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Open English Translation MAT Chapter 16

MAT 16 ©

Readers’ Version

Literal Version

16:1 Requesting a sign in the sky

(Mark 8:11-13, Luke 12:54-56)

16[ref]Some from the Pharisee party and some from the Sadducee sect approached Yeshua, and trying to tempt him they asked him to make a sign in the sky to show his power to them. 2But in answer he said to them, 3 4[ref]This is an evil and adulterous generation that’s wanting a sign, and no sign will be given to it except for the sign of Yonah.” Then he left them and went away.

16And the Farisaios_party and Saddoukaios_sect having_approached, tempting him they_asked him for_a_sign out_of the sky to_show to_them.
2But he answering said to_them, 3 4A_ evil and adulterous _generation is_seeking_after a_sign, and a_sign will_ not _be_being_given to_it, except not/lest the sign of_Yōnas/(Yōnāh).
And having_left them he_went_away.

16:5 The yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees

(Mark 8:14-21)

5Now Yeshua’s apprentices had crossed the lake, but they forgot to take any yeast 6[ref]and Yeshua told them, “Watch out for the yeast from the Pharisees and the Sadducees.

7This caused a discussion among them trying to figure out if he was scolding them for not bringing any bread.

8But Yeshua knew what they were saying, and asked them, “You all with little faith. Why are you discussing among yourselves about not having bread? 9[ref]Haven’t you understood what’s going on here yet? Don’t you remember that there were twelve baskets of leftovers when five buns were used to feed 5,000 families? 10[ref]And then seven baskets of leftovers when seven buns were used to feed 4,000 families? 11How can you fail to understand that I wasn’t talking to you about bread? Watch out for the yeast from the Pharisees and Sadducees.

12Then they understood that he wasn’t talking about yeast that’s used to make bread, but about the teaching of the Pharisee party and of the Sadducee sect.

5And the apprentices/followers having_come to the side across, they_forgot to_take loaves.
6And the Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) said to_them:
Be_watching and be_taking_heed of the leaven of_the Farisaios_party and Saddoukaios_sect.
7And they were_reasoning among themselves saying, that we_ not _took Loaves.
8But the Yaʸsous having_known, said:
Why are_you_all_reasoning among yourselves, little_faith ones, because you_all_are_ not _having loaves?
9You_all_are_ not_yet _understanding, neither are_you_all_remembering the five loaves of_the five_thousand, and how_many baskets you_all_took?
10Nor the seven loaves of_the four_thousand, and how_many baskets you_all_took?
11How you_all_are_ not _understanding that I_spoke to_you_all not concerning the_loaves?
And be_taking_heed of the leaven of_the Farisaios_party and Saddoukaios_sect.
12Then they_understood that he_ not _said to_be_taking_heed of the leaven of_the loaves, but of the teaching of_the Farisaios_party and Saddoukaios_sect.

16:13 Peter acknowledges Yeshua as God’s son

(Mark 8:27-30, Luke 9:18-21)

13When Yeshua arrived in the outskirts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his apprentices, “Who are people saying that humanity’s child is?

14[ref]“Some say Yohan-the-Immerser come back to life,” they answered, “but others say the promised prophet Eliyah, and others, Jeremiah or one of the other prophets.”

15But you yourselves,” he asked, “Who do you say I am?

16[ref]“You are the promised messiah,” Simon Peter answered, “the son of the living God.”

17Then Yeshua answered, “You are blessed, Simon BarYonah, because it wasn’t any person that revealed that to you, but rather, my father who is in the heavens. 18And I can add that you are Peter (meaning ‘rock’) and I will build my assembly on this rock and the gates of hell won’t be able to hold it back. 19[ref]I’ve give you the keys of the kingdom of the heavens, and whatever you restrain on the earth will be restrained in the heavens, and whatever you free on the earth, will be freed in the heavens.

20Then he instructed his apprentices not to tell anyone that he is the messiah.

