’s 21 Lot 43 Lot's 8 Lotan 3 Lotan's 1 Lotan’s 2 Lot’s 1 Love 16 Loved 1 Lower 5 Lucius 2 Lud 5 Ludites 1 Luhith 2 Luke 6 Luz 7 Lycaonia 1 Lycaonian 1 Lycia 1 Lydda 5 Lydia 4 Lydia’s 1 Lysanius 1 Lysias 3 Lystra 10 Maacah 24 Maacah’s 1 Maacath 2 Maacathites 3 Maadai 1 Maadiah 1 Maai 1 Maakah 2 Maarath 1 Maareh 1 Maasai 1 Maaseiah 23 Maath 2 Maaz 1 Maaziah 2 Macbannai 1 Macedonia 26 Macedonians 1 Machir 8 Machpelah 6 Madai 2 Madam 5 Madmannah 2 Madmen 1 Madmenah 1 Madon 2 Magadan 1 Magbish 1 Magdala 9 Magdalene 4 Magdiel 2 Magnificence 1 Magog 5 Magpiash 1 Mahalalel 8 Mahalalel's 1 Mahalalel’s 1 Mahalath 3 Mahanaim 13 Mahaneh 1 Mahaneh-Dan 1 Maharai 3 Mahath 3 Mahath’s 1 Mahavah 1 Mahazioth 2 Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz 2 Mahlah 5 Mahli 12 Mahli’s 4 Mahlon 3 Mahlon’s 2 Mahol 1 Mahseiah 2 Maim 1 Majesty 61 Makaz 1 Makbenah 1 Make 126 Makheloth 2 Maki 1 Makir 13 Makirites 1 Makir’s 2 Makkedah 9 Maknadebai 1 Malachi 5 Malchus 1 Malkam 1 Malki-Shua 5 Malkiel 5 Malkielites 1 Malkijah 16 Malkijah’s 2 Malkiram 1 Mallothi 2 Malluchi 1 Malluk 6 Malluk’s 1 Malta 1 Mamre 10 Mamre's 1 Man 88 Manaen 1 Manage 1 Manahath 6 Manasseh 157 Manasseh’s 14 Mankind 1 Manoah 16 Manoah’s 1 Many 130 Maok’s 1 Maon 7 Maonites 1 Mara 1 Marah 6 Maralah 1 March 1 Marduk 1 Marduk-Baladan 2 Mareshah 8 Mark 16 Markaboth 2 Market 1 Maroth 1 Marry 1 Marsena 1 Martha 15 Mary 70 Mary’s 2 Mash 1 Mashal 1 Masrekah 2 Massa 2 Massah 4 Masseh 1 Master 15 Masters 1 Master{ 1 Match 1 Matred 2 Matri 2 Mattan 3 Mattanah 1 Mattaniah 17 Mattaniah’s 1 Mattatha 2 Mattathias 4 Mattattah 1 Mattenai 3 Matthan 2 Matthat 4 Matthew 6 Matthew{ 1 Matthias 2 Mattithiah 8 May 113 Maybe 5 Me 1 Me-Zahab 2 Meanwhile 32 Meat 1 Mebunnai 1 Medad 2 Medan 2 Mede 3 Medeba 5 Media 22 Mediterranean 49 Megiddo 12 Mehetabel 3 Mehida 2 Mehir 2 Meholah 5 Mehujael 2 Mehuman 1 Mejarkon 1 Mekerath 1 Mekonah 1 Melah 1 Melatiah 1 Melchi 4 Melchizedek 24 Melchizedek’s 2 Melea 2 Melek 2 Memphis 8 Memukan 3 Men 28 Menahem 9 Menahem’s 1 Mene 2 Meni 2 Menna 2 Meon 6 Meonothai 2 Mephaath 4 Mephibosheth 18 Mephibosheth’s 4 Merab 4 Merab’s 1 Meraiah 1 Meraioth 7 Meraioth’s 2 Merari 34 Merari’s 5 Merathaim 1 Merchants 4 Mered 4 Meremoth 6 Meres 1 Merib-Baal 4 Meribah 11 Merom 2 Meron 1 Meronoth 2 Meroz 1 Mesha 6 Meshach 11 Meshech 10 Meshelemiah 3 Meshelemiah’s 1 Meshezabel 3 Meshillemith 1 Meshillemith’s 1 Meshillemoth 2 Meshobab 1 Meshullam 25 Meshullam’s 3 Meshullemeth 1 Mesopotamia 5 Message 1 Messengers 2 Messiah 968 Messiahian 2 Messiahians 4 Messiah’s 19 Metalworkers 1 Methuselah 7 Methuselah's 1 Methuselah’s 1 Methushael 2 Meun 4 Meunim 2 Mibhar 1 Mibsam 3 Mibsam’s 1 Mibzar 2 Micah 32 Micah’s 14 Micaiah 34 Micaiah’s 1 Michael 19 Michael’s 1 Michal 19 Michmas 3 Michmash 1 Miciaiah 1 Micmash 7 Middin 1 Middle 1 Midian 62 Midianite 5 Midianites 3 Midian’s 1 Migdal 1 Migdalgad 1 Migdol 6 Mighty 2 Migron 1 Mijamin 4 Mika 5 Mika’s 1 Mikloth 4 Mikmethath 2 Mikneiah 2 Mikri’s 1 Milalai 1 Milcah 5 Milcah's 2 Miletus 4 Milkah 4 Millo 3 Miners 1 Miniamin 3 Minni 1 Minnith 2 Minor 2 Miphibosheth 1 Miriam 15 Mirmah 1 Mishael 8 Mishal 2 Misham 1 Mishma 3 Mishmannah 1 Mishma’s 2 Mishpat 1 Mishra 1 Mispar 1 Mispereth 1 Misrephothmaim 2 Mister 1 Mithcah 2 Mithna 1 Mithredath 2 Mitylene 2 Mizar 1 Mizpah 43 Mizraim 3 Mizzah 3 Mnason 1 Moab 211 Moabite 4 Moabites 2 Moadiah 1 Mobs 1 Moladah 3 Molech 14 Molid 1 Molodah 1 Months 2 Monument 1 Moon 1 Mordecai 81 Mordecai’s 3 More 4 Moreh 1 Moreh's 1 Moreover 4 Moresheth 3 Moriah 2 Mosaic 1 Moserah 1 Moseroth 2 Moses 1036 Moses{ 1 Moses’s 2 Most 23 Mother 1 Mount 217 Mountain 5 Mountains 8 Mourn 1 Move 1 Moving 1 Moza 5 Mozah 1 Mt 1 Much 1 Muppim 1 Murderers 1 Mushi 10 Mushi’s 1 Musicians 1 Must 1 Mustard 1 My 379 Myra 2 Mysia 2 NEHEMIAH 1 NOT 1 Naam 1 Naamah 7 Naamam 1 Naaman 27 Naaman’s 3 Naamites 1 Naarah 3 Naarai 1 Naaran 1 Nabal 20 Nabal’s 5 Naboth 24 Naboth’s 2 Nadab 21 Nadab’s 1 Naggai 2 Nahalal 2 Nahaliel 1 Nahalol 1 Nahamani 1 Naham’s 1 Naharai 2 Naharaim 3 Nahash 13 Nahath 5 Nahath’s 1 Nahbi 1 Nahor 18 Nahor's 4 Nahshon 13 Nahshon’s 1 Nahum 4 Nain 1 Naioth 6 Nakon 1 Naomi 30 Naomi’s 3 Napheth 1 Naphish 3 Naphoth 1 Naphtali 49 Naphtali’s 4 Naphtuh 1 Naphtuhites 1 Napthali 2 Narcissus 1 Nathan 43 Nathan-Melek 1 Nathaniel 6 Nathan’s 2 Nazarene 1 Nazareth 34 Nazir 9 Nazirite 1 Neah 2 Neapolis 2 Near 3 Neariah 2 Neariah’s 1 Nebai 1 Nebaioth 4 Nebaioth's 1 Neballat 1 Nebat 6 Nebo 16 Nebuchadnezzar 91 Nebuchadnezzar's 2 Nebuchadnezzar{’s 1 Nebuchadnezzar’s 12 Nebushazban 1 Nebuzaradan 18 Necho 8 Necho’s 2 Nedabiah 1 Negev 6 Negotiate 1 Nehelam 2 Nehemiah 10 Nehum 1 Nehushta 1 Nehushtan 1 Neiel 1 Neither 8 Nekeb 1 Nekoda 4 Nemuel 3 Nemuelites 1 Nepheg 4 Nephilim 3 Nephtoah 2 Nephushesim 1 Nephusim 1 Ner 5 Neraiah 3 Nereus 1 Nergal 1 Nergal-Sharezer 3 Neri 2 Neriah 2 Ner’s 1 Netaim 1 Nethanel 14 Nethaniah 11 Netophah 8 Netophath 5 Never 20 Nevertheless 29 New 5 Next 97 Neziah 2 Nezib 1 Nibhaz 1 Nibshan 1 Nicanor 1 Nicodemus 6 Nicolas 2 Nicolaus 3 Nicopolis 1 Niger 1 Nighttime 1 Nile 32 Nimrah 4 Nimrim 2 Nimrod 5 Nimshi 4 Nineveh 46 Nisan 2 Nisrok 2 No 400 No! 2 No, 4 Noadiah 2 Noah 58 Noah's 5 Noah’s 2 Nob 7 Nobah 2 Nobody 6 Nod 1 Nodab 1 Nogah 2 Nohah 1 Nomads 1 Non 1 None 45 Non’s 1 Nophah 1 Nor 4 Northeast 1 Not 30 Note 18 Nothing 26 Notice 4 Now 403 Numbers 1 Nun 7 Nun’s 3 Nympha 1 Nympha’s 1 O 88 Obadiah 22 Obal 2 Obed 35 Obed-Edom 1 Obed’s 2 Obey 24 Obeying 5 Obil 1 Oboth 4 Ocean 1 Ocran 3 Oded 3 Of 22 Offer 3 Offerings 1 Officers 1 Officials 2 Og 24 Og’s 3 Oh 11 Ohad 2 Ohel 1 Oholah 6 Oholiab 7 Oholibah 7 Oholibamah 9 Okay 3 Okran 1 Old 4 Olive 1 Olives 16 Olympas 1 Omar 3 Omri 17 Omri’s 1 On 321 Onam 2 Onam’s 2 Onan 6 Once 23 One 354 One-third 4 Ones 1 Onesimus 7 Onesiphorus 3 Only 78 Ono 5 Open 6 Ophel 5 Ophir 12 Ophni 1 Ophrah 8 Opposite 1 Oppressed 1 Or 32 Ordinary 1 Oreb 6 Oren 1 Originally 2 Orion 2 Ornan 12 Orpah 3 Ostriches 3 Other 36 Others 31 Others{ 1 Otherwise 14 Othni 1 Othniel 9 Othniel’s 1 Our 129 Out 5 Outside 5 Ovens 2 Over 4 Owls 3 Oxen 1 Ozem 2 Ozni 1 Oznites 1 PM 2 Paarai 1 Paddan 11 Padon 2 Pagan 1 Pagiel 5 Pahath-Moab 6 Pairs 2 Palace 3 Palal 1 Pallu 4 Palluites 1 Pallu’s 1 Palm 2 Palti 1 Paltiel 3 Pamphylia 5 Paphos 2 Papyrus 1 Parah 1 Paran 11 Parents 4 Parmashta 1 Parmenas 1 Parnak’s 1 Parosh 6 Parshandatha 1 Part 3 Parthia 1 Particularly 1 Paruah’s 1 Parvaim 1 Pas 1 Pasak 1 Paseah 4 Pashhur 12 Pashhur’s 1 Pashur 1 Pass 3 Passover 99 Patara 2 Pathros 3 Pathrus 1 Pathrusites 1 Patmos 1 Patriarch 1 Patriarchs 3 Patrobas 1 Pau 2 Paul 351 Paulus 1 Paul’s 9 Pavement 1 Pay 36 Pazzez 1 Peace 2 Pedahel 1 Pedahzur 4 Pedaiah 7 Pedaiah’s 1 Pekah 15 Pekahiah 4 Pekahiah’s 1 Pekod 2 Pelaiah 3 Pelaliah 1 Pelatiah 5 Peleg 9 Peleg's 1 Peleg’s 1 Pelet 4 Peleth 3 Pelon 3 Pelusium 2 Peniel 5 Peninnah 5 Pentecost 7 Penuel 4 People 307 Peor 12 Perazim 3 Peres 1 Peresh 1 Perez 21 Perezites 1 Perez’s 2 Perform 3 Perga 4 Pergamum 2 Perhaps 34 Perida 1 Periz 7 Perizim 1 Perizites 2 Perizzite 1 Perizzites 12 Permit 1 Persia 50 Persian 7 Persis 1 Persons 1 Peruda 1 Peter 256 Peter’s 7 Pethahiah 4 Pethor 2 Pethuel 1 Peullethai 1 Phanuel 1 Pharaoh 36 Pharaoh's 3 Pharaoh’s 5 Pharisee 17 Pharisees 102 Pharisee’s 3 Pharoah 1 Pharoah’s 1 Pharpar 1 Phicol 3 Philadelphia 2 Philemon 3 Philetus 1 Philip 44 Philip's 1 Philippi 11 Philippians 1 Philip’s 3 Philisti 1 Philistia 104 Philistine 127 Philistines 82 Philologus 1 Phinehas 28 Phinehas’s 1 Phlegon 1 Phoebe 2 Phoenicia 7 Phoenix 2 Phrygia 5 Phygelus 1 Pi 4 Pick 6 Pigs 1 Pilate 85 Pilate{ 1 Pilate’s 1 Pildash 1 Pile 1 Pilha 1 Piltai 1 Pinon 2 Piram 1 Pirathon 5 Pisgah 8 Pishon 1 Pisidia 3 Pispah 1 Pithom 1 Pithon 2 Pity 2 Place 22 Plain 5 Plan 1 Plant 1 Please 168 Pleiades 2 Plow 1 Pochereth 1 Pochereth-Hazzebaim 1 Pollute 1 Pollux 1 Pontius 3 Pontus 3 Pool 2 Poor 2 Poratha 1 Porch 2 Porch{ 1 Porcius 1 Possibly 1 Potiphar 3 Potiphar's 3 Potiphera 2 Potter 1 Pottery 1 Potter’s 1 Pour 4 Power 2 Powerful 1 Praise 85 Pray 24 Preach 2 Prepare 16 Present 1 Pretend 1 Prevent 3 Previously 25 Pride 3 Priest 15 Priests 6 Priscilla 9 Probably 2 Proclaim 11 Proclaiming 1 Procorus 1 Promise 2 Promising 1 Prophet 15 Prophets 2 Prostitutes 1 Protect 9 Proud 3 Prove 1 Proverbs 1 Provide 1 Province 1 Psalm 3 Psalms 6 Ptolemais 2 Puah 5 Publius 2 Pudens 1 Puites 1 Pul 2 Pull 2 Pul’s 1 Punish 6 Punishment 2 Punon 2 Pur 3 Purah 3 Purim 7 Pursue 3 Push 1 Put 84 Puteoli 2 Putiel 1 Pyrrhus 1 Quarter 1 Quartus 1 Queen 31 Quickly 6 Quirinius 1 Raamah 3 Raamah's 1 Raamah’s 1 Raamiah 1 Rabbah 17 Rabbi 1 Rabbim 1 Rabbith 1 Rabbits 1 Rabboni 1 Rachel 47 Rachel's 4 Rachel’s 2 Raddai 1 Rahab 18 Raham 2 Rain 2 Raise 2 Rakal 1 Rakem 1 Rakkath 1 Rakkon 1 Ram 8 Ramah 37 Ramath 3 Rameses 5 Ramiah 1 Ramoth 25 Ram’s 1 Rapha 9 Raphah 1 Raphah’s 1 Raphaim 1 Raphu 1 Rather 91 Ravens 1 Reach 1 Read 3 Reaiah 5 Reaiah’s 1 Really 1 Reba 2 Rebekah 34 Rebekah's 3 Recab 3 Recall 2 Receive 1 Recently 2 Rechab 2 Recognize 1 Record 1 Red 10 Reeds 27 Reelaiah 1 Refrain 1 Refresh 1 Refuse 1 Regard 1 Regarding 1 Regem 1 Regem-Melek 1 Rehabiah 5 Rehabiah’s 1 Rehob 10 Rehoboam 54 Rehoboam’s 5 Rehoboth 3 Rehoboth-Ir 1 Rehum 9 Rei 1 Reinforce 1 Rejoice 5 Rekab 6 Rekah 1 Rekem 5 Relax 2 Release 1 Remain 3 Remaliah 3 Remaliah’s 1 Remember 39 Remeth 1 Remind 3 Reminder 1 Remove 1 Repair 1 Repeat 2 Repent 2 Repha 4 Rephael 1 Rephah 1 Rephah’s 1 Rephaiah 6 Rephaiah’s 1 Rephaim 10 Rephaites 1 Rephan 1 Rephidim 5 Representatives 9 Request 5 Require 1 Rescue 13 Resen 1 Resheph 1 Resheph’s 1 Resist 1 Respect 2 Restore 2 Return 5 Returning 1 Reu 7 Reuben 90 Reubenites 2 Reuben’s 5 Reuel 8 Reuel's 1 Reuel’s 2 Reumah 1 Revelation 1 Revere 2 Rezeph 2 Rezin 10 Rezon 5 Rhegium 1 Rhesa 2 Rhoda 1 Rhodes 2 Ribai 2 Riblah 9 Rich 2 Riches 2 Ride 1 Right 25 Righteous 8 Rimmon 18 Rimmono 1 Rinnah 1 Riphath 2 Rise 2 Rissah 2 Rithmah 2 River 327 Rizia 1 Rizpah 5 Road 1 Rock 4 Rocks 1 Rodanim 1 Rogel 6 Rogelim 2 Rohgah 1 Roi 5 Roll 2 Romamti-Eze 2 Roman 66 Romans 17 Rome 23 Rosh 1 Royal 1 Rubbish 4 Rufus 2 Ruler 1 Rulers 3 Rumah 1 Run 10 Running 1 Ruth 26 Sabbas 1 Sabbath 106 Sabbath-rest 1 Sabea 1 Sabta 1 Sabtah 1 Sabtecah 1 Sabteka 1 Sacred 4 Sacrifice 2 Sacrifices 1 Sacrificing 1 Sadducee 3 Sadducees 15 Sahadutha 1 Sail 1 Sailors 1 Sakar 2 Sakia 1 Salamis 2 Salekah 4 Salem 3 Salim 1 Sallai 2 Sallu 3 Salma 2 Salma’s 1 Salmon 7 Salmone 1 Salmon’s 1 Salome 2 Salt 8 Salu 1 Samaria 152 Samaritan 4 Samaritans 8 Samgar 1 Samlah 4 Samos 2 Samothrace 1 Samson 65 Samson’s 6 Samuel 161 Samuel’s 2 Sanballat 12 Sanhedrin 2 Sannah 1 Sansannah 1 Saph 1 Sapphira 3 Sarah 43 Sarah's 1 Sarai 17 Sarai's 2 Saraph 1 Sardis 3 Sargon 1 Sarid 2 Sarsekim 1 Satan 89 Satan’s 4 Saturday 3 Saul 429 Saul’s 86 Save 5 Savior 8 Say 47 Saying 3 Scatter 1 Sceva 2 Schemes 1 Scholars 1 Scorpion 2 Scoundrels 1 Scribes 3 Scripture 8 Scriptures 54 Scroll 1 Sea 175 Search 4 Seba 5 Sebam 2 Secacah 1 Second 4 Secundus 1 Secure 1 See 24 Seeing 3 Seek 1 Segub 3 Seir 20 Seirah 1 Seir’s 2 Seize 6 Seku 1 Sela 4 Select 4 Seled 2 Seleucia 1 Sell 3 Semakiah 1 Semein 2 Senaah 2 Send 41 Seneh 1 Senir 2 Sennacherib 21 Sennacherib’s 5 Sense 1 Seorim 1 Sephar 1 Sepharad 1 Sepharvaim 6 Sepher 4 Serah 4 Seraiah 20 Seraiah’s 1 Serebiah 1 Sered 2 Seredites 1 Sergius 1 Serug 7 Serve 4 Set 21 Seth 10 Seth's 1 Sethur 1 Seth’s 1 Settled 1 Seven 2 Several 10 Sew 3 Shaalabbin 1 Shaalbim 2 Shaalbon 2 Shaalim 1 Shaaph 2 Shaaraim 3 Shaashgaz 1 Shabbethai 3 Shadows 1 Shadrach 11 Shagee 1 Shahar 1 Shaharaim 2 Shaharaim’s 1 Shahazumah 1 Shalishah 2 Shall 1 Shalleketh 1 Shallum 28 Shallum’s 1 Shallun 2 Shalmai 2 Shalman 1 Shalmaneser 2 Shama 1 Shame 1 Shamer’s 1 Shamgar 2 Shamhuth 1 Shamir 4 Shamma 1 Shammah 9 Shammai 3 Shammai’s 3 Shammoth 1 Shammua 6 Shamsherai 1 Shan 8 Shapham 1 Shaphan 23 Shaphan’s 2 Shaphat 6 Shaphir 1 Sharai 1 Sharar 1 Share 2 Sharezer 3 Sharon 6 Sharpen 1 Sharuhen 1 Shashai 1 Shashak 1 Shashak’s 1 Shatter 1 Shaul 9 Shaulites 1 Shaul’s 2 Shaveh 1 Shaveh-Kiriathaim 1 Shavsha 1 She 313 Sheal 1 Shealtiel 9 Shealtiel’s 2 Shear-Jashub 1 Sheariah 2 Sheba 34 Shebaniah 6 Sheba’s 1 Sheber 1 Shebna 10 Shecaniah 10 Shecaniah’s 1 Shechem 73 Shechem's 1 Shechemites 1 Shedeur 4 Sheep 5 Sheerah 2 Shehariah 1 Shekaniah 1 Shekem 1 Shelah 23 Shelah’s 1 Shelanites 1 Shelemiah 9 Shelemiah’s 2 Sheleph 2 Shelesh 1 Shelishiyah 2 Shelomith 8 Shelomi’s 1 Shelomoth 3 Shelters 19 Shelumiel 5 Shem 15 Shem's 4 Shema 7 Shemaah’s 1 Shemaiah 42 Shemaiah’s 4 Shemariah 4 Shemeber 1 Shemed 2 Shemer 3 Shemer’s 1 Shemesh 11 Shemida 3 Shemidaites 1 Shemiramoth 4 Shemuel 1 Shem’s 1 Shen 1 Shenazzar 1 Shepham 2 Shephatiah 13 Shephatiah’s 1 Shepher 2 Shepherds 1 Shepho 2 Shephupham 1 Shephuphan 1 Sherebiah 7 Sheresh 1 Sheresh’s 1 Sheshai 3 Sheshan 3 Sheshan’s 1 Sheshbazzar 5 Shethar 1 Shethar-Bozenai 4 Sheva 2 Shibah 1 Shibboleth. 1 Shihor 4 Shihorlibnath 1 Shikkeron 1 Shilhi 2 Shilhim 1 Shillem 3 Shillemites 1 Shiloh 41 Shilon 1 Shilshah 1 Shimea 5 Shimeah 5 Shimeath 3 Shimea’s 2 Shimei 41 Shimei’s 7 Shimeon 1 Shimon 1 Shimon’s 1 Shimrath 2 Shimri 5 Shimrith 1 Shimron 6 Shimronites 1 Shimshai 5 Shinab 1 Shinar 4 Shion 1 Shiphi 1 Shiphrah 1 Shiphtan’s 1 Ships 1 Shishak 6 Shishak’s 2 Shisha’s 1 Shitrai 1 Shittah 1 Shittim 1 Shiza 1 Shoa 1 Shobab 4 Shobai 2 Shobak 2 Shobal 7 Shobal's 1 Shobal’s 2 Shobek 1 Shobi 1 Shoham 1 Shomer 2 Shomer’s 1 Shoot 3 Shooting 1 Shophak 2 Shophan 1 Shortly 1 Should 22 Shout 19 Show 26 Shua 3 Shuah 4 Shual 4 Shubael 6 Shuhah 1 Shuhamites 1 Shuhman 1 Shumath 1 Shunem 10 Shuni 2 Shunites 1 Shuphamites 1 Shuppim 2 Shuppim’s 1 Shur 7 Shut 1 Shuthelah 4 Shuthelahites 1 Shuthelah’s 1 Sia 1 Siaha 1 Sibbekai 5 Sibboleth 1 Sibmah 5 Sibraim 1 Siddim 3 Sidon 51 Sidonians 2 Sihon 37 Sihon’s 2 Sikkuth 1 Silas 46 Silla 1 Siloam 5 Silvanus 1 Silver 3 Simeon 60 Simeon’s 4 Similar 1 Similarly 85 Simon 82 Simon's 1 Simon’s 5 Sin 5 Sinai 69 Since 101 Sinful 1 Sing 24 Singing 1 Single 2 Sinites 2 Sinners 1 Siphmoth 1 Sippai 1 Sir 58 Sir, 2 Sirah 1 Sirion 3 Sirs 3 Sisera 22 Sisera’s 5 Sismai 2 Sister 1 Sit 9 Sithri 1 Sitnah 1 Sitting 1 Sivan 1 Six 5 Skull 2 Sky 1 Slap 1 Slaughter 7 Slaves 2 Sleep 1 Sleeping 2 Smear 1 Smoke 1 Smyrna 2 Snakes 1 Snatch 1 So 2977 Sodi 1 Sodom 58 Soko 3 Sokoh 5 Soldiers 7 Solomon 276 Solomon's 1 Solomon’s 66 Some 379 Someday 10 Someone 56 Something 7 Sometime 7 Sometimes 29 Son 322 Song 1 Songs 1 Son{ 1 Son’s 1 Soomeone 1 Soon 50 Sooner 1 Sopater 1 Sophereth 1 Sorek 1 Sosipater 1 Sosthenes 2 Sotai 2 South 12 Sovereign 1 So{ 1 Spain 2 Spare 1 Speak 16 Speaking 3 Specifically 8 Spirit 396 Spirit’s 3 Spread 1 Spring 1 Stachys 1 Stand 21 Standing 1 Stars 2 Start 7 Starting 3 Station 1 Statues 1 Stay 35 Stephanas 3 Stephen 19 Stephen’s 1 Still 8 Stoics 1 Stone 3 Stop 44 Store 1 Straight 1 Strangers 1 Stream 1 Street 1 Strength 1 Strengthen 1 Stretch 4 Strike 3 Strip 2 Strongly 1 Strutting 1 Stupid 2 Suah 1 Submit 3 Sucath 1 Succoth 16 Such 10 Suddenly 31 Summon 12 Sun 3 Sunday 8 Suph 1 Suphah 1 Supper 9 Support 1 Suppose 54 Supreme 31 Sur 1 Sure 1 Surely 48 Surrender 1 Surrounded 1 Susa 25 Susanna 1 Susi 1 Susim 1 Suspend 2 Swarms 2 Swear 2 Swords 1 Sychar 5 Syene 2 Synagogue 1 Syntyche 1 Syracuse 1 Syria 46 Syrtis 1 THAT 1 THIS 1 Taanach 7 Taanath 1 Tabaliah 1 Tabbaoth 2 Tabbath 1 Tabeel 1 Tabeel’s 1 Taberah 2 Tabitha 2 Tabor 12 Tabrimmon 1 Tachpanches 3 Tadmor 1 Tahan 2 Tahanites 1 Tahan’s 1 Tahash 1 Tahath 6 Tahath’s 4 Tahpanhes 2 Tahpenes 4 Tahrea 1 Take 124 Talitha 1 Talk 7 Talmai 6 Talmon 5 Tamar 39 Tammuz 1 Tanhumeth 2 Taphath 1 Tappuah 8 Taralah 1 Tarea 1 Tarshish 20 Tarsus 5 Tartak 1 Tattenai 4 Teach 14 Teacher 51 Tear 3 Tears 1 Tebah 3 Tebeth 1 Tehinnah 2 Tekel 1 Tekoa 15 Tel 5 Tel-Harsha 1 Tel-Melah 1 Telah 1 Telah’s 1 Telaim 1 Telem 2 Tell 216 Tema 4 Temah 2 Teman 13 Temanites 1 Temeni 1 Temple 2 Ten 25 Tent 1 Terah 12 Terah}'s 1 Terah’s 1 Teresh 2 Terrible 46 Terror 1 Tertius 1 Tertullus 3 Testament 2 Thaddaeus 2 Thank 10 Thanks 1 That 804 That's 14 The 3742 Thebes 11 Thebez 2 Their 197 Then 3533 Theophilus 2 There 747 Therefore 187 These 353 Theses 1 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonica 11 Theudas 1 They 3521 Things 12 Think 58 Third 1 Thirty-seven 1 This 1070 Thomas 12 Thornbushes 1 Thorns 2 Those 446 Though 3 Thousands 1 Three 24 Throne 1 Through 8 Throughout 8 Throw 8 Thummim 1 Thunder 3 Thus 8 Thyatira 4 Tiberias 3 Tiberius 1 Tibni 3 Tidal 2 Tie 5 Tiglath-Pileser 9 Tigris 2 Tikvah 3 Tilon 1 Timaeus 1 Timna 6 Timnah 17 Timnath 2 Timnathserah 1 Timon 1 Timothy 46 Tiphsah 2 Tiras 2 Tirath 1 Tirhakah 2 Tirhanah 1 Tiria 1 Tirzah 17 Tishbe 2 Titius 1 Titus 21 Titus’s 1 Tiz 1 To 67 Toah 1 Toah’s 1 Tob 3 Tob-Adonijah 1 Tobiah 19 Tobijah 3 Today 45 Togarmah 4 Together 4 Tohu 1 Token 1 Tola 5 Tolad 1 Tolaites 1 Tola’s 2 Tombs 1 Tomorrow 15 Tonight 4 Tophel 1 Topheth 6 Tou 2 Touch 1 Tou’s 2 Tower 7 Towns 6 Trachonitis 1 Traders 1 Train 2 Treacherous 1 Treat 3 Trees 2 Troas 11 Troops 1 Trophimus 4 Trouble 1 True 5 Truly 21 Trust 11 Trustworthy 1 Truth 1 Try 9 Trying 1 Tryphaena 1 Tryphosa 1 Tubal 10 Turn 13 Twelve 2 Twenty 1 Twin 3 Twist 1 Two 22 Two-thirds 1 Tychicus 8 Tyrannus 1 Tyre 81 Ucal 1 Uel 1 Ulai 2 Ulam 2 Ulam’s 2 Ulla 1 Ummah 1 Unbelieving 1 Under 5 Underneath 1 Understand 2 Understanding 1 Uneven 1 Union 2 Unique 4 Unleavened 12 Unless 1 Unlike 1 Unni 3 Untie 3 Until 12 Up 3 Uphaz 1 Upper 6 Uproot 1 Ur 5 Urbanus 1 Urge 1 Uri 7 Uriah 40 Uriah’s 4 Uriel 4 Uriel’s 1 Urim 1 Uri’s 1 Use 9 Useless 1 Using 1 Uthai 2 Uz 9 Uzai 1 Uzal 2 Uzza 5 Uzzah 16 Uzzah’s 1 Uzzen 1 Uzzi 11 Uzzia 1 Uzziah 29 Uzziah’s 4 Uzziel 18 Uzzi’s 3 Vaizatha 1 Valley 89 Vaniah 1 Various 1 Vashti 12 Very 37 Voices 1 Vophsi 1 Vow 1 WE 1 WHO 1 Waheb 1 Wait 10 Wake 4 Walk 2 Wall 2 Warn 2 Was 10 Wash 3 Watch 12 Watchman 1 Water 11 Way 1 We 1093 Wealth 2 Wear 1 Weasels 1 Weave 2 Weeks 1 Weep 4 Weigh 1 Welcome 2 Well 14 Were 3 What 366 Whatever 19 What’s 1 When 1976 Whenever 56 Where 72 Wherever 24 Whether 3 Which 16 While 259 Who 139 Whoever 36 Whom 4 Whose 5 Why 241 Wicked 28 Wickedness 1 Wild 4 Wilderness 1 Will 48 Willows 1 Wind 2 Wine 2 Wipe 1 Wisdom 28 Wise 6 With 75 Within 8 Without 2 Wives 5 Woe 2 Woman 1 Women 11 Wonderful 2 Word 12 Work 1 Workers 2 Worship 6 Worthless 1 Would 6 Wounds 1 Wrap 1 Wreck 1 Write 33 Xerxes 1 Yahweh 6650 Yahweh's 6 Yahweh-Yireh 1 Yahweh{ 1 Yahweh’s 202 Years 3 Yeast 5 Yes 155 Yes, 5 Yesterday 1 Yes{ 1 Yet 49 Yiron 1 You 2991 Young 8 Your 334 Youths 1 Z 1 Zaanan 1 Zaanannim 2 Zaavan 2 Zabad 8 Zabad’s 1 Zabbai 2 Zabdi 7 Zabdiel 2 Zabud 1 Zaccai 1 Zacchaeus 3 Zaccur 10 Zaccur’s 1 Zadok 52 Zadok’s 4 Zaham 1 Zahar 1 Zair 1 Zakkai 1 Zalaph 1 Zalmon 3 Zalmonah 2 Zalmunna 12 Zamzum 1 Zanoah 5 Zaphenath-Paneah 1 Zaphon 2 Zarephath 4 Zarethan 4 Zattu 5 Zaza 1 Zealot 4 Zebadiah 9 Zebah 12 Zebedee 9 Zebidah 1 Zebina 1 Zeboiim 1 Zeboim 2 Zeboyim 4 Zebul 5 Zebulon 1 Zebulun 48 Zebulun’s 2 Zebul’s 1 Zechariah 71 Zechariah’s 5 Zedad 2 Zedekiah 71 Zedekiah’s 5 Zeeb 6 Zeker 1 Zela 1 Zelah 1 Zelek 2 Zelophehad 9 Zelophehad’s 1 Zelzah 1 Zemaraim 2 Zemarites 2 Zemirah 1 Zenan 1 Zenas 1 Zephaniah 12 Zephaniah’s 1 Zephath 1 Zephathah 1 Zepho 3 Zephon 5 Zephonites 1 Zer 1 Zerah 22 Zerahiah 5 Zerahiah’s 1 Zerahites 2 Zerah’s 5 Zerarah 1 Zered 3 Zeredah 1 Zeresh 4 Zereth 2 Zeri 1 Zeror 1 Zeruah 1 Zerubbabel 26 Zerubbabel’s 2 Zeruiah 12 Zeruiah’s 2 Zetham 2 Zethan 1 Zethar 1 Zeus 2 Zia 1 Ziba 16 Ziba’s 1 Zibeon 5 Zibeon's 1 Zibeon’s 1 Zibia 1 Zibiah 2 Zichri 4 Zichri’s 1 Zicri 7 Zicri’s 2 Ziddim 1 Ziha 3 Ziklag 19 Zillah 3 Zillethai 2 Zilpah 7 Zimmah 3 Zimmah’s 2 Zimran 2 Zimri 20 Zin 6 Zina 1 Zion 71 Zior 1 Ziph 11 Ziphah 1 Ziphron 1 Zippor 4 Zipporah 3 Ziv 2 Ziz 1 Ziza 4 Zoan 7 Zoar 9 Zobah 9 Zohar 5 Zoheleth 1 Zoheth 1 Zophah 1 Zophah’s 1 Zophai 1 Zophai’s 1 Zophar 5 Zora 1 Zorah 10 Zorath 2 Zorites 1 Zuar 4 Zuph 4 Zuph’s 1 Zur 8 Zuriel 1 Zurishaddai 4 Zuzites 1 a 9874 abandon 53 abandoned 102 abandoning 3 abandons 2 abdomen 1 abide 1 abilities 1 ability 21 ablaze 1 able 744 abnormally 2 aboard 1 abolish 1 abominable 4 about 2820 above 100 absent 1 absolutely 23 abstain 10 abstained 1 abstaining 3 abundant 23 abundantly 20 abuse 1 abused 5 abusers 1 abuses 1 abusing 1 abusively 1 acacia 28 accent 2 accept 169 acceptable 81 accepted 44 accepting 4 accepts 15 accident 1 accidental 1 accidentally 22 accompanied 8 accompany 8 accompanying 2 accomplish 34 accomplished 14 accomplishes 2 accomplishing 4 accordance 2 according 109 accordingly 1 account 20 accountable 1 accounts 2 accumulate 2 accumulated 3 accurate 7 accurately 3 accusation 3 accusations 3 accuse 70 accused 17 accuser 1 accusers 1 accuses 5 accusing 29 accustomed 4 ache 2 achieve 3 achieved 2 achievements 1 aching 1 acknowledge 25 acknowledged 4 acknowledges 2 acknowledging 2 acomplished 1 acquaintances 1 acquainted 1 acquire 13 acquired 19 acquires 2 acquiring 3 across 105 act 430 acted 102 acting 82 action 15 actions 40 activated 1 actively 1 activities 4 activity 1 actly 1 acts 89 actual 1 actually 55 add 19 added 21 addicted 1 adding 4 addition 54 additional 5 address 2 addressed 3 addressing 2 adds 2 adequate 3 adhere 1 adjusted 1 administrates 1 administrative 1 administrator 1 administrators 7 admirable 1 admire 6 admired 5 admiring 2 admit 19 admitted 5 admitting 2 admonish 1 adopt 4 adopted 5 adopts 1 adore 1 adorn 1 adorned 2 adult 4 adulterers 2 adulteress 5 adulterous 1 adulterously 3 adultery 55 adulthood 1 adultress 1 adultresses 1 adults 4 advance 24 advanced 13 advances 1 advancing 5 advantage 13 advantageous 1 adversaries 1 advice 51 advise 12 advised 14 adviser 1 advises 1 advisor 7 advisors 42 advisors{ 1 advocate 1 advocates 1 affair 1 affairs 3 affect 3 affection 5 affectionate 2 affectionately 3 affects 1 affirm 4 afflict 7 afflicted 16 afflicting 3 afflictions 2 afford 8 afraid 474 after 648 afterbirth 1 afternoon 21 afterward 3 afterwards 8 again 1163 against 780 again{ 3 agate 2 age 12 aged 1 agents 3 ages 4 aggravate 1 aggravated 1 agitated 3 ago 197 agony 1 agree 53 agreed 87 agreeing 6 agreement 142 agreements 3 agrees 1 agricultural 1 agriculture 1 aground 1 ahead 95 aid 1 aided 1 aim 1 aimed 1 aiming 1 aims 1 air 30 alarmed 2 alcohol 1 alcoholic 17 alcove 3 alcoves 15 alcove’s 1 alert 11 alertly 2 algum 3 alienated 1 alienates 1 align 1 alike 4 alive 501 all 5498 all-powerful 27 allegiance 1 alleys 1 alliance 6 alliances 1 allies 23 allot 1 allotment 1 allotted 26 allow 543 allowance 2 allowed 242 allowing 33 allows 13 ally 1 almighty 2 almond 8 almonds 2 almost 145 alms 1 almug 1 aloe 3 aloes 2 alone 106 along 413 alongside 55 aloud 13 alphabet 5 already 184 also 2328 altar 632 altars 82 altar{ 1 altar’s 3 alternated 1 alternatively 1 although 53 altogether 13 always 597 am 1959 amaze 2 amazed 59 amazing 31 amazingly 3 ambassador 2 ambassadors 7 amber-colored 1 ambitious 1 ambush 5 amethyst 3 amidst 2 among 537 amongst 1 amount 81 amounts 17 an 926 analogy 1 ancestor 85 ancestors 559 ancestral 3 anchor 3 anchors 3 ancient 33 and 28327 angel 538 angelic 2 angels 154 angel’s 2 anger 38 angrily 12 angry 596 anguish 3 anguished 3 animal 200 animal's 1 animals 520 animal’s 10 ankle 1 ankles 5 annihilate 2 annihilated 2 announce 19 announced 20 announcements 1 announcer 1 announces 2 announcing 9 annoying 1 annual 5 annul 2 anoint 10 anointed 19 anointing 22 anoints 1 another 571 answer 163 answered 200 answers 15 ant 1 antelope 3 anticipate 1 anticipates 1 ants 1 anvil 1 anxious 7 anxiously 2 any 1188 anybody 7 anymore 99 anyone 558 anyone’s 7 anything 561 anyway 9 anywhere 34 apart 192 apartments 2 apes 1 apostle 19 apostles 100 apostle’s 1 apostolic 1 appalled 8 appalling 1 apparent 1 appeal 5 appealed 3 appealing 1 appear 52 appearance 8 appeared 109 appearing 4 appears 16 appetite 2 applied 3 applies 7 apply 3 applying 1 appoint 79 appointed 244 appointing 8 appoints 8 apportion 1 apppointed 1 appreciate 4 appreciated 1 apprehended 3 apprentice 1 apprentices 23 approach 12 approached 29 approaches 1 approaching 20 appropriate 21 appropriately 3 approve 20 approved 11 approves 12 approving 2 apricot 2 apricots 1 apron 40 aprons 1 aqueduct 3 archangel 1 archer 1 archers 11 are 6829 area 317 areas 69 aren't 1 aren’t 1 argue 34 argued 9 argues 6 arguing 21 argument 6 argumentative 1 arguments 11 arise 21 ark 4 arm 24 armband 1 armed 6 armies 447 armor 20 armpits 1 armrest 4 arms 62 army 1073 army’s 2 aroma 11 arose 3 around 666 arouse 1 aroused 1 arrange 26 arranged 28 arrangements 2 arranging 2 arrest 50 arrested 15 arresting 2 arrive 28 arrived 222 arrives 7 arriving 3 arrogance 1 arrogant 17 arrogantly 4 arrow 17 arrows 104 articles 2 artisans 1 artistic 3 as 4696 ascend 3 ascended 2 ascending 1 ash 1 ashamed 120 ashes 61 ashore 1 aside 30 ask 346 asked 545 asking 77 asks 31 asleep 25 aspire 3 aspires 1 assassinate 5 assassinated 10 assault 3 assemble 3 assembled 6 assemblies 16 assembling 2 assembly 21 assembly’s 1 assert 1 assign 12 assigned 118 assignment 2 assignments 1 assist 24 assistant 13 assistants 3 assisted 5 assisting 1 assists 1 associate 20 associated 3 associates 19 associating 3 association 7 assume 4 assumed 1 assuming 1 assure 9 assured 7 assures 4 astonished 20 astounded 1 astray 3 astronomy 1 at 2069 ate 131 athlete 2 athletes 3 atone 19 atonement 6 atones 1 attach 8 attached 28 attaches 1 attack 386 attacked 124 attacker 2 attackers 7 attacking 45 attacks 26 attain 1 attained 2 attempt 2 attempted 1 attempts 2 attend 2 attendant 2 attendants 9 attended 3 attending 2 attention 251 attentive 2 attentively 1 attestation 1 attitude 3 attract 1 attracted 4 attracting 1 attractive 4 audacious 1 audibly 1 aunt 2 authentic 1 authoritative 5 authorities 19 authority 116 authorize 3 authorized 26 authorizes 8 autumn 5 available 4 avenge 8 avenged 2 avenging 1 avoid 39 avoided 9 avoiding 1 awake 20 awaken 1 awakened 3 awakens 1 awakes 1 award 4 aware 46 awareness 1 away 1139 awe 5 awed 2 awesome 62 awesomely 1 awestruck 3 awful 2 awful-looking 1 awhile 2 awl 2 awoke 4 ax 3 axe 8 axes 7 axles 3 babbling 2 babies 35 baboons 2 baby 113 baby’s 5 back 824 backbone 3 backs 20 backward 7 backwards 1 bad 174 bad-tasting 1 badgers 3 badly 47 bag 16 bags 35 bake 17 baked 19 baker 7 baker’s 1 bakes 1 baking 4 balance 1 bald 5 bald-headed 1 ball 1 balls 5 balm 2 balsam 4 ban 3 band 4 bandage 4 bandaged 2 bandages 3 bandit 3 bandits 8 bands 5 bang 1 banish 2 banished 3 banishes 1 bank 9 banks 7 banned 2 banner 2 banners 1 banquet 18 banqueting 1 baptism 8 baptize 32 baptized 51 baptizing 16 bar 3 barber 1 barber’s 1 bare 11 barefoot 6 barely 3 bares 2 bargaining 1 bark 5 barley 42 barn 4 barns 8 barracks 5 barrel 6 barrels 1 barrel’s 1 barren 14 barricade 1 barrier 2 barriers 2 bars 24 base 37 based 14 bases 42 bashed 1 basic 4 basin 12 basing 1 basins 14 basis 2 basket 30 baskets 25 bat 1 batch 1 batches 1 bath 2 bathe 21 bathed 4 bathing 1 bats 2 batter 4 battered 3 battering 1 batters 1 battle 239 battlecry 1 battled 1 battlefield 2 battles 80 bay 2 be 7042 beach 2 beads 1 beak 1 beam 3 beams 19 bean 1 beans 2 bear 43 beard 9 beards 8 bearer 4 bearing 4 bears 7 beast 64 beasts 10 beast’s 9 beat 46 beaten 6 beating 13 beatings 2 beats 2 beautiful 185 beautifully 4 beautify 2 beauty 16 became 644 becasue 1 because 4205 because{ 1 beckoned 1 become 1262 becomes 87 becoming 34 bed 73 bedroom 9 bedrooms 1 beds 7 beef 1 been 1173 bees 4 before 591 beforehand 2 beg 23 began 204 beggar 1 begged 22 begging 6 begin 58 beginning 31 begins 11 begs 1 begun 24 behalf 28 behave 56 behaved 11 behaves 1 behaving 15 behavior 118 behind 99 being 621 beings 95 being{,} 1 beka 1 believe 360 believed 139 believer 66 believers 609 believes 19 believing 43 belittled 2 bell 3 bellies 7 bellowing 1 bellows 1 bells 4 belly 8 belong 380 belonged 138 belonging 18 belongings 12 belongs 105 beloved 2 below 33 belt 15 belts 2 bend 6 bends 1 beneath 6 beneficial 5 benefit 40 benefited 4 benefits 11 benefitting 1 bent 6 beryl 6 beseiging 1 beside 88 besides 2 besieged 2 besieges 1 best 130 betray 18 betrayed 12 betrayer 1 betraying 3 betrays 2 better 185 between 239 beware 2 bewildered 1 bewitched 1 beyond 16 bias 1 big 126 bigger 10 biggest 1 bile 1 bill 2 billowing 1 bind 4 binding 1 binds 1 bins 2 biological 1 bird 47 bird's 1 birds 104 bird’s 5 birth 189 birthday 3 birthright 2 bit 25 bite 4 bites 4 biting 2 bits 18 bitten 4 bitter 32 bitterly 11 bitterness 2 black 26 blacker 1 blacksmiths 4 blade 3 blades 7 blame 5 blameless 3 blaming 1 blanket 8 blankets 4 blaspheme 1 blasphemed 1 blaspheming 1 blasphemous 1 blasphemy 1 blast 8 blasts 2 blaze 1 blazed 1 blazes 1 blazing 16 bleaching 1 bleat 3 bleating 1 bled 1 bleed 1 bleeding 8 blemishes 1 bless 244 blessed 101 blesses 15 blessing 19 blessings 34 blew 41 blight 1 blind 105 blindfold 2 blinks 1 block 16 blocked 9 blocking 1 blocks 5 blood 303 bloodshot 1 bloodstained 1 bloodstains 2 bloody 1 bloom 3 blooming 3 blossom 3 blossoming 1 blossoms 10 blot 1 blotched 2 blotted 1 blow 55 blowing 42 blown 25 blows 26 blue 51 bluntly 1 blush 1 board 2 boarded 1 boards 10 boast 57 boasted 4 boastfully 5 boasting 5 boasts 4 boat 107 boats 14 bodies 145 bodily 1 body 380 bodyguard 2 bodyguards 21 boil 8 boiled 6 boiling 6 boils 6 bold 5 boldly 17 boldness 2 bolt 1 bolts 8 bonds 1 bone 6 bones 89 bonfire 1 bonfires 1 book 70 books 11 booth 1 boots 2 border 99 bordered 2 bordering 1 borders 13 bore 12 bored 2 born 213 borne 3 borrow 7 borrowed 7 borrowers 1 borrows 3 bosom 1 bosoms 1 boss 4 bosses 7 both 263 bother 7 bothered 3 bothering 4 bothers 2 bothersome 1 bottle 3 bottom 52 bottomless 1 bought 59 boulder 1 bounce 1 bound 9 boundaries 6 boundary 34 bow 86 bowed 65 bowhunter 1 bowing 4 bowl 58 bowlful 1 bowlfuls 1 bowls 36 bows 28 bowstring 1 bowstrings 5 box 6 boxer 1 boxes 5 boxtrees 1 boy 84 boys 20 boy’s 14 bracelet 1 bracelets 9 braces 3 brag 7 bragged 1 bragging 4 braided 3 braiding 1 braids 2 bramble 1 branch 19 branches 112 branches{ 2 branding 1 brass 1 brave 38 bravely 3 bravery 1 bravest 3 brawl 2 braying 1 bread 256 breadcakes 3 break 73 breakfast 2 breaking 19 breaks 12 breast 14 breastplate 1 breastplates 2 breasts 22 breath 28 breathe 11 breathed 1 breathes 3 breathing 9 breaths 1 breeches 1 breeding 1 breeze 1 bribe 15 bribed 1 bribes 17 brick 2 bricklayers 1 bricks 19 bride 22 bride-price 1 bridegroom 19 bridegrooms 5 bridegroom’s 2 brides 4 bridle 1 bridles 2 brief 3 briefly 3 briers 12 bright 53 brighter 6 brightly 17 brightness 3 brilliant 18 brim 2 bring 673 bringing 