\v=42 \v~=\w A|strong="G1510"\w* \w poor|strong="G4434"\w* \w widow|strong="G5503"\w* \w came|strong="G2064"\w* \w and|strong="G2532"\w* \w she|strong="G3739"\w* \w cast|strong="G0906"\w* \w in|strong="G2532"\w* \w two|strong="G1417"\w* \w small|strong="G3016"\w* brass \w coins|strong="G3016"\w*,\f + \fr 12:42 \ft literally, lepta (or widow’s mites). Lepta are very small brass coins worth half a quadrans each, which is a quarter of the copper assarion. Lepta are worth less than 1% of an agricultural worker’s daily wages.\f* \w which|strong="G3739"\w* equal \w a|strong="G1510"\w* quadrans coin.\f + \fr 12:42 \ft A quadrans is a coin worth about 1/64 of a denarius. A denarius is about one day’s wages for an agricultural labourer.\f* \¬v