Bible JOB Checks


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Trailing space at end of line in JOB -1:0

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JOB -1:0 Removed trailing space in id: JOB Job

JOB -1:1 Removed trailing space in h: Job

JOB -1:2 Removed trailing space in toc1: The Book of Job

JOB -1:3 Removed trailing space in toc2: Job

JOB -1:4 Removed trailing space in toc3: Job

JOB -1:5 Removed trailing space in mt1: The Book of Job

JOB 1:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 1:0 Removed trailing space in c: 1

JOB 1:1 Removed trailing space in v~: There was a \w man|strong="H0376"\w* in the \w land|strong="H0776"\w* of \w Uz|strong="H5780"\w*, whose \w name|strong="H8034"\w* \add was\add* \w Job|strong="H0347"\w*; and that \w man|strong="H0376"\w* was \w perfect|strong="H8535"\w* and \w upright|strong="H3477"\w*, and one that \w feared|strong="H3373"\w* \w God|strong="H0430"\w*, and \w eschewed|strong="H5493"\w* \w evil|strong="H7451"\w*.

JOB 1:1 Found (first) straight quote sign (") in \v~: There was a \w man|strong="H0376"\w* in the \w land|strong="H0776"\w* of \w Uz|strong="H5780"\w*, whose \w name|strong="H8034"\w* \add was\add* \w Job|strong="H0347"\w*; and that \w man|strong="H0376"\w* was \w perfect|strong="H8535"\w* and \w upright|strong="H3477"\w*, and one that \w feared|strong="H3373"\w* \w God|strong="H0430"\w*, and \w eschewed|strong="H5493"\w* \w evil|strong="H7451"\w*.

JOB 1:2 Removed trailing space in v~: And there were \w born|strong="H3205"\w* unto him \w seven|strong="H7651"\w* \w sons|strong="H1121"\w* and \w three|strong="H7969"\w* \w daughters|strong="H1323"\w*.

JOB 1:3 Removed trailing space in v~: His \w substance|strong="H4735"\w* also was \w seven|strong="H7651"\w* \w thousand|strong="H0505"\w* \w sheep|strong="H6629"\w*, and \w three|strong="H7969"\w* \w thousand|strong="H0505"\w* \w camels|strong="H1581"\w*, and \w five|strong="H2568"\w* \w hundred|strong="H3967"\w* \w yoke|strong="H6776"\w* of \w oxen|strong="H1241"\w*, and \w five|strong="H2568"\w* \w hundred|strong="H3967"\w* she \w asses|strong="H0860"\w*, and a \w very|strong="H3966"\w* \w great|strong="H7227"\w* \w household|strong="H5657"\w*; so that this \w man|strong="H0376"\w* was the \w greatest|strong="H1419"\w* of all the \w men|strong="H1121"\w* of the \w east|strong="H6924"\w*.\f + \fr 1.3 \ft substance: or, cattle\f*\f + \fr 1.3 \ft household: or, husbandry\f*\f + \fr 1.3 \ft men: Heb. sons\f*

JOB 1:4 Removed trailing space in v~: And his \w sons|strong="H1121"\w* \w went|strong="H1980"\w* and \w feasted|strong="H4960"\w* \add in their\add* \w houses|strong="H1004"\w*, every \w one|strong="H0376"\w* his \w day|strong="H3117"\w*; and \w sent|strong="H7971"\w* and \w called|strong="H7121"\w* for their \w three|strong="H7969"\w* \w sisters|strong="H0269"\w* to \w eat|strong="H0398"\w* and to \w drink|strong="H8354"\w* with them.

JOB 1:5 Removed trailing space in v~: And it was so, when the \w days|strong="H3117"\w* of \add their\add* \w feasting|strong="H4960"\w* were gone \w about|strong="H5362"\w*, that \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* \w sent|strong="H7971"\w* and \w sanctified|strong="H6942"\w* them, and rose up \w early|strong="H7925"\w* in the \w morning|strong="H1242"\w*, and \w offered|strong="H5927"\w* burnt \w offerings|strong="H5930"\w* \add according\add* to the \w number|strong="H4557"\w* of them all: for \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* \w said|strong="H0559"\w*, It may \w be|strong="H0194"\w* that my \w sons|strong="H1121"\w* have \w sinned|strong="H2398"\w*, and \w cursed|strong="H1288"\w* \w God|strong="H0430"\w* in their \w hearts|strong="H3824"\w*. Thus \w did|strong="H6213"\w* \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* \w continually|strong="H3117"\w*.\f + \fr 1.5 \ft continually: Heb. all the days\f*

JOB 1:6 Removed trailing space in v~: ¶ Now there was a \w day|strong="H3117"\w* when the \w sons|strong="H1121"\w* of \w God|strong="H0430"\w* \w came|strong="H0935"\w* to \w present|strong="H3320"\w* themselves before the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd*, and \w Satan|strong="H7854"\w* \w came|strong="H0935"\w* also \w among|strong="H8432"\w* them.\f + \fr 1.6 \ft Satan: Heb. the adversary\f*\f + \fr 1.6 \ft among: Heb. in the midst of\f*

JOB 1:7 Removed trailing space in v~: And the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* \w said|strong="H0559"\w* unto \w Satan|strong="H7854"\w*, \w Whence|strong="H0370"\w* \w comest|strong="H0935"\w* thou? Then \w Satan|strong="H7854"\w* \w answered|strong="H6030"\w* the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd*, and \w said|strong="H0559"\w*, From going to and \w fro|strong="H7751"\w* in the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*, and from walking up and \w down|strong="H1980"\w* in it.

JOB 1:8 Removed trailing space in v~: And the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* \w said|strong="H0559"\w* unto \w Satan|strong="H7854"\w*, Hast thou \w considered|strong="H7760"\w* my \w servant|strong="H5650"\w* \w Job|strong="H0347"\w*, that \add there is\add* none like him in the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*, a \w perfect|strong="H8535"\w* and an \w upright|strong="H3477"\w* \w man|strong="H0376"\w*, one that \w feareth|strong="H3373"\w* \w God|strong="H0430"\w*, and \w escheweth|strong="H5493"\w* \w evil|strong="H7451"\w*?\f + \fr 1.8 \ft considered: Heb. set thy heart on\f*

JOB 1:9 Removed trailing space in v~: Then \w Satan|strong="H7854"\w* \w answered|strong="H6030"\w* the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd*, and \w said|strong="H0559"\w*, Doth \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* \w fear|strong="H3372"\w* \w God|strong="H0430"\w* for \w nought|strong="H2600"\w*?

JOB 1:10 Removed trailing space in v~: Hast not thou made an \w hedge|strong="H7753"\w* about him, and \w about|strong="H1157"\w* his \w house|strong="H1004"\w*, and about all that he hath on every \w side|strong="H5439"\w*? thou hast \w blessed|strong="H1288"\w* the \w work|strong="H4639"\w* of his \w hands|strong="H3027"\w*, and his \w substance|strong="H4735"\w* is \w increased|strong="H6555"\w* in the \w land|strong="H0776"\w*.\f + \fr 1.10 \ft substance: or, cattle\f*

JOB 1:11 Removed trailing space in v~: \w But|strong="H0199"\w* put \w forth|strong="H7971"\w* thine \w hand|strong="H3027"\w* now, and \w touch|strong="H5060"\w* all that he hath, and he will \w curse|strong="H1288"\w* thee to thy \w face|strong="H6440"\w*.\f + \fr 1.11 \ft and he…: Heb. if he curse thee not to thy face\f*

JOB 1:12 Removed trailing space in v~: And the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* \w said|strong="H0559"\w* unto \w Satan|strong="H7854"\w*, Behold, all that he hath \add is\add* in thy \w power|strong="H3027"\w*; only upon himself put not \w forth|strong="H7971"\w* thine \w hand|strong="H3027"\w*. So \w Satan|strong="H7854"\w* went \w forth|strong="H3318"\w* from the \w presence|strong="H6440"\w* of the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd*.\f + \fr 1.12 \ft power: Heb. hand\f*

JOB 1:13 Removed trailing space in v~: ¶ And there was a \w day|strong="H3117"\w* when his \w sons|strong="H1121"\w* and his \w daughters|strong="H1323"\w* \add were\add* \w eating|strong="H0398"\w* and \w drinking|strong="H8354"\w* \w wine|strong="H3196"\w* in their \w eldest|strong="H1060"\w* \w brother’s|strong="H0251"\w* \w house|strong="H1004"\w*:

JOB 1:14 Removed trailing space in v~: And there \w came|strong="H0935"\w* a \w messenger|strong="H4397"\w* unto \w Job|strong="H0347"\w*, and \w said|strong="H0559"\w*, The \w oxen|strong="H1241"\w* were \w plowing|strong="H2790"\w*, and the \w asses|strong="H0860"\w* \w feeding|strong="H7462"\w* \w beside|strong="H3027"\w* them:

JOB 1:15 Removed trailing space in v~: And the \w Sabeans|strong="H7614"\w* \w fell|strong="H5307"\w* \add upon them\add*, and took them \w away|strong="H3947"\w*; yea, they have \w slain|strong="H5221"\w* the \w servants|strong="H5288"\w* with the \w edge|strong="H6310"\w* of the \w sword|strong="H2719"\w*; and I only am \w escaped|strong="H4422"\w* alone to \w tell|strong="H5046"\w* thee.

JOB 1:16 Removed trailing space in v~: While he \add was\add* yet \w speaking|strong="H1696"\w*, there \w came|strong="H0935"\w* also another, and \w said|strong="H0559"\w*, The \w fire|strong="H0784"\w* of \w God|strong="H0430"\w* is \w fallen|strong="H5307"\w* from \w heaven|strong="H8064"\w*, and hath burned \w up|strong="H1197"\w* the \w sheep|strong="H6629"\w*, and the \w servants|strong="H5288"\w*, and \w consumed|strong="H0398"\w* them; and I only am \w escaped|strong="H4422"\w* alone to \w tell|strong="H5046"\w* thee.\f + \fr 1.16 \ft The fire…: or, A great fire\f*

JOB 1:17 Removed trailing space in v~: While he \add was\add* yet \w speaking|strong="H1696"\w*, there \w came|strong="H0935"\w* also another, and \w said|strong="H0559"\w*, The \w Chaldeans|strong="H3778"\w* made \w out|strong="H7760"\w* \w three|strong="H7969"\w* \w bands|strong="H7218"\w*, and \w fell|strong="H6584"\w* upon the \w camels|strong="H1581"\w*, and have carried them \w away|strong="H3947"\w*, yea, and \w slain|strong="H5221"\w* the \w servants|strong="H5288"\w* with the \w edge|strong="H6310"\w* of the \w sword|strong="H2719"\w*; and I only am \w escaped|strong="H4422"\w* alone to \w tell|strong="H5046"\w* thee.\f + \fr 1.17 \ft fell: Heb. rushed\f*

JOB 1:18 Removed trailing space in v~: While he \add was\add* yet \w speaking|strong="H1696"\w*, there \w came|strong="H0935"\w* also another, and \w said|strong="H0559"\w*, Thy \w sons|strong="H1121"\w* and thy \w daughters|strong="H1323"\w* \add were\add* \w eating|strong="H0398"\w* and \w drinking|strong="H8354"\w* \w wine|strong="H3196"\w* in their \w eldest|strong="H1060"\w* \w brother’s|strong="H0251"\w* \w house|strong="H1004"\w*:

JOB 1:19 Removed trailing space in v~: And, behold, there \w came|strong="H0935"\w* a \w great|strong="H1419"\w* \w wind|strong="H7307"\w* \w from|strong="H5676"\w* the \w wilderness|strong="H4057"\w*, and \w smote|strong="H5060"\w* the \w four|strong="H0702"\w* \w corners|strong="H6438"\w* of the \w house|strong="H1004"\w*, and it \w fell|strong="H5307"\w* upon the young \w men|strong="H5288"\w*, and they are \w dead|strong="H4191"\w*; and I only am \w escaped|strong="H4422"\w* alone to \w tell|strong="H5046"\w* thee.\f + \fr 1.19 \ft from…: Heb. from aside, etc\f*

JOB 1:20 Removed trailing space in v~: Then \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* \w arose|strong="H6965"\w*, and \w rent|strong="H7167"\w* his \w mantle|strong="H4598"\w*, and \w shaved|strong="H1494"\w* his \w head|strong="H7218"\w*, and fell \w down|strong="H5307"\w* upon the \w ground|strong="H0776"\w*, and \w worshipped|strong="H7812"\w*,\f + \fr 1.20 \ft mantle: or, robe\f*

JOB 1:21 Removed trailing space in v~: And \w said|strong="H0559"\w*, \w Naked|strong="H6174"\w* came I \w out|strong="H3318"\w* of my \w mother’s|strong="H0517"\w* \w womb|strong="H0990"\w*, and \w naked|strong="H6174"\w* shall I \w return|strong="H7725"\w* thither: the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* \w gave|strong="H5414"\w*, and the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* hath taken \w away|strong="H3947"\w*; \w blessed|strong="H1288"\w* be the \w name|strong="H8034"\w* of the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd*.

JOB 1:22 Removed trailing space in v~: In all this \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* \w sinned|strong="H2398"\w* not, nor \w charged|strong="H5414"\w* \w God|strong="H0430"\w* \w foolishly|strong="H8604"\w*.\f + \fr 1.22 \ft charged…: or, attributed folly to God\f*

JOB 2:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 2:0 Removed trailing space in c: 2

JOB 2:1 Removed trailing space in v~: Again there was a \w day|strong="H3117"\w* when the \w sons|strong="H1121"\w* of \w God|strong="H0430"\w* \w came|strong="H0935"\w* to \w present|strong="H3320"\w* themselves before the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd*, and \w Satan|strong="H7854"\w* \w came|strong="H0935"\w* also \w among|strong="H8432"\w* them to \w present|strong="H3320"\w* himself before the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd*.

JOB 2:2 Removed trailing space in v~: And the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* \w said|strong="H0559"\w* unto \w Satan|strong="H7854"\w*, From \w whence|strong="H0335"\w* \w comest|strong="H0935"\w* thou? And \w Satan|strong="H7854"\w* \w answered|strong="H6030"\w* the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd*, and \w said|strong="H0559"\w*, From going to and \w fro|strong="H7751"\w* in the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*, and from walking up and \w down|strong="H1980"\w* in it.

JOB 2:3 Removed trailing space in v~: And the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* \w said|strong="H0559"\w* unto \w Satan|strong="H7854"\w*, Hast \w thou|strong="H7760"\w* \w considered|strong="H3820"\w* my \w servant|strong="H5650"\w* \w Job|strong="H0347"\w*, that \add there is\add* none like him in the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*, a \w perfect|strong="H8535"\w* and an \w upright|strong="H3477"\w* \w man|strong="H0376"\w*, one that \w feareth|strong="H3373"\w* \w God|strong="H0430"\w*, and \w escheweth|strong="H5493"\w* \w evil|strong="H7451"\w*? and still he holdeth \w fast|strong="H2388"\w* his \w integrity|strong="H8538"\w*, although thou \w movedst|strong="H5496"\w* me against him, to \w destroy|strong="H1104"\w* him without \w cause|strong="H2600"\w*.\f + \fr 2.3 \ft to destroy…: Heb. to swallow him up\f*

JOB 2:4 Removed trailing space in v~: And \w Satan|strong="H7854"\w* \w answered|strong="H6030"\w* the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd*, and \w said|strong="H0559"\w*, \w Skin|strong="H5785"\w* for \w skin|strong="H5785"\w*, yea, all that a \w man|strong="H0376"\w* hath will he \w give|strong="H5414"\w* for his \w life|strong="H5315"\w*.

JOB 2:5 Removed trailing space in v~: \w But|strong="H0199"\w* put \w forth|strong="H7971"\w* thine \w hand|strong="H3027"\w* now, and \w touch|strong="H5060"\w* his \w bone|strong="H6106"\w* and his \w flesh|strong="H1320"\w*, and he will \w curse|strong="H1288"\w* thee to thy \w face|strong="H6440"\w*.

JOB 2:6 Removed trailing space in v~: And the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* \w said|strong="H0559"\w* unto \w Satan|strong="H7854"\w*, Behold, he \add is\add* in thine \w hand|strong="H3027"\w*; but \w save|strong="H8104"\w* his \w life|strong="H5315"\w*.\f + \fr 2.6 \ft but: or, only\f*

JOB 2:7 Removed trailing space in v~: ¶ So \w went|strong="H3318"\w* \w Satan|strong="H7854"\w* \w forth|strong="H3318"\w* from the \w presence|strong="H6440"\w* of the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd*, and \w smote|strong="H5221"\w* \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* with \w sore|strong="H7451"\w* \w boils|strong="H7822"\w* from the \w sole|strong="H3709"\w* of his \w foot|strong="H7272"\w* unto his \w crown|strong="H6936"\w*.

JOB 2:8 Removed trailing space in v~: And he \w took|strong="H3947"\w* him a \w potsherd|strong="H2789"\w* to \w scrape|strong="H1623"\w* himself withal; and he sat \w down|strong="H3427"\w* \w among|strong="H8432"\w* the \w ashes|strong="H0665"\w*.

JOB 2:9 Removed trailing space in v~: ¶ Then \w said|strong="H0559"\w* his \w wife|strong="H0802"\w* unto him, Dost thou still \w retain|strong="H2388"\w* thine \w integrity|strong="H8538"\w*? \w curse|strong="H1288"\w* \w God|strong="H0430"\w*, and \w die|strong="H4191"\w*.

JOB 2:10 Removed trailing space in v~: But he \w said|strong="H0559"\w* unto her, Thou \w speakest|strong="H1696"\w* as \w one|strong="H0259"\w* of the foolish \w women|strong="H5036"\w* \w speaketh|strong="H1696"\w*. \w What|strong="H1571"\w*? shall we \w receive|strong="H6901"\w* \w good|strong="H2896"\w* at the hand of \w God|strong="H0430"\w*, and shall we not \w receive|strong="H6901"\w* \w evil|strong="H7451"\w*? In all this did not \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* \w sin|strong="H2398"\w* with his \w lips|strong="H8193"\w*.

JOB 2:11 Removed trailing space in v~: ¶ Now when \w Job’s|strong="H0347"\w* \w three|strong="H7969"\w* \w friends|strong="H7453"\w* \w heard|strong="H8085"\w* of all this \w evil|strong="H7451"\w* that was \w come|strong="H0935"\w* upon him, they \w came|strong="H0935"\w* every \w one|strong="H0376"\w* from his own \w place|strong="H4725"\w*; \w Eliphaz|strong="H0464"\w* the \w Temanite|strong="H8489"\w*, and \w Bildad|strong="H1085"\w* the \w Shuhite|strong="H7747"\w*, and \w Zophar|strong="H6691"\w* the \w Naamathite|strong="H5284"\w*: for they had made an \w appointment|strong="H3259"\w* \w together|strong="H3162"\w* to \w come|strong="H0935"\w* to \w mourn|strong="H5110"\w* with him and to \w comfort|strong="H5162"\w* him.

JOB 2:12 Removed trailing space in v~: And when they lifted \w up|strong="H5375"\w* their \w eyes|strong="H5869"\w* afar \w off|strong="H7350"\w*, and \w knew|strong="H5234"\w* him not, they lifted \w up|strong="H5375"\w* their \w voice|strong="H6963"\w*, and \w wept|strong="H1058"\w*; and they \w rent|strong="H7167"\w* every \w one|strong="H0376"\w* his \w mantle|strong="H4598"\w*, and \w sprinkled|strong="H2236"\w* \w dust|strong="H6083"\w* upon their \w heads|strong="H7218"\w* toward \w heaven|strong="H8064"\w*.

JOB 2:13 Removed trailing space in v~: So they sat \w down|strong="H3427"\w* with him upon the \w ground|strong="H0776"\w* \w seven|strong="H7651"\w* \w days|strong="H3117"\w* and \w seven|strong="H7651"\w* \w nights|strong="H3915"\w*, and none \w spake|strong="H1696"\w* a \w word|strong="H1697"\w* unto him: for they \w saw|strong="H7200"\w* that \add his\add* \w grief|strong="H3511"\w* was \w very|strong="H3966"\w* \w great|strong="H1431"\w*.

JOB 3:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 3:0 Removed trailing space in c: 3

JOB 3:1 Removed trailing space in v~: \w After|strong="H0310"\w* this \w opened|strong="H6605"\w* \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* his \w mouth|strong="H6310"\w*, and \w cursed|strong="H7043"\w* his \w day|strong="H3117"\w*.

JOB 3:2 Removed trailing space in v~: And \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* \w spake|strong="H6030"\w*, and \w said|strong="H0559"\w*,\f + \fr 3.2 \ft spake: Heb. answered\f*

JOB 3:3 Removed trailing space in v~: Let the \w day|strong="H3117"\w* \w perish|strong="H0006"\w* wherein I was \w born|strong="H3205"\w*, and the \w night|strong="H3915"\w* \add in which\add* it was \w said|strong="H0559"\w*, There is a man \w child|strong="H1397"\w* \w conceived|strong="H2029"\w*.

JOB 3:4 Removed trailing space in v~: Let that \w day|strong="H3117"\w* be \w darkness|strong="H2822"\w*; let not \w God|strong="H0433"\w* \w regard|strong="H1875"\w* it from \w above|strong="H4605"\w*, neither let the \w light|strong="H5105"\w* \w shine|strong="H3313"\w* upon it.

JOB 3:5 Removed trailing space in v~: Let \w darkness|strong="H2822"\w* and the shadow of \w death|strong="H6757"\w* \w stain|strong="H1350"\w* it; let a \w cloud|strong="H6053"\w* \w dwell|strong="H7931"\w* upon it; let the \w blackness|strong="H3650"\w* of the \w day|strong="H3117"\w* \w terrify|strong="H1204"\w* it.\f + \fr 3.5 \ft stain: or, challenge\f*\f + \fr 3.5 \ft let the…: or, let them terrify it, as those who have a bitter day\f*

JOB 3:6 Removed trailing space in v~: As \add for\add* that \w night|strong="H3915"\w*, let \w darkness|strong="H0652"\w* \w seize|strong="H3947"\w* upon it; let it not be \w joined|strong="H2302"\w* unto the \w days|strong="H3117"\w* of the \w year|strong="H8141"\w*, let it not \w come|strong="H0935"\w* into the \w number|strong="H4557"\w* of the \w months|strong="H3391"\w*.\f + \fr 3.6 \ft let it not be…: or, let it not rejoice among the days\f*

JOB 3:7 Removed trailing space in v~: Lo, let that \w night|strong="H3915"\w* be \w solitary|strong="H1565"\w*, let no joyful \w voice|strong="H7445"\w* \w come|strong="H0935"\w* therein.

JOB 3:8 Removed trailing space in v~: Let them \w curse|strong="H5344"\w* it that \w curse|strong="H0779"\w* the \w day|strong="H3117"\w*, who are \w ready|strong="H6264"\w* to raise \w up|strong="H5782"\w* their \w mourning|strong="H3882"\w*.\f + \fr 3.8 \ft their…: or, leviathan\f*

JOB 3:9 Removed trailing space in v~: Let the \w stars|strong="H3556"\w* of the \w twilight|strong="H5399"\w* thereof be \w dark|strong="H2821"\w*; let it \w look|strong="H6960"\w* for \w light|strong="H0216"\w*, but \add have\add* none; neither let it \w see|strong="H7200"\w* the \w dawning|strong="H6079"\w* of the \w day|strong="H7837"\w*:\f + \fr 3.9 \ft the dawning…: Heb. the eyelids of the morning\f*

JOB 3:10 Removed trailing space in v~: Because it shut not \w up|strong="H5462"\w* the \w doors|strong="H1817"\w* of my \add mother’s\add* \w womb|strong="H0990"\w*, nor \w hid|strong="H5641"\w* \w sorrow|strong="H5999"\w* from mine \w eyes|strong="H5869"\w*.

JOB 3:11 Removed trailing space in v~: Why \w died|strong="H4191"\w* I not from the \w womb|strong="H7358"\w*? \add why\add* did I \add not\add* give up the \w ghost|strong="H1478"\w* when I came \w out|strong="H3318"\w* of the \w belly|strong="H0990"\w*?

JOB 3:12 Removed trailing space in v~: Why did the \w knees|strong="H1290"\w* \w prevent|strong="H6923"\w* me? or why the \w breasts|strong="H7699"\w* that I should \w suck|strong="H3243"\w*?

JOB 3:13 Removed trailing space in v~: For now should I have lain \w still|strong="H7901"\w* and been \w quiet|strong="H8252"\w*, I should have \w slept|strong="H3462"\w*: then had I been at \w rest|strong="H5117"\w*,

JOB 3:14 Removed trailing space in v~: With \w kings|strong="H4428"\w* and \w counsellors|strong="H3289"\w* of the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*, which \w built|strong="H1129"\w* desolate \w places|strong="H2723"\w* for themselves;

JOB 3:15 Removed trailing space in v~: Or with \w princes|strong="H8269"\w* that had \w gold|strong="H2091"\w*, who \w filled|strong="H4390"\w* their \w houses|strong="H1004"\w* with \w silver|strong="H3701"\w*:

JOB 3:16 Removed trailing space in v~: Or as an \w hidden|strong="H2934"\w* untimely \w birth|strong="H5309"\w* I had not been; as \w infants|strong="H5768"\w* \add which\add* never \w saw|strong="H7200"\w* \w light|strong="H0216"\w*.

JOB 3:17 Removed trailing space in v~: There the \w wicked|strong="H7563"\w* \w cease|strong="H2308"\w* \add from\add* \w troubling|strong="H7267"\w*; and there the \w weary|strong="H3019"\w* be at \w rest|strong="H5117"\w*.\f + \fr 3.17 \ft weary: Heb. wearied in strength\f*

JOB 3:18 Removed trailing space in v~: \add There\add* the \w prisoners|strong="H0615"\w* \w rest|strong="H7599"\w* \w together|strong="H3162"\w*; they \w hear|strong="H8085"\w* not the \w voice|strong="H6963"\w* of the \w oppressor|strong="H5065"\w*.

JOB 3:19 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w small|strong="H6996"\w* and \w great|strong="H1419"\w* are there; and the \w servant|strong="H5650"\w* \add is\add* \w free|strong="H2670"\w* from his \w master|strong="H0113"\w*.

JOB 3:20 Removed trailing space in v~: Wherefore is \w light|strong="H0216"\w* \w given|strong="H5414"\w* to him that is in \w misery|strong="H6001"\w*, and \w life|strong="H2416"\w* unto the \w bitter|strong="H4751"\w* \add in\add* \w soul|strong="H5315"\w*;

JOB 3:21 Removed trailing space in v~: Which \w long|strong="H2442"\w* for \w death|strong="H4194"\w*, but it \add cometh\add* not; and \w dig|strong="H2658"\w* for it more than for hid \w treasures|strong="H4301"\w*;\f + \fr 3.21 \ft long: Heb. wait\f*

JOB 3:22 Removed trailing space in v~: Which \w rejoice|strong="H8056"\w* \w exceedingly|strong="H1524"\w*, \add and\add* are \w glad|strong="H7797"\w*, when they can \w find|strong="H4672"\w* the \w grave|strong="H6913"\w*?

JOB 3:23 Removed trailing space in v~: \add Why is light given\add* to a \w man|strong="H1397"\w* whose \w way|strong="H1870"\w* is \w hid|strong="H5641"\w*, and whom \w God|strong="H0433"\w* hath hedged \w in|strong="H5526"\w*?

JOB 3:24 Removed trailing space in v~: For my \w sighing|strong="H0585"\w* \w cometh|strong="H0935"\w* \w before|strong="H6440"\w* I \w eat|strong="H3899"\w*, and my \w roarings|strong="H7581"\w* are poured \w out|strong="H5413"\w* like the \w waters|strong="H4325"\w*.\f + \fr 3.24 \ft I eat: Heb. my meat\f*

JOB 3:25 Removed trailing space in v~: For the thing which I \w greatly|strong="H6343"\w* \w feared|strong="H6342"\w* is \w come|strong="H0857"\w* upon me, and that which I was \w afraid|strong="H3025"\w* of is \w come|strong="H0935"\w* unto me.\f + \fr 3.25 \ft the thing…: Heb. I feared a fear, and it came upon me\f*

JOB 3:26 Removed trailing space in v~: I was not in \w safety|strong="H7951"\w*, neither had I \w rest|strong="H8252"\w*, neither was I \w quiet|strong="H5117"\w*; yet \w trouble|strong="H7267"\w* \w came|strong="H0935"\w*.

JOB 4:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 4:0 Removed trailing space in c: 4

JOB 4:1 Removed trailing space in v~: Then \w Eliphaz|strong="H0464"\w* the \w Temanite|strong="H8489"\w* \w answered|strong="H6030"\w* and \w said|strong="H0559"\w*,

JOB 4:2 Removed trailing space in v~: \add If\add* we \w assay|strong="H5254"\w* to \w commune|strong="H1697"\w* with thee, wilt thou be \w grieved|strong="H3811"\w*? but who \w can|strong="H3201"\w* \w withhold|strong="H6113"\w* himself from \w speaking|strong="H4405"\w*?\f + \fr 4.2 \ft to…: Heb. a word\f*\f + \fr 4.2 \ft withhold…: Heb. refrain from words?\f*

JOB 4:3 Removed trailing space in v~: Behold, thou hast \w instructed|strong="H3256"\w* \w many|strong="H7227"\w*, and thou hast \w strengthened|strong="H2388"\w* the \w weak|strong="H7504"\w* \w hands|strong="H3027"\w*.

JOB 4:4 Removed trailing space in v~: Thy \w words|strong="H4405"\w* have \w upholden|strong="H6965"\w* him that was \w falling|strong="H3782"\w*, and thou hast \w strengthened|strong="H0553"\w* the \w feeble|strong="H3766"\w* \w knees|strong="H1290"\w*.

JOB 4:5 Removed trailing space in v~: But now it is \w come|strong="H0935"\w* upon thee, and thou \w faintest|strong="H3811"\w*; it \w toucheth|strong="H5060"\w* thee, and thou art \w troubled|strong="H0926"\w*.

JOB 4:6 Removed trailing space in v~: \add Is\add* not \add this\add* thy \w fear|strong="H3374"\w*, thy \w confidence|strong="H3690"\w*, thy \w hope|strong="H8615"\w*, and the \w uprightness|strong="H8537"\w* of thy \w ways|strong="H1870"\w*?

JOB 4:7 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Remember|strong="H2142"\w*, I pray thee, who \add ever\add* \w perished|strong="H0006"\w*, being \w innocent|strong="H5355"\w*? or \w where|strong="H0375"\w* were the \w righteous|strong="H3477"\w* cut \w off|strong="H3582"\w*?

JOB 4:8 Removed trailing space in v~: Even as I have \w seen|strong="H7200"\w*, they that \w plow|strong="H2790"\w* \w iniquity|strong="H0205"\w*, and \w sow|strong="H2232"\w* \w wickedness|strong="H5999"\w*, \w reap|strong="H7114"\w* the same.

JOB 4:9 Removed trailing space in v~: By the \w blast|strong="H5397"\w* of \w God|strong="H0433"\w* they \w perish|strong="H0006"\w*, and by the \w breath|strong="H7307"\w* of his \w nostrils|strong="H0639"\w* are they \w consumed|strong="H3615"\w*.\f + \fr 4.9 \ft by the breath…: that is, by his anger\f*

JOB 4:10 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w roaring|strong="H7581"\w* of the \w lion|strong="H0738"\w*, and the \w voice|strong="H6963"\w* of the fierce \w lion|strong="H7826"\w*, and the \w teeth|strong="H8127"\w* of the young \w lions|strong="H3715"\w*, are \w broken|strong="H5421"\w*.

JOB 4:11 Removed trailing space in v~: The old \w lion|strong="H3918"\w* \w perisheth|strong="H0006"\w* for \w lack|strong="H1097"\w* of \w prey|strong="H2964"\w*, and the stout \w lion’s|strong="H3833"\w* \w whelps|strong="H1121"\w* are scattered \w abroad|strong="H6504"\w*.

JOB 4:12 Removed trailing space in v~: Now a \w thing|strong="H1697"\w* was secretly \w brought|strong="H1589"\w* to me, and mine \w ear|strong="H0241"\w* \w received|strong="H3947"\w* a \w little|strong="H8102"\w* thereof.\f + \fr 4.12 \ft secretly: Heb. by stealth\f*

JOB 4:13 Removed trailing space in v~: In \w thoughts|strong="H5587"\w* from the \w visions|strong="H2384"\w* of the \w night|strong="H3915"\w*, when deep \w sleep|strong="H8639"\w* \w falleth|strong="H5307"\w* on \w men|strong="H0582"\w*,

JOB 4:14 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Fear|strong="H6343"\w* \w came|strong="H7122"\w* upon me, and \w trembling|strong="H7461"\w*, which made \w all|strong="H7230"\w* my \w bones|strong="H6106"\w* to \w shake|strong="H6342"\w*.\f + \fr 4.14 \ft came…: Heb. met\f*\f + \fr 4.14 \ft all: Heb. the multitude of\f*

JOB 4:15 Removed trailing space in v~: Then a \w spirit|strong="H7307"\w* \w passed|strong="H2498"\w* before my \w face|strong="H6440"\w*; the \w hair|strong="H8185"\w* of my \w flesh|strong="H1320"\w* stood \w up|strong="H5568"\w*:

JOB 4:16 Removed trailing space in v~: It stood \w still|strong="H5975"\w*, but I could not \w discern|strong="H5234"\w* the \w form|strong="H4758"\w* thereof: an \w image|strong="H8544"\w* \add was\add* before mine \w eyes|strong="H5869"\w*, \add there was\add* \w silence|strong="H1827"\w*, and I \w heard|strong="H8085"\w* a \w voice|strong="H6963"\w*, \add saying\add*,\f + \fr 4.16 \ft there…: or, I heard a still voice\f*

JOB 4:17 Removed trailing space in v~: Shall mortal \w man|strong="H0582"\w* be more \w just|strong="H6663"\w* than \w God|strong="H0433"\w*? shall a \w man|strong="H1397"\w* be more \w pure|strong="H2891"\w* than his \w maker|strong="H6213"\w*?

JOB 4:18 Removed trailing space in v~: Behold, he put no \w trust|strong="H0539"\w* in his \w servants|strong="H5650"\w*; and his \w angels|strong="H4397"\w* he \w charged|strong="H7760"\w* with \w folly|strong="H8417"\w*:\f + \fr 4.18 \ft and his…: or, nor in his angels, in whom he put light\f*

JOB 4:19 Removed trailing space in v~: How much \w less|strong="H0637"\w* \add in\add* them that \w dwell|strong="H7931"\w* in \w houses|strong="H1004"\w* of \w clay|strong="H2563"\w*, whose \w foundation|strong="H3247"\w* \add is\add* in the \w dust|strong="H6083"\w*, \add which\add* are \w crushed|strong="H1792"\w* \w before|strong="H6440"\w* the \w moth|strong="H6211"\w*?

JOB 4:20 Removed trailing space in v~: They are \w destroyed|strong="H3807"\w* from \w morning|strong="H1242"\w* to \w evening|strong="H6153"\w*: they \w perish|strong="H0006"\w* for \w ever|strong="H5331"\w* without any \w regarding|strong="H7760"\w* \add it\add*.\f + \fr 4.20 \ft destroyed: Heb. beaten in pieces\f*

JOB 4:21 Removed trailing space in v~: Doth not their \w excellency|strong="H3499"\w* \add which is\add* in them go \w away|strong="H5265"\w*? they \w die|strong="H4191"\w*, even without \w wisdom|strong="H2451"\w*.

JOB 5:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 5:0 Removed trailing space in c: 5

JOB 5:1 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Call|strong="H7121"\w* now, if there \w be|strong="H3426"\w* any that will \w answer|strong="H6030"\w* thee; and to which of the \w saints|strong="H6918"\w* wilt thou \w turn|strong="H6437"\w*?\f + \fr 5.1 \ft turn: or, look?\f*

JOB 5:2 Removed trailing space in v~: For \w wrath|strong="H3708"\w* \w killeth|strong="H2026"\w* the foolish \w man|strong="H0191"\w*, and \w envy|strong="H7068"\w* \w slayeth|strong="H4191"\w* the silly \w one|strong="H6601"\w*.\f + \fr 5.2 \ft envy: or, indignation\f*

JOB 5:3 Removed trailing space in v~: I have \w seen|strong="H7200"\w* the \w foolish|strong="H0191"\w* taking \w root|strong="H8327"\w*: but \w suddenly|strong="H6597"\w* I \w cursed|strong="H5344"\w* his \w habitation|strong="H5116"\w*.

JOB 5:4 Removed trailing space in v~: His \w children|strong="H1121"\w* are \w far|strong="H7368"\w* from \w safety|strong="H3468"\w*, and they are \w crushed|strong="H1792"\w* in the \w gate|strong="H8179"\w*, neither \add is there\add* any to \w deliver|strong="H5337"\w* \add them\add*.

JOB 5:5 Removed trailing space in v~: Whose \w harvest|strong="H7105"\w* the \w hungry|strong="H7457"\w* eateth \w up|strong="H0398"\w*, and \w taketh|strong="H3947"\w* it even \w out|strong="H0413"\w* of the \w thorns|strong="H6791"\w*, and the \w robber|strong="H6782"\w* swalloweth \w up|strong="H7602"\w* their \w substance|strong="H2428"\w*.

JOB 5:6 Removed trailing space in v~: Although \w affliction|strong="H0205"\w* cometh not \w forth|strong="H3318"\w* of the \w dust|strong="H6083"\w*, neither doth \w trouble|strong="H5999"\w* spring \w out|strong="H6779"\w* of the \w ground|strong="H0127"\w*;\f + \fr 5.6 \ft affliction: or, iniquity\f*

JOB 5:7 Removed trailing space in v~: Yet \w man|strong="H0120"\w* is \w born|strong="H3205"\w* unto \w trouble|strong="H5999"\w*, as the \w sparks|strong="H1121"\w* \w fly|strong="H5774"\w* \w upward|strong="H1361"\w*.\f + \fr 5.7 \ft trouble: or, labour\f*\f + \fr 5.7 \ft sparks…: Heb. the sons of the burning coal lift up to fly\f*

JOB 5:8 Removed trailing space in v~: I would \w seek|strong="H0199"\w* unto \w God|strong="H0410"\w*, and unto \w God|strong="H0430"\w* would I \w commit|strong="H7760"\w* my \w cause|strong="H1700"\w*:

JOB 5:9 Removed trailing space in v~: Which \w doeth|strong="H6213"\w* great \w things|strong="H1419"\w* and \w unsearchable|strong="H0369"\w*; marvellous \w things|strong="H6381"\w* without \w number|strong="H4557"\w*:\f + \fr 5.9 \ft unsearchable: Heb. there is no search\f*\f + \fr 5.9 \ft without…: Heb. till there be no number\f*

JOB 5:10 Removed trailing space in v~: Who \w giveth|strong="H5414"\w* \w rain|strong="H4306"\w* \w upon|strong="H6440"\w* the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*, and \w sendeth|strong="H7971"\w* \w waters|strong="H4325"\w* \w upon|strong="H6440"\w* the \w fields|strong="H2351"\w*:\f + \fr 5.10 \ft fields: Heb. outplaces\f*

JOB 5:11 Removed trailing space in v~: To set \w up|strong="H7760"\w* on \w high|strong="H4791"\w* those that be \w low|strong="H8217"\w*; that those which \w mourn|strong="H6937"\w* may be \w exalted|strong="H7682"\w* to \w safety|strong="H3468"\w*.

JOB 5:12 Removed trailing space in v~: He \w disappointeth|strong="H6565"\w* the \w devices|strong="H4284"\w* of the \w crafty|strong="H6175"\w*, so that their \w hands|strong="H3027"\w* cannot \w perform|strong="H6213"\w* \add their\add* \w enterprise|strong="H8454"\w*.\f + \fr 5.12 \ft their enterprise: or, any thing\f*

JOB 5:13 Removed trailing space in v~: He \w taketh|strong="H3920"\w* the \w wise|strong="H2450"\w* in their own \w craftiness|strong="H6193"\w*: and the \w counsel|strong="H6098"\w* of the \w froward|strong="H6617"\w* is carried \w headlong|strong="H4116"\w*.

JOB 5:14 Removed trailing space in v~: They \w meet|strong="H6298"\w* with \w darkness|strong="H2822"\w* in the \w daytime|strong="H3119"\w*, and \w grope|strong="H4959"\w* in the \w noonday|strong="H6672"\w* as in the \w night|strong="H3915"\w*.\f + \fr 5.14 \ft meet…: or, run into\f*

JOB 5:15 Removed trailing space in v~: But he \w saveth|strong="H3467"\w* the \w poor|strong="H0034"\w* from the \w sword|strong="H2719"\w*, from their \w mouth|strong="H6310"\w*, and from the \w hand|strong="H3027"\w* of the \w mighty|strong="H2389"\w*.

JOB 5:16 Removed trailing space in v~: So the \w poor|strong="H1800"\w* hath \w hope|strong="H8615"\w*, and \w iniquity|strong="H5766"\w* \w stoppeth|strong="H7092"\w* her \w mouth|strong="H6310"\w*.

JOB 5:17 Removed trailing space in v~: Behold, \w happy|strong="H0835"\w* \add is\add* the \w man|strong="H0582"\w* whom \w God|strong="H0433"\w* \w correcteth|strong="H3198"\w*: therefore \w despise|strong="H3988"\w* not thou the \w chastening|strong="H4148"\w* of the \w Almighty|strong="H7706"\w*:

JOB 5:18 Removed trailing space in v~: For he maketh \w sore|strong="H3510"\w*, and bindeth \w up|strong="H2280"\w*: he \w woundeth|strong="H4272"\w*, and his \w hands|strong="H3027"\w* make \w whole|strong="H7495"\w*.

JOB 5:19 Removed trailing space in v~: He shall \w deliver|strong="H5337"\w* thee in \w six|strong="H8337"\w* \w troubles|strong="H6869"\w*: yea, in \w seven|strong="H7651"\w* there shall no \w evil|strong="H7451"\w* \w touch|strong="H5060"\w* thee.

JOB 5:20 Removed trailing space in v~: In \w famine|strong="H7458"\w* he shall \w redeem|strong="H6299"\w* thee from \w death|strong="H4194"\w*: and in \w war|strong="H4421"\w* from the \w power|strong="H3027"\w* of the \w sword|strong="H2719"\w*.\f + \fr 5.20 \ft power: Heb. hands\f*

JOB 5:21 Removed trailing space in v~: Thou shalt be \w hid|strong="H2244"\w* from the \w scourge|strong="H7752"\w* of the \w tongue|strong="H3956"\w*: neither shalt thou be \w afraid|strong="H3372"\w* of \w destruction|strong="H7701"\w* when it \w cometh|strong="H0935"\w*.\f + \fr 5.21 \ft from…: or, when the tongue scourgeth\f*

JOB 5:22 Removed trailing space in v~: At \w destruction|strong="H7701"\w* and \w famine|strong="H3720"\w* thou shalt \w laugh|strong="H7832"\w*: neither shalt thou be \w afraid|strong="H3372"\w* of the \w beasts|strong="H2416"\w* of the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*.

JOB 5:23 Removed trailing space in v~: For thou shalt be in \w league|strong="H1285"\w* with the \w stones|strong="H0068"\w* of the \w field|strong="H7704"\w*: and the \w beasts|strong="H2416"\w* of the \w field|strong="H7704"\w* shall be at \w peace|strong="H7999"\w* with thee.

JOB 5:24 Removed trailing space in v~: And thou shalt \w know|strong="H3045"\w* that thy \w tabernacle|strong="H0168"\w* \add shall be\add* in \w peace|strong="H7965"\w*; and thou shalt \w visit|strong="H6485"\w* thy \w habitation|strong="H5116"\w*, and shalt not \w sin|strong="H2398"\w*.\f + \fr 5.24 \ft thy tabernacle…: or, peace is thy tabernacle\f*\f + \fr 5.24 \ft sin: or, err\f*

JOB 5:25 Removed trailing space in v~: Thou shalt \w know|strong="H3045"\w* also that thy \w seed|strong="H2233"\w* \add shall be\add* \w great|strong="H7227"\w*, and thine \w offspring|strong="H6631"\w* as the \w grass|strong="H6212"\w* of the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*.\f + \fr 5.25 \ft great: or, much\f*

JOB 5:26 Removed trailing space in v~: Thou shalt \w come|strong="H0935"\w* to \add thy\add* \w grave|strong="H6913"\w* in a full \w age|strong="H3624"\w*, like as a shock of \w corn|strong="H1430"\w* cometh \w in|strong="H5927"\w* in his \w season|strong="H6256"\w*.\f + \fr 5.26 \ft cometh in: Heb. ascendeth\f*

JOB 5:27 Removed trailing space in v~: Lo this, we have \w searched|strong="H2713"\w* it, so it \add is;\add* \w hear|strong="H8085"\w* it, and \w know|strong="H3045"\w* thou \add it\add* for thy good.\f + \fr 5.27 \ft for…: Heb. for thyself\f*

JOB 6:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 6:0 Removed trailing space in c: 6

JOB 6:1 Removed trailing space in v~: But \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* \w answered|strong="H6030"\w* and \w said|strong="H0559"\w*,

JOB 6:2 Removed trailing space in v~: Oh \w that|strong="H3863"\w* my \w grief|strong="H3708"\w* were \w throughly|strong="H8254"\w* \w weighed|strong="H8254"\w*, and my \w calamity|strong="H1942"\w* \w laid|strong="H5375"\w* in the \w balances|strong="H3976"\w* \w together|strong="H3162"\w*!\f + \fr 6.2 \ft laid: Heb. lifted up\f*

JOB 6:3 Removed trailing space in v~: For now it would be \w heavier|strong="H3513"\w* than the \w sand|strong="H2344"\w* of the \w sea|strong="H3220"\w*: therefore my \w words|strong="H1697"\w* are swallowed \w up|strong="H3886"\w*.\f + \fr 6.3 \ft my words…: that is, I want words to express my grief\f*

JOB 6:4 Removed trailing space in v~: For the \w arrows|strong="H2671"\w* of the \w Almighty|strong="H7706"\w* \add are\add* \w within|strong="H5978"\w* me, the \w poison|strong="H2534"\w* whereof drinketh \w up|strong="H8354"\w* my \w spirit|strong="H7307"\w*: the \w terrors|strong="H1161"\w* of \w God|strong="H0433"\w* do set themselves in \w array|strong="H6186"\w* against me.

JOB 6:5 Removed trailing space in v~: Doth the wild \w ass|strong="H6501"\w* \w bray|strong="H5101"\w* when he hath \w grass|strong="H1877"\w*? or \w loweth|strong="H1600"\w* the \w ox|strong="H7794"\w* over his \w fodder|strong="H1098"\w*?\f + \fr 6.5 \ft when he…: Heb. at grass?\f*

JOB 6:6 Removed trailing space in v~: Can that which is \w unsavoury|strong="H8602"\w* be \w eaten|strong="H0398"\w* without \w salt|strong="H4417"\w*? or is \w there|strong="H3426"\w* \add any\add* \w taste|strong="H2940"\w* in the \w white|strong="H7388"\w* of an \w egg|strong="H2495"\w*?

JOB 6:7 Removed trailing space in v~: The things \add that\add* my \w soul|strong="H5315"\w* \w refused|strong="H3985"\w* to \w touch|strong="H5060"\w* \add are\add* as my \w sorrowful|strong="H1741"\w* \w meat|strong="H3899"\w*.

JOB 6:8 Removed trailing space in v~: Oh that I might \w have|strong="H0935"\w* my \w request|strong="H7596"\w*; and that \w God|strong="H0433"\w* would \w grant|strong="H5414"\w* \add me\add* the thing that I long \w for|strong="H8615"\w*!\f + \fr 6.8 \ft the thing…: Heb. my expectation\f*

JOB 6:9 Removed trailing space in v~: Even that it would \w please|strong="H2974"\w* \w God|strong="H0433"\w* to \w destroy|strong="H1792"\w* me; that he would let \w loose|strong="H5425"\w* his \w hand|strong="H3027"\w*, and cut me \w off|strong="H1214"\w*!

JOB 6:10 Removed trailing space in v~: Then should I yet have \w comfort|strong="H5165"\w*; yea, I would \w harden|strong="H5539"\w* myself in \w sorrow|strong="H2427"\w*: let him not \w spare|strong="H2550"\w*; for I have not \w concealed|strong="H3582"\w* the \w words|strong="H0561"\w* of the Holy \w One|strong="H6918"\w*.

JOB 6:11 Removed trailing space in v~: What \add is\add* my \w strength|strong="H3581"\w*, that I should \w hope|strong="H3176"\w*? and what \add is\add* mine \w end|strong="H7093"\w*, that I should \w prolong|strong="H0748"\w* my \w life|strong="H5315"\w*?

JOB 6:12 Removed trailing space in v~: \add Is\add* my \w strength|strong="H3581"\w* the \w strength|strong="H3581"\w* of \w stones|strong="H0068"\w*? or \add is\add* my \w flesh|strong="H1320"\w* of \w brass|strong="H5153"\w*?\f + \fr 6.12 \ft of brass: Heb. brasen?\f*

JOB 6:13 Removed trailing space in v~: \add Is\add* not my \w help|strong="H5833"\w* in me? and is \w wisdom|strong="H8454"\w* driven \w quite|strong="H5080"\w* from me?

JOB 6:14 Removed trailing space in v~: To him that is \w afflicted|strong="H4523"\w* \w pity|strong="H2617"\w* \add should be shewed\add* from his \w friend|strong="H7453"\w*; but he \w forsaketh|strong="H5800"\w* the \w fear|strong="H3374"\w* of the \w Almighty|strong="H7706"\w*.\f + \fr 6.14 \ft is afflicted: Heb. melteth\f*

JOB 6:15 Removed trailing space in v~: My \w brethren|strong="H0251"\w* have dealt \w deceitfully|strong="H0898"\w* as a \w brook|strong="H5158"\w*, \add and\add* as the \w stream|strong="H0650"\w* of \w brooks|strong="H5158"\w* they pass \w away|strong="H5674"\w*;

JOB 6:16 Removed trailing space in v~: Which are \w blackish|strong="H6937"\w* by reason of the \w ice|strong="H7140"\w*, \add and\add* wherein the \w snow|strong="H7950"\w* is \w hid|strong="H5956"\w*:

JOB 6:17 Removed trailing space in v~: What \w time|strong="H6256"\w* they wax \w warm|strong="H2215"\w*, they \w vanish|strong="H6789"\w*: when it is \w hot|strong="H2527"\w*, they are consumed \w out|strong="H1846"\w* of their \w place|strong="H4725"\w*.\f + \fr 6.17 \ft vanish: Heb. are cut off\f*\f + \fr 6.17 \ft when…: Heb. in the heat thereof\f*\f + \fr 6.17 \ft consumed: Heb. extinguished\f*

JOB 6:18 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w paths|strong="H0734"\w* of their \w way|strong="H1870"\w* are turned \w aside|strong="H3943"\w*; they \w go|strong="H5927"\w* to \w nothing|strong="H8414"\w*, and \w perish|strong="H0006"\w*.

JOB 6:19 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w troops|strong="H0734"\w* of \w Tema|strong="H8485"\w* \w looked|strong="H5027"\w*, the \w companies|strong="H1979"\w* of \w Sheba|strong="H7614"\w* \w waited|strong="H6960"\w* for them.

JOB 6:20 Removed trailing space in v~: They were \w confounded|strong="H0954"\w* because they had \w hoped|strong="H0982"\w*; they \w came|strong="H0935"\w* thither, and were \w ashamed|strong="H2659"\w*.

JOB 6:21 Removed trailing space in v~: For now ye are nothing; ye \w see|strong="H7200"\w* \add my\add* casting \w down|strong="H2866"\w*, and are \w afraid|strong="H3372"\w*.\f + \fr 6.21 \ft ye are…: or, ye are like to them: Heb. to it\f*\f + \fr 6.21 \ft nothing: Heb. not\f*

JOB 6:22 Removed trailing space in v~: Did I \w say|strong="H0559"\w*, \w Bring|strong="H3051"\w* unto me? or, Give a \w reward|strong="H7809"\w* for me of your \w substance|strong="H3581"\w*?

JOB 6:23 Removed trailing space in v~: Or, \w Deliver|strong="H4422"\w* me from the \w enemy’s|strong="H6862"\w* \w hand|strong="H3027"\w*? or, \w Redeem|strong="H6299"\w* me from the \w hand|strong="H3027"\w* of the \w mighty|strong="H6184"\w*?

JOB 6:24 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Teach|strong="H3384"\w* me, and I will hold my \w tongue|strong="H2790"\w*: and cause me to \w understand|strong="H0995"\w* wherein I have \w erred|strong="H7686"\w*.

JOB 6:25 Removed trailing space in v~: How \w forcible|strong="H4834"\w* are \w right|strong="H3476"\w* \w words|strong="H0561"\w*! but what doth your \w arguing|strong="H3198"\w* \w reprove|strong="H3198"\w*?

JOB 6:26 Removed trailing space in v~: Do ye \w imagine|strong="H2803"\w* to \w reprove|strong="H3198"\w* \w words|strong="H4405"\w*, and the \w speeches|strong="H0561"\w* of one that is \w desperate|strong="H2976"\w*, \add which are\add* as \w wind|strong="H7307"\w*?

JOB 6:27 Removed trailing space in v~: Yea, ye \w overwhelm|strong="H5307"\w* the \w fatherless|strong="H3490"\w*, and ye \w dig|strong="H3738"\w* \add a pit\add* for your \w friend|strong="H7453"\w*.\f + \fr 6.27 \ft ye overwhelm: Heb. ye cause to fall upon\f*

JOB 6:28 Removed trailing space in v~: Now therefore be \w content|strong="H2974"\w*, \w look|strong="H6437"\w* upon me; for \add it is\add* \w evident|strong="H6440"\w* unto you if I \w lie|strong="H3576"\w*.\f + \fr 6.28 \ft evident…: Heb. before your face\f*

JOB 6:29 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Return|strong="H7725"\w*, I pray you, let it not be \w iniquity|strong="H5766"\w*; yea, return \w again|strong="H7725"\w*, my \w righteousness|strong="H6664"\w* \add is\add* in it.\f + \fr 6.29 \ft in it: that is, in this matter\f*

JOB 6:30 Removed trailing space in v~: Is \w there|strong="H3426"\w* \w iniquity|strong="H5766"\w* in my \w tongue|strong="H3956"\w*? cannot my \w taste|strong="H2441"\w* \w discern|strong="H0995"\w* perverse \w things|strong="H1942"\w*?\f + \fr 6.30 \ft my taste: Heb. my palate\f*

JOB 7:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 7:0 Removed trailing space in c: 7

JOB 7:1 Removed trailing space in v~: \add Is there\add* not an appointed \w time|strong="H6635"\w* to \w man|strong="H0582"\w* upon \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*? \add are not\add* his \w days|strong="H3117"\w* also like the \w days|strong="H3117"\w* of an \w hireling|strong="H7916"\w*?\f + \fr 7.1 \ft an appointed…: or, a warfare\f*

JOB 7:2 Removed trailing space in v~: As a \w servant|strong="H5650"\w* earnestly \w desireth|strong="H7602"\w* the \w shadow|strong="H6738"\w*, and as an \w hireling|strong="H7916"\w* \w looketh|strong="H6960"\w* for \add the reward of\add* his \w work|strong="H6467"\w*:\f + \fr 7.2 \ft earnestly…: Heb. gapeth after\f*

JOB 7:3 Removed trailing space in v~: So am I made to \w possess|strong="H5157"\w* \w months|strong="H3391"\w* of \w vanity|strong="H7723"\w*, and \w wearisome|strong="H5999"\w* \w nights|strong="H3915"\w* are \w appointed|strong="H4487"\w* to me.

JOB 7:4 Removed trailing space in v~: When I lie \w down|strong="H7901"\w*, I \w say|strong="H0559"\w*, When shall I \w arise|strong="H6965"\w*, and the \w night|strong="H6153"\w* be \w gone|strong="H4059"\w*? and I am \w full|strong="H7646"\w* of tossings to and \w fro|strong="H5076"\w* unto the dawning of the \w day|strong="H5399"\w*.\f + \fr 7.4 \ft the night…: Heb. the evening be measured?\f*

JOB 7:5 Removed trailing space in v~: My \w flesh|strong="H1320"\w* is \w clothed|strong="H3847"\w* with \w worms|strong="H7415"\w* and \w clods|strong="H1487"\w* of \w dust|strong="H6083"\w*; my \w skin|strong="H5785"\w* is \w broken|strong="H7280"\w*, and become \w loathsome|strong="H3988"\w*.

JOB 7:6 Removed trailing space in v~: My \w days|strong="H3117"\w* are \w swifter|strong="H7043"\w* than a \w weaver’s shuttle|strong="H0708"\w*, and are \w spent|strong="H3615"\w* \w without|strong="H0657"\w* \w hope|strong="H8615"\w*.

JOB 7:7 Removed trailing space in v~: O \w remember|strong="H2142"\w* that my \w life|strong="H2416"\w* \add is\add* \w wind|strong="H7307"\w*: mine \w eye|strong="H5869"\w* shall no \w more|strong="H7725"\w* \w see|strong="H7200"\w* \w good|strong="H2896"\w*.\f + \fr 7.7 \ft shall…: Heb. shall not return\f*\f + \fr 7.7 \ft see: to see, that is, to enjoy\f*

JOB 7:8 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w eye|strong="H5869"\w* of him that hath \w seen|strong="H7210"\w* me shall \w see|strong="H7789"\w* me no \add more:\add* thine \w eyes|strong="H5869"\w* \add are\add* upon me, and I \add am\add* not.\f + \fr 7.8 \ft I am…: that is, I can live no longer\f*

JOB 7:9 Removed trailing space in v~: \add As\add* the \w cloud|strong="H6051"\w* is \w consumed|strong="H3615"\w* and vanisheth \w away|strong="H3212"\w*: so he that goeth \w down|strong="H3381"\w* to the \w grave|strong="H7585"\w* shall come \w up|strong="H5927"\w* no \add more\add*.

JOB 7:10 Removed trailing space in v~: He shall \w return|strong="H7725"\w* no more to his \w house|strong="H1004"\w*, neither shall his \w place|strong="H4725"\w* \w know|strong="H5234"\w* him any more.

JOB 7:11 Removed trailing space in v~: Therefore I will not \w refrain|strong="H2820"\w* my \w mouth|strong="H6310"\w*; I will \w speak|strong="H1696"\w* in the \w anguish|strong="H6862"\w* of my \w spirit|strong="H7307"\w*; I will \w complain|strong="H7878"\w* in the \w bitterness|strong="H4751"\w* of my \w soul|strong="H5315"\w*.

JOB 7:12 Removed trailing space in v~: \add Am\add* I a \w sea|strong="H3220"\w*, or a \w whale|strong="H8577"\w*, that thou \w settest|strong="H7760"\w* a \w watch|strong="H4929"\w* over me?

JOB 7:13 Removed trailing space in v~: When I \w say|strong="H0559"\w*, My \w bed|strong="H6210"\w* shall \w comfort|strong="H5162"\w* me, my \w couch|strong="H4904"\w* shall \w ease|strong="H5375"\w* my \w complaint|strong="H7879"\w*;

JOB 7:14 Removed trailing space in v~: Then thou \w scarest|strong="H2865"\w* me with \w dreams|strong="H2472"\w*, and \w terrifiest|strong="H1204"\w* me through \w visions|strong="H2384"\w*:

JOB 7:15 Removed trailing space in v~: So that my \w soul|strong="H5315"\w* \w chooseth|strong="H0977"\w* \w strangling|strong="H4267"\w*, \add and\add* \w death|strong="H4194"\w* rather than my \w life|strong="H6106"\w*.\f + \fr 7.15 \ft life: Heb. bones\f*

JOB 7:16 Removed trailing space in v~: I \w loathe|strong="H3988"\w* \add it;\add* I would not \w live|strong="H2421"\w* \w alway|strong="H5769"\w*: let me \w alone|strong="H2308"\w*; for my \w days|strong="H3117"\w* \add are\add* \w vanity|strong="H1892"\w*.

JOB 7:17 Removed trailing space in v~: What \add is\add* \w man|strong="H0582"\w*, that thou shouldest \w magnify|strong="H1431"\w* him? and that thou shouldest \w set|strong="H7896"\w* thine \w heart|strong="H3820"\w* upon him?

JOB 7:18 Removed trailing space in v~: And \add that\add* thou shouldest \w visit|strong="H6485"\w* him every \w morning|strong="H1242"\w*, \add and\add* \w try|strong="H0974"\w* him every \w moment|strong="H7281"\w*?

JOB 7:19 Removed trailing space in v~: How \w long|strong="H4100"\w* wilt thou not \w depart|strong="H8159"\w* from me, nor let me \w alone|strong="H7503"\w* till I swallow \w down|strong="H1104"\w* my \w spittle|strong="H7536"\w*?

JOB 7:20 Removed trailing space in v~: I have \w sinned|strong="H2398"\w*; what shall I \w do|strong="H6466"\w* unto thee, O thou \w preserver|strong="H5341"\w* of \w men|strong="H0120"\w*? why hast thou \w set|strong="H7760"\w* me as a \w mark|strong="H4645"\w* against thee, so that I am a \w burden|strong="H4853"\w* to myself?

JOB 7:21 Removed trailing space in v~: And why dost thou not \w pardon|strong="H5375"\w* my \w transgression|strong="H6588"\w*, and take \w away|strong="H5674"\w* mine \w iniquity|strong="H5771"\w*? for now shall I \w sleep|strong="H7901"\w* in the \w dust|strong="H6083"\w*; and thou shalt seek me in the \w morning|strong="H7836"\w*, but I \add shall\add* not \add be\add*.

JOB 8:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 8:0 Removed trailing space in c: 8

JOB 8:1 Removed trailing space in v~: Then \w answered|strong="H6030"\w* \w Bildad|strong="H1085"\w* the \w Shuhite|strong="H7747"\w*, and \w said|strong="H0559"\w*,

JOB 8:2 Removed trailing space in v~: \w How|strong="H0575"\w* \w long|strong="H5704"\w* wilt thou \w speak|strong="H4448"\w* these \add things\add*? and \add how long shall\add* the \w words|strong="H0561"\w* of thy \w mouth|strong="H6310"\w* \add be like\add* a \w strong|strong="H3524"\w* \w wind|strong="H7307"\w*?

JOB 8:3 Removed trailing space in v~: Doth \w God|strong="H0410"\w* \w pervert|strong="H5791"\w* \w judgment|strong="H4941"\w*? or doth the \w Almighty|strong="H7706"\w* \w pervert|strong="H5791"\w* \w justice|strong="H6664"\w*?

JOB 8:4 Removed trailing space in v~: If thy \w children|strong="H1121"\w* have \w sinned|strong="H2398"\w* against him, and he have cast them \w away|strong="H7971"\w* \w for|strong="H3027"\w* their \w transgression|strong="H6588"\w*;\f + \fr 8.4 \ft for…: Heb. in the hand of their transgression\f*

JOB 8:5 Removed trailing space in v~: If thou wouldest \w seek|strong="H7836"\w* unto \w God|strong="H0410"\w* \w betimes|strong="H7836"\w*, and make thy \w supplication|strong="H2603"\w* to the \w Almighty|strong="H7706"\w*;

JOB 8:6 Removed trailing space in v~: If thou \add wert\add* \w pure|strong="H2134"\w* and \w upright|strong="H3477"\w*; surely now he would \w awake|strong="H5782"\w* for thee, and make the \w habitation|strong="H5116"\w* of thy \w righteousness|strong="H6664"\w* \w prosperous|strong="H7999"\w*.

JOB 8:7 Removed trailing space in v~: Though thy \w beginning|strong="H7225"\w* was \w small|strong="H4705"\w*, yet thy latter \w end|strong="H0319"\w* should \w greatly|strong="H3966"\w* \w increase|strong="H7685"\w*.

JOB 8:8 Removed trailing space in v~: For \w enquire|strong="H7592"\w*, I pray thee, of the \w former|strong="H7223"\w* \w age|strong="H1755"\w*, and \w prepare|strong="H3559"\w* thyself to the \w search|strong="H2714"\w* of their \w fathers|strong="H0001"\w*:

JOB 8:9 Removed trailing space in v~: (For we \add are but of\add* \w yesterday|strong="H8543"\w*, and \w know|strong="H3045"\w* nothing, because our \w days|strong="H3117"\w* upon \w earth|strong="H0776"\w* \add are\add* a \w shadow|strong="H6738"\w*:)\f + \fr 8.9 \ft nothing: Heb. not\f*

JOB 8:10 Removed trailing space in v~: Shall not they \w teach|strong="H3384"\w* thee, \add and\add* \w tell|strong="H0559"\w* thee, and \w utter|strong="H3318"\w* \w words|strong="H4405"\w* out of their \w heart|strong="H3820"\w*?

JOB 8:11 Removed trailing space in v~: Can the \w rush|strong="H1573"\w* grow \w up|strong="H1342"\w* without \w mire|strong="H1207"\w*? \w can|strong="H7685"\w* the \w flag|strong="H0260"\w* \w grow|strong="H7685"\w* \w without|strong="H1097"\w* \w water|strong="H4325"\w*?

JOB 8:12 Removed trailing space in v~: Whilst it \add is\add* yet in his \w greenness|strong="H0003"\w*, \add and\add* not cut \w down|strong="H6998"\w*, it \w withereth|strong="H3001"\w* \w before|strong="H6440"\w* any \add other\add* \w herb|strong="H2682"\w*.

JOB 8:13 Removed trailing space in v~: So \add are\add* the \w paths|strong="H0734"\w* of all that \w forget|strong="H7911"\w* \w God|strong="H0410"\w*; and the \w hypocrite’s|strong="H2611"\w* \w hope|strong="H8615"\w* shall \w perish|strong="H0006"\w*:

JOB 8:14 Removed trailing space in v~: Whose \w hope|strong="H3689"\w* shall be cut \w off|strong="H6990"\w*, and whose \w trust|strong="H4009"\w* \add shall be\add* a \w spider’s|strong="H5908"\w* \w web|strong="H1004"\w*.\f + \fr 8.14 \ft web: Heb. house\f*

JOB 8:15 Removed trailing space in v~: He shall \w lean|strong="H8172"\w* upon his \w house|strong="H1004"\w*, but it shall not \w stand|strong="H5975"\w*: he shall \w hold|strong="H2388"\w* it fast, but it shall not \w endure|strong="H6965"\w*.

JOB 8:16 Removed trailing space in v~: He \add is\add* \w green|strong="H7373"\w* \w before|strong="H6440"\w* the \w sun|strong="H8121"\w*, and his \w branch|strong="H3127"\w* shooteth \w forth|strong="H3318"\w* in his \w garden|strong="H1593"\w*.

JOB 8:17 Removed trailing space in v~: His \w roots|strong="H8328"\w* are wrapped \w about|strong="H5440"\w* the \w heap|strong="H1530"\w*, \add and\add* \w seeth|strong="H2372"\w* the \w place|strong="H1004"\w* of \w stones|strong="H0068"\w*.

JOB 8:18 Removed trailing space in v~: If he \w destroy|strong="H1104"\w* him from his \w place|strong="H4725"\w*, then \add it\add* shall \w deny|strong="H3584"\w* him, \add saying\add*, I have not \w seen|strong="H7200"\w* thee.

JOB 8:19 Removed trailing space in v~: Behold, this \add is\add* the \w joy|strong="H4885"\w* of his \w way|strong="H1870"\w*, and out of the \w earth|strong="H6083"\w* shall \w others|strong="H0312"\w* \w grow|strong="H6779"\w*.

JOB 8:20 Removed trailing space in v~: Behold, \w God|strong="H0410"\w* will not cast \w away|strong="H3988"\w* a \w perfect|strong="H8535"\w* \add man\add*, neither will he \w help|strong="H2388"\w* the evil \w doers|strong="H7489"\w*:\f + \fr 8.20 \ft help…: Heb. take the ungodly by the hand\f*\f + \fr 8.20 \ft come: Heb. shall not be\f*

JOB 8:21 Removed trailing space in v~: Till he \w fill|strong="H4390"\w* thy \w mouth|strong="H6310"\w* with \w laughing|strong="H7814"\w*, and thy \w lips|strong="H8193"\w* with \w rejoicing|strong="H8643"\w*.\f + \fr 8.21 \ft rejoicing: Heb. shouting for joy\f*

JOB 8:22 Removed trailing space in v~: They that \w hate|strong="H8130"\w* thee shall be \w clothed|strong="H3847"\w* with \w shame|strong="H1322"\w*; and the \w dwelling|strong="H0168"\w* place of the \w wicked|strong="H7563"\w* shall come to \w nought|strong="H0369"\w*.\f + \fr 8.22 \ft shall come…: Heb. shall not be\f*

JOB 9:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 9:0 Removed trailing space in c: 9

JOB 9:1 Removed trailing space in v~: Then \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* \w answered|strong="H6030"\w* and \w said|strong="H0559"\w*,

JOB 9:2 Removed trailing space in v~: I \w know|strong="H3045"\w* \add it is\add* so of a \w truth|strong="H0551"\w*: but how should \w man|strong="H0582"\w* be \w just|strong="H6663"\w* with \w God|strong="H0410"\w*?\f + \fr 9.2 \ft with God: or, before God?\f*

JOB 9:3 Removed trailing space in v~: If he \w will|strong="H2654"\w* \w contend|strong="H7378"\w* with him, he cannot \w answer|strong="H6030"\w* him \w one|strong="H0259"\w* of a \w thousand|strong="H0505"\w*.

JOB 9:4 Removed trailing space in v~: \add He is\add* \w wise|strong="H2450"\w* in \w heart|strong="H3824"\w*, and \w mighty|strong="H0533"\w* in \w strength|strong="H3581"\w*: who hath \w hardened|strong="H7185"\w* \add himself\add* against him, and hath \w prospered|strong="H7999"\w*?

JOB 9:5 Removed trailing space in v~: Which \w removeth|strong="H6275"\w* the \w mountains|strong="H2022"\w*, and they \w know|strong="H3045"\w* not: which \w overturneth|strong="H2015"\w* them in his \w anger|strong="H0639"\w*.

JOB 9:6 Removed trailing space in v~: Which \w shaketh|strong="H7264"\w* the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w* out of her \w place|strong="H4725"\w*, and the \w pillars|strong="H5982"\w* thereof \w tremble|strong="H6426"\w*.

JOB 9:7 Removed trailing space in v~: Which \w commandeth|strong="H0559"\w* the \w sun|strong="H2775"\w*, and it \w riseth|strong="H2224"\w* not; and sealeth \w up|strong="H2856"\w* the \w stars|strong="H3556"\w*.

JOB 9:8 Removed trailing space in v~: Which alone spreadeth \w out|strong="H5186"\w* the \w heavens|strong="H8064"\w*, and \w treadeth|strong="H1869"\w* upon the \w waves|strong="H1116"\w* of the \w sea|strong="H3220"\w*.\f + \fr 9.8 \ft waves: Heb. heights\f*

JOB 9:9 Removed trailing space in v~: Which \w maketh|strong="H6213"\w* \w Arcturus|strong="H5906"\w*, \w Orion|strong="H3685"\w*, and \w Pleiades|strong="H3598"\w*, and the \w chambers|strong="H2315"\w* of the \w south|strong="H8486"\w*.\f + \fr 9.9 \ft Arcturus…: Heb. Ash, Cesil, and Cimah\f*

JOB 9:10 Removed trailing space in v~: Which \w doeth|strong="H6213"\w* great \w things|strong="H1419"\w* \w past|strong="H0369"\w* finding \w out|strong="H2714"\w*; yea, and \w wonders|strong="H6381"\w* without \w number|strong="H4557"\w*.

JOB 9:11 Removed trailing space in v~: Lo, he \w goeth|strong="H5674"\w* by me, and I \w see|strong="H7200"\w* \add him\add* not: he passeth \w on|strong="H2498"\w* also, but I \w perceive|strong="H0995"\w* him not.

JOB 9:12 Removed trailing space in v~: Behold, he taketh \w away|strong="H2862"\w*, who can \w hinder|strong="H7725"\w* him? who will \w say|strong="H0559"\w* unto him, What \w doest|strong="H6213"\w* thou?\f + \fr 9.12 \ft hinder…: Heb. turn him away?\f*

JOB 9:13 Removed trailing space in v~: \add If\add* \w God|strong="H0433"\w* will not \w withdraw|strong="H7725"\w* his \w anger|strong="H0639"\w*, the \w proud|strong="H7293"\w* \w helpers|strong="H5826"\w* do \w stoop|strong="H7817"\w* under him.\f + \fr 9.13 \ft proud…: Heb. helpers of pride, or, strength\f*

JOB 9:14 Removed trailing space in v~: How much less shall I \w answer|strong="H6030"\w* him, \add and\add* choose \w out|strong="H0977"\w* my \w words|strong="H1697"\w* \add to reason\add* with him?

JOB 9:15 Removed trailing space in v~: Whom, though I were \w righteous|strong="H6663"\w*, \add yet\add* would I not \w answer|strong="H6030"\w*, \add but\add* I would make \w supplication|strong="H2603"\w* to my \w judge|strong="H8199"\w*.

JOB 9:16 Removed trailing space in v~: If I had \w called|strong="H7121"\w*, and he had \w answered|strong="H6030"\w* me; \add yet\add* would I not \w believe|strong="H0539"\w* that he had \w hearkened|strong="H0238"\w* unto my \w voice|strong="H6963"\w*.

JOB 9:17 Removed trailing space in v~: For he \w breaketh|strong="H7779"\w* me with a \w tempest|strong="H8183"\w*, and \w multiplieth|strong="H7235"\w* my \w wounds|strong="H6482"\w* without \w cause|strong="H2600"\w*.

JOB 9:18 Removed trailing space in v~: He will not \w suffer|strong="H5414"\w* me to \w take|strong="H7725"\w* my \w breath|strong="H7307"\w*, but \w filleth|strong="H7646"\w* me with \w bitterness|strong="H4472"\w*.

JOB 9:19 Removed trailing space in v~: If \add I speak\add* of \w strength|strong="H3581"\w*, lo, \add he is\add* \w strong|strong="H0533"\w*: and if of \w judgment|strong="H4941"\w*, who shall \w set|strong="H3259"\w* me a time \add to plead\add*?

JOB 9:20 Removed trailing space in v~: If I \w justify|strong="H6663"\w* myself, mine own \w mouth|strong="H6310"\w* shall \w condemn|strong="H7561"\w* me: \add if I say\add*, I \add am\add* \w perfect|strong="H8535"\w*, it shall also prove me \w perverse|strong="H6140"\w*.

JOB 9:21 Removed trailing space in v~: \add Though\add* I \add were\add* \w perfect|strong="H8535"\w*, \add yet\add* would I not \w know|strong="H3045"\w* my \w soul|strong="H5315"\w*: I would \w despise|strong="H3988"\w* my \w life|strong="H2416"\w*.

JOB 9:22 Removed trailing space in v~: This \add is\add* \w one|strong="H0259"\w* \add thing\add*, therefore I \w said|strong="H0559"\w* \add it\add*, He \w destroyeth|strong="H3615"\w* the \w perfect|strong="H8535"\w* and the \w wicked|strong="H7563"\w*.

JOB 9:23 Removed trailing space in v~: If the \w scourge|strong="H7752"\w* \w slay|strong="H4191"\w* \w suddenly|strong="H6597"\w*, he will \w laugh|strong="H3932"\w* at the \w trial|strong="H4531"\w* of the \w innocent|strong="H5355"\w*.

JOB 9:24 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w earth|strong="H0776"\w* is \w given|strong="H5414"\w* into the \w hand|strong="H3027"\w* of the \w wicked|strong="H7563"\w*: he \w covereth|strong="H3680"\w* the \w faces|strong="H6440"\w* of the \w judges|strong="H8199"\w* thereof; if not, \w where|strong="H0645"\w*, \add and\add* who \add is\add* he?

JOB 9:25 Removed trailing space in v~: Now my \w days|strong="H3117"\w* are \w swifter|strong="H7043"\w* than a \w post|strong="H7323"\w*: they flee \w away|strong="H1272"\w*, they \w see|strong="H7200"\w* no \w good|strong="H2896"\w*.

JOB 9:26 Removed trailing space in v~: They are passed \w away|strong="H2498"\w* \w as|strong="H5973"\w* the \w swift|strong="H0016"\w* \w ships|strong="H0591"\w*: as the \w eagle|strong="H5404"\w* \add that\add* \w hasteth|strong="H2907"\w* to the \w prey|strong="H0400"\w*.\f + \fr 9.26 \ft swift…: or, ships of Ebeh: Heb. ships of desire\f*

JOB 9:27 Removed trailing space in v~: If I \w say|strong="H0559"\w*, I will \w forget|strong="H7911"\w* my \w complaint|strong="H7879"\w*, I will leave \w off|strong="H5800"\w* my \w heaviness|strong="H6440"\w*, and \w comfort|strong="H1082"\w* \add myself:\add*

JOB 9:28 Removed trailing space in v~: I am \w afraid|strong="H3025"\w* of all my \w sorrows|strong="H6094"\w*, I \w know|strong="H3045"\w* that thou wilt not hold me \w innocent|strong="H5352"\w*.

JOB 9:29 Removed trailing space in v~: \add If\add* I be \w wicked|strong="H7561"\w*, why then \w labour|strong="H3021"\w* I in \w vain|strong="H1892"\w*?

JOB 9:30 Removed trailing space in v~: If I \w wash|strong="H7364"\w* myself \w with|strong="H7950"\w* snow \w water|strong="H4325"\w*, and make my \w hands|strong="H3709"\w* \w never|strong="H1252"\w* so \w clean|strong="H2141"\w*;

JOB 9:31 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Yet|strong="H0227"\w* shalt thou \w plunge|strong="H2881"\w* me in the \w ditch|strong="H7845"\w*, and mine own \w clothes|strong="H8008"\w* shall \w abhor|strong="H8581"\w* me.\f + \fr 9.31 \ft abhor…: or, make me to be abhorred\f*

JOB 9:32 Removed trailing space in v~: For \add he is\add* not a \w man|strong="H0376"\w*, as I \add am, that\add* I should \w answer|strong="H6030"\w* him, \add and\add* we should \w come|strong="H0935"\w* \w together|strong="H3162"\w* in \w judgment|strong="H4941"\w*.

JOB 9:33 Removed trailing space in v~: Neither \w is|strong="H3426"\w* there any \w daysman|strong="H3198"\w* betwixt us, \add that\add* might \w lay|strong="H7896"\w* his \w hand|strong="H3027"\w* upon us \w both|strong="H8147"\w*.\f + \fr 9.33 \ft any…: Heb. one that should argue\f*\f + \fr 9.33 \ft daysman: or, umpire\f*

JOB 9:34 Removed trailing space in v~: Let him \w take|strong="H5493"\w* his \w rod|strong="H7626"\w* \w away|strong="H5493"\w* from me, and let not his \w fear|strong="H0367"\w* \w terrify|strong="H1204"\w* me:

JOB 9:35 Removed trailing space in v~: \add Then\add* would I \w speak|strong="H1696"\w*, and not \w fear|strong="H3372"\w* him; but \add it is\add* not so with me.\f + \fr 9.35 \ft it is…: Heb. I am not so with myself\f*

JOB 10:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 10:0 Removed trailing space in c: 10

JOB 10:1 Removed trailing space in v~: My \w soul|strong="H5315"\w* is \w weary|strong="H5354"\w* of my \w life|strong="H2416"\w*; I will \w leave|strong="H5800"\w* my \w complaint|strong="H7879"\w* upon myself; I will \w speak|strong="H1696"\w* in the \w bitterness|strong="H4751"\w* of my \w soul|strong="H5315"\w*.\f + \fr 10.1 \ft weary…: or, cut off while I live\f*

JOB 10:2 Removed trailing space in v~: I will \w say|strong="H0559"\w* unto \w God|strong="H0433"\w*, Do not \w condemn|strong="H7561"\w* me; \w shew|strong="H3045"\w* me wherefore thou \w contendest|strong="H7378"\w* with me.

JOB 10:3 Removed trailing space in v~: \add Is it\add* \w good|strong="H2895"\w* unto thee that thou shouldest \w oppress|strong="H6231"\w*, that thou shouldest \w despise|strong="H3988"\w* the \w work|strong="H3018"\w* of thine \w hands|strong="H3709"\w*, and \w shine|strong="H3313"\w* upon the \w counsel|strong="H6098"\w* of the \w wicked|strong="H7563"\w*?\f + \fr 10.3 \ft work: Heb. labour\f*

JOB 10:4 Removed trailing space in v~: Hast thou \w eyes|strong="H5869"\w* of \w flesh|strong="H1320"\w*? or \w seest|strong="H7200"\w* thou as \w man|strong="H0582"\w* \w seeth|strong="H7200"\w*?

JOB 10:5 Removed trailing space in v~: \add Are\add* thy \w days|strong="H3117"\w* as the \w days|strong="H3117"\w* of \w man|strong="H0582"\w*? \add are\add* thy \w years|strong="H8141"\w* as \w man’s|strong="H1397"\w* \w days|strong="H3117"\w*,

JOB 10:6 Removed trailing space in v~: That thou \w enquirest|strong="H1245"\w* after mine \w iniquity|strong="H5771"\w*, and \w searchest|strong="H1875"\w* after my \w sin|strong="H2403"\w*?

JOB 10:7 Removed trailing space in v~: Thou \w knowest|strong="H1847"\w* that I am not \w wicked|strong="H7561"\w*; and \add there is\add* none that can \w deliver|strong="H5337"\w* out of thine \w hand|strong="H3027"\w*.\f + \fr 10.7 \ft Thou…: Heb. It is upon thy knowledge\f*

JOB 10:8 Removed trailing space in v~: Thine \w hands|strong="H3027"\w* have \w made|strong="H6087"\w* me and \w fashioned|strong="H6213"\w* me \w together|strong="H3162"\w* round \w about|strong="H5439"\w*; yet thou dost \w destroy|strong="H1104"\w* me.\f + \fr 10.8 \ft have…: Heb. took pains about me\f*

JOB 10:9 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Remember|strong="H2142"\w*, I beseech thee, that thou hast \w made|strong="H6213"\w* me as the \w clay|strong="H2563"\w*; and wilt thou \w bring|strong="H7725"\w* me into \w dust|strong="H6083"\w* \w again|strong="H7725"\w*?

JOB 10:10 Removed trailing space in v~: Hast thou not poured me \w out|strong="H5413"\w* as \w milk|strong="H2461"\w*, and \w curdled|strong="H7087"\w* me like \w cheese|strong="H1385"\w*?

JOB 10:11 Removed trailing space in v~: Thou hast \w clothed|strong="H3847"\w* me with \w skin|strong="H5785"\w* and \w flesh|strong="H1320"\w*, and hast \w fenced|strong="H7753"\w* me with \w bones|strong="H6106"\w* and \w sinews|strong="H1517"\w*.\f + \fr 10.11 \ft fenced: Heb. hedged\f*

JOB 10:12 Removed trailing space in v~: Thou hast \w granted|strong="H6213"\w* me \w life|strong="H2416"\w* and \w favour|strong="H2617"\w*, and thy \w visitation|strong="H6486"\w* hath \w preserved|strong="H8104"\w* my \w spirit|strong="H7307"\w*.

JOB 10:13 Removed trailing space in v~: And these \add things\add* hast thou \w hid|strong="H6845"\w* in thine \w heart|strong="H3824"\w*: I \w know|strong="H3045"\w* that this \add is\add* with thee.

JOB 10:14 Removed trailing space in v~: If I \w sin|strong="H2398"\w*, then thou \w markest|strong="H8104"\w* me, and thou wilt not \w acquit|strong="H5352"\w* me from mine \w iniquity|strong="H5771"\w*.

JOB 10:15 Removed trailing space in v~: If I be \w wicked|strong="H7561"\w*, \w woe|strong="H0480"\w* unto me; and \add if\add* I be \w righteous|strong="H6663"\w*, \add yet\add* will I not lift \w up|strong="H5375"\w* my \w head|strong="H7218"\w*. \add I am\add* \w full|strong="H7649"\w* of \w confusion|strong="H7036"\w*; therefore \w see|strong="H7202"\w* thou mine \w affliction|strong="H6040"\w*;

JOB 10:16 Removed trailing space in v~: For it \w increaseth|strong="H1342"\w*. Thou \w huntest|strong="H6679"\w* me as a fierce \w lion|strong="H7826"\w*: and \w again|strong="H7725"\w* thou shewest thyself \w marvellous|strong="H6381"\w* upon me.

JOB 10:17 Removed trailing space in v~: Thou \w renewest|strong="H2318"\w* thy \w witnesses|strong="H5707"\w* against me, and \w increasest|strong="H7235"\w* thine \w indignation|strong="H3708"\w* upon \w me|strong="H5978"\w*; \w changes|strong="H2487"\w* and \w war|strong="H6635"\w* \add are\add* against me.\f + \fr 10.17 \ft witnesses: that is, plagues\f*

JOB 10:18 Removed trailing space in v~: Wherefore then hast thou brought me \w forth|strong="H3318"\w* out of the \w womb|strong="H7358"\w*? Oh that I had given up the \w ghost|strong="H1478"\w*, and no \w eye|strong="H5869"\w* had \w seen|strong="H7200"\w* me!

JOB 10:19 Removed trailing space in v~: I should have been as though I had not been; I should have been \w carried|strong="H2986"\w* from the \w womb|strong="H0990"\w* to the \w grave|strong="H6913"\w*.

JOB 10:20 Removed trailing space in v~: \add Are\add* not my \w days|strong="H3117"\w* \w few|strong="H4592"\w*? \w cease|strong="H2308"\w* \add then, and\add* let me \w alone|strong="H7896"\w*, that I may take \w comfort|strong="H1082"\w* a \w little|strong="H4592"\w*,

JOB 10:21 Removed trailing space in v~: Before I \w go|strong="H3212"\w* \add whence\add* I shall not \w return|strong="H7725"\w*, \add even\add* to the \w land|strong="H0776"\w* of \w darkness|strong="H2822"\w* and the shadow of \w death|strong="H6757"\w*;

JOB 10:22 Removed trailing space in v~: A \w land|strong="H0776"\w* of \w darkness|strong="H5890"\w*, as \w darkness|strong="H0652"\w* \add itself; and\add* of the shadow of \w death|strong="H6757"\w*, without any \w order|strong="H5468"\w*, and \add where\add* the \w light|strong="H3313"\w* \add is\add* as \w darkness|strong="H0652"\w*.

JOB 11:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 11:0 Removed trailing space in c: 11

JOB 11:1 Removed trailing space in v~: Then \w answered|strong="H6030"\w* \w Zophar|strong="H6691"\w* the \w Naamathite|strong="H5284"\w*, and \w said|strong="H0559"\w*,

JOB 11:2 Removed trailing space in v~: Should not the \w multitude|strong="H7230"\w* of \w words|strong="H1697"\w* be \w answered|strong="H6030"\w*? and should a \w man|strong="H0376"\w* full of \w talk|strong="H8193"\w* be \w justified|strong="H6663"\w*?\f + \fr 11.2 \ft full…: Heb. of lips\f*

JOB 11:3 Removed trailing space in v~: Should thy \w lies|strong="H0907"\w* \w make|strong="H2790"\w* \w men|strong="H4962"\w* hold their \w peace|strong="H2790"\w*? and when thou \w mockest|strong="H3932"\w*, shall no man make thee \w ashamed|strong="H3637"\w*?\f + \fr 11.3 \ft lies: or, devices\f*

JOB 11:4 Removed trailing space in v~: For thou hast \w said|strong="H0559"\w*, My \w doctrine|strong="H3948"\w* \add is\add* \w pure|strong="H2134"\w*, and I am \w clean|strong="H1249"\w* in thine \w eyes|strong="H5869"\w*.

JOB 11:5 Removed trailing space in v~: \w But|strong="H0199"\w* oh \w that|strong="H5414"\w* \w God|strong="H0433"\w* would \w speak|strong="H1696"\w*, and \w open|strong="H6605"\w* his \w lips|strong="H8193"\w* against thee;

JOB 11:6 Removed trailing space in v~: And that he would \w shew|strong="H5046"\w* thee the \w secrets|strong="H8587"\w* of \w wisdom|strong="H2451"\w*, that \add they are\add* \w double|strong="H3718"\w* to that which \w is|strong="H8454"\w*! \w Know|strong="H3045"\w* therefore that \w God|strong="H0433"\w* \w exacteth|strong="H5382"\w* of thee \add less\add* than thine \w iniquity|strong="H5771"\w* \add deserveth\add*.

JOB 11:7 Removed trailing space in v~: Canst thou by \w searching|strong="H2714"\w* find \w out|strong="H4672"\w* \w God|strong="H0433"\w*? canst thou \w find|strong="H4672"\w* out the \w Almighty|strong="H7706"\w* unto \w perfection|strong="H8503"\w*?

JOB 11:8 Removed trailing space in v~: \add It is\add* as \w high|strong="H1363"\w* as \w heaven|strong="H8064"\w*; what canst thou \w do|strong="H6466"\w*? \w deeper|strong="H6013"\w* than \w hell|strong="H7585"\w*; what canst thou \w know|strong="H3045"\w*?\f + \fr 11.8 \ft as high…: Heb. the heights of heaven\f*

JOB 11:9 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w measure|strong="H4055"\w* thereof \add is\add* \w longer|strong="H0752"\w* than the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*, and \w broader|strong="H7342"\w* than the \w sea|strong="H3220"\w*.

JOB 11:10 Removed trailing space in v~: If he cut \w off|strong="H2498"\w*, and shut \w up|strong="H5462"\w*, or gather \w together|strong="H6950"\w*, then who can \w hinder|strong="H7725"\w* him?\f + \fr 11.10 \ft cut…: or, make a change\f*\f + \fr 11.10 \ft hinder…: Heb. turn him away?\f*

JOB 11:11 Removed trailing space in v~: For he \w knoweth|strong="H3045"\w* \w vain|strong="H7723"\w* \w men|strong="H4962"\w*: he \w seeth|strong="H7200"\w* \w wickedness|strong="H0205"\w* also; will he not then \w consider|strong="H0995"\w* \add it\add*?

JOB 11:12 Removed trailing space in v~: For \w vain|strong="H5014"\w* \w man|strong="H0376"\w* would be \w wise|strong="H3823"\w*, though \w man|strong="H0120"\w* be \w born|strong="H3205"\w* \add like\add* a wild \w ass’s|strong="H6501"\w* \w colt|strong="H5895"\w*.\f + \fr 11.12 \ft vain: Heb. empty\f*

JOB 11:13 Removed trailing space in v~: If thou \w prepare|strong="H3559"\w* thine \w heart|strong="H3820"\w*, and \w stretch|strong="H6566"\w* out thine \w hands|strong="H3709"\w* toward him;

JOB 11:14 Removed trailing space in v~: If \w iniquity|strong="H0205"\w* \add be\add* in thine \w hand|strong="H3027"\w*, put it far \w away|strong="H7368"\w*, and let not \w wickedness|strong="H5766"\w* \w dwell|strong="H7931"\w* in thy \w tabernacles|strong="H0168"\w*.

JOB 11:15 Removed trailing space in v~: For then shalt thou lift \w up|strong="H5375"\w* thy \w face|strong="H6440"\w* without \w spot|strong="H3971"\w*; yea, thou shalt be \w stedfast|strong="H3332"\w*, and shalt not \w fear|strong="H3372"\w*:

JOB 11:16 Removed trailing space in v~: Because thou shalt \w forget|strong="H7911"\w* \add thy\add* \w misery|strong="H5999"\w*, \add and\add* \w remember|strong="H2142"\w* \add it\add* as \w waters|strong="H4325"\w* \add that\add* pass \w away|strong="H5674"\w*:

JOB 11:17 Removed trailing space in v~: And \add thine\add* \w age|strong="H2465"\w* shall be \w clearer|strong="H6965"\w* than the \w noonday|strong="H6672"\w*; thou shalt shine \w forth|strong="H5774"\w*, thou shalt be as the \w morning|strong="H1242"\w*.\f + \fr 11.17 \ft be clearer…: Heb. arise above\f*

JOB 11:18 Removed trailing space in v~: And thou shalt be \w secure|strong="H0982"\w*, because there \w is|strong="H3426"\w* \w hope|strong="H8615"\w*; yea, thou shalt \w dig|strong="H2658"\w* \add about thee, and\add* thou shalt take thy \w rest|strong="H7901"\w* in \w safety|strong="H0983"\w*.

JOB 11:19 Removed trailing space in v~: Also thou shalt lie \w down|strong="H7257"\w*, and none shall make \add thee\add* \w afraid|strong="H2729"\w*; yea, \w many|strong="H7227"\w* shall make \w suit|strong="H2470"\w* unto \w thee|strong="H6440"\w*.\f + \fr 11.19 \ft make suit…: Heb. intreat thy face\f*

JOB 11:20 Removed trailing space in v~: But the \w eyes|strong="H5869"\w* of the \w wicked|strong="H7563"\w* shall \w fail|strong="H3615"\w*, and they shall not \w escape|strong="H0006"\w*, and their \w hope|strong="H8615"\w* \add shall be as\add* the giving \w up|strong="H4646"\w* of the \w ghost|strong="H5315"\w*.\f + \fr 11.20 \ft they shall…: Heb. flight shall perish from them\f*\f + \fr 11.20 \ft the giving…: or, a puff of breath\f*

JOB 12:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 12:0 Removed trailing space in c: 12

JOB 12:1 Removed trailing space in v~: And \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* \w answered|strong="H6030"\w* and \w said|strong="H0559"\w*,

JOB 12:2 Removed trailing space in v~: No \w doubt|strong="H0551"\w* but ye \add are\add* the \w people|strong="H5971"\w*, and \w wisdom|strong="H2451"\w* shall \w die|strong="H4191"\w* with you.

JOB 12:3 Removed trailing space in v~: \w But|strong="H1571"\w* I have \w understanding|strong="H3824"\w* as well as you; I \add am\add* not \w inferior|strong="H5307"\w* to you: yea, who knoweth not such \w things|strong="H3644"\w* as these?\f + \fr 12.3 \ft understanding: Heb. an heart\f*\f + \fr 12.3 \ft I am…: Heb. I fall not lower than you\f*\f + \fr 12.3 \ft who…: Heb. with whom are not such as these?\f*

JOB 12:4 Removed trailing space in v~: I am \add as\add* one \w mocked|strong="H7814"\w* of his \w neighbour|strong="H7453"\w*, who \w calleth|strong="H7121"\w* upon \w God|strong="H0433"\w*, and he \w answereth|strong="H6030"\w* him: the \w just|strong="H6662"\w* \w upright|strong="H8549"\w* \add man is\add* laughed to \w scorn|strong="H7814"\w*.

JOB 12:5 Removed trailing space in v~: He that is \w ready|strong="H3559"\w* to \w slip|strong="H4571"\w* with \add his\add* \w feet|strong="H7272"\w* \add is as\add* a \w lamp|strong="H3940"\w* \w despised|strong="H0937"\w* in the \w thought|strong="H6248"\w* of him that is at \w ease|strong="H7600"\w*.

JOB 12:6 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w tabernacles|strong="H0168"\w* of \w robbers|strong="H7703"\w* \w prosper|strong="H7951"\w*, and they that \w provoke|strong="H7264"\w* \w God|strong="H0410"\w* are \w secure|strong="H0987"\w*; into whose \w hand|strong="H3027"\w* \w God|strong="H0433"\w* \w bringeth|strong="H0935"\w* \add abundantly\add*.

JOB 12:7 Removed trailing space in v~: \w But|strong="H0199"\w* \w ask|strong="H7592"\w* now the \w beasts|strong="H0929"\w*, and they shall \w teach|strong="H3384"\w* thee; and the \w fowls|strong="H5775"\w* of the \w air|strong="H8064"\w*, and they shall \w tell|strong="H5046"\w* thee:

JOB 12:8 Removed trailing space in v~: Or \w speak|strong="H7878"\w* to the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*, and it shall \w teach|strong="H3384"\w* thee: and the \w fishes|strong="H1709"\w* of the \w sea|strong="H3220"\w* shall \w declare|strong="H5608"\w* unto thee.

JOB 12:9 Removed trailing space in v~: Who \w knoweth|strong="H3045"\w* not in all these that the \w hand|strong="H3027"\w* of the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* hath \w wrought|strong="H6213"\w* this?

JOB 12:10 Removed trailing space in v~: In whose \w hand|strong="H3027"\w* \add is\add* the \w soul|strong="H5315"\w* of every living \w thing|strong="H2416"\w*, and the \w breath|strong="H7307"\w* of all \w mankind|strong="H0376"\w*.\f + \fr 12.10 \ft soul: or, life\f*\f + \fr 12.10 \ft all…: Heb. all flesh of man\f*

JOB 12:11 Removed trailing space in v~: Doth not the \w ear|strong="H0241"\w* \w try|strong="H0974"\w* \w words|strong="H4405"\w*? and the \w mouth|strong="H2441"\w* \w taste|strong="H2938"\w* his \w meat|strong="H0400"\w*?\f + \fr 12.11 \ft mouth: Heb. palate\f*

JOB 12:12 Removed trailing space in v~: With the \w ancient|strong="H3453"\w* \add is\add* \w wisdom|strong="H2451"\w*; and in \w length|strong="H0753"\w* of \w days|strong="H3117"\w* \w understanding|strong="H8394"\w*.

JOB 12:13 Removed trailing space in v~: With him \add is\add* \w wisdom|strong="H2451"\w* and \w strength|strong="H1369"\w*, he hath \w counsel|strong="H6098"\w* and \w understanding|strong="H8394"\w*.\f + \fr 12.13 \ft With…: that is, With God\f*

JOB 12:14 Removed trailing space in v~: Behold, he breaketh \w down|strong="H2040"\w*, and it cannot be built \w again|strong="H1129"\w*: he shutteth \w up|strong="H5462"\w* a \w man|strong="H0376"\w*, and there can be no \w opening|strong="H6605"\w*.\f + \fr 12.14 \ft up: Heb. upon\f*

JOB 12:15 Removed trailing space in v~: Behold, he \w withholdeth|strong="H6113"\w* the \w waters|strong="H4325"\w*, and they dry \w up|strong="H3001"\w*: also he sendeth them \w out|strong="H7971"\w*, and they \w overturn|strong="H2015"\w* the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*.

JOB 12:16 Removed trailing space in v~: With him \add is\add* \w strength|strong="H5797"\w* and \w wisdom|strong="H8454"\w*: the \w deceived|strong="H7683"\w* and the \w deceiver|strong="H7686"\w* \add are\add* his.

JOB 12:17 Removed trailing space in v~: He \w leadeth|strong="H3212"\w* \w counsellors|strong="H3289"\w* away \w spoiled|strong="H7758"\w*, and maketh the \w judges|strong="H8199"\w* \w fools|strong="H1984"\w*.

JOB 12:18 Removed trailing space in v~: He \w looseth|strong="H6605"\w* the \w bond|strong="H4148"\w* of \w kings|strong="H4428"\w*, and \w girdeth|strong="H0631"\w* their \w loins|strong="H4975"\w* with a \w girdle|strong="H0232"\w*.

JOB 12:19 Removed trailing space in v~: He \w leadeth|strong="H3212"\w* \w princes|strong="H3548"\w* away \w spoiled|strong="H7758"\w*, and \w overthroweth|strong="H5557"\w* the \w mighty|strong="H0386"\w*.

JOB 12:20 Removed trailing space in v~: He removeth \w away|strong="H5493"\w* the \w speech|strong="H8193"\w* of the \w trusty|strong="H0539"\w*, and taketh \w away|strong="H3947"\w* the \w understanding|strong="H2940"\w* of the \w aged|strong="H2205"\w*.\f + \fr 12.20 \ft speech…: Heb. lip of the faithful\f*

JOB 12:21 Removed trailing space in v~: He \w poureth|strong="H8210"\w* \w contempt|strong="H0937"\w* upon \w princes|strong="H5081"\w*, and \w weakeneth|strong="H7503"\w* the \w strength|strong="H4206"\w* of the \w mighty|strong="H0650"\w*.\f + \fr 12.21 \ft weakeneth…: or, looseth the girdle of the strong\f*

JOB 12:22 Removed trailing space in v~: He \w discovereth|strong="H1540"\w* deep \w things|strong="H6013"\w* out of \w darkness|strong="H2822"\w*, and bringeth \w out|strong="H3318"\w* to \w light|strong="H0216"\w* the shadow of \w death|strong="H6757"\w*.

JOB 12:23 Removed trailing space in v~: He \w increaseth|strong="H7679"\w* the \w nations|strong="H1471"\w*, and \w destroyeth|strong="H0006"\w* them: he \w enlargeth|strong="H7849"\w* the \w nations|strong="H1471"\w*, and \w straiteneth|strong="H5148"\w* them \add again\add*.\f + \fr 12.23 \ft straiteneth: Heb. leadeth in\f*

JOB 12:24 Removed trailing space in v~: He taketh \w away|strong="H5493"\w* the \w heart|strong="H3820"\w* of the \w chief|strong="H7218"\w* of the \w people|strong="H5971"\w* of the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*, and causeth them to \w wander|strong="H8582"\w* in a \w wilderness|strong="H8414"\w* \add where there is\add* no \w way|strong="H1870"\w*.

JOB 12:25 Removed trailing space in v~: They \w grope|strong="H4959"\w* in the \w dark|strong="H2822"\w* without \w light|strong="H0216"\w*, and he maketh them to \w stagger|strong="H8582"\w* like \add a\add* \w drunken|strong="H7910"\w* \add man\add*.\f + \fr 12.25 \ft stagger: Heb. wander\f*

JOB 13:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 13:0 Removed trailing space in c: 13

JOB 13:1 Removed trailing space in v~: Lo, mine \w eye|strong="H5869"\w* hath \w seen|strong="H7200"\w* all \add this\add*, mine \w ear|strong="H0241"\w* hath \w heard|strong="H8085"\w* and \w understood|strong="H0995"\w* it.

JOB 13:2 Removed trailing space in v~: What ye \w know|strong="H1847"\w*, \add the same\add* do I \w know|strong="H3045"\w* also: I \add am\add* not \w inferior|strong="H5307"\w* unto you.

JOB 13:3 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Surely|strong="H0199"\w* I would \w speak|strong="H1696"\w* to the \w Almighty|strong="H7706"\w*, and I \w desire|strong="H2654"\w* to \w reason|strong="H3198"\w* with \w God|strong="H0410"\w*.

JOB 13:4 Removed trailing space in v~: \w But|strong="H0199"\w* ye \add are\add* \w forgers|strong="H2950"\w* of \w lies|strong="H8267"\w*, ye \add are\add* all \w physicians|strong="H7495"\w* of no \w value|strong="H0457"\w*.

JOB 13:5 Removed trailing space in v~: O \w that|strong="H5414"\w* ye would \w altogether|strong="H2790"\w* hold your \w peace|strong="H2790"\w*! and it should be your \w wisdom|strong="H2451"\w*.

JOB 13:6 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Hear|strong="H8085"\w* now my \w reasoning|strong="H8433"\w*, and \w hearken|strong="H7181"\w* to the \w pleadings|strong="H7379"\w* of my \w lips|strong="H8193"\w*.

JOB 13:7 Removed trailing space in v~: Will ye \w speak|strong="H1696"\w* \w wickedly|strong="H5766"\w* for \w God|strong="H0410"\w*? and \w talk|strong="H1696"\w* \w deceitfully|strong="H7423"\w* for him?

JOB 13:8 Removed trailing space in v~: Will ye \w accept|strong="H5375"\w* his \w person|strong="H6440"\w*? will ye \w contend|strong="H7378"\w* for \w God|strong="H0410"\w*?

JOB 13:9 Removed trailing space in v~: Is it \w good|strong="H2895"\w* that he should search you \w out|strong="H2713"\w*? or as one \w man|strong="H0582"\w* \w mocketh|strong="H2048"\w* another, do ye \add so\add* \w mock|strong="H2048"\w* him?

JOB 13:10 Removed trailing space in v~: He will \w surely|strong="H3198"\w* \w reprove|strong="H3198"\w* you, if ye do \w secretly|strong="H5643"\w* \w accept|strong="H5375"\w* \w persons|strong="H6440"\w*.

JOB 13:11 Removed trailing space in v~: Shall not his \w excellency|strong="H7613"\w* make you \w afraid|strong="H1204"\w*? and his \w dread|strong="H6343"\w* \w fall|strong="H5307"\w* upon you?

JOB 13:12 Removed trailing space in v~: Your \w remembrances|strong="H2146"\w* \add are\add* \w like|strong="H4912"\w* unto \w ashes|strong="H0665"\w*, your \w bodies|strong="H1354"\w* to \w bodies|strong="H1354"\w* of \w clay|strong="H2563"\w*.

JOB 13:13 Removed trailing space in v~: Hold your \w peace|strong="H2790"\w*, let me alone, that I may \w speak|strong="H1696"\w*, and let \w come|strong="H5674"\w* on me what \add will\add*.\f + \fr 13.13 \ft Hold…: Heb. Be silent from me\f*

JOB 13:14 Removed trailing space in v~: Wherefore do I \w take|strong="H5375"\w* my \w flesh|strong="H1320"\w* in my \w teeth|strong="H8127"\w*, and \w put|strong="H7760"\w* my \w life|strong="H5315"\w* in mine \w hand|strong="H3709"\w*?

JOB 13:15 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Though|strong="H2005"\w* he \w slay|strong="H6991"\w* me, yet will I \w trust|strong="H3176"\w* in him: but I will \w maintain|strong="H3198"\w* mine own \w ways|strong="H1870"\w* \w before|strong="H6440"\w* him.\f + \fr 13.15 \ft maintain: Heb. prove, or, argue\f*

JOB 13:16 Removed trailing space in v~: He also \add shall be\add* my \w salvation|strong="H3444"\w*: for an \w hypocrite|strong="H2611"\w* shall not \w come|strong="H0935"\w* \w before|strong="H6440"\w* him.

JOB 13:17 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Hear|strong="H8085"\w* \w diligently|strong="H8085"\w* my \w speech|strong="H4405"\w*, and my \w declaration|strong="H0262"\w* with your \w ears|strong="H0241"\w*.

JOB 13:18 Removed trailing space in v~: Behold now, I have \w ordered|strong="H6186"\w* \add my\add* \w cause|strong="H4941"\w*; I \w know|strong="H3045"\w* that I shall be \w justified|strong="H6663"\w*.

JOB 13:19 Removed trailing space in v~: Who \add is\add* he \add that\add* will \w plead|strong="H7378"\w* with me? for now, if I hold my \w tongue|strong="H2790"\w*, I shall give up the \w ghost|strong="H1478"\w*.

JOB 13:20 Removed trailing space in v~: Only \w do|strong="H6213"\w* not \w two|strong="H8147"\w* \add things\add* unto me: then will I not \w hide|strong="H5641"\w* myself from \w thee|strong="H6440"\w*.

JOB 13:21 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Withdraw|strong="H7368"\w* thine \w hand|strong="H3709"\w* \w far|strong="H7368"\w* from me: and let not thy \w dread|strong="H0367"\w* make me \w afraid|strong="H1204"\w*.

JOB 13:22 Removed trailing space in v~: Then \w call|strong="H7121"\w* thou, and I will \w answer|strong="H6030"\w*: or let me \w speak|strong="H1696"\w*, and \w answer|strong="H7725"\w* thou me.

JOB 13:23 Removed trailing space in v~: How many \add are\add* mine \w iniquities|strong="H5771"\w* and \w sins|strong="H2403"\w*? make me to \w know|strong="H3045"\w* my \w transgression|strong="H6588"\w* and my \w sin|strong="H2403"\w*.

JOB 13:24 Removed trailing space in v~: Wherefore \w hidest|strong="H5641"\w* thou thy \w face|strong="H6440"\w*, and \w holdest|strong="H2803"\w* me for thine \w enemy|strong="H0341"\w*?

JOB 13:25 Removed trailing space in v~: Wilt thou \w break|strong="H6206"\w* a \w leaf|strong="H5929"\w* driven to and \w fro|strong="H5086"\w*? and wilt thou \w pursue|strong="H7291"\w* the \w dry|strong="H3002"\w* \w stubble|strong="H7179"\w*?

JOB 13:26 Removed trailing space in v~: For thou \w writest|strong="H3789"\w* bitter \w things|strong="H4846"\w* against me, and makest me to \w possess|strong="H3423"\w* the \w iniquities|strong="H5771"\w* of my \w youth|strong="H5271"\w*.