81 brings 61 broad 1 broke 53 broken 56 broken-down 1 bronze 184 brook 17 broom 5 broth 3 brother 241 brother's 5 brother-in-law 2 brothers 212 brother’s 10 brought 612 brown 1 bruise 1 bruised 2 bruises 1 brush 2 brushed 1 brushing 1 brutal 3 brutality 1 bubble 1 bucket 3 buckets 4 bud 4 budded 3 buds 10 build 157 builder 4 builders 15 builders{ 1 building 123 buildings 45 builds 5 built 233 bull 123 bulls 84 bull’s 6 bulrushes 1 bulwark 1 bumps 1 bunch 3 bunches 3 bundle 6 bundles 10 burden 11 burdened 1 burdens 10 burdensome 1 burial 20 buried 193 buries 1 burn 303 burned 382 burned-out 1 burner 2 burners 1 burning 157 burns 43 burnt 24 burst 8 bursting 2 bursts 1 bury 60 burying 8 bush 13 bushel 1 bushels 2 bushes 5 business 12 businesses 1 busy 9 but 2102 butcher 3 butchered 4 butchers 1 butt 1 butted 2 butter 2 buttocks 3 buy 163 buyer 1 buyers 1 buying 24 buys 5 buzzards 1 by 2165 cage 2 cake 3 cakes 10 calamities 5 calamity 1 calamus 2 calculate 2 calculated 2 calendar 3 calf 22 calf-idols 1 call 156 called 440 calling 35 calls 19 calm 24 calmed 2 calmly 2 calms 1 calved 1 calves 29 came 913 camel 7 camels 56 camel’s 2 camp 124 campaign 2 camped 18 camping 5 camps 2 campsite 3 can 1482 can't 1 canal 4 canals 4 cancel 12 canceled 9 cancelled 1 cancels 3 candle 1 candy 2 cane 3 cannot 406 canopy 2 can’t 3 capable 29 capes 1 capital 51 caps 3 captain 21 captains 2 captivated 1 captive 3 captives 3 captors 1 capture 137 captured 216 captures 2 capturing 5 caravans 5 caraway 3 carcass 10 carcasses 18 care 346 cared 4 careful 54 carefully 160 carelessly 4 cares 14 caress 2 caressed 2 cargo 6 caring 7 carnelian 1 carousing 1 carpenter 3 carpenters 10 carried 116 carries 6 carry 126 carrying 122 cart 34 carts 21 cartwheel 1 carve 13 carved 38 carves 2 carving 7 carvings 13 case 61 cases 17 cassia 2 cast 45 castanets 1 casting 13 castle 2 castrate 1 castrated 6 casts 1 catastrophe 2 catch 59 catches 5 catching 1 caterpillars 1 cattle 132 caught 56 cauldron 1 caulked 1 cause 870 caused 578 causes 170 causing 91 cautious 1 cavalry 1 cave 45 caves 23 cave’s 2 cease 14 ceased 2 ceasing 5 cedar 82 cedars 2 ceiling 3 ceilings 1 celebrate 120 celebrated 37 celebrating 23 celebration 84 celebrations 8 cell 4 cemeteries 1 cemetery 4 census 3 center 14 centimenters 1 centimeters 25 central 4 centurion 5 centurion’s 1 ceremonial 1 ceremonially 6 ceremonies 6 ceremony 6 certain 127 certainly 373 chaff 27 chain 8 chained 4 chains 48 chair 4 chalcedony 1 challenge 5 challenging 2 chamber 13 chambers 1 chameleons 1 chance 7 change 87 changed 52 changes 9 changing 5 channels 3 chant 1 chaos 1 chaotic 1 character 7 characteristics 1 characterized 2 characterizes 1 charcoal 1 charge 111 charged 3 charges 8 charging 8 chariot 68 charioteers 1 chariots 129 charm 1 charmer 1 charms 7 charred 1 chars 1 chase 24 chased 19 chasing 9 chaste 1 chatter 1 cheap 5 cheaply 3 cheat 13 cheated 7 cheating 4 cheats 2 check 3 checked 1 cheek 11 cheeks 13 cheer 8 cheered 1 cheerful 6 cheerfully 4 cheering 1 cheese 1 cherished 1 cherub 4 cherubim 2 chest 261 chestnut 1 chests 7 chest’s 7 chew 19 chewed 1 chicks 5 chief 77 chiefs 13 child 128 child's 1 childbirth 1 childen 1 childless 3 children 611 children{ 1 children’s 2 child’s 7 chimney 2 chin 1 chins 1 chirp 1 chirped 1 chisel 4 chiseling 1 chisels 1 chldren 1 choice 4 choices 1 choir 7 choke 1 choked 1 choking 1 choose 93 chooses 21 chooses{ 1 choosing 4 chop 8 chopped 2 chopping 1 chose 155 chosen 211 choses 2 chronicles 6 chrysolite 2 chrysoprase 1 chunks 1 church 22 churches 13 churn 2 churning 2 ciestern 1 cinders 1 cinnamon 4 circle 4 circles 2 circular 3 circumcise 18 circumcised 64 circumcises 1 circumcising 3 circumcision 6 circumcized 1 circumference 1 circumstance 2 circumstances 3 cistern 3 cites 1 cities 591 citizen 10 citizens 26 city 2044 city's 1 city’s 6 civilian 1 claim 45 claimed 14 claiming 10 claims 8 clan 227 clans 157 clap 4 clapped 3 clapping 3 claps 1 clashed 1 clashing 3 clasped 1 clasps 3 claws 3 clay 55 clean 47 cleaned 3 cleaning 2 cleans 2 cleanse 10 cleansed 6 cleanses 1 cleansing 3 clear 48 cleared 3 clearly 49 clever 9 cleverly 4 cliff 19 cliffs 14 climb 22 climbed 17 climbing 1 climbs 1 cling 6 clinging 1 clings 2 cloak 26 cloaks 6 clods 4 close 191 closed 14 closely 29 closer 27 closes 1 closest 9 closing 2 cloth 116 clothe 2 clothes 317 clothing 67 cloths 1 cloud 101 clouds 83 club 6 clubs 8 clump 1 clung 1 cluster 5 clusters 5 coal 4 coals 38 coarse 7 coast 27 coastal 2 coastline 2 coastlines 1 coasts 2 coat 16 coats 4 cobra 2 cobras 1 code 2 coffin 2 cohort 2 coiling 1 coin 12 coins 18 cold 22 collapse 13 collapsed 14 collapses 4 collapsing 1 collar 5 colleagues 3 collect 26 collected 29 collecting 5 collection 7 collector 4 collectors 15 collects 1 colonies 1 color 5 colored 1 colorful 2 colors 5 colt 4 colts 1 column 1 columns 8 comb 2 combat 1 combed 1 combined 1 come 1329 comes 205 comfort 42 comforted 14 comforting 1 comforts 9 coming 253 command 175 commanded 521 commander 341 commanders 65 commander’s 1 commanding 49 commandment 13 commandments 65 commands 210 commemorating 1 commend 6 commends 1 commentary 1 commission 2 commissioned 2 commissioner 3 commit 69 commited 1 commitment 2 commits 10 committed 224 committing 40 common 13 communicated 4 communicates 2 communicating 1 community 8 companion 7 companions 8 company 2 compare 7 compared 7 compares 1 comparing 1 comparison 2 comparisons 1 compassion 10 compassionate 2 compassionately 2 compel 3 compelled 2 compensate 1 compensation 1 compete 1 competing 1 complacent 1 complain 27 complained 21 complaining 22 complains 1 complaints 2 complete 28 completed 16 completely 548 completes 3 completing 1 completion 1 complex 6 complicate 1 compliments 1 compose 1 composed 4 comprehend 5 comprehended 1 conceal 4 concealed 2 concealing 1 conceited 5 conceive 4 conceived 7 conceiving 1 concentrate 2 concentrated 1 concern 9 concerned 53 concerning 37 concerns 2 conclude 2 concluded 4 conclusion 2 concubine 3 concubines 12 condemn 57 condemnation 2 condemned 17 condemning 2 condemns 8 condition 9 conditions 1 condolences 1 conduct 43 conducted 13 conducting 1 conference 1 conferred 2 confess 10 confessed 9 confessing 2 confession 1 confidence 9 confident 30 confidently 91 confirm 19 confirmation 1 confirmed 8 confirming 1 confirms 7 conflict 9 conflicting 1 conflicts 3 conform 1 confront 1 confronted 4 confronts 1 confuse 5 confused 18 confusing 3 confusion 9 congratulate 3 congratulates 1 congregation 13 congregations 2 connect 6 connected 7 connecting 4 connectors 6 connects 1 conquer 88 conquered 47 conquering 4 conquers 5 conscience 4 conscious 1 conscript 1 conscripted 2 consecrate 7 consecrated 4 consecrating 1 consenting 1 consequence 1 consequences 7 consequently 1 consider 129 considerable 1 considerate 1 considered 66 considers 52 consist 4 consisted 3 consistently 1 consisting 2 console 2 consoled 1 consoling 1 conspire 2 conspired 3 conspiring 4 constant 3 constantly 54 constraint 1 construct 5 constructed 5 constructing 1 construction 9 consult 13 consultation 1 consulted 12 consulting 2 consults 1 consume 4 consumes 4 consuming 1 contact 6 contagious 20 contain 7 contained 27 container 19 containers 16 containing 25 contains 10 contaminated 3 contaminates 1 contempt 10 contemptuously 2 content 8 contest 3 continual 4 continually 109 continue 394 continued 230 continues 36 continuing 13 continuously 4 contract 3 contradict 2 contrary 26 contrast 14 contribute 8 contributed 6 contributing 1 contributions 1 control 138 controlled 62 controlling 14 controls 26 conversation 1 conversations 2 converts 2 convict 6 convince 9 convinced 22 convinces 1 convincing 2 convincingly 2 cooing 1 cook 30 cooked 27 cooking 6 cooks 1 cool 5 cooled 1 cools 1 cooperate 1 coordinated 1 copied 1 copies 13 copper 9 copy 10 coral 3 cord 18 cords 9 coriander 1 cormorants 2 corner 16 corners 43 cornerstone 4 corpse 66 corpses 87 correct 59 corrected 3 correcting 2 correction 10 correctly 20 corrects 9 correspond 1 corresponded 1 corresponding 1 corroded 2 corrosion 4 corrupt 11 corrupting 1 corruption 2 cost 15 costly 2 costs 2 cot 1 couch 5 couches 3 could 690 council 54 councils 1 counselor 3 counselors 2 count 71 counted 61 counting 12 countless 5 countries 188 country 398 countryman 1 countrymen 8 countryside 18 country’s 1 counts 1 couple 6 courage 11 courage.{”} 1 courageous 18 courageously 8 couriers 3 course 24 court 50 courtroom 4 courts 14 courtyard 215 courtyards 13 courtyard’s 2 cousin 8 cousins 4 covenant 151 covenant-keeping 1 covenantal 1 covenants 3 cover 103 covered 155 covering 35 coverings 3 covers 27 coves 1 covet 4 covetous 1 cow 20 coward 1 cowardly 1 cowards 2 cows 38 cracked 7 cracking 1 crackling 1 cracks 1 craft 1 craftiest 1 crafting 1 crafts-work 1 craftsman 10 craftsmen 21 crafty 2 cramped 2 crane 1 crash 4 crashed 6 crashes 1 crashing 5 crave 2 craved 1 craves 1 craw 1 crawl 16 crawled 1 crawling 1 crawls 4 crazy 12 cream 1 create 10 created 181 creates 2 creating 7 creation 5 creator 3 creature 40 creatures 157 creature’s 4 credit 1 creditors 1 creep 3 crept 5 crescent 1 crescent-shaped 1 crevice 2 crew 4 crews 1 crickets 1 cried 108 cries 16 crime 12 crimes 17 criminal 5 criminals 6 crimson 3 cringe 3 cripple 2 crippled 20 crippling 1 criticisms 1 criticize 26 criticized 5 criticizes 1 criticizing 4 crocodile 2 crocodiles 5 crooked 4 crop 26 crops 185 cross 145 crossbar 2 crossbars 17 crossed 52 crosses 10 crossing 4 crossroads 2 cross{ 1 crouch 3 crouches 2 crouching 1 crowd 203 crowded 7 crowding 3 crowds 34 crowed 4 crown 31 crowned 1 crowns 6 crows 13 crucible 2 crucified 17 crucifixion 1 crucify 8 cruel 20 cruelly 26 cruelty 2 crumble 3 crumbled 1 crumbles 1 crumbs 2 crush 24 crushed 32 crushes 4 crushing 1 cry 143 crying 57 crystal 4 crystalline 1 cub 1 cubic 3 cubits 2 cubs 7 cucumbers 2 cud 5 cuddling 1 cuds 7 cultivate 3 cultivated 4 cultivating 1 culturally 1 cumin 3 cummin 1 cunning 2 cup 63 cups 23 curds 4 cure 4 cured 5 current 9 currently 8 currents 1 curse 125 cursed 37 curses 25 cursing 9 curtain 58 curtains 33 curved 2 cushion 1 custody 3 custom 16 customers 1 customs 14 cut 241 cuts 11 cutter 2 cutters 1 cutting 17 cymbals 16 cypress 10 cypresses 1 cyprus 1 dagger 3 daily 4 dam 3 damaged 3 damp 5 dance 10 danced 6 dancers 1 dancing 15 danger 34 dangerous 29 dangers 8 dangling 3 dare 16 dared 7 dares 3 dark 104 dark-colored 5 darkness 96 darling 6 darts 1 dash 1 dashed 2 date 1 dates 2 daughers 1 daughter 190 daughter-in-law 13 daughters 180 daughters-in-law 7 dawn 37 dawns 2 day 1434 day!“ 1 day-to-day 1 daybreak 2 daylight 13 days 474 daytime 24 day{time} 3 day’s 2 dazed 1 dazzling 4 dead 360 deadly 4 deaf 15 deal 9 dealers 4 dealing 2 dealt 1 dear 37 dearer 1 dearest 1 dearly 6 death 143 deaths 7 debate 5 debated 2 debating 1 debt 14 debts 8 decalred 1 decay 11 decayed 3 decaying 4 deceased 5 deceit 2 deceitful 12 deceitfully 1 deceive 86 deceived 32 deceiver 3 deceivers 1 deceives 5 deceiving 12 decent 1 decently 1 deception 1 deceptive 5 deceptively 1 decide 151 decided 180 decides 22 deciding 9 decision 9 decision-making 1 decisions 30 decisively 1 deck 1 decks 2 declaration 4 declare 146 declared 118 declares 39 declaring 6 decompose 1 decorate 13 decorated 24 decorating 2 decoration 2 decorations 13 decorative 9 decrease 2 decree 22 decreed 21 decrees 49 decress 1 dedicate 43 dedicated 82 dedicates 1 dedicating 2 dedication 6 deed 12 deeds 126 deep 115 deeper 11 deepest 8 deeply 26 deer 31 defeat 259 defeated 173 defeating 15 defeats 4 defecate 1 defecating 2 defect 5 defective 3 defects 50 defend 77 defended 9 defender 1 defenders 1 defending 6 defends 7 defense 2 defenseless 2 defenses 3 defiantly 1 defied 5 defies 1 defile 21 defiled 25 defiling 3 define 1 definitely 15 definitive 1 deformed 3 defraud 2 defrauded 1 defy 2 degraded 1 degree 4 delay 13 delayed 1 deliberately 11 delicate 3 delicious 12 delight 17 delighted 24 delightful 22 delightfully 1 delights 2 delirious 1 deliver 10 delivered 14 deliverer 1 delivering 3 delivers 1 demand 7 demanded 15 demanding 7 demands 1 demolish 3 demolished 4 demon 27 demonic 1 demons 49 demonstrate 9 demonstrated 2 demonstrates 5 demonstrating 1 den 5 denarii 1 denarius 1 denied 9 denounce 1 dens 6 dense 1 densest 2 deny 10 denying 1 depart 3 departed 3 depend 23 dependable 4 dependant 1 depended 3 depending 5 depends 4 deported 2 deposit 1 deposited 1 depraved 2 depressed 8 depression 1 deprived 1 deprives 1 depth 3 deputy 4 deride 1 derive 1 derived 1 descedants 1 descend 14 descendant 130 descendants 1020 descendants{ 1 descended 209 descendent 3 descendents 2 descending 2 describe 3 described 15 describes 2 description 2 desecrate 4 desecrated 5 desert 182 deserted 30 deserting 1 deserts 6 deserve 99 deserved 16 deserves 42 deserving 2 design 4 designate 1 designated 2 designed 2 designs 11 desirable 1 desire 206 desired 31 desires 89 desiring 11 desolate 39 desolation 1 despair 5 despaired 1 despairingly 1 desperate 5 desperately 4 despise 55 despised 27 despises 7 despising 4 despite 6 destination 1 destine 1 destined 4 destines 1 destiny 1 destroy 413 destroyed 323 destroying 24 destroys 30 destruction 22 destructive 1 detail 2 detailed 1 details 3 determine 34 determined 54 determines 5 determining 1 detest 29 detestable 51 detested 4 detests 6 devastate 1 devastated 3 devastates 1 devastating 1 develop 1 developed 3 device 2 devices 1 devil 41 devil’s 1 devote 4 devoted 20 devotedly 1 devoting 1 devour 3 devoured 5 devouring 1 devours 3 dew 27 diamond 2 dice 2 dictate 1 dictated 8 did 2424 didn't 2 didn’t 4 die 819 die!