# MainControls.txt for production project # # This is the main control file for the SFM2Web program for the USFM drop box # Any line with a # in the first column is a comment line ignored by the program # # You should edit this file for your specific situation # Note that all fieldnames and settings are CASE SENSITIVE # # Project type (don't use quotes) # Currently any of 'VernacularLexicon', 'Lexicon2', 'Bible', 'Phonology', 'Grammar', 'Texts', 'Phrasebook', # 'LanguageLessons', 'Healthbooks', 'Songbook', 'Readers', 'Genealogy', or 'ALL' are supported) ProjectType = Bible # What order do you want these processed and listed on the cover page # Don't delete any of the below (even if you don't use them), but change the order as desired ProjectOrder = VernacularLexicon Lexicon2 Phonology Grammar Readers Texts Phrasebook LanguageLessons Healthbooks Bible Songbook Genealogy # Language names VernacularLanguageName = World Messianic Bible (British edition) VernacularLanguageFormalName = World Messianic Bible (British edition) GlossLanguageName = English NationalLanguageName = National Language RegionalLanguageName = Regional Language # Style set -- we only need this here if it's different from the overall set specified in Projects.txt #StyleSet = Gaudy # Downloadable site for use on local computer AllowProjectSiteDownloads = False # Compression for downloads -- this can be 'Zip', 'TarGZ', or 'BOTH' (without the quotes) ProjectSiteCompression = BOTH # Cover pages CoverCopyrightNotice = Copyright © 2013 MakeCoverPage = True MakeIntroPage = True MakeAboutLanguagePage = False MakeStatsPage = True PicturesClickable = Yes # Extra stuff only for debugging, showing how program works, etc. MakeControlsPage = True ControlsPageUnlisted = False MakeLogPage = True LogPageUnlisted = False # Affixes TryToFindVernacularWordRoots = False VernacularAffixControlFile = VernacularAffixes.txt #VernacularNameFile = VernacularNames.txt TryToFindGlossLanguageWordRoots = False GlossLanguageAffixControlFile = GlossLanguageAffixes.txt # Detailed control files for specific applications (not normally changed) LexiconControlFilename = LexiconControls.txt Lexicon2ControlFilename = Lexicon2Controls.txt PhonologyControlFilename = PhonologyControls.txt GrammarControlFilename = GrammarControls.txt BibleControlFilename = BibleControls.txt TextsControlFilename = TextsControls.txt PhrasebookControlFilename = PhrasebookControls.txt LanguageLessonsControlFilename = LanguageLessonsControls.txt ReadersControlFilename = ReadersControls.txt HealthbooksControlFilename = HealthbooksControls.txt SongbookControlFilename = SongbookControls.txt GenealogyControlFilename = GenealogyControls.txt AboutLanguageControlFilename = AboutLanguage.txt