JOB 13:27 Removed trailing space in v~: Thou \w puttest|strong="H7760"\w* my \w feet|strong="H7272"\w* also in the \w stocks|strong="H5465"\w*, and lookest \w narrowly|strong="H8104"\w* unto all my \w paths|strong="H0734"\w*; thou settest a \w print|strong="H2707"\w* upon the \w heels|strong="H8328"\w* of my \w feet|strong="H7272"\w*.\f + \fr 13.27 \ft lookest…: Heb. observest\f*\f + \fr 13.27 \ft heels: Heb. roots\f*

JOB 13:28 Removed trailing space in v~: And he, as a rotten \w thing|strong="H7538"\w*, \w consumeth|strong="H1086"\w*, as a \w garment|strong="H0899"\w* that is \w moth|strong="H6211"\w* \w eaten|strong="H0398"\w*.

JOB 14:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 14:0 Removed trailing space in c: 14

JOB 14:1 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Man|strong="H0120"\w* \add that is\add* \w born|strong="H3205"\w* of a \w woman|strong="H0802"\w* \add is\add* of \w few|strong="H7116"\w* \w days|strong="H3117"\w*, and \w full|strong="H7649"\w* of \w trouble|strong="H7267"\w*.\f + \fr 14.1 \ft few…: Heb. short of days\f*

JOB 14:2 Removed trailing space in v~: He cometh \w forth|strong="H3318"\w* like a \w flower|strong="H6731"\w*, and is cut \w down|strong="H5243"\w*: he \w fleeth|strong="H1272"\w* also as a \w shadow|strong="H6738"\w*, and \w continueth|strong="H5975"\w* not.

JOB 14:3 Removed trailing space in v~: And dost thou \w open|strong="H6491"\w* thine \w eyes|strong="H5869"\w* upon such an \w one|strong="H2088"\w*, and \w bringest|strong="H0935"\w* me into \w judgment|strong="H4941"\w* with thee?

JOB 14:4 Removed trailing space in v~: Who can \w bring|strong="H5414"\w* a \w clean|strong="H2889"\w* \add thing\add* out of an \w unclean|strong="H2931"\w*? not \w one|strong="H0259"\w*.\f + \fr 14.4 \ft can…: Heb. will give\f*

JOB 14:5 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Seeing|strong="H0518"\w* his \w days|strong="H3117"\w* \add are\add* \w determined|strong="H2782"\w*, the \w number|strong="H4557"\w* of his \w months|strong="H2320"\w* \add are\add* with thee, thou hast \w appointed|strong="H6213"\w* his \w bounds|strong="H2706"\w* that he cannot \w pass|strong="H5674"\w*;

JOB 14:6 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Turn|strong="H8159"\w* from him, that he may \w rest|strong="H2308"\w*, till he shall \w accomplish|strong="H7521"\w*, as an \w hireling|strong="H7916"\w*, his \w day|strong="H3117"\w*.\f + \fr 14.6 \ft rest: Heb. cease\f*

JOB 14:7 Removed trailing space in v~: For there \w is|strong="H3426"\w* \w hope|strong="H8615"\w* of a \w tree|strong="H6086"\w*, if it be cut \w down|strong="H3772"\w*, that it will sprout \w again|strong="H2498"\w*, and that the tender \w branch|strong="H3127"\w* thereof will not \w cease|strong="H2308"\w*.

JOB 14:8 Removed trailing space in v~: Though the \w root|strong="H8328"\w* thereof wax \w old|strong="H2204"\w* in the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*, and the \w stock|strong="H1503"\w* thereof \w die|strong="H4191"\w* in the \w ground|strong="H6083"\w*;

JOB 14:9 Removed trailing space in v~: \add Yet\add* through the \w scent|strong="H7381"\w* of \w water|strong="H4325"\w* it will \w bud|strong="H6524"\w*, and bring \w forth|strong="H6213"\w* \w boughs|strong="H7105"\w* like a \w plant|strong="H5194"\w*.

JOB 14:10 Removed trailing space in v~: But \w man|strong="H1397"\w* \w dieth|strong="H4191"\w*, and wasteth \w away|strong="H2522"\w*: yea, \w man|strong="H0120"\w* giveth up the \w ghost|strong="H1478"\w*, and where \add is\add* he?\f + \fr 14.10 \ft wasteth…: Heb. is weakened, or, cut off\f*

JOB 14:11 Removed trailing space in v~: \add As\add* the \w waters|strong="H4325"\w* \w fail|strong="H0235"\w* from the \w sea|strong="H3220"\w*, and the \w flood|strong="H5104"\w* \w decayeth|strong="H2717"\w* and drieth \w up|strong="H3001"\w*:

JOB 14:12 Removed trailing space in v~: So \w man|strong="H0376"\w* lieth \w down|strong="H7901"\w*, and \w riseth|strong="H6965"\w* not: till the \w heavens|strong="H8064"\w* \add be\add* no \w more|strong="H1115"\w*, they shall not \w awake|strong="H6974"\w*, nor be raised \w out|strong="H5782"\w* of their \w sleep|strong="H8142"\w*.

JOB 14:13 Removed trailing space in v~: O \w that|strong="H5414"\w* thou wouldest \w hide|strong="H6845"\w* me in the \w grave|strong="H7585"\w*, that thou wouldest keep me \w secret|strong="H5641"\w*, until thy \w wrath|strong="H0639"\w* be \w past|strong="H7725"\w*, that thou wouldest \w appoint|strong="H7896"\w* me a set \w time|strong="H2706"\w*, and \w remember|strong="H2142"\w* me!

JOB 14:14 Removed trailing space in v~: If a \w man|strong="H1397"\w* \w die|strong="H4191"\w*, shall he \w live|strong="H2421"\w* \add again\add*? all the \w days|strong="H3117"\w* of my appointed \w time|strong="H6635"\w* will I \w wait|strong="H3176"\w*, till my \w change|strong="H2487"\w* \w come|strong="H0935"\w*.

JOB 14:15 Removed trailing space in v~: Thou shalt \w call|strong="H7121"\w*, and I will \w answer|strong="H6030"\w* thee: thou wilt have a \w desire|strong="H3700"\w* to the \w work|strong="H4639"\w* of thine \w hands|strong="H3027"\w*.

JOB 14:16 Removed trailing space in v~: For now thou \w numberest|strong="H5608"\w* my \w steps|strong="H6806"\w*: dost thou not \w watch|strong="H8104"\w* over my \w sin|strong="H2403"\w*?

JOB 14:17 Removed trailing space in v~: My \w transgression|strong="H6588"\w* \add is\add* sealed \w up|strong="H2856"\w* in a \w bag|strong="H6872"\w*, and thou sewest \w up|strong="H2950"\w* mine \w iniquity|strong="H5771"\w*.

JOB 14:18 Removed trailing space in v~: And \w surely|strong="H0199"\w* the \w mountain|strong="H2022"\w* \w falling|strong="H5307"\w* cometh to \w nought|strong="H5034"\w*, and the \w rock|strong="H6697"\w* is \w removed|strong="H6275"\w* out of his \w place|strong="H4725"\w*.\f + \fr 14.18 \ft cometh…: Heb. fadeth\f*

JOB 14:19 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w waters|strong="H4325"\w* \w wear|strong="H7833"\w* the \w stones|strong="H0068"\w*: thou washest \w away|strong="H7857"\w* the things which \w grow|strong="H5599"\w* \add out\add* of the \w dust|strong="H6083"\w* of the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*; and thou \w destroyest|strong="H0006"\w* the \w hope|strong="H8615"\w* of \w man|strong="H0582"\w*.\f + \fr 14.19 \ft washest…: Heb. overflowest\f*

JOB 14:20 Removed trailing space in v~: Thou \w prevailest|strong="H8630"\w* for \w ever|strong="H5331"\w* against him, and he \w passeth|strong="H1980"\w*: thou \w changest|strong="H8138"\w* his \w countenance|strong="H6440"\w*, and sendest him \w away|strong="H7971"\w*.

JOB 14:21 Removed trailing space in v~: His \w sons|strong="H1121"\w* come to \w honour|strong="H3513"\w*, and he \w knoweth|strong="H3045"\w* \add it\add* not; and they are brought \w low|strong="H6819"\w*, but he \w perceiveth|strong="H0995"\w* \add it\add* not of them.

JOB 14:22 Removed trailing space in v~: But his \w flesh|strong="H1320"\w* upon him shall have \w pain|strong="H3510"\w*, and his \w soul|strong="H5315"\w* within him shall \w mourn|strong="H0056"\w*.

JOB 15:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 15:0 Removed trailing space in c: 15

JOB 15:1 Removed trailing space in v~: Then \w answered|strong="H6030"\w* \w Eliphaz|strong="H0464"\w* the \w Temanite|strong="H8489"\w*, and \w said|strong="H0559"\w*,

JOB 15:2 Removed trailing space in v~: Should a wise \w man|strong="H2450"\w* \w utter|strong="H6030"\w* \w vain|strong="H7307"\w* \w knowledge|strong="H1847"\w*, and \w fill|strong="H4390"\w* his \w belly|strong="H0990"\w* with the east \w wind|strong="H6921"\w*?\f + \fr 15.2 \ft vain…: Heb. knowledge of wind\f*

JOB 15:3 Removed trailing space in v~: Should he \w reason|strong="H3198"\w* with \w unprofitable|strong="H5532"\w* \w talk|strong="H1697"\w*? or with \w speeches|strong="H4405"\w* wherewith he can do no \w good|strong="H3276"\w*?

JOB 15:4 Removed trailing space in v~: Yea, thou castest \w off|strong="H6565"\w* \w fear|strong="H3374"\w*, and \w restrainest|strong="H1639"\w* \w prayer|strong="H7881"\w* \w before|strong="H6440"\w* \w God|strong="H0410"\w*.\f + \fr 15.4 \ft castest…: Heb. makest void\f*\f + \fr 15.4 \ft prayer: or, speech\f*

JOB 15:5 Removed trailing space in v~: For thy \w mouth|strong="H6310"\w* \w uttereth|strong="H0502"\w* thine \w iniquity|strong="H5771"\w*, and thou \w choosest|strong="H0977"\w* the \w tongue|strong="H3956"\w* of the \w crafty|strong="H6175"\w*.\f + \fr 15.5 \ft uttereth: Heb. teacheth\f*

JOB 15:6 Removed trailing space in v~: Thine own \w mouth|strong="H6310"\w* \w condemneth|strong="H7561"\w* thee, and not I: yea, thine own \w lips|strong="H8193"\w* \w testify|strong="H6030"\w* against thee.

JOB 15:7 Removed trailing space in v~: \add Art\add* thou the \w first|strong="H7223"\w* \w man|strong="H0120"\w* \add that\add* was \w born|strong="H3205"\w*? or wast thou \w made|strong="H2342"\w* \w before|strong="H6440"\w* the \w hills|strong="H1389"\w*?

JOB 15:8 Removed trailing space in v~: Hast thou \w heard|strong="H8085"\w* the \w secret|strong="H5475"\w* of \w God|strong="H0433"\w*? and dost thou \w restrain|strong="H1639"\w* \w wisdom|strong="H2451"\w* to thyself?

JOB 15:9 Removed trailing space in v~: What \w knowest|strong="H3045"\w* thou, that we \w know|strong="H3045"\w* not? \add what\add* \w understandest|strong="H0995"\w* thou, which \add is\add* not in us?

JOB 15:10 Removed trailing space in v~: With us \add are\add* both the \w grayheaded|strong="H7867"\w* and very \w aged|strong="H3453"\w* men, \w much|strong="H3524"\w* \w elder|strong="H3117"\w* than thy \w father|strong="H0001"\w*.

JOB 15:11 Removed trailing space in v~: \add Are\add* the \w consolations|strong="H8575"\w* of \w God|strong="H0410"\w* \w small|strong="H4592"\w* with thee? is there any \w secret|strong="H0328"\w* \w thing|strong="H1697"\w* with thee?

JOB 15:12 Removed trailing space in v~: Why doth thine \w heart|strong="H3820"\w* carry thee \w away|strong="H3947"\w*? and what do thy \w eyes|strong="H5869"\w* wink \w at|strong="H7335"\w*,

JOB 15:13 Removed trailing space in v~: That thou \w turnest|strong="H7725"\w* thy \w spirit|strong="H7307"\w* against \w God|strong="H0410"\w*, and lettest \add such\add* \w words|strong="H4405"\w* go \w out|strong="H3318"\w* of thy \w mouth|strong="H6310"\w*?

JOB 15:14 Removed trailing space in v~: What \add is\add* \w man|strong="H0582"\w*, that he should be \w clean|strong="H2135"\w*? and \add he which is\add* \w born|strong="H3205"\w* of a \w woman|strong="H0802"\w*, that he should be \w righteous|strong="H6663"\w*?

JOB 15:15 Removed trailing space in v~: Behold, he putteth no \w trust|strong="H0539"\w* in his \w saints|strong="H6918"\w*; yea, the \w heavens|strong="H8064"\w* are not \w clean|strong="H2141"\w* in his \w sight|strong="H5869"\w*.

JOB 15:16 Removed trailing space in v~: How much more \w abominable|strong="H8581"\w* and \w filthy|strong="H0444"\w* \add is\add* \w man|strong="H0376"\w*, which \w drinketh|strong="H8354"\w* \w iniquity|strong="H5766"\w* like \w water|strong="H4325"\w*?

JOB 15:17 Removed trailing space in v~: I will \w shew|strong="H2331"\w* thee, \w hear|strong="H8085"\w* me; and that \add which\add* I have \w seen|strong="H2372"\w* I will \w declare|strong="H5608"\w*;

JOB 15:18 Removed trailing space in v~: Which \w wise|strong="H2450"\w* men have \w told|strong="H5046"\w* from their \w fathers|strong="H0001"\w*, and have not \w hid|strong="H3582"\w* \add it:\add*

JOB 15:19 Removed trailing space in v~: Unto whom alone the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w* was \w given|strong="H5414"\w*, and no \w stranger|strong="H2114"\w* \w passed|strong="H5674"\w* \w among|strong="H8432"\w* them.

JOB 15:20 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w wicked|strong="H7563"\w* man \w travaileth|strong="H2342"\w* with pain all \add his\add* \w days|strong="H3117"\w*, and the \w number|strong="H4557"\w* of \w years|strong="H8141"\w* is \w hidden|strong="H6845"\w* to the \w oppressor|strong="H6184"\w*.

JOB 15:21 Removed trailing space in v~: A \w dreadful|strong="H6343"\w* \w sound|strong="H6963"\w* \add is\add* in his \w ears|strong="H0241"\w*: in \w prosperity|strong="H7965"\w* the \w destroyer|strong="H7703"\w* shall \w come|strong="H0935"\w* upon him.\f + \fr 15.21 \ft A dreadful…: Heb. A sound of fears\f*

JOB 15:22 Removed trailing space in v~: He \w believeth|strong="H0539"\w* not that he shall \w return|strong="H7725"\w* out of \w darkness|strong="H2822"\w*, and he is \w waited|strong="H6822"\w* for of the \w sword|strong="H2719"\w*.

JOB 15:23 Removed trailing space in v~: He wandereth \w abroad|strong="H5074"\w* for \w bread|strong="H3899"\w*, \add saying\add*, Where \add is it\add*? he \w knoweth|strong="H3045"\w* that the \w day|strong="H3117"\w* of \w darkness|strong="H2822"\w* is \w ready|strong="H3559"\w* at his \w hand|strong="H3027"\w*.

JOB 15:24 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Trouble|strong="H6862"\w* and \w anguish|strong="H4691"\w* shall make him \w afraid|strong="H1204"\w*; they shall \w prevail|strong="H8630"\w* against him, as a \w king|strong="H4428"\w* \w ready|strong="H6264"\w* to the \w battle|strong="H3593"\w*.

JOB 15:25 Removed trailing space in v~: For he stretcheth \w out|strong="H5186"\w* his \w hand|strong="H3027"\w* against \w God|strong="H0410"\w*, and \w strengtheneth|strong="H1396"\w* himself against the \w Almighty|strong="H7706"\w*.

JOB 15:26 Removed trailing space in v~: He \w runneth|strong="H7323"\w* upon him, \add even\add* on \add his\add* \w neck|strong="H6677"\w*, upon the \w thick|strong="H5672"\w* \w bosses|strong="H1354"\w* of his \w bucklers|strong="H4043"\w*:

JOB 15:27 Removed trailing space in v~: Because he \w covereth|strong="H3680"\w* his \w face|strong="H6440"\w* with his \w fatness|strong="H2459"\w*, and \w maketh|strong="H6213"\w* collops of \w fat|strong="H6371"\w* on \add his\add* \w flanks|strong="H3689"\w*.

JOB 15:28 Removed trailing space in v~: And he \w dwelleth|strong="H7931"\w* in \w desolate|strong="H3582"\w* \w cities|strong="H5892"\w*, \add and\add* in \w houses|strong="H1004"\w* which no man \w inhabiteth|strong="H3427"\w*, which are \w ready|strong="H6257"\w* to become \w heaps|strong="H1530"\w*.

JOB 15:29 Removed trailing space in v~: He shall not be \w rich|strong="H6238"\w*, neither shall his \w substance|strong="H2428"\w* \w continue|strong="H6965"\w*, neither shall he \w prolong|strong="H5186"\w* the \w perfection|strong="H4512"\w* thereof upon the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*.

JOB 15:30 Removed trailing space in v~: He shall not \w depart|strong="H5493"\w* out of \w darkness|strong="H2822"\w*; the \w flame|strong="H7957"\w* shall dry \w up|strong="H3001"\w* his \w branches|strong="H3127"\w*, and by the \w breath|strong="H7307"\w* of his \w mouth|strong="H6310"\w* shall he go \w away|strong="H5493"\w*.

JOB 15:31 Removed trailing space in v~: Let not him that is \w deceived|strong="H8582"\w* \w trust|strong="H0539"\w* in \w vanity|strong="H7723"\w*: for \w vanity|strong="H7723"\w* shall be his \w recompence|strong="H8545"\w*.

JOB 15:32 Removed trailing space in v~: It shall be \w accomplished|strong="H4390"\w* \w before|strong="H3808"\w* his \w time|strong="H3117"\w*, and his \w branch|strong="H3712"\w* shall not be \w green|strong="H7488"\w*.\f + \fr 15.32 \ft accomplished: or, cut off\f*

JOB 15:33 Removed trailing space in v~: He shall shake \w off|strong="H2554"\w* his unripe \w grape|strong="H1154"\w* as the \w vine|strong="H1612"\w*, and shall cast \w off|strong="H7993"\w* his \w flower|strong="H5328"\w* as the \w olive|strong="H2132"\w*.

JOB 15:34 Removed trailing space in v~: For the \w congregation|strong="H5712"\w* of \w hypocrites|strong="H2611"\w* \add shall be\add* \w desolate|strong="H1565"\w*, and \w fire|strong="H0784"\w* shall \w consume|strong="H0398"\w* the \w tabernacles|strong="H0168"\w* of \w bribery|strong="H7810"\w*.

JOB 15:35 Removed trailing space in v~: They \w conceive|strong="H2029"\w* \w mischief|strong="H5999"\w*, and bring \w forth|strong="H3205"\w* \w vanity|strong="H0205"\w*, and their \w belly|strong="H0990"\w* \w prepareth|strong="H3559"\w* \w deceit|strong="H4820"\w*.\f + \fr 15.35 \ft vanity: or, iniquity\f*

JOB 16:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 16:0 Removed trailing space in c: 16

JOB 16:1 Removed trailing space in v~: Then \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* \w answered|strong="H6030"\w* and \w said|strong="H0559"\w*,

JOB 16:2 Removed trailing space in v~: I have \w heard|strong="H8085"\w* many such \w things|strong="H7227"\w*: \w miserable|strong="H5999"\w* \w comforters|strong="H5162"\w* \add are\add* ye all.\f + \fr 16.2 \ft miserable: or, troublesome\f*

JOB 16:3 Removed trailing space in v~: Shall \w vain|strong="H7307"\w* \w words|strong="H1697"\w* have an \w end|strong="H7093"\w*? or what \w emboldeneth|strong="H4834"\w* thee that thou \w answerest|strong="H6030"\w*?\f + \fr 16.3 \ft vain…: Heb. words of wind\f*

JOB 16:4 Removed trailing space in v~: I also could \w speak|strong="H1696"\w* as ye \add do:\add* \w if|strong="H3863"\w* your \w soul|strong="H5315"\w* \w were|strong="H3426"\w* in my \w soul’s|strong="H5315"\w* stead, I could heap \w up|strong="H2266"\w* \w words|strong="H4405"\w* against you, and \w shake|strong="H5128"\w* mine \w head|strong="H7218"\w* \w at|strong="H1119"\w* you.

JOB 16:5 Removed trailing space in v~: \add But\add* I would \w strengthen|strong="H0553"\w* you \w with|strong="H1119"\w* my \w mouth|strong="H6310"\w*, and the \w moving|strong="H5205"\w* of my \w lips|strong="H8193"\w* should \w asswage|strong="H2820"\w* \add your grief\add*.

JOB 16:6 Removed trailing space in v~: Though I \w speak|strong="H1696"\w*, my \w grief|strong="H3511"\w* is not \w asswaged|strong="H2820"\w*: and \add though\add* I \w forbear|strong="H2308"\w*, what am I \w eased|strong="H1980"\w*?\f + \fr 16.6 \ft what…: Heb. what goeth from me?\f*

JOB 16:7 Removed trailing space in v~: But now he hath made me \w weary|strong="H3811"\w*: thou hast made \w desolate|strong="H8074"\w* all my \w company|strong="H5712"\w*.

JOB 16:8 Removed trailing space in v~: And thou hast filled me with \w wrinkles|strong="H7059"\w*, \add which\add* is a \w witness|strong="H5707"\w* \add against me:\add* and my \w leanness|strong="H3585"\w* rising \w up|strong="H6965"\w* in me beareth \w witness|strong="H6030"\w* to my \w face|strong="H6440"\w*.

JOB 16:9 Removed trailing space in v~: He \w teareth|strong="H2963"\w* \add me\add* in his \w wrath|strong="H0639"\w*, who \w hateth|strong="H7852"\w* me: he \w gnasheth|strong="H2786"\w* upon me with his \w teeth|strong="H8127"\w*; mine \w enemy|strong="H6862"\w* \w sharpeneth|strong="H3913"\w* his \w eyes|strong="H5869"\w* upon me.

JOB 16:10 Removed trailing space in v~: They have \w gaped|strong="H6473"\w* upon me with their \w mouth|strong="H6310"\w*; they have \w smitten|strong="H5221"\w* me upon the \w cheek|strong="H3895"\w* \w reproachfully|strong="H2781"\w*; they have \w gathered|strong="H4390"\w* themselves \w together|strong="H3162"\w* against me.

JOB 16:11 Removed trailing space in v~: \w God|strong="H0410"\w* hath \w delivered|strong="H5462"\w* me to the \w ungodly|strong="H5760"\w*, and turned me \w over|strong="H3399"\w* into the \w hands|strong="H3027"\w* of the \w wicked|strong="H7563"\w*.\f + \fr 16.11 \ft hath…: Heb. hath shut me up\f*

JOB 16:12 Removed trailing space in v~: I was at \w ease|strong="H7961"\w*, but he hath broken me \w asunder|strong="H6565"\w*: he hath also \w taken|strong="H0270"\w* \add me\add* by my \w neck|strong="H6203"\w*, and shaken me to \w pieces|strong="H6327"\w*, and set me \w up|strong="H6965"\w* for his \w mark|strong="H4307"\w*.

JOB 16:13 Removed trailing space in v~: His \w archers|strong="H7228"\w* compass me round \w about|strong="H5437"\w*, he \w cleaveth|strong="H6398"\w* my \w reins|strong="H3629"\w* \w asunder|strong="H6398"\w*, and doth not \w spare|strong="H2550"\w*; he poureth \w out|strong="H8210"\w* my \w gall|strong="H4845"\w* upon the \w ground|strong="H0776"\w*.

JOB 16:14 Removed trailing space in v~: He \w breaketh|strong="H6555"\w* me with \w breach|strong="H6556"\w* \w upon|strong="H6440"\w* \w breach|strong="H6556"\w*, he \w runneth|strong="H7323"\w* upon me like a \w giant|strong="H1368"\w*.

JOB 16:15 Removed trailing space in v~: I have \w sewed|strong="H8609"\w* \w sackcloth|strong="H8242"\w* upon my \w skin|strong="H1539"\w*, and \w defiled|strong="H5953"\w* my \w horn|strong="H7161"\w* in the \w dust|strong="H6083"\w*.

JOB 16:16 Removed trailing space in v~: My \w face|strong="H6440"\w* is \w foul|strong="H2560"\w* with \w weeping|strong="H1065"\w*, and on my \w eyelids|strong="H6079"\w* \add is\add* the shadow of \w death|strong="H6757"\w*;

JOB 16:17 Removed trailing space in v~: Not for \add any\add* \w injustice|strong="H2555"\w* in mine \w hands|strong="H3709"\w*: also my \w prayer|strong="H8605"\w* \add is\add* \w pure|strong="H2134"\w*.

JOB 16:18 Removed trailing space in v~: O \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*, \w cover|strong="H3680"\w* not thou my \w blood|strong="H1818"\w*, and let my \w cry|strong="H2201"\w* have no \w place|strong="H4725"\w*.

JOB 16:19 Removed trailing space in v~: Also now, behold, my \w witness|strong="H5707"\w* \add is\add* in \w heaven|strong="H8064"\w*, and my \w record|strong="H7717"\w* \add is\add* on \w high|strong="H4791"\w*.\f + \fr 16.19 \ft on high: Heb. in the high places\f*

JOB 16:20 Removed trailing space in v~: My \w friends|strong="H7453"\w* \w scorn|strong="H3887"\w* me: \add but\add* mine \w eye|strong="H5869"\w* poureth \w out|strong="H1811"\w* \add tears\add* unto \w God|strong="H0433"\w*.\f + \fr 16.20 \ft scorn me: Heb. are my scorners\f*

JOB 16:21 Removed trailing space in v~: O that one might \w plead|strong="H3198"\w* for a \w man|strong="H1397"\w* with \w God|strong="H0433"\w*, as a \w man|strong="H0120"\w* \add pleadeth\add* for his \w neighbour|strong="H1121"\w*!\f + \fr 16.21 \ft neighbour: or, friend\f*

JOB 16:22 Removed trailing space in v~: When a \w few|strong="H4557"\w* \w years|strong="H8141"\w* are \w come|strong="H0857"\w*, then I shall \w go|strong="H1980"\w* the \w way|strong="H0734"\w* \add whence\add* I shall not \w return|strong="H7725"\w*.\f + \fr 16.22 \ft a few…: Heb. years of number\f*

JOB 17:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 17:0 Removed trailing space in c: 17

JOB 17:1 Removed trailing space in v~: My \w breath|strong="H7307"\w* is \w corrupt|strong="H2254"\w*, my \w days|strong="H3117"\w* are \w extinct|strong="H2193"\w*, the \w graves|strong="H6913"\w* \add are ready\add* for me.\f + \fr 17.1 \ft breath…: or, spirit is spent\f*

JOB 17:2 Removed trailing space in v~: \add Are there\add* not \w mockers|strong="H2049"\w* with me? and doth not mine \w eye|strong="H5869"\w* \w continue|strong="H3885"\w* in their \w provocation|strong="H4784"\w*?\f + \fr 17.2 \ft continue: Heb. lodge\f*

JOB 17:3 Removed trailing space in v~: Lay \w down|strong="H7760"\w* now, put me in a \w surety|strong="H6148"\w* with thee; who \add is\add* he \add that\add* will \w strike|strong="H8628"\w* \w hands|strong="H3027"\w* with me?

JOB 17:4 Removed trailing space in v~: For thou hast \w hid|strong="H6845"\w* their \w heart|strong="H3820"\w* from \w understanding|strong="H7922"\w*: therefore shalt thou not \w exalt|strong="H7311"\w* \add them\add*.

JOB 17:5 Removed trailing space in v~: He that \w speaketh|strong="H5046"\w* \w flattery|strong="H2506"\w* to \add his\add* \w friends|strong="H7453"\w*, even the \w eyes|strong="H5869"\w* of his \w children|strong="H1121"\w* shall \w fail|strong="H3615"\w*.

JOB 17:6 Removed trailing space in v~: He hath \w made|strong="H3322"\w* me also a \w byword|strong="H4914"\w* of the \w people|strong="H5971"\w*; and \w aforetime|strong="H6440"\w* I was as a \w tabret|strong="H8611"\w*.\f + \fr 17.6 \ft aforetime: or, before them\f*

JOB 17:7 Removed trailing space in v~: Mine \w eye|strong="H5869"\w* also is \w dim|strong="H3543"\w* by reason of \w sorrow|strong="H3708"\w*, and all my \w members|strong="H3338"\w* \add are\add* as a \w shadow|strong="H6738"\w*.\f + \fr 17.7 \ft my members: or, my thoughts\f*

JOB 17:8 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Upright|strong="H3477"\w* \add men\add* shall be \w astonied|strong="H8074"\w* at this, and the \w innocent|strong="H5355"\w* shall stir \w up|strong="H5782"\w* himself against the \w hypocrite|strong="H2611"\w*.

JOB 17:9 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w righteous|strong="H6662"\w* also shall \w hold|strong="H0270"\w* on his \w way|strong="H1870"\w*, and he that hath \w clean|strong="H2890"\w* \w hands|strong="H3027"\w* shall \w be|strong="H3254"\w* stronger and \w stronger|strong="H0555"\w*.\f + \fr 17.9 \ft be…: Heb. add strength\f*

JOB 17:10 Removed trailing space in v~: \w But|strong="H0199"\w* as for you all, do ye \w return|strong="H7725"\w*, and come \w now|strong="H0935"\w*: for I cannot \w find|strong="H4672"\w* \add one\add* \w wise|strong="H2450"\w* \add man\add* among you.

JOB 17:11 Removed trailing space in v~: My \w days|strong="H3117"\w* are \w past|strong="H5674"\w*, my \w purposes|strong="H2154"\w* are broken \w off|strong="H5423"\w*, \add even\add* the \w thoughts|strong="H4180"\w* of my \w heart|strong="H3824"\w*.\f + \fr 17.11 \ft the thoughts: Heb. the possessions\f*

JOB 17:12 Removed trailing space in v~: They \w change|strong="H7760"\w* the \w night|strong="H3915"\w* into \w day|strong="H3117"\w*: the \w light|strong="H0216"\w* \add is\add* \w short|strong="H7138"\w* \w because|strong="H6440"\w* of \w darkness|strong="H2822"\w*.\f + \fr 17.12 \ft short: Heb. near\f*

JOB 17:13 Removed trailing space in v~: If I \w wait|strong="H6960"\w*, the \w grave|strong="H7585"\w* \add is\add* mine \w house|strong="H1004"\w*: I have \w made|strong="H7502"\w* my \w bed|strong="H3326"\w* in the \w darkness|strong="H2822"\w*.

JOB 17:14 Removed trailing space in v~: I have \w said|strong="H7121"\w* to \w corruption|strong="H7845"\w*, Thou \add art\add* my \w father|strong="H0001"\w*: to the \w worm|strong="H7415"\w*, \add Thou art\add* my \w mother|strong="H0517"\w*, and my \w sister|strong="H0269"\w*.\f + \fr 17.14 \ft said: Heb. cried, or, called\f*

JOB 17:15 Removed trailing space in v~: And where \add is\add* \w now|strong="H0645"\w* my \w hope|strong="H8615"\w*? as for my \w hope|strong="H8615"\w*, who shall \w see|strong="H7789"\w* it?

JOB 17:16 Removed trailing space in v~: They shall go \w down|strong="H3381"\w* to the \w bars|strong="H0905"\w* of the \w pit|strong="H7585"\w*, when \add our\add* \w rest|strong="H5183"\w* \w together|strong="H3162"\w* \add is\add* in the \w dust|strong="H6083"\w*.

JOB 18:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 18:0 Removed trailing space in c: 18

JOB 18:1 Removed trailing space in v~: Then \w answered|strong="H6030"\w* \w Bildad|strong="H1085"\w* the \w Shuhite|strong="H7747"\w*, and \w said|strong="H0559"\w*,

JOB 18:2 Removed trailing space in v~: How \w long|strong="H5704"\w* \add will it be ere\add* ye \w make|strong="H7760"\w* an \w end|strong="H7078"\w* of \w words|strong="H4405"\w*? \w mark|strong="H0995"\w*, and \w afterwards|strong="H0310"\w* we will \w speak|strong="H1696"\w*.

JOB 18:3 Removed trailing space in v~: Wherefore are we \w counted|strong="H2803"\w* as \w beasts|strong="H0929"\w*, \add and\add* reputed \w vile|strong="H2933"\w* in your \w sight|strong="H5869"\w*?

JOB 18:4 Removed trailing space in v~: He \w teareth|strong="H2963"\w* \w himself|strong="H5315"\w* in his \w anger|strong="H0639"\w*: shall the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w* be \w forsaken|strong="H5800"\w* for thee? and shall the \w rock|strong="H6697"\w* be \w removed|strong="H6275"\w* out of his \w place|strong="H4725"\w*?\f + \fr 18.4 \ft himself: Heb. his soul\f*

JOB 18:5 Removed trailing space in v~: Yea, the \w light|strong="H0216"\w* of the \w wicked|strong="H7563"\w* shall be put \w out|strong="H1846"\w*, and the \w spark|strong="H7632"\w* of his \w fire|strong="H0784"\w* shall not \w shine|strong="H5050"\w*.

JOB 18:6 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w light|strong="H0216"\w* shall be \w dark|strong="H2821"\w* in his \w tabernacle|strong="H0168"\w*, and his \w candle|strong="H5216"\w* shall be put \w out|strong="H1846"\w* with him.\f + \fr 18.6 \ft candle: or, lamp\f*

JOB 18:7 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w steps|strong="H6806"\w* of his \w strength|strong="H0202"\w* shall be \w straitened|strong="H3334"\w*, and his own \w counsel|strong="H6098"\w* shall cast him \w down|strong="H7993"\w*.

JOB 18:8 Removed trailing space in v~: For he is \w cast|strong="H7971"\w* into a \w net|strong="H7568"\w* by his own \w feet|strong="H7272"\w*, and he \w walketh|strong="H1980"\w* upon a \w snare|strong="H7639"\w*.

JOB 18:9 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w gin|strong="H6341"\w* shall \w take|strong="H0270"\w* \add him\add* by the \w heel|strong="H6119"\w*, \add and\add* the \w robber|strong="H6782"\w* shall \w prevail|strong="H2388"\w* against him.

JOB 18:10 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w snare|strong="H2256"\w* \add is\add* \w laid|strong="H2934"\w* for him in the \w ground|strong="H0776"\w*, and a \w trap|strong="H4434"\w* for him in the \w way|strong="H5410"\w*.\f + \fr 18.10 \ft laid: Heb. hidden\f*

JOB 18:11 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Terrors|strong="H1091"\w* shall make him \w afraid|strong="H1204"\w* on every \w side|strong="H5439"\w*, and shall \w drive|strong="H6327"\w* him to his \w feet|strong="H7272"\w*.\f + \fr 18.11 \ft drive: Heb. scatter\f*

JOB 18:12 Removed trailing space in v~: His \w strength|strong="H0202"\w* shall be \w hungerbitten|strong="H7457"\w*, and \w destruction|strong="H0343"\w* \add shall be\add* \w ready|strong="H3559"\w* at his \w side|strong="H6763"\w*.

JOB 18:13 Removed trailing space in v~: It shall \w devour|strong="H0398"\w* the \w strength|strong="H0905"\w* of his \w skin|strong="H5785"\w*: \add even\add* the \w firstborn|strong="H1060"\w* of \w death|strong="H4194"\w* shall \w devour|strong="H0398"\w* his \w strength|strong="H0905"\w*.\f + \fr 18.13 \ft strength: Heb. bars\f*

JOB 18:14 Removed trailing space in v~: His \w confidence|strong="H4009"\w* shall be rooted \w out|strong="H5423"\w* of his \w tabernacle|strong="H0168"\w*, and it shall \w bring|strong="H6805"\w* him to the \w king|strong="H4428"\w* of \w terrors|strong="H1091"\w*.

JOB 18:15 Removed trailing space in v~: It shall \w dwell|strong="H7931"\w* in his \w tabernacle|strong="H0168"\w*, because \add it is\add* \w none|strong="H1097"\w* of his: \w brimstone|strong="H1614"\w* shall be \w scattered|strong="H2219"\w* upon his \w habitation|strong="H5116"\w*.

JOB 18:16 Removed trailing space in v~: His \w roots|strong="H8328"\w* shall be dried \w up|strong="H3001"\w* beneath, and \w above|strong="H4605"\w* shall his \w branch|strong="H7105"\w* be cut \w off|strong="H5243"\w*.

JOB 18:17 Removed trailing space in v~: His \w remembrance|strong="H2143"\w* shall \w perish|strong="H0006"\w* from the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*, and he shall have no \w name|strong="H8034"\w* in the \w street|strong="H6440"\w*.

JOB 18:18 Removed trailing space in v~: He shall be \w driven|strong="H1920"\w* from \w light|strong="H0216"\w* into \w darkness|strong="H2822"\w*, and \w chased|strong="H5074"\w* out of the \w world|strong="H8398"\w*.\f + \fr 18.18 \ft He…: Heb. They shall drive him\f*

JOB 18:19 Removed trailing space in v~: He shall neither have \w son|strong="H5209"\w* nor \w nephew|strong="H5220"\w* among his \w people|strong="H5971"\w*, nor any \w remaining|strong="H8300"\w* in his \w dwellings|strong="H4033"\w*.

JOB 18:20 Removed trailing space in v~: They that come \w after|strong="H0314"\w* \add him\add* shall be \w astonied|strong="H8074"\w* at his \w day|strong="H3117"\w*, as they that went \w before|strong="H6931"\w* were \w affrighted|strong="H0270"\w*.\f + \fr 18.20 \ft went…: or, lived with him\f*\f + \fr 18.20 \ft were…: Heb. laid hold on horror\f*

JOB 18:21 Removed trailing space in v~: Surely such \add are\add* the \w dwellings|strong="H4908"\w* of the \w wicked|strong="H5767"\w*, and this \add is\add* the \w place|strong="H4725"\w* \add of him that\add* \w knoweth|strong="H3045"\w* not \w God|strong="H0410"\w*.

JOB 19:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 19:0 Removed trailing space in c: 19

JOB 19:1 Removed trailing space in v~: Then \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* \w answered|strong="H6030"\w* and \w said|strong="H0559"\w*,

JOB 19:2 Removed trailing space in v~: How long will ye \w vex|strong="H3013"\w* my \w soul|strong="H5315"\w*, and \w break|strong="H1792"\w* me in pieces with \w words|strong="H4405"\w*?

JOB 19:3 Removed trailing space in v~: These \w ten|strong="H6235"\w* \w times|strong="H6471"\w* have ye \w reproached|strong="H3637"\w* me: ye are not \w ashamed|strong="H0954"\w* \add that\add* ye make yourselves \w strange|strong="H1970"\w* to me.\f + \fr 19.3 \ft make…: or, harden yourselves against me\f*

JOB 19:4 Removed trailing space in v~: And be it \w indeed|strong="H0551"\w* \add that\add* I have \w erred|strong="H7686"\w*, mine \w error|strong="H4879"\w* \w remaineth|strong="H3885"\w* with myself.

JOB 19:5 Removed trailing space in v~: If \w indeed|strong="H0551"\w* ye will \w magnify|strong="H1431"\w* \add yourselves\add* against me, and \w plead|strong="H3198"\w* against me my \w reproach|strong="H2781"\w*:

JOB 19:6 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Know|strong="H3045"\w* \w now|strong="H0645"\w* that \w God|strong="H0433"\w* hath \w overthrown|strong="H5791"\w* me, and hath \w compassed|strong="H5362"\w* me with his \w net|strong="H4686"\w*.

JOB 19:7 Removed trailing space in v~: Behold, I cry \w out|strong="H6817"\w* of \w wrong|strong="H2555"\w*, but I am not \w heard|strong="H6030"\w*: I cry \w aloud|strong="H7768"\w*, but \add there is\add* no \w judgment|strong="H4941"\w*.\f + \fr 19.7 \ft wrong: or, violence\f*

JOB 19:8 Removed trailing space in v~: He hath fenced \w up|strong="H1443"\w* my \w way|strong="H0734"\w* that I cannot \w pass|strong="H5674"\w*, and he hath \w set|strong="H7760"\w* \w darkness|strong="H2822"\w* in my \w paths|strong="H5410"\w*.

JOB 19:9 Removed trailing space in v~: He hath \w stripped|strong="H6584"\w* me of my \w glory|strong="H3519"\w*, and \w taken|strong="H5493"\w* the \w crown|strong="H5850"\w* \add from\add* my \w head|strong="H7218"\w*.

JOB 19:10 Removed trailing space in v~: He hath \w destroyed|strong="H5422"\w* me on every \w side|strong="H5439"\w*, and I am \w gone|strong="H3212"\w*: and mine \w hope|strong="H8615"\w* hath he \w removed|strong="H5265"\w* like a \w tree|strong="H6086"\w*.

JOB 19:11 Removed trailing space in v~: He hath also \w kindled|strong="H2734"\w* his \w wrath|strong="H0639"\w* against me, and he \w counteth|strong="H2803"\w* me unto him as \add one of\add* his \w enemies|strong="H6862"\w*.

JOB 19:12 Removed trailing space in v~: His \w troops|strong="H1416"\w* \w come|strong="H0935"\w* \w together|strong="H3162"\w*, and raise \w up|strong="H5549"\w* their \w way|strong="H1870"\w* against me, and \w encamp|strong="H2583"\w* round \w about|strong="H5439"\w* my \w tabernacle|strong="H0168"\w*.

JOB 19:13 Removed trailing space in v~: He hath \w put|strong="H7368"\w* my \w brethren|strong="H0251"\w* \w far|strong="H7368"\w* from me, and mine \w acquaintance|strong="H3045"\w* are verily \w estranged|strong="H2114"\w* from me.

JOB 19:14 Removed trailing space in v~: My \w kinsfolk|strong="H7138"\w* have \w failed|strong="H2308"\w*, and my familiar \w friends|strong="H3045"\w* have \w forgotten|strong="H7911"\w* me.

JOB 19:15 Removed trailing space in v~: They that \w dwell|strong="H1481"\w* in mine \w house|strong="H1004"\w*, and my \w maids|strong="H0519"\w*, \w count|strong="H2803"\w* me for a \w stranger|strong="H2114"\w*: I am an \w alien|strong="H5237"\w* in their \w sight|strong="H5869"\w*.

JOB 19:16 Removed trailing space in v~: I \w called|strong="H7121"\w* my \w servant|strong="H5650"\w*, and he gave \add me\add* no \w answer|strong="H6030"\w*; I \w intreated|strong="H2603"\w* him \w with|strong="H1119"\w* my \w mouth|strong="H6310"\w*.

JOB 19:17 Removed trailing space in v~: My \w breath|strong="H7307"\w* is \w strange|strong="H2114"\w* to my \w wife|strong="H0802"\w*, though I \w intreated|strong="H2589"\w* for the \w children’s|strong="H1121"\w* \add sake\add* of mine own \w body|strong="H0990"\w*.\f + \fr 19.17 \ft mine…: Heb. my belly\f*

JOB 19:18 Removed trailing space in v~: Yea, young \w children|strong="H5759"\w* \w despised|strong="H3988"\w* me; I \w arose|strong="H6965"\w*, and they \w spake|strong="H1696"\w* against me.\f + \fr 19.18 \ft young…: or, the wicked\f*

JOB 19:19 Removed trailing space in v~: All my \w inward|strong="H5475"\w* \w friends|strong="H4962"\w* \w abhorred|strong="H8581"\w* me: and they whom I \w loved|strong="H0157"\w* are \w turned|strong="H2015"\w* against me.\f + \fr 19.19 \ft my…: Heb. the men of my secret\f*

JOB 19:20 Removed trailing space in v~: My \w bone|strong="H6106"\w* \w cleaveth|strong="H1692"\w* to my \w skin|strong="H5785"\w* and to my \w flesh|strong="H1320"\w*, and I am \w escaped|strong="H4422"\w* with the \w skin|strong="H5785"\w* of my \w teeth|strong="H8127"\w*.\f + \fr 19.20 \ft and to: or, as to\f*

JOB 19:21 Removed trailing space in v~: Have \w pity|strong="H2603"\w* upon me, have \w pity|strong="H2603"\w* upon me, O ye my \w friends|strong="H7453"\w*; for the \w hand|strong="H3027"\w* of \w God|strong="H0433"\w* hath \w touched|strong="H5060"\w* me.

JOB 19:22 Removed trailing space in v~: Why do ye \w persecute|strong="H7291"\w* me as \w God|strong="H0410"\w*, and are not \w satisfied|strong="H7646"\w* with my \w flesh|strong="H1320"\w*?

JOB 19:23 Removed trailing space in v~: Oh \w that|strong="H5414"\w* my \w words|strong="H4405"\w* were \w now|strong="H0645"\w* \w written|strong="H3789"\w*! oh \w that|strong="H5414"\w* they were \w printed|strong="H2710"\w* in a \w book|strong="H5612"\w*!\f + \fr 19.23 \ft Oh…: Heb. Who will give, etc\f*

JOB 19:24 Removed trailing space in v~: That they were \w graven|strong="H2672"\w* with an \w iron|strong="H1270"\w* \w pen|strong="H5842"\w* and \w lead|strong="H5777"\w* in the \w rock|strong="H6697"\w* for \w ever|strong="H5703"\w*!

JOB 19:25 Removed trailing space in v~: For I \w know|strong="H3045"\w* \add that\add* my \w redeemer|strong="H1350"\w* \w liveth|strong="H2416"\w*, and \add that\add* he shall \w stand|strong="H6965"\w* at the \w latter|strong="H0314"\w* \add day\add* upon the \w earth|strong="H6083"\w*:

JOB 19:26 Removed trailing space in v~: And \add though\add* \w after|strong="H0310"\w* my \w skin|strong="H5785"\w* \add worms\add* \w destroy|strong="H5362"\w* this \add body\add*, yet in my \w flesh|strong="H1320"\w* shall I \w see|strong="H2372"\w* \w God|strong="H0433"\w*:\f + \fr 19.26 \ft And…: or, After I shall awake, though this body be destroyed, yet out of my flesh\f*

JOB 19:27 Removed trailing space in v~: Whom I shall \w see|strong="H2372"\w* for myself, and mine \w eyes|strong="H5869"\w* shall \w behold|strong="H7200"\w*, and not \w another|strong="H2114"\w*; \add though\add* my \w reins|strong="H3629"\w* be \w consumed|strong="H3615"\w* \w within|strong="H2436"\w* me.\f + \fr 19.27 \ft another: Heb. a stranger\f*\f + \fr 19.27 \ft though…: or, my reins within me are consumed with earnest desire (for that day)\f*\f + \fr 19.27 \ft within…: Heb. in my bosom\f*

JOB 19:28 Removed trailing space in v~: But ye should \w say|strong="H0559"\w*, Why \w persecute|strong="H7291"\w* we him, seeing the \w root|strong="H8328"\w* of the \w matter|strong="H1697"\w* is \w found|strong="H4672"\w* in me?\f + \fr 19.28 \ft seeing…: or, and what root of matter is found in me?\f*

JOB 19:29 Removed trailing space in v~: Be ye \w afraid|strong="H1481"\w* of the \w sword|strong="H2719"\w*: for \w wrath|strong="H2534"\w* \add bringeth\add* the \w punishments|strong="H5771"\w* \w of|strong="H6440"\w* the \w sword|strong="H2719"\w*, that ye may \w know|strong="H3045"\w* \add there is\add* a \w judgment|strong="H1779"\w*.

JOB 20:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 20:0 Removed trailing space in c: 20

JOB 20:1 Removed trailing space in v~: Then \w answered|strong="H6030"\w* \w Zophar|strong="H6691"\w* the \w Naamathite|strong="H5284"\w*, and \w said|strong="H0559"\w*,

JOB 20:2 Removed trailing space in v~: Therefore do my \w thoughts|strong="H5587"\w* cause me to \w answer|strong="H7725"\w*, and for \add this\add* I make \w haste|strong="H2363"\w*.\f + \fr 20.2 \ft I make…: Heb. my haste is in me\f*

JOB 20:3 Removed trailing space in v~: I have \w heard|strong="H8085"\w* the \w check|strong="H4148"\w* of my \w reproach|strong="H3639"\w*, and the \w spirit|strong="H7307"\w* of my \w understanding|strong="H0998"\w* causeth me to \w answer|strong="H6030"\w*.

JOB 20:4 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Knowest|strong="H3045"\w* thou \add not\add* this of \w old|strong="H5703"\w*, since \w man|strong="H0120"\w* was \w placed|strong="H7760"\w* upon \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*,

JOB 20:5 Removed trailing space in v~: That the \w triumphing|strong="H7445"\w* of the \w wicked|strong="H7563"\w* \add is\add* \w short|strong="H7138"\w*, and the \w joy|strong="H8057"\w* of the \w hypocrite|strong="H2611"\w* \add but\add* for a \w moment|strong="H7281"\w*?\f + \fr 20.5 \ft short: Heb. from near\f*

JOB 20:6 Removed trailing space in v~: Though his \w excellency|strong="H7863"\w* mount \w up|strong="H5927"\w* to the \w heavens|strong="H8064"\w*, and his \w head|strong="H7218"\w* \w reach|strong="H5060"\w* unto the \w clouds|strong="H5645"\w*;\f + \fr 20.6 \ft clouds: Heb. cloud\f*

JOB 20:7 Removed trailing space in v~: \add Yet\add* he shall \w perish|strong="H0006"\w* for \w ever|strong="H5331"\w* like his own \w dung|strong="H1561"\w*: they which have \w seen|strong="H7200"\w* him shall \w say|strong="H0559"\w*, \w Where|strong="H0335"\w* \add is\add* he?

JOB 20:8 Removed trailing space in v~: He shall fly \w away|strong="H5774"\w* as a \w dream|strong="H2472"\w*, and shall not be \w found|strong="H4672"\w*: yea, he shall be chased \w away|strong="H5074"\w* as a \w vision|strong="H2384"\w* of the \w night|strong="H3915"\w*.

JOB 20:9 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w eye|strong="H5869"\w* also \add which\add* \w saw|strong="H7805"\w* him shall \add see him\add* no \w more|strong="H3254"\w*; neither shall his \w place|strong="H4725"\w* any more \w behold|strong="H7789"\w* him.

JOB 20:10 Removed trailing space in v~: His \w children|strong="H1121"\w* shall seek to \w please|strong="H7521"\w* the \w poor|strong="H1800"\w*, and his \w hands|strong="H3027"\w* shall \w restore|strong="H7725"\w* their \w goods|strong="H0202"\w*.\f + \fr 20.10 \ft His children…: or, The poor shall oppress his children\f*

JOB 20:11 Removed trailing space in v~: His \w bones|strong="H6106"\w* are \w full|strong="H4390"\w* \add of the sin\add* of his \w youth|strong="H5934"\w*, which shall lie \w down|strong="H7901"\w* with him in the \w dust|strong="H6083"\w*.

JOB 20:12 Removed trailing space in v~: Though \w wickedness|strong="H7451"\w* be \w sweet|strong="H4985"\w* in his \w mouth|strong="H6310"\w*, \add though\add* he \w hide|strong="H3582"\w* it under his \w tongue|strong="H3956"\w*;

JOB 20:13 Removed trailing space in v~: \add Though\add* he \w spare|strong="H2550"\w* it, and \w forsake|strong="H5800"\w* it not; but keep it \w still|strong="H4513"\w* \w within|strong="H8432"\w* his \w mouth|strong="H2441"\w*:\f + \fr 20.13 \ft within…: Heb. in the midst of his palate\f*

JOB 20:14 Removed trailing space in v~: \add Yet\add* his \w meat|strong="H3899"\w* in his \w bowels|strong="H4578"\w* is \w turned|strong="H2015"\w*, \add it is\add* the \w gall|strong="H4846"\w* of \w asps|strong="H6620"\w* \w within|strong="H7130"\w* him.

JOB 20:15 Removed trailing space in v~: He hath swallowed \w down|strong="H1104"\w* \w riches|strong="H2428"\w*, and he shall vomit them up \w again|strong="H6958"\w*: \w God|strong="H0410"\w* shall cast them \w out|strong="H3423"\w* of his \w belly|strong="H0990"\w*.

JOB 20:16 Removed trailing space in v~: He shall \w suck|strong="H3243"\w* the \w poison|strong="H7219"\w* of \w asps|strong="H6620"\w*: the \w viper’s|strong="H0660"\w* \w tongue|strong="H3956"\w* shall \w slay|strong="H2026"\w* him.

JOB 20:17 Removed trailing space in v~: He shall not \w see|strong="H7200"\w* the \w rivers|strong="H6390"\w*, the \w floods|strong="H5104"\w*, the \w brooks|strong="H5158"\w* of \w honey|strong="H1706"\w* and \w butter|strong="H2529"\w*.\f + \fr 20.17 \ft the floods…: or, streaming brooks\f*

JOB 20:18 Removed trailing space in v~: That which he \w laboured|strong="H3022"\w* for shall he \w restore|strong="H7725"\w*, and shall not swallow \add it\add* \w down|strong="H1104"\w*: according to \add his\add* \w substance|strong="H2428"\w* \add shall\add* the \w restitution|strong="H8545"\w* \add be\add*, and he shall not \w rejoice|strong="H5965"\w* \add therein\add*.\f + \fr 20.18 \ft his…: Heb. the substance of his exchange\f*

JOB 20:19 Removed trailing space in v~: Because he hath \w oppressed|strong="H7533"\w* \add and\add* hath \w forsaken|strong="H5800"\w* the \w poor|strong="H1800"\w*; \add because\add* he hath violently taken \w away|strong="H1497"\w* an \w house|strong="H1004"\w* which he \w builded|strong="H1129"\w* not;\f + \fr 20.19 \ft oppressed: Heb. crushed\f*

JOB 20:20 Removed trailing space in v~: Surely he shall not \w feel|strong="H3045"\w* \w quietness|strong="H7961"\w* in his \w belly|strong="H0990"\w*, he shall not \w save|strong="H4422"\w* of that which he \w desired|strong="H2530"\w*.\f + \fr 20.20 \ft feel: Heb. know\f*

JOB 20:21 Removed trailing space in v~: There shall none of his \w meat|strong="H0400"\w* be \w left|strong="H8300"\w*; therefore shall no man \w look|strong="H2342"\w* for his \w goods|strong="H2898"\w*.\f + \fr 20.21 \ft none…: or, be none left for his meat\f*

JOB 20:22 Removed trailing space in v~: In the \w fulness|strong="H4390"\w* of his \w sufficiency|strong="H5607"\w* he shall be in \w straits|strong="H3334"\w*: every \w hand|strong="H3027"\w* of the \w wicked|strong="H6001"\w* shall \w come|strong="H0935"\w* upon him.\f + \fr 20.22 \ft wicked: or, troublesome\f*

JOB 20:23 Removed trailing space in v~: \add When\add* he is about to \w fill|strong="H4390"\w* his \w belly|strong="H0990"\w*, \add God\add* shall \w cast|strong="H7971"\w* the \w fury|strong="H2740"\w* of his \w wrath|strong="H0639"\w* upon him, and shall \w rain|strong="H4305"\w* \add it\add* upon him while he is \w eating|strong="H3894"\w*.