“ 1 died 624 dies 74 diets 1 differ 1 difference 12 different 121 differently 10 difficult 97 difficulties 18 difficulty 5 dig 17 digest 2 digging 4 dignity 1 digs 5 diligent 1 diligently 5 dill 1 dim 3 dimensions 2 dining 1 dinner 5 dinners 1 dip 17 dipped 6 dipping 2 direct 16 directed 18 directing 4 direction 41 directions 19 directly 16 director 4 directs 11 dirt 41 dirty 5 disabling 1 disagree 1 disagreed 4 disagreement 1 disagreements 1 disappear 71 disappeared 26 disappearing 3 disappears 13 disappoint 4 disappointed 16 disappointment 1 disapproves 1 disassociate 1 disaster 57 disasters 103 disastrous 5 disbelief 1 disbelieve 1 discard 2 discarded 2 discern 3 discerning 1 discernment 1 discharge 3 disciple 38 disciples 421 discipline 20 disciplined 3 disciplines 6 disciplining 5 discloses 1 disclosing 1 discourage 3 discouraged 56 discouraging 2 discover 4 discovered 18 discredit 1 discredited 1 discriminate 1 discuss 7 discussed 6 discussing 3 discussion 1 disdain 1 disease 52 diseased 1 diseases 44 disfigured 2 disgrace 29 disgraced 74 disgraceful 21 disgraces 1 disgracing 1 disguise 1 disguised 3 disgust 1 disgusted 15 disgusting 72 disgusts 1 dish 30 dishes 15 dishonest 13 dishonestly 4 dishonesty 1 dishonor 20 dishonorable 3 dishonored 11 dishonors 4 dislike 1 dislikes 1 disloyal 4 disloyalty 1 dismantle 1 dismantled 1 dismayed 21 dismiss 1 dismissed 2 dismisses 1 disobedient 4 disobey 51 disobeyed 73 disobeying 26 disobeys 6 disorder 1 disorderly 1 dispersed 1 display 18 displayed 3 displease 1 displeased 6 displeases 1 displeasing 5 disprove 1 dispute 13 disputes 26 disregard 5 disregarded 4 disregarding 1 disrespect 8 disrespectful 1 disrespectfully 3 disrespects 2 disrupts 1 dissatisfied 1 distance 56 distances 1 distant 52 distinct 1 distinction 1 distinguish 4 distinguished 1 distort 1 distorted 1 distract 1 distracted 1 distress 18 distressed 69 distribute 12 distributed 11 distributing 1 district 64 districts 3 disturb 5 disturbed 8 ditch 3 ditches 2 diverts 1 divide 34 divided 52 divides 4 dividing 2 divination 3 divine 4 divinely 1 diviners 2 division 1 divisions 3 divisive 1 divorce 14 divorced 7 divorces 7 divorcing 8 do 6322 doctor 7 doctors 5 document 2 documents 3 dodged 1 doe 1 does 826 doesn't 1 dog 10 dogs 34 doing 820 dome 7 domestic 9 domesticated 8 dominate 5 dominated 3 dominates 2 domineering 1 dominions 1 don't 2 donated 2 done 1025 donkey 92 donkey-loads 2 donkeys 90 donkey’s 4 don’t 6 door 73 doorframe 3 doorframes 3 doorkeeper 2 doorpost 1 doorposts 16 doors 56 doorsill 2 doorway 20 doorways 3 double 4 double-edged 1 double-folded 1 doubt 12 doubted 2 doubting 1 doubts 1 dough 15 dove 19 doves 13 dove’s 1 down 1128 downcast 1 downhearted 1 downhill 1 downstairs 2 do{ 1 drag 14 dragged 18 dragging 2 dragon 20 dragons 1 dragon’s 1 drain 11 drained 2 draining 2 dramatic 1 dramatically 1 drank 41 draw 21 drawing 6 drawings 5 drawn 2 draws 1 dread 1 dreaded 1 dreadful 2 dream 87 dreamed 21 dreamer 1 dreamers 1 dreaming 8 dreams 35 drenched 2 dress 5 dressed 7 dressing 1 drew 7 dried 42 dries 11 drink 311 drink-offering 1 drinking 54 drinks 22 drip 1 dripping 5 drips 1 drive 52 driven 14 driver 5 drivers 20 drives 4 driving 11 drop 9 dropped 5 drops 4 dross 4 drought 1 drove 17 drown 4 drowned 14 drugged 1 drums 1 drunk 84 drunkard 1 drunkards 3 drunken 5 drunkenly 1 drunks 1 dry 121 dryValley 1 drying 4 dryness 1 due 3 dug 39 dull 1 dump 7 dumped 1 dumps 1 dung 14 dungeon 6 dungeons 2 durable 2 during 397 dusky 1 dust 54 dusty 2 duties 10 duty 12 dwell 12 dwelled 2 dwelling 2 dwells 8 dyed 8 dying 75 dying{ 1 dynasty 6 dysentery 1 each 1109 eager 32 eagerly 30 eagle 23 eagles 15 eagle’s 1 ear 8 earlier 15 earlobe 3 earlobes 1 early 52 earn 24 earned 14 earnestly 24 earns 3 earring 1 earrings 13 ears 25 earth 734 earthly 4 earthquake 17 earthquakes 6 earthworks 1 easier 9 easily 54 east 263 eastern 26 eastward 2 easy 15 eat 852 eaten 65 eater 1 eating 119 eats 40 eaves 1 ebony 1 echoing 1 ecstatically 1 edge 47 edges 10 edible 1 educated 2 effect 13 effective 1 effectively 4 effort 11 efforts 2 egg 1 eggs 13 eight 45 eighteen 19 eighth 17 eighty 12 eighty-five 2 eighty-four 1 either 68 elaborate 1 elder 4 elders 124 elementary 1 elements 2 eleven 31 eleventh 5 elite 5 eloquent 1 eloquently 1 else 339 elsewhere 3 else’s 28 embalm 3 embalmed 1 embarrass 3 embarrassed 1 embrace 3 embraced 1 embracing 2 embroider 6 embroidered 19 embroidery 1 emerald 5 emerge 1 emission 2 emissions 1 emotion 1 emotionally 1 emotions 6 emperor 16 emphasize 1 emphatically 2 empire 46 empires 1 employer 1 empower 4 empowered 6 empowering 3 empowers 12 emptied 2 empties 2 empty 33 empty-handed 1 emptying 1 enable 305 enabled 159 enables 64 enabling 21 enacted 2 encircled 1 enclose 5 enclosed 2 encounter 1 encountered 1 encourage 58 encouraged 39 encouragement 1 encourages 6 encouraging 10 end 196 endanger 1 endeavor 1 ended 72 ending 8 endless 4 ends 34 endurance 3 endure 61 endured 14 endures 5 enduring 3 enemies 933 enemies{ 1 enemy 161 enemy’s 1 energetic 2 energetically 3 energized 1 energy 3 engage 3 engaged 14 engaging 1 engrave 4 engraved 8 engraver 1 engraves 1 engraving 1 engravings 1 enjoy 76 enjoyable 2 enjoyed 12 enjoying 3 enjoys 5 enlarge 1 enlist 1 enormous 3 enough 212 enraged 1 enraptured 1 enslave 3 enslaved 4 ensure 5 entangle 1 enter 180 entered 92 entering 13 enters 18 entertain 4 entertained 2 entertaining 2 enthusiasm 4 enthusiastic 4 enthusiastically 3 entice 1 enticed 2 enticing 3 entire 115 entirely 7 entitled 2 entrance 173 entrances 16 entrust 2 entrusted 3 entry 4 entryway 1 envied 2 envious 7 envy 9 envying 2 ephah 2 ephod 1 ephods 1 epilepsy 2 epileptics 1 equal 19 equally 7 equip 2 equipment 13 equipped 1 equitable 1 eradicate 1 eradicated 1 erase 3 erased 4 erected 3 erious 1 errors 1 escape 126 escaped 50 escapes 4 escaping 2 escort 5 escorted 3 especially 26 essential 1 establish 18 established 17 establishes 4 establishing 4 estate 3 etched 1 eternal 65 eternally 46 eternity 4 ethnic 1 eunuchs 2 evaluate 6 evaluating 1 evaporates 2 even 1018 evening 152 evenly 1 event 5 events 46 eventually 18 ever 157 everlasting 9 every 567 everybody 3 everyone 556 everyone’s 3 everything 885 everything{ 1 everywhere 115 evidence 7 evident 6 evil 792 evildoers 3 evildoing 1 exact 9 exactly 99 exalt 4 exalted 3 exalting 1 exalts 1 examine 39 examined 6 examines 9 examining 2 example 63 examples 7 exceedingly 5 excel 3 excellent 10 except 24 exception 1 exceptional 1 exceptionally 2 excess 1 excessively 4 exchange 11 exchanged 2 exchanging 1 excite 1 excited 6 excitedly 1 excitement 1 exclaim 2 exclaimed 45 exclude 2 excluded 1 excrement 1 excuse 12 excused 1 execute 65 executed 106 executes 2 executing 2 exempt 3 exercises 1 exerts 1 exhaust 1 exhausted 26 exhaustion 2 exhibit 3 exhibited 1 exhort 1 exile 21 exiled 62 exiles 4 exist 56 existed 33 existence 2 existing 1 exists 26 exists{ 1 exits 2 exodus 1 expanded 1 expands 1 expansive 1 expect 114 expectantly 3 expected 15 expecting 24 expects 6 expel 25 expelled 13 expelling 2 expense 2 expenses 4 expensive 34 experience 163 experienced 48 experiences 4 experiencing 23 expert 4 experts 6 explain 38 explained 24 explaining 1 explains 4 explanation 1 explore 11 explored 12 explores 3 expose 2 exposed 2 express 5 expressed 1 expressing 3 expression 1 expressions 1 extend 37 extended 53 extending 10 extends 17 extent 5 exterior 1 extinguish 5 extinguished 4 extinguishing 1 extorting 1 extra 20 extraordinary 1 extremely 111 eye 37 eyebrows 2 eyelids 1 eyes 134 eyewitnesses 1 fabric 2 fabrics 2 fabulously 1 face 174 face-to-face 1 faced 27 facedown 7 faces 47 facing 23 fact 145 factor 1 facts 3 fade 3 faded 5 fades 2 fading 1 fail 19 failed 10 failing 3 fails 2 failure 1 faint 10 fainted 3 fainting 2 fair 52 fairest 1 fairly 59 fairness 1 faith 21 faithful 113 faithfully 243 faithfulness 7 faithfuly 1 faithless 9 faithlessly 1 falcon 1 falcons 1 fall 165 fallen 24 falling 22 fallow 1 falls 31 false 116 falsely 39 fame 6 familiar 1 families 88 family 406 family!“ 1 family's 2 family’s 5 famine 52 famines 27 famous 43 fan 1 fancy 6 far 276 far-away 2 farewell 1 farm 3 farmed 1 farmer 37 farmers 22 farming 5 farmland 4 farmlands 1 farms 6 farther 14 farthest 2 fashioned 2 fast 47 fast-moving 1 fasted 9 fasten 41 fastened 53 fasteners 5 fastening 9 faster 4 fastest 2 fasting 11 fat 104 fate 1 father 724 father's 18 father-in-law 20 father-in-law’s 1 fatherless 1 fathers 34 father’s 70 fatten 1 fattened 7 fatty 3 fault 13 faultless 3 faults 11 favor 30 favorable 4 favorably 4 favored 3 favoring 1 favorite 3 favorites 1 favors 6 fawns 1 fear 43 feared 5 fearful 6 fearfully 4 fearing 2 fearless 3 fearlessly 1 fears 2 fearsome 1 feast 67 feasted 2 feasting 8 feasts 6 feast{ 1 feathers 4 feces 1 fed 9 feed 22 feeding 9 feeds 3 feel 102 feeling 14 feelings 5 feels 5 feet 160 fell 101 fellow 364 fellow-Israelites 1 fellow-believers 2 fellowship 42 felt 46 female 89 females 1 fence 4 fences 2 fermentation 1 fermented 7 ferments 2 fertile 46 fertility 7 fertilize 1 fertilized 1 fervently 4 festering 1 festival 105 festivals 46 fetched 1 fever 16 fevers 2 few 100 fewer 9 fiancé 1 fiancée 5 field 152 fields 209 field{ 1 fierce 13 fiercely 6 fiercer 1 fiery 9 fifteen 13 fifteenth 10 fifth 29 fifties 1 fiftieth 1 fifty 33 fifty-five 3 fifty-four 12 fifty-two 3 fig 46 fight 333 fighting 84 fights 6 figs 40 figurative 2 figure 20 figures 29 fill 39 filled 107 filling 9 fills 6 filtered 1 filth 4 filthiness 1 filthy 12 final 19 finally 42 finances 3 financial 2 financially 1 find 353 finding 2 finds 22 fine 102 finely 26 finely-ground 6 finest 9 finger 18 fingernails 2 fingers 18 finish 35 finished 166 finishes 5 finishing 4 fins 5 fir 4 fire 386 fireplaces 1 fires 20 firewood 9 fire}wood 2 fire’s 1 firm 9 firmly 40 firsborn 1 first 501 firstborn 70 firstly 1 fish 90 fished 1 fishermen 6 fishhook 1 fishing 15 fist 13 fists 6 fit 20 fits 5 five 202 five-and-a-half 1 fix 3 fixed 5 fixing 1 flag 21 flagpole 1 flags 5 flakes 1 flame 11 flamed 2 flames 21 flaming 11 flap 1 flapped 1 flares 1 flash 15 flashed 9 flashes 11 flashing 5 flasks 1 flat 30 flatbread 1 flatten 2 flattened 1 flatter 4 flattering 2 flattery 2 flavor 2 flavorless 1 flawless 1 flaws 1 flaws{this 1 flax 5 flea 2 fled 43 flee 38 fleece 6 fleeing 7 flees 1 fleet 7 flesh 62 flesh-eating 1 flew 11 flies 23 flimsy 1 fling 1 flint 2 flipped 1 flirting 1 flittering 1 float 3 floated 3 floats 1 flock 29 flocks 69 flog 1 flogged 1 flood 53 flooded 4 floodgates 1 flooding 4 floods 10 floodwaters 5 floor 19 flour 194 flourish 2 flow 54 flowed 24 flower 11 flowers 36 flowing 25 flown 1 flows 26 fluently 2 fluid 6 flung 1 flute 9 flutes 8 fluttering 1 flutters 1 fly 22 flying 13 foam 4 foamed 1 foams 2 focus 15 focused 2 focusing 2 fodder 1 folded 4 folding 4 folds 3 foliage 1 follow 85 followed 68 follower 2 followers 14 following 86 follows 10 folly 7 fond 1 fondled 2 food 600 foods 11 fool 47 fooling 3 foolish 164 foolishly 17 foolishness 10 fools 16 foot 26 foothills 18 footprints 3 footsteps 2 footstool 4 for 6536 forbade 1 forbid 2 forbidden 15 forbids 2 force 121 forced 166 forceful 1 forcefully 4 forces 16 forcibly 3 forcing 24 ford 2 fords 2 forefathers 2 forefinger 2 forehead 11 foreheads 11 foreign 69 foreigner 33 foreigners 91 foreigners{ 1 foreman 2 foreskin 3 foreskins 4 forest 31 forests 17 foretold 6 forever 508 forgave 11 forget 175 forgets 6 forgetting 2 forgive 199 forgiven 44 forgiveness 2 forgives 5 forgiving 7 forgot 24 forgotten 43 fork 5 forks 5 form 34 formally 1 formation 4 formed 29 former 10 formerly 19 forming 5 forms 4 forsake 4 forsaken 3 fort 3 forth 18 fortifications 2 fortified 10 fortifying 1 fortress 33 fortresses 20 forts 7 fortunate 51 fortune 9 fortune-tellers 7 forty 73 forty-eight 1 forty-five 1 forty-four 1 forty-nine 2 forty-one 6 forty-six 2 forty-two 6 forward 30 fought 89 foul 1 found 209 foundation 58 foundations 21 founded 2 founder 1 fountain 13 fountains 1 four 238 four-and-a-half 1 four-fifths 25 four-legged 1 fourteen 32 fourteenth 19 fourth 44 fox 1 foxes 2 fragile 4 fragrance 10 fragrant 20 frail 7 frame 16 framed 2 frames 33 framework 3 frankincense 5 free 154 freed 29 freedom 4 freeing 2 freely 17 frees 7 freezes 2 frequent 1 frequently 19 fresh 19 freshly 1 friend 75 friendly 7 friends 131 friendship 40 friend’s 1 frighten 4 frightened 18 frightening 2 fringe 1 frogs 18 from 6459 front 452 frost 4 frosty 1 frowned 1 frowning 1 frozen 2 fruit 146 fruitful 4 fruitless 1 fruits 1 frustrated 2 fuel 6 fugitive 3 fulfill 15 fulfilled 12 fulfilling 2 fulfillment 1 fulfills 1 full 172 full-grown 3 fully 57 fumes 1 fun 72 function 3 functioned 1 functions 3 funds 7 funeral 17 funerals 3 furious 23 furiously 15 furnace 22 furnished 1 furnishings 1 furrows 4 further 35 future 122 gain 37 gained 11 gaining 1 gains 1 galbanum 1 galleries 1 gallop 1 galloping 2 gambled 3 gambling 3 game 2 games 5 gang 1 gape 1 gaps 3 garbage 6 garden 46 gardener 7 gardener’s 1 gardens 15 garlic 1 garment 23 garments 12 garnet 1 garrison 2 gash 1 gashing 1 gasp 4 gasps 1 gate 159 gatekeeper 4 gatekeepers 31 gateposts 2 gates 149 gateway 25 gateways 2 gateway’s 1 gate’s 2 gather 190 gathered 223 gathering 21 gatherings 1 gathers 6 gave 963 gaze 2 gazelle 6 gazelles 3 geckos 1 gem 3 gems 3 gemstones 2 gender 2 genealogies 2 general 5 generals 5 generation 25 generations 35 generous 11 generously 22 genitalia 1 genitals 1 gentle 20 gently 10 genuine 8 genuinely 7 gerahs 1 gesture 1 get 669 gets 42 getting 44 ghost 5 giant 7 giants 18 gift 75 gifted 8 gifts 137 girl 33 girls 29 girl’s 3 give 1134 given 388 gives 187 giving 235 glad 53 gladly 16 glass 5 glaze 1 gleam 2 gleaming 2 glided 1 glisten 1 glistened 1 glittering 2 gloat 4 gloated 1 gloom 3 gloomy 5 glorified 5 glorifies 1 glorify 21 glorifying 2 glorious 124 gloriously 8 glory 67 glowing 2 glows 1 gluttons 1 gnash 3 gnats 5 go 1426 goad 1 goads 2 goal 8 goals 1 goat 83 goat's 2 goats 135 goat’s 9 gobble 1 gobbled 2 gobbling 1 god 190 goddess 49 godless 12 godly 3 gods 358 god’s 3 goes 87 going 414 gold 476 gold-covered 1 golden 28 goldsmiths 3 gone 166 good 1150 good-looking 2 good-tasting 1 goodbye 8 goodness 8 goods 18 gopher 1 gores 4 gorge 6 gorged 2 goring 1 gorwing 1 gospel 2 gossip 4 gossipping 1 gossips 1 got 258 gotten 34 gouge 4 gouged 6 gouges 1 gouging 1 gourds 6 govern 14 governed 1 governing 7 government 42 governments 7 governor 81 governors 25 governor’s 5 governs 3 gown 1 grab 10 grabbed 30 grabbing 3 grace 1 graceful 2 gracious 19 graciously 13 gradually 2 graft 1 grafted 6 grain 309 grain-fed 1 grains 19 grams 21 grand 2 grandchildren 27 granddaughter 10 granddaughters 1 grandeur 1 grandfather 11 grandfather’s 1 grandmother 4 grandparents 4 grandson 53 grandsons 14 grant 4 granted 1 grape 8 grape-treaders 1 grapes 131 grapevine 19 grapevines 40 grasp 4 grasped 5 grass 84 grasshoppers 10 grate 2 grateful 4 gratefully 1 gratify 1 grating 6 grave 34 gravediggers 1 gravel 2 graves 31 graveyard 2 gray 8 gray-haired 4 graze 10 grazed 1 grazing 7 great 628 great-grandchildren 1 great-grandfather 2 great-grandson 6 great-great-grandchildren 2 great-great-grandfather 1 great-great-grandson 2 greater 94 greatest 37 greatly 128 greatness 6 greed 1 greedily 3 greedy 16 green 39 greenish 2 greet 51 greeted 16 greeting 3 greetings 29 grew 79 griddle 1 grief 6 grieve 18 grieved 8 grieving 18 grind 13 grinding 12 grinds 1 gripped 1 gripping 1 groan 24 groaned 2 groaning 16 groans 1 groom 4 groomsman 1 grope 1 groped 1 groping 3 ground 479 grounds 2 group 547 grouped 1 groups 411 grove 3 groves 5 grow 154 growing 45 growl 5 growls 1 grown 33 grows 39 growth 3 grudge 2 grudgingly 1 grumble 5 grumbled 5 grumbling 3 guarantee 17 guaranteed 2 guaranteeing 1 guarantees 4 guard 84 guarded 37 guardian 3 guardians 9 guarding 19 guards 94 guest 5 guests 28 guidance 4 guide 30 guided 11 guides 9 guiding 7 guilt 80 guiltless 1 guilty 180 guitars 1 gull 1 gush 3 gushed 2 gushing 1 gutter 3 guy 2 habit 1 habits 1 habitually 13 had 4333 hail 16 hailstones 7 hailstorm 2 hair 115 hairdos 1 hairs 6 hairstyles 2 hairy 3 half 108 half-brother 6 half-brothers 1 half-drunk 1 half-meter 2 half-sister 6 half-sisters 1 half-tribe 1 half-weight 1 halfway 3 hall 11 halves 3 hammer 11 hammered 10 hammering 1 hammers 3 hammock 1 hamstrung 2 hand 268 hand-spinning 1 handed 19 handful 7 handfuls 2 handing 1 handle 6 handled 1 handles 1 handmaid 1 handmill 1 hands 257 handsome 15 handwriting 2 hang 23 hanged 7 hanging 11 hangings 4 hangs 3 happen 795 happened 432 happening 87 happens 197 happier 3 happiest 2 happily 13 happiness 6 happy 228 harassing 1 harbor 6 hard 181 hard-working 1 harden 1 hardened 1 