\v=24 \v~=\wj \+w When|strong="G1161"\+w* \+w he|strong="G0846"\+w* \+w had|strong="G0846"\+w* \+w begun|strong="G0757"\+w* \+w to|strong="G0757"\+w* \+w settle|strong="G4868"\+w*, \+w one|strong="G1520"\+w* \+w was|strong="G0846"\+w* \+w brought|strong="G4374"\+w* \+w to|strong="G0757"\+w* \+w him|strong="G0846"\+w* \+w who|strong="G0846"\+w* \+w owed|strong="G3781"\+w* \+w him|strong="G0846"\+w* \+w ten|strong="G3463"\+w* \+w thousand|strong="G3463"\+w* \+w talents|strong="G5007"\+w*.\wj*\f + \fr 18:24 \ft Ten thousand talents (about 300 metric tonnes of silver) represents an extremely large sum of money, equivalent to about 60,000,000 denarii, where one denarius was typical of one day’s wages for agricultural labour.\f* \¬v