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Open English Translation MAT Chapter 27

MAT 27 ©

Readers’ Version

Literal Version

27:1 Yeshua is taken to Pilate

(Mark 15:1, Luke 23:1-2, Yhn 18:28-32)

27By now it was early morning, and all the chief priests and local elders discussed and agreed on their plans to have Yeshua put to death 2then they tied his arms and led him away to be handed over to Pilate, the Roman governor.

27And having_become in_the_morning, all the chief_priests and the elders of_the people took counsel against the Yaʸsous, so_that to_put_ him _to_death, 2and having_bound him, they_led_away and gave_ him _over to_Pilatos the governor.

27:3 Yudas’ regret and suicide

(Acts 1:18-19)

3[ref]When Yudas, the one who had turned him in) saw that he was being sentenced to death, he regretted his actions and returned the payment to the chief priests and elders 4saying, “I’ve sinned and turned in an innocent man.”

What’s that got to do with us?” they asked. “You sort out your own problems.”

5Then Yudas threw the money down on the temple floor and went off and hanged himself.

6The chief priests took the money and decided, “We can’t legally deposit the money to the temple treasury because it’s blood money.” 7They got advice and decided to buy the potter’s field that was for sale to make it a cemetery for people from out of town, 8so that place got called ‘The field of blood’ until today.

9[ref]And so the message which had been written by the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled, ‘They took the thirty silver coins, the price of the one who was sold, the price set by the Israelites, 10and they gave the coins for the potter’s field, as the master directed me.’

3Then Youdas/(Yəhūdāh) the one giving_ him _over, having_seen that he_was_condemned, having_been_regretful, he_returned the thirty silver_coins to_the chief_priests and elders 4saying:
I_sinned having_given_over innocent blood.
But they said:
What is_it to us?
You will_be_seeing to_it.
5And having_thrown_down the silver_coins into the temple, he_withdrew and having_gone_away hanged himself.
6And the chief_priests having_taken the silver_coins said:
It_is_ not _permitting to_put them into the temple_treasury, because it_is the_price of_blood.
7And having_taken counsel, they_bought the field of_the potter with them, because/for a_burial_place for_the strangers.
8Therefore the that field was_called the_field of_blood to the day today.
9Then the message having_been_spoken by Yeremias/(Yirməyāh) the prophet was_fulfilled saying:
And they_took the thirty silver_coins, the price of_the one having_been_priced, whom they_priced by the_sons of_Israaʸl/(Yisrāʼēl),
10and they_gave them for the field of_the potter, as the_master directed to_me.

27:11 Yeshua faces Pilate

(Mark 15:2-5, Luke 23:3-5, Yhn 18:33-38)

11Meanwhile Yeshua was stood in front of the governor and the governor asked him, “Are you the king of the Jews?”

You said it,”, responded Yeshua, 12but when he chief priests and the elders brought their accusations against him, he didn’t say anything.

13Then Pilate asked him, “Can’t you hear all the evidence against you that they’re listing?”

14But he didn’t respond, not even a single word, and this greatly surprised the governor.

11And the Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) was_stood before the governor, and the governor asked him saying:
Are you the king of_the Youdaiōns?
And the Yaʸsous was_saying to_him:
You are_saying it.
12And in that to_ him _be_being_accused by the chief_priests and the elders, he_answered nothing.
13Then the Pilatos is_saying to_him:
You_are_ not _hearing how_many things against_you they_are_testifying?
14And he_ not _answered to_him, to not_even one message, so_as to_be_marvelling the governor exceedingly.

27:15 The guiltless Yeshua is sentenced to death

(Mark 15:6-15, Luke 23:13-25, Yhn 18:39–19:16)

15It was the time of the Passover celebrations, and a tradition had been established that the governor would release one prisoner to the people—whoever they chose. 16At that time, there was a well-known prisoner named Barabbas, 17so when all the people had gathered, Pilate shouted down to them, “Who would you all like me to release: Barabbas or Yeshua who’s also being called the messiah?” 18He said this because he knew that Yeshua had been arrested because of the jealousy of the Jewish leaders.

19But while Pilate was still making his judgement, his wife sent a note to him, saying, “Don’t touch that guiltless man because I was very distressed by a dream I had about him.”

20Meanwhile the chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowds to request that Barabbas be released and that Yeshua should be sentenced, 21so when the governor asked them, “Which of these two men should I release?” they called back, “Barabbas.”