harder 10 hardest 1 hardly 8 hardship 8 hardships 18 harem 9 harlot 1 harm 128 harmed 27 harmful 4 harming 6 harmless 3 harms 7 harnesses 1 harp 23 harpoon 1 harps 33 harrow 1 harsh 7 harshly 22 harvest 131 harvested 23 harvester 1 harvesters 6 harvesting 16 harvests 15 has 2915 hastily 1 hatch 3 hate 126 hated 40 hateful 1 hatefully 1 hates 40 hating 3 hatred 3 haughty 1 haul 2 have 6579 having 146 hawk 3 hawks 3 hay 4 he 9735 he-goats 1 head 244 headbands 1 headdress 1 headed 8 heading 1 headquarters 4 heads 134 headscarf 1 heal 98 healed 111 healing 25 healings 1 heals 6 health 8 healthy 38 healthy-looking 3 heap 19 heaps 10 hear 307 heard 691 hearers 1 hearing 18 hears 34 heart 46 hearth 2 hearts 25 heat 12 heated 2 heathen 5 heats 1 heaven 480 heavenly 6 heavens 52 heaven{ 1 heavier 5 heavily 2 heavy 44 hectare 1 hedge 1 hedges 2 heed 8 heeded 3 heeding 2 heel 3 heel-grabber 1 heels 3 hefty 1 heifer 3 height 4 heir 4 heirs 2 held 53 hell 23 hello 2 helmet 9 helmets 5 help 840 helped 133 helper 4 helpers 10 helpful 7 helping 65 helpless 26 helplessly 1 helps 40 hen 2 henna 1 her 1272 herald 2 heralds 1 herbs 5 herd 11 herding 1 herds 22 herdsmen 6 here 821 hereby 1 heroes 2 heron 2 herself 37 hesitate 1 hesitated 1 hid 39 hidden 49 hide 102 hideout 2 hides 14 hiding 42 high 327 high-ranking 1 higher 17 highest 43 highlands 3 highly 20 highway 7 highways 2 hill 179 hill-country 1 hills 146 hillside 10 hillsides 4 hilltop 10 hilltops 22 hilly 1 him 6135 himself 492 him{ 1 hind 3 hinder 2 hindered 2 hinges 3 hip 4 hippopotamuses 2 hips 1 hire 12 hired 27 hires 3 his 5816 hiss 5 historic 1 histories 1 history 8 hit 25 hitch 2 hitched 2 hits 5 hitting 7 hoard 1 hoed 1 hogs 1 hoisted 1 hold 93 holder 1 holders 5 holding 38 holds 15 hole 18 holes 16 holiday 4 holidays 2 holiest 1 holiness 7 hollow 3 holy 320 home 366 homeland 4 homeless 2 homes 79 homesick 1 hometown 18 hometowns 2 honest 37 honestly 11 honey 41 honeycomb 6 honeycombs 2 honor 494 honorable 12 honorably 1 honored 120 honoring 30 honors 24 hook 4 hooks 24 hoopoe 1 hoopoes 1 hoot 1 hooves 20 hope 154 hoped 12 hopeful 1 hopefully 1 hopeless 3 hoping 22 hopping 2 hordes 1 horizon 1 horn 25 horned 1 hornets 1 hornlike 1 horns 54 horrible 10 horrified 23 horror 3 horse 33 horseback 2 horsefly 1 horsemen 8 horses 190 horse’s 1 hospitable 1 hospitality 1 host 5 hostage 1 hosted 4 hostile 12 hostility 1 hosting 1 hosts 3 hot 82 hot-tempered 1 hottest 2 hour 5 hours 7 house 551 housed 1 household 51 households 1 houses 197 housetop 4 house{ 2 house’s 1 housing 1 hovering 1 hovers 1 how 1017 however 26 howl 3 howled 1 howling 1 hubs 1 huddle 1 huddled 1 huge 210 hugged 5 hull 1 human 148 humanity 11 humanity’s 2 humans 66 human’s 2 humble 65 humbled 20 humbles 4 humbly 27 humiliate 7 humiliated 27 humiliation 2 humility 1 hunchback 1 hundred 138 hundred-year-old 1 hundreds 4 hung 14 hunger 27 hungry 88 hunt 8 hunted 6 hunter 10 hunters 2 hunting 3 hunts 3 hurl 2 hurled 5 hurling 1 hurried 9 hurriedly 1 hurries 1 hurry 11 hurrying 1 hurt 51 hurtful 1 hurting 16 hurts 8 husband 145 husbands 60 husband’s 4 husks 1 hut 3 huts 1 hyenas 1 hymn 2 hymns 1 hypocrisy 1 hypocrite 3 hypocrites 18 hyraxes 1 hyssop 10 ice 23 idea 12 ideas 4 identified 2 identifies 1 identify 7 idiot 1 idle 1 idly 1 idol 70 idolatrously 1 idolatry 3 idols 399 if 1678 ignite 1 ignorant 7 ignorantly 4 ignore 23 ignored 18 ignores 3 ignoring 6 ill 17 illegally 1 illegitimate 4 illness 18 illnesses 6 illustrate 8 illustrates 2 illustration 5 image 15 images 16 imagination 1 imagine 14 imagined 3 imitate 18 imitated 11 imitating 3 immature 12 immeasurably 2 immediately 93 immense 3 immoral 40 immorality 7 immorally 9 immortal 1 impale 2 impaled 1 impartial 1 impatient 5 imperfection 1 imperfections 2 impious 3 implements 7 importance 2 important 324 importantly 1 imported 2 imposed 2 imposing 1 impossible 27 impoverishing 1 impress 2 impressed 5 impressive 3 imprison 1 imprisoned 6 improper 12 improperly 1 improve 1 improved 1 improving 1 impure 17 impurely 1 impurities 6 in 12639 inactive 1 inadequate 1 inappropriate 5 inappropriately 1 inaugurating 1 incapacitated 1 incense 180 inches 1 incite 3 incited 8 include 53 included 70 includes 26 including 185 income 1 incomparable 1 incomplete 1 incompletely 11 incorrect 2 increase 28 increased 7 increases 2 increasing 4 increasingly 3 indebted 1 indecent 2 indecently 1 indeed 25 indented 2 indicate 21 indicated 20 indicates 3 indicating 1 indignant 1 indirectly 1 individual 2 individuals 2 induce 4 induced 17 inedible 3 inexperienced 1 infant 3 infantry 2 infants 11 infected 2 infectious 1 inferior 2 infidelity 1 infirmity 1 inflammation 1 inflict 1 inflicted 1 influence 5 influences 1 influential 9 inform 8 information 6 informed 4 informing 2 ingredients 2 inhabitants 3 inhabited 1 inherently 1 inherit 33 inheritance 13 inherited 4 inheriting 1 inherits 2 iniquities 1 initiates 1 injure 13 injured 27 injures 5 injuries 2 injuring 2 injury 5 injustice 2 injustly 1 ink 4 inlaid 1 inland 1 inlays 1 inmost 2 inn 1 inner 196 innermost 4 innkeeper 1 innocence 1 innocent 96 innocently 2 inquire 4 inquired 3 inquires 1 insane 10 inscribed 3 inscription 1 insect 1 insects 5 insert 4 inside 207 insides 1 insight 8 insights 1 insignificant 20 insincerely 1 insist 11 insisted 8 insisting 5 insists 1 insolent 3 inspect 4 inspected 1 inspection 1 inspire 3 inspired 9 inspires 1 installed 5 instance 3 instant 2 instantly 1 instead 216 instinctively 1 instincts 1 instituted 2 institutes 1 instruct 15 instructed 34 instructing 2 instruction 13 instructions 78 instrument 3 instruments 32 instrument{ 1 insult 47 insulted 40 insulting 11 insultingly 2 insults 11 insure 1 intelligent 12 intelligently 2 intend 8 intended 24 intending 9 intends 9 intense 2 intensely 7 intensified 1 intentionally 1 intently 5 intercede 1 interceded 1 intercourse 3 interest 20 interested 7 interesting 1 interfere 2 interfered 1 interfering 1 interior 1 interpeters 1 interpret 11 interpreter 1 intersection 1 intersections 1 intervene 1 interviewed 1 intestinal 2 intestines 5 into 1253 intoxicated 1 introduce 3 introduced 4 introduces 1 introducing 3 invade 14 invaded 12 invades 1 invading 2 invalid 2 invalidate 1 invent 1 invented 1 inventive 1 invest 3 investigate 7 investigated 5 invitation 3 invitations 1 invite 23 invited 58 invites 8 inviting 2 invoke 2 invokes 1 involuntarily 1 involved 4 involves 1 inward 1 inwardly 3 iron 90 irrigate 1 irritated 1 is 9174 is!“ 1 island 26 islands 13 isn't 1 isolated 2 issue 2 issued 3 issues 1 is{ 4 it 5434 it's 1 itch 3 itching 2 item 12 items 63 its 516 itself 21 iving 1 ivory 13 jacinth 3 jackal 1 jackals 15 jail 17 jailer 10 jailers 1 jailor 2 jar 36 jars 20 jasper 7 javelins 2 jaw 1 jawbone 4 jaws 7 jealous 28 jealously 2 jeering 1 jeopardize 1 jewel 4 jewelry 19 jewels 17 jingle 1 job 10 jobs 4 join 76 joined 82 joining 8 joins 9 joint 1 jointed 1 joints 2 joists 1 joke 1 jokes 2 joking 2 journey 27 journeys 1 joy 32 joyful 84 joyfully 121 judge 271 judged 19 judgement 2 judges 109 judge’s 5 judging 11 judgment 26 judgments 1 judicial 1 jug 15 jugs 1 juice 18 juicing 1 jump 8 jumped 14 jumps 3 jungle 2 just 766 justice 23 justly 76 juts 1 katydids 1 keep 353 keeper 1 keeping 23 keeps 38 kept 212 kernels 3 kettles 1 key 3 kick 1 kicking 3 kidnap 1 kidnapper 1 kidnaps 2 kidneys 13 kill 675 killed 698 killer 10 killing 49 killing-destroyer 1 kills 30 kilo 1 kilogram 14 kilograms 72 kiloliters 8 kilometer 2 kilometers 29 kind 329 kindhearted 1 kindled 2 kindly 112 kindness 15 kindred 1 kinds 129 king 2263 king's 10 kingdom 163 kingdom.“ 1 kingdoms 52 kings 377 king’s 212 kinsmen 3 kiss 18 kissed 21 kisses 5 kissing 7 kitchens 1 kites 2 knead 1 kneaded 1 kneel 5 kneeling 2 knees 13 knelt 26 knew 165 knife 8 knives 7 knock 5 knocked 8 knocking 3 knocks 4 know 1498 knowing 51 knowledge 35 knowledgeably 1 known 83 knows 159 koum 1 labor 15 labored 3 laborers 6 labors 1 lack 13 lackeys 1 lacking 5 ladders 1 ladies 1 lady 2 laid 36 lain 3 lake 25 lakes 2 lama 2 lamb 75 lambs 96 lamb’s 6 lame 15 lament 7 lamented 3 lamenting 1 lamp 32 lamps 44 lampstand 39 lampstands 7 land 1666 landed 7 landfill 1 landowner 9 landowners 5 lands 68 language 84 languages 40 lanterns 1 lap 5 lapped 1 large 285 larger 20 largest 7 larvae 1 lashes 1 last 121 lasted 2 lasting 7 lasts 10 late 19 later 215 latrine 1 lattice 4 laugh 41 laughed 8 laughing 8 laughs 7 launching 1 laundrymen 1 lavish 1 lavishly 1 law 318 lawbreaking 1 lawless 4 lawlessly 1 laws 431 lawyer 2 lay 73 layed 1 layer 7 layers 5 laying 2 lays 3 laziness 1 lazy 25 lead 136 leader 256 leaders 732 leadership 1 leader’s 1 leading 51 leads 44 leaf 3 leafy 1 leak 1 lean 3 leaned 5 leaning 4 leap 3 leaped 2 leaping 3 leaps 2 learn 109 learned 85 learning 17 learns 5 leash 1 least 68 leather 34 leave 320 leaven 2 leaves 50 leaving 39 led 157 ledge 10 ledges 2 leeches 1 leeks 1 left 691 left-handed 2 leftover 6 leg 4 legal 3 legally 3 legs 47 lend 22 lenders 3 lending 5 lends 6 length 6 lengthwise 1 lent 7 lentil 1 lentils 3 leopard 4 leopards 4 leper 7 lepers 3 leprosy 30 less 38 lessen 2 lessened 1 lesser 1 lesson 5 lessons 20 lest 2 let 323 let's 13 lets 8 letter 163 letters 46 letting 11 let’s 1 level 26 levels 7 liar 7 liars 13 liberate 2 liberated 1 liberates 3 liberation 1 lice 1 lick 2 licked 3 lid 28 lie 135 lied 13 lies 136 life 400 life-and-death 1 life-giving 1 life-saving 2 lifeboat 4 lifeless 8 lifetime 5 lifetimes 1 lift 44 lifted 51 lifting 1 lifts 6 light 236 lightened 1 lighter 2 lighting 4 lightning 46 lights 9 like 3036 liked 19 likely 3 likeness 2 likes 5 likewise 6 lilies 6 lily 6 limb 1 limbs 1 lime 1 limit 7 limited 2 limits 4 limp 2 limping 1 line 39 lineage 2 lined 5 linen 96 lines 10 lintel 1 lion 67 lioness 2 lionesses 2 lions 68 lion’s 3 lips 14 liquid 7 liquids 1 list 51 listed 28 listen 414 listened 52 listener 1 listeners 1 listening 76 listens 12 listent 1 lists 6 lit 10 liter 19 liters 73 litter 3 little 166 liturgically 1 live 1535 lived 619 livelihoods 1 liver 12 livers 1 lives 322 livestock 66 living 528 living!“ 1 lizard 1 lizards 2 load 9 loaded 12 loading 3 loads 16 loaf 23 loan 7 loaned 2 loans 4 loathe 1 loaves 50 lobes 1 local 4 located 11 location 19 lock 5 locked 18 locking 5 locks 1 locust 1 locusts 49 lodge 2 lodging 2 log 1 logs 23 loincloths 1 lonely 4 long 598 long-haired 1 long-sleeved 5 longed 4 longer 449 longing 6 longingly 1 longings 2 long}before 1 look 196 looked 179 looking 82 lookouts 2 looks 37 loom 5 loops 13 loose 7 loosed 1 loosened 2 lops 1 lord 2 lords 4 lose 35 loser 1 loses 2 losing 4 loss 4 lost 49 lot 144 lotion 1 lotions 2 lots 46 lotus 2 loud 66 louder 6 loudly 121 lounge 1 lounging 1 lousy 1 love 604 loved 97 lovely 5 lovemaking 1 lover 2 lovers 7 loves 146 loving 47 lovingly 9 low 12 lower 35 lowered 15 lowest 3 lowlands 3 lowly 1 loyal 60 loyally 4 loyalty 4 luck 1 lukewarm 1 lulled 1 lumber 9 lump 14 lunch 1 lure 1 lures 1 lurk 1 lush 2 lust 6 lusted 1 lustful 3 lustfully 1 lusting 1 lusts 1 lust{ful 1 lutes 1 luxuriantly 1 luxuries 3 luxurious 3 luxuriously 2 luxury 2 lye 1 lying 105 lyre 5 lyres 18 machines 1 mad 1 made 1310 madman 1 madman’s 1 maggots 9 magic 33 magician 4 magicians 5 magnificent 6 maid 1 maids 3 maimed 1 main 28 maintain 7 majestic 13 majestically 2 majesty 14 make 1089 makes 178 making 154 male 190 males 44 malicious 1 maliciously 5 mama 1 mammals 1 man 1635 man's 7 manage 5 managed 5 management 1 manager 14 manages 1 managing 2 mandrake 1 manes 1 maneuvering 1 manifested 1 mankind 12 mankind{'s 1 manna 19 manner 44 mansions 1 manual 1 manure 6 manuscripts 21 many 1340 man{ 1 man’s 69 map 2 marble 7 march 41 marched 45 marches 1 marching 21 marital 3 mark 25 marked 11 marker 2 markers 5 market 6 marketplace 9 marketplaces 6 markets 1 marks 5 marriage 14 married 158 marries 21 marrow 1 marry 144 marrying 9 marshes 2 marshland 1 marvel 4 marveled 7 marveling 1 marvelous 15 mashed 1 masons 3 mass 2 massacre 1 massive 1 mast 1 master 126 master's 8 masters 36 master’s 5 masts 1 mat 6 match 1 matched 2 matches 3 mate 12 material 13 materials 14 mating 6 mats 1 matter 71 matters 36 mattresses 1 mature 13 maul 1 mauled 4 may 614 maybe 4 mayor 2 me 6842 me!“ 1 meadow 3 meadows 3 meal 86 meals 6 mean 55 meaning 51 meaningless 4 means 214 meant 33 meantime 3 measure 28 measured 55 measurements 3 measures 11 measuring 21 meat 198 meddling 1 mediate 1 mediator 1 medicinal 1 medicine 6 medicines 1 meditate 9 meditated 2 meditating 1 meet 94 meeting 71 meetings 4 meets 6 melons 2 melt 8 melted 9 melting 2 melts 7 member 24 members 72 memorial 3 memorialize 3 memories 1 memorize 1 memorized 2 memory 3 men 2024 mend 4 mended 1 mending 1 mene 1 menservants 2 menstrual 13 menstruating 2 mention 11 mentioned 5 mentioning 2 mentions 1 men{ 1 men’s 4 mercenaries 2 merchandise 1 merchant 4 merchants 34 merciful 50 mercifully 128 merciless 1 mercilessly 1 mercy 35 mere 4 merely 13 message 669 messages 151 messenger 53 messengers 116 met 82 metal 43 metals 4 metalworker 3 meter 28 meters 191 metric 27 me{ 2 mice 1 midday 4 middle 74 midnight 11 midst 13 midwife 2 midwives 5 might 197 mightier 2 mighty 64 migration 1 mild 1 mildew 30 mildewed 1 mile 1 miles 5 military 3 milk 28 mill 1 millet 1 million 4 millions 2 mills 1 millstone 5 millstones 3 mina 1 mind 87 minds 31 mindset 1 mine 51 miners 1 mines 2 minister 1 ministers 1 ministry 6 minor 1 mint 1 minute 2 minutes 1 miracle 35 miracles 110 miraculous 32 miraculously 7 mirror 4 mirrors 2 miscarriages 2 miscarry 2 miserable 20 misery 7 misfortunes 1 misinterpret 1 mislead 2 misleading 3 misled 1 miss 4 missing 7 mission 1 mist 8 mistake 6 mistakenly 2 mistakes 1 mister 1 mistreat 24 mistreated 10 mistreating 3 mistreats 1 mistress 3 mistresses 2 misunderstood 1 misuse 1 mix 14 mixed 68 mixer 2 mixing 5 mixture 4 moan 7 moaned 1 moaning 1 moat 1 mob 8 mobilize 1 mock 26 mocked 6 mocker 1 mockers 3 mockery 1 mocking 8 mocks 2 model 5 models 9 moderately 1 moderation 1 modest 1 modestly 1 modesty 1 moist 1 moisture 5 mold 8 molded 5 molding 10 molds 5 moldy 2 molested 1 mollify 1 moment 26 momentous 1 money 483 moneychangers 1 moneylender 1 monitor 1 monkeys 1 monster 14 month 201 monthly 3 months 58 monument 13 monuments 2 mood 1 mooing 2 moon 71 moons 2 moral 6 morally 5 morals 1 more 1034 morning 267 mornings 1 morning{ 1 mortal 1 mortar 2 mosaic 1 most 213 mostly 1 moth 2 mother 272 mother's 2 mother-in-law 15 mothers 31 mothers-in-law 2 mother’s 48 moths 8 motioned 5 motions 3 motivate 1 motivated 9 motivates 2 motives 4 mound 1 mounds 4 mount 3 mountain 160 mountains 160 mountainside 1 mountainsides 1 mountaintops 3 mounted 3 mountings 1 mourn 80 mourned 19 mourners 2 mourning 55 mouth 58 mouths 32 move 71 moved 67 moves 9 moving 24 mown 1 much 595 mud 24 muddied 1 muddy 4 mulberry 1 mule 6 mules 12 multiple 1 multiplied 3 multiply 4 murder 64 murdered 40 murderer 15 murderers 11 murdering 23 murders 13 muscle 5 muscles 2 music 22 musical 21 musician 3 musicians 16 must 2366 mustard 5 mutter 2 mutually 3 my 3143 myrrh 13 myrtle 6 myself 191 mysteries 4 mysterious 5 mystery 1 nag 1 nagging 1 nail 7 nailed 15 nailing 13 nails 5 naked 31 nakedness 2 name 422 name-stones 2 named 333 names 189 nap 3 nard 3 narrow 17 narrower 2 nation 184 national 1 nations 463 nation’s 1 native 9 native-born 1 natives 1 natural 14 naturally 9 nature 11 natures 2 navel 1 near 469 nearby 105 neared 1 nearer 2 nearly 9 nearsighted 1 neatly 2 necessary 46 necessity 1 neck 39 necklace 4 necklaces 5 necks 14 need 361 needed 82 needing 2 needle 3 needs 38 needy 39 neglect 2 neglected 1 neglecting 1 neigh 2 neighbor 23 neighborhood 1 neighborhoods 1 neighboring 6 neighbors 26 neighbor’s 3 neighing 1 neither 20 nephew 10 nest 7 nests 22 net 29 nets 19 nettles 1 network 2 networks 2 neutral 1 never 704 never-ending 1 new 290 newborn 7 newer 3 newly 3 news 254 next 302 nice 24 nice-smelling 2 nicest 1 nickname 3 night 341 nights 30 nighttime 8 night{time} 3 nine 40 nineteen 4 ninety 2 ninety-eight 1 ninety-nine 2 ninth 11 no 1659 noble 2 nobleman 1 noblemen 1 nobles 4 nobody 8 noise 37 noises 1 noisily 2 noisy 6 nomad 1 non 1 non-Israelite 2 non-Israelites 5 non-Jew 4 non-Jewish 48 non-Jews 71 non-Jew’s 1 non-living 1 non-native 1 nonbelievers 1 none 83 nonsense 4 noon 14 noontime 13 nor 52 normal 11 normally 11 north 223 northeast 22 northern 45 northward 1 northwest 11 nose 13 noses 6 nostrils 4 not 8733 note 16 noted 1 nothing 264 notice 15 noticed 21 notices 1 noticing 3 nourish 1 now 1163 nowhere 1 now{ 1 now}.