\v=5 \v~=\wj \+w But|strong="G1161"\+w* \+w they|strong="G0846"\+w* \+w do|strong="G4160"\+w* \+w all|strong="G3956"\+w* \+w their|strong="G0846"\+w* \+w works|strong="G2041"\+w* \+w to|strong="G4314"\+w* \+w be|strong="G2532"\+w* \+w seen|strong="G2300"\+w* \+w by|strong="G0444"\+w* \+w men|strong="G0444"\+w*. \+w They|strong="G0846"\+w* \+w make|strong="G4160"\+w* \+w their|strong="G0846"\+w* \+w phylacteries|strong="G5440"\+w*\wj*\f + \fr 23:5 \ft phylacteries (tefillin in Hebrew) are small leather pouches that some Jewish men wear on their forehead and arm in prayer. They are used to carry a small scroll with some Scripture in it. See Deuteronomy 6:8.\f* \wj broad \+w and|strong="G2532"\+w* enlarge \+w the|strong="G3956"\+w* fringes\wj*\f + \fr 23:5 \ft or, tzitziot\f* \wj \+w of|strong="G2041"\+w* \+w their|strong="G0846"\+w* garments, \wj* \¬v