This is XeTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-0.999993 (TeX Live 2022/dev/Debian) (preloaded format=xelatex 2022.4.3) 2 AUG 2022 07:52 entering extended mode restricted \write18 enabled. %&-line parsing enabled. **/srv/Websites/ IS_BOS-BibleWriter.tex (/srv/Websites/ S_BOS-BibleWriter.tex LaTeX2e <2021-11-15> patch level 1 L3 programming layer <2022-01-21> (./Bible.cls Document Class: Bible 2013/08/23 custom Bible class (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/book.cls Document Class: book 2021/10/04 v1.4n Standard LaTeX document class (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/bk10.clo File: bk10.clo 2021/10/04 v1.4n Standard LaTeX file (size option) ) \c@part=\count181 \c@chapter=\count182 \c@section=\count183 \c@subsection=\count184 \c@subsubsection=\count185 \c@paragraph=\count186 \c@subparagraph=\count187 \c@figure=\count188 \c@table=\count189 \abovecaptionskip=\skip47 \belowcaptionskip=\skip48 \bibindent=\dimen138 ) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/xelatex/xltxtra/xltxtra.sty Package: xltxtra 2018/12/31 v0.7 Improvements for the "XeLaTeX" format (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/generic/iftex/ifluatex.sty Package: ifluatex 2019/10/25 v1.5 ifluatex legacy package. 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[1 ] [2 ] No file 41-WIS_BOS-BibleWriter.toc. \tf@toc=\write3 \openout3 = `41-WIS_BOS-BibleWriter.toc'. [3] [4 ] [1] ! LaTeX Error: There's no line here to end. See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.13 \BibleParagraphStyleIP Your command was ignored. Type I to replace it with another command, or to continue without it. ! Argument of \chapterNumber has an extra }. \par l.16 \chapterNumber{1 }Love righteousness, all you who are judges of the earth. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \chapterNumber was complete. \par l.16 \chapterNumber{1 }Love righteousness, all you who are judges of the earth. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \chapterNumber has an extra }. \par l.16 \chapterNumber{1 }Love righteousness, all you who are judges of the earth. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \chapterNumber was complete. \par l.16 \chapterNumber{1 }Love righteousness, all you who are judges of the earth. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. LaTeX Font Info: External font `cmex10' loaded for size (Font) <7> on input line 18. LaTeX Font Info: External font `cmex10' loaded for size (Font) <5> on input line 18. LaTeX Font Info: External font `cmex10' loaded for size (Font) <8> on input line 18. LaTeX Font Info: External font `cmex10' loaded for size (Font) <6> on input line 18. ! Undefined control sequence. ...\BibleFootnoteAnchor {1:1 }Gr. \fqa in goodness. \@finalstrut ... l.18 ...otnoteAnchor{1:1 }Gr. \fqa in goodness. } with a good mind. The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue, and I'll forget about whatever was undefined. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.22 \verseNumber{2 }because he is found by those who don’t put him to the test, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.22 \verseNumber{2 }because he is found by those who don’t put him to the test, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.22 \verseNumber{2 }because he is found by those who don’t put him to the test, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.22 \verseNumber{2 }because he is found by those who don’t put him to the test, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.26 \verseNumber{3 }for crooked thoughts separate from God. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.26 \verseNumber{3 }for crooked thoughts separate from God. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.26 \verseNumber{3 }for crooked thoughts separate from God. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.26 \verseNumber{3 }for crooked thoughts separate from God. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.32 \verseNumber{4 }because wisdom will not enter into a soul that devises e... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.32 \verseNumber{4 }because wisdom will not enter into a soul that devises e... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.32 \verseNumber{4 }because wisdom will not enter into a soul that devises e... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.32 \verseNumber{4 }because wisdom will not enter into a soul that devises e... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.36 \verseNumber{5 }For a holy spirit of discipline will flee deceit, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.36 \verseNumber{5 }For a holy spirit of discipline will flee deceit, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.36 \verseNumber{5 }For a holy spirit of discipline will flee deceit, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.36 \verseNumber{5 }For a holy spirit of discipline will flee deceit, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.42 \verseNumber{6 }For\BibleFootnote{+ \BibleFootnoteAnchor{1:6 }Some auth... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.42 \verseNumber{6 }For\BibleFootnote{+ \BibleFootnoteAnchor{1:6 }Some auth... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.42 \verseNumber{6 }For\BibleFootnote{+ \BibleFootnoteAnchor{1:6 }Some auth... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.42 \verseNumber{6 }For\BibleFootnote{+ \BibleFootnoteAnchor{1:6 }Some auth... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Undefined control sequence. ...or {1:6 }Some authorities read \fqa the spirit of wisdom is lo... l.42 ...a the spirit of wisdom is loving to man. } wisdom is a spirit who lo... The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue, and I'll forget about whatever was undefined. ! Undefined control sequence. ...\BibleFootnoteAnchor {1:6 }Or, \fqa reviler \@finalstrut \stru... l.44 ...bleFootnoteAnchor{1:6 }Or, \fqa reviler } blasphemer guiltless for ... The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue, and I'll forget about whatever was undefined. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.52 \verseNumber{7 }Because the spirit of the Lord has filled\BibleFootnote{... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.52 \verseNumber{7 }Because the spirit of the Lord has filled\BibleFootnote{... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.52 \verseNumber{7 }Because the spirit of the Lord has filled\BibleFootnote{... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.52 \verseNumber{7 }Because the spirit of the Lord has filled\BibleFootnote{... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. [2] ! Undefined control sequence. ...\BibleFootnoteAnchor {1:7 }Gr. \fqa the inhabited earth. \@fin... l.52 ...chor{1:7 }Gr. \fqa the inhabited earth. } the world, The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue, and I'll forget about whatever was undefined. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.56 \verseNumber{8 }Therefore no one who utters unrighteous things will be u... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.56 \verseNumber{8 }Therefore no one who utters unrighteous things will be u... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.56 \verseNumber{8 }Therefore no one who utters unrighteous things will be u... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.56 \verseNumber{8 }Therefore no one who utters unrighteous things will be u... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.60 \verseNumber{9 }For in his counsels the ungodly will be searched out, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.60 \verseNumber{9 }For in his counsels the ungodly will be searched out, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.60 \verseNumber{9 }For in his counsels the ungodly will be searched out, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.60 \verseNumber{9 }For in his counsels the ungodly will be searched out, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.64 \verseNumber{1 0}because a jealous ear listens to all things, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.64 \verseNumber{1 0}because a jealous ear listens to all things, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.64 \verseNumber{1 0}because a jealous ear listens to all things, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.64 \verseNumber{1 0}because a jealous ear listens to all things, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.68 \verseNumber{1 1}Beware then of unprofitable murmuring, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.68 \verseNumber{1 1}Beware then of unprofitable murmuring, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.68 \verseNumber{1 1}Beware then of unprofitable murmuring, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.68 \verseNumber{1 1}Beware then of unprofitable murmuring, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.76 \verseNumber{1 2}Don’t court death in the error of your life. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.76 \verseNumber{1 2}Don’t court death in the error of your life. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.76 \verseNumber{1 2}Don’t court death in the error of your life. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.76 \verseNumber{1 2}Don’t court death in the error of your life. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.80 \verseNumber{1 3}because God didn’t make death, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.80 \verseNumber{1 3}because God didn’t make death, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.80 \verseNumber{1 3}because God didn’t make death, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.80 \verseNumber{1 3}because God didn’t make death, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.84 \verseNumber{1 4}For he created all things that they might have being. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.84 \verseNumber{1 4}For he created all things that they might have being. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.84 \verseNumber{1 4}For he created all things that they might have being. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.84 \verseNumber{1 4}For he created all things that they might have being. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Undefined control sequence. ...BibleFootnoteAnchor {1:14 }Or, \fqa a royal house \@finalstrut... l.90 ...noteAnchor{1:14 }Or, \fqa a royal house } royal dominion upon earth; The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue, and I'll forget about whatever was undefined. [3] ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.92 \verseNumber{1 5}for righteousness is immortal, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.92 \verseNumber{1 5}for righteousness is immortal, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.92 \verseNumber{1 5}for righteousness is immortal, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.92 \verseNumber{1 5}for righteousness is immortal, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.94 \verseNumber{1 6}but ungodly men by their hands and their words summon d... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.94 \verseNumber{1 6}but ungodly men by their hands and their words summon d... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.94 \verseNumber{1 6}but ungodly men by their hands and their words summon d... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.94 \verseNumber{1 6}but ungodly men by their hands and their words summon d... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Undefined control sequence. ...BibleFootnoteAnchor {1:16 }Or, \fqa were consumed with love of... l.96 ...}Or, \fqa were consumed with love of him } pined away. The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue, and I'll forget about whatever was undefined. ! Argument of \chapterNumber has an extra }. \par l.102 \chapterNumber{2 }For they said\BibleFootnote{+ \BibleFootnoteAnchor{2:... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \chapterNumber was complete. \par l.102 \chapterNumber{2 }For they said\BibleFootnote{+ \BibleFootnoteAnchor{2:... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \chapterNumber has an extra }. \par l.102 \chapterNumber{2 }For they said\BibleFootnote{+ \BibleFootnoteAnchor{2:... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \chapterNumber was complete. \par l.102 \chapterNumber{2 }For they said\BibleFootnote{+ \BibleFootnoteAnchor{2:... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Undefined control sequence. ...\BibleFootnoteAnchor {2:1 }Or, \fqa among \@finalstrut \strutbox l.102 ...ibleFootnoteAnchor{2:1 }Or, \fqa among } within themselves, with u... The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue, and I'll forget about whatever was undefined. ! Undefined control sequence. ...\BibleFootnoteAnchor {2:1 }Or, \fqa returned out of Hades \@fi... l.108 ...or{2:1 }Or, \fqa returned out of Hades } was released from Hades. The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue, and I'll forget about whatever was undefined. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.110 \verseNumber{2 }Because we were born by mere chance, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.110 \verseNumber{2 }Because we were born by mere chance, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.110 \verseNumber{2 }Because we were born by mere chance, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.110 \verseNumber{2 }Because we were born by mere chance, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.118 \verseNumber{3 }which being extinguished, the body will be turned into ... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.118 \verseNumber{3 }which being extinguished, the body will be turned into ... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.118 \verseNumber{3 }which being extinguished, the body will be turned into ... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.118 \verseNumber{3 }which being extinguished, the body will be turned into ... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.122 \verseNumber{4 }Our name will be forgotten in time. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.122 \verseNumber{4 }Our name will be forgotten in time. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.122 \verseNumber{4 }Our name will be forgotten in time. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.122 \verseNumber{4 }Our name will be forgotten in time. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. [4] ! Undefined control sequence. ...\BibleFootnoteAnchor {2:4 }Gr. \fqa weighed down. \@finalstrut... l.132 ...noteAnchor{2:4 }Gr. \fqa weighed down. } overcome by its heat. The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue, and I'll forget about whatever was undefined. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.134 \verseNumber{5 }For our allotted time is the passing of a shadow, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.134 \verseNumber{5 }For our allotted time is the passing of a shadow, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.134 \verseNumber{5 }For our allotted time is the passing of a shadow, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.134 \verseNumber{5 }For our allotted time is the passing of a shadow, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Undefined control sequence. ...\BibleFootnoteAnchor {2:5 }Or, \fqa comes again \@finalstrut \... l.138 ...otnoteAnchor{2:5 }Or, \fqa comes again } turns it back. The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue, and I'll forget about whatever was undefined. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.140 \verseNumber{6 }“Come therefore and let’s enjoy the good things that ex... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.140 \verseNumber{6 }“Come therefore and let’s enjoy the good things that ex... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.140 \verseNumber{6 }“Come therefore and let’s enjoy the good things that ex... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.140 \verseNumber{6 }“Come therefore and let’s enjoy the good things that ex... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.144 \verseNumber{7 }Let’s fill ourselves with costly wine and perfumes, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.144 \verseNumber{7 }Let’s fill ourselves with costly wine and perfumes, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.144 \verseNumber{7 }Let’s fill ourselves with costly wine and perfumes, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.144 \verseNumber{7 }Let’s fill ourselves with costly wine and perfumes, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.148 \verseNumber{8 }Let’s crown ourselves with rosebuds before they wither. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.148 \verseNumber{8 }Let’s crown ourselves with rosebuds before they wither. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.148 \verseNumber{8 }Let’s crown ourselves with rosebuds before they wither. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.148 \verseNumber{8 }Let’s crown ourselves with rosebuds before they wither. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.150 \verseNumber{9 }Let none of us go without his share in our proud revelry. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.150 \verseNumber{9 }Let none of us go without his share in our proud revelry. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.150 \verseNumber{9 }Let none of us go without his share in our proud revelry. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.150 \verseNumber{9 }Let none of us go without his share in our proud revelry. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.156 \verseNumber{1 0}Let’s oppress the righteous poor. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.156 \verseNumber{1 0}Let’s oppress the righteous poor. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.156 \verseNumber{1 0}Let’s oppress the righteous poor. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.156 \verseNumber{1 0}Let’s oppress the righteous poor. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.162 \verseNumber{1 1}But let our strength be a law of righteousness; I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.162 \verseNumber{1 1}But let our strength be a law of righteousness; I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.162 \verseNumber{1 1}But let our strength be a law of righteousness; I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.162 \verseNumber{1 1}But let our strength be a law of righteousness; I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. [5] ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.166 \verseNumber{1 2}But let’s lie in wait for the righteous man, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.166 \verseNumber{1 2}But let’s lie in wait for the righteous man, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.166 \verseNumber{1 2}But let’s lie in wait for the righteous man, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.166 \verseNumber{1 2}But let’s lie in wait for the righteous man, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.176 \verseNumber{1 3}He professes to have knowledge of God, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.176 \verseNumber{1 3}He professes to have knowledge of God, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.176 \verseNumber{1 3}He professes to have knowledge of God, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.176 \verseNumber{1 3}He professes to have knowledge of God, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.180 \verseNumber{1 4}He became to us a reproof of our thoughts. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.180 \verseNumber{1 4}He became to us a reproof of our thoughts. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.180 \verseNumber{1 4}He became to us a reproof of our thoughts. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.180 \verseNumber{1 4}He became to us a reproof of our thoughts. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.182 \verseNumber{1 5}He is grievous to us even to look at, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.182 \verseNumber{1 5}He is grievous to us even to look at, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.182 \verseNumber{1 5}He is grievous to us even to look at, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.182 \verseNumber{1 5}He is grievous to us even to look at, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.188 \verseNumber{1 6}We were regarded by him as something worthless, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.188 \verseNumber{1 6}We were regarded by him as something worthless, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.188 \verseNumber{1 6}We were regarded by him as something worthless, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.188 \verseNumber{1 6}We were regarded by him as something worthless, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.196 \verseNumber{1 7}Let’s see if his words are true. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.196 \verseNumber{1 7}Let’s see if his words are true. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.196 \verseNumber{1 7}Let’s see if his words are true. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.196 \verseNumber{1 7}Let’s see if his words are true. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.200 \verseNumber{1 8}For if the righteous man is God’s son, he will uphold ... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.200 \verseNumber{1 8}For if the righteous man is God’s son, he will uphold ... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.200 \verseNumber{1 8}For if the righteous man is God’s son, he will uphold ... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.200 \verseNumber{1 8}For if the righteous man is God’s son, he will uphold ... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.204 \verseNumber{1 9}Let’s test him with insult and torture, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.204 \verseNumber{1 9}Let’s test him with insult and torture, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.204 \verseNumber{1 9}Let’s test him with insult and torture, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.204 \verseNumber{1 9}Let’s test him with insult and torture, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. [6] ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.210 \verseNumber{2 0}Let’s condemn him to a shameful death, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.210 \verseNumber{2 0}Let’s condemn him to a shameful death, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.210 \verseNumber{2 0}Let’s condemn him to a shameful death, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.210 \verseNumber{2 0}Let’s condemn him to a shameful death, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.214 \verseNumber{2 1}Thus they reasoned, and they were led astray; I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.214 \verseNumber{2 1}Thus they reasoned, and they were led astray; I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.214 \verseNumber{2 1}Thus they reasoned, and they were led astray; I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.214 \verseNumber{2 1}Thus they reasoned, and they were led astray; I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.218 \verseNumber{2 2}and they didn’t know the mysteries of God, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.218 \verseNumber{2 2}and they didn’t know the mysteries of God, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.218 \verseNumber{2 2}and they didn’t know the mysteries of God, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.218 \verseNumber{2 2}and they didn’t know the mysteries of God, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.224 \verseNumber{2 3}Because God created man for incorruption, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.224 \verseNumber{2 3}Because God created man for incorruption, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.224 \verseNumber{2 3}Because God created man for incorruption, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.224 \verseNumber{2 3}Because God created man for incorruption, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.228 \verseNumber{2 4}but death entered into the world by the envy of the de... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.228 \verseNumber{2 4}but death entered into the world by the envy of the de... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.228 \verseNumber{2 4}but death entered into the world by the envy of the de... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.228 \verseNumber{2 4}but death entered into the world by the envy of the de... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \chapterNumber has an extra }. \par l.232 \chapterNumber{3 }But the souls of the righteous are in the hand of God, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \chapterNumber was complete. \par l.232 \chapterNumber{3 }But the souls of the righteous are in the hand of God, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \chapterNumber has an extra }. \par l.232 \chapterNumber{3 }But the souls of the righteous are in the hand of God, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \chapterNumber was complete. \par l.232 \chapterNumber{3 }But the souls of the righteous are in the hand of God, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.236 \verseNumber{2 }In the eyes of the foolish they seemed to have died. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.236 \verseNumber{2 }In the eyes of the foolish they seemed to have died. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.236 \verseNumber{2 }In the eyes of the foolish they seemed to have died. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.236 \verseNumber{2 }In the eyes of the foolish they seemed to have died. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.240 \verseNumber{3 }and their travel away from us ruin, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.240 \verseNumber{3 }and their travel away from us ruin, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.240 \verseNumber{3 }and their travel away from us ruin, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.240 \verseNumber{3 }and their travel away from us ruin, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.244 \verseNumber{4 }For even if in the sight of men they are punished, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.244 \verseNumber{4 }For even if in the sight of men they are punished, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.244 \verseNumber{4 }For even if in the sight of men they are punished, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.244 \verseNumber{4 }For even if in the sight of men they are punished, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. [7] ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.248 \verseNumber{5 }Having borne a little chastening, they will receive gre... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.248 \verseNumber{5 }Having borne a little chastening, they will receive gre... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.248 \verseNumber{5 }Having borne a little chastening, they will receive gre... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.248 \verseNumber{5 }Having borne a little chastening, they will receive gre... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.252 \verseNumber{6 }He tested them like gold in the furnace, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.252 \verseNumber{6 }He tested them like gold in the furnace, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.252 \verseNumber{6 }He tested them like gold in the furnace, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.252 \verseNumber{6 }He tested them like gold in the furnace, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.256 \verseNumber{7 }In the time of their visitation they will shine. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.256 \verseNumber{7 }In the time of their visitation they will shine. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.256 \verseNumber{7 }In the time of their visitation they will shine. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.256 \verseNumber{7 }In the time of their visitation they will shine. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.260 \verseNumber{8 }They will judge nations and have dominion over peoples. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.260 \verseNumber{8 }They will judge nations and have dominion over peoples. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.260 \verseNumber{8 }They will judge nations and have dominion over peoples. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.260 \verseNumber{8 }They will judge nations and have dominion over peoples. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.264 \verseNumber{9 }Those who trust him will understand truth. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.264 \verseNumber{9 }Those who trust him will understand truth. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.264 \verseNumber{9 }Those who trust him will understand truth. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.264 \verseNumber{9 }Those who trust him will understand truth. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.270 \verseNumber{1 0}But the ungodly will be punished even as their reasoni... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.270 \verseNumber{1 0}But the ungodly will be punished even as their reasoni... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.270 \verseNumber{1 0}But the ungodly will be punished even as their reasoni... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.270 \verseNumber{1 0}But the ungodly will be punished even as their reasoni... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.274 \verseNumber{1 1}for he who despises wisdom and discipline is miserable. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.274 \verseNumber{1 1}for he who despises wisdom and discipline is miserable. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.274 \verseNumber{1 1}for he who despises wisdom and discipline is miserable. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.274 \verseNumber{1 1}for he who despises wisdom and discipline is miserable. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.280 \verseNumber{1 2}Their wives are foolish and their children are wicked. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.280 \verseNumber{1 2}Their wives are foolish and their children are wicked. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.280 \verseNumber{1 2}Their wives are foolish and their children are wicked. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.280 \verseNumber{1 2}Their wives are foolish and their children are wicked. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.282 \verseNumber{1 3}Their descendants are cursed. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.282 \verseNumber{1 3}Their descendants are cursed. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.282 \verseNumber{1 3}Their descendants are cursed. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.282 \verseNumber{1 3}Their descendants are cursed. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. [8] ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.290 \verseNumber{1 4}So is the eunuch which has done no lawless deed with h... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.290 \verseNumber{1 4}So is the eunuch which has done no lawless deed with h... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.290 \verseNumber{1 4}So is the eunuch which has done no lawless deed with h... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.290 \verseNumber{1 4}So is the eunuch which has done no lawless deed with h... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.298 \verseNumber{1 5}For good labors have fruit of great renown. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.298 \verseNumber{1 5}For good labors have fruit of great renown. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.298 \verseNumber{1 5}For good labors have fruit of great renown. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.298 \verseNumber{1 5}For good labors have fruit of great renown. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.302 \verseNumber{1 6}But children of adulterers will not come to maturity. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.302 \verseNumber{1 6}But children of adulterers will not come to maturity. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.302 \verseNumber{1 6}But children of adulterers will not come to maturity. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.302 \verseNumber{1 6}But children of adulterers will not come to maturity. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.306 \verseNumber{1 7}For if they live long, they will not be esteemed, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.306 \verseNumber{1 7}For if they live long, they will not be esteemed, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.306 \verseNumber{1 7}For if they live long, they will not be esteemed, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.306 \verseNumber{1 7}For if they live long, they will not be esteemed, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.310 \verseNumber{1 8}If they die young, they will have no hope, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.310 \verseNumber{1 8}If they die young, they will have no hope, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.310 \verseNumber{1 8}If they die young, they will have no hope, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.310 \verseNumber{1 8}If they die young, they will have no hope, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.314 \verseNumber{1 9}For the end of an unrighteous generation is always gri... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.314 \verseNumber{1 9}For the end of an unrighteous generation is always gri... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.314 \verseNumber{1 9}For the end of an unrighteous generation is always gri... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.314 \verseNumber{1 9}For the end of an unrighteous generation is always gri... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \chapterNumber has an extra }. \par l.316 \chapterNumber{4 }It is better to be childless with virtue, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \chapterNumber was complete. \par l.316 \chapterNumber{4 }It is better to be childless with virtue, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \chapterNumber has an extra }. \par l.316 \chapterNumber{4 }It is better to be childless with virtue, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \chapterNumber was complete. \par l.316 \chapterNumber{4 }It is better to be childless with virtue, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.322 \verseNumber{2 }When it is present, people imitate it. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.322 \verseNumber{2 }When it is present, people imitate it. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.322 \verseNumber{2 }When it is present, people imitate it. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.322 \verseNumber{2 }When it is present, people imitate it. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. [9] ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.330 \verseNumber{3 }But the multiplying brood of the ungodly will be of no ... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.330 \verseNumber{3 }But the multiplying brood of the ungodly will be of no ... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.330 \verseNumber{3 }But the multiplying brood of the ungodly will be of no ... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.330 \verseNumber{3 }But the multiplying brood of the ungodly will be of no ... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.336 \verseNumber{4 }For even if they grow branches and flourish for a season, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.336 \verseNumber{4 }For even if they grow branches and flourish for a season, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.336 \verseNumber{4 }For even if they grow branches and flourish for a season, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.336 \verseNumber{4 }For even if they grow branches and flourish for a season, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.342 \verseNumber{5 }Their branches will be broken off before they come to m... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.342 \verseNumber{5 }Their branches will be broken off before they come to m... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.342 \verseNumber{5 }Their branches will be broken off before they come to m... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.342 \verseNumber{5 }Their branches will be broken off before they come to m... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.348 \verseNumber{6 }For unlawfully conceived children are witnesses of wick... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.348 \verseNumber{6 }For unlawfully conceived children are witnesses of wick... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.348 \verseNumber{6 }For unlawfully conceived children are witnesses of wick... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.348 \verseNumber{6 }For unlawfully conceived children are witnesses of wick... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.352 \verseNumber{7 }But a righteous man, even if he dies before his time, w... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.352 \verseNumber{7 }But a righteous man, even if he dies before his time, w... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.352 \verseNumber{7 }But a righteous man, even if he dies before his time, w... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.352 \verseNumber{7 }But a righteous man, even if he dies before his time, w... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.354 \verseNumber{8 }For honorable old age is not that which stands in lengt... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.354 \verseNumber{8 }For honorable old age is not that which stands in lengt... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.354 \verseNumber{8 }For honorable old age is not that which stands in lengt... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.354 \verseNumber{8 }For honorable old age is not that which stands in lengt... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.358 \verseNumber{9 }but understanding is gray hair to men, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.358 \verseNumber{9 }but understanding is gray hair to men, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.358 \verseNumber{9 }but understanding is gray hair to men, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.358 \verseNumber{9 }but understanding is gray hair to men, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.362 \verseNumber{1 0}Being found well-pleasing to God, someone was loved. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.362 \verseNumber{1 0}Being found well-pleasing to God, someone was loved. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.362 \verseNumber{1 0}Being found well-pleasing to God, someone was loved. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.362 \verseNumber{1 0}Being found well-pleasing to God, someone was loved. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. [10] ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.366 \verseNumber{1 1}He was caught away, lest evil should change his unders... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.366 \verseNumber{1 1}He was caught away, lest evil should change his unders... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.366 \verseNumber{1 1}He was caught away, lest evil should change his unders... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.366 \verseNumber{1 1}He was caught away, lest evil should change his unders... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.370 \verseNumber{1 2}For the fascination of wickedness obscures the things ... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.370 \verseNumber{1 2}For the fascination of wickedness obscures the things ... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.370 \verseNumber{1 2}For the fascination of wickedness obscures the things ... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.370 \verseNumber{1 2}For the fascination of wickedness obscures the things ... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.374 \verseNumber{1 3}Being made perfect quickly, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.374 \verseNumber{1 3}Being made perfect quickly, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.374 \verseNumber{1 3}Being made perfect quickly, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.374 \verseNumber{1 3}Being made perfect quickly, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.378 \verseNumber{1 4}for his soul was pleasing to the Lord. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.378 \verseNumber{1 4}for his soul was pleasing to the Lord. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.378 \verseNumber{1 4}for his soul was pleasing to the Lord. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.378 \verseNumber{1 4}for his soul was pleasing to the Lord. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.382 \verseNumber{1 5}But the peoples saw and didn’t understand, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.382 \verseNumber{1 5}But the peoples saw and didn’t understand, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.382 \verseNumber{1 5}But the peoples saw and didn’t understand, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.382 \verseNumber{1 5}But the peoples saw and didn’t understand, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.388 \verseNumber{1 6}but a righteous man who is dead will condemn the ungod... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.388 \verseNumber{1 6}but a righteous man who is dead will condemn the ungod... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.388 \verseNumber{1 6}but a righteous man who is dead will condemn the ungod... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.388 \verseNumber{1 6}but a righteous man who is dead will condemn the ungod... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.392 \verseNumber{1 7}For the ungodly will see a wise man’s end, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.392 \verseNumber{1 7}For the ungodly will see a wise man’s end, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.392 \verseNumber{1 7}For the ungodly will see a wise man’s end, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.392 \verseNumber{1 7}For the ungodly will see a wise man’s end, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.398 \verseNumber{1 8}They will see, and they will despise; I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.398 \verseNumber{1 8}They will see, and they will despise; I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.398 \verseNumber{1 8}They will see, and they will despise; I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.398 \verseNumber{1 8}They will see, and they will despise; I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. [11] ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.406 \verseNumber{1 9}because he will dash them speechless to the ground, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.406 \verseNumber{1 9}because he will dash them speechless to the ground, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.406 \verseNumber{1 9}because he will dash them speechless to the ground, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.406 \verseNumber{1 9}because he will dash them speechless to the ground, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.416 \verseNumber{2 0}They will come with coward fear when their sins are co... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.416 \verseNumber{2 0}They will come with coward fear when their sins are co... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.416 \verseNumber{2 0}They will come with coward fear when their sins are co... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.416 \verseNumber{2 0}They will come with coward fear when their sins are co... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \chapterNumber has an extra }. \par l.420 \chapterNumber{5 }Then the righteous man will stand in great boldness I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \chapterNumber was complete. \par l.420 \chapterNumber{5 }Then the righteous man will stand in great boldness I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \chapterNumber has an extra }. \par l.420 \chapterNumber{5 }Then the righteous man will stand in great boldness I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \chapterNumber was complete. \par l.420 \chapterNumber{5 }Then the righteous man will stand in great boldness I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.426 \verseNumber{2 }When they see him, they will be troubled with terrible ... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.426 \verseNumber{2 }When they see him, they will be troubled with terrible ... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.426 \verseNumber{2 }When they see him, they will be troubled with terrible ... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.426 \verseNumber{2 }When they see him, they will be troubled with terrible ... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.430 \verseNumber{3 }They will speak among themselves repenting, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.430 \verseNumber{3 }They will speak among themselves repenting, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.430 \verseNumber{3 }They will speak among themselves repenting, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.430 \verseNumber{3 }They will speak among themselves repenting, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.438 \verseNumber{4 }We fools considered his life madness, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.438 \verseNumber{4 }We fools considered his life madness, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.438 \verseNumber{4 }We fools considered his life madness, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.438 \verseNumber{4 }We fools considered his life madness, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.442 \verseNumber{5 }How was he counted among sons of God? I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.442 \verseNumber{5 }How was he counted among sons of God? I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.442 \verseNumber{5 }How was he counted among sons of God? I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.442 \verseNumber{5 }How was he counted among sons of God? I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. [12] ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.446 \verseNumber{6 }Truly we went astray from the way of truth. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.446 \verseNumber{6 }Truly we went astray from the way of truth. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.446 \verseNumber{6 }Truly we went astray from the way of truth. I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.446 \verseNumber{6 }Truly we went astray from the way of truth. I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.452 \verseNumber{7 }We\BibleFootnote{+ \BibleFootnoteAnchor{5:7 }See Prove... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.452 \verseNumber{7 }We\BibleFootnote{+ \BibleFootnoteAnchor{5:7 }See Prove... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.452 \verseNumber{7 }We\BibleFootnote{+ \BibleFootnoteAnchor{5:7 }See Prove... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.452 \verseNumber{7 }We\BibleFootnote{+ \BibleFootnoteAnchor{5:7 }See Prove... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.458 \verseNumber{8 }What did our arrogance profit us? I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.458 \verseNumber{8 }What did our arrogance profit us? I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.458 \verseNumber{8 }What did our arrogance profit us? I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.458 \verseNumber{8 }What did our arrogance profit us? I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.462 \verseNumber{9 }Those things all passed away as a shadow, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.462 \verseNumber{9 }Those things all passed away as a shadow, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.462 \verseNumber{9 }Those things all passed away as a shadow, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.462 \verseNumber{9 }Those things all passed away as a shadow, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.466 \verseNumber{1 0}like a ship passing through the billowy water, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.466 \verseNumber{1 0}like a ship passing through the billowy water, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.466 \verseNumber{1 0}like a ship passing through the billowy water, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.466 \verseNumber{1 0}like a ship passing through the billowy water, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.472 \verseNumber{1 1}Or it is like when a bird flies through the air, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.472 \verseNumber{1 1}Or it is like when a bird flies through the air, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.472 \verseNumber{1 1}Or it is like when a bird flies through the air, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.472 \verseNumber{1 1}Or it is like when a bird flies through the air, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. [13] ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.482 \verseNumber{1 2}Or it is like when an arrow is shot at a mark, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.482 \verseNumber{1 2}Or it is like when an arrow is shot at a mark, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.482 \verseNumber{1 2}Or it is like when an arrow is shot at a mark, I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.482 \verseNumber{1 2}Or it is like when an arrow is shot at a mark, I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.488 \verseNumber{1 3}So we also, as soon as we were born, ceased to be; I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.488 \verseNumber{1 3}So we also, as soon as we were born, ceased to be; I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.488 \verseNumber{1 3}So we also, as soon as we were born, ceased to be; I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.488 \verseNumber{1 3}So we also, as soon as we were born, ceased to be; I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.494 \verseNumber{1 4}Because the hope of the ungodly man is like chaff carr... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.494 \verseNumber{1 4}Because the hope of the ungodly man is like chaff carr... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Argument of \verseNumber has an extra }. \par l.494 \verseNumber{1 4}Because the hope of the ungodly man is like chaff carr... I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. Runaway argument? ! Paragraph ended before \verseNumber was complete. \par l.494 \verseNumber{1 4}Because the hope of the ungodly man is like chaff carr... I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. ! Undefined control sequence. ...BibleFootnoteAnchor {5:14 }Gr. \fqa like foam chased to thinne... l.496 ...thinness: or, \fqa as thin foam chased. } as\BibleFootnote{+ \Bible... The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue, and I'll forget about whatever was undefined. ! Undefined control sequence. ...e foam chased to thinness: or, \fqa as thin foam chased. \@fin... l.496 ...thinness: or, \fqa as thin foam chased. } as\BibleFootnote{+ \Bible... The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue, and I'll forget about whatever was undefined. ) Runaway argument? {+ \BibleFootnoteAnchor {5:14 Most Greek authorities read \fqa hoar f\ETC. ! File ended while scanning use of \BibleFootnote. \par <*> ...o/BOS_TeX_Export/41-WIS_BOS-BibleWriter.tex I suspect you have forgotten a `}', causing me to read past where you wanted me to stop. I'll try to recover; but if the error is serious, you'd better type `E' or `X' now and fix your file. ! Emergency stop. <*> ...o/BOS_TeX_Export/41-WIS_BOS-BibleWriter.tex *** (job aborted, no legal \end found) Here is how much of TeX's memory you used: 3887 strings out of 478190 115074 string characters out of 5854828 488491 words of memory out of 5000000 24463 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+600000 471258 words of font info for 56 fonts, out of 8000000 for 9000 14 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191 103i,8n,105p,440b,239s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,80000s Output written on 41-WIS_BOS-BibleWriter.pdf (17 pages).