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Strongs H14
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אָבָה (ʼâbâh) v (aw-baw')
Source: a primitive root;
Meaning: to breathe after, i.e. (figuratively) to be acquiescent
KJV: consent, rest content will, be willing.
Brown, Driver, Briggs lexicon entry
Type: root" cite="full" mod="I
אָבָה vb. be willing, consent (cf. As. abîtu, command, Dl W, Eth. Ethiopic refuse, Ar. Arabic, id., Nejd be willing So De Jes 3, p. 26; LCB 1880, 817)—Qal (c. לֹא, אַל exc. [Is 1:19] [Jb 39:9; in Hex. rare & Only JED, incl. ][Lv 26:21); Pf. אָבָה ][Ex 10:27 + אָבוּ ][Ju 19:25 + 7 t.; אָבוּא ][Is 28:12 (Sta § 31 R.2; Kö I, 414); Impf. יֹאבֶה ][Dt 29:19 + 2 t.; 2 ms. juss. תֹּבֵֽא ][Pr 1:10 (Sta § 143 e 1 nn; Kö I, 578 f) etc.; Pt. אֹבִים ][Ez 3:7;—be willing, sq. Inf. with ל ][Ex 10:27 + 29 t.; without ל ][Dt 2:30 + 8 t.; subj. י׳ ][Dt 10:10 ][23:6 ][29:19 ][Jos 24:10 ][2 K 8:19 ][13:23 ][24:4 ][2 Ch 21:7; human subj. ][Gn 24:5, ][8 ][Ju 19:10 ][2 S 2:21 ][13:25][14:29, ][29 ][23:16, ][17 = ][1 Ch 11:18, ][19 ][1 Ch 19:19; in bad sense ][Ex 10:27 ][Dt 2:30 ][25:7 ][Ju 19:25 ][20:13 ][2 S 13:14, ][16;esp. of perverse Isr. ][Lv 26:21 ][Dt 1:26 ][I S 15:9 ][Is 28:12 ][30:9 ][42:24 ][Ez 3:7, ][7 ][20:8; subj. animal, רֵּים ][Jb 39:9; abs. (no Inf.) ][2 S 12:17 ][1 K 20:8 ][22:50; cf. ][Pr 6:35, of jealous man; bad sense ][Ju 11:17 ][Is 30:15; good sense ][I S 22:17 ][26:23 ][31:4 = ][1 Ch 10:4 ][2 S 6:10 ][Pr 1:10; + vb. fin. ][Is 1:19 (אִם תֹּאבוּ וּשְׁמַעְתֶּם); consent, yield to, sq. לַעֲצָתִי ][Pr 1:30; sq. acc. תוֹכַחְתִּי ][v 25 (all in bad sense). {2}
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