\v=11 \v~=Solomon \w gave|strong="H1961"\w* Hiram twenty thousand cors\f + \fr 5:11 \ft 20,000 cors would be about 120,000 bushels or about 4.2 megalitres of wheat, which would weigh about 3,270 metric tonnes.\f* \w of|strong="H1121"\w* wheat \w for|strong="H3605"\w* food \w to|strong="H1961"\w* \w his|strong="H3605"\w* household, \w and|strong="H1121"\w* twenty cors\f + \fr 5:11 \ft 20 cors is about 1,100 gallons or about 4220 litres.\f* \w of|strong="H1121"\w* pure oil. Solomon \w gave|strong="H1961"\w* \w this|strong="H3605"\w* \w to|strong="H1961"\w* Hiram year \w by|strong="H1961"\w* year. \¬v