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Strongs H2820


חָשַׂךְ (châsak) v (khaw-sak')
Source: a primitive root; also interchangeable with H2821
Meaning: to restrain or (reflex.) refrain; by implication, to refuse, spare, preserve; to observe
KJV: assuage, × darken, forbear, hinder, hold back, keep (back), punish, refrain, reserve, spare, withhold.

Brown, Driver, Briggs lexicon entry

Type: root" cite="full
חָשַׂךְ vb. withhold, refrainQalwithhold, keep back, keep for oneselfkeep one from evil, calamityhold in checkrefrainsparereserve for(abs.) restrain, check (pain) i.e. assuageNiph. at the day of calamity the wicked is spared {362}

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