JOB 20:24 Removed trailing space in v~: He shall \w flee|strong="H1272"\w* from the \w iron|strong="H1270"\w* \w weapon|strong="H5402"\w*, \add and\add* the \w bow|strong="H7198"\w* of \w steel|strong="H5154"\w* shall strike him \w through|strong="H2498"\w*.

JOB 20:25 Removed trailing space in v~: It is \w drawn|strong="H8025"\w*, and cometh \w out|strong="H3318"\w* of the \w body|strong="H1465"\w*; yea, the glittering \w sword|strong="H1300"\w* cometh \w out|strong="H1980"\w* of his \w gall|strong="H4846"\w*: \w terrors|strong="H0367"\w* \add are\add* upon him.

JOB 20:26 Removed trailing space in v~: All \w darkness|strong="H2822"\w* \add shall be\add* \w hid|strong="H2934"\w* in his secret \w places|strong="H6845"\w*: a \w fire|strong="H0784"\w* not \w blown|strong="H5301"\w* shall \w consume|strong="H0398"\w* him; it shall go \w ill|strong="H3415"\w* with him that is \w left|strong="H8300"\w* in his \w tabernacle|strong="H0168"\w*.

JOB 20:27 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w heaven|strong="H8064"\w* shall \w reveal|strong="H1540"\w* his \w iniquity|strong="H5771"\w*; and the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w* shall rise \w up|strong="H6965"\w* against him.

JOB 20:28 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w increase|strong="H2981"\w* of his \w house|strong="H1004"\w* shall \w depart|strong="H1540"\w*, \add and his goods\add* shall flow \w away|strong="H5064"\w* in the \w day|strong="H3117"\w* of his \w wrath|strong="H0639"\w*.

JOB 20:29 Removed trailing space in v~: This \add is\add* the \w portion|strong="H2506"\w* of a \w wicked|strong="H7563"\w* \w man|strong="H0120"\w* from \w God|strong="H0430"\w*, and the \w heritage|strong="H5159"\w* \w appointed|strong="H0561"\w* unto him by \w God|strong="H0410"\w*.\f + \fr 20.29 \ft appointed…: Heb. of his decree from God\f*

JOB 21:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 21:0 Removed trailing space in c: 21

JOB 21:1 Removed trailing space in v~: But \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* \w answered|strong="H6030"\w* and \w said|strong="H0559"\w*,

JOB 21:2 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Hear|strong="H8085"\w* \w diligently|strong="H8085"\w* my \w speech|strong="H4405"\w*, and let this be your \w consolations|strong="H8575"\w*.

JOB 21:3 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Suffer|strong="H5375"\w* me that I may \w speak|strong="H1696"\w*; and \w after|strong="H0310"\w* that I have \w spoken|strong="H1696"\w*, mock \w on|strong="H3932"\w*.

JOB 21:4 Removed trailing space in v~: As for me, \add is\add* my \w complaint|strong="H7879"\w* to \w man|strong="H0120"\w*? and if \add it were so\add*, why should not my \w spirit|strong="H7307"\w* be \w troubled|strong="H7114"\w*?\f + \fr 21.4 \ft troubled: Heb. shortened?\f*

JOB 21:5 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Mark|strong="H6437"\w* me, and be \w astonished|strong="H8074"\w*, and \w lay|strong="H7760"\w* \add your\add* \w hand|strong="H3027"\w* upon \add your\add* \w mouth|strong="H6310"\w*.\f + \fr 21.5 \ft Mark…: Heb. Look unto me\f*

JOB 21:6 Removed trailing space in v~: Even when I \w remember|strong="H2142"\w* I am \w afraid|strong="H0926"\w*, and \w trembling|strong="H6427"\w* taketh hold \w on|strong="H0270"\w* my \w flesh|strong="H1320"\w*.

JOB 21:7 Removed trailing space in v~: Wherefore do the \w wicked|strong="H7563"\w* \w live|strong="H2421"\w*, become \w old|strong="H6275"\w*, yea, are \w mighty|strong="H1396"\w* in \w power|strong="H2428"\w*?

JOB 21:8 Removed trailing space in v~: Their \w seed|strong="H2233"\w* is \w established|strong="H3559"\w* in their \w sight|strong="H6440"\w* with them, and their \w offspring|strong="H6631"\w* before their \w eyes|strong="H5869"\w*.

JOB 21:9 Removed trailing space in v~: Their \w houses|strong="H1004"\w* \add are\add* \w safe|strong="H7965"\w* from \w fear|strong="H6343"\w*, neither \add is\add* the \w rod|strong="H7626"\w* of \w God|strong="H0433"\w* upon them.\f + \fr 21.9 \ft safe…: Heb. peace from\f*

JOB 21:10 Removed trailing space in v~: Their \w bull|strong="H7794"\w* \w gendereth|strong="H5674"\w*, and \w faileth|strong="H1602"\w* not; their \w cow|strong="H6510"\w* \w calveth|strong="H6403"\w*, and casteth not her \w calf|strong="H7921"\w*.

JOB 21:11 Removed trailing space in v~: They send \w forth|strong="H7971"\w* their little \w ones|strong="H5759"\w* like a \w flock|strong="H6629"\w*, and their \w children|strong="H3206"\w* \w dance|strong="H7540"\w*.

JOB 21:12 Removed trailing space in v~: They \w take|strong="H5375"\w* the \w timbrel|strong="H8596"\w* and \w harp|strong="H3658"\w*, and \w rejoice|strong="H8055"\w* at the \w sound|strong="H6963"\w* of the \w organ|strong="H5748"\w*.

JOB 21:13 Removed trailing space in v~: They \w spend|strong="H3615"\w* their \w days|strong="H3117"\w* in \w wealth|strong="H2896"\w*, and in a \w moment|strong="H7281"\w* go \w down|strong="H2865"\w* to the \w grave|strong="H7585"\w*.\f + \fr 21.13 \ft in wealth: or, in mirth\f*

JOB 21:14 Removed trailing space in v~: Therefore they \w say|strong="H0559"\w* unto \w God|strong="H0410"\w*, \w Depart|strong="H5493"\w* from us; for we \w desire|strong="H2654"\w* not the \w knowledge|strong="H1847"\w* of thy \w ways|strong="H1870"\w*.

JOB 21:15 Removed trailing space in v~: What \add is\add* the \w Almighty|strong="H7706"\w*, that we should \w serve|strong="H5647"\w* him? and what \w profit|strong="H3276"\w* should we have, if we \w pray|strong="H6293"\w* unto him?

JOB 21:16 Removed trailing space in v~: Lo, their \w good|strong="H2898"\w* \add is\add* not in their \w hand|strong="H3027"\w*: the \w counsel|strong="H6098"\w* of the \w wicked|strong="H7563"\w* is \w far|strong="H7368"\w* from me.

JOB 21:17 Removed trailing space in v~: How oft is the \w candle|strong="H5216"\w* of the \w wicked|strong="H7563"\w* put \w out|strong="H1846"\w*! and \add how oft\add* \w cometh|strong="H0935"\w* their \w destruction|strong="H0343"\w* upon them! \add God\add* \w distributeth|strong="H2505"\w* \w sorrows|strong="H2256"\w* in his \w anger|strong="H0639"\w*.\f + \fr 21.17 \ft candle: or, lamp\f*

JOB 21:18 Removed trailing space in v~: They are as \w stubble|strong="H8401"\w* \w before|strong="H6440"\w* the \w wind|strong="H7307"\w*, and as \w chaff|strong="H4671"\w* that the \w storm|strong="H5492"\w* carrieth \w away|strong="H1589"\w*.\f + \fr 21.18 \ft carrieth: Heb. stealeth\f*

JOB 21:19 Removed trailing space in v~: \w God|strong="H0433"\w* layeth \w up|strong="H6845"\w* his \w iniquity|strong="H0205"\w* for his \w children|strong="H1121"\w*: he \w rewardeth|strong="H7999"\w* him, and he shall \w know|strong="H3045"\w* \add it\add*.\f + \fr 21.19 \ft his iniquity: that is, the punishment of his iniquity\f*

JOB 21:20 Removed trailing space in v~: His \w eyes|strong="H5869"\w* shall \w see|strong="H7200"\w* his \w destruction|strong="H3589"\w*, and he shall \w drink|strong="H8354"\w* of the \w wrath|strong="H2534"\w* of the \w Almighty|strong="H7706"\w*.

JOB 21:21 Removed trailing space in v~: For what \w pleasure|strong="H2656"\w* \add hath\add* he in his \w house|strong="H1004"\w* \w after|strong="H0310"\w* him, when the \w number|strong="H4557"\w* of his \w months|strong="H2320"\w* is cut off in the \w midst|strong="H2686"\w*?

JOB 21:22 Removed trailing space in v~: Shall \add any\add* \w teach|strong="H3925"\w* \w God|strong="H0410"\w* \w knowledge|strong="H1847"\w*? seeing he \w judgeth|strong="H8199"\w* those that are \w high|strong="H7311"\w*.

JOB 21:23 Removed trailing space in v~: One \w dieth|strong="H4191"\w* in his \w full|strong="H8537"\w* \w strength|strong="H6106"\w*, being wholly at \w ease|strong="H7946"\w* and \w quiet|strong="H7961"\w*.\f + \fr 21.23 \ft his…: Heb. his very, or, the strength of, his perfection\f*

JOB 21:24 Removed trailing space in v~: His \w breasts|strong="H5845"\w* are \w full|strong="H4390"\w* of \w milk|strong="H2461"\w*, and his \w bones|strong="H6106"\w* are \w moistened|strong="H8248"\w* with \w marrow|strong="H4221"\w*.\f + \fr 21.24 \ft breasts: or, milk pails\f*

JOB 21:25 Removed trailing space in v~: And another \w dieth|strong="H4191"\w* in the \w bitterness|strong="H4751"\w* of his \w soul|strong="H5315"\w*, and never \w eateth|strong="H0398"\w* with \w pleasure|strong="H2896"\w*.

JOB 21:26 Removed trailing space in v~: They shall lie \w down|strong="H7901"\w* \w alike|strong="H3162"\w* in the \w dust|strong="H6083"\w*, and the \w worms|strong="H7415"\w* shall \w cover|strong="H3680"\w* them.

JOB 21:27 Removed trailing space in v~: Behold, I \w know|strong="H3045"\w* your \w thoughts|strong="H4284"\w*, and the \w devices|strong="H4209"\w* \add which\add* ye wrongfully \w imagine|strong="H2554"\w* against me.

JOB 21:28 Removed trailing space in v~: For ye \w say|strong="H0559"\w*, Where \add is\add* the \w house|strong="H1004"\w* of the \w prince|strong="H5081"\w*? and where \add are\add* the \w dwelling|strong="H4908"\w* \w places|strong="H0168"\w* of the \w wicked|strong="H7563"\w*?\f + \fr 21.28 \ft the dwelling…: Heb. the tent of the tabernacles\f*

JOB 21:29 Removed trailing space in v~: Have ye not \w asked|strong="H7592"\w* them that \w go|strong="H5674"\w* by the \w way|strong="H1870"\w*? and do ye not \w know|strong="H5234"\w* their \w tokens|strong="H0226"\w*,

JOB 21:30 Removed trailing space in v~: That the \w wicked|strong="H7451"\w* is \w reserved|strong="H2820"\w* to the \w day|strong="H3117"\w* of \w destruction|strong="H0343"\w*? they shall be brought \w forth|strong="H2986"\w* to the \w day|strong="H3117"\w* of \w wrath|strong="H5678"\w*.\f + \fr 21.30 \ft wrath: Heb. wraths\f*

JOB 21:31 Removed trailing space in v~: Who shall \w declare|strong="H5046"\w* his \w way|strong="H1870"\w* to his \w face|strong="H6440"\w*? and who shall \w repay|strong="H7999"\w* him \add what\add* he hath \w done|strong="H6213"\w*?

JOB 21:32 Removed trailing space in v~: Yet shall he be \w brought|strong="H2986"\w* to the \w grave|strong="H6913"\w*, and shall \w remain|strong="H8245"\w* in the \w tomb|strong="H1430"\w*.\f + \fr 21.32 \ft grave: Heb. graves\f*\f + \fr 21.32 \ft remain…: Heb. watch in the heap\f*

JOB 21:33 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w clods|strong="H7263"\w* of the \w valley|strong="H5158"\w* shall be \w sweet|strong="H4985"\w* unto him, and every \w man|strong="H0120"\w* shall \w draw|strong="H4900"\w* \w after|strong="H0310"\w* him, as \add there are\add* \w innumerable|strong="H4557"\w* \w before|strong="H6440"\w* him.

JOB 21:34 Removed trailing space in v~: How then \w comfort|strong="H5162"\w* ye me in \w vain|strong="H1892"\w*, seeing in your \w answers|strong="H8666"\w* there \w remaineth|strong="H7604"\w* \w falsehood|strong="H4604"\w*?\f + \fr 21.34 \ft falsehood: Heb. transgression?\f*

JOB 22:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 22:0 Removed trailing space in c: 22

JOB 22:1 Removed trailing space in v~: Then \w Eliphaz|strong="H0464"\w* the \w Temanite|strong="H8489"\w* \w answered|strong="H6030"\w* and \w said|strong="H0559"\w*,

JOB 22:2 Removed trailing space in v~: Can a \w man|strong="H1397"\w* be \w profitable|strong="H5532"\w* unto \w God|strong="H0410"\w*, \w as|strong="H3588"\w* he that is \w wise|strong="H7919"\w* may be \w profitable|strong="H5532"\w* unto himself?\f + \fr 22.2 \ft as he…: or, if he may be profitable, doth his good success depend thereon?\f*

JOB 22:3 Removed trailing space in v~: \add Is it\add* any \w pleasure|strong="H2656"\w* to the \w Almighty|strong="H7706"\w*, that thou art \w righteous|strong="H6663"\w*? or \add is it\add* \w gain|strong="H1215"\w* \add to him\add*, that thou makest thy \w ways|strong="H1870"\w* \w perfect|strong="H8552"\w*?

JOB 22:4 Removed trailing space in v~: Will he \w reprove|strong="H3198"\w* thee for \w fear|strong="H3374"\w* of thee? will he \w enter|strong="H0935"\w* with thee into \w judgment|strong="H4941"\w*?

JOB 22:5 Removed trailing space in v~: \add Is\add* not thy \w wickedness|strong="H7451"\w* \w great|strong="H7227"\w*? and thine \w iniquities|strong="H5771"\w* \w infinite|strong="H7093"\w*?

JOB 22:6 Removed trailing space in v~: For thou hast taken a \w pledge|strong="H2254"\w* from thy \w brother|strong="H0251"\w* for \w nought|strong="H2600"\w*, and \w stripped|strong="H6584"\w* the \w naked|strong="H6174"\w* of their \w clothing|strong="H0899"\w*.\f + \fr 22.6 \ft the naked…: Heb. the clothes of the naked\f*

JOB 22:7 Removed trailing space in v~: Thou hast not given \w water|strong="H4325"\w* to the \w weary|strong="H5889"\w* to \w drink|strong="H8248"\w*, and thou hast \w withholden|strong="H4513"\w* \w bread|strong="H3899"\w* from the \w hungry|strong="H7457"\w*.

JOB 22:8 Removed trailing space in v~: But \add as for\add* the \w mighty|strong="H2220"\w* \w man|strong="H0376"\w*, he had the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*; and the honourable \w man|strong="H5375"\w* \w dwelt|strong="H3427"\w* in it.\f + \fr 22.8 \ft mighty…: Heb. man of arm\f*\f + \fr 22.8 \ft honourable…: Heb. eminent, or, accepted for countenance\f*

JOB 22:9 Removed trailing space in v~: Thou hast \w sent|strong="H7971"\w* \w widows|strong="H0490"\w* away \w empty|strong="H7387"\w*, and the \w arms|strong="H2220"\w* of the \w fatherless|strong="H3490"\w* have been \w broken|strong="H1792"\w*.

JOB 22:10 Removed trailing space in v~: Therefore \w snares|strong="H6341"\w* \add are\add* round \w about|strong="H5439"\w* thee, and \w sudden|strong="H6597"\w* \w fear|strong="H6343"\w* \w troubleth|strong="H0926"\w* thee;

JOB 22:11 Removed trailing space in v~: Or \w darkness|strong="H2822"\w*, \add that\add* thou canst not \w see|strong="H7200"\w*; and \w abundance|strong="H8229"\w* of \w waters|strong="H4325"\w* \w cover|strong="H3680"\w* thee.

JOB 22:12 Removed trailing space in v~: \add Is\add* not \w God|strong="H0433"\w* in the \w height|strong="H1363"\w* of \w heaven|strong="H8064"\w*? and \w behold|strong="H7200"\w* the \w height|strong="H7218"\w* of the \w stars|strong="H3556"\w*, how \w high|strong="H7311"\w* they are!\f + \fr 22.12 \ft height of the stars: Heb. head of the stars\f*

JOB 22:13 Removed trailing space in v~: And thou \w sayest|strong="H0559"\w*, How doth \w God|strong="H0410"\w* \w know|strong="H3045"\w*? can he \w judge|strong="H8199"\w* through the dark \w cloud|strong="H6205"\w*?\f + \fr 22.13 \ft How: or, What\f*

JOB 22:14 Removed trailing space in v~: Thick \w clouds|strong="H5645"\w* \add are\add* a \w covering|strong="H5643"\w* to him, that he \w seeth|strong="H7200"\w* not; and he \w walketh|strong="H1980"\w* in the \w circuit|strong="H2329"\w* of \w heaven|strong="H8064"\w*.

JOB 22:15 Removed trailing space in v~: Hast thou \w marked|strong="H8104"\w* the \w old|strong="H5769"\w* \w way|strong="H0734"\w* which \w wicked|strong="H0205"\w* \w men|strong="H4962"\w* have \w trodden|strong="H1869"\w*?

JOB 22:16 Removed trailing space in v~: Which were cut \w down|strong="H7059"\w* out of \w time|strong="H6256"\w*, whose \w foundation|strong="H3247"\w* was \w overflown|strong="H3332"\w* with a \w flood|strong="H5104"\w*:\f + \fr 22.16 \ft whose…: Heb. a flood was poured upon their foundation\f*

JOB 22:17 Removed trailing space in v~: Which \w said|strong="H0559"\w* unto \w God|strong="H0410"\w*, \w Depart|strong="H5493"\w* from us: and what can the \w Almighty|strong="H7706"\w* \w do|strong="H6466"\w* for them?\f + \fr 22.17 \ft for: or, to\f*

JOB 22:18 Removed trailing space in v~: Yet he \w filled|strong="H4390"\w* their \w houses|strong="H1004"\w* with \w good|strong="H2896"\w* \add things:\add* but the \w counsel|strong="H6098"\w* of the \w wicked|strong="H7563"\w* is \w far|strong="H7368"\w* from me.

JOB 22:19 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w righteous|strong="H6662"\w* \w see|strong="H7200"\w* \add it\add*, and are \w glad|strong="H8055"\w*: and the \w innocent|strong="H5355"\w* laugh them to \w scorn|strong="H3932"\w*.

JOB 22:20 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Whereas|strong="H0518"\w* our \w substance|strong="H7009"\w* is not cut \w down|strong="H3582"\w*, but the \w remnant|strong="H3499"\w* of them the \w fire|strong="H0784"\w* \w consumeth|strong="H0398"\w*.\f + \fr 22.20 \ft substance: or, estate\f*\f + \fr 22.20 \ft the remnant…: or, their excellency\f*

JOB 22:21 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Acquaint|strong="H5532"\w* now thyself with him, and be at \w peace|strong="H7999"\w*: thereby \w good|strong="H2896"\w* shall \w come|strong="H0935"\w* unto thee.\f + \fr 22.21 \ft him: that is, God\f*

JOB 22:22 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Receive|strong="H3947"\w*, I pray thee, the \w law|strong="H8451"\w* from his \w mouth|strong="H6310"\w*, and lay \w up|strong="H7760"\w* his \w words|strong="H0561"\w* in thine \w heart|strong="H3824"\w*.

JOB 22:23 Removed trailing space in v~: If thou \w return|strong="H7725"\w* to the \w Almighty|strong="H7706"\w*, thou shalt be built \w up|strong="H1129"\w*, thou shalt put \w away|strong="H7368"\w* \w iniquity|strong="H5766"\w* \w far|strong="H7368"\w* from thy \w tabernacles|strong="H0168"\w*.

JOB 22:24 Removed trailing space in v~: Then shalt thou lay \w up|strong="H7896"\w* \w gold|strong="H1220"\w* \w as|strong="H5921"\w* \w dust|strong="H6083"\w*, and the \add gold\add* of \w Ophir|strong="H0211"\w* as the \w stones|strong="H6697"\w* of the \w brooks|strong="H5158"\w*.\f + \fr 22.24 \ft as dust: or, on the dust\f*

JOB 22:25 Removed trailing space in v~: Yea, the \w Almighty|strong="H7706"\w* shall be thy \w defence|strong="H1220"\w*, and thou shalt have \w plenty|strong="H8443"\w* of \w silver|strong="H3701"\w*.\f + \fr 22.25 \ft defence: or, gold\f*\f + \fr 22.25 \ft plenty…: Heb. silver of strength\f*

JOB 22:26 Removed trailing space in v~: For then shalt thou have thy \w delight|strong="H6026"\w* in the \w Almighty|strong="H7706"\w*, and shalt lift \w up|strong="H5375"\w* thy \w face|strong="H6440"\w* unto \w God|strong="H0433"\w*.

JOB 22:27 Removed trailing space in v~: Thou shalt make thy \w prayer|strong="H6279"\w* unto him, and he shall \w hear|strong="H8085"\w* thee, and thou shalt \w pay|strong="H7999"\w* thy \w vows|strong="H5088"\w*.

JOB 22:28 Removed trailing space in v~: Thou shalt also \w decree|strong="H1504"\w* a \w thing|strong="H0562"\w*, and it shall be \w established|strong="H6965"\w* unto thee: and the \w light|strong="H0216"\w* shall \w shine|strong="H5050"\w* upon thy \w ways|strong="H1870"\w*.

JOB 22:29 Removed trailing space in v~: When \add men\add* are cast \w down|strong="H8213"\w*, then thou shalt \w say|strong="H0559"\w*, \add There is\add* lifting \w up|strong="H1466"\w*; and he shall \w save|strong="H3467"\w* the \w humble|strong="H7807"\w* \w person|strong="H5869"\w*.\f + \fr 22.29 \ft the humble…: Heb. him that hath low eyes\f*

JOB 22:30 Removed trailing space in v~: He shall \w deliver|strong="H4422"\w* the \w island|strong="H0336"\w* of the \w innocent|strong="H5355"\w*: and it is \w delivered|strong="H4422"\w* by the \w pureness|strong="H1252"\w* of thine \w hands|strong="H3709"\w*.\f + \fr 22.30 \ft He shall…: or, The innocent shall deliver the island\f*

JOB 23:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 23:0 Removed trailing space in c: 23

JOB 23:1 Removed trailing space in v~: Then \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* \w answered|strong="H6030"\w* and \w said|strong="H0559"\w*,

JOB 23:2 Removed trailing space in v~: Even to \w day|strong="H3117"\w* \add is\add* my \w complaint|strong="H7879"\w* \w bitter|strong="H4805"\w*: my \w stroke|strong="H3027"\w* is \w heavier|strong="H3513"\w* than my \w groaning|strong="H0585"\w*.\f + \fr 23.2 \ft stroke: Heb. hand\f*

JOB 23:3 Removed trailing space in v~: Oh \w that|strong="H5414"\w* I \w knew|strong="H3045"\w* where I might \w find|strong="H4672"\w* him! \add that\add* I might \w come|strong="H0935"\w* \add even\add* to his \w seat|strong="H8499"\w*!

JOB 23:4 Removed trailing space in v~: I would \w order|strong="H6186"\w* \add my\add* \w cause|strong="H4941"\w* \w before|strong="H6440"\w* him, and \w fill|strong="H4390"\w* my \w mouth|strong="H6310"\w* with \w arguments|strong="H8433"\w*.

JOB 23:5 Removed trailing space in v~: I would \w know|strong="H3045"\w* the \w words|strong="H4405"\w* \add which\add* he would \w answer|strong="H6030"\w* me, and \w understand|strong="H0995"\w* what he would \w say|strong="H0559"\w* unto me.

JOB 23:6 Removed trailing space in v~: Will he \w plead|strong="H7378"\w* \w against|strong="H5978"\w* me with \add his\add* \w great|strong="H7230"\w* \w power|strong="H3581"\w*? No; but he would \w put|strong="H7760"\w* \add strength\add* in me.

JOB 23:7 Removed trailing space in v~: There the \w righteous|strong="H3477"\w* might \w dispute|strong="H3198"\w* with him; so should I be \w delivered|strong="H6403"\w* for \w ever|strong="H5331"\w* from my \w judge|strong="H8199"\w*.

JOB 23:8 Removed trailing space in v~: Behold, I \w go|strong="H1980"\w* \w forward|strong="H6924"\w*, but he \add is\add* not \add there;\add* and \w backward|strong="H0268"\w*, but I cannot \w perceive|strong="H0995"\w* him:

JOB 23:9 Removed trailing space in v~: On the left \w hand|strong="H8040"\w*, where he doth \w work|strong="H6213"\w*, but I cannot \w behold|strong="H2372"\w* \add him:\add* he \w hideth|strong="H5848"\w* himself on the right \w hand|strong="H3225"\w*, that I cannot \w see|strong="H7200"\w* \add him:\add*

JOB 23:10 Removed trailing space in v~: But he \w knoweth|strong="H3045"\w* the \w way|strong="H1870"\w* that I \w take|strong="H5978"\w*: \add when\add* he hath \w tried|strong="H0974"\w* me, I shall come \w forth|strong="H3318"\w* as \w gold|strong="H2091"\w*.\f + \fr 23.10 \ft that…: Heb. that is with me\f*

JOB 23:11 Removed trailing space in v~: My \w foot|strong="H7272"\w* hath \w held|strong="H0270"\w* his \w steps|strong="H0838"\w*, his \w way|strong="H1870"\w* have I \w kept|strong="H8104"\w*, and not \w declined|strong="H5186"\w*.

JOB 23:12 Removed trailing space in v~: Neither have I gone \w back|strong="H4185"\w* from the \w commandment|strong="H4687"\w* of his \w lips|strong="H8193"\w*; I have \w esteemed|strong="H6845"\w* the \w words|strong="H0561"\w* of his \w mouth|strong="H6310"\w* more than my \w necessary|strong="H2706"\w* \add food\add*.\f + \fr 23.12 \ft esteemed: Heb. hid, or, laid up\f*\f + \fr 23.12 \ft my…: or, my appointed portion\f*

JOB 23:13 Removed trailing space in v~: But he \add is\add* in \w one|strong="H0259"\w* \add mind\add*, and who can \w turn|strong="H7725"\w* him? and \add what\add* his \w soul|strong="H5315"\w* \w desireth|strong="H0183"\w*, even \add that\add* he \w doeth|strong="H6213"\w*.

JOB 23:14 Removed trailing space in v~: For he \w performeth|strong="H7999"\w* \add the thing that is\add* \w appointed|strong="H2706"\w* for me: and \w many|strong="H7227"\w* \w such|strong="H2007"\w* \add things are\add* with him.

JOB 23:15 Removed trailing space in v~: Therefore am I \w troubled|strong="H0926"\w* at his \w presence|strong="H6440"\w*: when I \w consider|strong="H0995"\w*, I am \w afraid|strong="H6342"\w* of him.

JOB 23:16 Removed trailing space in v~: For \w God|strong="H0410"\w* maketh my \w heart|strong="H3820"\w* \w soft|strong="H7401"\w*, and the \w Almighty|strong="H7706"\w* \w troubleth|strong="H0926"\w* me:

JOB 23:17 Removed trailing space in v~: Because I was not cut \w off|strong="H6789"\w* \w before|strong="H6440"\w* the \w darkness|strong="H2822"\w*, \add neither\add* hath he \w covered|strong="H3680"\w* the \w darkness|strong="H0652"\w* from my \w face|strong="H6440"\w*.

JOB 24:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 24:0 Removed trailing space in c: 24

JOB 24:1 Removed trailing space in v~: Why, seeing \w times|strong="H6256"\w* are not \w hidden|strong="H6845"\w* from the \w Almighty|strong="H7706"\w*, do they that \w know|strong="H3045"\w* him not \w see|strong="H2372"\w* his \w days|strong="H3117"\w*?

JOB 24:2 Removed trailing space in v~: \add Some\add* \w remove|strong="H5381"\w* the \w landmarks|strong="H1367"\w*; they violently take \w away|strong="H1497"\w* \w flocks|strong="H5739"\w*, and \w feed|strong="H7462"\w* \add thereof\add*.\f + \fr 24.2 \ft feed…: or, feed them\f*

JOB 24:3 Removed trailing space in v~: They drive \w away|strong="H5090"\w* the \w ass|strong="H2543"\w* of the \w fatherless|strong="H3490"\w*, they \w take|strong="H2254"\w* the \w widow’s|strong="H0490"\w* \w ox|strong="H7794"\w* for a \w pledge|strong="H2254"\w*.

JOB 24:4 Removed trailing space in v~: They \w turn|strong="H5186"\w* the \w needy|strong="H0034"\w* out of the \w way|strong="H1870"\w*: the \w poor|strong="H6041"\w* of the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w* \w hide|strong="H2244"\w* themselves \w together|strong="H3162"\w*.

JOB 24:5 Removed trailing space in v~: Behold, \add as\add* wild \w asses|strong="H6501"\w* in the \w desert|strong="H4057"\w*, go they \w forth|strong="H3318"\w* to their \w work|strong="H6467"\w*; rising \w betimes|strong="H7836"\w* for a \w prey|strong="H2964"\w*: the \w wilderness|strong="H6160"\w* \add yieldeth\add* \w food|strong="H3899"\w* for them \add and\add* for \add their\add* \w children|strong="H5288"\w*.

JOB 24:6 Removed trailing space in v~: They \w reap|strong="H7114"\w* \add every one\add* his \w corn|strong="H1098"\w* in the \w field|strong="H7704"\w*: and they \w gather|strong="H3953"\w* the \w vintage|strong="H3754"\w* of the \w wicked|strong="H7563"\w*.\f + \fr 24.6 \ft corn: Heb. mingled corn, or, dredge\f*\f + \fr 24.6 \ft they gather…: Heb. the wicked gather the vintage\f*

JOB 24:7 Removed trailing space in v~: They cause the \w naked|strong="H6174"\w* to \w lodge|strong="H3885"\w* without \w clothing|strong="H3830"\w*, that \add they have\add* no \w covering|strong="H3682"\w* in the \w cold|strong="H7135"\w*.

JOB 24:8 Removed trailing space in v~: They are \w wet|strong="H7372"\w* with the \w showers|strong="H2230"\w* of the \w mountains|strong="H2022"\w*, and \w embrace|strong="H2263"\w* the \w rock|strong="H6697"\w* for want of a \w shelter|strong="H4268"\w*.

JOB 24:9 Removed trailing space in v~: They \w pluck|strong="H1497"\w* the \w fatherless|strong="H3490"\w* from the \w breast|strong="H7699"\w*, and take a \w pledge|strong="H2254"\w* of the \w poor|strong="H6041"\w*.

JOB 24:10 Removed trailing space in v~: They cause \add him\add* to \w go|strong="H1980"\w* \w naked|strong="H6174"\w* without \w clothing|strong="H3830"\w*, and they take \w away|strong="H5375"\w* the \w sheaf|strong="H6016"\w* \add from\add* the \w hungry|strong="H7457"\w*;

JOB 24:11 Removed trailing space in v~: \add Which\add* make \w oil|strong="H6671"\w* \w within|strong="H0996"\w* their \w walls|strong="H7791"\w*, \add and\add* \w tread|strong="H1869"\w* \add their\add* \w winepresses|strong="H3342"\w*, and suffer \w thirst|strong="H6770"\w*.

JOB 24:12 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Men|strong="H4962"\w* \w groan|strong="H5008"\w* from out of the \w city|strong="H5892"\w*, and the \w soul|strong="H5315"\w* of the \w wounded|strong="H2491"\w* crieth \w out|strong="H7768"\w*: yet \w God|strong="H0433"\w* \w layeth|strong="H7760"\w* not \w folly|strong="H8604"\w* \add to them\add*.

JOB 24:13 Removed trailing space in v~: They are of those that \w rebel|strong="H4775"\w* against the \w light|strong="H0216"\w*; they \w know|strong="H5234"\w* not the \w ways|strong="H1870"\w* thereof, nor \w abide|strong="H3427"\w* in the \w paths|strong="H5410"\w* thereof.

JOB 24:14 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w murderer|strong="H7523"\w* \w rising|strong="H6965"\w* with the \w light|strong="H0216"\w* \w killeth|strong="H6991"\w* the \w poor|strong="H6041"\w* and \w needy|strong="H0034"\w*, and in the \w night|strong="H3915"\w* is as a \w thief|strong="H1590"\w*.

JOB 24:15 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w eye|strong="H5869"\w* also of the \w adulterer|strong="H5003"\w* \w waiteth|strong="H8104"\w* for the \w twilight|strong="H5399"\w*, \w saying|strong="H0559"\w*, No \w eye|strong="H5869"\w* shall \w see|strong="H7789"\w* me: and \w disguiseth|strong="H5643"\w* \add his\add* \w face|strong="H6440"\w*.\f + \fr 24.15 \ft disguiseth…: Heb. setteth his face in secret\f*

JOB 24:16 Removed trailing space in v~: In the \w dark|strong="H2822"\w* they dig \w through|strong="H2864"\w* \w houses|strong="H1004"\w*, \add which\add* they had \w marked|strong="H2856"\w* for themselves in the \w daytime|strong="H3119"\w*: they \w know|strong="H3045"\w* not the \w light|strong="H0216"\w*.

JOB 24:17 Removed trailing space in v~: For the \w morning|strong="H1242"\w* \add is\add* to them even \w as|strong="H3162"\w* the shadow of \w death|strong="H6757"\w*: if \add one\add* \w know|strong="H5234"\w* \add them, they are in\add* the \w terrors|strong="H1091"\w* of the shadow of \w death|strong="H6757"\w*.

JOB 24:18 Removed trailing space in v~: He \add is\add* \w swift|strong="H7031"\w* as the \w waters|strong="H6440"\w*; their \w portion|strong="H2513"\w* is \w cursed|strong="H7043"\w* in the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*: he \w beholdeth|strong="H6437"\w* not the \w way|strong="H1870"\w* of the \w vineyards|strong="H3754"\w*.

JOB 24:19 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Drought|strong="H6723"\w* and \w heat|strong="H2527"\w* \w consume|strong="H1497"\w* the \w snow|strong="H7950"\w* \w waters|strong="H4325"\w*: \add so doth\add* the \w grave|strong="H7585"\w* \add those which\add* have \w sinned|strong="H2398"\w*.\f + \fr 24.19 \ft consume: Heb. violently take\f*

JOB 24:20 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w womb|strong="H7358"\w* shall \w forget|strong="H7911"\w* him; the \w worm|strong="H7415"\w* shall feed \w sweetly|strong="H4988"\w* on him; he shall be no more \w remembered|strong="H2142"\w*; and \w wickedness|strong="H5766"\w* shall be \w broken|strong="H7665"\w* as a \w tree|strong="H6086"\w*.

JOB 24:21 Removed trailing space in v~: He evil \w entreateth|strong="H7462"\w* the \w barren|strong="H6135"\w* \add that\add* \w beareth|strong="H3205"\w* not: and doeth not \w good|strong="H3190"\w* to the \w widow|strong="H0490"\w*.

JOB 24:22 Removed trailing space in v~: He \w draweth|strong="H4900"\w* also the \w mighty|strong="H0047"\w* with his \w power|strong="H3581"\w*: he riseth \w up|strong="H6965"\w*, and no \add man\add* is \w sure|strong="H0539"\w* of \w life|strong="H2416"\w*.\f + \fr 24.22 \ft no…: or, he trusteth not his own life\f*

JOB 24:23 Removed trailing space in v~: \add Though\add* it be \w given|strong="H5414"\w* him \add to be\add* in \w safety|strong="H0983"\w*, whereon he \w resteth|strong="H8172"\w*; yet his \w eyes|strong="H5869"\w* \add are\add* upon their \w ways|strong="H1870"\w*.

JOB 24:24 Removed trailing space in v~: They are \w exalted|strong="H7426"\w* for a little \w while|strong="H4592"\w*, but are gone and brought \w low|strong="H4355"\w*; they are taken \w out|strong="H7092"\w* of the \w way|strong="H1870"\w* as all \add other\add*, and cut \w off|strong="H5243"\w* as the \w tops|strong="H7218"\w* of the ears of \w corn|strong="H7641"\w*.\f + \fr 24.24 \ft are gone: Heb. are not\f*\f + \fr 24.24 \ft taken…: Heb. closed up\f*

JOB 24:25 Removed trailing space in v~: And if \add it be\add* not \add so\add* \w now|strong="H0645"\w*, who will \w make|strong="H7760"\w* me a \w liar|strong="H3576"\w*, and \w make|strong="H7760"\w* my \w speech|strong="H4405"\w* nothing \w worth|strong="H0408"\w*?

JOB 25:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 25:0 Removed trailing space in c: 25

JOB 25:1 Removed trailing space in v~: Then \w answered|strong="H6030"\w* \w Bildad|strong="H1085"\w* the \w Shuhite|strong="H7747"\w*, and \w said|strong="H0559"\w*,

JOB 25:2 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Dominion|strong="H4910"\w* and \w fear|strong="H6343"\w* \add are\add* with him, he \w maketh|strong="H6213"\w* \w peace|strong="H7965"\w* in his high \w places|strong="H4791"\w*.

JOB 25:3 Removed trailing space in v~: Is \w there|strong="H3426"\w* any \w number|strong="H4557"\w* of his \w armies|strong="H1416"\w*? and upon whom doth not his \w light|strong="H0216"\w* \w arise|strong="H6965"\w*?

JOB 25:4 Removed trailing space in v~: How then can \w man|strong="H0582"\w* be \w justified|strong="H6663"\w* with \w God|strong="H0410"\w*? or how can he be \w clean|strong="H2135"\w* \add that is\add* \w born|strong="H3205"\w* of a \w woman|strong="H0802"\w*?

JOB 25:5 Removed trailing space in v~: Behold even to the \w moon|strong="H3394"\w*, and it \w shineth|strong="H0166"\w* not; yea, the \w stars|strong="H3556"\w* are not \w pure|strong="H2141"\w* in his \w sight|strong="H5869"\w*.

JOB 25:6 Removed trailing space in v~: How much less \w man|strong="H0582"\w*, \add that is\add* a \w worm|strong="H7415"\w*? and the \w son|strong="H1121"\w* of \w man|strong="H0120"\w*, \add which is\add* a \w worm|strong="H8438"\w*?

JOB 26:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 26:0 Removed trailing space in c: 26

JOB 26:1 Removed trailing space in v~: But \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* \w answered|strong="H6030"\w* and \w said|strong="H0559"\w*,

JOB 26:2 Removed trailing space in v~: How hast thou \w helped|strong="H5826"\w* \add him that is\add* without \w power|strong="H3581"\w*? \add how\add* \w savest|strong="H3467"\w* thou the \w arm|strong="H2220"\w* \add that hath\add* \w no|strong="H3808"\w* \w strength|strong="H5797"\w*?

JOB 26:3 Removed trailing space in v~: How hast thou \w counselled|strong="H3289"\w* \add him that hath\add* \w no|strong="H3808"\w* \w wisdom|strong="H2451"\w*? and \add how\add* hast thou \w plentifully|strong="H7230"\w* \w declared|strong="H3045"\w* the thing as it \w is|strong="H8454"\w*?

JOB 26:4 Removed trailing space in v~: To whom hast thou \w uttered|strong="H5046"\w* \w words|strong="H4405"\w*? and whose \w spirit|strong="H5397"\w* \w came|strong="H3318"\w* from thee?

JOB 26:5 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Dead|strong="H7496"\w* \add things\add* are \w formed|strong="H2342"\w* from under the \w waters|strong="H4325"\w*, and the \w inhabitants|strong="H7931"\w* thereof.\f + \fr 26.5 \ft and the…: or, with the inhabitants\f*

JOB 26:6 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Hell|strong="H7585"\w* \add is\add* \w naked|strong="H6174"\w* before him, and \w destruction|strong="H0011"\w* hath no \w covering|strong="H3682"\w*.

JOB 26:7 Removed trailing space in v~: He stretcheth \w out|strong="H5186"\w* the \w north|strong="H6828"\w* over the empty \w place|strong="H8414"\w*, \add and\add* \w hangeth|strong="H8518"\w* the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w* upon \w nothing|strong="H1099"\w*.

JOB 26:8 Removed trailing space in v~: He bindeth \w up|strong="H6887"\w* the \w waters|strong="H4325"\w* in his thick \w clouds|strong="H5645"\w*; and the \w cloud|strong="H6051"\w* is not \w rent|strong="H1234"\w* under them.

JOB 26:9 Removed trailing space in v~: He holdeth \w back|strong="H0270"\w* the \w face|strong="H6440"\w* of his \w throne|strong="H3678"\w*, \add and\add* \w spreadeth|strong="H6576"\w* his \w cloud|strong="H6051"\w* upon it.

JOB 26:10 Removed trailing space in v~: He hath \w compassed|strong="H2328"\w* the \w waters|strong="H6440"\w* with \w bounds|strong="H2706"\w*, until the \w day|strong="H0216"\w* and \w night|strong="H2822"\w* come to an \w end|strong="H8503"\w*.\f + \fr 26.10 \ft until…: Heb. until the end of light with darkness\f*

JOB 26:11 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w pillars|strong="H5982"\w* of \w heaven|strong="H8064"\w* \w tremble|strong="H7322"\w* and are \w astonished|strong="H8539"\w* at his \w reproof|strong="H1606"\w*.

JOB 26:12 Removed trailing space in v~: He \w divideth|strong="H7280"\w* the \w sea|strong="H3220"\w* with his \w power|strong="H3581"\w*, and by his \w understanding|strong="H8394"\w* he \w smiteth|strong="H4272"\w* through the \w proud|strong="H7293"\w*.\f + \fr 26.12 \ft the proud: Heb. pride\f*

JOB 26:13 Removed trailing space in v~: By his \w spirit|strong="H7307"\w* he hath \w garnished|strong="H8235"\w* the \w heavens|strong="H8064"\w*; his \w hand|strong="H3027"\w* hath \w formed|strong="H2342"\w* the \w crooked|strong="H1281"\w* \w serpent|strong="H5175"\w*.

JOB 26:14 Removed trailing space in v~: Lo, these \add are\add* \w parts|strong="H7098"\w* of his \w ways|strong="H1870"\w*: but how \w little|strong="H8102"\w* a \w portion|strong="H1697"\w* is \w heard|strong="H8085"\w* of him? but the \w thunder|strong="H7482"\w* of his \w power|strong="H1369"\w* who can \w understand|strong="H0995"\w*?

JOB 27:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 27:0 Removed trailing space in c: 27

JOB 27:1 Removed trailing space in v~: Moreover \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* \w continued|strong="H3254"\w* his \w parable|strong="H4912"\w*, and \w said|strong="H0559"\w*,\f + \fr 27.1 \ft continued: Heb. added to take up\f*

JOB 27:2 Removed trailing space in v~: \add As\add* \w God|strong="H0410"\w* \w liveth|strong="H2416"\w*, \add who\add* hath taken \w away|strong="H5493"\w* my \w judgment|strong="H4941"\w*; and the \w Almighty|strong="H7706"\w*, \add who\add* hath \w vexed|strong="H4843"\w* my \w soul|strong="H5315"\w*;\f + \fr 27.2 \ft vexed…: Heb. made my soul bitter\f*

JOB 27:3 Removed trailing space in v~: All the \w while|strong="H5750"\w* my \w breath|strong="H5397"\w* \add is\add* in me, and the \w spirit|strong="H7307"\w* of \w God|strong="H0433"\w* \add is\add* in my \w nostrils|strong="H0639"\w*;\f + \fr 27.3 \ft the spirit…: that is, the breath which God gave him\f*

JOB 27:4 Removed trailing space in v~: My \w lips|strong="H8193"\w* shall not \w speak|strong="H1696"\w* \w wickedness|strong="H5766"\w*, nor my \w tongue|strong="H3956"\w* \w utter|strong="H1897"\w* \w deceit|strong="H7423"\w*.

JOB 27:5 Removed trailing space in v~: God \w forbid|strong="H2486"\w* that I should \w justify|strong="H6663"\w* you: till I \w die|strong="H1478"\w* I will not \w remove|strong="H5493"\w* mine \w integrity|strong="H8538"\w* from me.

JOB 27:6 Removed trailing space in v~: My \w righteousness|strong="H6666"\w* I \w hold|strong="H2388"\w* fast, and will not let it \w go|strong="H7503"\w*: my \w heart|strong="H3824"\w* shall not \w reproach|strong="H2778"\w* \add me\add* so long as I \w live|strong="H3117"\w*.\f + \fr 27.6 \ft so long…: Heb. from my days\f*

JOB 27:7 Removed trailing space in v~: Let mine \w enemy|strong="H0341"\w* be as the \w wicked|strong="H7563"\w*, and he that riseth \w up|strong="H6965"\w* against me as the \w unrighteous|strong="H5767"\w*.

JOB 27:8 Removed trailing space in v~: For what \add is\add* the \w hope|strong="H8615"\w* of the \w hypocrite|strong="H2611"\w*, though he hath \w gained|strong="H1214"\w*, when \w God|strong="H0433"\w* taketh \w away|strong="H7953"\w* his \w soul|strong="H5315"\w*?

JOB 27:9 Removed trailing space in v~: Will \w God|strong="H0410"\w* \w hear|strong="H8085"\w* his \w cry|strong="H6818"\w* when \w trouble|strong="H6869"\w* \w cometh|strong="H0935"\w* upon him?

JOB 27:10 Removed trailing space in v~: Will he \w delight|strong="H6026"\w* himself in the \w Almighty|strong="H7706"\w*? will he \w always|strong="H6256"\w* \w call|strong="H7121"\w* upon \w God|strong="H0433"\w*?

JOB 27:11 Removed trailing space in v~: I will \w teach|strong="H3384"\w* you by the \w hand|strong="H3027"\w* of \w God|strong="H0410"\w*: \add that\add* which \add is\add* with the \w Almighty|strong="H7706"\w* will I not \w conceal|strong="H3582"\w*.\f + \fr 27.11 \ft by…: or, being in the hand, etc\f*

JOB 27:12 Removed trailing space in v~: Behold, all ye yourselves have \w seen|strong="H2372"\w* \add it;\add* why then are ye thus \w altogether|strong="H1892"\w* \w vain|strong="H1891"\w*?

JOB 27:13 Removed trailing space in v~: This \add is\add* the \w portion|strong="H2506"\w* of a \w wicked|strong="H7563"\w* \w man|strong="H0120"\w* with \w God|strong="H0410"\w*, and the \w heritage|strong="H5159"\w* of \w oppressors|strong="H6184"\w*, \add which\add* they shall \w receive|strong="H3947"\w* of the \w Almighty|strong="H7706"\w*.

JOB 27:14 Removed trailing space in v~: If his \w children|strong="H1121"\w* be \w multiplied|strong="H7235"\w*, \add it is\add* \w for|strong="H3926"\w* the \w sword|strong="H2719"\w*: and his \w offspring|strong="H6631"\w* shall not be \w satisfied|strong="H7646"\w* with \w bread|strong="H3899"\w*.

JOB 27:15 Removed trailing space in v~: Those that \w remain|strong="H8300"\w* of him shall be \w buried|strong="H6912"\w* in \w death|strong="H4194"\w*: and his \w widows|strong="H0490"\w* shall not \w weep|strong="H1058"\w*.

JOB 27:16 Removed trailing space in v~: Though he heap \w up|strong="H6651"\w* \w silver|strong="H3701"\w* as the \w dust|strong="H6083"\w*, and \w prepare|strong="H3559"\w* \w raiment|strong="H4403"\w* as the \w clay|strong="H2563"\w*;

JOB 27:17 Removed trailing space in v~: He may \w prepare|strong="H3559"\w* \add it\add*, but the \w just|strong="H6662"\w* shall put \add it\add* \w on|strong="H3847"\w*, and the \w innocent|strong="H5355"\w* shall \w divide|strong="H2505"\w* the \w silver|strong="H3701"\w*.

JOB 27:18 Removed trailing space in v~: He \w buildeth|strong="H1129"\w* his \w house|strong="H1004"\w* as a \w moth|strong="H6211"\w*, and as a \w booth|strong="H5521"\w* \add that\add* the \w keeper|strong="H5341"\w* \w maketh|strong="H6213"\w*.

JOB 27:19 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w rich|strong="H6223"\w* man shall lie \w down|strong="H7901"\w*, but he shall not be \w gathered|strong="H0622"\w*: he \w openeth|strong="H6491"\w* his \w eyes|strong="H5869"\w*, and he \add is\add* not.

JOB 27:20 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Terrors|strong="H1091"\w* take \w hold|strong="H5381"\w* on him as \w waters|strong="H4325"\w*, a \w tempest|strong="H5492"\w* stealeth him \w away|strong="H1589"\w* in the \w night|strong="H3915"\w*.

JOB 27:21 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w east|strong="H6921"\w* wind carrieth him \w away|strong="H5375"\w*, and he \w departeth|strong="H3212"\w*: and as a storm \w hurleth|strong="H8175"\w* him out of his \w place|strong="H4725"\w*.

JOB 27:22 Removed trailing space in v~: For \add God\add* shall \w cast|strong="H7993"\w* upon him, and not \w spare|strong="H2550"\w*: he would \w fain|strong="H1272"\w* \w flee|strong="H1272"\w* out of his \w hand|strong="H3027"\w*.\f + \fr 27.22 \ft he…: Heb. in fleeing he would flee\f*

JOB 27:23 Removed trailing space in v~: \add Men\add* shall \w clap|strong="H5606"\w* their \w hands|strong="H3709"\w* at him, and shall \w hiss|strong="H8319"\w* him out of his \w place|strong="H4725"\w*.

JOB 28:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 28:0 Removed trailing space in c: 28

JOB 28:1 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Surely|strong="H3426"\w* there is a \w vein|strong="H4161"\w* for the \w silver|strong="H3701"\w*, and a \w place|strong="H4725"\w* for \w gold|strong="H2091"\w* \add where\add* they \w fine|strong="H2212"\w* \add it\add*.\f + \fr 28.1 \ft vein: or, mine\f*

JOB 28:2 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Iron|strong="H1270"\w* is \w taken|strong="H3947"\w* out of the \w earth|strong="H6083"\w*, and \w brass|strong="H5154"\w* \add is\add* \w molten|strong="H6694"\w* \add out of\add* the \w stone|strong="H0068"\w*.\f + \fr 28.2 \ft earth: or, dust\f*

JOB 28:3 Removed trailing space in v~: He \w setteth|strong="H7760"\w* an \w end|strong="H7093"\w* to \w darkness|strong="H2822"\w*, and searcheth \w out|strong="H2713"\w* all \w perfection|strong="H8503"\w*: the \w stones|strong="H0068"\w* of \w darkness|strong="H0652"\w*, and the shadow of \w death|strong="H6757"\w*.

JOB 28:4 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w flood|strong="H5158"\w* breaketh \w out|strong="H6555"\w* from the \w inhabitant|strong="H1481"\w*; \add even the waters\add* \w forgotten|strong="H7911"\w* of the \w foot|strong="H7272"\w*: they are dried \w up|strong="H1809"\w*, they are gone \w away|strong="H5128"\w* from \w men|strong="H0582"\w*.

JOB 28:5 Removed trailing space in v~: \add As for\add* the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*, out of it \w cometh|strong="H3318"\w* \w bread|strong="H3899"\w*: and under it is turned \w up|strong="H2015"\w* as it were \w fire|strong="H0784"\w*.

JOB 28:6 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w stones|strong="H0068"\w* of it \add are\add* the \w place|strong="H4725"\w* of \w sapphires|strong="H5601"\w*: and it hath \w dust|strong="H6083"\w* of \w gold|strong="H2091"\w*.\f + \fr 28.6 \ft dust…: or, gold ore\f*

JOB 28:7 Removed trailing space in v~: \add There is\add* a \w path|strong="H5410"\w* which no \w fowl|strong="H5861"\w* \w knoweth|strong="H3045"\w*, and which the \w vulture’s|strong="H0344"\w* \w eye|strong="H5869"\w* hath not \w seen|strong="H7805"\w*:

JOB 28:8 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w lion’s|strong="H7830"\w* \w whelps|strong="H1121"\w* have not \w trodden|strong="H1869"\w* it, nor the fierce \w lion|strong="H7826"\w* \w passed|strong="H5710"\w* by it.

JOB 28:9 Removed trailing space in v~: He putteth \w forth|strong="H7971"\w* his \w hand|strong="H3027"\w* upon the \w rock|strong="H2496"\w*; he \w overturneth|strong="H2015"\w* the \w mountains|strong="H2022"\w* by the \w roots|strong="H8328"\w*.\f + \fr 28.9 \ft rock: or, flint\f*

JOB 28:10 Removed trailing space in v~: He cutteth \w out|strong="H1234"\w* \w rivers|strong="H2975"\w* among the \w rocks|strong="H6697"\w*; and his \w eye|strong="H5869"\w* \w seeth|strong="H7200"\w* every precious \w thing|strong="H3366"\w*.

JOB 28:11 Removed trailing space in v~: He \w bindeth|strong="H2280"\w* the \w floods|strong="H5104"\w* from \w overflowing|strong="H1065"\w*; and \add the thing that is\add* \w hid|strong="H8587"\w* bringeth he \w forth|strong="H3318"\w* to \w light|strong="H0216"\w*.\f + \fr 28.11 \ft overflowing: Heb. weeping\f*

JOB 28:12 Removed trailing space in v~: But \w where|strong="H0370"\w* shall \w wisdom|strong="H2451"\w* be \w found|strong="H4672"\w*? and where \add is\add* the \w place|strong="H4725"\w* of \w understanding|strong="H0998"\w*?

