Bible originals
Bible translations
Open English Translation (OET)
Bible Drop Box
USFM Bibles
USX Bibles
OSIS Bibles
Bibles on Phones
Sword module instructions
Bible studies
Bible teaching
Music and songs
I would like to acknowledge all of the following for giving help and assistance, and/or encouragement to this project:
The World English Bible produced by Kahunapule Michael Johnson has been an inspiration to many of us in the Bible world as the first substantial modern English Bible that can be used in Christian publications without any copyright hassles. It can be downloaded from here plus we also use it as a sample of Bible Drop Box output.
We have been able to integrate the Haiola program into the Bible Drop Box. Kahunapule Michael Johnson has been responsive at making small changes in order to make it easier for us to use this software, and also at responding to reported bugs.
KindleGen is a free download made available by Amazon to convert data to the Mobi format that's used by Kindles and other eReaders.
We use the Linux version of KindleGen to convert from ePub.
Open source: All of the software (mostly Python3 code) that we have written to operate this Bible Drop Box is freely available for you to use and/or modify. Some of the XML data files and basic Python3 modules can be found at OpenScriptures (and also see the blog). We also use Crosswire utilities. The Bible website is produced with the old SFM2Web programme downloadable from here. Any of our code which is still in alpha or proof-of-concept stage and not yet publicly released can be requested using the Contact Page.