Bible TH2 Checks


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Trailing space at end of line in TH2 -1:0

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TH2 -1:0 Removed trailing space in id: 2TH

TH2 -1:1 Removed trailing space in h: 2 Thessalonians


TH2 -1:3 Removed trailing space in toc2: 2 Thessalonians

TH2 -1:4 Removed trailing space in toc3: 2Th


TH2 1:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

TH2 1:0 Removed trailing space in c: 1

TH2 1:1 Removed trailing space in v~: Paul and Siluanus, and Timotheus, vnto the Church of the Thessalonians, which is in God our Father, and in the Lord Iesus Christ:

TH2 1:2 Removed trailing space in v~: Grace be with you, and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Iesus Christ.

TH2 1:3 Removed trailing space in v~: We ought to thanke God alwayes for you, brethren, as it is meete, because that your faith groweth exceedingly, and the loue of euery one of you toward another, aboundeth,

TH2 1:4 Removed trailing space in v~: So that we our selues reioyce of you in the Churches of God, because of your patience and faith in al your persecutions and tribulatios that ye suffer,

TH2 1:5 Removed trailing space in v~: Which is a manifest token of the righteous iudgement of God, that ye may be counted worthy of the kingdome of God, for the which ye also suffer.

TH2 1:6 Removed trailing space in v~: For it is a righteous thing with God, to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you,

TH2 1:7 Removed trailing space in v~: And to you which are troubled, rest with vs, when the Lord Iesus shall shewe himselfe from heauen with his mightie Angels,

TH2 1:8 Removed trailing space in v~: In flaming fire, rendring vengeance vnto them, that doe not know God, and which obey not vnto the Gospel of our Lord Iesus Christ,

TH2 1:9 Removed trailing space in v~: Which shall be punished with euerlasting perdition, from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power,

TH2 1:10 Removed trailing space in v~: When he shall come to be glorified in his Saints, and to be made marueilous in all them that beleeue (because our testimonie toward you was beleeued) in that day.

TH2 1:11 Removed trailing space in v~: Wherefore, we also pray alwayes for you, that our God may make you worthy of this calling, and fulfill all the good pleasure of his goodnes, and the worke of faith with power,

TH2 1:12 Removed trailing space in v~: That the Name of our Lord Iesus Christ may be glorified in you, and ye in him, according to the grace of our God, and of the Lord Iesus Christ.

TH2 2:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

TH2 2:0 Removed trailing space in c: 2

TH2 2:1 Removed trailing space in v~: Now we beseech you, brethren, by the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ, and by our assembling vnto him,

TH2 2:2 Removed trailing space in v~: That ye be not suddenly mooued from your minde, nor troubled neither by spirit, nor by worde, nor by letter, as it were from vs, as though the day of Christ were at hand.

TH2 2:3 Removed trailing space in v~: Let no man deceiue you by any meanes: for that day shall not come, except there come a departing first, and that that man of sinne be disclosed, euen the sonne of perdition,

TH2 2:4 Removed trailing space in v~: Which is an aduersarie, and exalteth him selfe against all that is called God, or that is worshipped: so that he doeth sit as God in the Temple of God, shewing him selfe that he is God.

TH2 2:5 Removed trailing space in v~: Remember ye not, that when I was yet with you, I tolde you these things?

TH2 2:6 Removed trailing space in v~: And nowe ye knowe what withholdeth that he might be reueiled in his time.

TH2 2:7 Removed trailing space in v~: For the mysterie of iniquitie doeth already worke: onely he which nowe withholdeth, shall let till he be taken out of the way.

TH2 2:8 Removed trailing space in v~: And then shall that wicked man be reueiled, whome the Lord shall consume with the Spirit of his mouth, and shall abolish with the brightnes of his comming,

TH2 2:9 Removed trailing space in v~: Euen him whose comming is by the effectuall working of Satan, with all power, and signes, and lying wonders,

TH2 2:10 Removed trailing space in v~: And in al deceiuablenes of vnrighteousnes, among them that perish, because they receiued not the loue of the trueth, that they might be saued.

TH2 2:11 Removed trailing space in v~: And therefore God shall send them strong delusion, that they should beleeue lies,

TH2 2:12 Removed trailing space in v~: That all they might be damned which beleeued not the trueth, but had pleasure in vnrighteousnes.

TH2 2:13 Removed trailing space in v~: But we ought to giue thankes alway to God for you, brethren beloued of the Lord, because that God hath from the beginning chosen you to saluation, through sanctification of the Spirit, and the faith of trueth,

TH2 2:14 Removed trailing space in v~: Whereunto he called you by our Gospel, to obtaine the glory of our Lord Iesus Christ.

TH2 2:15 Removed trailing space in v~: Therefore, brethren, stand fast and keepe the instructions, which ye haue bene taught, either by worde, or by our Epistle.

TH2 2:16 Removed trailing space in v~: Now the same Iesus Christ our Lord; and our God euen the Father which hath loued vs, and hath giuen vs euerlasting consolation and good hope through grace,

TH2 2:17 Removed trailing space in v~: Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in euery word and good worke.

TH2 3:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

TH2 3:0 Removed trailing space in c: 3

TH2 3:1 Removed trailing space in v~: Furthermore, brethren, pray for vs, that the worde of the Lord may haue free passage and be glorified, euen as it is with you,

TH2 3:2 Removed trailing space in v~: And that we may be deliuered from vnreasonable and euill men: for all men haue not fayth.