13And the Yaʸsous having_come into the districts of_Kaisareia which Filippou, was_asking the apprentices/followers of_him saying:
Whom are_ the people _saying the son of_ the _man to_be?
14And they said:
The ones on_one_hand Yōannaʸs the immerser, on_the_other_hand others Aʸlias/(ʼĒliyyāh), on_the_other_hand others Yeremias/(Yirməyāh) or one of_the prophets.
15He_is_saying to_them:
But you_all, whom are_saying me to_be?
16And Simōn Petros answering said:
You are the chosen_one/messiah, the son of_the which living god.
17And the Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) answering said to_him:
You_are blessed, Simōn Barjonah, because flesh and blood not revealed_it to_you, but the father of_me, who is in the heavens.
18And also_I am_saying to_you that you are Petros, but on this the rock I_will_be_building the assembly of_me, and the_gates of_Hadaʸs will_ not _be_prevailing against_it.
19I_will_be_giving the keys of_the kingdom of_the heavens, to_you, and whatever if you_may_bind on the earth, will_be having_been_bound in the heavens, and whatever if you_may_untie/release on the earth, will_be having_been_untied/released in the heavens.
20Then he_instructed to_the apprentices/followers that they_may_say to_no_one that he is the chosen_one/messiah.

16:21 Yeshua talks about future suffering and death

(Mark 8:31–9:1, Luke 9:22-27)

21From that time onwards, Yeshua began showing his apprentices that he needed to go to Yerusalem and to suffer at the hands of the elders and chief priests and teachers of the law there, before being executed and then coming back to life on the third day.

22But Peter took him aside and started telling him off, saying, “Goodness gracious, master, this certainly won’t happen to you.”

23Yeshua turned towards Peter and said, “Get behind me, Satan. You’re tempting me because you not thinking in a godly way, but only in human terms.

24[ref]Then Yeshua told his apprentices, “If anyone wants to be my follower, they need to suppress their own desires and be ready to sacrifice and to suffer, and then follow me. 25[ref]Because anyone who wants to save their life will lose it, but anyone who loses their life on my account, will be finding it. 26What help would it be to a person if they gain everything in the world, and yet lose their soul? Or put another way, what could a person give in exchange for their soul? 27[ref]Because humanity’s child is going to return displaying the splendour of his father and accompanied by his messengers, and then he’ll reward each individual according to their behaviour. 28I can assure you that some people standing here won’t experience death until they first see humanity’s child coming in his kingdom.

21From then the Yaʸsous chosen_one/messiah began to_be_showing to_the apprentices/followers of_him that it_is_fitting him to_go_away to Hierousalaʸm/(Yərūshālayim), and to_suffer many things from the elders, and chief_priests, and scribes, and to_be_killed_off and on_the third day to_be_raised.
22And the Petros having_taken_aside him, he_began to_be_giving_rebuke to_him saying:
Merciful be to_you, master, by_no_means this will_ not _be to_you.
23But he having_been_turned said to_ the _Petros:
Be_going behind me, Satan/(Sāţān).
You_are a_temptation of_me, because you_are_ not _thinking the things of_ the _god, but the things the of_humans.
24Then the Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) said to_the apprentices/followers of_him:
If anyone is_wanting to_come after me, let_him_renounce himself, and let_him_take_up the stake of_him, and let_him_be_following after_me.
25For/Because whoever if may_be_wanting to_save the life of_him will_be_losing it, but whoever wishfully may_lose the life of_him on_account me, will_be_finding it.
26For/Because what will_ a_person _be_being_benefited, if he_may_gain the whole world, but the soul of_him may_be_lost?
Or what will_ a_person _be_giving as_an_exchange for_the soul of_him?
27For/Because the son of_ the _man is_going to_be_coming in the glory of_the father of_him with the messengers of_him, and then he_will_be_giving_back to_each according_to the practice of_him.
28Truly, I_am_saying to_you_all that are some of_the ones having_stood here who by_no_means may_ not _taste of_death, until wishfully they_may_see the son of_ the _man coming in the kingdom of_him.

MAT 16 ©
