\p \v=10 \v~=“\w On|strong="H3117"\w* \w the|strong="H3947"\w* \w eighth|strong="H8066"\w* \w day|strong="H3117"\w* \w he|strong="H3117"\w* \w shall|strong="H3117"\w* \w take|strong="H3947"\w* \w two|strong="H8147"\w* \w male|strong="H3532"\w* \w lambs|strong="H3532"\w* \w without|strong="H8549"\w* \w defect|strong="H8549"\w*, \w one|strong="H0259"\w* \w ewe|strong="H3535"\w* \w lamb|strong="H3532"\w* \w a|strong="H3947"\w* \w year|strong="H8141"\w* \w old|strong="H8141"\w* \w without|strong="H8549"\w* \w defect|strong="H8549"\w*, \w three|strong="H7969"\w* tenths \w of|strong="H3117"\w* \w an|strong="H3947"\w* efah\f + \fr 14:10 \ft 1 efah is about 22 litres or about 2/3 of a bushel\f* \w of|strong="H3117"\w* \w fine|strong="H5560"\w* \w flour|strong="H5560"\w* \w for|strong="H3117"\w* \w a|strong="H3947"\w* \w meal|strong="H4503"\w* \w offering|strong="H4503"\w*, \w mixed|strong="H1101"\w* \w with|strong="H3117"\w* \w oil|strong="H8081"\w*, \w and|strong="H3117"\w* \w one|strong="H0259"\w* \w log|strong="H3849"\w*\f + \fr 14:10 \ft a log is a liquid measure of about 300 ml or 10 ounces\f* \w of|strong="H3117"\w* \w oil|strong="H8081"\w*. \¬v