“ 1 number 115 numbered 3 numbers 10 numerous 53 nurse 4 nursed 6 nursemaid 3 nurses 2 nursing 7 nurturing 1 nutrients 1 nuts 1 oak 26 oars 3 oath 16 oaths 6 obedient 4 obediently 1 obey 609 obeyed 134 obeying 87 obeys 21 object 14 objected 3 objection 1 objects 10 obligated 8 obligates 1 obligation 2 obliterated 1 obscene 1 obscure 1 observe 14 observed 5 observes 2 observing 3 obsessed 1 obsessive 1 obstacles 2 obstinate 4 obtain 12 obtained 6 obtaining 1 obtains 2 obvious 6 obviously 1 occasion 2 occasionally 1 occasions 1 occupations 1 occupied 10 occupy 51 occupying 3 occur 21 occurred 10 occurs 3 ocean 63 oceans 35 ocean’s 1 odor 11 of 24648 ofIsrael 1 ofJudah 1 ofValley 1 off 292 offend 7 offended 13 offender 1 offends 1 offense 1 offensive 4 offer 235 offered 117 offering 348 offerings 356 offerings{ 1 offers 9 office 1 officer 45 officers 104 officer’s 1 offices 2 official 84 officially 3 officials 310 officials{ 1 official’s 1 offshoot 1 offspring 7 offsrping 1 often 64 oil 243 oils 1 ointment 4 ointments 2 okay 2 old 408 old-age 1 older 106 oldest 87 old{ 1 olive 217 olives 20 omens 1 omer 1 on 4572 once 83 one 3468 one's 1 one-fifth 15 one-fourth 1 one-half 72 one-hundred 1 one-quarter 1 one-tenth 14 one-third 38 one-year-old 14 ones 223 oneself 2 one’s 2 onions 1 only 1002 onto 68 onward 1 onycha 1 onyx 10 oozes 1 open 136 opened 51 opening 20 openings 2 openly 11 opens 2 operate 1 opinion 5 opinions 4 opponent 2 opponents 5 opportunities 2 opportunity 12 oppose 69 opposed 21 opposes 9 opposing 16 opposite 26 opposition 1 oppress 40 oppressed 50 oppresses 4 oppressing 14 oppression 1 oppressive 1 oppressors 2 optimistic 1 or 1704 oracle 1 orchard 1 orchards 2 ordained 2 order 898 ordered 57 ordering 1 orderly 3 orders 17 order{ 1 ordinary 28 ordination 1 ore 6 organize 1 organized 3 organs 5 origin 1 original 13 originally 4 originated 1 ornament 3 ornamental 1 ornaments 12 orphan 4 orphans 32 osprey 1 ospreys 1 ostrich 2 ostriches 9 ot 1 other 2759 other's 1 others 762 others{ 1 otherwise 2 other{ 1 other’s 2 ought 17 our 1815 ours 11 ourselves 60 out 1796 outburst 1 outcasts 1 outcome 1 outdoors 4 outer 67 outgrew 1 outlaws 2 outlying 1 outnumber 1 outrageous 1 outside 241 outsiders 2 outstanding 1 outstretched 1 outward 5 outwardly 1 outwit 1 oven 9 ovens 1 over 874 overboard 2 overcame 1 overcoat 1 overcome 6 overflow 6 overflowing 2 overflows 3 overhead 2 overheard 4 overhears 1 overjoyed 3 overland 1 overlook 4 overlooked 2 overlooking 1 overlooks 1 overnight 3 overpowers 1 overrun 2 oversaw 2 overshadowed 1 overtake 1 overthrown 2 overtook 1 overturned 4 overwhelm 3 overwhelmed 5 overwhelming 1 overworked 1 owe 20 owed 19 owes 5 owe{ 1 owl 5 owls 8 own 766 owned 57 owner 92 owner's 3 owners 15 owner’s 2 owning 3 owns 28 owns{ 1 ox 34 oxen 52 oxen{ 1 ox’s 1 o’clock 16 pace 1 pack 7 packed 1 packing 2 packs 3 pad 12 padded 2 pads 1 pagan 10 pagans 2 paid 104 pain 68 painful 14 painfully 1 pains 13 paint 4 painted 3 pair 8 pairs 11 paitence 1 palace 208 palaces 21 pale 9 paler 1 palm 37 palms 1 pan 12 panels 9 pangs 1 panic 13 panicked 4 panicking 1 pans 18 pant 1 panting 1 pants 1 papa 1 paper 9 papers 2 papyrus 2 parable 29 parables 24 paraded 1 paradise 2 parallel 2 paralyzed 14 paralyzed{ 1 parched 1 pardon 2 pardoned 1 parent 2 parents 86 park 2 parks 1 parsin 1 part 268 partially 1 participate 9 participated 2 participating 2 particles 3 particular 4 particularly 5 partied 1 parties 6 partly 1 partner 4 partnered 1 partnering 1 partners 3 parts 132 party 5 pass 40 passage 17 passed 37 passes 13 passing 14 passion 2 passionate 4 passionately 1 passions 2 past 69 paste 1 pasture 11 pastureland 26 pasturelands 33 pastures 19 patch 4 patched 1 path 46 paths 8 pathway 2 patient 27 patiently 37 patriarch 1 patriarchs 1 patrol 1 patrolling 1 pattern 5 pavement 6 pavilion 1 paw 1 paws 1 pay 451 payed 2 paying 19 payment 16 payments 1 pays 13 peace 168 peaceably 1 peaceful 52 peacefully 80 peaks 7 pearl 4 pearls 7 peas 1 peasants 1 pebble 1 pebbles 1 pecked 1 pedestal 1 peeling 2 peering 1 peg 8 pegs 14 pelicans 1 pen 8 penalize 1 penalizing 1 penalties 2 penalty 8 pendants 1 penetrate 1 penned 1 pens 8 pen’s 1 people 10743 people's 5 people-group 8 people-groups 2 peoples 14 people{ 1 people’s 103 per 2 perceive 24 perceived 4 percent 8 perfect 27 perfected 1 perfectly 8 perform 59 performed 57 performing 16 performs 9 perfume 35 perfumed 2 perfumer 1 perfumes 6 perhaps 29 period 15 periods 3 perish 17 perished 1 perishes 4 perishing 1 permanent 24 permanently 24 permission 11 permit 41 permits 5 permitted 107 perpetually 2 perplexed 2 persecute 12 persecuted 5 persecuting 7 persevere 1 persevering 1 persistent 1 persistently 2 persisting 1 person 953 personal 12 personality 1 personally 26 persons 10 person’s 69 perspective 4 perspire 1 persuade 47 persuaded 23 persuading 3 persuasion 1 persuasive 1 persuasively 3 pertaining 1 perturbed 1 perverse 4 perversely 1 pervert 1 petals 7 petition 1 pets 1 phrase 2 phrase[She] 1 physical 17 physically 18 pick 34 picked 49 picking 1 picks 10 picture 7 piece 56 pieces 179 pieces{ 1 pierce 10 pierced 7 piercing 3 pigeon 3 pigeons 21 pigs 23 pig’s 1 pile 37 piled 12 piles 10 piling 1 pillar 31 pillars 57 pillow 3 pilot 2 pilots 3 pin 2 pine 8 pines 1 pink 1 pipes 1 pistachio 1 pit 58 pitch 2 pitched 1 pitchers 2 pitied 12 pities 4 pitiful 1 pits 24 pity 34 pitying 4 place 992 placed 84 places 389 placing 4 plague 47 plagues 26 plain 42 plainly 4 plains 22 plan 112 plane 1 planets 2 plank 5 planks 2 planned 83 planning 74 plans 68 plant 116 planted 63 planter 1 planting 7 plants 104 plant’s 1 plaster 5 plastered 1 plate 2 plateau 7 plates 4 platform 4 platter 4 play 41 played 21 players 2 playing 44 plays 8 plaza 8 plazas 6 plea 1 plead 54 pleaded 44 pleading 12 pleads 4 pleas 1 pleasant 7 please 280 pleased 145 pleases 46 pleasing 56 pleasure 10 pleasures 5 pled 2 pledge 6 pledged 2 pledges 1 plentiful 11 plenty 91 plot 13 plots 4 plotted 5 plotting 3 plow 22 plowed 8 plowing 9 plowman 1 plows 6 pluck 1 plucking 1 plumb 6 plump 1 plunder 11 plundered 4 plunged 1 plus 7 pockets 1 pods 1 poem 1 poets 1 point 22 pointed 9 pointing 1 pointless 1 points 3 poison 11 poisoned 1 poisonous 25 poked 1 pole 25 poles 66 polish 3 polished 6 pollute 1 polluted 6 pomegranate 14 pomegranates 15 ponds 2 pool 21 pools 6 poor 231 poorest 2 poorly 1 poplar 2 populace 1 populated 1 population 3 porch 4 porches 2 port 1 portico 30 porticos 2 portico’s 1 portion 22 portioned 1 portions 16 position 18 positioning 1 positions 31 positive 1 possess 35 possessed 22 possesses 3 possessing 1 possession 24 possessions 88 possibility 1 possible 49 possibly 24 post 6 postponed 1 posts 44 posture 1 pot 50 potential 2 pots 23 potter 10 potters 2 pottery 5 potter’s 2 pouch 28 pouches 1 pouch’s 1 poultry 2 pounce 1 pound 2 pounded 7 pounding 2 pounds 2 pour 55 poured 52 pouring 15 pours 4 poverty 9 powder 6 power 413 powerful 257 powerfully 66 powerless 12 powers 3 practical 1 practice 31 practiced 5 practices 8 practicing 5 praise 379 praised 53 praises 9 praiseworthy 1 praising 26 pray 322 prayed 163 prayer 46 prayers 40 praying 67 prays 10 preach 36 preached 24 preaches 2 preaching 29 precious 33 precise 1 precisely 1 predecessors 1 predict 13 predicted 34 predicting 6 predicts 7 prefer 13 preferred 3 prefers 1 pregnant 71 preparation 2 prepare 91 prepared 85 prepares 5 preparing 20 presence 153 present 114 presentation 1 presented 20 presenting 3 presently 1 presents 4 preserve 10 preserved 3 preserves 4 preserving 1 press 4 pressed 7 presses 2 pressing 2 pressure 1 pressuring 1 pretend 19 pretended 9 pretending 5 pretends 2 pretty 1 prevent 52 prevented 28 preventing 3 prevents 9 previous 37 previously 202 prey 6 price 37 priceless 4 prices 1 pride 8 prideful 1 priest 513 priesthood 3 priestly 6 priests 653 priest’s 18 primarily 1 primary 1 prince 5 princes 11 princesses 1 principle 2 principles 21 prior 1 prison 151 prisoner 16 prisoners 43 prisons 6 private 18 privately 8 privilege 4 privileges 4 prize 4 probably 10 problem 14 problems 8 proceeded 1 proceedings 1 proceeds 1 procession 1 processions 1 proclaim 131 proclaimed 40 proclaiming 29 proclaims 6 proclamation 2 produce 83 produced 42 produces 9 producing 8 productive 2 productively 1 profane 2 profit 6 profits 2 profound 1 profoundly 1 progress 2 progressed 1 progressing 1 prohibit 4 prohibiting 1 project 3 projecting 1 projection 3 projections 17 projects 1 promiscuous 1 promise 234 promised 545 promises 63 promising 16 promote 1 promoted 4 prongs 1 pronounce 2 pronounced 2 proof 8 propel 1 proper 23 properly 11 property 68 prophecies 9 prophecy 18 prophesied 21 prophesies 2 prophesy 32 prophesying 12 prophet 307 prophetess 5 prophetic 2 prophets 329 prophet’s 6 proportion 3 proposal 1 propose 1 proposed 1 propped 2 prosper 55 prospered 2 prospering 2 prosperity 3 prosperous 26 prosperously 2 prospers 2 prostitute 63 prostitutes 38 prostitute’s 1 prostitution 3 prostrate 7 prostrated 35 protect 197 protected 47 protecting 4 protection 7 protects 79 protest 5 protested 3 protruding 1 proud 155 prouder 1 proudest 1 proudly 19 prove 69 proved 22 proven 3 proverb 8 proverbs 6 proves 10 provide 60 provided 32 provides 13 providing 3 province 105 provinces 18 provincial 7 proving 2 provisions 2 provoke 1 provoked 1 provoking 2 prowl 4 prudent 1 prune 2 pruned 1 pruning 5 pry 1 psalm 3 psalmist 8 psalms 1 public 25 publicity 1 publicly 16 puff 4 pull 39 pulled 47 pulleys 1 pulling 14 pulls 3 pumping 1 punish 575 punished 209 punishes 44 punishing 78 punishment 40 punishments 2 pups 1 purchase 1 purchased 1 pure 103 purest 1 purified 22 purifies 2 purify 27 purifying 5 purity 2 purple 51 purpose 26 purposely 2 purposes 11 purses 1 pursing 1 pursuade 1 pursue 37 pursued 31 pursues 2 pursuing 16 pus 1 push 7 pushed 13 pushes 2 pushing 4 put 860 puts 34 putting 33 puzzling 1 pyre 1 quadrans 1 quail 6 quails 1 quake 1 quaked 2 quakes 1 qualified 4 qualify 2 quality 6 quantities 1 quantity 2 quarrel 21 quarreled 1 quarreling 7 quarrels 6 quarrelsome 1 quarries 7 quarry 4 quarters 1 quarts 1 quartz 2 queen 32 queens 4 question 45 questioned 8 questioning 3 questions 34 quick 6 quick-moving 1 quick-tempered 1 quicker 1 quickly 207 quiet 32 quietly 23 quietness 1 quit 8 quite 5 quiver 2 quivered 1 quivers 3 quote 5 quoted 3 rabbits 1 race 14 racing 2 rafts 2 rag 2 rage 4 raged 2 rages 1 ragged 2 raging 6 rags 5 raided 5 raiders 4 raiding 4 raids 1 railing 1 rain 141 rainbow 6 rained 2 raining 4 rains 10 rainstorm 2 rainy 2 raise 26 raised 41 raises 5 raisin 3 raising 6 raisins 7 ram 83 ramp 3 ramps 8 rams 58 ram’s 11 ran 129 random 1 range 2 rank 2 ranks 4 ransack 1 ransom 1 rape 4 raped 3 rapidly 5 raping 1 rare 1 rarely 2 rash 4 rashes 1 rashly 2 rate 1 rather 32 rational 1 rationally 2 rats 8 rattle 2 raven 4 ravens 1 ravine 7 ravines 10 raw 2 rays 1 razor 1 re-entered 1 re-establish 1 reach 27 reached 63 reaches 9 react 2 reacted 2 read 117 readily 4 reading 17 reads 4 ready 241 real 22 reality 3 realize 96 realized 110 realizes 4 realizing 7 really 223 reap 7 reaper 1 reapers 3 reappears 1 rear 14 reared 1 reason 119 reasonable 1 reasons 14 reassure 1 reassured 1 rebel 48 rebelled 83 rebelling 24 rebellions 1 rebellious 27 rebels 7 rebuild 52 rebuilding 30 rebuilds 2 rebuilt 44 rebuke 25 rebuked 25 rebukes 5 rebuking 4 recall 3 recalled 1 recaptured 1 recede 1 receded 1 receive 167 received 160 receives 11 receiving 7 recent 2 recently 9 recite 3 reciting 2 recklessly 1 reckon 1 reclaim 1 recline 1 reclined 3 reclining 2 recognition 3 recognize 42 recognized 22 recognizes 2 recognizing 2 recommend 1 recommended 4 reconcile 4 reconciled 4 reconciles 1 record 48 recorded 7 recording 2 records 21 recover 22 recovered 11 recovering 2 recovers 2 recruited 1 recruiting 2 rectangular 2 recuperate 1 recuperated 1 red 86 reddish 3 reddish-brown 1 redeem 1 redeemed 4 redeems 1 reduce 4 reduced 1 reed 10 reeds 14 reentered 1 refer 4 referred 1 referring 5 refine 3 refined 5 reflect 2 reflection 1 reflects 2 refrain 4 refrained 1 refrains 1 refreshed 4 refreshes 1 refreshing 1 refuge 18 refugees 3 refuse 104 refused 154 refuses 31 refusing 17 refute 1 regain 3 regard 13 regarded 2 regarding 18 regardless 2 regards 16 regaring 1 region 373 regions 44 register 3 registered 1 regret 4 regretted 3 regular 19 regularly 19 regulation 6 regulations 56 reign 14 reigned 5 reigns 2 reinforced 1 reject 79 rejected 93 rejecting 22 rejects 7 rejoice 141 rejoiced 21 rejoices 1 rejoicing 10 rejoin 2 relate 3 related 11 relates 4 relation 1 relations 17 relationship 36 relationships 2 relative 38 relatives 159 relative’s 2 relax 1 relaxed 1 release 40 released 23 releases 3 relent 2 relented 1 reliable 9 reliably 2 relied 4 relies 4 relieve 2 religion 9 religions 1 religious 31 religous 1 reluctant 1 rely 15 relying 12 remain 219 remainder 2 remained 54 remainer 1 remaining 35 remains 20 remarkable 1 remarry 1 remember 138 remembered 17 remembering 1 remembers 2 remind 36 reminded 4 reminder 2 reminding 6 reminds 2 remnant 1 remote 16 remove 91 removed 37 removes 7 removing 5 render 2 renew 9 renewed 1 renewing 1 rent 2 rented 6 renters 5 repaid 1 repair 26 repaired 56 repairing 13 repairs 3 repay 18 repaying 1 repays 1 repeat 11 repeated 9 repeatedly 25 repeating 1 repent 24 repented 4 repents 2 replace 14 replaced 10 replacing 1 replica 1 replied 772 replies 13 reply 82 replying 5 report 49 reported 61 reports 10 represent 91 representations 2 representative 11 representatives 14 represented 27 representing 4 represents 51 reprimanded 1 reproach 1 reproductive 2 reprove 2 reptile 1 reptiles 4 repulsive 1 reputation 19 reputations 2 request 107 requested 69 requesting 33 requests 7 require 41 required 74 requirement 1 requirements 17 