22So what should I do to Yeshua who’s called the messiah?” Pilate asked.

“Execute him on a stake!” they all responded.

23“But what crime has he done?” demanded Pilate.

But they just kept yelling loudly, “Execute him on a stake.”

24[ref]When Pilate saw that it was going nowhere other than to turn into a riot, got a bowl of water and washed his hands up there in front of the crowd, announcing, “I’m innocent of the blood of this man who has done nothing wrong. It’s your responsibility now.”

25The responsibility for his blood will be on us and on our children,” the people shouted back.

26Then Pilate commanded that Barabbas be released. He commanded that Yeshua be flogged and then he handed him over to be executed.

15And concerning the_feast, the governor had_been_accustomed to_be_sending_away one prisoner to_the crowd, whom they_were_wanting.
16And they_were_having then the_ notable _prisoner being_called Barabbas.
17Therefore of_them having_been_gathered_together, the Pilatos said to_them:
Whom are_you_all_willing I_may_send_away to_you_all, Barabbas or Yaʸsous, who is being_called the_chosen_one/messiah?
18For/Because he_had_known that they_gave_ him _over because_of envy.
19But him sitting on the tribunal, the wife of_him sent_out to him saying:
Let_be nothing to_you and the that righteous man, because/for I_suffered many things today in a_dream because_of him.
20But the chief_priests and the elders persuaded the crowds that they_may_request the Barabbas and they_may_destroy the Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa).
21And the governor answering said to_them:
Which are_you_all_wanting of the two, I_may_send_away to_you_all?
And they said, the Barabbas.
22The Pilatos is_saying to_them:
Therefore what may_I_do to_Yaʸsous, who is being_called the_chosen_one/messiah?
All are_saying:
23And he was_saying:
For/Because what evil he_did?
And they were_ exceedingly _crying_out saying:
24And the Pilatos having_seen that it_is_benefiting nothing, but rather is_becoming a_commotion, having_taken water, he_washed_off his hands in_front_of the crowd saying:
I_am innocent of the blood the this righteous one, .
you_all will_be_seeing to_it.
25And all the people answering said:
The blood of_him is on us and on the children of_us.
26Then he_sent_ The Barabbas _away to_them, but having_flogged the Yaʸsous, he_gave_ him _over, in_order_that he_may_be_executed_on_a_stake.

27:27 ‘King’ Yeshua is mocked by the soldiers

(Mark 15:16-20, Yhn 19:2-3)

27The governor’s soldiers took Yeshua to the courtyard of his residence and called together all the soldiers in the unit. 28Then they stripped Yeshua and placed a royal scarlet robe around him. 29They twisted together a crown made of strips of thorns and plonked it on his head and made him hold a reed as a staff. Then they knelt down in front of him and mocked him, saying, “Greetings, O king of the Jews.” 30They spat on him then snatched the reed away and used it to whack him on the head. 31When they’d finished mocking him, they took the robe off him and dressed him in his own clothes again before they led him away to the place where he’d be executed.

27Then the soldiers of_the governor, having_taken the Yaʸsous to the residence_of_the_governor, gathered_together all the cohort before him.
28And having_stripped_ him _off, they_put_around a_ scarlet _robe to_him, 29and having_twisted_together a_crown of thorns, they_put_on it on the head of_him, and a_staff in the right hand of_him, and having_kneeled before him, they_mocked at_him saying:
Greetings, the king of_the Youdaiōns.
30And having_spat on him, they_took the reed and they_were_striking him on the head of_him.
31And when they_mocked at_him, they_stripped_ the robe _off him and they_dressed_ him _in the clothes of_him, and they_led_ him _away into the place to_execute_on_a_stake him.

27:32 Yeshua and robbers placed on stakes

(Mark 15:21-32, Luke 23:26-43, Yhn 19:17-27)

32When they got out onto the street, they grabbed a man who turned out to be Simon from Cyrene, and they forced him to carry the stake. 33When they arrived at the place called Golgotha (which means ‘Place of the skull’), 34[ref]they gave Yeshua some wine mixed with something bitter, but when he tasted it, he didn’t want to drink any.

35[ref]Then they executed him on the stake and divided his clothes out by throwing dice 36as they sat there guarding him. 37They put a sign above his head that said, ‘This is Yeshua, the king of the Jews.’ 38Two robbers were also executed on stakes—one on his right and one on his left.[fn]

39[ref]Many of the people passing by bad-mouthed him, shaking their heads 40[ref]and saying, “Ha, you reckoned you could demolish the temple and rebuild it in three days so save yourself now—if you’re really God’s son, just step down off that stake.”