JOB 28:13 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Man|strong="H0582"\w* \w knoweth|strong="H3045"\w* not the \w price|strong="H6187"\w* thereof; neither is it \w found|strong="H4672"\w* in the \w land|strong="H0776"\w* of the \w living|strong="H2416"\w*.

JOB 28:14 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w depth|strong="H8415"\w* \w saith|strong="H0559"\w*, It \add is\add* not in me: and the \w sea|strong="H3220"\w* \w saith|strong="H0559"\w*, \add It is\add* not with me.

JOB 28:15 Removed trailing space in v~: It cannot be \w gotten|strong="H5414"\w* for \w gold|strong="H5458"\w*, neither shall \w silver|strong="H3701"\w* be \w weighed|strong="H8254"\w* \add for\add* the \w price|strong="H4242"\w* thereof.\f + \fr 28.15 \ft It…: Heb. Fine gold shall not be given for it\f*

JOB 28:16 Removed trailing space in v~: It cannot be \w valued|strong="H5541"\w* with the \w gold|strong="H3800"\w* of \w Ophir|strong="H0211"\w*, with the \w precious|strong="H3368"\w* \w onyx|strong="H7718"\w*, or the \w sapphire|strong="H5601"\w*.

JOB 28:17 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w gold|strong="H2091"\w* and the \w crystal|strong="H2137"\w* cannot \w equal|strong="H6186"\w* it: and the \w exchange|strong="H8545"\w* of it \add shall not be for\add* \w jewels|strong="H3627"\w* of fine \w gold|strong="H6337"\w*.\f + \fr 28.17 \ft jewels…: or, vessels of\f*

JOB 28:18 Removed trailing space in v~: No \w mention|strong="H2142"\w* shall be made of \w coral|strong="H7215"\w*, or of \w pearls|strong="H1378"\w*: for the \w price|strong="H4901"\w* of \w wisdom|strong="H2451"\w* \add is\add* above \w rubies|strong="H6443"\w*.\f + \fr 28.18 \ft coral: or, Ramoth\f*

JOB 28:19 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w topaz|strong="H6357"\w* of \w Ethiopia|strong="H3568"\w* shall not \w equal|strong="H6186"\w* it, neither shall it be \w valued|strong="H5541"\w* with \w pure|strong="H2889"\w* \w gold|strong="H3800"\w*.

JOB 28:20 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Whence|strong="H0370"\w* then \w cometh|strong="H0935"\w* \w wisdom|strong="H2451"\w*? and where \add is\add* the \w place|strong="H4725"\w* of \w understanding|strong="H0998"\w*?

JOB 28:21 Removed trailing space in v~: Seeing it is \w hid|strong="H5956"\w* from the \w eyes|strong="H5869"\w* of all \w living|strong="H2416"\w*, and kept \w close|strong="H5641"\w* from the \w fowls|strong="H5775"\w* of the \w air|strong="H8064"\w*.\f + \fr 28.21 \ft air: or, heaven\f*

JOB 28:22 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Destruction|strong="H0011"\w* and \w death|strong="H4194"\w* \w say|strong="H0559"\w*, We have \w heard|strong="H8085"\w* the \w fame|strong="H8088"\w* thereof with our \w ears|strong="H0241"\w*.

JOB 28:23 Removed trailing space in v~: \w God|strong="H0430"\w* \w understandeth|strong="H0995"\w* the \w way|strong="H1870"\w* thereof, and he \w knoweth|strong="H3045"\w* the \w place|strong="H4725"\w* thereof.

JOB 28:24 Removed trailing space in v~: For he \w looketh|strong="H5027"\w* to the \w ends|strong="H7098"\w* of the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*, \add and\add* \w seeth|strong="H7200"\w* under the whole \w heaven|strong="H8064"\w*;

JOB 28:25 Removed trailing space in v~: To \w make|strong="H6213"\w* the \w weight|strong="H4948"\w* for the \w winds|strong="H7307"\w*; and he \w weigheth|strong="H8505"\w* the \w waters|strong="H4325"\w* by \w measure|strong="H4060"\w*.

JOB 28:26 Removed trailing space in v~: When he \w made|strong="H6213"\w* a \w decree|strong="H2706"\w* for the \w rain|strong="H4306"\w*, and a \w way|strong="H1870"\w* for the \w lightning|strong="H2385"\w* of the \w thunder|strong="H6963"\w*:

JOB 28:27 Removed trailing space in v~: Then did he \w see|strong="H7200"\w* it, and \w declare|strong="H5608"\w* it; he \w prepared|strong="H3559"\w* it, yea, and searched it \w out|strong="H2713"\w*.\f + \fr 28.27 \ft declare…: or, number it\f*

JOB 28:28 Removed trailing space in v~: And unto \w man|strong="H0120"\w* he \w said|strong="H0559"\w*, Behold, the \w fear|strong="H3374"\w* of the \w Lord|strong="H0136"\w*, that \add is\add* \w wisdom|strong="H2451"\w*; and to \w depart|strong="H5493"\w* from \w evil|strong="H7451"\w* \add is\add* \w understanding|strong="H0998"\w*.

JOB 29:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 29:0 Removed trailing space in c: 29

JOB 29:1 Removed trailing space in v~: Moreover \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* \w continued|strong="H3254"\w* his \w parable|strong="H4912"\w*, and \w said|strong="H0559"\w*,\f + \fr 29.1 \ft continued: Heb. added to take up\f*

JOB 29:2 Removed trailing space in v~: Oh \w that|strong="H5414"\w* I were as \add in\add* \w months|strong="H3391"\w* \w past|strong="H6924"\w*, as \add in\add* the \w days|strong="H3117"\w* \add when\add* \w God|strong="H0433"\w* \w preserved|strong="H8104"\w* me;

JOB 29:3 Removed trailing space in v~: When his \w candle|strong="H5216"\w* \w shined|strong="H1984"\w* upon my \w head|strong="H7218"\w*, \add and when\add* by his \w light|strong="H0216"\w* I \w walked|strong="H3212"\w* \add through\add* \w darkness|strong="H2822"\w*;\f + \fr 29.3 \ft candle: or, lamp\f*

JOB 29:4 Removed trailing space in v~: As I was in the \w days|strong="H3117"\w* of my \w youth|strong="H2779"\w*, when the \w secret|strong="H5475"\w* of \w God|strong="H0433"\w* \add was\add* upon my \w tabernacle|strong="H0168"\w*;

JOB 29:5 Removed trailing space in v~: When the \w Almighty|strong="H7706"\w* \add was\add* yet with me, \add when\add* my \w children|strong="H5288"\w* \add were\add* \w about|strong="H5439"\w* me;

JOB 29:6 Removed trailing space in v~: When I \w washed|strong="H7364"\w* my \w steps|strong="H1978"\w* with \w butter|strong="H2529"\w*, and the \w rock|strong="H6697"\w* poured me \w out|strong="H6694"\w* \w rivers|strong="H6388"\w* of \w oil|strong="H8081"\w*;\f + \fr 29.6 \ft me: Heb. with me\f*

JOB 29:7 Removed trailing space in v~: When I went \w out|strong="H3318"\w* to the \w gate|strong="H8179"\w* through the \w city|strong="H7176"\w*, \add when\add* I \w prepared|strong="H3559"\w* my \w seat|strong="H4186"\w* in the \w street|strong="H7339"\w*!

JOB 29:8 Removed trailing space in v~: The young \w men|strong="H5288"\w* \w saw|strong="H7200"\w* me, and \w hid|strong="H2244"\w* themselves: and the \w aged|strong="H3453"\w* \w arose|strong="H6965"\w*, \add and\add* stood \w up|strong="H5975"\w*.

JOB 29:9 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w princes|strong="H8269"\w* \w refrained|strong="H6113"\w* \w talking|strong="H4405"\w*, and \w laid|strong="H7760"\w* \add their\add* \w hand|strong="H3709"\w* on their \w mouth|strong="H6310"\w*.

JOB 29:10 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w nobles|strong="H5057"\w* \w held|strong="H2244"\w* their \w peace|strong="H6963"\w*, and their \w tongue|strong="H3956"\w* \w cleaved|strong="H1692"\w* to the roof of their \w mouth|strong="H2441"\w*.\f + \fr 29.10 \ft The nobles…: Heb. The voice of the nobles was hid\f*

JOB 29:11 Removed trailing space in v~: When the \w ear|strong="H0241"\w* \w heard|strong="H8085"\w* \add me\add*, then it \w blessed|strong="H0833"\w* me; and when the \w eye|strong="H5869"\w* \w saw|strong="H7200"\w* \add me\add*, it gave \w witness|strong="H5749"\w* to me:

JOB 29:12 Removed trailing space in v~: Because I \w delivered|strong="H4422"\w* the \w poor|strong="H6041"\w* that \w cried|strong="H7768"\w*, and the \w fatherless|strong="H3490"\w*, and \add him that had\add* none to \w help|strong="H5826"\w* him.

JOB 29:13 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w blessing|strong="H1293"\w* of him that was ready to \w perish|strong="H0006"\w* \w came|strong="H0935"\w* upon me: and I caused the \w widow’s|strong="H0490"\w* \w heart|strong="H3820"\w* to sing for \w joy|strong="H7442"\w*.

JOB 29:14 Removed trailing space in v~: I \w put|strong="H3847"\w* on \w righteousness|strong="H6664"\w*, and it \w clothed|strong="H3847"\w* me: my \w judgment|strong="H4941"\w* \add was\add* as a \w robe|strong="H4598"\w* and a \w diadem|strong="H6797"\w*.

JOB 29:15 Removed trailing space in v~: I was \w eyes|strong="H5869"\w* to the \w blind|strong="H5787"\w*, and \w feet|strong="H7272"\w* \add was\add* I to the \w lame|strong="H6455"\w*.

JOB 29:16 Removed trailing space in v~: I \add was\add* a \w father|strong="H0001"\w* to the \w poor|strong="H0034"\w*: and the \w cause|strong="H7379"\w* \add which\add* I \w knew|strong="H3045"\w* not I searched \w out|strong="H2713"\w*.

JOB 29:17 Removed trailing space in v~: And I \w brake|strong="H7665"\w* the \w jaws|strong="H4973"\w* of the \w wicked|strong="H5767"\w*, and \w plucked|strong="H7993"\w* the \w spoil|strong="H2964"\w* out of his \w teeth|strong="H8127"\w*.\f + \fr 29.17 \ft the jaws: Heb. the jawteeth, or, the grinders\f*\f + \fr 29.17 \ft plucked: Heb. cast\f*

JOB 29:18 Removed trailing space in v~: Then I \w said|strong="H0559"\w*, I shall \w die|strong="H1478"\w* in my \w nest|strong="H7064"\w*, and I shall \w multiply|strong="H7235"\w* \add my\add* \w days|strong="H3117"\w* as the \w sand|strong="H2344"\w*.

JOB 29:19 Removed trailing space in v~: My \w root|strong="H8328"\w* \add was\add* spread \w out|strong="H6605"\w* by the \w waters|strong="H4325"\w*, and the \w dew|strong="H2919"\w* lay all \w night|strong="H3885"\w* upon my \w branch|strong="H7105"\w*.\f + \fr 29.19 \ft spread…: Heb. opened\f*

JOB 29:20 Removed trailing space in v~: My \w glory|strong="H3519"\w* \add was\add* \w fresh|strong="H2319"\w* in \w me|strong="H5978"\w*, and my \w bow|strong="H7198"\w* was \w renewed|strong="H2498"\w* in my \w hand|strong="H3027"\w*.\f + \fr 29.20 \ft fresh: Heb. new\f*\f + \fr 29.20 \ft renewed: Heb. changed\f*

JOB 29:21 Removed trailing space in v~: Unto me \add men\add* gave \w ear|strong="H8085"\w*, and \w waited|strong="H3176"\w*, and kept \w silence|strong="H1826"\w* \w at|strong="H3926"\w* my \w counsel|strong="H6098"\w*.

JOB 29:22 Removed trailing space in v~: \w After|strong="H0310"\w* my \w words|strong="H1697"\w* they spake not \w again|strong="H8138"\w*; and my \w speech|strong="H4405"\w* \w dropped|strong="H5197"\w* upon them.

JOB 29:23 Removed trailing space in v~: And they \w waited|strong="H3176"\w* for me as for the \w rain|strong="H4306"\w*; and they \w opened|strong="H6473"\w* their \w mouth|strong="H6310"\w* wide \add as\add* for the latter \w rain|strong="H4456"\w*.

JOB 29:24 Removed trailing space in v~: \add If\add* I \w laughed|strong="H7832"\w* on them, they \w believed|strong="H0539"\w* \add it\add* not; and the \w light|strong="H0216"\w* of my \w countenance|strong="H6440"\w* they cast not \w down|strong="H5307"\w*.

JOB 29:25 Removed trailing space in v~: I \w chose|strong="H0977"\w* out their \w way|strong="H1870"\w*, and \w sat|strong="H3427"\w* \w chief|strong="H7218"\w*, and \w dwelt|strong="H7931"\w* as a \w king|strong="H4428"\w* in the \w army|strong="H1416"\w*, as one \add that\add* \w comforteth|strong="H5162"\w* the \w mourners|strong="H0057"\w*.

JOB 30:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 30:0 Removed trailing space in c: 30

JOB 30:1 Removed trailing space in v~: But now \add they that are\add* \w younger|strong="H6810"\w* than I have me in \w derision|strong="H7832"\w*, whose \w fathers|strong="H0001"\w* I would have \w disdained|strong="H3988"\w* to have \w set|strong="H7896"\w* with the \w dogs|strong="H3611"\w* of my \w flock|strong="H6629"\w*.\f + \fr 30.1 \ft younger…: Heb. of fewer days than I\f*

JOB 30:2 Removed trailing space in v~: Yea, \w whereto|strong="H4100"\w* \add might\add* the \w strength|strong="H3581"\w* of their \w hands|strong="H3027"\w* \add profit\add* me, in whom old \w age|strong="H3624"\w* was \w perished|strong="H0006"\w*?

JOB 30:3 Removed trailing space in v~: For \w want|strong="H2639"\w* and \w famine|strong="H3720"\w* \add they were\add* \w solitary|strong="H1565"\w*; \w fleeing|strong="H6207"\w* into the \w wilderness|strong="H6723"\w* in former \w time|strong="H0570"\w* \w desolate|strong="H7722"\w* and \w waste|strong="H4875"\w*.\f + \fr 30.3 \ft solitary: or, dark as the night\f*\f + \fr 30.3 \ft in…: Heb. yesternight\f*

JOB 30:4 Removed trailing space in v~: Who cut \w up|strong="H6998"\w* \w mallows|strong="H4408"\w* by the \w bushes|strong="H7880"\w*, and \w juniper|strong="H7574"\w* \w roots|strong="H8328"\w* \add for\add* their \w meat|strong="H3899"\w*.

JOB 30:5 Removed trailing space in v~: They were driven \w forth|strong="H1644"\w* from \w among|strong="H1460"\w* \add men\add*, (they \w cried|strong="H7321"\w* after them as \add after\add* a \w thief|strong="H1590"\w*;)

JOB 30:6 Removed trailing space in v~: To \w dwell|strong="H7931"\w* in the \w clifts|strong="H6178"\w* of the \w valleys|strong="H5158"\w*, \add in\add* \w caves|strong="H2356"\w* of the \w earth|strong="H6083"\w*, and \add in\add* the \w rocks|strong="H3710"\w*.\f + \fr 30.6 \ft caves: Heb. holes\f*

JOB 30:7 Removed trailing space in v~: Among the \w bushes|strong="H7880"\w* they \w brayed|strong="H5101"\w*; under the \w nettles|strong="H2738"\w* they were gathered \w together|strong="H5596"\w*.

JOB 30:8 Removed trailing space in v~: \add They were\add* \w children|strong="H1121"\w* of \w fools|strong="H5036"\w*, yea, \w children|strong="H1121"\w* of base \w men|strong="H8034"\w*: they were \w viler|strong="H5217"\w* than the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*.\f + \fr 30.8 \ft base…: Heb. men of no name\f*

JOB 30:9 Removed trailing space in v~: And now am I their \w song|strong="H5058"\w*, yea, I am their \w byword|strong="H4405"\w*.

JOB 30:10 Removed trailing space in v~: They \w abhor|strong="H8581"\w* me, they flee \w far|strong="H7368"\w* from me, and \w spare|strong="H2820"\w* not to \w spit|strong="H7536"\w* in my \w face|strong="H6440"\w*.\f + \fr 30.10 \ft and…: Heb. and withhold not spittle from\f*

JOB 30:11 Removed trailing space in v~: Because he hath \w loosed|strong="H6605"\w* my \w cord|strong="H3499"\w*, and \w afflicted|strong="H6031"\w* me, they have also let \w loose|strong="H7971"\w* the \w bridle|strong="H7448"\w* \w before|strong="H6440"\w* me.

JOB 30:12 Removed trailing space in v~: Upon \add my\add* \w right|strong="H3225"\w* \add hand\add* \w rise|strong="H6965"\w* the \w youth|strong="H6526"\w*; they push \w away|strong="H7971"\w* my \w feet|strong="H7272"\w*, and they raise \w up|strong="H5549"\w* against me the \w ways|strong="H0734"\w* of their \w destruction|strong="H0343"\w*.

JOB 30:13 Removed trailing space in v~: They \w mar|strong="H5420"\w* my \w path|strong="H5410"\w*, they set \w forward|strong="H3276"\w* my \w calamity|strong="H1942"\w*, they have no \w helper|strong="H5826"\w*.

JOB 30:14 Removed trailing space in v~: They \w came|strong="H0857"\w* \add upon me\add* as a \w wide|strong="H7342"\w* \w breaking|strong="H6556"\w* in \add of waters:\add* \w in|strong="H8478"\w* the \w desolation|strong="H7722"\w* they \w rolled|strong="H1556"\w* themselves \add upon me\add*.

JOB 30:15 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Terrors|strong="H1091"\w* are \w turned|strong="H2015"\w* upon me: they \w pursue|strong="H7291"\w* my \w soul|strong="H5082"\w* as the \w wind|strong="H7307"\w*: and my \w welfare|strong="H3444"\w* passeth \w away|strong="H5674"\w* as a \w cloud|strong="H5645"\w*.\f + \fr 30.15 \ft my soul: Heb. my principal one\f*

JOB 30:16 Removed trailing space in v~: And now my \w soul|strong="H5315"\w* is poured \w out|strong="H8210"\w* upon me; the \w days|strong="H3117"\w* of \w affliction|strong="H6040"\w* have taken \w hold|strong="H0270"\w* upon me.

JOB 30:17 Removed trailing space in v~: My \w bones|strong="H6106"\w* are \w pierced|strong="H5365"\w* in me in the night \w season|strong="H3915"\w*: and my \w sinews|strong="H6207"\w* take no \w rest|strong="H7901"\w*.

JOB 30:18 Removed trailing space in v~: By the \w great|strong="H7230"\w* \w force|strong="H3581"\w* \add of my disease\add* is my \w garment|strong="H3830"\w* \w changed|strong="H2664"\w*: it bindeth me \w about|strong="H0247"\w* as the \w collar|strong="H6310"\w* of my \w coat|strong="H3801"\w*.

JOB 30:19 Removed trailing space in v~: He hath \w cast|strong="H3384"\w* me into the \w mire|strong="H2563"\w*, and I am become \w like|strong="H4911"\w* \w dust|strong="H6083"\w* and \w ashes|strong="H0665"\w*.

JOB 30:20 Removed trailing space in v~: I \w cry|strong="H7768"\w* unto thee, and thou dost not \w hear|strong="H6030"\w* me: I stand \w up|strong="H5975"\w*, and thou \w regardest|strong="H0995"\w* me \add not\add*.

JOB 30:21 Removed trailing space in v~: Thou art \w become|strong="H2015"\w* \w cruel|strong="H0393"\w* to me: with thy \w strong|strong="H6108"\w* \w hand|strong="H3027"\w* thou \w opposest|strong="H7852"\w* thyself against me.\f + \fr 30.21 \ft become…: Heb. turned to be cruel\f*\f + \fr 30.21 \ft thy…: Heb. the strength of thy hand\f*

JOB 30:22 Removed trailing space in v~: Thou liftest me \w up|strong="H5375"\w* to the \w wind|strong="H7307"\w*; thou causest me to \w ride|strong="H7392"\w* \add upon it\add*, and \w dissolvest|strong="H4127"\w* my \w substance|strong="H8454"\w*.\f + \fr 30.22 \ft substance: or, wisdom\f*

JOB 30:23 Removed trailing space in v~: For I \w know|strong="H3045"\w* \add that\add* thou wilt \w bring|strong="H7725"\w* me \add to\add* \w death|strong="H4194"\w*, and \add to\add* the \w house|strong="H1004"\w* \w appointed|strong="H4150"\w* for all \w living|strong="H2416"\w*.

JOB 30:24 Removed trailing space in v~: Howbeit he will not stretch \w out|strong="H7971"\w* \add his\add* \w hand|strong="H3027"\w* to the \w grave|strong="H1164"\w*, though they \w cry|strong="H7769"\w* in his \w destruction|strong="H6365"\w*.\f + \fr 30.24 \ft grave: Heb. heap\f*

JOB 30:25 Removed trailing space in v~: Did not I \w weep|strong="H1058"\w* for him that was in \w trouble|strong="H7186"\w*? was \add not\add* my \w soul|strong="H5315"\w* \w grieved|strong="H5701"\w* for the \w poor|strong="H0034"\w*?\f + \fr 30.25 \ft in trouble: Heb. hard of day?\f*

JOB 30:26 Removed trailing space in v~: When I \w looked|strong="H6960"\w* for \w good|strong="H2896"\w*, then \w evil|strong="H7451"\w* \w came|strong="H0935"\w* \add unto me:\add* and when I \w waited|strong="H3176"\w* for \w light|strong="H0216"\w*, there \w came|strong="H0935"\w* \w darkness|strong="H0652"\w*.

JOB 30:27 Removed trailing space in v~: My \w bowels|strong="H4578"\w* \w boiled|strong="H7570"\w*, and \w rested|strong="H1826"\w* not: the \w days|strong="H3117"\w* of \w affliction|strong="H6040"\w* \w prevented|strong="H6923"\w* me.

JOB 30:28 Removed trailing space in v~: I \w went|strong="H1980"\w* \w mourning|strong="H6937"\w* without the \w sun|strong="H2535"\w*: I stood \w up|strong="H6965"\w*, \add and\add* I \w cried|strong="H7768"\w* in the \w congregation|strong="H6951"\w*.

JOB 30:29 Removed trailing space in v~: I am a \w brother|strong="H0251"\w* to \w dragons|strong="H8577"\w*, and a \w companion|strong="H7453"\w* to \w owls|strong="H1323"\w*.\f + \fr 30.29 \ft owls: or, ostriches\f*

JOB 30:30 Removed trailing space in v~: My \w skin|strong="H5785"\w* is \w black|strong="H7835"\w* upon me, and my \w bones|strong="H6106"\w* are \w burned|strong="H2787"\w* with \w heat|strong="H2721"\w*.

JOB 30:31 Removed trailing space in v~: My \w harp|strong="H3658"\w* also is \add turned\add* to \w mourning|strong="H0060"\w*, and my \w organ|strong="H5748"\w* into the \w voice|strong="H6963"\w* of them that \w weep|strong="H1058"\w*.

JOB 31:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 31:0 Removed trailing space in c: 31

JOB 31:1 Removed trailing space in v~: I \w made|strong="H3772"\w* a \w covenant|strong="H1285"\w* with mine \w eyes|strong="H5869"\w*; why then should I \w think|strong="H0995"\w* upon a \w maid|strong="H1330"\w*?

JOB 31:2 Removed trailing space in v~: For what \w portion|strong="H2506"\w* of \w God|strong="H0433"\w* \add is there\add* from \w above|strong="H4605"\w*? and \add what\add* \w inheritance|strong="H5159"\w* of the \w Almighty|strong="H7706"\w* from on \w high|strong="H4791"\w*?

JOB 31:3 Removed trailing space in v~: \add Is\add* not \w destruction|strong="H0343"\w* to the \w wicked|strong="H5767"\w*? and a \w strange|strong="H5235"\w* \add punishment\add* to the \w workers|strong="H6466"\w* of \w iniquity|strong="H0205"\w*?

JOB 31:4 Removed trailing space in v~: Doth not he \w see|strong="H7200"\w* my \w ways|strong="H1870"\w*, and \w count|strong="H5608"\w* all my \w steps|strong="H6806"\w*?

JOB 31:5 Removed trailing space in v~: If I have \w walked|strong="H1980"\w* with \w vanity|strong="H7723"\w*, or if my \w foot|strong="H7272"\w* hath \w hasted|strong="H2363"\w* to \w deceit|strong="H4820"\w*;

JOB 31:6 Removed trailing space in v~: Let me be \w weighed|strong="H8254"\w* in an \w even|strong="H6664"\w* \w balance|strong="H3976"\w*, that \w God|strong="H0433"\w* may \w know|strong="H3045"\w* mine \w integrity|strong="H8538"\w*.\f + \fr 31.6 \ft Let…: Heb. Let him weigh me in balances of justice\f*

JOB 31:7 Removed trailing space in v~: If my \w step|strong="H0838"\w* hath turned \w out|strong="H5186"\w* of the \w way|strong="H1870"\w*, and mine \w heart|strong="H3820"\w* \w walked|strong="H1980"\w* \w after|strong="H0310"\w* mine \w eyes|strong="H5869"\w*, and if any \w blot|strong="H3971"\w* hath \w cleaved|strong="H1692"\w* to mine \w hands|strong="H3709"\w*;

JOB 31:8 Removed trailing space in v~: \add Then\add* let me \w sow|strong="H2232"\w*, and let \w another|strong="H0312"\w* \w eat|strong="H0398"\w*; yea, let my \w offspring|strong="H6631"\w* be rooted \w out|strong="H8327"\w*.

JOB 31:9 Removed trailing space in v~: If mine \w heart|strong="H3820"\w* have been \w deceived|strong="H6601"\w* by a \w woman|strong="H0802"\w*, or \add if\add* I have laid \w wait|strong="H0693"\w* at my \w neighbour’s|strong="H7453"\w* \w door|strong="H6607"\w*;

JOB 31:10 Removed trailing space in v~: \add Then\add* let my \w wife|strong="H0802"\w* \w grind|strong="H2912"\w* unto \w another|strong="H0312"\w*, and let \w others|strong="H0312"\w* bow \w down|strong="H3766"\w* upon her.

JOB 31:11 Removed trailing space in v~: For this \add is\add* an heinous \w crime|strong="H2154"\w*; yea, it \add is\add* an \w iniquity|strong="H5771"\w* \add to be punished by\add* the \w judges|strong="H6414"\w*.

JOB 31:12 Removed trailing space in v~: For it \add is\add* a \w fire|strong="H0784"\w* \add that\add* \w consumeth|strong="H0398"\w* to \w destruction|strong="H0011"\w*, and would root \w out|strong="H8327"\w* all mine \w increase|strong="H8393"\w*.

JOB 31:13 Removed trailing space in v~: If I did \w despise|strong="H3988"\w* the \w cause|strong="H4941"\w* of my \w manservant|strong="H5650"\w* or of my \w maidservant|strong="H0519"\w*, when they \w contended|strong="H7379"\w* with me;

JOB 31:14 Removed trailing space in v~: What then shall I \w do|strong="H6213"\w* when \w God|strong="H0410"\w* riseth \w up|strong="H6965"\w*? and when he \w visiteth|strong="H6485"\w*, what shall I \w answer|strong="H7725"\w* him?

JOB 31:15 Removed trailing space in v~: Did not he that \w made|strong="H6213"\w* me in the \w womb|strong="H0990"\w* \w make|strong="H6213"\w* him? and did not \w one|strong="H0259"\w* \w fashion|strong="H3559"\w* us in the \w womb|strong="H7358"\w*?\f + \fr 31.15 \ft did not one…: or, did he not fashion us in one womb?\f*

JOB 31:16 Removed trailing space in v~: If I have \w withheld|strong="H4513"\w* the \w poor|strong="H1800"\w* from \add their\add* \w desire|strong="H2656"\w*, or have caused the \w eyes|strong="H5869"\w* of the \w widow|strong="H0490"\w* to \w fail|strong="H3615"\w*;

JOB 31:17 Removed trailing space in v~: Or have \w eaten|strong="H0398"\w* my \w morsel|strong="H6595"\w* myself alone, and the \w fatherless|strong="H3490"\w* hath not \w eaten|strong="H0398"\w* thereof;

JOB 31:18 Removed trailing space in v~: (For from my \w youth|strong="H5271"\w* he was brought \w up|strong="H1431"\w* with me, as \add with\add* a \w father|strong="H0001"\w*, and I have \w guided|strong="H5148"\w* her from my \w mother’s|strong="H0517"\w* \w womb|strong="H0990"\w*;)\f + \fr 31.18 \ft her: that is, the widow\f*

JOB 31:19 Removed trailing space in v~: If I have \w seen|strong="H7200"\w* any \w perish|strong="H0006"\w* for want of \w clothing|strong="H3830"\w*, or any \w poor|strong="H0034"\w* without \w covering|strong="H3682"\w*;

JOB 31:20 Removed trailing space in v~: If his \w loins|strong="H2504"\w* have not \w blessed|strong="H1288"\w* me, and \add if\add* he were \add not\add* \w warmed|strong="H2552"\w* with the \w fleece|strong="H1488"\w* of my \w sheep|strong="H3532"\w*;

JOB 31:21 Removed trailing space in v~: If I have lifted \w up|strong="H5130"\w* my \w hand|strong="H3027"\w* against the \w fatherless|strong="H3490"\w*, when I \w saw|strong="H7200"\w* my \w help|strong="H5833"\w* in the \w gate|strong="H8179"\w*:

JOB 31:22 Removed trailing space in v~: \add Then\add* let mine \w arm|strong="H3802"\w* \w fall|strong="H5307"\w* from my shoulder \w blade|strong="H7929"\w*, and mine \w arm|strong="H0248"\w* be \w broken|strong="H7665"\w* from the \w bone|strong="H7070"\w*.\f + \fr 31.22 \ft bone: or, chanelbone\f*

JOB 31:23 Removed trailing space in v~: For \w destruction|strong="H0343"\w* \add from\add* \w God|strong="H0410"\w* \add was\add* a \w terror|strong="H6343"\w* to me, and by reason of his \w highness|strong="H7613"\w* I \w could|strong="H3201"\w* not endure.

JOB 31:24 Removed trailing space in v~: If I have \w made|strong="H7760"\w* \w gold|strong="H2091"\w* my \w hope|strong="H3689"\w*, or have \w said|strong="H0559"\w* to the fine \w gold|strong="H3800"\w*, \add Thou art\add* my \w confidence|strong="H4009"\w*;

JOB 31:25 Removed trailing space in v~: If I \w rejoiced|strong="H8055"\w* because my \w wealth|strong="H2428"\w* \add was\add* \w great|strong="H7227"\w*, and because mine \w hand|strong="H3027"\w* had \w gotten|strong="H4672"\w* \w much|strong="H3524"\w*;\f + \fr 31.25 \ft gotten…: Heb. found much\f*

JOB 31:26 Removed trailing space in v~: If I \w beheld|strong="H7200"\w* the \w sun|strong="H0216"\w* when it \w shined|strong="H1984"\w*, or the \w moon|strong="H3394"\w* \w walking|strong="H1980"\w* \add in\add* \w brightness|strong="H3368"\w*;\f + \fr 31.26 \ft sun: Heb. light\f*\f + \fr 31.26 \ft in…: Heb. bright\f*

JOB 31:27 Removed trailing space in v~: And my \w heart|strong="H3820"\w* hath been \w secretly|strong="H5643"\w* \w enticed|strong="H6601"\w*, or my \w mouth|strong="H6310"\w* hath \w kissed|strong="H5401"\w* my \w hand|strong="H3027"\w*:\f + \fr 31.27 \ft my mouth…: Heb. my hand hath kissed my mouth\f*

JOB 31:28 Removed trailing space in v~: This also \add were\add* an \w iniquity|strong="H5771"\w* \add to be punished by\add* the \w judge|strong="H6416"\w*: for I should have \w denied|strong="H3584"\w* the \w God|strong="H0410"\w* \add that is\add* \w above|strong="H4605"\w*.

JOB 31:29 Removed trailing space in v~: If I \w rejoiced|strong="H8055"\w* at the \w destruction|strong="H6365"\w* of him that \w hated|strong="H8130"\w* me, or lifted \w up|strong="H5782"\w* myself when \w evil|strong="H7451"\w* \w found|strong="H4672"\w* him:

JOB 31:30 Removed trailing space in v~: Neither have I \w suffered|strong="H5414"\w* my \w mouth|strong="H2441"\w* to \w sin|strong="H2398"\w* by \w wishing|strong="H7592"\w* a \w curse|strong="H0423"\w* to his \w soul|strong="H5315"\w*.\f + \fr 31.30 \ft mouth: Heb. palate\f*

JOB 31:31 Removed trailing space in v~: If the \w men|strong="H4962"\w* of my \w tabernacle|strong="H0168"\w* \w said|strong="H0559"\w* not, Oh that we \w had|strong="H5414"\w* of his \w flesh|strong="H1320"\w*! we cannot be \w satisfied|strong="H7646"\w*.

JOB 31:32 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w stranger|strong="H1616"\w* did not \w lodge|strong="H3885"\w* in the \w street|strong="H2351"\w*: \add but\add* I \w opened|strong="H6605"\w* my \w doors|strong="H1817"\w* to the \w traveller|strong="H0734"\w*.\f + \fr 31.32 \ft traveller: or, way\f*

JOB 31:33 Removed trailing space in v~: If I \w covered|strong="H3680"\w* my \w transgressions|strong="H6588"\w* as \w Adam|strong="H0121"\w*, by \w hiding|strong="H2934"\w* mine \w iniquity|strong="H5771"\w* in my \w bosom|strong="H2243"\w*:\f + \fr 31.33 \ft as Adam: or, after the manner of men\f*

JOB 31:34 Removed trailing space in v~: Did I \w fear|strong="H6206"\w* a \w great|strong="H7227"\w* \w multitude|strong="H1995"\w*, or did the \w contempt|strong="H0937"\w* of \w families|strong="H4940"\w* \w terrify|strong="H2865"\w* me, that I kept \w silence|strong="H1826"\w*, \add and\add* went not \w out|strong="H3318"\w* of the \w door|strong="H6607"\w*?

JOB 31:35 Removed trailing space in v~: Oh \w that|strong="H5414"\w* one would \w hear|strong="H8085"\w* me! behold, my \w desire|strong="H8420"\w* \add is, that\add* the \w Almighty|strong="H7706"\w* would \w answer|strong="H6030"\w* me, and \add that\add* mine \w adversary|strong="H0376"\w* had \w written|strong="H3789"\w* a \w book|strong="H5612"\w*.\f + \fr 31.35 \ft my…: or, my sign is that the Almighty will\f*

JOB 31:36 Removed trailing space in v~: Surely I would \w take|strong="H5375"\w* it upon my \w shoulder|strong="H7926"\w*, \add and\add* \w bind|strong="H6029"\w* it \add as\add* a \w crown|strong="H5850"\w* to me.

JOB 31:37 Removed trailing space in v~: I would \w declare|strong="H5046"\w* unto him the \w number|strong="H4557"\w* of my \w steps|strong="H6806"\w*; as a \w prince|strong="H5057"\w* would I go \w near|strong="H7126"\w* unto him.

JOB 31:38 Removed trailing space in v~: If my \w land|strong="H0127"\w* \w cry|strong="H2199"\w* against me, or that the \w furrows|strong="H8525"\w* \w likewise|strong="H3162"\w* thereof \w complain|strong="H1058"\w*;\f + \fr 31.38 \ft complain: Heb. weep\f*

JOB 31:39 Removed trailing space in v~: If I have \w eaten|strong="H0398"\w* the \w fruits|strong="H3581"\w* thereof without \w money|strong="H3701"\w*, or have caused the \w owners|strong="H1167"\w* thereof to \w lose|strong="H5301"\w* their \w life|strong="H5315"\w*:\f + \fr 31.39 \ft fruits: Heb. strength\f*\f + \fr 31.39 \ft the owners…: Heb. the soul of the owners thereof to expire, or, breathe out\f*

JOB 31:40 Removed trailing space in v~: Let \w thistles|strong="H2336"\w* \w grow|strong="H3318"\w* instead of \w wheat|strong="H2406"\w*, and \w cockle|strong="H0890"\w* instead of \w barley|strong="H8184"\w*. The \w words|strong="H1697"\w* of \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* are \w ended|strong="H8552"\w*.\f + \fr 31.40 \ft cockle: or, noisome weeds\f*

JOB 32:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 32:0 Removed trailing space in c: 32

JOB 32:1 Removed trailing space in v~: So these \w three|strong="H7969"\w* \w men|strong="H0582"\w* \w ceased|strong="H7673"\w* to \w answer|strong="H6030"\w* \w Job|strong="H0347"\w*, because he \add was\add* \w righteous|strong="H6662"\w* in his own \w eyes|strong="H5869"\w*.\f + \fr 32.1 \ft to…: Heb. from answering\f*

JOB 32:2 Removed trailing space in v~: Then was \w kindled|strong="H2734"\w* the \w wrath|strong="H0639"\w* of \w Elihu|strong="H0453"\w* the \w son|strong="H1121"\w* of \w Barachel|strong="H1292"\w* the \w Buzite|strong="H0940"\w*, of the \w kindred|strong="H4940"\w* of \w Ram|strong="H7410"\w*: against \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* was his \w wrath|strong="H0639"\w* \w kindled|strong="H2734"\w*, because he \w justified|strong="H6663"\w* \w himself|strong="H5315"\w* rather than \w God|strong="H0430"\w*.\f + \fr 32.2 \ft himself: Heb. his soul\f*

JOB 32:3 Removed trailing space in v~: Also against his \w three|strong="H7969"\w* \w friends|strong="H7453"\w* was his \w wrath|strong="H0639"\w* \w kindled|strong="H2734"\w*, because they had \w found|strong="H4672"\w* no \w answer|strong="H4617"\w*, and \add yet\add* had \w condemned|strong="H7561"\w* \w Job|strong="H0347"\w*.

JOB 32:4 Removed trailing space in v~: Now \w Elihu|strong="H0453"\w* had \w waited|strong="H2442"\w* till \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* had \w spoken|strong="H1697"\w*, because they \add were\add* \w elder|strong="H2205"\w* than he.\f + \fr 32.4 \ft waited…: Heb. expected Job in words\f*\f + \fr 32.4 \ft elder: Heb. elder for days\f*

JOB 32:5 Removed trailing space in v~: When \w Elihu|strong="H0453"\w* \w saw|strong="H7200"\w* that \add there was\add* no \w answer|strong="H4617"\w* in the \w mouth|strong="H6310"\w* of \add these\add* \w three|strong="H7969"\w* \w men|strong="H0582"\w*, then his \w wrath|strong="H0639"\w* was \w kindled|strong="H2734"\w*.

JOB 32:6 Removed trailing space in v~: And \w Elihu|strong="H0453"\w* the \w son|strong="H1121"\w* of \w Barachel|strong="H1292"\w* the \w Buzite|strong="H0940"\w* \w answered|strong="H6030"\w* and \w said|strong="H0559"\w*, I \add am\add* \w young|strong="H6810"\w*, and ye \add are\add* very \w old|strong="H3453"\w*; wherefore I was \w afraid|strong="H2119"\w*, and \w durst|strong="H3372"\w* not \w shew|strong="H2331"\w* you mine \w opinion|strong="H1843"\w*.\f + \fr 32.6 \ft young: Heb. few of days\f*\f + \fr 32.6 \ft durst…: Heb. feared\f*

JOB 32:7 Removed trailing space in v~: I \w said|strong="H0559"\w*, \w Days|strong="H3117"\w* should \w speak|strong="H1696"\w*, and \w multitude|strong="H7230"\w* of \w years|strong="H8141"\w* should \w teach|strong="H3045"\w* \w wisdom|strong="H2451"\w*.

JOB 32:8 Removed trailing space in v~: \w But|strong="H0403"\w* \add there is\add* a \w spirit|strong="H7307"\w* in \w man|strong="H0582"\w*: and the \w inspiration|strong="H5397"\w* of the \w Almighty|strong="H7706"\w* giveth them \w understanding|strong="H0995"\w*.

JOB 32:9 Removed trailing space in v~: Great \w men|strong="H7227"\w* are not \add always\add* \w wise|strong="H2449"\w*: neither do the \w aged|strong="H2205"\w* \w understand|strong="H0995"\w* \w judgment|strong="H4941"\w*.

JOB 32:10 Removed trailing space in v~: Therefore I \w said|strong="H0559"\w*, \w Hearken|strong="H8085"\w* to me; I also will \w shew|strong="H2331"\w* mine \w opinion|strong="H1843"\w*.

JOB 32:11 Removed trailing space in v~: Behold, I \w waited|strong="H3176"\w* for your \w words|strong="H1697"\w*; I gave \w ear|strong="H0238"\w* to your \w reasons|strong="H8394"\w*, whilst ye searched \w out|strong="H2713"\w* what to \w say|strong="H4405"\w*.\f + \fr 32.11 \ft reasons: Heb. understandings\f*\f + \fr 32.11 \ft what…: Heb. words\f*

JOB 32:12 Removed trailing space in v~: Yea, I \w attended|strong="H0995"\w* unto you, and, behold, \add there was\add* none of you that \w convinced|strong="H3198"\w* \w Job|strong="H0347"\w*, \add or\add* that \w answered|strong="H6030"\w* his \w words|strong="H0561"\w*:

JOB 32:13 Removed trailing space in v~: Lest ye should \w say|strong="H0559"\w*, We have found \w out|strong="H4672"\w* \w wisdom|strong="H2451"\w*: \w God|strong="H0410"\w* thrusteth him \w down|strong="H5086"\w*, not \w man|strong="H0376"\w*.

JOB 32:14 Removed trailing space in v~: Now he hath not \w directed|strong="H6186"\w* \add his\add* \w words|strong="H4405"\w* against me: neither will I \w answer|strong="H7725"\w* him with your \w speeches|strong="H0561"\w*.\f + \fr 32.14 \ft directed: or, ordered\f*

JOB 32:15 Removed trailing space in v~: They were \w amazed|strong="H2865"\w*, they \w answered|strong="H6030"\w* no more: they left \w off|strong="H6275"\w* \w speaking|strong="H4405"\w*.\f + \fr 32.15 \ft left…: Heb. removed speeches from themselves\f*

JOB 32:16 Removed trailing space in v~: When I had \w waited|strong="H3176"\w*, (for they \w spake|strong="H1696"\w* not, but stood \w still|strong="H5975"\w*, \add and\add* \w answered|strong="H6030"\w* no more;)

JOB 32:17 Removed trailing space in v~: \add I said\add*, I will \w answer|strong="H6030"\w* also my \w part|strong="H2506"\w*, I also will \w shew|strong="H2331"\w* mine \w opinion|strong="H1843"\w*.

JOB 32:18 Removed trailing space in v~: For I am \w full|strong="H4390"\w* of \w matter|strong="H4405"\w*, the \w spirit|strong="H7307"\w* \w within|strong="H0990"\w* me \w constraineth|strong="H6693"\w* me.\f + \fr 32.18 \ft matter: Heb. words\f*\f + \fr 32.18 \ft spirit…: Heb. spirit of my belly\f*

JOB 32:19 Removed trailing space in v~: Behold, my \w belly|strong="H0990"\w* \add is\add* as \w wine|strong="H3196"\w* \add which\add* hath no \w vent|strong="H6605"\w*; it is ready to \w burst|strong="H1234"\w* like \w new|strong="H2319"\w* \w bottles|strong="H0178"\w*.\f + \fr 32.19 \ft hath…: Heb. is not opened\f*

JOB 32:20 Removed trailing space in v~: I will \w speak|strong="H1696"\w*, that I may be \w refreshed|strong="H7304"\w*: I will \w open|strong="H6605"\w* my \w lips|strong="H8193"\w* and \w answer|strong="H6030"\w*.\f + \fr 32.20 \ft be…: Heb. breathe\f*

JOB 32:21 Removed trailing space in v~: Let me not, I pray you, \w accept|strong="H5375"\w* any \w man’s|strong="H0376"\w* \w person|strong="H6440"\w*, neither let me give flattering \w titles|strong="H3655"\w* unto \w man|strong="H0120"\w*.

JOB 32:22 Removed trailing space in v~: For I \w know|strong="H3045"\w* not to give flattering \w titles|strong="H3655"\w*; \add in so doing\add* my \w maker|strong="H6213"\w* would \w soon|strong="H4592"\w* take me \w away|strong="H5375"\w*.

JOB 33:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 33:0 Removed trailing space in c: 33

JOB 33:1 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Wherefore|strong="H0199"\w*, \w Job|strong="H0347"\w*, I pray thee, \w hear|strong="H8085"\w* my \w speeches|strong="H4405"\w*, and \w hearken|strong="H0238"\w* to all my \w words|strong="H1697"\w*.

JOB 33:2 Removed trailing space in v~: Behold, now I have \w opened|strong="H6605"\w* my \w mouth|strong="H6310"\w*, my \w tongue|strong="H3956"\w* hath \w spoken|strong="H1696"\w* in my \w mouth|strong="H2441"\w*.\f + \fr 33.2 \ft in my mouth: Heb. in my palate\f*

JOB 33:3 Removed trailing space in v~: My \w words|strong="H0561"\w* \add shall be of\add* the \w uprightness|strong="H3476"\w* of my \w heart|strong="H3820"\w*: and my \w lips|strong="H8193"\w* shall \w utter|strong="H4448"\w* \w knowledge|strong="H1847"\w* \w clearly|strong="H1305"\w*.

JOB 33:4 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w Spirit|strong="H7307"\w* of \w God|strong="H0410"\w* hath \w made|strong="H6213"\w* me, and the \w breath|strong="H5397"\w* of the \w Almighty|strong="H7706"\w* hath given me \w life|strong="H2421"\w*.

JOB 33:5 Removed trailing space in v~: If thou \w canst|strong="H3201"\w* \w answer|strong="H7725"\w* me, set \add thy words\add* in \w order|strong="H6186"\w* \w before|strong="H6440"\w* me, stand \w up|strong="H3320"\w*.

JOB 33:6 Removed trailing space in v~: Behold, I \add am\add* according to thy \w wish|strong="H6310"\w* in \w God’s|strong="H0410"\w* stead: I also am \w formed|strong="H7169"\w* out of the \w clay|strong="H2563"\w*.\f + \fr 33.6 \ft wish: Heb. mouth\f*\f + \fr 33.6 \ft formed: Heb. cut\f*

JOB 33:7 Removed trailing space in v~: Behold, my \w terror|strong="H0367"\w* shall not make thee \w afraid|strong="H1204"\w*, neither shall my \w hand|strong="H0405"\w* be \w heavy|strong="H3513"\w* upon thee.

JOB 33:8 Removed trailing space in v~: Surely thou hast \w spoken|strong="H0559"\w* in mine \w hearing|strong="H0241"\w*, and I have \w heard|strong="H8085"\w* the \w voice|strong="H6963"\w* of \add thy\add* \w words|strong="H4405"\w*, \add saying\add*,\f + \fr 33.8 \ft hearing: Heb. ears\f*

JOB 33:9 Removed trailing space in v~: I am \w clean|strong="H2134"\w* without \w transgression|strong="H6588"\w*, I \add am\add* \w innocent|strong="H2643"\w*; neither \add is there\add* \w iniquity|strong="H5771"\w* in me.

JOB 33:10 Removed trailing space in v~: Behold, he \w findeth|strong="H4672"\w* \w occasions|strong="H8569"\w* against me, he \w counteth|strong="H2803"\w* me for his \w enemy|strong="H0341"\w*,

JOB 33:11 Removed trailing space in v~: He \w putteth|strong="H7760"\w* my \w feet|strong="H7272"\w* in the \w stocks|strong="H5465"\w*, he \w marketh|strong="H8104"\w* all my \w paths|strong="H0734"\w*.

JOB 33:12 Removed trailing space in v~: Behold, \add in\add* this thou art not \w just|strong="H6663"\w*: I will \w answer|strong="H6030"\w* thee, that \w God|strong="H0433"\w* is \w greater|strong="H7235"\w* than \w man|strong="H0582"\w*.

JOB 33:13 Removed trailing space in v~: Why dost thou \w strive|strong="H7378"\w* against him? for he giveth not \w account|strong="H6030"\w* of any of his \w matters|strong="H1697"\w*.\f + \fr 33.13 \ft he giveth…: Heb. he answereth not\f*

JOB 33:14 Removed trailing space in v~: For \w God|strong="H0410"\w* \w speaketh|strong="H1696"\w* \w once|strong="H0259"\w*, yea \w twice|strong="H8147"\w*, \add yet man\add* \w perceiveth|strong="H7789"\w* it not.

JOB 33:15 Removed trailing space in v~: In a \w dream|strong="H2472"\w*, in a \w vision|strong="H2384"\w* of the \w night|strong="H3915"\w*, when \w deep|strong="H8639"\w* sleep \w falleth|strong="H5307"\w* upon \w men|strong="H0582"\w*, in \w slumberings|strong="H8572"\w* upon the \w bed|strong="H4904"\w*;

JOB 33:16 Removed trailing space in v~: Then he \w openeth|strong="H1540"\w* the \w ears|strong="H0241"\w* of \w men|strong="H0582"\w*, and \w sealeth|strong="H2856"\w* their \w instruction|strong="H4561"\w*,\f + \fr 33.16 \ft he…: Heb. he revealeth, or, uncovereth\f*

JOB 33:17 Removed trailing space in v~: That he may \w withdraw|strong="H5493"\w* \w man|strong="H0120"\w* \add from his\add* \w purpose|strong="H4639"\w*, and \w hide|strong="H3680"\w* \w pride|strong="H1466"\w* from \w man|strong="H1397"\w*.\f + \fr 33.17 \ft purpose: Heb. work\f*

JOB 33:18 Removed trailing space in v~: He keepeth \w back|strong="H2820"\w* his \w soul|strong="H5315"\w* from the \w pit|strong="H7845"\w*, and his \w life|strong="H2416"\w* from \w perishing|strong="H5674"\w* by the \w sword|strong="H7973"\w*.\f + \fr 33.18 \ft from perishing: Heb. from passing\f*

JOB 33:19 Removed trailing space in v~: He is \w chastened|strong="H3198"\w* also with \w pain|strong="H4341"\w* upon his \w bed|strong="H4904"\w*, and the \w multitude|strong="H7230"\w* of his \w bones|strong="H6106"\w* with \w strong|strong="H0386"\w* \add pain:\add*

JOB 33:20 Removed trailing space in v~: So that his \w life|strong="H2416"\w* \w abhorreth|strong="H2092"\w* \w bread|strong="H3899"\w*, and his \w soul|strong="H5315"\w* \w dainty|strong="H8378"\w* \w meat|strong="H3978"\w*.\f + \fr 33.20 \ft dainty…: Heb. meat of desire\f*

JOB 33:21 Removed trailing space in v~: His \w flesh|strong="H1320"\w* is consumed \w away|strong="H3615"\w*, that it cannot be \w seen|strong="H7210"\w*; and his \w bones|strong="H6106"\w* \add that\add* were not \w seen|strong="H7200"\w* stick \w out|strong="H8192"\w*.

JOB 33:22 Removed trailing space in v~: Yea, his \w soul|strong="H5315"\w* draweth \w near|strong="H7126"\w* unto the \w grave|strong="H7845"\w*, and his \w life|strong="H2416"\w* to the \w destroyers|strong="H4191"\w*.

JOB 33:23 Removed trailing space in v~: If \w there|strong="H3426"\w* be a \w messenger|strong="H4397"\w* with him, an \w interpreter|strong="H3887"\w*, \w one|strong="H0259"\w* among a \w thousand|strong="H0505"\w*, to \w shew|strong="H5046"\w* unto \w man|strong="H0120"\w* his \w uprightness|strong="H3476"\w*:

JOB 33:24 Removed trailing space in v~: Then he is \w gracious|strong="H2603"\w* unto him, and \w saith|strong="H0559"\w*, \w Deliver|strong="H6308"\w* him from going \w down|strong="H3381"\w* to the \w pit|strong="H7845"\w*: I have \w found|strong="H4672"\w* a \w ransom|strong="H3724"\w*.\f + \fr 33.24 \ft a ransom: or, an atonement\f*

JOB 33:25 Removed trailing space in v~: His \w flesh|strong="H1320"\w* shall be \w fresher|strong="H7375"\w* than a \w child’s|strong="H5290"\w*: he shall \w return|strong="H7725"\w* to the \w days|strong="H3117"\w* of his \w youth|strong="H5934"\w*:\f + \fr 33.25 \ft a child’s: Heb. childhood\f*

JOB 33:26 Removed trailing space in v~: He shall \w pray|strong="H6279"\w* unto \w God|strong="H0433"\w*, and he will be \w favourable|strong="H7521"\w* unto him: and he shall \w see|strong="H7200"\w* his \w face|strong="H6440"\w* with \w joy|strong="H8643"\w*: for he will \w render|strong="H7725"\w* unto \w man|strong="H0582"\w* his \w righteousness|strong="H6666"\w*.

JOB 33:27 Removed trailing space in v~: He \w looketh|strong="H7789"\w* upon \w men|strong="H0582"\w*, and \add if any\add* \w say|strong="H0559"\w*, I have \w sinned|strong="H2398"\w*, and \w perverted|strong="H5753"\w* \add that which was\add* \w right|strong="H3477"\w*, and it \w profited|strong="H7737"\w* me not;\f + \fr 33.27 \ft He…: or, He shall look upon men, and say\f*

JOB 33:28 Removed trailing space in v~: He will \w deliver|strong="H6299"\w* his \w soul|strong="H5315"\w* from \w going|strong="H5674"\w* into the \w pit|strong="H7845"\w*, and his \w life|strong="H2416"\w* shall \w see|strong="H7200"\w* the \w light|strong="H0216"\w*.\f + \fr 33.28 \ft He…: or, He hath delivered my soul, etc, and my life\f*

JOB 33:29 Removed trailing space in v~: Lo, all these \add things\add* \w worketh|strong="H6466"\w* \w God|strong="H0410"\w* \w oftentimes|strong="H6471"\w* with \w man|strong="H1397"\w*,\f + \fr 33.29 \ft oftentimes: Heb. twice and thrice\f*

JOB 33:30 Removed trailing space in v~: To bring \w back|strong="H7725"\w* his \w soul|strong="H5315"\w* from the \w pit|strong="H7845"\w*, to be \w enlightened|strong="H0215"\w* with the \w light|strong="H0216"\w* of the \w living|strong="H2416"\w*.

