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UBS Dictionary of the Greek New Testament



MainId: 002422000000000

Version: 0

HasAramaic: False

InLXX: False

AlphaPos: ι

StrongCodes: G2418


  1. BaseFormID: 002422001000000

    PartsOfSpeech: verb

    Constructs: {'Lemma': 'ἱερουργέω', 'BaseFormIndex': 1, 'WordMeaningSets': [{'Word': 'ἱερατεύω', 'Meanings': []}, {'Word': 'ἐργάζομαι', 'Meanings': []}]}


    1. LEXID: 002422001001000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: M

      LEXEntryCode: 53.85

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: Religious Activities

      LEXSubDomains: Roles and Functions


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2021-08-26 10:37:52

        DefinitionShort: to serve as a priest in the performance of religious rites and duties

        Glosses: ['to serve as a priest', 'to be a priest']

        Comments: In contrast with the prophet who speaks to people on behalf of God, the priest is often defined as one who represents the people before God. In reality, however, the priest is one who is primarily engaged in religious ritual and ceremony in contrast with the prophet, whose primary activity is involved in proclaiming a message. In societies in which there is no organized priesthood and where there are only medicine men or shamans, it has often been possible to translate ἱερουργέω and ἱερατεύω as simply ‘to be God’s shaman.’ Whether such an expression can be used depends very largely upon the connotations associated with shamanism.

      LEXReferences: ROM 15:16