requires 33 requiring 5 rescue 264 rescued 136 rescuer 3 rescues 28 rescuing 8 resemble 7 resembled 48 resembles 8 resent 3 resented 1 resentful 5 resents 1 reserved 7 reserving 1 reservoir 5 resettle 1 resettled 1 reside 1 residence 2 resides 4 resist 31 resistance 1 resisted 4 resisting 2 resolve 2 resolved 1 resonated 1 resource 1 resources 2 respect 140 respectable 1 respected 29 respectful 4 respectfully 9 respecting 3 respects 7 respond 10 responded 27 responds 5 response 13 responses 1 responsibilities 3 responsibility 6 responsible 36 rest 354 rested 15 resting 18 restitution 1 restless 1 restore 52 restored 5 restores 1 restrain 3 restrained 3 restraining 1 rests 3 result 442 resulted 6 results 5 resume 2 resurrect 4 resurrected 16 resurrection 1 resurrects 2 retain 2 retained 1 retake 3 retaliate 2 retaliating 1 retire 1 retreat 1 retreated 6 return 344 returned 308 returning 20 returns 39 reveal 42 revealed 60 revealing 10 reveals 23 revel 1 revelation 1 reveling 1 revenge 58 revenue 1 revenues 2 revere 32 revered 11 reverence 5 reverencing 1 reverent 3 reverential 4 reverently 3 reveres 1 revering 1 revile 3 revive 3 revived 1 revoke 2 revoking 1 revolt 5 revolted 2 revolutionary 1 reward 89 rewarded 5 rewarding 1 rewards 9 rib 2 ribbon 1 ribs 2 rich 160 richer 10 riches 18 richest 1 richly 3 rid 246 ridden 4 riddle 7 riddles 2 ride 26 rider 3 riders 10 rides 4 ridicule 25 ridiculed 9 ridicules 2 ridiculing 5 ridiculous 1 ridiculously 1 riding 49 rigging 1 right 823 righteous 218 righteously 55 righteousness 2 rightfully 1 rightly 22 rights 14 rigid 1 rim 16 rims 2 ring 26 rings 47 rinse 2 rinsed 1 riot 11 rioting 3 riots 1 rip 4 ripe 17 ripen 2 ripened 1 ripens 2 ripped 4 rise 35 risen 7 rises 18 rising 9 risk 3 risked 3 risking 1 rite 1 rites 1 ritual 22 ritually 3 rituals 38 rival 3 river 127 riverbank 5 riverbed 10 riverbeds 3 rivers 32 road 204 roads 31 roadsides 1 roam 2 roamed 1 roaming 1 roar 26 roared 4 roaring 11 roars 5 roast 4 roasted 9 rob 9 robbed 9 robber 4 robbers 13 robbing 5 robe 94 robes 54 robs 1 rock 119 rocks 40 rocky 13 rod 17 rode 26 rodes 1 rods 5 roebucks 1 role 1 roles 1 roll 9 rolled 18 rolling 1 rolls 4 romp 1 roof 39 roofs 10 rooftops 3 room 141 rooms 80 rooster 12 roosters 1 root 5 roots 38 rope 12 ropes 35 rose 32 rosy 1 rot 11 rots 1 rotten 10 rotting 2 rough 34 roughly 2 round 6 rounded 5 route 1 routed 1 row 21 rowed 1 rows 16 royal 60 royalty 1 rub 5 rubbed 4 rubbish 3 rubble 15 rubies 3 ruby 3 rudder 1 rudders 1 rude 1 rugs 2 ruin 40 ruined 81 ruining 3 ruins 50 rule 445 ruled 245 ruler 102 rulers 125 ruler’s 1 rules 216 ruling 155 rumble 1 rumbled 1 rumbling 2 rumblings 1 rumor 3 rumors 7 run 162 runner 6 runners 2 running 47 runs 11 rural 1 rush 17 rushed 17 rushes 4 rushing 8 rust 3 ruthless 1 ruthlessly 2 sabachthani 2 sabbath 2 sack 20 sackcloth 19 sacks 21 sacred 763 sacret 1 sacrifice 191 sacrificed 111 sacrifices 351 sacrificial 1 sacrificially 1 sacrificing 8 sad 164 saddened 1 sadder 1 saddle 10 saddlebag 1 saddled 1 saddles 2 sadly 5 sadness 10 safe 177 safely 76 safer 2 safety 12 saffron 1 sags 1 said 3888 sail 20 sailed 31 sailing 8 sailors 30 sails 4 sake 51 sale 6 saliva 4 salt 23 saltiness 1 salty 6 salt{ 1 salute 1 salvation 5 salve 2 same 638 sanctuary 15 sand 29 sandal 4 sandals 31 sandbank 1 sandbars 1 sane 1 sang 37 sank 9 sap 1 sapphire 6 sapphires 5 sarcastic 1 sardius 1 sardonyx 1 sash 10 sashes 5 sat 107 satanic 3 satisfaction 1 satisfied 23 satisfies 1 satisfy 12 satisfying 1 sauce 2 save 251 saved 102 saves 72 saving 12 saw 772 sawn 1 saws 3 say 1803 saying 535 sayings 13 says 743 scab 1 scabs 1 scale 5 scales 40 scalp 2 scar 2 scarce 3 scare 2 scarecrow 1 scared 2 scarf 2 scarlet 8 scars 4 scarves 1 scatter 48 scattered 59 scattering 4 scatters 7 scavengers 1 scent 2 scepter 10 scepters 3 scheduled 1 schemes 2 scholars 1 schools 1 scoff 3 scold 5 scolded 13 scolding 1 scoop 2 scoops 3 scorch 5 scorched 4 scorching 3 scorn 11 scorned 1 scornfully 1 scorns 1 scorpion 2 scorpions 8 scoundrel 1 scoundrels 2 scoured 1 scourge 1 scout 1 scouted 1 scouts 1 scrape 3 scraped 2 scraps 3 scratching 1 scrawny 4 scream 7 screamed 6 screaming 4 screams 1 screech 2 scribe 13 scribes 13 scripture 37 scriptures 97 scroll 127 scrolls 14 scrub 1 sea 154 seabed 1 seacoast 5 seacoasts 1 seagulls 1 seal 28 sealed 11 sealing 1 seals 6 seams 2 search 65 searched 23 searches 3 searching 28 seas 27 seashore 17 season 20 seasons 4 seat 17 seated 6 seats 10 seaweed 1 sea’s 2 second 127 second-best 1 second-born 1 second-in-command 1 secondary 1 secret 45 secretaries 2 secretary 25 secretary’s 1 secretly 34 secrets 6 secret{ 1 sect 6 section 35 sections 5 secure 23 secured 3 securely 8 security 5 seduce 2 seductive 1 see 982 seed 41 seedling 1 seeds 101 seeing 33 seek 24 seeking 7 seeks 4 seem 45 seemed 29 seemingly 1 seems 74 seen 237 seer 2 seers 3 sees 78 seize 36 seized 41 seizes 2 seizing 1 select 11 selected 12 selecting 1 selects 2 self 7 self-controlled 1 selfish 5 selfishly 4 sell 78 sellers 3 selling 29 sells 15 semen 7 send 316 sending 69 sends 34 sense 32 sensed 2 senseless 11 sensible 5 sensibly 5 sensitive 1 sent 763 sentence 2 sentenced 2 sentry 1 separate 61 separated 31 separately 2 separates 9 separating 3 serious 13 seriously 6 serpent 5 servant 320 servant-}wives 1 servants 320 servant’s 2 serve 292 served 116 server 1 serves 39 service 5 services 6 serving 56 session 2 set 511 sets 36 setting 14 settings 10 setting{ 1 settle 29 settled 33 settler 2 settles 1 seven 393 seven-tenths 1 seventeen 6 seventeen-year-old 1 seventeenth 2 seventh 94 seventy 37 seventy-five 1 seventy-seven 2 seventy-two 1 sever 1 several 37 severe 31 severed 2 severely 88 sew 5 sewed 7 sex 30 sexual 36 sexually 19 shabby 1 shack 1 shackles 4 shade 25 shaded 1 shadow 16 shadows 7 shady 1 shaft 14 shafts 2 shake 61 shaken 6 shakes 12 shaking 11 shaky 1 shall 22 shallow 6 shaman 1 shame 41 shamed 10 shameful 18 shamefully 1 shameless 1 shamelessly 1 shames 1 shaming 2 shape 5 shaped 11 shaping 1 share 87 shared 12 shares 6 sharing 9 sharp 34 sharpen 8 sharpened 1 sharpening 2 sharper 1 shatter 7 shattered 8 shatters 2 shave 21 shaved 7 shaving 4 shawls 1 she 896 she-goats 1 shear 5 sheared 1 shearer 1 shearing 3 sheath 9 sheaths 2 sheaves 2 shed 6 shedding 3 sheep 397 sheepfold 1 sheeps 1 sheepskins 1 sheer 1 sheet 11 sheets 22 shekel 1 shekels 5 shelter 16 sheltered 1 shelters 18 shepherd 81 shepherds 47 shepherd’s 2 shhh 1 shield 33 shields 51 shift 1 shimmers 1 shine 46 shined 4 shines 31 shining 26 shiny 3 ship 97 ships 50 ship’s 4 shirt 2 shirts 2 shivered 1 shock 3 shocked 20 shoes 2 shone 31 shoo 1 shook 39 shoot 36 shooting 6 shoots 12 shop 3 shore 34 shores 3 shorn 1 short 90 shortage 2 shorten 4 shorter 2 shortly 5 shot 16 should 1485 shoulder 32 shoulders 17 shouldn’t 1 shout 110 shouted 128 shouting 66 shouts 8 shove 2 shoved 1 shovel 1 shovels 9 shoves 1 shoving 1 show 439 showed 116 showers 7 showing 21 shown 60 shows 61 shredded 1 shrewd 1 shrink 3 shrivel 2 shriveled 7 shrivels 2 shrubs 1 shudder 2 shut 30 shuttle 1 shy 1 siblings 6 sick 97 sickened 1 sickle 9 sickles 2 sickly 1 sickly-looking 3 sickness 6 sicknesses 8 side 393 sides 67 side{ 1 sieve{ 1 sifting 1 sigh 1 sighed 2 sight 21 sign 21 signal 23 signaled 2 signaling 2 signals 3 signboard 1 signed 13 signet 7 significance 1 significant 6 significantly 1 signified 1 signifies 3 signify 4 signpost 1 signs 19 silence 1 silenced 1 silent 40 silently 7 silk 1 sill 1 silly 2 silver 370 silversmith 1 similar 22 similarly 14 simple 6 simply 12 sin 374 since 219 sincere 10 sincerely 38 sincerity 1 sinews 1 sinful 141 sinfully 49 sinfulness 1 sing 155 singed 2 singers 26 singing 53 single 23 sings 2 sink 5 sinking 2 sinks 1 sinless 1 sinned 189 sinner 12 sinners 30 sinning 92 sins 554 sin{ 1 sin’s 1 sir 21 sirs 1 sister 87 sister's 1 sister-in-law 1 sisters 32 sisters{ 1 sister’s 1 sit 113 site 2 sites 2 sits 32 sitting 120 situated 1 situation 34 situations 6 six 114 sixteen 18 sixth 23 sixty 25 sixty-five 1 sixty-nine 1 sixty-one 1 sixty-six 7 sixty-two 1 size 10 sizes 3 skeleton 1 skeptical 1 skies 11 skill 4 skilled 44 skillful 7 skillfully 9 skills 1 skin 99 skinks 1 skins 23 skip 1 skipped 1 skipping 1 skirts 3 skull 6 skulls 1 sky 255 slabs 19 slander 14 slandering 3 slanderous 1 slanders 1 slap 2 slapped 4 slapping 2 slash 2 slashed 1 slats 1 slaughter 55 slaughtered 59 slaughtering 5 slaughters 2 slave 149 slavery 13 slaves 219 slave’s 7 sledge 2 sleep 146 sleepier 2 sleeping 71 sleeps 24 sleepy 5 sleeves 1 slept 67 slightly 1 slime 2 slimy 1 sling 9 slings 2 slip 1 slippery 2 slips 2 slithers 1 slitting 3 slope 2 slopes 8 slow 5 slowly 15 slumped 1 small 157 smaller 11 smallest 10 smart 7 smartest 1 smash 20 smashed 30 smashes 3 smear 4 smeared 3 smearing 1 smell 38 smelled 4 smelling 2 smells 2 smelt 1 smile 6 smiled 1 smiles 1 smoke 56 smooth 18 smoothed 1 smoother 1 smoothly 2 smothered 1 snails 1 snake 35 snakes 33 snapped 3 snare 1 snared 1 snares 1 snarl 1 snarled 1 snarling 2 snatch 9 snatched 7 snatches 1 sneaky 1 sneer 6 sneered 2 sneeze 1 sneezed 1 sniff 1 snort 1 snorting 1 snow 21 snows 1 snowstorm 1 snowy 1 snuffed 1 snuffers 2 snuffing 2 snuffs 1 so 2116 so-called 1 soaked 2 soaks 1 soap 2 soar 1 social 1 society 2 sockets 2 soda 1 soft 5 soften 1 softened 1 soil 56 sold 55 soldier 69 soldiers 1003 soldier’s 3 sole 1 solemn 47 solemnly 173 solid 12 soliders 1 solve 1 some 1454 somebody 2 someday 12 somehow 5 someone 760 someone's 1 someone’s 13 something 448 sometime 2 sometimes 38 somewhere 13 somone 1 son 1847 son!“ 1 son's 7 son-in-law 7 song 70 songs 58 sons 851 sons-in-law 3 son’s 8 soon 306 sooner 3 soot 1 soothing 1 soothsayers 1 sorcerers 5 sorcery 20 sore 18 sores 18 sorrow 25 sorrowful 5 sorrowfully 6 sorrowing 1 sorrows 1 sorry 69 sort 2 sorts 6 sought 4 soul 5 souls 4 sound 61 sounded 7 sounding 1 soundly 2 sounds 29 soup 5 sour 10 source 9 sources 2 south 213 southeast 4 southeastern 1 southern 58 southward 2 southwest 15 souvenirs 1 sow 4 sowed 6 sowing 1 sown 2 sows 8 space 20 spaces 1 spare 20 spared 9 spark 2 sparkle 3 sparkles 1 sparkling 1 sparks 3 sparrow 2 sparrows 5 spat 6 speak 375 speaker 3 speakers 3 speaking 151 speaks 47 spear 50 spears 30 special 130 specially 10 specific 7 specifically 5 specified 1 speck 4 speckled 9 speckles 1 specks 5 speech 8 speeches 4 speechmaker 1 speed 1 speedily 1 spells 3 spelt 1 spend 24 spending 2 spends 1 spent 27 spice 4 spices 43 spider 2 spider’s 2 spied 1 spies 17 spill 4 spilled 6 spin 1 spindle 1 spinning 2 spins 1 spirit 103 spirits 104 spiritual 88 spiritually 69 spirit{ 1 spit 7 spite 15 spits 1 spitting 4 splash 1 splashed 1 splashing 1 splattered 3 splendid 4 splendor 4 splendorous 1 splints 1 split 35 spoil 3 spoils 3 spoke 230 spoken 64 spokes 1 spokesman 1 spokesmen 1 spokesperson 2 spokespersons 1 sponge 5 sport 1 sports 2 spot 19 spotless 1 spots 9 spotted 7 spouse 4 spouses 3 spread 126 spreading 12 spreads 10 sprig 1 spring 53 springs 43 springtime 7 sprinkle 38 sprinkled 18 sprinkles 1 sprinkling 5 sprout 8 sprouted 7 sprouting 1 sprouts 1 sprung 2 spy 2 spying 1 square 29 squares 1 squeezed 5 stab 2 stabbed 8 stability 1 stable 1 stables 1 stabs 1 stacked 5 stacte 1 staff 31 staffs 5 stage 1 stagger 18 staggered 1 staggers 1 stained 5 stains 4 stairs 5 stairway 7 stakes 2 stalk 3 stalks 9 stall 1 stallions 1 stalls 6 stamp 1 stamped 1 stamping 1 stand 174 standard 28 standards 12 standing 171 stands 26 star 19 stare 4 stared 5 staring 1 stars 100 start 110 started 310 starting 27 startled 1 starts 21 starve 6 starved 1 starving 5 state 4 stated 3 stately 1 statement 5 statements 3 states 4 stating 5 stationed 13 stations 1 statue 56 statues 55 statue’s 1 status 3 statutes 21 stay 274 stayed 163 staying 39 stays 14 steadfast 3 steadfastly 4 steadily 2 steady 3 steal 63 stealing 7 steals 10 stealthily 2 steam 1 steep 6 steered 2 stem 2 step 18 stepmother 1 stepped 15 stepping 3 steps 35 stern 1 sternly 4 stew 3 stick 55 sticking 4 sticks 11 stiff 2 stil 1 still 572 stilled 1 sting 3 stings 1 stink 6 stir 3 stirred 3 stirring 4 stirs 9 stocks 4 stole 33 stolen 24 stomach 15 stomachs 17 stomped 1 stone 216 stone-cutters 1 stoned 1 stones 239 stoneworkers 1 stony 1 stood 217 stool 1 stoop 1 stooped 2 stop 442 stopped 174 stopping 6 stops 26 storage 2 store 37 stored 19 storehouse 1 storehouses 8 storeroom 3 storerooms 24 stores 5 stories 11 storing 7 stork 2 storks 3 storm 42 storms 8 stormy 3 story 22 storys 1 stove 1 straight 29 straighten 1 straighttoward 1 strange 10 stranger 11 strangers 18 strangle 1 strangled 2 strangling 2 strap 2 strapped 2 strapping 1 straps 12 straw 20 stray 5 strayed 5 streaked 9 streaks 2 stream 30 streambed 2 streambeds 2 streaming 1 streams 47 street 19 streets 70 strength 95 strengthen 17 strengthened 2 strengthening 2 strengthens 5 stretch 13 stretched 26 stretcher 1 stretchers 1 stretches 3 stretching 4 strict 1 strictly 4 strife 2 strike 81 strikes 13 striking 8 string 5 stringed 6 strings 5 strip 15 stripped 8 stripping 1 strips 19 strive 4 striving 3 stroke 1 strong 377 stronger 47 strongest 16 stronghold 1 strongholds 1 strongly 50 struck 68 structure 4 struggle 3 struggled 4 struggling 4 strung 1 strut 2 stubble 4 stubborn 69 stubbornly 20 stuck 8 student 1 students 5 studied 21 study 13 studying 3 stuff 1 stumble 29 stumbled 6 stumbles 1 stumbling 3 stump 8 stunned 4 stunted 1 stupid 16 stupidly 1 sturdy 1 style 2 subdue 4 subdued 1 subdues 1 subduing 1 subject 3 subjects 3 subjugate 1 subjugated 2 submission 1 submissive 1 submit 21 submitted 2 subordinate 1 substitute 2 substitutes 5 succeed 37 succeeded 3 succeeds 1 success 4 successful 36 successfully 11 sucessful 2 such 154 suck 3 sudden 2 suddenly 96 sue 1 suffer 245 suffered 56 suffering 135 sufferings 8 suffers 4 sufficient 1 suggest 14 suggested 29 suggesting 2 suggestion 1 suggests 4 suitable 10 sulfur 15 sullen 1 sum 1 summarize 4 summary 4 summer 19 summon 34 summoned 123 summoning 4 summons 10 sun 149 sundown 2 sung 5 sunk 2 sunlight 4 sunrise 2 sunset 11 sunshine 3 super-apostles 2 superficially 1 superior 10 superiors 1 supernatural 2 supervise 30 supervised 41 supervises 1 supervising 3 supervisor 3 supervisors 6 supper 3 supplied 3 supplies 32 supply 22 support 36 supported 19 supporters 1 supporting 3 supports 6 suppose 55 supposed 11 supposedly 2 supppose 1 suppress 1 suppressing 1 supreme 8 sure 216 surely 228 surface 23 surfaces 1 surge 3 surged 1 surging 1 surpass 1 surprise 10 surprised 31 surprising 7 surprisingly 1 surrender 18 surrendered 6 surround 42 surrounded 87 surrounding 77 surrounds 8 survey 1 surveyed 2 surveyor’s 2 survive 41 survived 14 survives 2 surviving 2 suspect 2 suspected 1 suspects 2 suspicious 1 sustain 6 sustains 6 sustenance 1 swallow 12 swallowed 5 swallowing 5 swallows 1 swamps 3 swarm 15 swarmed 2 swarms 10 swear 18 swearing 3 sweat 3 sweep 7 sweeping 3 sweeps 1 sweet 28 sweet-smelling 15 sweeter 3 sweetly 1 swell 8 swelling 3 swellings 1 swept 3 swift 5 swift-moving 1 swifter 1 swiftly 12 swim 5 swimmer 1 swims 1 swing 2 swinging 2 swings 1 swirl 1 swirled 1 swirling 3 swollen 3 swoop 3 swooping 2 swoops 4 sword 130 swords 154 swore 10 sworn 4 swung 4 sycamore 7 symbol 3 symbolic 2 symbolically 2 symbolize 18 symbolized 7 symbolizes 4 symbolizing 12 symbols 1 sympathetic 1 sympathize 2 sympathy 1 synagogue 15 synagogues 14 synagogues{ 1 system 1 tabernacle 5 table 68 tables 20 tablet 3 tablets 28 tactfully 1 tail 8 tails 11 take 902 taken 241 takes 79 taking 102 tales 1 talk 223 talked 59 talking 122 talks 14 tall 63 taller 7 tallest 3 tamarisk 3 tambourine 3 tambourines 13 tame 3 tangled 1 tank 21 tank’s 1 tar 5 target 6 task 18 tasks 9 tassels 5 taste 12 tasted 8 tasteless 1 tastes 2 tasting 2 tasty 2 tattoos 1 taught 163 taunt 3 tax 37 taxes 43 taxing 1 teach 274 teacher 31 teachers 68 teacher’s 1 teaches 34 teaching 121 teachings 28 team 3 teams 2 tear 62 tearfully 1 tearing 7 tears 40 techniques 1 teeth 40 tekel 1 tell 1177 tellers 8 telling 220 tells 90 temper 2 temple 1146 temples 13 temple{ 1 temple’s 9 temporarily 9 temporary 8 tempt 11 temptations 2 tempted 15 tempting 4 tempts 7 ten 164 ten-stringed 1 tend 10 tended 3 tender 5 tenderly 1 tenderness 2 tending 4 tendons 2 tends 3 tens 4 tent 473 tenth 64 tents 209 tent’s 1 terebinth 1 terms 5 terrace 2 terrible 178 terribly 20 terrified 124 terrifies 2 terrify 19 terrifying 11 territories 3 territory 59 terror 4 terrorize 1 test 37 tested 15 testicles 1 testified 11 testifies 6 testify 32 testifying 4 testimony 11 testing 4 than 793 thank 111 thanked 30 thankful 5 thankfully 1 thanking 9 thanks 16 that 21437 that's 2 the 52536 theater 4 theft 1 their 4353 theirs 4 them 8293 themselves 371 them{ 2 then 1048 then?