JOB 33:31 Removed trailing space in v~: Mark \w well|strong="H7181"\w*, O \w Job|strong="H0347"\w*, \w hearken|strong="H8085"\w* unto me: hold thy \w peace|strong="H2790"\w*, and I will \w speak|strong="H1696"\w*.

JOB 33:32 Removed trailing space in v~: If thou \w hast|strong="H3426"\w* any thing to \w say|strong="H4405"\w*, \w answer|strong="H7725"\w* me: \w speak|strong="H1696"\w*, for I \w desire|strong="H2654"\w* to \w justify|strong="H6663"\w* thee.

JOB 33:33 Removed trailing space in v~: If not, \w hearken|strong="H8085"\w* unto me: hold thy \w peace|strong="H2790"\w*, and I shall \w teach|strong="H0502"\w* thee \w wisdom|strong="H2451"\w*.

JOB 34:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 34:0 Removed trailing space in c: 34

JOB 34:1 Removed trailing space in v~: Furthermore \w Elihu|strong="H0453"\w* \w answered|strong="H6030"\w* and \w said|strong="H0559"\w*,

JOB 34:2 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Hear|strong="H8085"\w* my \w words|strong="H4405"\w*, O ye \w wise|strong="H2450"\w* \add men;\add* and give \w ear|strong="H0238"\w* unto me, ye that have \w knowledge|strong="H3045"\w*.

JOB 34:3 Removed trailing space in v~: For the \w ear|strong="H0241"\w* \w trieth|strong="H0974"\w* \w words|strong="H4405"\w*, as the \w mouth|strong="H2441"\w* \w tasteth|strong="H2938"\w* \w meat|strong="H0398"\w*.\f + \fr 34.3 \ft mouth: Heb. palate\f*

JOB 34:4 Removed trailing space in v~: Let us \w choose|strong="H0977"\w* to us \w judgment|strong="H4941"\w*: let us \w know|strong="H3045"\w* among ourselves what \add is\add* \w good|strong="H2896"\w*.

JOB 34:5 Removed trailing space in v~: For \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* hath \w said|strong="H0559"\w*, I am \w righteous|strong="H6663"\w*: and \w God|strong="H0410"\w* hath taken \w away|strong="H5493"\w* my \w judgment|strong="H4941"\w*.

JOB 34:6 Removed trailing space in v~: Should I \w lie|strong="H3576"\w* against my \w right|strong="H4941"\w*? my \w wound|strong="H2671"\w* \add is\add* \w incurable|strong="H0605"\w* without \w transgression|strong="H6588"\w*.\f + \fr 34.6 \ft my wound: Heb. mine arrow\f*

JOB 34:7 Removed trailing space in v~: What \w man|strong="H1397"\w* \add is\add* like \w Job|strong="H0347"\w*, \add who\add* drinketh \w up|strong="H8354"\w* \w scorning|strong="H3933"\w* like \w water|strong="H4325"\w*?

JOB 34:8 Removed trailing space in v~: Which \w goeth|strong="H0732"\w* in \w company|strong="H2274"\w* with the \w workers|strong="H6466"\w* of \w iniquity|strong="H0205"\w*, and \w walketh|strong="H3212"\w* with \w wicked|strong="H7562"\w* \w men|strong="H0582"\w*.

JOB 34:9 Removed trailing space in v~: For he hath \w said|strong="H0559"\w*, It \w profiteth|strong="H5532"\w* a \w man|strong="H1397"\w* nothing that he should \w delight|strong="H7521"\w* himself with \w God|strong="H0430"\w*.

JOB 34:10 Removed trailing space in v~: Therefore \w hearken|strong="H8085"\w* unto me, ye \w men|strong="H0582"\w* of \w understanding|strong="H3824"\w*: far be \w it|strong="H2486"\w* from \w God|strong="H0410"\w*, \add that he should do\add* \w wickedness|strong="H7562"\w*; and \add from\add* the \w Almighty|strong="H7706"\w*, \add that he should commit\add* \w iniquity|strong="H5766"\w*.\f + \fr 34.10 \ft men…: Heb. men of heart\f*

JOB 34:11 Removed trailing space in v~: For the \w work|strong="H6467"\w* of a \w man|strong="H0120"\w* shall he \w render|strong="H7999"\w* unto him, and cause every \w man|strong="H0376"\w* to \w find|strong="H4672"\w* according to \add his\add* \w ways|strong="H0734"\w*.

JOB 34:12 Removed trailing space in v~: Yea, \w surely|strong="H0551"\w* \w God|strong="H0410"\w* will not do \w wickedly|strong="H7561"\w*, neither will the \w Almighty|strong="H7706"\w* \w pervert|strong="H5791"\w* \w judgment|strong="H4941"\w*.

JOB 34:13 Removed trailing space in v~: Who hath given him a \w charge|strong="H6485"\w* over the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*? or who hath \w disposed|strong="H7760"\w* the whole \w world|strong="H8398"\w*?\f + \fr 34.13 \ft the whole: Heb. all of it?\f*

JOB 34:14 Removed trailing space in v~: If he \w set|strong="H7760"\w* his \w heart|strong="H3820"\w* upon man, \add if\add* he \w gather|strong="H0622"\w* unto himself his \w spirit|strong="H7307"\w* and his \w breath|strong="H5397"\w*;\f + \fr 34.14 \ft man: Heb. him\f*

JOB 34:15 Removed trailing space in v~: All \w flesh|strong="H1320"\w* shall \w perish|strong="H1478"\w* \w together|strong="H3162"\w*, and \w man|strong="H0120"\w* shall turn \w again|strong="H7725"\w* unto \w dust|strong="H6083"\w*.

JOB 34:16 Removed trailing space in v~: If now \add thou hast\add* \w understanding|strong="H0998"\w*, \w hear|strong="H8085"\w* this: \w hearken|strong="H0238"\w* to the \w voice|strong="H6963"\w* of my \w words|strong="H4405"\w*.

JOB 34:17 Removed trailing space in v~: Shall even he that \w hateth|strong="H8130"\w* \w right|strong="H4941"\w* \w govern|strong="H2280"\w*? and wilt thou \w condemn|strong="H7561"\w* him that is \w most|strong="H3524"\w* \w just|strong="H6662"\w*?\f + \fr 34.17 \ft govern: Heb. bind?\f*

JOB 34:18 Removed trailing space in v~: \add Is it fit\add* to \w say|strong="H0559"\w* to a \w king|strong="H4428"\w*, \add Thou art\add* \w wicked|strong="H1100"\w*? \add and\add* to \w princes|strong="H5081"\w*, \add Ye are\add* \w ungodly|strong="H7563"\w*?

JOB 34:19 Removed trailing space in v~: \add How much less to him\add* that \w accepteth|strong="H5375"\w* not the \w persons|strong="H6440"\w* of \w princes|strong="H8269"\w*, nor \w regardeth|strong="H5234"\w* the \w rich|strong="H7771"\w* more \w than|strong="H6440"\w* the \w poor|strong="H1800"\w*? for they all \add are\add* the \w work|strong="H4639"\w* of his \w hands|strong="H3027"\w*.

JOB 34:20 Removed trailing space in v~: In a \w moment|strong="H7281"\w* shall they \w die|strong="H4191"\w*, and the \w people|strong="H5971"\w* shall be \w troubled|strong="H1607"\w* at \w midnight|strong="H2676"\w*, and pass \w away|strong="H5674"\w*: and the \w mighty|strong="H0047"\w* shall be taken \w away|strong="H5493"\w* without \w hand|strong="H3027"\w*.\f + \fr 34.20 \ft the mighty…: Heb. they shall take away the mighty\f*

JOB 34:21 Removed trailing space in v~: For his \w eyes|strong="H5869"\w* \add are\add* upon the \w ways|strong="H1870"\w* of \w man|strong="H0376"\w*, and he \w seeth|strong="H7200"\w* all his \w goings|strong="H6806"\w*.

JOB 34:22 Removed trailing space in v~: \add There is\add* no \w darkness|strong="H2822"\w*, nor shadow of \w death|strong="H6757"\w*, where the \w workers|strong="H6466"\w* of \w iniquity|strong="H0205"\w* may \w hide|strong="H5641"\w* themselves.

JOB 34:23 Removed trailing space in v~: For he will not \w lay|strong="H7760"\w* upon \w man|strong="H0376"\w* more \add than right;\add* that he should \w enter|strong="H1980"\w* into \w judgment|strong="H4941"\w* with \w God|strong="H0410"\w*.\f + \fr 34.23 \ft enter: Heb. go\f*

JOB 34:24 Removed trailing space in v~: He shall break in \w pieces|strong="H7489"\w* mighty \w men|strong="H3524"\w* without \w number|strong="H2714"\w*, and \w set|strong="H5975"\w* \w others|strong="H0312"\w* in their stead.\f + \fr 34.24 \ft number: Heb. searching out\f*

JOB 34:25 Removed trailing space in v~: Therefore he \w knoweth|strong="H5234"\w* their \w works|strong="H4566"\w*, and he \w overturneth|strong="H2015"\w* \add them\add* in the \w night|strong="H3915"\w*, so that they are \w destroyed|strong="H1792"\w*.\f + \fr 34.25 \ft destroyed: Heb. crushed\f*

JOB 34:26 Removed trailing space in v~: He \w striketh|strong="H5606"\w* them \w as|strong="H8478"\w* wicked \w men|strong="H7563"\w* in the \w open|strong="H4725"\w* \w sight|strong="H7200"\w* of others;\f + \fr 34.26 \ft open…: Heb. place of beholders\f*

JOB 34:27 Removed trailing space in v~: Because they turned \w back|strong="H5493"\w* from \w him|strong="H0310"\w*, and would not \w consider|strong="H7919"\w* any of his \w ways|strong="H1870"\w*:\f + \fr 34.27 \ft him: Heb. after him\f*

JOB 34:28 Removed trailing space in v~: So that they cause the \w cry|strong="H6818"\w* of the \w poor|strong="H1800"\w* to \w come|strong="H0935"\w* unto him, and he \w heareth|strong="H8085"\w* the \w cry|strong="H6818"\w* of the \w afflicted|strong="H6041"\w*.

JOB 34:29 Removed trailing space in v~: When he giveth \w quietness|strong="H8252"\w*, who then can make \w trouble|strong="H7561"\w*? and when he \w hideth|strong="H5641"\w* \add his\add* \w face|strong="H6440"\w*, who then can \w behold|strong="H7789"\w* him? whether \add it be done\add* against a \w nation|strong="H1471"\w*, or against a \w man|strong="H0120"\w* \w only|strong="H3162"\w*:

JOB 34:30 Removed trailing space in v~: That the \w hypocrite|strong="H0120"\w* \w reign|strong="H4427"\w* not, lest the \w people|strong="H5971"\w* be \w ensnared|strong="H4170"\w*.

JOB 34:31 Removed trailing space in v~: Surely it is meet to be \w said|strong="H0559"\w* unto \w God|strong="H0410"\w*, I have \w borne|strong="H5375"\w* \add chastisement\add*, I will not \w offend|strong="H2254"\w* \add any more:\add*

JOB 34:32 Removed trailing space in v~: \add That which\add* I \w see|strong="H2372"\w* \w not|strong="H1107"\w* \w teach|strong="H3384"\w* thou me: if I have \w done|strong="H6466"\w* \w iniquity|strong="H5766"\w*, I will \w do|strong="H3254"\w* no more.

JOB 34:33 Removed trailing space in v~: \add Should it be\add* according to thy mind? he will \w recompense|strong="H7999"\w* it, whether thou \w refuse|strong="H3588"\w*, or whether thou \w choose|strong="H0977"\w*; and not I: therefore \w speak|strong="H1696"\w* what thou \w knowest|strong="H3045"\w*.\f + \fr 34.33 \ft according…: Heb. from with thee?\f*

JOB 34:34 Removed trailing space in v~: Let \w men|strong="H0582"\w* of \w understanding|strong="H3824"\w* \w tell|strong="H0559"\w* me, and let a \w wise|strong="H2450"\w* \w man|strong="H1397"\w* \w hearken|strong="H8085"\w* unto me.\f + \fr 34.34 \ft of…: Heb. of heart\f*

JOB 34:35 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* hath \w spoken|strong="H1696"\w* without \w knowledge|strong="H1847"\w*, and his \w words|strong="H1697"\w* \add were\add* without \w wisdom|strong="H7919"\w*.

JOB 34:36 Removed trailing space in v~: My \w desire|strong="H0015"\w* \add is that\add* \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* may be \w tried|strong="H0974"\w* unto the \w end|strong="H5331"\w* because of \add his\add* \w answers|strong="H8666"\w* for \w wicked|strong="H0205"\w* \w men|strong="H0582"\w*.\f + \fr 34.36 \ft My…: or, My father, let Job be tried\f*

JOB 34:37 Removed trailing space in v~: For he \w addeth|strong="H3254"\w* \w rebellion|strong="H6588"\w* unto his \w sin|strong="H2403"\w*, he \w clappeth|strong="H5606"\w* \add his hands\add* among us, and \w multiplieth|strong="H7235"\w* his \w words|strong="H0561"\w* against \w God|strong="H0410"\w*.

JOB 35:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 35:0 Removed trailing space in c: 35

JOB 35:1 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Elihu|strong="H0453"\w* \w spake|strong="H6030"\w* moreover, and \w said|strong="H0559"\w*,

JOB 35:2 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Thinkest|strong="H2803"\w* thou this to be \w right|strong="H4941"\w*, \add that\add* thou \w saidst|strong="H0559"\w*, My \w righteousness|strong="H6664"\w* \add is\add* more than \w God’s|strong="H0410"\w*?

JOB 35:3 Removed trailing space in v~: For thou \w saidst|strong="H0559"\w*, What \w advantage|strong="H5532"\w* will it be unto thee? \add and\add*, What \w profit|strong="H3276"\w* shall I have, \add if I be cleansed\add* from my \w sin|strong="H2403"\w*?\f + \fr 35.3 \ft if…: or, by it more than by my sin\f*

JOB 35:4 Removed trailing space in v~: I will \w answer|strong="H7725"\w* thee, and thy \w companions|strong="H7453"\w* with thee.\f + \fr 35.4 \ft answer…: Heb. return to thee words\f*

JOB 35:5 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Look|strong="H5027"\w* unto the \w heavens|strong="H8064"\w*, and \w see|strong="H7200"\w*; and \w behold|strong="H7789"\w* the \w clouds|strong="H7834"\w* \add which\add* are \w higher|strong="H1361"\w* than thou.

JOB 35:6 Removed trailing space in v~: If thou \w sinnest|strong="H2398"\w*, what \w doest|strong="H6466"\w* thou against him? or \add if\add* thy \w transgressions|strong="H6588"\w* be \w multiplied|strong="H7231"\w*, what \w doest|strong="H6213"\w* thou unto him?

JOB 35:7 Removed trailing space in v~: If thou be \w righteous|strong="H6663"\w*, what \w givest|strong="H5414"\w* thou him? or what \w receiveth|strong="H3947"\w* he of thine \w hand|strong="H3027"\w*?

JOB 35:8 Removed trailing space in v~: Thy \w wickedness|strong="H7562"\w* \add may hurt\add* a \w man|strong="H0376"\w* as thou \add art;\add* and thy \w righteousness|strong="H6666"\w* \add may profit\add* the \w son|strong="H1121"\w* of \w man|strong="H0120"\w*.

JOB 35:9 Removed trailing space in v~: By reason of the \w multitude|strong="H7230"\w* of \w oppressions|strong="H6217"\w* they make \add the oppressed\add* to \w cry|strong="H2199"\w*: they cry \w out|strong="H7768"\w* by reason of the \w arm|strong="H2220"\w* of the \w mighty|strong="H7227"\w*.

JOB 35:10 Removed trailing space in v~: But none \w saith|strong="H0559"\w*, Where \add is\add* \w God|strong="H0433"\w* my \w maker|strong="H6213"\w*, who \w giveth|strong="H5414"\w* \w songs|strong="H2158"\w* in the \w night|strong="H3915"\w*;

JOB 35:11 Removed trailing space in v~: Who \w teacheth|strong="H0502"\w* us more than the \w beasts|strong="H0929"\w* of the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*, and maketh us \w wiser|strong="H2449"\w* than the \w fowls|strong="H5775"\w* of \w heaven|strong="H8064"\w*?

JOB 35:12 Removed trailing space in v~: There they \w cry|strong="H6817"\w*, but none giveth \w answer|strong="H6030"\w*, \w because|strong="H6440"\w* of the \w pride|strong="H1347"\w* of evil \w men|strong="H7451"\w*.

JOB 35:13 Removed trailing space in v~: Surely \w God|strong="H0410"\w* will not \w hear|strong="H8085"\w* \w vanity|strong="H7723"\w*, neither will the \w Almighty|strong="H7706"\w* \w regard|strong="H7789"\w* it.

JOB 35:14 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Although|strong="H0637"\w* thou \w sayest|strong="H0559"\w* thou shalt not \w see|strong="H7789"\w* him, \add yet\add* \w judgment|strong="H1779"\w* \add is\add* \w before|strong="H6440"\w* him; therefore \w trust|strong="H2342"\w* thou in him.

JOB 35:15 Removed trailing space in v~: But now, because \add it is\add* not \add so\add*, he hath \w visited|strong="H6485"\w* in his \w anger|strong="H0639"\w*; yet he \w knoweth|strong="H3045"\w* \add it\add* not in \w great|strong="H3966"\w* \w extremity|strong="H6580"\w*:\f + \fr 35.15 \ft he hath: that is, God hath\f*\f + \fr 35.15 \ft he knoweth: that is, Job knoweth\f*

JOB 35:16 Removed trailing space in v~: Therefore doth \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* \w open|strong="H6475"\w* his \w mouth|strong="H6310"\w* in \w vain|strong="H1892"\w*; he \w multiplieth|strong="H3527"\w* \w words|strong="H4405"\w* \w without|strong="H1097"\w* \w knowledge|strong="H1847"\w*.

JOB 36:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 36:0 Removed trailing space in c: 36

JOB 36:1 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Elihu|strong="H0453"\w* also \w proceeded|strong="H3254"\w*, and \w said|strong="H0559"\w*,

JOB 36:2 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Suffer|strong="H3803"\w* me a \w little|strong="H2191"\w*, and I will \w shew|strong="H2331"\w* thee that \add I have\add* yet to \w speak|strong="H4405"\w* on \w God’s|strong="H0433"\w* behalf.\f + \fr 36.2 \ft I have…: Heb. there are yet words for God\f*

JOB 36:3 Removed trailing space in v~: I will \w fetch|strong="H5375"\w* my \w knowledge|strong="H1843"\w* from \w afar|strong="H7350"\w*, and will \w ascribe|strong="H5414"\w* \w righteousness|strong="H6664"\w* to my \w Maker|strong="H6466"\w*.

JOB 36:4 Removed trailing space in v~: For \w truly|strong="H0551"\w* my \w words|strong="H4405"\w* \add shall\add* not \add be\add* \w false|strong="H8267"\w*: he that is \w perfect|strong="H8549"\w* in \w knowledge|strong="H1844"\w* \add is\add* with thee.

JOB 36:5 Removed trailing space in v~: Behold, \w God|strong="H0410"\w* \add is\add* \w mighty|strong="H3524"\w*, and \w despiseth|strong="H3988"\w* not \add any: he is\add* \w mighty|strong="H3524"\w* in \w strength|strong="H3581"\w* \add and\add* \w wisdom|strong="H3820"\w*.\f + \fr 36.5 \ft wisdom: Heb. heart\f*

JOB 36:6 Removed trailing space in v~: He preserveth not the \w life|strong="H2421"\w* of the \w wicked|strong="H7563"\w*: but \w giveth|strong="H5414"\w* \w right|strong="H4941"\w* to the \w poor|strong="H6041"\w*.\f + \fr 36.6 \ft poor: or, afflicted\f*

JOB 36:7 Removed trailing space in v~: He \w withdraweth|strong="H1639"\w* not his \w eyes|strong="H5869"\w* from the \w righteous|strong="H6662"\w*: but with \w kings|strong="H4428"\w* \add are they\add* on the \w throne|strong="H3678"\w*; yea, he doth \w establish|strong="H3427"\w* them for \w ever|strong="H5331"\w*, and they are \w exalted|strong="H1361"\w*.

JOB 36:8 Removed trailing space in v~: And if \add they be\add* \w bound|strong="H0631"\w* in \w fetters|strong="H2131"\w*, \add and\add* be \w holden|strong="H3920"\w* in \w cords|strong="H2256"\w* of \w affliction|strong="H6040"\w*;

JOB 36:9 Removed trailing space in v~: Then he \w sheweth|strong="H5046"\w* them their \w work|strong="H6467"\w*, and their \w transgressions|strong="H6588"\w* that they have \w exceeded|strong="H1396"\w*.

JOB 36:10 Removed trailing space in v~: He \w openeth|strong="H1540"\w* also their \w ear|strong="H0241"\w* to \w discipline|strong="H4148"\w*, and \w commandeth|strong="H0559"\w* that they \w return|strong="H7725"\w* from \w iniquity|strong="H0205"\w*.

JOB 36:11 Removed trailing space in v~: If they \w obey|strong="H8085"\w* and \w serve|strong="H5647"\w* \add him\add*, they shall \w spend|strong="H3615"\w* their \w days|strong="H3117"\w* in \w prosperity|strong="H2896"\w*, and their \w years|strong="H8141"\w* in \w pleasures|strong="H5273"\w*.

JOB 36:12 Removed trailing space in v~: But if they \w obey|strong="H8085"\w* not, they shall \w perish|strong="H5674"\w* by the \w sword|strong="H7973"\w*, and they shall \w die|strong="H1478"\w* without \w knowledge|strong="H1847"\w*.\f + \fr 36.12 \ft perish: Heb. pass away\f*

JOB 36:13 Removed trailing space in v~: But the \w hypocrites|strong="H2611"\w* in \w heart|strong="H3820"\w* heap \w up|strong="H7760"\w* \w wrath|strong="H0639"\w*: they \w cry|strong="H7768"\w* not when he \w bindeth|strong="H0631"\w* them.

JOB 36:14 Removed trailing space in v~: \w They|strong="H5315"\w* \w die|strong="H4191"\w* in \w youth|strong="H5290"\w*, and their \w life|strong="H2416"\w* \add is\add* among the \w unclean|strong="H6945"\w*.\f + \fr 36.14 \ft They…: Heb. Their soul dieth\f*\f + \fr 36.14 \ft unclean: or, sodomites\f*

JOB 36:15 Removed trailing space in v~: He \w delivereth|strong="H2502"\w* the \w poor|strong="H6041"\w* in his \w affliction|strong="H6040"\w*, and \w openeth|strong="H1540"\w* their \w ears|strong="H0241"\w* in \w oppression|strong="H3906"\w*.\f + \fr 36.15 \ft poor: or, afflicted\f*

JOB 36:16 Removed trailing space in v~: Even so would he have \w removed|strong="H5496"\w* thee out of the \w strait|strong="H6310"\w* \add into\add* a broad \w place|strong="H7338"\w*, \w where|strong="H8478"\w* \add there is\add* no \w straitness|strong="H4164"\w*; and that which should be \w set|strong="H5183"\w* on thy \w table|strong="H7979"\w* \add should be\add* \w full|strong="H4390"\w* of \w fatness|strong="H1880"\w*.\f + \fr 36.16 \ft that…: Heb. the rest of thy table\f*

JOB 36:17 Removed trailing space in v~: But thou hast \w fulfilled|strong="H4390"\w* the \w judgment|strong="H1779"\w* of the \w wicked|strong="H7563"\w*: \w judgment|strong="H1779"\w* and \w justice|strong="H4941"\w* take \w hold|strong="H8551"\w* \add on thee\add*.\f + \fr 36.17 \ft take…: or, should uphold thee\f*

JOB 36:18 Removed trailing space in v~: Because \add there is\add* \w wrath|strong="H2534"\w*, \add beware\add* lest he take thee \w away|strong="H5496"\w* with \add his\add* \w stroke|strong="H5607"\w*: then a \w great|strong="H7230"\w* \w ransom|strong="H3724"\w* cannot \w deliver|strong="H5186"\w* thee.\f + \fr 36.18 \ft deliver…: Heb. turn thee aside\f*

JOB 36:19 Removed trailing space in v~: Will he \w esteem|strong="H6186"\w* thy \w riches|strong="H7769"\w*? \add no\add*, not \w gold|strong="H1222"\w*, nor all the \w forces|strong="H3981"\w* of \w strength|strong="H3581"\w*.

JOB 36:20 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Desire|strong="H7602"\w* not the \w night|strong="H3915"\w*, when \w people|strong="H5971"\w* are cut \w off|strong="H5927"\w* in their place.

JOB 36:21 Removed trailing space in v~: Take \w heed|strong="H8104"\w*, \w regard|strong="H6437"\w* not \w iniquity|strong="H0205"\w*: for this hast thou \w chosen|strong="H0977"\w* rather than \w affliction|strong="H6040"\w*.

JOB 36:22 Removed trailing space in v~: Behold, \w God|strong="H0410"\w* \w exalteth|strong="H7682"\w* by his \w power|strong="H3581"\w*: who \w teacheth|strong="H3384"\w* like him?

JOB 36:23 Removed trailing space in v~: Who hath \w enjoined|strong="H6485"\w* him his \w way|strong="H1870"\w*? or who can \w say|strong="H0559"\w*, Thou hast \w wrought|strong="H6466"\w* \w iniquity|strong="H5766"\w*?

JOB 36:24 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Remember|strong="H2142"\w* that thou \w magnify|strong="H7679"\w* his \w work|strong="H6467"\w*, which \w men|strong="H0582"\w* \w behold|strong="H7891"\w*.

JOB 36:25 Removed trailing space in v~: Every \w man|strong="H0120"\w* may \w see|strong="H2372"\w* it; \w man|strong="H0582"\w* may \w behold|strong="H5027"\w* \add it\add* afar \w off|strong="H7350"\w*.

JOB 36:26 Removed trailing space in v~: Behold, \w God|strong="H0410"\w* \add is\add* \w great|strong="H7689"\w*, and we \w know|strong="H3045"\w* \add him\add* not, neither can the \w number|strong="H4557"\w* of his \w years|strong="H8141"\w* be searched \w out|strong="H2714"\w*.

JOB 36:27 Removed trailing space in v~: For he maketh \w small|strong="H1639"\w* the \w drops|strong="H5198"\w* of \w water|strong="H4325"\w*: they pour \w down|strong="H2212"\w* \w rain|strong="H4306"\w* according to the \w vapour|strong="H0108"\w* thereof:

JOB 36:28 Removed trailing space in v~: Which the \w clouds|strong="H7834"\w* do \w drop|strong="H5140"\w* \add and\add* \w distil|strong="H7491"\w* upon \w man|strong="H0120"\w* \w abundantly|strong="H7227"\w*.

JOB 36:29 Removed trailing space in v~: Also can \add any\add* \w understand|strong="H0995"\w* the \w spreadings|strong="H4666"\w* of the \w clouds|strong="H5645"\w*, \add or\add* the \w noise|strong="H8663"\w* of his \w tabernacle|strong="H5521"\w*?

JOB 36:30 Removed trailing space in v~: Behold, he \w spreadeth|strong="H6566"\w* his \w light|strong="H0216"\w* upon it, and \w covereth|strong="H3680"\w* the \w bottom|strong="H8328"\w* of the \w sea|strong="H3220"\w*.\f + \fr 36.30 \ft bottom: Heb. roots\f*

JOB 36:31 Removed trailing space in v~: For by them \w judgeth|strong="H1777"\w* he the \w people|strong="H5971"\w*; he \w giveth|strong="H5414"\w* \w meat|strong="H0400"\w* in \w abundance|strong="H4342"\w*.

JOB 36:32 Removed trailing space in v~: With \w clouds|strong="H3709"\w* he \w covereth|strong="H3680"\w* the \w light|strong="H0216"\w*; and \w commandeth|strong="H6680"\w* it \add not to shine\add* by \add the cloud\add* that cometh \w betwixt|strong="H6293"\w*.

JOB 36:33 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w noise|strong="H7452"\w* thereof \w sheweth|strong="H5046"\w* concerning it, the \w cattle|strong="H4735"\w* also concerning the \w vapour|strong="H5927"\w*.\f + \fr 36.33 \ft the vapour: Heb. that which goeth up\f*

JOB 37:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 37:0 Removed trailing space in c: 37

JOB 37:1 Removed trailing space in v~: At \w this|strong="H2063"\w* also my \w heart|strong="H3820"\w* \w trembleth|strong="H2729"\w*, and is moved \w out|strong="H5425"\w* of his \w place|strong="H4725"\w*.

JOB 37:2 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Hear|strong="H8085"\w* \w attentively|strong="H8085"\w* the \w noise|strong="H7267"\w* of his \w voice|strong="H6963"\w*, and the \w sound|strong="H1899"\w* \add that\add* goeth \w out|strong="H3318"\w* of his \w mouth|strong="H6310"\w*.\f + \fr 37.2 \ft Hear…: Heb. Hear in hearing\f*

JOB 37:3 Removed trailing space in v~: He \w directeth|strong="H3474"\w* \w it|strong="H8281"\w* under the whole \w heaven|strong="H8064"\w*, and his \w lightning|strong="H0216"\w* unto the \w ends|strong="H3671"\w* of the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*.\f + \fr 37.3 \ft lightning: Heb. light\f*\f + \fr 37.3 \ft ends: Heb. wings\f*

JOB 37:4 Removed trailing space in v~: \w After|strong="H0310"\w* it a \w voice|strong="H6963"\w* \w roareth|strong="H7580"\w*: he \w thundereth|strong="H7481"\w* with the \w voice|strong="H6963"\w* of his \w excellency|strong="H1347"\w*; and he will not \w stay|strong="H6117"\w* them when his \w voice|strong="H6963"\w* is \w heard|strong="H8085"\w*.

JOB 37:5 Removed trailing space in v~: \w God|strong="H0410"\w* \w thundereth|strong="H7481"\w* \w marvellously|strong="H6381"\w* with his \w voice|strong="H6963"\w*; great \w things|strong="H1419"\w* \w doeth|strong="H6213"\w* he, which we cannot \w comprehend|strong="H3045"\w*.

JOB 37:6 Removed trailing space in v~: For he \w saith|strong="H0559"\w* to the \w snow|strong="H7950"\w*, Be \w thou|strong="H1933"\w* \add on\add* the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*; likewise to the \w small|strong="H4306"\w* \w rain|strong="H1653"\w*, and to the \w great|strong="H4306"\w* \w rain|strong="H1653"\w* of his \w strength|strong="H5797"\w*.\f + \fr 37.6 \ft likewise…: Heb. and to the shower of rain, and to the showers of rain of his strength\f*

JOB 37:7 Removed trailing space in v~: He sealeth \w up|strong="H2856"\w* the \w hand|strong="H3027"\w* of every \w man|strong="H0120"\w*; that all \w men|strong="H0582"\w* may \w know|strong="H3045"\w* his \w work|strong="H4639"\w*.

JOB 37:8 Removed trailing space in v~: Then the \w beasts|strong="H2416"\w* \w go|strong="H0935"\w* \w into|strong="H1119"\w* \w dens|strong="H0695"\w*, and \w remain|strong="H7931"\w* in their \w places|strong="H4585"\w*.

JOB 37:9 Removed trailing space in v~: Out of the \w south|strong="H2315"\w* \w cometh|strong="H0935"\w* the \w whirlwind|strong="H5492"\w*: and \w cold|strong="H7135"\w* out of the \w north|strong="H4215"\w*.\f + \fr 37.9 \ft south: Heb. chamber\f*\f + \fr 37.9 \ft north: Heb. scattering winds\f*

JOB 37:10 Removed trailing space in v~: By the \w breath|strong="H5397"\w* of \w God|strong="H0410"\w* \w frost|strong="H7140"\w* is \w given|strong="H5414"\w*: and the \w breadth|strong="H7341"\w* of the \w waters|strong="H4325"\w* is \w straitened|strong="H4164"\w*.

JOB 37:11 Removed trailing space in v~: Also by \w watering|strong="H7377"\w* he \w wearieth|strong="H2959"\w* the thick \w cloud|strong="H5645"\w*: he \w scattereth|strong="H6327"\w* his \w bright|strong="H0216"\w* \w cloud|strong="H6051"\w*:\f + \fr 37.11 \ft his…: Heb. the cloud of his light\f*

JOB 37:12 Removed trailing space in v~: And it is \w turned|strong="H2015"\w* round \w about|strong="H4524"\w* by his \w counsels|strong="H8458"\w*: that they may \w do|strong="H6467"\w* whatsoever he \w commandeth|strong="H6680"\w* them upon the \w face|strong="H6440"\w* of the \w world|strong="H8398"\w* in the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*.

JOB 37:13 Removed trailing space in v~: He causeth it to \w come|strong="H4672"\w*, whether for \w correction|strong="H7626"\w*, or for his \w land|strong="H0776"\w*, or for \w mercy|strong="H2617"\w*.\f + \fr 37.13 \ft correction: Heb. a rod\f*

JOB 37:14 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Hearken|strong="H0238"\w* unto this, O \w Job|strong="H0347"\w*: stand \w still|strong="H5975"\w*, and \w consider|strong="H0995"\w* the \w wondrous|strong="H6381"\w* works of \w God|strong="H0410"\w*.

JOB 37:15 Removed trailing space in v~: Dost thou \w know|strong="H3045"\w* when \w God|strong="H0433"\w* \w disposed|strong="H7760"\w* them, and caused the \w light|strong="H0216"\w* of his \w cloud|strong="H6051"\w* to \w shine|strong="H3313"\w*?

JOB 37:16 Removed trailing space in v~: Dost thou \w know|strong="H3045"\w* the \w balancings|strong="H4657"\w* of the \w clouds|strong="H5645"\w*, the wondrous \w works|strong="H4652"\w* of him which is \w perfect|strong="H8549"\w* in \w knowledge|strong="H1843"\w*?

JOB 37:17 Removed trailing space in v~: How thy \w garments|strong="H0899"\w* \add are\add* \w warm|strong="H2525"\w*, when he \w quieteth|strong="H8252"\w* the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w* by the \w south|strong="H1864"\w* \add wind\add*?

JOB 37:18 Removed trailing space in v~: Hast thou with him spread \w out|strong="H7554"\w* the \w sky|strong="H7834"\w*, \add which is\add* \w strong|strong="H2389"\w*, \add and\add* as a \w molten|strong="H3332"\w* looking \w glass|strong="H7209"\w*?

JOB 37:19 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Teach|strong="H3045"\w* us what we shall \w say|strong="H0559"\w* unto him; \add for\add* we cannot \w order|strong="H6186"\w* \add our speech\add* by \w reason|strong="H6440"\w* of \w darkness|strong="H2822"\w*.

JOB 37:20 Removed trailing space in v~: Shall it be \w told|strong="H5608"\w* him that I \w speak|strong="H1696"\w*? if a \w man|strong="H0376"\w* \w speak|strong="H0559"\w*, surely he shall be swallowed \w up|strong="H1104"\w*.

JOB 37:21 Removed trailing space in v~: And now \add men\add* \w see|strong="H7200"\w* not the \w bright|strong="H0925"\w* \w light|strong="H0216"\w* which \add is\add* in the \w clouds|strong="H7834"\w*: but the \w wind|strong="H7307"\w* \w passeth|strong="H5674"\w*, and \w cleanseth|strong="H2891"\w* them.

JOB 37:22 Removed trailing space in v~: Fair \w weather|strong="H2091"\w* \w cometh|strong="H0857"\w* out of the \w north|strong="H6828"\w*: with \w God|strong="H0433"\w* \add is\add* \w terrible|strong="H3372"\w* \w majesty|strong="H1935"\w*.\f + \fr 37.22 \ft Fair…: Heb. Gold\f*

JOB 37:23 Removed trailing space in v~: \add Touching\add* the \w Almighty|strong="H7706"\w*, we cannot find him \w out|strong="H4672"\w*: \add he is\add* \w excellent|strong="H7689"\w* in \w power|strong="H3581"\w*, and in \w judgment|strong="H4941"\w*, and in \w plenty|strong="H7230"\w* of \w justice|strong="H6666"\w*: he will not \w afflict|strong="H6031"\w*.

JOB 37:24 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Men|strong="H0582"\w* do therefore \w fear|strong="H3372"\w* him: he \w respecteth|strong="H7200"\w* not any \add that are\add* \w wise|strong="H2450"\w* of \w heart|strong="H3820"\w*.

JOB 38:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 38:0 Removed trailing space in c: 38

JOB 38:1 Removed trailing space in v~: Then the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* \w answered|strong="H6030"\w* \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* out of the \w whirlwind|strong="H5591"\w*, and \w said|strong="H0559"\w*,

JOB 38:2 Removed trailing space in v~: Who \add is\add* this that \w darkeneth|strong="H2821"\w* \w counsel|strong="H6098"\w* by \w words|strong="H4405"\w* without \w knowledge|strong="H1847"\w*?

JOB 38:3 Removed trailing space in v~: Gird \w up|strong="H0247"\w* now thy \w loins|strong="H2504"\w* like a \w man|strong="H1397"\w*; for I will \w demand|strong="H7592"\w* of thee, and \w answer|strong="H3045"\w* thou me.\f + \fr 38.3 \ft answer…: Heb. make me know\f*

JOB 38:4 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Where|strong="H0375"\w* wast thou when I laid the \w foundations|strong="H3245"\w* of the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*? \w declare|strong="H5046"\w*, if thou \w hast|strong="H3045"\w* \w understanding|strong="H0998"\w*.\f + \fr 38.4 \ft hast…: Heb. knowest understanding\f*

JOB 38:5 Removed trailing space in v~: Who hath \w laid|strong="H7760"\w* the \w measures|strong="H4461"\w* thereof, if thou \w knowest|strong="H3045"\w*? or who hath \w stretched|strong="H5186"\w* the \w line|strong="H6957"\w* upon it?

JOB 38:6 Removed trailing space in v~: Whereupon are the \w foundations|strong="H0134"\w* thereof \w fastened|strong="H2883"\w*? or who \w laid|strong="H3384"\w* the \w corner|strong="H6438"\w* \w stone|strong="H0068"\w* thereof;\f + \fr 38.6 \ft foundations: Heb. sockets\f*\f + \fr 38.6 \ft fastened: Heb. made to sink?\f*

JOB 38:7 Removed trailing space in v~: When the \w morning|strong="H1242"\w* \w stars|strong="H3556"\w* \w sang|strong="H7442"\w* \w together|strong="H3162"\w*, and all the \w sons|strong="H1121"\w* of \w God|strong="H0430"\w* \w shouted|strong="H7321"\w* for joy?

JOB 38:8 Removed trailing space in v~: Or \add who\add* shut \w up|strong="H5526"\w* the \w sea|strong="H3220"\w* with \w doors|strong="H1817"\w*, when it brake \w forth|strong="H1518"\w*, \add as if\add* it had issued \w out|strong="H3318"\w* of the \w womb|strong="H7358"\w*?

JOB 38:9 Removed trailing space in v~: When I \w made|strong="H7760"\w* the \w cloud|strong="H6051"\w* the \w garment|strong="H3830"\w* thereof, and thick \w darkness|strong="H6205"\w* a \w swaddlingband|strong="H2854"\w* for it,

JOB 38:10 Removed trailing space in v~: And brake \w up|strong="H7665"\w* for it my \w decreed|strong="H2706"\w* \add place\add*, and \w set|strong="H7760"\w* \w bars|strong="H1280"\w* and \w doors|strong="H1817"\w*,\f + \fr 38.10 \ft brake…: or, established my decree upon it\f*

JOB 38:11 Removed trailing space in v~: And \w said|strong="H0559"\w*, \w Hitherto|strong="H5704"\w* shalt thou \w come|strong="H0935"\w*, but no \w further|strong="H3254"\w*: and here shall thy \w proud|strong="H1347"\w* \w waves|strong="H1530"\w* be \w stayed|strong="H7896"\w*?\f + \fr 38.11 \ft thy…: Heb. the pride of thy waves\f*

JOB 38:12 Removed trailing space in v~: Hast thou \w commanded|strong="H6680"\w* the \w morning|strong="H1242"\w* since thy \w days|strong="H3117"\w*; \add and\add* caused the \w dayspring|strong="H7837"\w* to \w know|strong="H3045"\w* his \w place|strong="H4725"\w*;

JOB 38:13 Removed trailing space in v~: That it might take \w hold|strong="H0270"\w* of the \w ends|strong="H3671"\w* of the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*, that the \w wicked|strong="H7563"\w* might be shaken \w out|strong="H5287"\w* of it?\f + \fr 38.13 \ft ends: Heb. wings\f*

JOB 38:14 Removed trailing space in v~: It is \w turned|strong="H2015"\w* as \w clay|strong="H2563"\w* \add to\add* the \w seal|strong="H2368"\w*; and they \w stand|strong="H3320"\w* as a \w garment|strong="H3830"\w*.

JOB 38:15 Removed trailing space in v~: And from the \w wicked|strong="H7563"\w* their \w light|strong="H0216"\w* is \w withholden|strong="H4513"\w*, and the \w high|strong="H7311"\w* \w arm|strong="H2220"\w* shall be \w broken|strong="H7665"\w*.

JOB 38:16 Removed trailing space in v~: Hast thou \w entered|strong="H0935"\w* into the \w springs|strong="H5033"\w* of the \w sea|strong="H3220"\w*? or hast thou \w walked|strong="H1980"\w* in the \w search|strong="H2714"\w* of the \w depth|strong="H8415"\w*?

JOB 38:17 Removed trailing space in v~: Have the \w gates|strong="H8179"\w* of \w death|strong="H4194"\w* been \w opened|strong="H1540"\w* unto thee? or hast thou \w seen|strong="H7200"\w* the \w doors|strong="H8179"\w* of the shadow of \w death|strong="H6757"\w*?

JOB 38:18 Removed trailing space in v~: Hast thou \w perceived|strong="H0995"\w* the \w breadth|strong="H7338"\w* of the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*? \w declare|strong="H5046"\w* if thou \w knowest|strong="H3045"\w* it all.

JOB 38:19 Removed trailing space in v~: Where \add is\add* the \w way|strong="H1870"\w* \add where\add* \w light|strong="H0216"\w* \w dwelleth|strong="H7931"\w*? and \add as for\add* \w darkness|strong="H2822"\w*, where \add is\add* the \w place|strong="H4725"\w* thereof,

JOB 38:20 Removed trailing space in v~: That thou shouldest \w take|strong="H3947"\w* it to the \w bound|strong="H1366"\w* thereof, and that thou shouldest \w know|strong="H0995"\w* the \w paths|strong="H5410"\w* \add to\add* the \w house|strong="H1004"\w* thereof?\f + \fr 38.20 \ft to the bound: or, at, etc\f*

JOB 38:21 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Knowest|strong="H3045"\w* thou \add it\add*, because thou wast then \w born|strong="H3205"\w*? or \add because\add* the \w number|strong="H4557"\w* of thy \w days|strong="H3117"\w* \add is\add* \w great|strong="H7227"\w*?

JOB 38:22 Removed trailing space in v~: Hast thou \w entered|strong="H0935"\w* into the \w treasures|strong="H0214"\w* of the \w snow|strong="H7950"\w*? or hast thou \w seen|strong="H7200"\w* the \w treasures|strong="H0214"\w* of the \w hail|strong="H1259"\w*,

JOB 38:23 Removed trailing space in v~: Which I have \w reserved|strong="H2820"\w* against the \w time|strong="H6256"\w* of \w trouble|strong="H6862"\w*, against the \w day|strong="H3117"\w* of \w battle|strong="H7128"\w* and \w war|strong="H4421"\w*?

JOB 38:24 Removed trailing space in v~: By \w what|strong="H0335"\w* \w way|strong="H1870"\w* is the \w light|strong="H0216"\w* \w parted|strong="H2505"\w*, \add which\add* \w scattereth|strong="H6327"\w* the east \w wind|strong="H6921"\w* upon the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*?

JOB 38:25 Removed trailing space in v~: Who hath \w divided|strong="H6385"\w* a \w watercourse|strong="H8585"\w* for the overflowing of \w waters|strong="H7858"\w*, or a \w way|strong="H1870"\w* for the \w lightning|strong="H2385"\w* of \w thunder|strong="H6963"\w*;

JOB 38:26 Removed trailing space in v~: To cause it to \w rain|strong="H4305"\w* on the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*, \add where\add* no \w man|strong="H0376"\w* \add is; on\add* the \w wilderness|strong="H4057"\w*, wherein \add there is\add* no \w man|strong="H0120"\w*;

JOB 38:27 Removed trailing space in v~: To \w satisfy|strong="H7646"\w* the \w desolate|strong="H7722"\w* and \w waste|strong="H4875"\w* \add ground;\add* and to cause the \w bud|strong="H4161"\w* of the tender \w herb|strong="H1877"\w* to spring \w forth|strong="H6779"\w*?

JOB 38:28 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Hath|strong="H3426"\w* the \w rain|strong="H4306"\w* a \w father|strong="H0001"\w*? or who hath \w begotten|strong="H3205"\w* the \w drops|strong="H0096"\w* of \w dew|strong="H2919"\w*?

JOB 38:29 Removed trailing space in v~: Out of whose \w womb|strong="H0990"\w* \w came|strong="H3318"\w* the \w ice|strong="H7140"\w*? and the hoary \w frost|strong="H3713"\w* of \w heaven|strong="H8064"\w*, who hath \w gendered|strong="H3205"\w* it?

JOB 38:30 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w waters|strong="H4325"\w* are \w hid|strong="H2244"\w* as \add with\add* a \w stone|strong="H0068"\w*, and the \w face|strong="H6440"\w* of the \w deep|strong="H8415"\w* is \w frozen|strong="H3920"\w*.\f + \fr 38.30 \ft is…: Heb. is taken\f*

JOB 38:31 Removed trailing space in v~: Canst thou \w bind|strong="H7194"\w* the sweet \w influences|strong="H4575"\w* of \w Pleiades|strong="H3598"\w*, or \w loose|strong="H6605"\w* the \w bands|strong="H4189"\w* of \w Orion|strong="H3685"\w*?\f + \fr 38.31 \ft Pleiades: or, the seven stars: Heb. Cimah\f*\f + \fr 38.31 \ft Orion: Heb. Cesil?\f*

JOB 38:32 Removed trailing space in v~: Canst thou bring \w forth|strong="H3318"\w* \w Mazzaroth|strong="H4216"\w* in his \w season|strong="H6256"\w*? or canst thou \w guide|strong="H5148"\w* \w Arcturus|strong="H5906"\w* with his \w sons|strong="H1121"\w*?\f + \fr 38.32 \ft Mazzaroth: or, the twelve signs\f*\f + \fr 38.32 \ft guide: Heb. guide them\f*

JOB 38:33 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Knowest|strong="H3045"\w* thou the \w ordinances|strong="H2708"\w* of \w heaven|strong="H8064"\w*? canst thou \w set|strong="H7760"\w* the \w dominion|strong="H4896"\w* thereof in the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*?

JOB 38:34 Removed trailing space in v~: Canst thou lift \w up|strong="H7311"\w* thy \w voice|strong="H6963"\w* to the \w clouds|strong="H5645"\w*, that \w abundance|strong="H8229"\w* of \w waters|strong="H4325"\w* may \w cover|strong="H3680"\w* thee?

JOB 38:35 Removed trailing space in v~: Canst thou \w send|strong="H7971"\w* \w lightnings|strong="H1300"\w*, that they may \w go|strong="H3212"\w*, and \w say|strong="H0559"\w* unto thee, Here we \add are\add*?\f + \fr 38.35 \ft Here…: Heb. Behold us?\f*

JOB 38:36 Removed trailing space in v~: Who hath \w put|strong="H7896"\w* \w wisdom|strong="H2451"\w* in the inward \w parts|strong="H2910"\w*? or who hath \w given|strong="H5414"\w* \w understanding|strong="H0998"\w* to the \w heart|strong="H7907"\w*?

JOB 38:37 Removed trailing space in v~: Who can \w number|strong="H5608"\w* the \w clouds|strong="H7834"\w* in \w wisdom|strong="H2451"\w*? or who can \w stay|strong="H7901"\w* the \w bottles|strong="H5035"\w* of \w heaven|strong="H8064"\w*,\f + \fr 38.37 \ft stay: Heb. cause to lie down\f*

JOB 38:38 Removed trailing space in v~: When the \w dust|strong="H6083"\w* \w groweth|strong="H3332"\w* into \w hardness|strong="H4165"\w*, and the \w clods|strong="H7263"\w* cleave fast \w together|strong="H1692"\w*?\f + \fr 38.38 \ft groweth…: or, is turned into mire: Heb. is poured\f*

JOB 38:39 Removed trailing space in v~: Wilt thou \w hunt|strong="H6679"\w* the \w prey|strong="H2964"\w* for the \w lion|strong="H3833"\w*? or \w fill|strong="H4390"\w* the \w appetite|strong="H2416"\w* of the young \w lions|strong="H3715"\w*,\f + \fr 38.39 \ft the appetite: Heb. the life\f*

JOB 38:40 Removed trailing space in v~: When they \w couch|strong="H7817"\w* in \add their\add* \w dens|strong="H4585"\w*, \add and\add* \w abide|strong="H3427"\w* in the \w covert|strong="H5521"\w* \w to|strong="H3926"\w* lie in \w wait|strong="H0695"\w*?

JOB 38:41 Removed trailing space in v~: Who \w provideth|strong="H3559"\w* for the \w raven|strong="H6158"\w* his \w food|strong="H6718"\w*? when his young \w ones|strong="H3206"\w* \w cry|strong="H7768"\w* unto \w God|strong="H0410"\w*, they \w wander|strong="H8582"\w* for \w lack|strong="H1097"\w* of \w meat|strong="H0400"\w*.

JOB 39:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 39:0 Removed trailing space in c: 39

JOB 39:1 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Knowest|strong="H3045"\w* thou the \w time|strong="H6256"\w* when the wild \w goats|strong="H3277"\w* of the \w rock|strong="H5553"\w* bring \w forth|strong="H3205"\w*? \add or\add* canst thou \w mark|strong="H8104"\w* when the \w hinds|strong="H0355"\w* do \w calve|strong="H2342"\w*?

JOB 39:2 Removed trailing space in v~: Canst thou \w number|strong="H5608"\w* the \w months|strong="H3391"\w* \add that\add* they \w fulfil|strong="H4390"\w*? or \w knowest|strong="H3045"\w* thou the \w time|strong="H6256"\w* when they bring \w forth|strong="H3205"\w*?

JOB 39:3 Removed trailing space in v~: They \w bow|strong="H3766"\w* themselves, they bring \w forth|strong="H6398"\w* their young \w ones|strong="H3206"\w*, they cast \w out|strong="H7971"\w* their \w sorrows|strong="H2256"\w*.

JOB 39:4 Removed trailing space in v~: Their young \w ones|strong="H1121"\w* are in good \w liking|strong="H2492"\w*, they grow \w up|strong="H7235"\w* with \w corn|strong="H1250"\w*; they go \w forth|strong="H3318"\w*, and \w return|strong="H7725"\w* not unto them.

JOB 39:5 Removed trailing space in v~: Who hath sent \w out|strong="H7971"\w* the wild \w ass|strong="H6501"\w* \w free|strong="H2670"\w*? or who hath \w loosed|strong="H6605"\w* the \w bands|strong="H4147"\w* of the wild \w ass|strong="H6171"\w*?

JOB 39:6 Removed trailing space in v~: Whose \w house|strong="H1004"\w* I have \w made|strong="H7760"\w* the \w wilderness|strong="H6160"\w*, and the \w barren|strong="H4420"\w* land his \w dwellings|strong="H4908"\w*.\f + \fr 39.6 \ft barren…: Heb. salt places\f*

JOB 39:7 Removed trailing space in v~: He \w scorneth|strong="H7832"\w* the \w multitude|strong="H1995"\w* of the \w city|strong="H7151"\w*, neither \w regardeth|strong="H8085"\w* he the \w crying|strong="H8663"\w* of the \w driver|strong="H5065"\w*.\f + \fr 39.7 \ft of the driver: Heb. of the exactor\f*

JOB 39:8 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w range|strong="H3491"\w* of the \w mountains|strong="H2022"\w* \add is\add* his \w pasture|strong="H4829"\w*, and he \w searcheth|strong="H1875"\w* \w after|strong="H0310"\w* every green \w thing|strong="H3387"\w*.

JOB 39:9 Removed trailing space in v~: Will the \w unicorn|strong="H7214"\w* be \w willing|strong="H0014"\w* to \w serve|strong="H5647"\w* thee, or \w abide|strong="H3885"\w* by thy \w crib|strong="H0018"\w*?

JOB 39:10 Removed trailing space in v~: Canst thou \w bind|strong="H7194"\w* the \w unicorn|strong="H7214"\w* with his \w band|strong="H5688"\w* in the \w furrow|strong="H8525"\w*? or will he \w harrow|strong="H7702"\w* the \w valleys|strong="H6010"\w* \w after|strong="H0310"\w* thee?

JOB 39:11 Removed trailing space in v~: Wilt thou \w trust|strong="H0982"\w* him, because his \w strength|strong="H3581"\w* \add is\add* \w great|strong="H7227"\w*? or wilt thou \w leave|strong="H5800"\w* thy \w labour|strong="H3018"\w* to him?

JOB 39:12 Removed trailing space in v~: Wilt thou \w believe|strong="H0539"\w* him, that he will bring \w home|strong="H7725"\w* thy \w seed|strong="H2233"\w*, and \w gather|strong="H0622"\w* \add it into\add* thy \w barn|strong="H1637"\w*?

JOB 39:13 Removed trailing space in v~: \add Gavest thou\add* the \w goodly|strong="H7443"\w* \w wings|strong="H3671"\w* unto the \w peacocks|strong="H5965"\w*? or \w wings|strong="H0084"\w* and \w feathers|strong="H2624"\w* unto the \w ostrich|strong="H5133"\w*?\f + \fr 39.13 \ft wings and…: or, the feathers of the stork and ostrich\f*

JOB 39:14 Removed trailing space in v~: Which \w leaveth|strong="H5800"\w* her \w eggs|strong="H1000"\w* in the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*, and \w warmeth|strong="H2552"\w* them in \w dust|strong="H6083"\w*,

JOB 39:15 Removed trailing space in v~: And \w forgetteth|strong="H7911"\w* that the \w foot|strong="H7272"\w* may \w crush|strong="H2115"\w* them, or that the \w wild|strong="H7704"\w* \w beast|strong="H2416"\w* may \w break|strong="H1758"\w* them.

