\p \v=7 \v~=\w Philip|strong="G5376"\w* \w answered|strong="G0611"\w* \w him|strong="G0846"\w*, “\w Two|strong="G1250"\w* \w hundred|strong="G1250"\w* \w denarii|strong="G1220"\w*\f + \fr 6:7 \ft A denarius was a silver coin worth about a day’s wages for an agricultural labourer, so 200 denarii would be between 6 and 7 month’s pay.\f* \w worth|strong="G0740"\w* \w of|strong="G5100"\w* \w bread|strong="G0740"\w* \w is|strong="G5100"\w* \w not|strong="G3756"\w* \w sufficient|strong="G0714"\w* \w for|strong="G2443"\w* \w them|strong="G0846"\w*, \w that|strong="G2443"\w* \w every|strong="G1538"\w* \w one|strong="G5100"\w* \w of|strong="G5100"\w* \w them|strong="G0846"\w* \w may|strong="G2443"\w* \w receive|strong="G2983"\w* \w a|strong="G2983"\w* \w little|strong="G1024"\w*.” \¬v \¬p