\pi1 \v=23 \v~=“Whereas \w the|strong="H1768"\w* king saw a holy watcher coming down \w from|strong="H4481"\w* \w the|strong="H1768"\w* \w sky|strong="H8065"\w* \w and|strong="H8065"\w* \w saying|strong="H0560"\w*, ‘Cut down \w the|strong="H1768"\w* \w tree|strong="H0363"\w*, \w and|strong="H8065"\w* destroy it; nevertheless \w leave|strong="H7662"\w* \w the|strong="H1768"\w* stump \w of|strong="H4481"\w* \w its|strong="H3046"\w* \w roots|strong="H8330"\w* \w in|strong="H4437"\w* \w the|strong="H1768"\w* earth, \w even|strong="H1768"\w* with a band \w of|strong="H4481"\w* iron \w and|strong="H8065"\w* bronze, \w in|strong="H4437"\w* \w the|strong="H1768"\w* tender grass \w of|strong="H4481"\w* \w the|strong="H1768"\w* field, \w and|strong="H8065"\w* let it be wet with \w the|strong="H1768"\w* dew \w of|strong="H4481"\w* \w the|strong="H1768"\w* \w sky|strong="H8065"\w*. Let \w his|strong="H1768"\w* portion be with \w the|strong="H1768"\w* animals \w of|strong="H4481"\w* \w the|strong="H1768"\w* field, until seven times pass over \w him|strong="H4481"\w*.’ \¬v \¬pi1