JOB 39:16 Removed trailing space in v~: She is \w hardened|strong="H7188"\w* against her young \w ones|strong="H1121"\w*, as though \add they were\add* \w not|strong="H3808"\w* hers: her \w labour|strong="H3018"\w* is in \w vain|strong="H7385"\w* without \w fear|strong="H6343"\w*;

JOB 39:17 Removed trailing space in v~: Because \w God|strong="H0433"\w* hath \w deprived|strong="H5382"\w* her of \w wisdom|strong="H2451"\w*, neither hath he \w imparted|strong="H2505"\w* to her \w understanding|strong="H0998"\w*.

JOB 39:18 Removed trailing space in v~: What \w time|strong="H6256"\w* she lifteth \w up|strong="H4754"\w* herself on \w high|strong="H4791"\w*, she \w scorneth|strong="H7832"\w* the \w horse|strong="H5483"\w* and his \w rider|strong="H7392"\w*.

JOB 39:19 Removed trailing space in v~: Hast thou \w given|strong="H5414"\w* the \w horse|strong="H5483"\w* \w strength|strong="H1369"\w*? hast thou \w clothed|strong="H3847"\w* his \w neck|strong="H6677"\w* with \w thunder|strong="H7483"\w*?

JOB 39:20 Removed trailing space in v~: Canst thou make him \w afraid|strong="H7493"\w* as a \w grasshopper|strong="H0697"\w*? the \w glory|strong="H1935"\w* of his \w nostrils|strong="H5170"\w* \add is\add* \w terrible|strong="H0367"\w*.\f + \fr 39.20 \ft terrible: Heb. terror\f*

JOB 39:21 Removed trailing space in v~: He \w paweth|strong="H2658"\w* in the \w valley|strong="H6010"\w*, and \w rejoiceth|strong="H7797"\w* in \add his\add* \w strength|strong="H3581"\w*: he goeth \w on|strong="H3318"\w* to \w meet|strong="H7125"\w* the armed \w men|strong="H5402"\w*.\f + \fr 39.21 \ft He paweth: or, His feet dig\f*\f + \fr 39.21 \ft the armed…: Heb. the armour\f*

JOB 39:22 Removed trailing space in v~: He \w mocketh|strong="H7832"\w* at \w fear|strong="H6343"\w*, and is not \w affrighted|strong="H2865"\w*; neither turneth he \w back|strong="H7725"\w* \w from|strong="H6440"\w* the \w sword|strong="H2719"\w*.

JOB 39:23 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w quiver|strong="H0827"\w* \w rattleth|strong="H7439"\w* against him, the \w glittering|strong="H3851"\w* \w spear|strong="H2595"\w* and the \w shield|strong="H3591"\w*.

JOB 39:24 Removed trailing space in v~: He \w swalloweth|strong="H1572"\w* the \w ground|strong="H0776"\w* with \w fierceness|strong="H7494"\w* and \w rage|strong="H7267"\w*: neither \w believeth|strong="H0539"\w* he that \add it is\add* the \w sound|strong="H6963"\w* of the \w trumpet|strong="H7782"\w*.

JOB 39:25 Removed trailing space in v~: He \w saith|strong="H0559"\w* \w among|strong="H1767"\w* the \w trumpets|strong="H7782"\w*, \w Ha|strong="H1889"\w*, \w ha|strong="H1889"\w*; and he \w smelleth|strong="H7306"\w* the \w battle|strong="H4421"\w* afar \w off|strong="H7350"\w*, the \w thunder|strong="H7482"\w* of the \w captains|strong="H8269"\w*, and the \w shouting|strong="H8643"\w*.

JOB 39:26 Removed trailing space in v~: Doth the \w hawk|strong="H5322"\w* \w fly|strong="H0082"\w* by thy \w wisdom|strong="H0998"\w*, \add and\add* \w stretch|strong="H6566"\w* her \w wings|strong="H3671"\w* toward the \w south|strong="H8486"\w*?

JOB 39:27 Removed trailing space in v~: Doth the \w eagle|strong="H5404"\w* mount \w up|strong="H1361"\w* at thy \w command|strong="H6310"\w*, and \w make|strong="H7311"\w* her \w nest|strong="H7064"\w* on \w high|strong="H7311"\w*?\f + \fr 39.27 \ft at…: Heb. by thy mouth\f*

JOB 39:28 Removed trailing space in v~: She \w dwelleth|strong="H7931"\w* and \w abideth|strong="H3885"\w* on the \w rock|strong="H5553"\w*, upon the \w crag|strong="H8127"\w* of the \w rock|strong="H5553"\w*, and the strong \w place|strong="H4686"\w*.

JOB 39:29 Removed trailing space in v~: From thence she \w seeketh|strong="H2658"\w* the \w prey|strong="H0400"\w*, \add and\add* her \w eyes|strong="H5869"\w* \w behold|strong="H5027"\w* afar \w off|strong="H7350"\w*.

JOB 39:30 Removed trailing space in v~: Her young \w ones|strong="H0667"\w* also suck \w up|strong="H5966"\w* \w blood|strong="H1818"\w*: and where the \w slain|strong="H2491"\w* \add are\add*, there \add is\add* \w she|strong="H1931"\w*.

JOB 40:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 40:0 Removed trailing space in c: 40

JOB 40:1 Removed trailing space in v~: Moreover the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* \w answered|strong="H6030"\w* \w Job|strong="H0347"\w*, and \w said|strong="H0559"\w*,

JOB 40:2 Removed trailing space in v~: Shall he that \w contendeth|strong="H7378"\w* with the \w Almighty|strong="H7706"\w* \w instruct|strong="H3250"\w* \add him\add*? he that \w reproveth|strong="H3198"\w* \w God|strong="H0433"\w*, let him \w answer|strong="H6030"\w* it.

JOB 40:3 Removed trailing space in v~: ¶ Then \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* \w answered|strong="H6030"\w* the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd*, and \w said|strong="H0559"\w*,

JOB 40:4 Removed trailing space in v~: Behold, I am \w vile|strong="H7043"\w*; what shall I \w answer|strong="H7725"\w* thee? I will \w lay|strong="H7760"\w* mine \w hand|strong="H3027"\w* \w upon|strong="H3926"\w* my \w mouth|strong="H6310"\w*.

JOB 40:5 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Once|strong="H0259"\w* have I \w spoken|strong="H1696"\w*; but I will not \w answer|strong="H6030"\w*: yea, \w twice|strong="H8147"\w*; but I will proceed no \w further|strong="H3254"\w*.

JOB 40:6 Removed trailing space in v~: ¶ Then \w answered|strong="H6030"\w* the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* unto \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* out of the \w whirlwind|strong="H5591"\w*, and \w said|strong="H0559"\w*,

JOB 40:7 Removed trailing space in v~: Gird \w up|strong="H0247"\w* thy \w loins|strong="H2504"\w* now like a \w man|strong="H1397"\w*: I will \w demand|strong="H7592"\w* of thee, and \w declare|strong="H3045"\w* thou unto me.

JOB 40:8 Removed trailing space in v~: Wilt thou also \w disannul|strong="H6565"\w* my \w judgment|strong="H4941"\w*? wilt thou \w condemn|strong="H7561"\w* me, that thou mayest be \w righteous|strong="H6663"\w*?

JOB 40:9 Removed trailing space in v~: Hast thou an \w arm|strong="H2220"\w* like \w God|strong="H0410"\w*? or canst thou \w thunder|strong="H7481"\w* with a \w voice|strong="H6963"\w* like him?

JOB 40:10 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Deck|strong="H5710"\w* thyself now \add with\add* \w majesty|strong="H1347"\w* and \w excellency|strong="H1363"\w*; and \w array|strong="H3847"\w* thyself with \w glory|strong="H1935"\w* and \w beauty|strong="H1926"\w*.

JOB 40:11 Removed trailing space in v~: Cast \w abroad|strong="H6327"\w* the \w rage|strong="H5678"\w* of thy \w wrath|strong="H0639"\w*: and \w behold|strong="H7200"\w* every one \add that is\add* \w proud|strong="H1343"\w*, and \w abase|strong="H8213"\w* him.

JOB 40:12 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Look|strong="H7200"\w* on every one \add that is\add* \w proud|strong="H1343"\w*, \add and\add* bring him \w low|strong="H3665"\w*; and tread \w down|strong="H1915"\w* the \w wicked|strong="H7563"\w* in their place.

JOB 40:13 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Hide|strong="H2934"\w* them in the \w dust|strong="H6083"\w* \w together|strong="H3162"\w*; \add and\add* \w bind|strong="H2280"\w* their \w faces|strong="H6440"\w* in \w secret|strong="H2934"\w*.

JOB 40:14 Removed trailing space in v~: Then will I also \w confess|strong="H3034"\w* unto thee that thine own right \w hand|strong="H3225"\w* can \w save|strong="H3467"\w* thee.

JOB 40:15 Removed trailing space in v~: ¶ Behold now \w behemoth|strong="H0930"\w*, which I \w made|strong="H6213"\w* with thee; he \w eateth|strong="H0398"\w* \w grass|strong="H2682"\w* as an \w ox|strong="H1241"\w*.\f + \fr 40.15 \ft behemoth: probably an extinct animal of some kind\f*

JOB 40:16 Removed trailing space in v~: Lo now, his \w strength|strong="H3581"\w* \add is\add* in his \w loins|strong="H4975"\w*, and his \w force|strong="H0202"\w* \add is\add* in the \w navel|strong="H8306"\w* of his \w belly|strong="H0990"\w*.

JOB 40:17 Removed trailing space in v~: He \w moveth|strong="H2654"\w* his \w tail|strong="H2180"\w* like a \w cedar|strong="H0730"\w*: the \w sinews|strong="H1517"\w* of his \w stones|strong="H6344"\w* are wrapped \w together|strong="H8276"\w*.\f + \fr 40.17 \ft He…: or, He setteth up\f*

JOB 40:18 Removed trailing space in v~: His \w bones|strong="H6106"\w* \add are as\add* \w strong|strong="H0650"\w* pieces of \w brass|strong="H5154"\w*; his \w bones|strong="H1634"\w* \add are\add* like \w bars|strong="H4300"\w* of \w iron|strong="H1270"\w*.

JOB 40:19 Removed trailing space in v~: He \add is\add* the \w chief|strong="H7225"\w* of the \w ways|strong="H1870"\w* of \w God|strong="H0410"\w*: he that \w made|strong="H6213"\w* him can \w make|strong="H5066"\w* his \w sword|strong="H2719"\w* to \w approach|strong="H5066"\w* \add unto him\add*.

JOB 40:20 Removed trailing space in v~: Surely the \w mountains|strong="H2022"\w* bring him \w forth|strong="H5375"\w* \w food|strong="H0944"\w*, where all the \w beasts|strong="H2416"\w* of the \w field|strong="H7704"\w* \w play|strong="H7832"\w*.

JOB 40:21 Removed trailing space in v~: He \w lieth|strong="H7901"\w* under the shady \w trees|strong="H6628"\w*, in the \w covert|strong="H5643"\w* of the \w reed|strong="H7070"\w*, and \w fens|strong="H1207"\w*.

JOB 40:22 Removed trailing space in v~: The shady \w trees|strong="H6628"\w* \w cover|strong="H5526"\w* him \add with\add* their \w shadow|strong="H6752"\w*; the \w willows|strong="H6155"\w* of the \w brook|strong="H5158"\w* compass him \w about|strong="H5437"\w*.

JOB 40:23 Removed trailing space in v~: Behold, he drinketh \w up|strong="H6231"\w* a \w river|strong="H5104"\w*, \add and\add* \w hasteth|strong="H2648"\w* not: he \w trusteth|strong="H0982"\w* that he can draw \w up|strong="H1518"\w* \w Jordan|strong="H3383"\w* into his \w mouth|strong="H6310"\w*.\f + \fr 40.23 \ft he drinketh up: Heb. he oppresseth\f*

JOB 40:24 Removed trailing space in v~: He \w taketh|strong="H3947"\w* it with his \w eyes|strong="H5869"\w*: \add his\add* \w nose|strong="H0639"\w* pierceth \w through|strong="H5344"\w* \w snares|strong="H4170"\w*.\f + \fr 40.24 \ft He…: or, Will any take him in his sight, or, bore his nose with a gin?\f*

JOB 41:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 41:0 Removed trailing space in c: 41

JOB 41:1 Removed trailing space in v~: Canst thou draw \w out|strong="H4900"\w* \w leviathan|strong="H3882"\w* with an \w hook|strong="H2443"\w*? or his \w tongue|strong="H3956"\w* with a \w cord|strong="H2256"\w* \add which\add* thou lettest \w down|strong="H8257"\w*?\f + \fr 41.1 \ft leviathan: probably an extinct animal of some kind\f*\f + \fr 41.1 \ft which…: Heb. which thou drownest?\f*

JOB 41:2 Removed trailing space in v~: Canst thou \w put|strong="H7760"\w* an \w hook|strong="H0100"\w* into his \w nose|strong="H0639"\w*? or \w bore|strong="H5344"\w* his \w jaw|strong="H3895"\w* through with a \w thorn|strong="H2336"\w*?

JOB 41:3 Removed trailing space in v~: Will he make \w many|strong="H7235"\w* \w supplications|strong="H8469"\w* unto thee? will he \w speak|strong="H1696"\w* \w soft|strong="H7390"\w* \add words\add* unto thee?

JOB 41:4 Removed trailing space in v~: Will he \w make|strong="H3772"\w* a \w covenant|strong="H1285"\w* with thee? wilt thou \w take|strong="H3947"\w* him for a \w servant|strong="H5650"\w* for \w ever|strong="H5769"\w*?

JOB 41:5 Removed trailing space in v~: Wilt thou \w play|strong="H7832"\w* with him as \add with\add* a \w bird|strong="H6833"\w*? or wilt thou \w bind|strong="H7194"\w* him for thy \w maidens|strong="H5291"\w*?

JOB 41:6 Removed trailing space in v~: Shall the \w companions|strong="H2271"\w* make a \w banquet|strong="H3739"\w* of him? shall they \w part|strong="H2673"\w* him among the \w merchants|strong="H3669"\w*?

JOB 41:7 Removed trailing space in v~: Canst thou \w fill|strong="H4390"\w* his \w skin|strong="H5785"\w* with barbed \w irons|strong="H7905"\w*? or his \w head|strong="H7218"\w* with \w fish|strong="H1709"\w* \w spears|strong="H6767"\w*?

JOB 41:8 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Lay|strong="H7760"\w* thine \w hand|strong="H3709"\w* upon him, \w remember|strong="H2142"\w* the \w battle|strong="H4421"\w*, do no \w more|strong="H3254"\w*.

JOB 41:9 Removed trailing space in v~: Behold, the \w hope|strong="H8431"\w* of him is in \w vain|strong="H3576"\w*: shall not \add one\add* be cast \w down|strong="H2904"\w* even at the \w sight|strong="H4758"\w* of him?

JOB 41:10 Removed trailing space in v~: None \add is so\add* \w fierce|strong="H0393"\w* that dare stir him \w up|strong="H5782"\w*: who then is able to \w stand|strong="H3320"\w* \w before|strong="H6440"\w* me?

JOB 41:11 Removed trailing space in v~: Who hath \w prevented|strong="H6923"\w* me, that I should \w repay|strong="H7999"\w* \add him? whatsoever is\add* under the whole \w heaven|strong="H8064"\w* is mine.

JOB 41:12 Removed trailing space in v~: I will not \w conceal|strong="H2790"\w* his \w parts|strong="H0907"\w*, nor his \w power|strong="H1369"\w*, nor his \w comely|strong="H2433"\w* \w proportion|strong="H6187"\w*.

JOB 41:13 Removed trailing space in v~: Who can \w discover|strong="H1540"\w* the \w face|strong="H6440"\w* of his \w garment|strong="H3830"\w*? \add or\add* who can \w come|strong="H0935"\w* \add to him\add* with his \w double|strong="H3718"\w* \w bridle|strong="H7448"\w*?\f + \fr 41.13 \ft with: or, within\f*

JOB 41:14 Removed trailing space in v~: Who can \w open|strong="H6605"\w* the \w doors|strong="H1817"\w* of his \w face|strong="H6440"\w*? his \w teeth|strong="H8127"\w* \add are\add* \w terrible|strong="H0367"\w* round \w about|strong="H5439"\w*.

JOB 41:15 Removed trailing space in v~: \add His\add* \w scales|strong="H4043"\w* \add are his\add* \w pride|strong="H1346"\w*, shut up \w together|strong="H5462"\w* \add as with\add* a \w close|strong="H6862"\w* \w seal|strong="H2368"\w*.\f + \fr 41.15 \ft scales: Heb. strong pieces of shields\f*

JOB 41:16 Removed trailing space in v~: \w One|strong="H0259"\w* is so \w near|strong="H5066"\w* to \w another|strong="H0259"\w*, that no \w air|strong="H7307"\w* can \w come|strong="H0935"\w* between them.

JOB 41:17 Removed trailing space in v~: They are \w joined|strong="H1692"\w* \w one|strong="H0376"\w* to \w another|strong="H0251"\w*, they stick \w together|strong="H3920"\w*, that they cannot be \w sundered|strong="H6504"\w*.

JOB 41:18 Removed trailing space in v~: By his \w neesings|strong="H5846"\w* a \w light|strong="H0216"\w* doth \w shine|strong="H1984"\w*, and his \w eyes|strong="H5869"\w* \add are\add* like the \w eyelids|strong="H6079"\w* of the \w morning|strong="H7837"\w*.

JOB 41:19 Removed trailing space in v~: Out of his \w mouth|strong="H6310"\w* \w go|strong="H1980"\w* burning \w lamps|strong="H3940"\w*, \add and\add* \w sparks|strong="H3590"\w* of \w fire|strong="H0784"\w* leap \w out|strong="H4422"\w*.

JOB 41:20 Removed trailing space in v~: Out of his \w nostrils|strong="H5156"\w* \w goeth|strong="H3318"\w* \w smoke|strong="H6227"\w*, as \add out\add* of a \w seething|strong="H5301"\w* \w pot|strong="H1731"\w* or \w caldron|strong="H0100"\w*.

JOB 41:21 Removed trailing space in v~: His \w breath|strong="H5315"\w* \w kindleth|strong="H3857"\w* \w coals|strong="H1513"\w*, and a \w flame|strong="H3851"\w* goeth \w out|strong="H3318"\w* of his \w mouth|strong="H6310"\w*.

JOB 41:22 Removed trailing space in v~: In his \w neck|strong="H6677"\w* \w remaineth|strong="H3885"\w* \w strength|strong="H5797"\w*, and \w sorrow|strong="H1670"\w* is turned into \w joy|strong="H1750"\w* \w before|strong="H6440"\w* him.\f + \fr 41.22 \ft is turned into joy: Heb. rejoiceth\f*

JOB 41:23 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w flakes|strong="H4651"\w* of his \w flesh|strong="H1320"\w* are joined \w together|strong="H1692"\w*: they are \w firm|strong="H3332"\w* in themselves; they cannot be \w moved|strong="H4131"\w*.\f + \fr 41.23 \ft flakes: Heb. fallings\f*

JOB 41:24 Removed trailing space in v~: His \w heart|strong="H3820"\w* is as \w firm|strong="H3332"\w* as a \w stone|strong="H0068"\w*; yea, as \w hard|strong="H3332"\w* as a \w piece|strong="H6400"\w* of the \w nether|strong="H8482"\w* \add millstone\add*.

JOB 41:25 Removed trailing space in v~: When he raiseth \w up|strong="H7613"\w* himself, the \w mighty|strong="H0352"\w* are \w afraid|strong="H1481"\w*: by reason of \w breakings|strong="H7667"\w* they \w purify|strong="H2398"\w* themselves.

JOB 41:26 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w sword|strong="H2719"\w* of him that \w layeth|strong="H5381"\w* at him cannot \w hold|strong="H6965"\w*: the \w spear|strong="H2595"\w*, the \w dart|strong="H4551"\w*, nor the \w habergeon|strong="H8302"\w*.\f + \fr 41.26 \ft habergeon: or, breastplate\f*

JOB 41:27 Removed trailing space in v~: He \w esteemeth|strong="H2803"\w* \w iron|strong="H1270"\w* as \w straw|strong="H8401"\w*, \add and\add* \w brass|strong="H5154"\w* as \w rotten|strong="H7539"\w* \w wood|strong="H6086"\w*.

JOB 41:28 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w arrow|strong="H1121"\w* cannot make him \w flee|strong="H1272"\w*: \w slingstones|strong="H0068"\w* are \w turned|strong="H2015"\w* with him into \w stubble|strong="H7179"\w*.

JOB 41:29 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Darts|strong="H8455"\w* are \w counted|strong="H2803"\w* as \w stubble|strong="H7179"\w*: he \w laugheth|strong="H7832"\w* at the \w shaking|strong="H7494"\w* of a \w spear|strong="H3591"\w*.

JOB 41:30 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Sharp|strong="H2303"\w* \w stones|strong="H2789"\w* \add are\add* under him: he \w spreadeth|strong="H7502"\w* sharp pointed \w things|strong="H2742"\w* upon the \w mire|strong="H2916"\w*.\f + \fr 41.30 \ft Sharp stones: Heb. Sharp pieces of potsherd\f*

JOB 41:31 Removed trailing space in v~: He maketh the \w deep|strong="H4688"\w* to \w boil|strong="H7570"\w* like a \w pot|strong="H5518"\w*: he \w maketh|strong="H7760"\w* the \w sea|strong="H3220"\w* like a pot of \w ointment|strong="H4841"\w*.

JOB 41:32 Removed trailing space in v~: He maketh a \w path|strong="H5410"\w* to \w shine|strong="H0215"\w* \w after|strong="H0310"\w* him; \add one\add* would \w think|strong="H2803"\w* the \w deep|strong="H8415"\w* \add to be\add* \w hoary|strong="H7872"\w*.

JOB 41:33 Removed trailing space in v~: Upon \w earth|strong="H6083"\w* there is not his \w like|strong="H4915"\w*, who is \w made|strong="H6213"\w* \w without|strong="H1097"\w* \w fear|strong="H2844"\w*.\f + \fr 41.33 \ft is made without fear: or, behave themselves without fear\f*

JOB 41:34 Removed trailing space in v~: He \w beholdeth|strong="H7200"\w* all \w high|strong="H1364"\w* \add things:\add* he \add is\add* a \w king|strong="H4428"\w* over all the \w children|strong="H1121"\w* of \w pride|strong="H7830"\w*.

JOB 42:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOB 42:0 Removed trailing space in c: 42

JOB 42:1 Removed trailing space in v~: Then \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* \w answered|strong="H6030"\w* the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd*, and \w said|strong="H0559"\w*,

JOB 42:2 Removed trailing space in v~: I \w know|strong="H3045"\w* that thou canst \w do|strong="H3201"\w* every \add thing\add*, and \add that\add* no \w thought|strong="H4209"\w* can be \w withholden|strong="H1219"\w* from thee.\f + \fr 42.2 \ft no thought can be…: or, no thought of thine can be hindered\f*

JOB 42:3 Removed trailing space in v~: Who \add is\add* he that \w hideth|strong="H5956"\w* \w counsel|strong="H6098"\w* without \w knowledge|strong="H1847"\w*? therefore have I \w uttered|strong="H5046"\w* that I \w understood|strong="H0995"\w* not; things too \w wonderful|strong="H6381"\w* for me, which I \w knew|strong="H3045"\w* not.

JOB 42:4 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Hear|strong="H8085"\w*, I beseech thee, and I will \w speak|strong="H1696"\w*: I will \w demand|strong="H7592"\w* of thee, and \w declare|strong="H3045"\w* thou unto me.

JOB 42:5 Removed trailing space in v~: I have \w heard|strong="H8085"\w* of thee by the \w hearing|strong="H8088"\w* of the \w ear|strong="H0241"\w*: but now mine \w eye|strong="H5869"\w* \w seeth|strong="H7200"\w* thee.

JOB 42:6 Removed trailing space in v~: Wherefore I \w abhor|strong="H3988"\w* \add myself\add*, and \w repent|strong="H5162"\w* in \w dust|strong="H6083"\w* and \w ashes|strong="H0665"\w*.

JOB 42:7 Removed trailing space in v~: ¶ And it was \add so\add*, that \w after|strong="H0310"\w* the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* had \w spoken|strong="H1696"\w* these \w words|strong="H1697"\w* unto \w Job|strong="H0347"\w*, the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* \w said|strong="H0559"\w* to \w Eliphaz|strong="H0464"\w* the \w Temanite|strong="H8489"\w*, My \w wrath|strong="H0639"\w* is \w kindled|strong="H2734"\w* against thee, and against thy \w two|strong="H8147"\w* \w friends|strong="H7453"\w*: for ye have not \w spoken|strong="H1696"\w* of me \add the thing that is\add* \w right|strong="H3559"\w*, as my \w servant|strong="H5650"\w* \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* \add hath\add*.

JOB 42:8 Removed trailing space in v~: Therefore \w take|strong="H3947"\w* unto you now \w seven|strong="H7651"\w* \w bullocks|strong="H6499"\w* and \w seven|strong="H7651"\w* \w rams|strong="H0352"\w*, and \w go|strong="H3212"\w* to my \w servant|strong="H5650"\w* \w Job|strong="H0347"\w*, and offer \w up|strong="H5927"\w* for yourselves a burnt \w offering|strong="H5930"\w*; and my \w servant|strong="H5650"\w* \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* shall \w pray|strong="H6419"\w* for you: for \w him|strong="H6440"\w* will I \w accept|strong="H5375"\w*: lest I \w deal|strong="H6213"\w* with you \add after your\add* \w folly|strong="H5039"\w*, in that ye have not \w spoken|strong="H1696"\w* of me \add the thing which is\add* \w right|strong="H3559"\w*, like my \w servant|strong="H5650"\w* \w Job|strong="H0347"\w*.\f + \fr 42.8 \ft him: Heb. his face, or, person\f*

JOB 42:9 Removed trailing space in v~: So \w Eliphaz|strong="H0464"\w* the \w Temanite|strong="H8489"\w* and \w Bildad|strong="H1085"\w* the \w Shuhite|strong="H7747"\w* \add and\add* \w Zophar|strong="H6691"\w* the \w Naamathite|strong="H5284"\w* \w went|strong="H3212"\w*, and \w did|strong="H6213"\w* according as the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* \w commanded|strong="H1696"\w* them: the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* also \w accepted|strong="H5375"\w* \w Job|strong="H6440"\w*.\f + \fr 42.9 \ft Job: Heb. the face of Job\f*

JOB 42:10 Removed trailing space in v~: And the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* \w turned|strong="H7725"\w* the \w captivity|strong="H7622"\w* of \w Job|strong="H0347"\w*, when he \w prayed|strong="H6419"\w* for his \w friends|strong="H7453"\w*: also the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* \w gave|strong="H3254"\w* \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* twice as \w much|strong="H4932"\w* as he had before.\f + \fr 42.10 \ft gave…: Heb. added all that had been to Job unto the double\f*

JOB 42:11 Removed trailing space in v~: Then \w came|strong="H0935"\w* there unto him all his \w brethren|strong="H0251"\w*, and all his \w sisters|strong="H0269"\w*, and all they that had been of his \w acquaintance|strong="H3045"\w* \w before|strong="H6440"\w*, and did \w eat|strong="H0398"\w* \w bread|strong="H3899"\w* with him in his \w house|strong="H1004"\w*: and they \w bemoaned|strong="H5110"\w* him, and \w comforted|strong="H5162"\w* him over all the \w evil|strong="H7451"\w* that the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* had \w brought|strong="H0935"\w* upon him: every \w man|strong="H0376"\w* also \w gave|strong="H5414"\w* him \w a|strong="H0259"\w* piece of \w money|strong="H7192"\w*, and every \w one|strong="H0376"\w* an \w earring|strong="H5141"\w* of \w gold|strong="H2091"\w*.

JOB 42:12 Removed trailing space in v~: So the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* \w blessed|strong="H1288"\w* the latter \w end|strong="H0319"\w* of \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* more than his \w beginning|strong="H7225"\w*: for he had \w fourteen|strong="H0702"\w* \w thousand|strong="H0505"\w* \w sheep|strong="H6629"\w*, and \w six|strong="H8337"\w* \w thousand|strong="H0505"\w* \w camels|strong="H1581"\w*, and a \w thousand|strong="H0505"\w* \w yoke|strong="H6776"\w* of \w oxen|strong="H1241"\w*, and a \w thousand|strong="H0505"\w* she \w asses|strong="H0860"\w*.

JOB 42:13 Removed trailing space in v~: He had also \w seven|strong="H7658"\w* \w sons|strong="H1121"\w* and \w three|strong="H7969"\w* \w daughters|strong="H1323"\w*.

JOB 42:14 Removed trailing space in v~: And he \w called|strong="H7121"\w* the \w name|strong="H8034"\w* of the \w first|strong="H0259"\w*, \w Jemima|strong="H3224"\w*; and the \w name|strong="H8034"\w* of the \w second|strong="H8145"\w*, \w Kezia|strong="H7103"\w*; and the \w name|strong="H8034"\w* of the \w third|strong="H7992"\w*, \w Keren-happuch|strong="H7163"\w*.

JOB 42:15 Removed trailing space in v~: And in all the \w land|strong="H0776"\w* were no \w women|strong="H0802"\w* \w found|strong="H4672"\w* \add so\add* \w fair|strong="H3303"\w* as the \w daughters|strong="H1323"\w* of \w Job|strong="H0347"\w*: and their \w father|strong="H0001"\w* \w gave|strong="H5414"\w* them \w inheritance|strong="H5159"\w* \w among|strong="H8432"\w* their \w brethren|strong="H0251"\w*.

JOB 42:16 Removed trailing space in v~: \w After|strong="H0310"\w* this \w lived|strong="H2421"\w* \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* an \w hundred|strong="H3967"\w* and \w forty|strong="H0705"\w* \w years|strong="H8141"\w*, and \w saw|strong="H7200"\w* his \w sons|strong="H1121"\w*, and his \w sons’|strong="H1121"\w* \w sons|strong="H1121"\w*, \add even\add* \w four|strong="H0702"\w* \w generations|strong="H1755"\w*.

JOB 42:17 Removed trailing space in v~: So \w Job|strong="H0347"\w* \w died|strong="H4191"\w*, \add being\add* \w old|strong="H2205"\w* and \w full|strong="H7649"\w* of \w days|strong="H3117"\w*.


Newline Marker Errors

JOB 1:0 Missing Introduction section (went from Header straight to Numbering section with c marker)

Modified Marker List

All Newline Marker Counts

 c: 42    h: 1    id: 1    mt1: 1    p: 136    toc1: 1    toc2: 1    toc3: 1    Total: 1254    v: 1070  

All Newline Marker Counts (sorted by count)

 id: 1    h: 1    toc1: 1    toc2: 1    toc3: 1    mt1: 1    c: 42    p: 136    v: 1070    Total: 1254  

Functional Marker Counts

 Book Header: 1    Book ID: 1    Chapters: 42    Paragraphs: 136    Verses: 1070  

Functional Marker Counts (sorted by count)

 Book ID: 1    Book Header: 1    Chapters: 42    Paragraphs: 136    Verses: 1070  


Possible Character Errors

JOB 1:3 Multiple spaces in '1.3··substance: or, cattle'

JOB 1:3 Multiple spaces in '1.3··household: or, husbandry'

JOB 1:3 Multiple spaces in '1.3··men: Heb. sons'

JOB 1:5 Multiple spaces in '1.5··continually: Heb. all the days'

JOB 1:6 Multiple spaces in '¶ Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the··LORD, and Satan came also among them.'

JOB 1:6 Multiple spaces in '1.6··Satan: Heb. the adversary'

JOB 1:6 Multiple spaces in '1.6··among: Heb. in the midst of'

JOB 1:7 Multiple spaces in 'And the··LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the··LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.'

JOB 1:8 Multiple spaces in 'And the··LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil?'

JOB 1:8 Multiple spaces in '1.8··considered: Heb. set thy heart on'

JOB 1:9 Multiple spaces in 'Then Satan answered the··LORD, and said, Doth Job fear God for nought?'

JOB 1:10 Multiple spaces in '1.10··substance: or, cattle'

JOB 1:11 Multiple spaces in '1.11··and he…: Heb. if he curse thee not to thy face'

JOB 1:12 Multiple spaces in 'And the··LORD said unto Satan, Behold, all that he hath is in thy power; only upon himself put not forth thine hand. So Satan went forth from the presence of the··LORD.'

JOB 1:12 Multiple spaces in '1.12··power: Heb. hand'

JOB 1:16 Multiple spaces in '1.16··The fire…: or, A great fire'

JOB 1:17 Multiple spaces in '1.17··fell: Heb. rushed'

JOB 1:19 Multiple spaces in '1.19··from…: Heb. from aside, etc'

JOB 1:20 Multiple spaces in '1.20··mantle: or, robe'

JOB 1:21 Multiple spaces in 'And said, Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: the··LORD gave, and the··LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the··LORD.'

JOB 1:22 Multiple spaces in '1.22··charged…: or, attributed folly to God'

JOB 2:1 Multiple spaces in 'Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the··LORD, and Satan came also among them to present himself before the··LORD.'

JOB 2:2 Multiple spaces in 'And the··LORD said unto Satan, From whence comest thou? And Satan answered the··LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.'

JOB 2:3 Multiple spaces in 'And the··LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil? and still he holdeth fast his integrity, although thou movedst me against him, to destroy him without cause.'

JOB 2:3 Multiple spaces in '2.3··to destroy…: Heb. to swallow him up'

JOB 2:4 Multiple spaces in 'And Satan answered the··LORD, and said, Skin for skin, yea, all that a man hath will he give for his life.'

JOB 2:6 Multiple spaces in 'And the··LORD said unto Satan, Behold, he is in thine hand; but save his life.'

JOB 2:6 Multiple spaces in '2.6··but: or, only'

JOB 2:7 Multiple spaces in '¶ So went Satan forth from the presence of the··LORD, and smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot unto his crown.'

JOB 3:2 Multiple spaces in '3.2··spake: Heb. answered'

JOB 3:5 Multiple spaces in '3.5··stain: or, challenge'

JOB 3:5 Multiple spaces in '3.5··let the…: or, let them terrify it, as those who have a bitter day'

JOB 3:6 Multiple spaces in '3.6··let it not be…: or, let it not rejoice among the days'

JOB 3:8 Multiple spaces in '3.8··their…: or, leviathan'

JOB 3:9 Multiple spaces in '3.9··the dawning…: Heb. the eyelids of the morning'

JOB 3:17 Multiple spaces in '3.17··weary: Heb. wearied in strength'

JOB 3:21 Multiple spaces in '3.21··long: Heb. wait'

JOB 3:24 Multiple spaces in '3.24··I eat: Heb. my meat'

JOB 3:25 Multiple spaces in '3.25··the thing…: Heb. I feared a fear, and it came upon me'

JOB 4:2 Multiple spaces in '4.2··to…: Heb. a word'

JOB 4:2 Multiple spaces in '4.2··withhold…: Heb. refrain from words?'

JOB 4:9 Multiple spaces in '4.9··by the breath…: that is, by his anger'

JOB 4:12 Multiple spaces in '4.12··secretly: Heb. by stealth'

JOB 4:14 Multiple spaces in '4.14··came…: Heb. met'

JOB 4:14 Multiple spaces in '4.14··all: Heb. the multitude of'

JOB 4:16 Multiple spaces in '4.16··there…: or, I heard a still voice'

JOB 4:18 Multiple spaces in '4.18··and his…: or, nor in his angels, in whom he put light'

JOB 4:20 Multiple spaces in '4.20··destroyed: Heb. beaten in pieces'

JOB 5:1 Multiple spaces in '5.1··turn: or, look?'

JOB 5:2 Multiple spaces in '5.2··envy: or, indignation'

JOB 5:6 Multiple spaces in '5.6··affliction: or, iniquity'

JOB 5:7 Multiple spaces in '5.7··trouble: or, labour'

JOB 5:7 Multiple spaces in '5.7··sparks…: Heb. the sons of the burning coal lift up to fly'

JOB 5:9 Multiple spaces in '5.9··unsearchable: Heb. there is no search'

JOB 5:9 Multiple spaces in '5.9··without…: Heb. till there be no number'

JOB 5:10 Multiple spaces in '5.10··fields: Heb. outplaces'

JOB 5:12 Multiple spaces in '5.12··their enterprise: or, any thing'

JOB 5:14 Multiple spaces in '5.14··meet…: or, run into'

JOB 5:20 Multiple spaces in '5.20··power: Heb. hands'

JOB 5:21 Multiple spaces in '5.21··from…: or, when the tongue scourgeth'

JOB 5:24 Multiple spaces in '5.24··thy tabernacle…: or, peace is thy tabernacle'

JOB 5:24 Multiple spaces in '5.24··sin: or, err'

JOB 5:25 Multiple spaces in '5.25··great: or, much'

JOB 5:26 Multiple spaces in '5.26··cometh in: Heb. ascendeth'

JOB 5:27 Multiple spaces in '5.27··for…: Heb. for thyself'

JOB 6:2 Multiple spaces in '6.2··laid: Heb. lifted up'

JOB 6:3 Multiple spaces in '6.3··my words…: that is, I want words to express my grief'

JOB 6:5 Multiple spaces in '6.5··when he…: Heb. at grass?'

JOB 6:8 Multiple spaces in '6.8··the thing…: Heb. my expectation'

JOB 6:12 Multiple spaces in '6.12··of brass: Heb. brasen?'

JOB 6:14 Multiple spaces in '6.14··is afflicted: Heb. melteth'

JOB 6:17 Multiple spaces in '6.17··vanish: Heb. are cut off'

JOB 6:17 Multiple spaces in '6.17··when…: Heb. in the heat thereof'

JOB 6:17 Multiple spaces in '6.17··consumed: Heb. extinguished'

JOB 6:21 Multiple spaces in '6.21··ye are…: or, ye are like to them: Heb. to it'

JOB 6:21 Multiple spaces in '6.21··nothing: Heb. not'

JOB 6:27 Multiple spaces in '6.27··ye overwhelm: Heb. ye cause to fall upon'

JOB 6:28 Multiple spaces in '6.28··evident…: Heb. before your face'

JOB 6:29 Multiple spaces in '6.29··in it: that is, in this matter'

JOB 6:30 Multiple spaces in '6.30··my taste: Heb. my palate'

JOB 7:1 Multiple spaces in '7.1··an appointed…: or, a warfare'

JOB 7:2 Multiple spaces in '7.2··earnestly…: Heb. gapeth after'

JOB 7:4 Multiple spaces in '7.4··the night…: Heb. the evening be measured?'

JOB 7:7 Multiple spaces in '7.7··shall…: Heb. shall not return'

JOB 7:7 Multiple spaces in '7.7··see: to see, that is, to enjoy'

JOB 7:8 Multiple spaces in '7.8··I am…: that is, I can live no longer'

JOB 7:15 Multiple spaces in '7.15··life: Heb. bones'

JOB 8:4 Multiple spaces in '8.4··for…: Heb. in the hand of their transgression'

JOB 8:9 Multiple spaces in '8.9··nothing: Heb. not'

JOB 8:14 Multiple spaces in '8.14··web: Heb. house'

JOB 8:20 Multiple spaces in '8.20··help…: Heb. take the ungodly by the hand'

JOB 8:20 Multiple spaces in '8.20··come: Heb. shall not be'

JOB 8:21 Multiple spaces in '8.21··rejoicing: Heb. shouting for joy'

JOB 8:22 Multiple spaces in '8.22··shall come…: Heb. shall not be'

JOB 9:2 Multiple spaces in '9.2··with God: or, before God?'

JOB 9:8 Multiple spaces in '9.8··waves: Heb. heights'

JOB 9:9 Multiple spaces in '9.9··Arcturus…: Heb. Ash, Cesil, and Cimah'

JOB 9:12 Multiple spaces in '9.12··hinder…: Heb. turn him away?'

JOB 9:13 Multiple spaces in '9.13··proud…: Heb. helpers of pride, or, strength'

JOB 9:26 Multiple spaces in '9.26··swift…: or, ships of Ebeh: Heb. ships of desire'

JOB 9:31 Multiple spaces in '9.31··abhor…: or, make me to be abhorred'

JOB 9:33 Multiple spaces in '9.33··any…: Heb. one that should argue'

JOB 9:33 Multiple spaces in '9.33··daysman: or, umpire'

JOB 9:35 Multiple spaces in '9.35··it is…: Heb. I am not so with myself'

JOB 10:1 Multiple spaces in '10.1··weary…: or, cut off while I live'

JOB 10:3 Multiple spaces in '10.3··work: Heb. labour'

JOB 10:7 Multiple spaces in '10.7··Thou…: Heb. It is upon thy knowledge'

JOB 10:8 Multiple spaces in '10.8··have…: Heb. took pains about me'

JOB 10:11 Multiple spaces in '10.11··fenced: Heb. hedged'

JOB 10:17 Multiple spaces in '10.17··witnesses: that is, plagues'

JOB 11:2 Multiple spaces in '11.2··full…: Heb. of lips'

JOB 11:3 Multiple spaces in '11.3··lies: or, devices'

JOB 11:8 Multiple spaces in '11.8··as high…: Heb. the heights of heaven'

JOB 11:10 Multiple spaces in '11.10··cut…: or, make a change'

JOB 11:10 Multiple spaces in '11.10··hinder…: Heb. turn him away?'

JOB 11:12 Multiple spaces in '11.12··vain: Heb. empty'

JOB 11:17 Multiple spaces in '11.17··be clearer…: Heb. arise above'

JOB 11:19 Multiple spaces in '11.19··make suit…: Heb. intreat thy face'

JOB 11:20 Multiple spaces in '11.20··they shall…: Heb. flight shall perish from them'

JOB 11:20 Multiple spaces in '11.20··the giving…: or, a puff of breath'

JOB 12:3 Multiple spaces in '12.3··understanding: Heb. an heart'

JOB 12:3 Multiple spaces in '12.3··I am…: Heb. I fall not lower than you'

JOB 12:3 Multiple spaces in '12.3··who…: Heb. with whom are not such as these?'

JOB 12:9 Multiple spaces in 'Who knoweth not in all these that the hand of the··LORD hath wrought this?'

JOB 12:10 Multiple spaces in '12.10··soul: or, life'

JOB 12:10 Multiple spaces in '12.10··all…: Heb. all flesh of man'

JOB 12:11 Multiple spaces in '12.11··mouth: Heb. palate'

JOB 12:13 Multiple spaces in '12.13··With…: that is, With God'

JOB 12:14 Multiple spaces in '12.14··up: Heb. upon'

JOB 12:20 Multiple spaces in '12.20··speech…: Heb. lip of the faithful'

JOB 12:21 Multiple spaces in '12.21··weakeneth…: or, looseth the girdle of the strong'

JOB 12:23 Multiple spaces in '12.23··straiteneth: Heb. leadeth in'

JOB 12:25 Multiple spaces in '12.25··stagger: Heb. wander'

JOB 13:13 Multiple spaces in '13.13··Hold…: Heb. Be silent from me'

JOB 13:15 Multiple spaces in '13.15··maintain: Heb. prove, or, argue'

JOB 13:27 Multiple spaces in '13.27··lookest…: Heb. observest'

JOB 13:27 Multiple spaces in '13.27··heels: Heb. roots'

JOB 14:1 Multiple spaces in '14.1··few…: Heb. short of days'

JOB 14:4 Multiple spaces in '14.4··can…: Heb. will give'

JOB 14:6 Multiple spaces in '14.6··rest: Heb. cease'

JOB 14:10 Multiple spaces in '14.10··wasteth…: Heb. is weakened, or, cut off'

JOB 14:18 Multiple spaces in '14.18··cometh…: Heb. fadeth'

JOB 14:19 Multiple spaces in '14.19··washest…: Heb. overflowest'

JOB 15:2 Multiple spaces in '15.2··vain…: Heb. knowledge of wind'

JOB 15:4 Multiple spaces in '15.4··castest…: Heb. makest void'

JOB 15:4 Multiple spaces in '15.4··prayer: or, speech'

JOB 15:5 Multiple spaces in '15.5··uttereth: Heb. teacheth'

JOB 15:21 Multiple spaces in '15.21··A dreadful…: Heb. A sound of fears'

JOB 15:32 Multiple spaces in '15.32··accomplished: or, cut off'

JOB 15:35 Multiple spaces in '15.35··vanity: or, iniquity'

JOB 16:2 Multiple spaces in '16.2··miserable: or, troublesome'

JOB 16:3 Multiple spaces in '16.3··vain…: Heb. words of wind'

JOB 16:6 Multiple spaces in '16.6··what…: Heb. what goeth from me?'

JOB 16:11 Multiple spaces in '16.11··hath…: Heb. hath shut me up'

JOB 16:19 Multiple spaces in '16.19··on high: Heb. in the high places'

JOB 16:20 Multiple spaces in '16.20··scorn me: Heb. are my scorners'

JOB 16:21 Multiple spaces in '16.21··neighbour: or, friend'

JOB 16:22 Multiple spaces in '16.22··a few…: Heb. years of number'

JOB 17:1 Multiple spaces in '17.1··breath…: or, spirit is spent'

JOB 17:2 Multiple spaces in '17.2··continue: Heb. lodge'

JOB 17:6 Multiple spaces in '17.6··aforetime: or, before them'

JOB 17:7 Multiple spaces in '17.7··my members: or, my thoughts'

JOB 17:9 Multiple spaces in '17.9··be…: Heb. add strength'

JOB 17:11 Multiple spaces in '17.11··the thoughts: Heb. the possessions'

JOB 17:12 Multiple spaces in '17.12··short: Heb. near'

JOB 17:14 Multiple spaces in '17.14··said: Heb. cried, or, called'

JOB 18:4 Multiple spaces in '18.4··himself: Heb. his soul'

JOB 18:6 Multiple spaces in '18.6··candle: or, lamp'

JOB 18:10 Multiple spaces in '18.10··laid: Heb. hidden'

JOB 18:11 Multiple spaces in '18.11··drive: Heb. scatter'

JOB 18:13 Multiple spaces in '18.13··strength: Heb. bars'

JOB 18:18 Multiple spaces in '18.18··He…: Heb. They shall drive him'

JOB 18:20 Multiple spaces in '18.20··went…: or, lived with him'

JOB 18:20 Multiple spaces in '18.20··were…: Heb. laid hold on horror'

JOB 19:3 Multiple spaces in '19.3··make…: or, harden yourselves against me'

JOB 19:7 Multiple spaces in '19.7··wrong: or, violence'

JOB 19:17 Multiple spaces in '19.17··mine…: Heb. my belly'

JOB 19:18 Multiple spaces in '19.18··young…: or, the wicked'

JOB 19:19 Multiple spaces in '19.19··my…: Heb. the men of my secret'

JOB 19:20 Multiple spaces in '19.20··and to: or, as to'

JOB 19:23 Multiple spaces in '19.23··Oh…: Heb. Who will give, etc'

JOB 19:26 Multiple spaces in '19.26··And…: or, After I shall awake, though this body be destroyed, yet out of my flesh'

JOB 19:27 Multiple spaces in '19.27··another: Heb. a stranger'

JOB 19:27 Multiple spaces in '19.27··though…: or, my reins within me are consumed with earnest desire (for that day)'

JOB 19:27 Multiple spaces in '19.27··within…: Heb. in my bosom'

JOB 19:28 Multiple spaces in '19.28··seeing…: or, and what root of matter is found in me?'

JOB 20:2 Multiple spaces in '20.2··I make…: Heb. my haste is in me'

JOB 20:5 Multiple spaces in '20.5··short: Heb. from near'

JOB 20:6 Multiple spaces in '20.6··clouds: Heb. cloud'

JOB 20:10 Multiple spaces in '20.10··His children…: or, The poor shall oppress his children'

JOB 20:13 Multiple spaces in '20.13··within…: Heb. in the midst of his palate'

JOB 20:17 Multiple spaces in '20.17··the floods…: or, streaming brooks'

JOB 20:18 Multiple spaces in '20.18··his…: Heb. the substance of his exchange'

JOB 20:19 Multiple spaces in '20.19··oppressed: Heb. crushed'

JOB 20:20 Multiple spaces in '20.20··feel: Heb. know'

JOB 20:21 Multiple spaces in '20.21··none…: or, be none left for his meat'

JOB 20:22 Multiple spaces in '20.22··wicked: or, troublesome'

JOB 20:29 Multiple spaces in '20.29··appointed…: Heb. of his decree from God'

JOB 21:4 Multiple spaces in '21.4··troubled: Heb. shortened?'

JOB 21:5 Multiple spaces in '21.5··Mark…: Heb. Look unto me'

JOB 21:9 Multiple spaces in '21.9··safe…: Heb. peace from'

JOB 21:13 Multiple spaces in '21.13··in wealth: or, in mirth'

JOB 21:17 Multiple spaces in '21.17··candle: or, lamp'

JOB 21:18 Multiple spaces in '21.18··carrieth: Heb. stealeth'

JOB 21:19 Multiple spaces in '21.19··his iniquity: that is, the punishment of his iniquity'

JOB 21:23 Multiple spaces in '21.23··his…: Heb. his very, or, the strength of, his perfection'

JOB 21:24 Multiple spaces in '21.24··breasts: or, milk pails'

JOB 21:28 Multiple spaces in '21.28··the dwelling…: Heb. the tent of the tabernacles'

JOB 21:30 Multiple spaces in '21.30··wrath: Heb. wraths'

JOB 21:32 Multiple spaces in '21.32··grave: Heb. graves'

JOB 21:32 Multiple spaces in '21.32··remain…: Heb. watch in the heap'

JOB 21:34 Multiple spaces in '21.34··falsehood: Heb. transgression?'

JOB 22:2 Multiple spaces in '22.2··as he…: or, if he may be profitable, doth his good success depend thereon?'

JOB 22:6 Multiple spaces in '22.6··the naked…: Heb. the clothes of the naked'

JOB 22:8 Multiple spaces in '22.8··mighty…: Heb. man of arm'

JOB 22:8 Multiple spaces in '22.8··honourable…: Heb. eminent, or, accepted for countenance'

JOB 22:12 Multiple spaces in '22.12··height of the stars: Heb. head of the stars'

JOB 22:13 Multiple spaces in '22.13··How: or, What'

JOB 22:16 Multiple spaces in '22.16··whose…: Heb. a flood was poured upon their foundation'

JOB 22:17 Multiple spaces in '22.17··for: or, to'

JOB 22:20 Multiple spaces in '22.20··substance: or, estate'

JOB 22:20 Multiple spaces in '22.20··the remnant…: or, their excellency'

JOB 22:21 Multiple spaces in '22.21··him: that is, God'

JOB 22:24 Multiple spaces in '22.24··as dust: or, on the dust'

JOB 22:25 Multiple spaces in '22.25··defence: or, gold'

JOB 22:25 Multiple spaces in '22.25··plenty…: Heb. silver of strength'

JOB 22:29 Multiple spaces in '22.29··the humble…: Heb. him that hath low eyes'

JOB 22:30 Multiple spaces in '22.30··He shall…: or, The innocent shall deliver the island'

JOB 23:2 Multiple spaces in '23.2··stroke: Heb. hand'

JOB 23:10 Multiple spaces in '23.10··that…: Heb. that is with me'

JOB 23:12 Multiple spaces in '23.12··esteemed: Heb. hid, or, laid up'

JOB 23:12 Multiple spaces in '23.12··my…: or, my appointed portion'

JOB 24:2 Multiple spaces in '24.2··feed…: or, feed them'

JOB 24:6 Multiple spaces in '24.6··corn: Heb. mingled corn, or, dredge'

JOB 24:6 Multiple spaces in '24.6··they gather…: Heb. the wicked gather the vintage'

JOB 24:15 Multiple spaces in '24.15··disguiseth…: Heb. setteth his face in secret'

JOB 24:19 Multiple spaces in '24.19··consume: Heb. violently take'

JOB 24:22 Multiple spaces in '24.22··no…: or, he trusteth not his own life'

JOB 24:24 Multiple spaces in '24.24··are gone: Heb. are not'

JOB 24:24 Multiple spaces in '24.24··taken…: Heb. closed up'

JOB 26:5 Multiple spaces in '26.5··and the…: or, with the inhabitants'

JOB 26:10 Multiple spaces in '26.10··until…: Heb. until the end of light with darkness'

JOB 26:12 Multiple spaces in '26.12··the proud: Heb. pride'

JOB 27:1 Multiple spaces in '27.1··continued: Heb. added to take up'

JOB 27:2 Multiple spaces in '27.2··vexed…: Heb. made my soul bitter'

JOB 27:3 Multiple spaces in '27.3··the spirit…: that is, the breath which God gave him'

JOB 27:6 Multiple spaces in '27.6··so long…: Heb. from my days'

JOB 27:11 Multiple spaces in '27.11··by…: or, being in the hand, etc'

JOB 27:22 Multiple spaces in '27.22··he…: Heb. in fleeing he would flee'

JOB 28:1 Multiple spaces in '28.1··vein: or, mine'

JOB 28:2 Multiple spaces in '28.2··earth: or, dust'

JOB 28:6 Multiple spaces in '28.6··dust…: or, gold ore'

JOB 28:9 Multiple spaces in '28.9··rock: or, flint'

JOB 28:11 Multiple spaces in '28.11··overflowing: Heb. weeping'

JOB 28:15 Multiple spaces in '28.15··It…: Heb. Fine gold shall not be given for it'

JOB 28:17 Multiple spaces in '28.17··jewels…: or, vessels of'

JOB 28:18 Multiple spaces in '28.18··coral: or, Ramoth'

JOB 28:21 Multiple spaces in '28.21··air: or, heaven'

JOB 28:27 Multiple spaces in '28.27··declare…: or, number it'

JOB 29:1 Multiple spaces in '29.1··continued: Heb. added to take up'

JOB 29:3 Multiple spaces in '29.3··candle: or, lamp'

JOB 29:6 Multiple spaces in '29.6··me: Heb. with me'

JOB 29:10 Multiple spaces in '29.10··The nobles…: Heb. The voice of the nobles was hid'

JOB 29:17 Multiple spaces in '29.17··the jaws: Heb. the jawteeth, or, the grinders'

JOB 29:17 Multiple spaces in '29.17··plucked: Heb. cast'

JOB 29:19 Multiple spaces in '29.19··spread…: Heb. opened'

JOB 29:20 Multiple spaces in '29.20··fresh: Heb. new'

JOB 29:20 Multiple spaces in '29.20··renewed: Heb. changed'

JOB 30:1 Multiple spaces in '30.1··younger…: Heb. of fewer days than I'

JOB 30:3 Multiple spaces in '30.3··solitary: or, dark as the night'

JOB 30:3 Multiple spaces in '30.3··in…: Heb. yesternight'

JOB 30:6 Multiple spaces in '30.6··caves: Heb. holes'

JOB 30:8 Multiple spaces in '30.8··base…: Heb. men of no name'

JOB 30:10 Multiple spaces in '30.10··and…: Heb. and withhold not spittle from'

JOB 30:15 Multiple spaces in '30.15··my soul: Heb. my principal one'

JOB 30:21 Multiple spaces in '30.21··become…: Heb. turned to be cruel'

JOB 30:21 Multiple spaces in '30.21··thy…: Heb. the strength of thy hand'

JOB 30:22 Multiple spaces in '30.22··substance: or, wisdom'

JOB 30:24 Multiple spaces in '30.24··grave: Heb. heap'

JOB 30:25 Multiple spaces in '30.25··in trouble: Heb. hard of day?'