}“ 1 there 2851 therefore 21 there}.“ 1 these 1207 they 9568 thick 34 thicker 2 thicket 2 thief 27 thieves 16 thigh 18 thighs 5 thin 44 thing 269 things 3380 things{ 1 thing{ 1 think 672 thinking 133 thinks 45 thinned 1 thinner 2 third 94 thirst 5 thirsty 47 thirteen 30 thirteenth 8 thirty 52 thirty- 1 thirty-eight 4 thirty-five 3 thirty-nine 4 thirty-one 4 thirty-second 2 thirty-seven 3 thirty-six 4 thirty-three 12 thirty-two 7 this 3683 thistle 3 thistles 6 thorn 3 thornbush 7 thornbushes 8 thorns 30 thorny 8 thorough 1 thoroughly 15 those 3328 though 781 thought 209 thoughts 20 thought{ 1 thousand 192 thousands 24 thrashing 2 thread 16 threads 7 threat 2 threaten 11 threatened 9 threatening 8 threatens 1 threats 2 three 462 three-day 1 three-fifths 8 three-pronged 1 three-quarters 22 thresh 13 threshed 16 threshes 1 threshing 12 threshold 2 threw 92 thrilled 2 throat 7 throats 2 throne 117 thrones 16 through 439 throughout 149 throw 113 throwing 34 thrown 56 throws 9 thrust 10 thrusting 1 thumb 3 thumbs 4 thunder 36 thundercloud 1 thundered 2 thundering 1 thunderous 1 thunders 4 thus 1 thwarted 1 tie 30 tied 36 ties 4 tight 3 tightly 3 tiles 2 till 1 tilt 1 timber 14 time 1694 timely 1 times 234 timid 5 timing 1 tin 4 tiny 23 tip 2 tipping 1 tips 2 tire 1 tired 38 tiresome 1 tithe 3 tithes 17 title 4 to 37772 today 169 toe 3 toes 7 together 543 toilet 2 told 1386 tolerant 2 tolerate 3 tolerated 1 tolerates 1 tomb 57 tombs 15 tomorrow 57 tomorrow’s 1 ton 1 tongs 7 tongue 8 tongues 10 tonight 21 tons 27 too 218 took 731 tool 1 tools 11 tooth 6 top 224 topaz 5 topic 1 topple 2 tops 30 torch 5 torches 11 tore 58 torment 6 tormented 3 tormenting 1 torments 2 torn 34 torrent 1 torrents 1 torture 5 tortured 2 torturing 1 toss 3 tossed 1 tossing 2 total 41 totally 8 touch 79 touched 64 touches 41 touching 26 tough 1 toward 510 towards 18 towel 2 tower 27 towering 1 towers 20 town 342 towns 224 townspeople 1 to{ 1 trace 1 track 3 tracks 1 tract 1 tracts 2 trade 19 traded 8 traders 12 trading 1 traditional 1 traditions 4 tragedy 1 train 11 trained 12 training 6 trains 3 traitor 1 traitors 2 tramp 2 tramping 1 trample 19 trampled 19 tramples 3 trampling 3 trance 1 tranquil 1 transaction 1 transactions 1 transfigure 1 transform 5 transgressing 1 transgressions 1 translated 2 transplanted 1 transport 2 trap 52 trapped 6 traps 19 trash 1 travel 78 traveled 83 traveler 1 travelers 6 traveler’s 1 traveling 82 travels 5 trays 5 treacherous 1 treacherously 2 treachery 1 tread 3 treading 3 treason 1 treasure 13 treasurer 1 treasurers 1 treasures 20 treasuries 5 treasury 11 treat 92 treated 52 treaties 4 treating 12 treatment 1 treatments 4 treats 11 treaty 29 tree 205 tree's 1 trees 310 treetop 1 tremble 50 trembled 11 trembles 4 trembling 18 tresses 1 trial 32 trials 1 tribal 10 tribe 680 tribes 255 tribesmen 1 tribulation 1 tribute 7 trick 12 tricked 11 tricking 3 tricks 5 tricky 1 tried 116 tries 36 trimmed 2 trimmers 2 trip 14 trips 2 triumph 3 triumphantly 8 triumphed 1 troops 63 trouble 133 troubled 11 troublemakers 3 troublemaking 1 troubles 123 troubling 2 trough 2 troughs 6 true 590 truly 173 trumpet 39 trumpeters 1 trumpets 75 trumpet’s 1 trust 379 trusted 126 trusting 89 trustingly 1 trusts 32 trustworthy 16 truth 179 truthful 9 truthfully 15 truths 7 try 206 trying 159 tubes 1 tucked 1 tumble 1 tumbled 1 tumbles 1 tumbleweeds 1 tumors 10 tunic 13 tunics 7 tunnel 3 tunnels 1 turban 15 turbans 4 turbulent 2 turmoil 1 turn 162 turned 148 turning 12 turns 18 turquoise 5 turtledoves 1 tutor 1 tutored 1 twelfth 12 twelve 150 twelves 1 twelveth 1 twentieth 5 twenty 62 twenty-eight 2 twenty-fifth 2 twenty-first 2 twenty-five 17 twenty-four 10 twenty-fourth 4 twenty-nine 5 twenty-one 3 twenty-seven 17 twenty-seventh 2 twenty-six 3 twenty-third 1 twenty-three 14 twenty-two 28 twice 12 twilight 3 twin 6 twined 3 twins 2 twist 6 twisted 8 twisting 1 twists 2 two 885 two-edged 2 two-fifths 16 two-hundred 1 two-thirds 1 tying 3 type 9 types 12 typically 1 tyrant 1 tyrants 2 ugly 4 ultimately 1 umbilical 1 unable 86 unacceptable 92 unaware 7 unbelief 2 unbelievers 16 unbelieving 20 unborn 1 unbreakable 1 unburied 1 uncertainly 1 unchanged 1 uncircumcised 18 uncircumcized 1 uncivilized 1 uncle 16 uncle's 1 unclean 13 uncles 1 uncle’s 2 uncombed 2 unconscious 2 uncontrollable 1 uncontrollably 1 uncooked 1 uncover 2 uncovered 4 uncovers 1 uncut 1 undecided 1 undependable 1 under 182 underclothes 1 undergarments 1 underneath 11 undershorts 4 understand 346 understandable 1 understanding 48 understands 18 understood 30 underwear 1 undeservedly 1 undisturbed 1 undo 1 uneasy 1 uneaten 1 uneducated 1 unending 1 unequal 1 uneven 1 unexpected 1 unexpectedly 8 unfair 8 unfairly 8 unfaithful 25 unfaithfully 1 unfaithfulness 1 unfasten 1 unfermented 1 unfinished 1 unfit 24 unfriendly 1 ungodly 12 unhappy 8 unharmed 1 unhealthy 1 unhelpful 1 unholy 2 unified 1 uniforms 5 unimportant 30 uninhabited 3 uninstructed 1 unintentionally 3 union 3 unit 4 unite 7 united 96 unitedly 1 unites 10 uniting 3 units 1 unity 1 universe 16 unjust 10 unjustly 13 unkindly 1 unknown 29 unlatched 1 unlawfully 1 unleavened 4 unless 25 unlike 7 unlikely 1 unload 1 unloaded 1 unlocked 2 unmarked 1 unmarried 10 unnatural 1 unpaid 1 unpleasant 1 unplowed 1 unprepared 1 unpunished 2 unreasonable 1 unreliable 4 unrestrained 2 unrighteous 14 unroasted 1 unrolled 2 unsatisfactory 1 unsealed 1 unseen 2 unshrunken 2 unstable 1 unsuitable 1 untainted 1 untangled 1 untaught 1 unthankful 1 untie 6 untied 2 until 519 untouchable 1 untrained 1 untying 4 unusual 9 unveil 1 unveils 2 unwashed 1 unwaveringly 1 unwilling 2 unworthy 2 up 1833 uphill 1 upon 46 upper 25 upright 5 uproar 2 uproot 3 upset 26 upside 4 upstairs 8 upstream 2 upward 1 urge 35 urged 26 urgently 4 urges 2 urging 8 urine 2 us 3155 use 257 used 169 useful 18 useless 97 uselessly 6 uses 22 using 114 usual 17 usually 42 us{ 2 utensils 7 utilize 1 utilizes 1 utmost 1 utterances 1 utterly 1 uttermost 1 vain 10 valid 3 valley 77 valleys 26 valuable 174 value 33 values 6 vanish 3 vanished 2 vanishes 1 vanquish 1 varieties 2 variety 1 various 88 vary 1 vase 2 vast 3 vat 2 vats 1 vegetables 7 veil 11 veiled 1 veils 5 vengeance 2 venom 3 venomous 1 ventures 1 verbally 2 verdict 2 verdicts 1 verified 1 verify 1 verse 25 verses 1 versions 1 very 2330 vessels 1 vest 11 vestments 14 vicious 4 victim 3 victims 6 victories 6 victorious 15 victoriously 1 victory 22 view 3 viewed 2 views 1 vile 5 village 48 villages 105 vindicate 2 vindicated 1 vindicates 1 vine 21 vinegar 3 vines 20 vineyard 82 vineyards 56 violate 3 violated 5 violates 3 violating 3 violation 1 violence 15 violent 35 violently 39 virgin 15 virgins 17 visible 5 vision 123 visions 46 visit 67 visited 9 visiting 9 visitor 1 visitors 3 visits 2 voice 105 voices 9 voluntarily 9 voluntary 2 volunteer 1 volunteered 3 vomit 11 vomited 2 voted 1 vow 24 vowed 4 vows 5 vulgar 1 vulture 1 vultures 19 wade 1 wafer 3 wafers 7 wag 2 wage 17 waged 4 wages 8 waging 1 wagon 1 wagons 3 wail 32 wailed 4 wailing 22 waist 18 waistband 3 waistbands 1 waistcloth 9 waists 10 wait 74 waited 38 waiting 68 waits 11 wake 22 wakened 1 wakes 2 waking 1 walk 164 walked 124 walking 140 walking-distance 1 walks 15 walkway 5 wall 242 walled 1 wallets 1 wallow 1 walls 249 walnut 1 wander 29 wandered 13 wandering 8 wanders 4 want 980 wanted 368 wanting 38 wants 268 war 65 warden 3 warehouses 1 warm 20 warmed 3 warming 5 warmly 1 warn 58 warned 45 warning 30 warnings 3 warns 3 warrior 14 warriors 57 warrior’s 1 wars 46 warships 1 warts 1 was 6583 wash 79 washbasin 14 washed 40 washes 3 washing 13 washings 1 wasps 1 waste 10 wasted 6 wasteful 1 wasteland 9 wastelands 1 wasting 3 watch 67 watchdogs 2 watched 39 watches 15 watchfully 1 watching 96 watchman 15 watchman’s 1 watchmen 11 watchtower 9 watchtowers 7 water 686 watered 7 waterfall 3 waterless 1 waters 25 water’s 1 wave 7 waver 1 waves 53 wavy 1 wax 5 way 909 ways 146 wayward 1 we 2988 weak 109 weaken 1 weaker 10 weakest 2 weakness 2 wealth 43 wealthier 1 wealthy 42 weaned 6 weapon 7 weapons 89 wear 101 wearied 1 wearing 84 wears 11 weary 9 weather 9 weave 3 weaver 10 weaver’s 4 weaving 2 web 3 webs 1 wedding 28 weed 2 weeds 17 week 39 week-long 2 weeks 7 weep 38 weeping 14 weigh 17 weighed 85 weighing 6 weighs 2 weight 6 weighted 1 weights 11 weighty 2 welcome 44 welcomed 19 welcomes 8 welcoming 5 welfare 1 well 539 well-aged 1 well-aware 2 well-built 1 well-educated 1 well-formed 5 well-known 2 well-pleasing 1 well-protected 1 well-respected 1 well-trained 1 well-watered 2 wells 15 went 1385 wept 5 were 4639 west 158 western 20 westward 1 wet 8 we{ 1 what 5439 whatever 160 what{ever} 2 wheat 60 wheel 8 wheels 42 when 3002 whenever 69 where 1617 whereas 2 wherever 66 whether 154 which 1114 whichever 3 while 712 whinny 1 whip 21 whipped 4 whips 10 whirling 2 whirlwind 10 whirlwinds 3 whiskers 1 whisper 4 whispered 5 whispering 4 whispers 1 whistle 3 white 88 whiter 1 whitewash 4 whitewashed 1 whither 1 who 9327 whoever 36 whole 164 wholeheartedly 2 whom 1204 whomever 3 whore!“ 1 whose 298 who{ever} 2 why 335 wick 4 wicked 499 wickedly 16 wickedness 5 wicks 6 wide 92 widely 3 wider 5 widest 1 widow 48 widowed 1 widows 64 widsom 1 width 7 wielding 1 wife 403 wife's 3 wife’s 6 wild 138 wilderness 192 wilderness.{He 1 wildflower 1 wildflowers 1 wildland 1 wildly 3 will 16019 willed 1 willfully 1 willing 76 willingly 11 willow 5 wills 5 wilted 2 wilts 2 win 29 wind 146 winding 1 window 19 windows 22 winds 27 windstorm 7 windstorms 1 wine 382 wine-server 8 winepress 4 winepresses 2 wineskin 2 wineskins 1 wing 11 winged 53 wings 82 wingspan 1 winking 1 winks 2 winner 2 winning 4 winnowed 1 winnowing 3 wins 3 winter 19 wipe 8 wiped 8 wipes 1 wiping 2 wire 1 wisdom 77 wise 337 wisely 44 wiser 15 wisest 2 wish 135 wished 9 wishes 4 witchcraft 5 with 5610 withdrew 1 wither 18 withered 17 withering 3 withers 6 withheld 1 withhold 3 within 111 without 235 witness 44 witnessed 5 witnesses 26 witnessing 1 wives 168 wll 1 wlll 1 woke 30 wolf 3 wolves 10 woman 478 woman's 1 woman’s 21 womb 24 wombs 2 women 400 women's 1 women’s 4 won 14 wonder 2 wondered 4 wonderful 101 wonderfully 4 wondering 2 won’t 1 woo 1 wood 164 woodcarver 1 wooden 31 woods 1 woodsmen 1 woodworkers 1 wool 29 woolen 6 word 48 words 221 wore 33 worhsip 1 work 725 worked 109 worker 12 workers 174 worker’s 1 working 111 workmen 10 works 62 world 365 worldly 5 worldwide 2 world{ 1 world’s 5 worm 2 worms 9 worn 13 worried 41 worries 5 worry 51 worrying 13 worse 42 worship 818 worship.‘’ 1 worshiped 294 worshipers 1 worshiping 132 worshipped 1 worshipping 3 worships 54 worsshiping 1 worst 7 worth 41 worthless 84 worthwhile 1 worthy 34 would 2103 wound 20 wounded 38 wounding 1 wounds 23 wove 4 woven 6 wrap 4 wrapped 30 wrath 7 wreath 6 wreaths 7 wreck 1 wrecked 7 wrenched 1 wrestle 1 wrestled 3 wrestles 1 wretched 2 wring 2 wrist 4 wrists 8 write 111 writer 1 writes 4 writhe 2 writing 70 writings 1 written 278 wrong 349 wrongdoer 1 wrongdoing 2 wronged 3 wrongly 9 wroshiped 1 wrote 230 x-content="Παῦλος"From 1 x-content="Παῦλος"I 6 x-content="Σίμων"I 1 x-content="πρεσβύτερος"From 1 x-content="אֲשֶׁ֣ר"This 1 x-content="אַ֥שְֽׁרֵי"How 1 x-content="אַחֲרֵי֙"After 1 x-content="אַחַ֗ת"During 1 x-content="אָדָ֥ם"The 1 x-content="בְּ⁠רֵאשִׁ֖ית"In 1 x-content="בִּ⁠שְׁנַ֣ת"After 1 x-content="דִּבְרֵי֙"These 1 x-content="הַ⁠נָּבִ֗יא"Haggai 1 x-content="הָ⁠עִיר֙"Jerusalem 1 x-content="וַ⁠יְדַבֵּ֤ר"While 1 x-content="וַ⁠יְהִ֖י"This 1 x-content="וַ⁠יְהִ֖י"is 1 x-content="וַ⁠יְהִי֩"There 1 x-content="וַ⁠יְכַסֻּ֨⁠הוּ֙"When 1 x-content="וּ⁠בִ⁠שְׁנַ֣ת"|x-strong="H0259 1 x-content="חֲז֖וֹן"This 1 x-content="חֲזוֹן֙"The 1 x-content="יְהוָ֣ה"Yahweh 1 x-content="יוֹאֵ֖ל"I 1 x-content="מֹשֶׁ֑ה"|x-strong="c:H1696 1 x-content="ἀρχὴ"This 1 x-content="Ἰάκωβος"I 1 x-content="Ἰούδας"I 1 x-content="ὁ"The 1 x-lemma="Παῦλος 7 x-lemma="Σίμων 1 x-lemma="πρεσβύτερος 1 x-lemma="אֲשֶׁר 1 x-lemma="אֶחָד 1 x-lemma="אֶשֶׁר 1 x-lemma="אַחַר 1 x-lemma="אָדָם 1 x-lemma="דָבַר 1 x-lemma="דָּבָר 1 x-lemma="הָיָה 3 x-lemma="חָזוֹן 2 x-lemma="יְהֹוָה 1 x-lemma="יוֹאֵל 1 x-lemma="כָּסָה 1 x-lemma="מֹשֶׁה 1 x-lemma="נָבִיא 1 x-lemma="עִיר 1 x-lemma="רֵאשִׁית 1 x-lemma="שָׁנֶה 1 x-lemma="שָׁנָה 1 x-lemma="ἀρχή 1 x-lemma="Ἰάκωβος 1 x-lemma="Ἰούδας 1 x-lemma="ὁ 1 x-morph="Gr,EA,,,,NMS 1 x-morph="Gr,N,,,,,NFS 1 x-morph="Gr,N,,,,,NMS 10 x-morph="Gr,NS,,,,NMSC 1 x-morph="He,Acfsa 1 x-morph="He,C:R:Ncfsc 1 x-morph="He,C:Vpw3mp:Sp3ms 1 x-morph="He,C:Vpw3ms 1 x-morph="He,C:Vqw3ms 3 x-morph="He,Ncmpa 1 x-morph="He,Ncmpc 1 x-morph="He,Ncmsc 2 x-morph="He,Np 4 x-morph="He,R 1 x-morph="He,R:Ncfsa 1 x-morph="He,R:Ncfsc 1 x-morph="He,Td:Ncfsa 1 x-morph="He,Td:Ncmsa 1 x-morph="He,Tr 1 x-occurrence="1 34 x-occurrences="1 33 x-occurrences="3 1 x-strong="G07460 1 x-strong="G23850 1 x-strong="G24550 1 x-strong="G35880 1 x-strong="G39720 7 x-strong="G42450 1 x-strong="G46130 1 x-strong="H0121 1 x-strong="H0310a 1 x-strong="H0834a 1 x-strong="H0835 1 x-strong="H1697 1 x-strong="H2377 2 x-strong="H3068 1 x-strong="H3100 1 x-strong="H4872 1 x-strong="b:H7225 1 x-strong="b:H8141 1 x-strong="c:H1961 3 x-strong="c:H3680 1 x-strong="c:b:H8141 1 x-strong="d:H5030 1 x-strong="d:H5892b 1 yarn 16 year 372 year-old 1 yearly 1 yearns 1 years 736 years{ 1 year’s 2 yeast 60 yell 1 yelled 4 yelling 1 yellow 8 yellowish 1 yes 26 yesterday 11 yet 104 yogurt 2 yoke 15 yokes 2 you 20875 you're 1 young 532 younger 105 youngest 29 your 4994 youreself 1 yours 45 yourself 164 yourselves 211 youth 1 youthful 1 youths 1 you{ 4 zeal 1 zealously 3 {God 1