41Similarly, the chief priests and the religious teachers and the elders mocked him saying, 42“Ha, he saved others but he can’t even save himself. If he’s Israel’s king, let him come down now from the stake and then we’ll believe in him. 43[ref]He put his trust in God, so let God rescue him now if he wants him, because he did claim to be God’s son.”

44Even the robbers who were being executed beside him derided him.

32And coming_out, they_found a_ a_from_Kuraʸnaʸ _man, by_the_name Simōn.
This one they_compelled that he_may_carry the stake of_him.
33And having_come to a_place being_called Golgotha/(Gulgolet), which is being_called place Of_the_skull, 34they_gave wine having_been_mixed with gall to_him to_drink, and having_tasted it, he_ not _willed to_drink it.
35And having_executed_on_a_stake him, they_divided the clothes of_him, throwing a_lot, 36and sitting they_were_guarding him there.
37And they_put_on over the head of_him the charge of_him having_been_written:
This is Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa), the king of_the Youdaiōns.
38Then two robbers are_being_executed_on_a_stake with him, one on the_right, and one on the_left.
39And the ones passing_through were_slandering him, shaking the heads of_them 40and saying:
You tearing_down the temple and building it in three days, save yourself.
If you_are the_son, of_ the _god, come_down from the stake.
41Likewise the chief_priests with the scribes and elders mocking were_saying, 42He_saved others, he_is_ not _able to_save himself.
He_Is king of_Israaʸl/(Yisrāʼēl), let_him_come_down now from the stake, and we_will_be_believing in him.
43He_has_trusted in the god, let_him_rescue now if he_is_wanting him.
For/Because he_said, that I_am the_son of_god.
44And the same also the robbers, the ones having_been_executed_on_a_stake_with with him, were_deriding him.

27:45 Yeshua calls out and then dies

(Mark 15:33-41, Luke 23:44-49, Yhn 19:28-30)

45Around noon, the whole country became dark for three hours 46[ref]and then around 3pm, Yeshua shouted with a loud voice, “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?”

47Some of the people standing there heard him and thought that he was calling Eliyah[fn] 48[ref]One of them ran and got a sponge and dipped it in wine vinegar, and then wrapped it around a reed and held it up to his mouth to drink from.

49But the others were saying, “Just leave him and we’ll see whether Eliyah comes to save him.”

50Then Yeshua made a loud cry and sent his spirit away.

51[ref]Then, wow, the curtain inside the temple was torn apart from the top to the bottom, and there was an earthquake and splitting of rocks. 52Some tombs came open and many bodies of godly people came alive again 53and leaving the tombs after his resurrection, they went into God’s city where many people saw them.

54The Roman officer and his soldiers who were guarding Yeshua were very frightened when they felt the earthquake and saw what happened, and said, “This man really was a son of God!”

55[ref]There were many women watching all this from a distance—they were those who from Galilee who had followed Yeshua and looked after him, 56including Maria from Magdala, Maria the mother of Yacob and Yosef, and Zebedee’s wife—the mother of Yacob and Yohan.

45And from the_sixth hour, darkness became over all the land until the_ ninth _hour.
46And about the ninth hour, the Yaʸsous shouted with_a_ loud _voice saying:
Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?
This is:
god of_me, god of_me, because/for_ why _reason you_abandoned me?
47And some of_the ones having_stood there having_heard were_saying, that This man is_calling Aʸlias/(ʼĒliyyāh).
48And immediately one of them having_run and having_taken a_sponge, and having_filled it with_wine_vinegar and having_put_around it around_a_reed, was_giving_ him _to_drink.
49But the rest were_saying:
Leave it, we_may_see whether Aʸlias is_coming, going_to_save him.
50And the Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) again having_cried_out with_a_ loud _voice, sent_away his spirit.
51And see, the curtain of_the temple was_torn into two from top to bottom, and the earth was_shaken and the rocks were_divided, 52and the tombs were_opened_up and many bodies of_the holy ones having_been_fallen_asleep was_raised, 53and having_come_out out_of the tombs after the resurrection of_him, they_came_in into the holy city and were_manifested to_many.
54And the centurion and the ones with him guarding the Yaʸsous, having_seen the earthquake and the things having_become, were_ exceedingly _afraid saying:
Truly this one was son of_god.
55And there were many women observing from afar, who followed the after_Yaʸsous from the Galilaia/(Gālīl) serving unto_him, 56among whom was Maria/(Miryām) the from_Magdala, and Maria the mother of_ the _Yakōbos/(Yaˊₐqoⱱ) and of_Yōsaʸs/(Yōşēf?
), and the mother of_the sons of_Zebedaios.

