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Strongs H3584


כָּחַשׁ (kâchash) v (kaw-khash')
Source: a primitive root;
Meaning: to be untrue, in word (to lie, feign, disown) or deed (to disappoint, fail, cringe)
KJV: deceive, deny, dissemble, fail, deal falsely, be found liars, (be-) lie, lying, submit selves.

Brown, Driver, Briggs lexicon entry

Type: root" cite="full
כָּחַשׁ vb. be disappointing, deceive, fail, grow leanQal my flesh hath grown lean (away) fr. fatnessNiph. thine enemies shall cringePi.deceiveact deceptively againstcringe = come cringingdisappoint, failHithp. shall come cringing to me {471}

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