\p \v=29 \v~=\wj “\+w Aren’t|strong="G3756"\+w* \+w two|strong="G1417"\+w* \+w sparrows|strong="G4765"\+w* \+w sold|strong="G4453"\+w* \+w for|strong="G1909"\+w* \+w an|strong="G2532"\+w* assarion coin?\wj*\f + \fr 10:29 \ft An assarion is a small coin worth one tenth of a drachma or a sixteenth of a denarius. An assarion is approximately the wages of one half hour of agricultural labour.\f* \wj \+w Not|strong="G3756"\+w* \+w one|strong="G1520"\+w* \+w of|strong="G1537"\+w* \+w them|strong="G0846"\+w* \+w falls|strong="G4098"\+w* \+w to|strong="G1909"\+w* \+w the|strong="G3588"\+w* \+w ground|strong="G1093"\+w* \+w apart|strong="G0427"\+w* \+w from|strong="G1537"\+w* \+w your|strong="G2532"\+w* \+w Father’s|strong="G3962"\+w* \+w will|strong="G1093"\+w*. \wj* \¬v