\v=10 \v~=Behold, \w I|strong="H5414"\w* \w will|strong="H3068"\w* \w give|strong="H5414"\w* \w to|strong="H0413"\w* \w your|strong="H3068"\w* servants, \w the|strong="H0853"\w* cutters \w who|strong="H3068"\w* cut timber, twenty thousand cors\f + \fr 2:10 \ft 1 cor is the same as a homer, or about 55.9 U. S. gallons (liquid) or 211 litres or 6 bushels, so 20,000 cors of wheat would weigh about 545 metric tonnes\f* \w of|strong="H4428"\w* beaten wheat, twenty thousand baths\f + \fr 2:10 \ft 1 bath is one tenth of a cor, or about 5.6 U. S. gallons or 21 litres or 2.4 pecks. 20,000 baths of barley would weigh about 262 metric tonnes.\f* \w of|strong="H4428"\w* barley, twenty thousand baths \w of|strong="H4428"\w* wine, \w and|strong="H3068"\w* twenty thousand baths \w of|strong="H4428"\w* oil.” \¬v \¬p