JOB 30:29 Multiple spaces in '30.29··owls: or, ostriches'

JOB 31:6 Multiple spaces in '31.6··Let…: Heb. Let him weigh me in balances of justice'

JOB 31:15 Multiple spaces in '31.15··did not one…: or, did he not fashion us in one womb?'

JOB 31:18 Multiple spaces in '31.18··her: that is, the widow'

JOB 31:22 Multiple spaces in '31.22··bone: or, chanelbone'

JOB 31:25 Multiple spaces in '31.25··gotten…: Heb. found much'

JOB 31:26 Multiple spaces in '31.26··sun: Heb. light'

JOB 31:26 Multiple spaces in '31.26··in…: Heb. bright'

JOB 31:27 Multiple spaces in '31.27··my mouth…: Heb. my hand hath kissed my mouth'

JOB 31:30 Multiple spaces in '31.30··mouth: Heb. palate'

JOB 31:32 Multiple spaces in '31.32··traveller: or, way'

JOB 31:33 Multiple spaces in '31.33··as Adam: or, after the manner of men'

JOB 31:35 Multiple spaces in '31.35··my…: or, my sign is that the Almighty will'

JOB 31:38 Multiple spaces in '31.38··complain: Heb. weep'

JOB 31:39 Multiple spaces in '31.39··fruits: Heb. strength'

JOB 31:39 Multiple spaces in '31.39··the owners…: Heb. the soul of the owners thereof to expire, or, breathe out'

JOB 31:40 Multiple spaces in '31.40··cockle: or, noisome weeds'

JOB 32:1 Multiple spaces in '32.1··to…: Heb. from answering'

JOB 32:2 Multiple spaces in '32.2··himself: Heb. his soul'

JOB 32:4 Multiple spaces in '32.4··waited…: Heb. expected Job in words'

JOB 32:4 Multiple spaces in '32.4··elder: Heb. elder for days'

JOB 32:6 Multiple spaces in '32.6··young: Heb. few of days'

JOB 32:6 Multiple spaces in '32.6··durst…: Heb. feared'

JOB 32:11 Multiple spaces in '32.11··reasons: Heb. understandings'

JOB 32:11 Multiple spaces in '32.11··what…: Heb. words'

JOB 32:14 Multiple spaces in '32.14··directed: or, ordered'

JOB 32:15 Multiple spaces in '32.15··left…: Heb. removed speeches from themselves'

JOB 32:18 Multiple spaces in '32.18··matter: Heb. words'

JOB 32:18 Multiple spaces in '32.18··spirit…: Heb. spirit of my belly'

JOB 32:19 Multiple spaces in '32.19··hath…: Heb. is not opened'

JOB 32:20 Multiple spaces in '32.20··be…: Heb. breathe'

JOB 33:2 Multiple spaces in '33.2··in my mouth: Heb. in my palate'

JOB 33:6 Multiple spaces in '33.6··wish: Heb. mouth'

JOB 33:6 Multiple spaces in '33.6··formed: Heb. cut'

JOB 33:8 Multiple spaces in '33.8··hearing: Heb. ears'

JOB 33:13 Multiple spaces in '33.13··he giveth…: Heb. he answereth not'

JOB 33:16 Multiple spaces in '33.16··he…: Heb. he revealeth, or, uncovereth'

JOB 33:17 Multiple spaces in '33.17··purpose: Heb. work'

JOB 33:18 Multiple spaces in '33.18··from perishing: Heb. from passing'

JOB 33:20 Multiple spaces in '33.20··dainty…: Heb. meat of desire'

JOB 33:24 Multiple spaces in '33.24··a ransom: or, an atonement'

JOB 33:25 Multiple spaces in '33.25··a child’s: Heb. childhood'

JOB 33:27 Multiple spaces in '33.27··He…: or, He shall look upon men, and say'

JOB 33:28 Multiple spaces in '33.28··He…: or, He hath delivered my soul, etc, and my life'

JOB 33:29 Multiple spaces in '33.29··oftentimes: Heb. twice and thrice'

JOB 34:3 Multiple spaces in '34.3··mouth: Heb. palate'

JOB 34:6 Multiple spaces in '34.6··my wound: Heb. mine arrow'

JOB 34:10 Multiple spaces in '34.10··men…: Heb. men of heart'

JOB 34:13 Multiple spaces in '34.13··the whole: Heb. all of it?'

JOB 34:14 Multiple spaces in '34.14··man: Heb. him'

JOB 34:17 Multiple spaces in '34.17··govern: Heb. bind?'

JOB 34:20 Multiple spaces in '34.20··the mighty…: Heb. they shall take away the mighty'

JOB 34:23 Multiple spaces in '34.23··enter: Heb. go'

JOB 34:24 Multiple spaces in '34.24··number: Heb. searching out'

JOB 34:25 Multiple spaces in '34.25··destroyed: Heb. crushed'

JOB 34:26 Multiple spaces in '34.26··open…: Heb. place of beholders'

JOB 34:27 Multiple spaces in '34.27··him: Heb. after him'

JOB 34:33 Multiple spaces in '34.33··according…: Heb. from with thee?'

JOB 34:34 Multiple spaces in '34.34··of…: Heb. of heart'

JOB 34:36 Multiple spaces in '34.36··My…: or, My father, let Job be tried'

JOB 35:3 Multiple spaces in '35.3··if…: or, by it more than by my sin'

JOB 35:4 Multiple spaces in '35.4··answer…: Heb. return to thee words'

JOB 35:15 Multiple spaces in '35.15··he hath: that is, God hath'

JOB 35:15 Multiple spaces in '35.15··he knoweth: that is, Job knoweth'

JOB 36:2 Multiple spaces in '36.2··I have…: Heb. there are yet words for God'

JOB 36:5 Multiple spaces in '36.5··wisdom: Heb. heart'

JOB 36:6 Multiple spaces in '36.6··poor: or, afflicted'

JOB 36:12 Multiple spaces in '36.12··perish: Heb. pass away'

JOB 36:14 Multiple spaces in '36.14··They…: Heb. Their soul dieth'

JOB 36:14 Multiple spaces in '36.14··unclean: or, sodomites'

JOB 36:15 Multiple spaces in '36.15··poor: or, afflicted'

JOB 36:16 Multiple spaces in '36.16··that…: Heb. the rest of thy table'

JOB 36:17 Multiple spaces in '36.17··take…: or, should uphold thee'

JOB 36:18 Multiple spaces in '36.18··deliver…: Heb. turn thee aside'

JOB 36:30 Multiple spaces in '36.30··bottom: Heb. roots'

JOB 36:33 Multiple spaces in '36.33··the vapour: Heb. that which goeth up'

JOB 37:2 Multiple spaces in '37.2··Hear…: Heb. Hear in hearing'

JOB 37:3 Multiple spaces in '37.3··lightning: Heb. light'

JOB 37:3 Multiple spaces in '37.3··ends: Heb. wings'

JOB 37:6 Multiple spaces in '37.6··likewise…: Heb. and to the shower of rain, and to the showers of rain of his strength'

JOB 37:9 Multiple spaces in '37.9··south: Heb. chamber'

JOB 37:9 Multiple spaces in '37.9··north: Heb. scattering winds'

JOB 37:11 Multiple spaces in '37.11··his…: Heb. the cloud of his light'

JOB 37:13 Multiple spaces in '37.13··correction: Heb. a rod'

JOB 37:22 Multiple spaces in '37.22··Fair…: Heb. Gold'

JOB 38:1 Multiple spaces in 'Then the··LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said,'

JOB 38:3 Multiple spaces in '38.3··answer…: Heb. make me know'

JOB 38:4 Multiple spaces in '38.4··hast…: Heb. knowest understanding'

JOB 38:6 Multiple spaces in '38.6··foundations: Heb. sockets'

JOB 38:6 Multiple spaces in '38.6··fastened: Heb. made to sink?'

JOB 38:10 Multiple spaces in '38.10··brake…: or, established my decree upon it'

JOB 38:11 Multiple spaces in '38.11··thy…: Heb. the pride of thy waves'

JOB 38:13 Multiple spaces in '38.13··ends: Heb. wings'

JOB 38:20 Multiple spaces in '38.20··to the bound: or, at, etc'

JOB 38:30 Multiple spaces in '38.30··is…: Heb. is taken'

JOB 38:31 Multiple spaces in '38.31··Pleiades: or, the seven stars: Heb. Cimah'

JOB 38:31 Multiple spaces in '38.31··Orion: Heb. Cesil?'

JOB 38:32 Multiple spaces in '38.32··Mazzaroth: or, the twelve signs'

JOB 38:32 Multiple spaces in '38.32··guide: Heb. guide them'

JOB 38:35 Multiple spaces in '38.35··Here…: Heb. Behold us?'

JOB 38:37 Multiple spaces in '38.37··stay: Heb. cause to lie down'

JOB 38:38 Multiple spaces in '38.38··groweth…: or, is turned into mire: Heb. is poured'

JOB 38:39 Multiple spaces in '38.39··the appetite: Heb. the life'

JOB 39:6 Multiple spaces in '39.6··barren…: Heb. salt places'

JOB 39:7 Multiple spaces in '39.7··of the driver: Heb. of the exactor'

JOB 39:13 Multiple spaces in '39.13··wings and…: or, the feathers of the stork and ostrich'

JOB 39:20 Multiple spaces in '39.20··terrible: Heb. terror'

JOB 39:21 Multiple spaces in '39.21··He paweth: or, His feet dig'

JOB 39:21 Multiple spaces in '39.21··the armed…: Heb. the armour'

JOB 39:27 Multiple spaces in '39.27··at…: Heb. by thy mouth'

JOB 40:1 Multiple spaces in 'Moreover the··LORD answered Job, and said,'

JOB 40:3 Multiple spaces in '¶ Then Job answered the··LORD, and said,'

JOB 40:6 Multiple spaces in '¶ Then answered the··LORD unto Job out of the whirlwind, and said,'

JOB 40:15 Multiple spaces in '40.15··behemoth: probably an extinct animal of some kind'

JOB 40:17 Multiple spaces in '40.17··He…: or, He setteth up'

JOB 40:23 Multiple spaces in '40.23··he drinketh up: Heb. he oppresseth'

JOB 40:24 Multiple spaces in '40.24··He…: or, Will any take him in his sight, or, bore his nose with a gin?'

JOB 41:1 Multiple spaces in '41.1··leviathan: probably an extinct animal of some kind'

JOB 41:1 Multiple spaces in '41.1··which…: Heb. which thou drownest?'

JOB 41:13 Multiple spaces in '41.13··with: or, within'

JOB 41:15 Multiple spaces in '41.15··scales: Heb. strong pieces of shields'

JOB 41:22 Multiple spaces in '41.22··is turned into joy: Heb. rejoiceth'

JOB 41:23 Multiple spaces in '41.23··flakes: Heb. fallings'

JOB 41:26 Multiple spaces in '41.26··habergeon: or, breastplate'

JOB 41:30 Multiple spaces in '41.30··Sharp stones: Heb. Sharp pieces of potsherd'

JOB 41:33 Multiple spaces in '41.33··is made without fear: or, behave themselves without fear'

JOB 42:1 Multiple spaces in 'Then Job answered the··LORD, and said,'

JOB 42:2 Multiple spaces in '42.2··no thought can be…: or, no thought of thine can be hindered'

JOB 42:7 Multiple spaces in '¶ And it was so, that after the··LORD had spoken these words unto Job, the··LORD said to Eliphaz the Temanite, My wrath is kindled against thee, and against thy two friends: for ye have not spoken of me the thing that is right, as my servant Job hath.'

JOB 42:8 Multiple spaces in '42.8··him: Heb. his face, or, person'

JOB 42:9 Multiple spaces in 'So Eliphaz the Temanite and Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite went, and did according as the··LORD commanded them: the··LORD also accepted Job.'

JOB 42:9 Multiple spaces in '42.9··Job: Heb. the face of Job'

JOB 42:10 Multiple spaces in 'And the··LORD turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends: also the··LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before.'

JOB 42:10 Multiple spaces in '42.10··gave…: Heb. added all that had been to Job unto the double'

JOB 42:11 Multiple spaces in 'Then came there unto him all his brethren, and all his sisters, and all they that had been of his acquaintance before, and did eat bread with him in his house: and they bemoaned him, and comforted him over all the evil that the··LORD had brought upon him: every man also gave him a piece of money, and every one an earring of gold.'

JOB 42:12 Multiple spaces in 'So the··LORD blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning: for he had fourteen thousand sheep, and six thousand camels, and a thousand yoke of oxen, and a thousand she asses.'

All Character Counts

 0: 95    1: 532    2: 378    3: 194    4: 123    5: 112    6: 107    7: 103    8: 99    9: 97    b: 5    B: 2    e: 2    f: 2    h: 2    J: 5    k: 2    o: 11    Space: 6    T: 2    Total: 1879  

All Character Counts (sorted by count)

 T: 2    h: 2    e: 2    B: 2    k: 2    f: 2    J: 5    b: 5    Space: 6    o: 11    0: 95    9: 97    8: 99    7: 103    6: 107    5: 112    4: 123    3: 194    2: 378    1: 532    Total: 1879  

Letter Counts

 b: 5    B: 2    e: 2    f: 2    h: 2    J: 5    k: 2    o: 11    Space: 6    T: 2    Total: 39  

Letter Counts (sorted by count)

 T: 2    h: 2    e: 2    B: 2    k: 2    f: 2    J: 5    b: 5    Space: 6    o: 11    Total: 39  

Speech Marks

Possible Matching Errors

JOB 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:13 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

JOB 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:13 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JOB 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:18 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

JOB 1:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:18 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JOB 1:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:21 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

JOB 1:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:21 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JOB 1:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 1:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 1:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:11 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

JOB 2:11 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JOB 2:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 2:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 2:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:10 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

JOB 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 3:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 3:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:11 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

JOB 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:11 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JOB 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 4:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 4:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 5:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 5:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:23 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

JOB 6:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:23 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JOB 6:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 6:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 6:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:6 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

JOB 7:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:6 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JOB 7:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 7:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 7:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:13 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

JOB 8:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:13 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JOB 8:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:14 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

JOB 8:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:14 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JOB 8:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 8:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 8:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:35 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:35 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 9:35 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 9:35 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:5 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

JOB 10:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:5 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JOB 10:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 10:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 10:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:12 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

JOB 11:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:12 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JOB 11:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 11:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 11:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 12:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 12:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 13:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 13:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 14:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 14:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:35 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:35 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:35 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:35 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:35 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:35 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:35 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:35 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:35 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:35 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:35 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:35 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 15:35 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 15:35 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:4 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

JOB 16:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:4 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JOB 16:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 16:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 16:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 17:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 17:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 18:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 18:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:17 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

JOB 19:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:17 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JOB 19:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 19:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 19:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:16 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

JOB 20:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:16 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JOB 20:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 20:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 20:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 21:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 21:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 22:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 22:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 23:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 23:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:3 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

JOB 24:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:3 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JOB 24:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 24:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 24:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 25:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 25:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 25:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 25:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 25:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 25:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 25:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 25:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 25:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 25:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 25:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 25:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 25:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 25:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 25:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 25:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 25:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 25:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 25:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 25:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 25:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 25:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 25:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 25:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 25:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 25:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 25:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 25:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 25:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 25:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 25:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 25:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 25:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 25:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 25:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 25:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 25:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 25:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 25:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 25:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 25:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 25:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 25:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 25:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 25:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 25:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 25:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 25:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 25:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 25:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 25:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 25:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 25:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 25:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 25:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 25:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 25:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 25:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 25:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 25:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 26:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 26:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 27:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 27:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:7 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

JOB 28:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:7 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JOB 28:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:8 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

JOB 28:8 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JOB 28:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 28:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 28:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:13 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

JOB 29:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:13 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JOB 29:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 29:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 29:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 30:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 30:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:9 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

JOB 31:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:9 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JOB 31:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:18 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

JOB 31:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:18 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JOB 31:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:35 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:35 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:35 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:35 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:35 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:35 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:35 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:35 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:35 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:35 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:35 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:35 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:35 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:35 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:35 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:35 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:36 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:36 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:36 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:36 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:36 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:36 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:36 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:36 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:37 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:37 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:37 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:37 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:37 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:37 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:37 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:37 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:37 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:37 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:38 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:38 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:38 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:38 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:38 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:38 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:38 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:38 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:38 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:38 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:39 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:39 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:39 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:39 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:39 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:39 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:39 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:39 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:39 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:39 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:39 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:39 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:40 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:40 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:40 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:40 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:40 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:40 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:40 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:40 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:40 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:40 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:40 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:40 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:40 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:40 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 31:40 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 31:40 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:21 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

JOB 32:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:21 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JOB 32:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 32:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 32:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:6 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

JOB 33:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:6 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JOB 33:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:25 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

JOB 33:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:25 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JOB 33:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:25 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JOB 33:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 33:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 33:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:35 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:35 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:35 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:35 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:35 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:35 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:35 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:35 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:35 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:35 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:36 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:36 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:36 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:36 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:36 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:36 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:36 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:36 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:36 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:36 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:36 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:36 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:36 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:36 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:37 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:37 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:37 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:37 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:37 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:37 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:37 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:37 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:37 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:37 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:37 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:37 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 34:37 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 34:37 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:2 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

JOB 35:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:2 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JOB 35:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 35:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 35:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:2 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

JOB 36:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:2 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JOB 36:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 36:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 36:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 37:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 37:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:35 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:35 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:35 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:35 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:35 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:35 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:35 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:35 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:36 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:36 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:36 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:36 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:36 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:36 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:36 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:36 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:36 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:36 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:36 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:36 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:37 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:37 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:37 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:37 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:37 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:37 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:37 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:37 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:37 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:37 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:37 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:37 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:38 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:38 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:38 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:38 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:38 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:38 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:38 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:38 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:38 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:38 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:39 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:39 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:39 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:39 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:39 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:39 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:39 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:39 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:39 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:39 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:39 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:39 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:40 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:40 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:40 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:40 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:40 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:40 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:40 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:40 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:40 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:40 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:40 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:40 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:41 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:41 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:41 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:41 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:41 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:41 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:41 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:41 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:41 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:41 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:41 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:41 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:41 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:41 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:41 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:41 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 38:41 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 38:41 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 39:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 39:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 40:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 40:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:21 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:21 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:22 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:22 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:23 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:23 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:24 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:24 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:25 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:25 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:26 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:26 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:27 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:27 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:28 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:28 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:29 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:29 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:30 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:30 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:31 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:31 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:32 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:32 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:33 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:33 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 41:34 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 41:34 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:16 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

JOB 42:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:16 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JOB 42:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JOB 42:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JOB 42:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note


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Title Lines

JOB -1:5 Main Title 1:The Book of Job


Footnote Errors

JOB 4:2 Footnote seems to include possible unnecessary closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 4.2 \\ft withhold…: Heb. refrain from words?'

JOB 5:1 Footnote seems to include possible unnecessary closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 5.1 \\ft turn: or, look?'

JOB 6:5 Footnote seems to include possible unnecessary closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 6.5 \\ft when he…: Heb. at grass?'

JOB 6:12 Footnote seems to include possible unnecessary closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 6.12 \\ft of brass: Heb. brasen?'

JOB 7:4 Footnote seems to include possible unnecessary closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 7.4 \\ft the night…: Heb. the evening be measured?'

JOB 9:2 Footnote seems to include possible unnecessary closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 9.2 \\ft with God: or, before God?'

JOB 9:12 Footnote seems to include possible unnecessary closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 9.12 \\ft hinder…: Heb. turn him away?'

JOB 11:10 Footnote seems to include possible unnecessary closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 11.10 \\ft hinder…: Heb. turn him away?'

JOB 12:3 Footnote seems to include possible unnecessary closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 12.3 \\ft who…: Heb. with whom are not such as these?'

JOB 16:6 Footnote seems to include possible unnecessary closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 16.6 \\ft what…: Heb. what goeth from me?'

JOB 19:28 Footnote seems to include possible unnecessary closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 19.28 \\ft seeing…: or, and what root of matter is found in me?'

JOB 21:4 Footnote seems to include possible unnecessary closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 21.4 \\ft troubled: Heb. shortened?'

JOB 21:34 Footnote seems to include possible unnecessary closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 21.34 \\ft falsehood: Heb. transgression?'

JOB 22:2 Footnote seems to include possible unnecessary closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 22.2 \\ft as he…: or, if he may be profitable, doth his good success depend thereon?'

JOB 30:25 Footnote seems to include possible unnecessary closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 30.25 \\ft in trouble: Heb. hard of day?'

JOB 31:15 Footnote seems to include possible unnecessary closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 31.15 \\ft did not one…: or, did he not fashion us in one womb?'

JOB 34:13 Footnote seems to include possible unnecessary closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 34.13 \\ft the whole: Heb. all of it?'

JOB 34:17 Footnote seems to include possible unnecessary closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 34.17 \\ft govern: Heb. bind?'

JOB 34:33 Footnote seems to include possible unnecessary closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 34.33 \\ft according…: Heb. from with thee?'

JOB 38:6 Footnote seems to include possible unnecessary closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 38.6 \\ft fastened: Heb. made to sink?'

JOB 38:31 Footnote seems to include possible unnecessary closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 38.31 \\ft Orion: Heb. Cesil?'

JOB 38:35 Footnote seems to include possible unnecessary closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 38.35 \\ft Here…: Heb. Behold us?'

JOB 40:24 Footnote seems to include possible unnecessary closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 40.24 \\ft He…: or, Will any take him in his sight, or, bore his nose with a gin?'

JOB 41:1 Footnote seems to include possible unnecessary closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 41.1 \\ft which…: Heb. which thou drownest?'

Footnote Lines

JOB 1:3+ \fr 1.3 \ft substance: or, cattle
JOB 1:3+ \fr 1.3 \ft household: or, husbandry
JOB 1:3+ \fr 1.3 \ft men: Heb. sons
JOB 1:5+ \fr 1.5 \ft continually: Heb. all the days
JOB 1:6+ \fr 1.6 \ft Satan: Heb. the adversary
JOB 1:6+ \fr 1.6 \ft among: Heb. in the midst of
JOB 1:8+ \fr 1.8 \ft considered: Heb. set thy heart on
JOB 1:10+ \fr 1.10 \ft substance: or, cattle
JOB 1:11+ \fr 1.11 \ft and he…: Heb. if he curse thee not to thy face
JOB 1:12+ \fr 1.12 \ft power: Heb. hand
JOB 1:16+ \fr 1.16 \ft The fire…: or, A great fire
JOB 1:17+ \fr 1.17 \ft fell: Heb. rushed
JOB 1:19+ \fr 1.19 \ft from…: Heb. from aside, etc
JOB 1:20+ \fr 1.20 \ft mantle: or, robe
JOB 1:22+ \fr 1.22 \ft charged…: or, attributed folly to God
JOB 2:3+ \fr 2.3 \ft to destroy…: Heb. to swallow him up
JOB 2:6+ \fr 2.6 \ft but: or, only
JOB 3:2+ \fr 3.2 \ft spake: Heb. answered
JOB 3:5+ \fr 3.5 \ft stain: or, challenge
JOB 3:5+ \fr 3.5 \ft let the…: or, let them terrify it, as those who have a bitter day
JOB 3:6+ \fr 3.6 \ft let it not be…: or, let it not rejoice among the days
JOB 3:8+ \fr 3.8 \ft their…: or, leviathan
JOB 3:9+ \fr 3.9 \ft the dawning…: Heb. the eyelids of the morning
JOB 3:17+ \fr 3.17 \ft weary: Heb. wearied in strength
JOB 3:21+ \fr 3.21 \ft long: Heb. wait
JOB 3:24+ \fr 3.24 \ft I eat: Heb. my meat
JOB 3:25+ \fr 3.25 \ft the thing…: Heb. I feared a fear, and it came upon me
JOB 4:2+ \fr 4.2 \ft to…: Heb. a word
JOB 4:2+ \fr 4.2 \ft withhold…: Heb. refrain from words?
JOB 4:9+ \fr 4.9 \ft by the breath…: that is, by his anger
JOB 4:12+ \fr 4.12 \ft secretly: Heb. by stealth
JOB 4:14+ \fr 4.14 \ft came…: Heb. met
JOB 4:14+ \fr 4.14 \ft all: Heb. the multitude of
JOB 4:16+ \fr 4.16 \ft there…: or, I heard a still voice
JOB 4:18+ \fr 4.18 \ft and his…: or, nor in his angels, in whom he put light
JOB 4:20+ \fr 4.20 \ft destroyed: Heb. beaten in pieces
JOB 5:1+ \fr 5.1 \ft turn: or, look?
JOB 5:2+ \fr 5.2 \ft envy: or, indignation
JOB 5:6+ \fr 5.6 \ft affliction: or, iniquity
JOB 5:7+ \fr 5.7 \ft trouble: or, labour
JOB 5:7+ \fr 5.7 \ft sparks…: Heb. the sons of the burning coal lift up to fly
JOB 5:9+ \fr 5.9 \ft unsearchable: Heb. there is no search
JOB 5:9+ \fr 5.9 \ft without…: Heb. till there be no number
JOB 5:10+ \fr 5.10 \ft fields: Heb. outplaces
JOB 5:12+ \fr 5.12 \ft their enterprise: or, any thing
JOB 5:14+ \fr 5.14 \ft meet…: or, run into
JOB 5:20+ \fr 5.20 \ft power: Heb. hands
JOB 5:21+ \fr 5.21 \ft from…: or, when the tongue scourgeth
JOB 5:24+ \fr 5.24 \ft thy tabernacle…: or, peace is thy tabernacle
JOB 5:24+ \fr 5.24 \ft sin: or, err
JOB 5:25+ \fr 5.25 \ft great: or, much
JOB 5:26+ \fr 5.26 \ft cometh in: Heb. ascendeth
JOB 5:27+ \fr 5.27 \ft for…: Heb. for thyself
JOB 6:2+ \fr 6.2 \ft laid: Heb. lifted up
JOB 6:3+ \fr 6.3 \ft my words…: that is, I want words to express my grief
JOB 6:5+ \fr 6.5 \ft when he…: Heb. at grass?
JOB 6:8+ \fr 6.8 \ft the thing…: Heb. my expectation
JOB 6:12+ \fr 6.12 \ft of brass: Heb. brasen?
JOB 6:14+ \fr 6.14 \ft is afflicted: Heb. melteth
JOB 6:17+ \fr 6.17 \ft vanish: Heb. are cut off
JOB 6:17+ \fr 6.17 \ft when…: Heb. in the heat thereof
JOB 6:17+ \fr 6.17 \ft consumed: Heb. extinguished
JOB 6:21+ \fr 6.21 \ft ye are…: or, ye are like to them: Heb. to it
JOB 6:21+ \fr 6.21 \ft nothing: Heb. not
JOB 6:27+ \fr 6.27 \ft ye overwhelm: Heb. ye cause to fall upon
JOB 6:28+ \fr 6.28 \ft evident…: Heb. before your face
JOB 6:29+ \fr 6.29 \ft in it: that is, in this matter
JOB 6:30+ \fr 6.30 \ft my taste: Heb. my palate
JOB 7:1+ \fr 7.1 \ft an appointed…: or, a warfare
JOB 7:2+ \fr 7.2 \ft earnestly…: Heb. gapeth after
JOB 7:4+ \fr 7.4 \ft the night…: Heb. the evening be measured?
JOB 7:7+ \fr 7.7 \ft shall…: Heb. shall not return
JOB 7:7+ \fr 7.7 \ft see: to see, that is, to enjoy
JOB 7:8+ \fr 7.8 \ft I am…: that is, I can live no longer
JOB 7:15+ \fr 7.15 \ft life: Heb. bones
JOB 8:4+ \fr 8.4 \ft for…: Heb. in the hand of their transgression
JOB 8:9+ \fr 8.9 \ft nothing: Heb. not
JOB 8:14+ \fr 8.14 \ft web: Heb. house
JOB 8:20+ \fr 8.20 \ft help…: Heb. take the ungodly by the hand
JOB 8:20+ \fr 8.20 \ft come: Heb. shall not be
JOB 8:21+ \fr 8.21 \ft rejoicing: Heb. shouting for joy
JOB 8:22+ \fr 8.22 \ft shall come…: Heb. shall not be
JOB 9:2+ \fr 9.2 \ft with God: or, before God?
JOB 9:8+ \fr 9.8 \ft waves: Heb. heights
JOB 9:9+ \fr 9.9 \ft Arcturus…: Heb. Ash, Cesil, and Cimah
JOB 9:12+ \fr 9.12 \ft hinder…: Heb. turn him away?
JOB 9:13+ \fr 9.13 \ft proud…: Heb. helpers of pride, or, strength
JOB 9:26+ \fr 9.26 \ft swift…: or, ships of Ebeh: Heb. ships of desire
JOB 9:31+ \fr 9.31 \ft abhor…: or, make me to be abhorred
JOB 9:33+ \fr 9.33 \ft any…: Heb. one that should argue
JOB 9:33+ \fr 9.33 \ft daysman: or, umpire
JOB 9:35+ \fr 9.35 \ft it is…: Heb. I am not so with myself
JOB 10:1+ \fr 10.1 \ft weary…: or, cut off while I live
JOB 10:3+ \fr 10.3 \ft work: Heb. labour
JOB 10:7+ \fr 10.7 \ft Thou…: Heb. It is upon thy knowledge
JOB 10:8+ \fr 10.8 \ft have…: Heb. took pains about me
JOB 10:11+ \fr 10.11 \ft fenced: Heb. hedged
JOB 10:17+ \fr 10.17 \ft witnesses: that is, plagues
JOB 11:2+ \fr 11.2 \ft full…: Heb. of lips
JOB 11:3+ \fr 11.3 \ft lies: or, devices
JOB 11:8+ \fr 11.8 \ft as high…: Heb. the heights of heaven
JOB 11:10+ \fr 11.10 \ft cut…: or, make a change
JOB 11:10+ \fr 11.10 \ft hinder…: Heb. turn him away?
JOB 11:12+ \fr 11.12 \ft vain: Heb. empty
JOB 11:17+ \fr 11.17 \ft be clearer…: Heb. arise above
JOB 11:19+ \fr 11.19 \ft make suit…: Heb. intreat thy face
JOB 11:20+ \fr 11.20 \ft they shall…: Heb. flight shall perish from them
JOB 11:20+ \fr 11.20 \ft the giving…: or, a puff of breath
JOB 12:3+ \fr 12.3 \ft understanding: Heb. an heart
JOB 12:3+ \fr 12.3 \ft I am…: Heb. I fall not lower than you
JOB 12:3+ \fr 12.3 \ft who…: Heb. with whom are not such as these?
JOB 12:10+ \fr 12.10 \ft soul: or, life
JOB 12:10+ \fr 12.10 \ft all…: Heb. all flesh of man
JOB 12:11+ \fr 12.11 \ft mouth: Heb. palate
JOB 12:13+ \fr 12.13 \ft With…: that is, With God
JOB 12:14+ \fr 12.14 \ft up: Heb. upon
JOB 12:20+ \fr 12.20 \ft speech…: Heb. lip of the faithful
JOB 12:21+ \fr 12.21 \ft weakeneth…: or, looseth the girdle of the strong
JOB 12:23+ \fr 12.23 \ft straiteneth: Heb. leadeth in
JOB 12:25+ \fr 12.25 \ft stagger: Heb. wander
JOB 13:13+ \fr 13.13 \ft Hold…: Heb. Be silent from me
JOB 13:15+ \fr 13.15 \ft maintain: Heb. prove, or, argue
JOB 13:27+ \fr 13.27 \ft lookest…: Heb. observest
JOB 13:27+ \fr 13.27 \ft heels: Heb. roots
JOB 14:1+ \fr 14.1 \ft few…: Heb. short of days
JOB 14:4+ \fr 14.4 \ft can…: Heb. will give
JOB 14:6+ \fr 14.6 \ft rest: Heb. cease
JOB 14:10+ \fr 14.10 \ft wasteth…: Heb. is weakened, or, cut off
JOB 14:18+ \fr 14.18 \ft cometh…: Heb. fadeth
JOB 14:19+ \fr 14.19 \ft washest…: Heb. overflowest
JOB 15:2+ \fr 15.2 \ft vain…: Heb. knowledge of wind
JOB 15:4+ \fr 15.4 \ft castest…: Heb. makest void
JOB 15:4+ \fr 15.4 \ft prayer: or, speech
JOB 15:5+ \fr 15.5 \ft uttereth: Heb. teacheth
JOB 15:21+ \fr 15.21 \ft A dreadful…: Heb. A sound of fears
JOB 15:32+ \fr 15.32 \ft accomplished: or, cut off
JOB 15:35+ \fr 15.35 \ft vanity: or, iniquity
JOB 16:2+ \fr 16.2 \ft miserable: or, troublesome
JOB 16:3+ \fr 16.3 \ft vain…: Heb. words of wind
JOB 16:6+ \fr 16.6 \ft what…: Heb. what goeth from me?
JOB 16:11+ \fr 16.11 \ft hath…: Heb. hath shut me up
JOB 16:19+ \fr 16.19 \ft on high: Heb. in the high places
JOB 16:20+ \fr 16.20 \ft scorn me: Heb. are my scorners
JOB 16:21+ \fr 16.21 \ft neighbour: or, friend
JOB 16:22+ \fr 16.22 \ft a few…: Heb. years of number
JOB 17:1+ \fr 17.1 \ft breath…: or, spirit is spent
JOB 17:2+ \fr 17.2 \ft continue: Heb. lodge
JOB 17:6+ \fr 17.6 \ft aforetime: or, before them
JOB 17:7+ \fr 17.7 \ft my members: or, my thoughts
JOB 17:9+ \fr 17.9 \ft be…: Heb. add strength
JOB 17:11+ \fr 17.11 \ft the thoughts: Heb. the possessions
JOB 17:12+ \fr 17.12 \ft short: Heb. near
JOB 17:14+ \fr 17.14 \ft said: Heb. cried, or, called
JOB 18:4+ \fr 18.4 \ft himself: Heb. his soul
JOB 18:6+ \fr 18.6 \ft candle: or, lamp
JOB 18:10+ \fr 18.10 \ft laid: Heb. hidden
JOB 18:11+ \fr 18.11 \ft drive: Heb. scatter
JOB 18:13+ \fr 18.13 \ft strength: Heb. bars
JOB 18:18+ \fr 18.18 \ft He…: Heb. They shall drive him
JOB 18:20+ \fr 18.20 \ft went…: or, lived with him
JOB 18:20+ \fr 18.20 \ft were…: Heb. laid hold on horror
JOB 19:3+ \fr 19.3 \ft make…: or, harden yourselves against me
JOB 19:7+ \fr 19.7 \ft wrong: or, violence
JOB 19:17+ \fr 19.17 \ft mine…: Heb. my belly
JOB 19:18+ \fr 19.18 \ft young…: or, the wicked
JOB 19:19+ \fr 19.19 \ft my…: Heb. the men of my secret
JOB 19:20+ \fr 19.20 \ft and to: or, as to
JOB 19:23+ \fr 19.23 \ft Oh…: Heb. Who will give, etc
JOB 19:26+ \fr 19.26 \ft And…: or, After I shall awake, though this body be de…flesh
JOB 19:27+ \fr 19.27 \ft another: Heb. a stranger
JOB 19:27+ \fr 19.27 \ft though…: or, my reins within me are consumed with ear… day)
JOB 19:27+ \fr 19.27 \ft within…: Heb. in my bosom
JOB 19:28+ \fr 19.28 \ft seeing…: or, and what root of matter is found in me?
JOB 20:2+ \fr 20.2 \ft I make…: Heb. my haste is in me
JOB 20:5+ \fr 20.5 \ft short: Heb. from near
JOB 20:6+ \fr 20.6 \ft clouds: Heb. cloud
JOB 20:10+ \fr 20.10 \ft His children…: or, The poor shall oppress his children
JOB 20:13+ \fr 20.13 \ft within…: Heb. in the midst of his palate
JOB 20:17+ \fr 20.17 \ft the floods…: or, streaming brooks
JOB 20:18+ \fr 20.18 \ft his…: Heb. the substance of his exchange
JOB 20:19+ \fr 20.19 \ft oppressed: Heb. crushed
JOB 20:20+ \fr 20.20 \ft feel: Heb. know
JOB 20:21+ \fr 20.21 \ft none…: or, be none left for his meat
JOB 20:22+ \fr 20.22 \ft wicked: or, troublesome
JOB 20:29+ \fr 20.29 \ft appointed…: Heb. of his decree from God
JOB 21:4+ \fr 21.4 \ft troubled: Heb. shortened?
JOB 21:5+ \fr 21.5 \ft Mark…: Heb. Look unto me
JOB 21:9+ \fr 21.9 \ft safe…: Heb. peace from
JOB 21:13+ \fr 21.13 \ft in wealth: or, in mirth
JOB 21:17+ \fr 21.17 \ft candle: or, lamp
JOB 21:18+ \fr 21.18 \ft carrieth: Heb. stealeth
JOB 21:19+ \fr 21.19 \ft his iniquity: that is, the punishment of his iniquity
JOB 21:23+ \fr 21.23 \ft his…: Heb. his very, or, the strength of, his perfection
JOB 21:24+ \fr 21.24 \ft breasts: or, milk pails
JOB 21:28+ \fr 21.28 \ft the dwelling…: Heb. the tent of the tabernacles
JOB 21:30+ \fr 21.30 \ft wrath: Heb. wraths
JOB 21:32+ \fr 21.32 \ft grave: Heb. graves
JOB 21:32+ \fr 21.32 \ft remain…: Heb. watch in the heap
JOB 21:34+ \fr 21.34 \ft falsehood: Heb. transgression?
JOB 22:2+ \fr 22.2 \ft as he…: or, if he may be profitable, doth his good suc…reon?
JOB 22:6+ \fr 22.6 \ft the naked…: Heb. the clothes of the naked
JOB 22:8+ \fr 22.8 \ft mighty…: Heb. man of arm
JOB 22:8+ \fr 22.8 \ft honourable…: Heb. eminent, or, accepted for countenance
JOB 22:12+ \fr 22.12 \ft height of the stars: Heb. head of the stars
JOB 22:13+ \fr 22.13 \ft How: or, What
JOB 22:16+ \fr 22.16 \ft whose…: Heb. a flood was poured upon their foundation
JOB 22:17+ \fr 22.17 \ft for: or, to
JOB 22:20+ \fr 22.20 \ft substance: or, estate
JOB 22:20+ \fr 22.20 \ft the remnant…: or, their excellency
JOB 22:21+ \fr 22.21 \ft him: that is, God
JOB 22:24+ \fr 22.24 \ft as dust: or, on the dust
JOB 22:25+ \fr 22.25 \ft defence: or, gold
JOB 22:25+ \fr 22.25 \ft plenty…: Heb. silver of strength
JOB 22:29+ \fr 22.29 \ft the humble…: Heb. him that hath low eyes
JOB 22:30+ \fr 22.30 \ft He shall…: or, The innocent shall deliver the island
JOB 23:2+ \fr 23.2 \ft stroke: Heb. hand
JOB 23:10+ \fr 23.10 \ft that…: Heb. that is with me
JOB 23:12+ \fr 23.12 \ft esteemed: Heb. hid, or, laid up
JOB 23:12+ \fr 23.12 \ft my…: or, my appointed portion
JOB 24:2+ \fr 24.2 \ft feed…: or, feed them
JOB 24:6+ \fr 24.6 \ft corn: Heb. mingled corn, or, dredge
JOB 24:6+ \fr 24.6 \ft they gather…: Heb. the wicked gather the vintage
JOB 24:15+ \fr 24.15 \ft disguiseth…: Heb. setteth his face in secret
JOB 24:19+ \fr 24.19 \ft consume: Heb. violently take
JOB 24:22+ \fr 24.22 \ft no…: or, he trusteth not his own life
JOB 24:24+ \fr 24.24 \ft are gone: Heb. are not
JOB 24:24+ \fr 24.24 \ft taken…: Heb. closed up
JOB 26:5+ \fr 26.5 \ft and the…: or, with the inhabitants
JOB 26:10+ \fr 26.10 \ft until…: Heb. until the end of light with darkness
JOB 26:12+ \fr 26.12 \ft the proud: Heb. pride
JOB 27:1+ \fr 27.1 \ft continued: Heb. added to take up
JOB 27:2+ \fr 27.2 \ft vexed…: Heb. made my soul bitter
JOB 27:3+ \fr 27.3 \ft the spirit…: that is, the breath which God gave him
JOB 27:6+ \fr 27.6 \ft so long…: Heb. from my days
JOB 27:11+ \fr 27.11 \ft by…: or, being in the hand, etc
JOB 27:22+ \fr 27.22 \ft he…: Heb. in fleeing he would flee
JOB 28:1+ \fr 28.1 \ft vein: or, mine
JOB 28:2+ \fr 28.2 \ft earth: or, dust
JOB 28:6+ \fr 28.6 \ft dust…: or, gold ore
JOB 28:9+ \fr 28.9 \ft rock: or, flint
JOB 28:11+ \fr 28.11 \ft overflowing: Heb. weeping
JOB 28:15+ \fr 28.15 \ft It…: Heb. Fine gold shall not be given for it
JOB 28:17+ \fr 28.17 \ft jewels…: or, vessels of
JOB 28:18+ \fr 28.18 \ft coral: or, Ramoth
JOB 28:21+ \fr 28.21 \ft air: or, heaven
JOB 28:27+ \fr 28.27 \ft declare…: or, number it
JOB 29:1+ \fr 29.1 \ft continued: Heb. added to take up
JOB 29:3+ \fr 29.3 \ft candle: or, lamp
JOB 29:6+ \fr 29.6 \ft me: Heb. with me
JOB 29:10+ \fr 29.10 \ft The nobles…: Heb. The voice of the nobles was hid
JOB 29:17+ \fr 29.17 \ft the jaws: Heb. the jawteeth, or, the grinders
JOB 29:17+ \fr 29.17 \ft plucked: Heb. cast
JOB 29:19+ \fr 29.19 \ft spread…: Heb. opened
JOB 29:20+ \fr 29.20 \ft fresh: Heb. new
JOB 29:20+ \fr 29.20 \ft renewed: Heb. changed
JOB 30:1+ \fr 30.1 \ft younger…: Heb. of fewer days than I
JOB 30:3+ \fr 30.3 \ft solitary: or, dark as the night
JOB 30:3+ \fr 30.3 \ft in…: Heb. yesternight
JOB 30:6+ \fr 30.6 \ft caves: Heb. holes
JOB 30:8+ \fr 30.8 \ft base…: Heb. men of no name
JOB 30:10+ \fr 30.10 \ft and…: Heb. and withhold not spittle from
JOB 30:15+ \fr 30.15 \ft my soul: Heb. my principal one
JOB 30:21+ \fr 30.21 \ft become…: Heb. turned to be cruel
JOB 30:21+ \fr 30.21 \ft thy…: Heb. the strength of thy hand
JOB 30:22+ \fr 30.22 \ft substance: or, wisdom
JOB 30:24+ \fr 30.24 \ft grave: Heb. heap
JOB 30:25+ \fr 30.25 \ft in trouble: Heb. hard of day?
JOB 30:29+ \fr 30.29 \ft owls: or, ostriches
JOB 31:6+ \fr 31.6 \ft Let…: Heb. Let him weigh me in balances of justice
JOB 31:15+ \fr 31.15 \ft did not one…: or, did he not fashion us in one womb?
JOB 31:18+ \fr 31.18 \ft her: that is, the widow
JOB 31:22+ \fr 31.22 \ft bone: or, chanelbone
JOB 31:25+ \fr 31.25 \ft gotten…: Heb. found much
JOB 31:26+ \fr 31.26 \ft sun: Heb. light
JOB 31:26+ \fr 31.26 \ft in…: Heb. bright
JOB 31:27+ \fr 31.27 \ft my mouth…: Heb. my hand hath kissed my mouth
JOB 31:30+ \fr 31.30 \ft mouth: Heb. palate
JOB 31:32+ \fr 31.32 \ft traveller: or, way
JOB 31:33+ \fr 31.33 \ft as Adam: or, after the manner of men
JOB 31:35+ \fr 31.35 \ft my…: or, my sign is that the Almighty will
JOB 31:38+ \fr 31.38 \ft complain: Heb. weep
JOB 31:39+ \fr 31.39 \ft fruits: Heb. strength
JOB 31:39+ \fr 31.39 \ft the owners…: Heb. the soul of the owners thereof to e…e out
JOB 31:40+ \fr 31.40 \ft cockle: or, noisome weeds
JOB 32:1+ \fr 32.1 \ft to…: Heb. from answering
JOB 32:2+ \fr 32.2 \ft himself: Heb. his soul
JOB 32:4+ \fr 32.4 \ft waited…: Heb. expected Job in words
JOB 32:4+ \fr 32.4 \ft elder: Heb. elder for days
JOB 32:6+ \fr 32.6 \ft young: Heb. few of days
JOB 32:6+ \fr 32.6 \ft durst…: Heb. feared
JOB 32:11+ \fr 32.11 \ft reasons: Heb. understandings
JOB 32:11+ \fr 32.11 \ft what…: Heb. words
JOB 32:14+ \fr 32.14 \ft directed: or, ordered
JOB 32:15+ \fr 32.15 \ft left…: Heb. removed speeches from themselves
JOB 32:18+ \fr 32.18 \ft matter: Heb. words
JOB 32:18+ \fr 32.18 \ft spirit…: Heb. spirit of my belly
JOB 32:19+ \fr 32.19 \ft hath…: Heb. is not opened
JOB 32:20+ \fr 32.20 \ft be…: Heb. breathe
JOB 33:2+ \fr 33.2 \ft in my mouth: Heb. in my palate
JOB 33:6+ \fr 33.6 \ft wish: Heb. mouth
JOB 33:6+ \fr 33.6 \ft formed: Heb. cut
JOB 33:8+ \fr 33.8 \ft hearing: Heb. ears
JOB 33:13+ \fr 33.13 \ft he giveth…: Heb. he answereth not
JOB 33:16+ \fr 33.16 \ft he…: Heb. he revealeth, or, uncovereth
JOB 33:17+ \fr 33.17 \ft purpose: Heb. work
JOB 33:18+ \fr 33.18 \ft from perishing: Heb. from passing
JOB 33:20+ \fr 33.20 \ft dainty…: Heb. meat of desire
JOB 33:24+ \fr 33.24 \ft a ransom: or, an atonement
JOB 33:25+ \fr 33.25 \ft a child’s: Heb. childhood
JOB 33:27+ \fr 33.27 \ft He…: or, He shall look upon men, and say
JOB 33:28+ \fr 33.28 \ft He…: or, He hath delivered my soul, etc, and my life
JOB 33:29+ \fr 33.29 \ft oftentimes: Heb. twice and thrice
JOB 34:3+ \fr 34.3 \ft mouth: Heb. palate
JOB 34:6+ \fr 34.6 \ft my wound: Heb. mine arrow
JOB 34:10+ \fr 34.10 \ft men…: Heb. men of heart
JOB 34:13+ \fr 34.13 \ft the whole: Heb. all of it?
JOB 34:14+ \fr 34.14 \ft man: Heb. him
JOB 34:17+ \fr 34.17 \ft govern: Heb. bind?
JOB 34:20+ \fr 34.20 \ft the mighty…: Heb. they shall take away the mighty
JOB 34:23+ \fr 34.23 \ft enter: Heb. go
JOB 34:24+ \fr 34.24 \ft number: Heb. searching out
JOB 34:25+ \fr 34.25 \ft destroyed: Heb. crushed
JOB 34:26+ \fr 34.26 \ft open…: Heb. place of beholders
JOB 34:27+ \fr 34.27 \ft him: Heb. after him
JOB 34:33+ \fr 34.33 \ft according…: Heb. from with thee?
JOB 34:34+ \fr 34.34 \ft of…: Heb. of heart
JOB 34:36+ \fr 34.36 \ft My…: or, My father, let Job be tried
JOB 35:3+ \fr 35.3 \ft if…: or, by it more than by my sin
JOB 35:4+ \fr 35.4 \ft answer…: Heb. return to thee words
JOB 35:15+ \fr 35.15 \ft he hath: that is, God hath
JOB 35:15+ \fr 35.15 \ft he knoweth: that is, Job knoweth
JOB 36:2+ \fr 36.2 \ft I have…: Heb. there are yet words for God
JOB 36:5+ \fr 36.5 \ft wisdom: Heb. heart
JOB 36:6+ \fr 36.6 \ft poor: or, afflicted
JOB 36:12+ \fr 36.12 \ft perish: Heb. pass away
JOB 36:14+ \fr 36.14 \ft They…: Heb. Their soul dieth
JOB 36:14+ \fr 36.14 \ft unclean: or, sodomites
JOB 36:15+ \fr 36.15 \ft poor: or, afflicted
JOB 36:16+ \fr 36.16 \ft that…: Heb. the rest of thy table
JOB 36:17+ \fr 36.17 \ft take…: or, should uphold thee
JOB 36:18+ \fr 36.18 \ft deliver…: Heb. turn thee aside
JOB 36:30+ \fr 36.30 \ft bottom: Heb. roots
JOB 36:33+ \fr 36.33 \ft the vapour: Heb. that which goeth up
JOB 37:2+ \fr 37.2 \ft Hear…: Heb. Hear in hearing
JOB 37:3+ \fr 37.3 \ft lightning: Heb. light
JOB 37:3+ \fr 37.3 \ft ends: Heb. wings
JOB 37:6+ \fr 37.6 \ft likewise…: Heb. and to the shower of rain, and to the …ength
JOB 37:9+ \fr 37.9 \ft south: Heb. chamber
JOB 37:9+ \fr 37.9 \ft north: Heb. scattering winds
JOB 37:11+ \fr 37.11 \ft his…: Heb. the cloud of his light
JOB 37:13+ \fr 37.13 \ft correction: Heb. a rod
JOB 37:22+ \fr 37.22 \ft Fair…: Heb. Gold
JOB 38:3+ \fr 38.3 \ft answer…: Heb. make me know
JOB 38:4+ \fr 38.4 \ft hast…: Heb. knowest understanding
JOB 38:6+ \fr 38.6 \ft foundations: Heb. sockets
JOB 38:6+ \fr 38.6 \ft fastened: Heb. made to sink?
JOB 38:10+ \fr 38.10 \ft brake…: or, established my decree upon it
JOB 38:11+ \fr 38.11 \ft thy…: Heb. the pride of thy waves
JOB 38:13+ \fr 38.13 \ft ends: Heb. wings
JOB 38:20+ \fr 38.20 \ft to the bound: or, at, etc
JOB 38:30+ \fr 38.30 \ft is…: Heb. is taken
JOB 38:31+ \fr 38.31 \ft Pleiades: or, the seven stars: Heb. Cimah
JOB 38:31+ \fr 38.31 \ft Orion: Heb. Cesil?
JOB 38:32+ \fr 38.32 \ft Mazzaroth: or, the twelve signs
JOB 38:32+ \fr 38.32 \ft guide: Heb. guide them
JOB 38:35+ \fr 38.35 \ft Here…: Heb. Behold us?
JOB 38:37+ \fr 38.37 \ft stay: Heb. cause to lie down
JOB 38:38+ \fr 38.38 \ft groweth…: or, is turned into mire: Heb. is poured
JOB 38:39+ \fr 38.39 \ft the appetite: Heb. the life
JOB 39:6+ \fr 39.6 \ft barren…: Heb. salt places
JOB 39:7+ \fr 39.7 \ft of the driver: Heb. of the exactor
JOB 39:13+ \fr 39.13 \ft wings and…: or, the feathers of the stork and ostrich
JOB 39:20+ \fr 39.20 \ft terrible: Heb. terror
JOB 39:21+ \fr 39.21 \ft He paweth: or, His feet dig
JOB 39:21+ \fr 39.21 \ft the armed…: Heb. the armour
JOB 39:27+ \fr 39.27 \ft at…: Heb. by thy mouth
JOB 40:15+ \fr 40.15 \ft behemoth: probably an extinct animal of some kind
JOB 40:17+ \fr 40.17 \ft He…: or, He setteth up
JOB 40:23+ \fr 40.23 \ft he drinketh up: Heb. he oppresseth
JOB 40:24+ \fr 40.24 \ft He…: or, Will any take him in his sight, or, bore his… gin?
JOB 41:1+ \fr 41.1 \ft leviathan: probably an extinct animal of some kind
JOB 41:1+ \fr 41.1 \ft which…: Heb. which thou drownest?
JOB 41:13+ \fr 41.13 \ft with: or, within
JOB 41:15+ \fr 41.15 \ft scales: Heb. strong pieces of shields
JOB 41:22+ \fr 41.22 \ft is turned into joy: Heb. rejoiceth
JOB 41:23+ \fr 41.23 \ft flakes: Heb. fallings
JOB 41:26+ \fr 41.26 \ft habergeon: or, breastplate
JOB 41:30+ \fr 41.30 \ft Sharp stones: Heb. Sharp pieces of potsherd
JOB 41:33+ \fr 41.33 \ft is made without fear: or, behave themselves without fear
JOB 42:2+ \fr 42.2 \ft no thought can be…: or, no thought of thine can be hindered
JOB 42:8+ \fr 42.8 \ft him: Heb. his face, or, person
JOB 42:9+ \fr 42.9 \ft Job: Heb. the face of Job
JOB 42:10+ \fr 42.10 \ft gave…: Heb. added all that had been to Job unto the double

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Leader Counts (sorted by count)

 Footnotes: 393    Footnote leader '+': 393