\p \v=9 \v~=\f + \fr 16:9 \ft NU includes the text of verses 9-20, but mentions in a footnote that a few manuscripts omitted it. The translators of the World English Bible regard Mark 16:9-20 as reliable based on an overwhelming majority of textual evidence, including not only the authoritative Greek Majority Text New Testament, but also the TR and many of the manuscripts cited in the NU text.\f*\w Now|strong="G1161"\w* \w when|strong="G1161"\w* \w he|strong="G3739"\w* \w had|strong="G3739"\w* \w risen|strong="G0450"\w* \w early|strong="G4404"\w* \w on|strong="G0575"\w* \w the|strong="G3588"\w* \w first|strong="G4413"\w* \w day|strong="G4521"\w* \w of|strong="G0575"\w* \w the|strong="G3588"\w* \w week|strong="G4521"\w*, \w he|strong="G3739"\w* \w appeared|strong="G5316"\w* \w first|strong="G4413"\w* \w to|strong="G4413"\w* Miriam \w Magdalene|strong="G3094"\w*, \w from|strong="G0575"\w* \w whom|strong="G3739"\w* \w he|strong="G3739"\w* \w had|strong="G3739"\w* \w cast|strong="G1544"\w* \w out|strong="G1544"\w* \w seven|strong="G2033"\w* \w demons|strong="G1140"\w*. \¬v