Major Language Bible Translations

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Congratulations, you have reached the Major Language Bible translations page.

This is for pointing to free and open-licenced Bible translations in major languages other than English, e.g., Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, French, Hindustani and others listed here. is very excited to be able to point you to the Open Bible Initiative from Biblica (The International Bible Society). This initiative releases major language Bibles under Creative Commons Attribution/Share-alike licences, meaning that you can use, print, or adapt these translations provided that 1/ you attribute the source to Biblica, and 2/ you also release any materials using, or adapted from, these translations under the same licence. As of this writing, there are eight languages available here, including Arabic, Kurdish, Swahili/Kiswahili, and Vietnamese, with more promised to be coming. They are available in zipped USFM files, Digital Bible Library (DBL) bundles, and Rich Text Format (RTF) files, as well as PDFs and even zipped MP3 audio files for Vietnamese.