TH2 3:3 Removed trailing space in v~: But the Lord is faithfull, which wil stablish you, and keepe you from euill.

TH2 3:4 Removed trailing space in v~: And we are perswaded of you through the Lord, that ye both doe, and will doe the things which we warne you of.

TH2 3:5 Removed trailing space in v~: And the Lord guide your hearts to the loue of God, and the waiting for of Christ.

TH2 3:6 Removed trailing space in v~: We warne you, brethren, in the Name of our Lord Iesus Christ, that ye withdrawe your selues from euery brother that walketh inordinately, and not after the instruction, which hee receiued of vs.

TH2 3:7 Removed trailing space in v~: For ye your selues know, how ye ought to follow vs: for we behaued not our selues inordinately among you,

TH2 3:8 Removed trailing space in v~: Neither tooke we bread of any man for nought: but we wrought with labour and trauaile night and day, because we would not be chargeable to any of you.

TH2 3:9 Removed trailing space in v~: Not because we haue not authoritie, but that we might make our selues an ensample vnto you to follow vs.

TH2 3:10 Removed trailing space in v~: For euen when we were with you, this we warned you of, that if there were any, which would not worke, that he should not eate.

TH2 3:11 Removed trailing space in v~: For we heare, that there are some which walke among you inordinately, and worke not at all, but are busie bodies.

TH2 3:12 Removed trailing space in v~: Therefore them that are such, we warne and exhort by our Lord Iesus Christ, that they worke with quietnes, and eate their owne bread.

TH2 3:13 Removed trailing space in v~: And ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.

TH2 3:14 Removed trailing space in v~: If any man obey not this our saying in this letter, note him, and haue no company with him, that he may be ashamed:

TH2 3:15 Removed trailing space in v~: Yet count him not as an enemie, but admonish him as a brother.

TH2 3:16 Removed trailing space in v~: Now the Lord himselfe of peace giue you peace alwayes by all meanes. The Lord be with you all.

TH2 3:17 Removed trailing space in v~: The salutation of me Paul, with mine owne hand, which is ye token in euery Epistle: so I write,

TH2 3:18 Removed trailing space in v~: The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ be with you all, Amen. ‘The second Epistle to the Thessalonians, written from Athens.’


Modified Marker List

id h toc1 toc2 toc3 mt1
c p v*
c p v*
c p v*

All Newline Marker Counts

 c: 3    h: 1    id: 1    mt1: 1    p: 3    toc1: 1    toc2: 1    toc3: 1    Total: 59    v: 47  

All Newline Marker Counts (sorted by count)

 id: 1    h: 1    toc1: 1    toc2: 1    toc3: 1    mt1: 1    c: 3    p: 3    v: 47    Total: 59  

Functional Marker Counts

 Book Header: 1    Book ID: 1    Chapters: 3    Paragraphs: 3    Verses: 47  

Functional Marker Counts (sorted by count)

 Book ID: 1    Book Header: 1    Chapters: 3    Paragraphs: 3    Verses: 47  


All Character Counts

 0: 3    1: 27    2: 10    3: 6    4: 5    5: 5    6: 5    7: 5    8: 4    9: 3    a: 4    A: 8    C: 2    D: 2    e: 2    E: 16    F: 2    h: 3    H: 8    i: 2    I: 4    l: 2    L: 8    n: 4    N: 6    o: 2    O: 10    P: 6    s: 6    S: 12    Space: 20    T: 17    Total: 221    U: 2  

All Character Counts (sorted by count)

 e: 2    l: 2    o: 2    i: 2    C: 2    D: 2    F: 2    U: 2    h: 3    9: 3    0: 3    a: 4    n: 4    I: 4    8: 4    4: 5    5: 5    6: 5    7: 5    s: 6    N: 6    P: 6    3: 6    H: 8    L: 8    A: 8    2: 10    O: 10    S: 12    E: 16    T: 17    Space: 20    1: 27    Total: 221  

Letter Counts

 a: 4    A: 8    C: 2    D: 2    e: 2    E: 16    F: 2    h: 3    H: 8    i: 2    I: 4    l: 2    L: 8    n: 4    N: 6    o: 2    O: 10    P: 6    s: 6    S: 12    Space: 20    T: 17    Total: 148    U: 2  

Letter Counts (sorted by count)

 e: 2    l: 2    o: 2    i: 2    C: 2    D: 2    F: 2    U: 2    h: 3    a: 4    n: 4    I: 4    s: 6    N: 6    P: 6    H: 8    L: 8    A: 8    O: 10    S: 12    E: 16    T: 17    Space: 20    Total: 148  


All Word Counts

 --Total--: 23    2Th: 1    APOSTLE: 2    EPISTLE: 2    OF: 2    PAUL: 2    SECOND: 2    THE: 6    Thessalonians: 2    THESSALONIANS: 2    TO: 2  

All Word Counts (sorted by count)

 2Th: 1    Thessalonians: 2    SECOND: 2    EPISTLE: 2    OF: 2    PAUL: 2    APOSTLE: 2    TO: 2    THESSALONIANS: 2    THE: 6    --Total--: 23  

Case Insensitive Word Counts

 --Total--: 23    2th: 1    apostle: 2    epistle: 2    of: 2    paul: 2    second: 2    the: 6    thessalonians: 4    to: 2  

Case Insensitive Word Counts (sorted by count)

 2th: 1    second: 2    epistle: 2    of: 2    paul: 2    apostle: 2    to: 2    thessalonians: 4    the: 6    --Total--: 23  


Title Lines