27:57 Yeshua’s body is placed in a tomb

(Mark 15:42-47, Luke 23:50-56, Yhn 19:38-42)

57As it moved into evening, a wealthy man named Yosef from Arimathea came—he’d also been one of Yeshua’s trainees. 58He went to Pilate and requested Yeshua’s body, and Pilate commanded the soldiers to release it. 59Yosef took the body and wrapped it in clean, linen cloth 60and put it in his own tomb which had been newly carved into the rock. They he rolled a big stone into the door of the tomb and left it. 61Maria from Magdala and the other Maria sat there in front of the tomb.

57And having_become evening, a_ rich _man from Arimathaia came, namely Yōsaʸf/(Yōşēf), who also himself trained to_ the _Yaʸsous.
58This one having_approached to_ the _Pilatos, requested the body of_ the _Yaʸsous.
Then the Pilatos commanded it to_be_given_back.
59And having_taken the body, the Yōsaʸf wrapped it in_a_ clean _linen_cloth, 60and put it in the new tomb of_him which he_hewn in the rock, and having_rolled a_ great _stone to_the door of_the tomb, he_went_away.
61And Maria the from_Magdala was there and the other Maria, sitting in_front_of the tomb.

27:62 Guards are assigned to the tomb

62The next day was the day after the Passover preparation day and the chief priests and the Pharisees went together to Pilate 63[ref]and told him, “Master, we were reminded that that deceiver when he was still alive said that he would come back to life after three days 64so you should command that the tomb be secured until the third day in case someone steals his body and then tells the people that he has come alive again—that would be a worse deception that his initial teachings.”

65“Well you all guard it,” answered Pilate, “and keep it secure as you say.”

66So they went and secured the tomb by sealing it and placing guards there.


27:47 The original words for ‘My God’ sound a bit similar to the word for ‘Eliyah’.

62And on_the day of_next, which is after the preparation day, the chief_priests and the Farisaios_party were_gathered_together to Pilatos 63saying:
Master, we_were_reminded that that the deceiver still living said:
I_am_being_raised after three days.
64Therefore command the tomb to_be_secured until the third day, lest the apprentices/followers having_come may_steal him and they_may_say to_the people:
He_was_raised from the dead, and the last deception will_be worse than the first.
65And the Pilatos was_saying to_them:
You_all_are_having a_guard, be_going secure it as you_all_have_known.
66And they having_been_gone, secured the tomb, having_sealed the stone with the guard. Maps:


Jesus’ Arrest, Trial, Crucifixion, and Burial

Matthew 26-27; Mark 14-15; Luke 22-23; John 13-19

On the Thursday before he was crucified, Jesus had arranged to share the Passover meal with his disciples in an upper room, traditionally thought to be located in the Essene Quarter of Jerusalem. After they finished the meal, they went to the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus often met with his disciples. There Judas Iscariot, one of Jesus’ own disciples, betrayed him to soldiers sent from the High Priest, and they took Jesus to the High Priest’s residence. In the morning the leading priests and teachers of the law put Jesus on trial and found him guilty of blasphemy. The council sent Jesus to stand trial for treason before the Roman governor Pontius Pilate, who resided at the Praetorium while in Jerusalem. The Praetorium was likely located at the former residence of Herod the Great, who had died over 30 years earlier. When Pilate learned that Jesus was from Galilee, he sent him to Herod Antipas, who had jurisdiction over Galilee. But when Jesus gave no answer to Herod’s many questions, Herod and his soldiers sent him back to Pilate, who conceded to the people’s demands that Jesus be crucified. Jesus was forced to carry his cross out of the city gate to Golgotha, meaning Skull Hill, referring to what may have been a small unquarried hill in the middle of an old quarry just outside the gate. After Jesus was unable to carry his cross any further, a man named Simon from Cyrene was forced to carry it for him. There at Golgotha they crucified Jesus. After Jesus died, his body was hurriedly taken down before nightfall and placed in a newly cut, rock tomb owned by Joseph of Arimathea, a member of the Jewish high council. This tomb was likely located at the perimeter of the old quarry.

MAT 27 ©
