\v=9 \v~=\w In|strong="G1722"\w* \w the|strong="G2532"\w* \w same|strong="G5615"\w* \w way|strong="G5615"\w*, \w that|strong="G1438"\w* \w women|strong="G1135"\w* \w also|strong="G2532"\w* \w adorn|strong="G2885"\w* \w themselves|strong="G1438"\w* \w in|strong="G1722"\w* decent \w clothing|strong="G2441"\w*, \w with|strong="G3326"\w* \w modesty|strong="G0127"\w* \w and|strong="G2532"\w* propriety, \w not|strong="G3361"\w*\f + \fr 2:9 \ft The word for “not” is the negative particle “μη” which denies an expected idea, as opposed to the usual word for “not” (ου) which denies a fact. Thus “μη” in this context is denying an expected idea (that women can be properly dressed without good works).\f* \w with|strong="G3326"\w* \w braided|strong="G4117"\w* \w hair|strong="G4117"\w*, \w gold|strong="G5553"\w*, \w pearls|strong="G3135"\w*, \w or|strong="G2228"\w* \w expensive|strong="G4185"\w* \w clothing|strong="G2441"\w*, \¬v