\c=1 \p \c#=1 \v=1 \v~=\w The|strong="H0853"\w* \w vision|strong="H2377"\w* \w of|strong="H3068"\w* \w Obadiah|strong="H5662"\w*. \w This|strong="H3541"\w* \w is|strong="H3068"\w* \w what|strong="H3541"\w* \w the|strong="H0853"\w* \w Lord|strong="H3068"\w*\f + \fr 1:1 \ft The word translated “Lord” (mixed case) is “Adonai.”\f* \w GOD|strong="H3068"\w*\f + \fr 1:1 \ft When rendered in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, “LORD” or “GOD” is the translation of God’s Proper Name.\f* \w says|strong="H0559"\w* \w about|strong="H5921"\w* \w Edom|strong="H0123"\w*. \w We|strong="H8085"\w* \w have|strong="H1471"\w* \w heard|strong="H8085"\w* \w news|strong="H8052"\w* \w from|strong="H5921"\w* \w the|strong="H0853"\w* \w LORD|strong="H3068"\w*, \w and|strong="H6965"\w* \w an|strong="H6965"\w* ambassador \w is|strong="H3068"\w* \w sent|strong="H7971"\w* amongst \w the|strong="H0853"\w* \w nations|strong="H1471"\w*, \w saying|strong="H0559"\w*, “\w Arise|strong="H6965"\w*, \w and|strong="H6965"\w* let’s \w rise|strong="H6965"\w* \w up|strong="H6965"\w* \w against|strong="H5921"\w* \w her|strong="H7971"\w* \w in|strong="H5921"\w* \w battle|strong="H4421"\w*. \¬v