\v=21 \v~=\w As|strong="H0259"\w* \w for|strong="H0259"\w* \w the|strong="H5437"\w* \w pillars|strong="H5982"\w*, \w the|strong="H5437"\w* \w height|strong="H6967"\w* \w of|strong="H5982"\w* \w the|strong="H5437"\w* \w one|strong="H0259"\w* \w pillar|strong="H5982"\w* \w was|strong="H0259"\w* \w eighteen|strong="H6240"\w* \w cubits|strong="H0520"\w*;\f + \fr 52:21 \ft A cubit is the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s arm, or about 18 inches or 46 centimetres.\f* \w and|strong="H5437"\w* \w a|strong="H0259"\w* \w line|strong="H2339"\w* \w of|strong="H5982"\w* \w twelve|strong="H6240"\w* \w cubits|strong="H0520"\w* \w encircled|strong="H5437"\w* \w it|strong="H5437"\w*; \w and|strong="H5437"\w* its \w thickness|strong="H5672"\w* \w was|strong="H0259"\w* \w four|strong="H0702"\w* \w fingers|strong="H0676"\w*. \w It|strong="H5437"\w* \w was|strong="H0259"\w* \w hollow|strong="H5014"\w*. \¬v