
One Unity Resource Bible (2016)

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God’s 613 Commands (Part 1:2)

Topic: Love God

(Commands #1-4.1-358ou)

What is this List: This list combines the Rambam 613 Commands list originally designed in the 1200s of non-repeating Torah Commands with the list of 10 Words in (Ex 20; Deut 5). Then the list is divided into two sections of Torah commands that Rabbi Yeshua Jesus defined and taught in (Matt 22:36-40; Mark 12:28-31; Luke 10:27); Love God and Love Your Neighbor.

Consider this list like a book. The front cover is called “Father God’s Loving Instructions for a Blessed Life”. In this book are a total of ten chapters. There are two parts to this book. Part 1 is chapters 1-4, it is called “Love God”. Part 2 is chapters 5-10, that is called “Love Your Neighbor”. The sentences in each chapter is the Torah Commands relevant to each chapter title. The chapter titles are the 10 Words; the chapter titles are in bold for you to more identify easily.

Basic Function, Nuts and Bolts. This table is presenting the 10 commandments of Exodus 20 and the 613 commands that describe the 10 Catagories found in the Torah, Five Books of Moses. You see the primary reference with Christian and Jewish reference (if there is a difference). Major Topics are identifying subjects you may commonly want to identify. Chapter refers to which one of the Ten Commands the Primary verse relates to. The OURb# and Rambam# are both numbering systems to organize the primary 613 references. OURb# is designed unique for OUR Bible. Rambam# is the original list that Rabbi Rambam created in the 1200s to organize the 613 Commands in Judaism, this list is still the standard numbering system for the 613 Commands in Judaism today. Have fun!

Authorship: The primary Author is Father God. The secondary editors are the people who worked to number the sentences and chapters. Major contributors to the numbering system include 1200s Rabbi Moses ben Maimon, Talmudist, Halachist, physician, philosopher and communal leader, known in the Jewish world by the acronym “Rambam”. Rabbi Ralph Messer, internationally acclaimed Bible teacher, author, conference and motivational speaker, lecturer, educator, business consultant and Spirit-filled minister in Colorado based congregation Simchat Torah Beit Midrash. Both have done much work towards this end goal and therefore should be recognized. Only the 613 list from Rambam is carried over in this new and independant list for One Unity Resource Bible designed by dedicated volunteers.

Love God (1ou to 358ou)

Original Work Organized by Thomas Robinson for One Unity Resource Bible, 2016

Reference Articles: